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L. C. Seitz  K. Tang  W. J. Cummings    M. E. Zolan 《Genetics》1996,142(4):1105-1117
The rad9 gene of Coprinus cinereus is essential for the normal completion of meiosis. We examined surface-spread preparations of wild-type and rad9-1 nuclei from the meiotic stages of karyogamy through metaphase I, and we determined the primary sequence, structure, and meiotic expression of the rad9 gene. In wild-type C. cinereus, karyogamy is followed by condensation and alignment of homologous chromosomes. Condensation and axial core development largely precede synapsis, which often initiates at telomeres. A diffuse diplotene phase coincides with dissolution of the synaptonemal complex, and subsequently chromosomes further condense as the cells progress into metaphase I. In contrast, although karyogamy and nucleolar fusion are apparently normal in rad9-1 basidia, only short stretches of synaptonemal complex form. These correlate with stretches of condensed chromatin, mostly at apparent chromosome ends, and regions of presumptive triple synapsis are numerous. rad9-1 basidia enter the diffuse stage of early diplotene, and then 50% of these cells enter metaphase I by the criteria of nucleolar elimination and at least some chromatin condensation. rad9 gene expression is induced after gamma irradiation and during meiosis. The gene has 27 exons and encodes a predicted protein of 2157 amino acids, with a proline-rich amino terminus.  相似文献   

D. Curtis  W. Bender 《Genetics》1991,127(4):739-746
Simple meiotic gene conversion tracts produced in wild-type females were compared with those from two meiotic mutants, mei-9 and mei-218. The positions and lengths of conversion tracts were determined by denaturing gradient gels and DNA sequencing. Conversion tracts in wild type averaged 885 base pairs in length, were continuous, and displayed no obvious hot spots of initiation. Some unusual conversion events were found in the mei-218 and mei-9 samples, although most events were indistinguishable from wild-type tracts in their length and continuity.  相似文献   

T. M. Menees  G. S. Roeder 《Genetics》1989,123(4):675-682
Mutants at the MEI4 locus were detected in a search for mutants defective in meiotic gene conversion. mei4 mutants exhibit decreased sporulation and produce inviable spores. The spore inviability phenotype is rescued by a spo13 mutation, which causes cells to bypass the meiosis I division. The MEI4 gene has been cloned from a yeast genomic library by complementation of the recombination defect and has been mapped to chromosome V near gln3. Strains carrying a deletion/insertion mutation of the MEI4 gene display no meiotically induced gene conversion but normal mitotic conversion frequencies. Both meiotic interchromosomal and intrachromosomal crossing over are completely abolished in mei4 strains. The mei4 mutation is able to rescue the spore-inviability phenotype of spo13 and 52 strains (i.e., mei4 spo13 rad52 mutants produce viable spores), indicating that MEI4 acts before RAD52 in the meiotic recombination pathway.  相似文献   

The Role of the SPO11 Gene in Meiotic Recombination in Yeast   总被引:26,自引:10,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
Several complementary experimental approaches were used to demonstrate that the SPO11 gene is specifically required for meiotic recombination. First, sporulating cultures of spo11-1 mutant diploids were examined for landmark biochemical, cytological and genetic events of meiosis and ascosporogenesis. Cells entered sporulation with high efficiency and showed a near-doubling of DNA content. Synaptonemal complexes, hallmarks of intimate homologous pairing, and polycomplex structures appeared during meiotic prophase. Although spontaneous mitotic intra- and intergenic recombination occurred at normal levels, no meiotic recombination was observed. Whereas greater than 50% of cells completed both meiotic divisions, packaging of the four meiotic products into mature ascospores took place in only a small subset of asci. Haploidization occurred in less than 1% of viable colony-forming units. Second, the Rec- meiotic defect conferred by spo11-1 was confirmed by dyad analysis of spores derived from spo13-1 single-division meiosis in which recombination is not a requirement for viable ascospore production. Diploids homozygous for the spo13-1 mutation undergo meiotic levels of exchange followed by a single predominantly equational division and form asci containing two near-diploid spores. With the introduction of the spo11-1 mutation, high spore viability was retained, whereas intergenic recombination was reduced by more than 100-fold.  相似文献   

