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【目的】在基因组学水平上,对干酪乳杆菌的碳源代谢特性及调控机制进行研究。【方法】基于BioCyc和MetaCyc数据库,利用Pathway Tools对菌株12A及7株已公布全基因序列的干酪乳杆菌进行全基因组水平的碳源代谢比较分析。【结果】全基因组比较分析结果显示,干酪乳杆菌12A可以将9种糖转运到细胞内代谢利用;可以将多种寡糖和多糖在细胞外水解成半乳糖和葡萄糖;干酪乳杆菌12A可经异型乳酸发酵或混合酸发酵途径生成乙醇及其副产物。【结论】干酪乳杆菌12A可以代谢多种类型碳源,底物选择范围宽泛,而且可以作为工业乙醇发酵的特定菌株;利用比较基因组学方法建立基因结构与细菌代谢能力的联系是可靠的。  相似文献   

Beneficial microbes, such as lactobacilli establish a symbiosis with the host and confer health-associated effects, by limiting the growth of indigenous pathogens and challenging microbes introduced by altered foods. Nevertheless, there is scarce information on the effects of beneficial microbes on the virulence properties of bacterial species associated with oral diseases, such as periodontitis. Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is a Gram-negative species highly implicated in the etiology of localized aggressive periodontitis. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of lactobacilli on the expression of the two major virulence factors of A. actinomycetemcomitans. Lactobacillus salivarius and L. gasseri were selected as beneficial species. The gene expressions of leukotoxin (LtxA) and cytolethal distending toxin (CdtB) by A. actinomycetemcomitans were analyzed in response to challenge by lactobacilli cell-free supernatants. Neither lactobacilli affected the growth, but strongly attenuated the expressions of both CdtB and LtxA in the two A. actinomycetemcomitans strains tested. This reduction of the expression of these two exotoxins was time-dependent. These fundamental findings may indicate that lactobacilli can reduce the virulence of putative opportunistic oral pathogens, and may provide insights to future therapeutic approaches for the respective diseases.  相似文献   

Species taxonomy within the Lactobacillus casei group of bacteria has been unsettled. With the goal of helping clarify the taxonomy of these bacteria, we investigated the first 3 variable regions of the 16S rRNA gene, the 16S-23S rRNA interspacer region, and one third of the chaperonin 60 gene for Lactobacillus isolates originally designated as L. casei, L. paracasei, L. rhamnosus, and L. zeae. For each genetic region, a phylogenetic tree was created and signature sequence analysis was done. As well, phenotypic analysis of the various strains was performed by immunoblotting. Both sequence signature analysis and immunoblotting gave immediate identification of L. casei, L. rhamnosus, and L. zeae isolates. These results corroborate and extend previous findings concerning these lactobacilli; therefore, we strongly endorse recent proposals for revised nomenclature. Specifically, isolate ATCC 393 is appropriately rejected as the L. casei type strain because of grouping with isolates identified as L. zeae. As well, because all other L. casei isolates, including the proposed neotype isolate ATCC 334, grouped together with isolates designated L. paracasei, we support the use of the single species L. casei and rejection of the name L. paracasei.  相似文献   

A set of lactobacilli were investigated by polyphasic analysis. Multilocus sequence analysis, DNA typing, microarray analysis, and in silico whole-genome alignments provided a remarkably consistent pattern of similarity within the Lactobacillus acidophilus complex. On microarray analysis, 17 and 5% of the genes from Lactobacillus johnsonii strain NCC533 represented variable and strain-specific genes, respectively, when tested against four independent isolates of L. johnsonii. When projected on the NCC533 genome map, about 10 large clusters of variable genes were identified, and they were enriched around the terminus of replication. A quarter of the variable genes and two-thirds of the strain-specific genes were associated with mobile DNA. Signatures for horizontal gene transfer and modular evolution were found in prophages and in DNA from the exopolysaccharide biosynthesis cluster. On microarray hybridizations, Lactobacillus gasseri strains showed a shift to significantly lower fluorescence intensities than the L. johnsonii test strains, and only genes encoding very conserved cellular functions from L. acidophilus hybridized to the L. johnsonii array. In-silico comparative genomics showed extensive protein sequence similarity and genome synteny of L. johnsonii with L. gasseri, L. acidophilus, and Lactobacillus delbrueckii; moderate synteny with Lactobacillus casei; and scattered X-type sharing of protein sequence identity with the other sequenced lactobacilli. The observation of a stepwise decrease in similarity between the members of the L. acidophilus group suggests a strong element of vertical evolution in a natural phylogenetic group. Modern whole-genome-based techniques are thus a useful adjunct to the clarification of taxonomical relationships in problematic bacterial groups.  相似文献   

In the presence of Lactobacillus casei NY1301, the adhesion of Lactobacillus gasseri NY0509 to cultured human intestinal Caco-