Meiotic Gene Conversion in Yeast Tetrads and the Theory of Recombination   总被引:25,自引:12,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
S. Fogel  D. D. Hurst 《Genetics》1967,57(2):455-481

BIM1 Encodes a Microtubule-binding Protein in Yeast   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
A previously uncharacterized yeast gene (YER016w) that we have named BIM1 (binding to microtubules) was obtained from a two-hybrid screen of a yeast cDNA library using as bait the entire coding sequence of TUB1 (encoding α-tubulin). Deletion of BIM1 results in a strong bilateral karyogamy defect, hypersensitivity to benomyl, and aberrant spindle behavior, all phenotypes associated with mutations affecting microtubules in yeast, and inviability at extreme temperatures (i.e., ≥37°C or ≤14°C). Overexpression of BIM1 in wild-type cells is lethal. A fusion of Bim1p with green fluorescent protein that complements the bim1Δ phenotypes allows visualization in vivo of both intranuclear spindles and extranuclear microtubules in otherwise wild-type cells. A bim1 deletion displays synthetic lethality with deletion alleles of bik1, num1, and bub3 as well as a limited subset of tub1 conditional-lethal alleles. A systematic study of 51 tub1 alleles suggests a correlation between specific failure to interact with Bim1p in the two-hybrid assay and synthetic lethality with the bim1Δ allele. The sequence of BIM1 shows substantial similarity to sequences from organisms across the evolutionary spectrum. One of the human homologues, EB1, has been reported previously as binding APC, itself a microtubule-binding protein and the product of a gene implicated in the etiology of human colon cancer.  相似文献   

E. Alani  S. Subbiah    N. Kleckner 《Genetics》1989,122(1):47-57
The RAD50 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for chromosome synapsis and recombination during meiosis and for repair of DNA damage during vegetative growth. The precise role of the RAD50 gene product in these processes is not known. Most rad50 mutant phenotypes can be explained by the proposal that the RAD50 gene product is involved in the search for homology between interacting DNA molecules or chromosomes, but there is no direct evidence for this model. We present here the nucleotide sequence of the RAD50 locus and an analysis of the predicted 153-kD RAD50 protein. The amino terminal region of the predicted protein contains residues suggestive of a purine nucleotide binding domain, most likely for adenine. The remaining 1170 amino acids consist of two 250 amino acid segments of heptad repeat sequence separated by 320 amino acids, plus a short hydrophobic carboxy-terminal tail. Heptad repeats occur in proteins such as myosin and intermediate filaments that form alpha-helical coiled coils. One of the two heptad regions in RAD50 shows similarity to the S-2 domain of rabbit myosin beyond that expected for two random coiled coil proteins.  相似文献   

Oxidized bases are common types of DNA modifications. Their accumulation in the genome is linked to aging and degenerative diseases. These modifications are commonly repaired by the base excision repair (BER) pathway. Oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1) initiates BER of oxidized purine bases. A small number of protein interactions have been identified for OGG1, while very few appear to have functional consequences. We report here that OGG1 interacts with the recombination protein RAD52 in vitro and in vivo. This interaction has reciprocal functional consequences as OGG1 inhibits RAD52 catalytic activities and RAD52 stimulates OGG1 incision activity, likely increasing its turnover rate. RAD52 colocalizes with OGG1 after oxidative stress to cultured cells, but not after the direct induction of double-strand breaks by ionizing radiation. Human cells depleted of RAD52 via small interfering RNA knockdown, and mouse cells lacking the protein via gene knockout showed increased sensitivity to oxidative stress. Moreover, cells depleted of RAD52 show higher accumulation of oxidized bases in their genome than cells with normal levels of RAD52. Our results indicate that RAD52 cooperates with OGG1 to repair oxidative DNA damage and enhances the cellular resistance to oxidative stress. Our observations suggest a coordinated action between these proteins that may be relevant when oxidative lesions positioned close to strand breaks impose a hindrance to RAD52 catalytic activities.Oxidative DNA damage is generated at high levels in mammalian cells, even in cells not exposed to exogenous sources of reactive oxygen species. Several kinds of DNA modifications are formed upon oxidative stress (8). The most prevalent modifications, quantitatively, are single-strand breaks and oxidized bases. Clustered DNA damage, when two or more modifications are closely positioned in opposite strands, is detectable after gamma irradiation and has recently been shown to be generated by normal oxidative metabolism (3, 35). One unique aspect of such clustered lesions is that they can be converted into double-strand breaks (DSB) if a DNA glycosylase removes the two opposite bases and an apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP)-endonuclease cleaves the resulting abasic sites. Thus, although quantitatively minor, DSB are possible outcomes of oxidative DNA damage.Oxidized DNA bases are repaired primarily by the base excision repair pathway (BER) (22, 39). BER is initiated by a lesion-specific DNA N-glycosylase that recognizes and excises the damaged base. Eight-hydroxyguanine (8-oxoG) is one of the most abundant oxidized bases detected in cellular DNA. This adduct is easily bypassed by replicative polymerases; however, it can direct the misincorporation of adenine opposite 8-oxoG, thus leading to G·C-to-T·A transversion mutations (31). 8-oxoG accumulation has been causally associated with carcinogenesis and aging in several experimental models (1, 12). In eukaryotes, oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1) is the major 8-oxoG DNA glycosylase. OGG1 possesses an associated AP-lyase activity, such that it removes 8-oxoG and cleaves the DNA backbone. Human cells express two distinct OGG1 isoforms, α and β, which share the first 316 amino acids but differ significantly in their C termini (25). While OGG1-α is a bone fide DNA glycosylase (5) and localizes both to nuclei and mitochondria, OGG1-β localizes exclusively to mitochondria. We recently showed that the recombinant OGG1-β protein has no DNA glycosylase activity (13). The high degree of conservation of repair pathways for 8-oxoG, from bacteria to humans, along with epidemiological data correlating OGG1 polymorphisms and activity with predisposition to some cancers (11, 27, 33) attest to the biological importance of the repair of 8-oxoGs and other oxidative DNA lesions.Until recently, distinct classes of DNA lesions were believed to be metabolized by different and independent repair pathways. However, experimental evidence indicates that these pathways can interact and that there is a considerable degree of overlap in their substrate specificity and in the proteins that participate in each pathway. Experiments using yeast strains lacking one or more distinct DNA repair genes suggest that DSB repair pathways may play a role in repair of oxidative DNA damage. Swanson et al. showed that while yeast cells lacking ntg1 and ntg2 (homologues of Escherichia coli endonuclease III, a DNA glycosylase specific for pyrimidine lesions formed by oxidation) and apn1 (the major yeast abasic site endonuclease) are not overtly sensitive to oxidative stress, the additional disruption of the rad52 gene significantly increases sensitivity to H2O2 and menadione (36). Similarly, yeast cells expressing decreased levels of frataxin, which leads to elevated oxidative stress, show accumulation of oxidative damage in nuclear DNA only in a rad52 mutant background (18). RAD52 is a member of the RAD51 epistatic group. These proteins are believed to be involved in the early steps of homologous recombination, contributing to homology search and strand invasion; disruption of the corresponding genes renders cells deficient in DSB repair and hyper-recombinogenic (19).These results suggested a possible role for RAD52 in the repair of oxidative DNA damage. Moreover, an in vitro screening of protein partners that interact physically with OGG1-β performed in our lab (unpublished data) showed that human RAD52 strongly interacted with this glycosylase, again suggesting a possible function for RAD52 in the oxidative DNA damage response. Thus, we investigated whether RAD52 plays a role in the repair of oxidative DNA damage in human cells. We show here that human RAD52 physically interacts with both OGG1-α and -β, in vitro and in cell extracts. We also show that OGG1-α and -β inhibit RAD52 enzymatic activities. Conversely, RAD52 stimulates OGG1-α 8-oxoG incision activity. RAD52 colocalizes with OGG1-α in cells, and this colocalization increases after oxidative stress. Moreover, lower RAD52 expression, via gene knockdown (KD) or disruption of the RAD52 gene, render cells sensitive to oxidative stress. Based on our results, we discuss a model in which OGG1 and RAD52 cooperate to repair 8-oxoG lesions.  相似文献   

The RAD3 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for UV excision-repair and is essential for cell viability. We have identified the rem1 mutations (enhanced spontaneous mitotic recombination and mutation) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as alleles of RAD3 by genetic mapping, complementation with the cloned wild-type gene, and DNA hybridization. The high levels of spontaneous mitotic gene conversion, crossing over, and mutation conferred upon cells by the rem1 mutations are distinct from the effects of all other alleles of RAD3. We present preliminary data on the localization of the rem1 mutations within the RAD3 gene. The interaction of the rem1 mutant alleles with a number of radiation-sensitive mutations is also different than the interactions reported for previously described (UV-sensitive) alleles of RAD3. Double mutants of rem1 and a defect in the recombination-repair pathway are inviable, while double mutants containing UV-sensitive alleles of RAD3 are viable. The data presented here demonstrate that: (1) rem1 strains containing additional mutations in other excision-repair genes do not exhibit elevated gene conversion; (2) triple mutants containing rem1 and mutations in both excision-repair and recombination-repair are viable; (3) such triple mutants containing rad52 have reduced levels of gene conversion but wild-type frequencies of crossing over. We have interpreted these observations in a model to explain the effects of rem1. Consistent with the predictions of the model, we find that the size of DNA from rem1 strains, as measured by neutral sucrose gradients, is smaller than wild type.  相似文献   

Neurospora crassa osmosensitive (os) mutants are sensitive to high osmolarity and therefore are unable to grow on medium containing 4% NaCl. We found that os-2 and os-5 mutants were resistant to the phenylpyrrole fungicides fludioxonil and fenpiclonil. To understand the relationship between osmoregulation and fungicide resistance, we cloned the os-2 gene by using sib selection. os-2 encodes a putative mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase homologous to HOG1 and can complement the osmosensitive phenotype of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae hog1 mutant. We sequenced three os-2 alleles and found that all of them were null with either frameshift or nonsense point mutations. An os-2 gene replacement mutant also was generated and was sensitive to high osmolarity and resistant to phenylpyrrole fungicides. Conversely, os-2 mutants transformed with the wild-type os-2 gene could grow on media containing 4% NaCl and were sensitive to phenylpyrrole fungicides. Fludioxonil stimulated intracellular glycerol accumulation in wild-type strains but not in os-2 mutants. Fludioxonil also caused wild-type conidia and hyphal cells to swell and burst. These results suggest that the hyperosmotic stress response pathway of N. crassa is the target of phenylpyrrole fungicides and that fungicidal effects may result from a hyperactive os-2 MAP kinase pathway.  相似文献   

Yeast Mer1 Mutants Display Reduced Levels of Meiotic Recombination   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
J. Engebrecht  G. S. Roeder 《Genetics》1989,121(2):237-247
Mutations at the MER1 locus were identified in a search for meiotic mutants defective in chromosome segregation. mer1 strains show decreased levels of inter- and intrachromosomal meiotic recombination and produce inviable spores. The MER1 gene was cloned by complementation of the spore inviability phenotype. Strains carrying disruptions of the MER1 gene are mitotically viable. The epistatic relationships between MER1 and previously characterized meiotic genes are described.  相似文献   

Mutation of the MER2 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae confers meiotic lethality. To gain insight into the function of the Mer2 protein, we have carried out a detailed characterization of the mer2 null mutant. Genetic analysis indicates that mer2 completely eliminates meiotic interchromosomal gene conversion and crossing over. In addition, mer2 abolishes intrachromosomal meiotic recombination, both in the ribosomal DNA array and in an artificial duplication. The results of a physical assay demonstrate that the mer2 mutation prevents the formation of meiosis-specific, double-strand breaks, indicating that the Mer2 protein acts at or before the initiation of meiotic recombination. Electron microscopic analysis reveals that the mer2 mutant makes axial elements, which are precursors to the synaptonemal complex, but homologous chromosomes fail to synapse. Fluorescence in situ hybridization of chromosome-specific DNA probes to spread meiotic chromosomes demonstrates that homolog alignment is also significantly reduced in the mer2 mutant. Although the MER2 gene is transcribed during vegetative growth, deletion or overexpression of the MER2 gene has no apparent effect on mitotic recombination or DNA damage repair. We suggest that the primary defect in the mer2 mutant is in the initiation of meiotic genetic exchange.  相似文献   

A. Aguilera  H. L. Klein 《Genetics》1989,123(4):683-694
A yeast intrachromosomal recombination system based on an inverted repeat has been designed to examine mitotic gene conversion tract length and the association of crossing over with gene conversion as a function of the conversion tract length. Short conversion tracts are found to be preferentially noncrossover while conversion tracts longer than 1.16 kb show a 50% association with crossover. Mutation in the excision repair gene RAD1 leads to a reduction in conversion tracts of at least 1.16 kb and a reduction in crossovers associated with conversion, regardless of the length of the conversion tract. Mutation in the excision repair gene RAD3, which encodes a DNA helicase, also leads to a reduction in conversion tracts of at least 1.16 kb, but has no effect on the frequency of associated crossovers. The roles of RAD1 and RAD3 in recombination are discussed.  相似文献   

In somatic cells, recombination between the homologous chromosomes followed by equational segregation leads to loss of heterozygosity events (LOH), allowing the expression of recessive alleles and the production of novel allele combinations that are potentially beneficial upon Darwinian selection. However, inter-homolog recombination in somatic cells is rare, thus reducing potential genetic variation. Here, we explored the property of S. cerevisiae to enter the meiotic developmental program, induce meiotic Spo11-dependent double-strand breaks genome-wide and return to mitotic growth, a process known as Return To Growth (RTG). Whole genome sequencing of 36 RTG strains derived from the hybrid S288c/SK1 diploid strain demonstrates that the RTGs are bona fide diploids with mosaic recombined genome, derived from either parental origin. Individual RTG genome-wide genotypes are comprised of 5 to 87 homozygous regions due to the loss of heterozygous (LOH) events of various lengths, varying between a few nucleotides up to several hundred kilobases. Furthermore, we show that reiteration of the RTG process shows incremental increases of homozygosity. Phenotype/genotype analysis of the RTG strains for the auxotrophic and arsenate resistance traits validates the potential of this procedure of genome diversification to rapidly map complex traits loci (QTLs) in diploid strains without undergoing sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

The presence of multiple heterologies in a 9-kilobase (kb) interval results in a decrease in meiotic crossovers from 26.0% to 10.1%. There is also an increase from 3.5% to 11.1% in gene conversions and ectopic recombinations between the flanking homologous MAT loci. The hypothesis that mismatch repair of heteroduplex DNA containing several heterologies would lead to a second round of recombination has now been tested by examining the effect of a mutation that reduces mismatch correction. The repair-defective pms1-1 allele restores the pattern of recombination to nearly that seen in congenic diploids without the heterologies. Mismatch repair-induced recombination causes a significant increase in MAT conversions and ectopic recombination events with as few as two heterozygosities separated by 0.3-0.7 kb, but not when the mismatches are separated by greater than 1 kb. The frequency of these events depends on both the number and position of the heterozygosities relative to the flanking homologous MAT loci used to detect the events. The creation of recombinogenic lesions by mismatch repair in yeast could be analogous to the creation of recombinogenic lesions in dam- Escherichia coli. We suggest that the repair of heteroduplex DNA containing multiple mismatches may produce chromosomal rearrangements and gamete inviability when naturally polymorphic chromosomes undergo meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

Effects of mutations rad201, mei-9, and mei-41on cell sensitivity to gamma-radiation in Drosophilaoogenesis were studied. Females of the control (Oregon R) and mutant strains were irradiated at a dose of 15 Gy. For 9 days after the irradiation, the number of eggs in consecutive day batches, the frequency of dominant lethals (DLs) among the eggs, and the cytologically recorded distribution of oocytes for stages of their development, and the frequency of egg chamber degeneration in female ovaries were estimated. As a result of joint analysis of the data, different oogenesis stages were characterized with regard to the frequency of two radiation-induced events: appearance of DLs in oocytes and degeneration of egg chambers due to apoptosis of nurse cells. It was shown that the mutations affect these parameters only at particular stages of early oogenesis, at which previtellogenetic growth of egg follicles and meiotic recombination in oocytes occur. Mutation rad201 G1increased the frequency of DLs and egg chamber degeneration, mei-41 D5affected only the DL frequency, and mei-9 a, in addition to enhancing the chamber degeneration frequency, promoted radiation rescue of some oocytes from the DL induction.  相似文献   

The Yeast Red1 Protein Localizes to the Cores of Meiotic Chromosomes   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
Mutants in the meiosis-specific RED1 gene of S. cerevisiae fail to make any synaptonemal complex (SC) or any obvious precursors to the SC. Using antibodies that specifically recognize the Red1 protein, Red1 has been localized along meiotic pachytene chromosomes. Red1 also localizes to the unsynapsed axial elements present in a zip1 mutant, suggesting that Red1 is a component of the lateral elements of mature SCs. Anti-Red1 staining is confined to the cores of meiotic chromosomes and is not associated with the loops of chromatin that lie outside the SC. Analysis of the spo11 mutant demonstrates that Red1 localization does not depend upon meiotic recombination. The localization of Red1 has been compared with two other meiosisspecific components of chromosomes, Hop1 and Zip1; Zip1 serves as a marker for synapsed chromosomes. Double labeling of wild-type meiotic chromosomes with anti-Zip1 and anti-Red1 antibodies demonstrates that Red1 localizes to chromosomes both before and during pachytene. Double labeling with anti-Hop1and anti-Red1 antibodies reveals that Hop1 protein localizes only in areas that also contain Red1, and studies of Hop1 localization in a red1 null mutant demonstrate that Hop1 localization depends on Red1 function. These observations are consistent with previous genetic studies suggesting that Red1 and Hop1 directly interact. There is little or no Hop1 protein on pachytene chromosomes or in synapsed chromosomal regions.  相似文献   

In most meiotic systems, recombination is essential to form connections between homologs that ensure their accurate segregation from one another. Meiotic recombination is initiated by DNA double-strand breaks that are repaired using the homologous chromosome as a template. Studies of recombination in budding yeast have led to a model in which most early repair intermediates are disassembled to produce noncrossovers. Selected repair events are stabilized so they can proceed to form double-Holliday junction (dHJ) intermediates, which are subsequently resolved into crossovers. This model is supported in yeast by physical isolation of recombination intermediates, but the extent to which it pertains to animals is unknown. We sought to test this model in Drosophila melanogaster by analyzing patterns of heteroduplex DNA (hDNA) in recombination products. Previous attempts to do this have relied on knocking out the canonical mismatch repair (MMR) pathway, but in both yeast and Drosophila the resulting recombination products are complex and difficult to interpret. We show that, in Drosophila, this complexity results from a secondary, short-patch MMR pathway that requires nucleotide excision repair. Knocking out both canonical and short-patch MMR reveals hDNA patterns that reveal that many noncrossovers arise after both ends of the break have engaged with the homolog. Patterns of hDNA in crossovers could be explained by biased resolution of a dHJ; however, considering the noncrossover and crossover results together suggests a model in which a two-end engagement intermediate with unligated HJs can be disassembled by a helicase to a produce noncrossover or nicked by a nuclease to produce a crossover. While some aspects of this model are similar to the model from budding yeast, production of both noncrossovers and crossovers from a single, late intermediate is a fundamental difference that has important implications for crossover control.  相似文献   

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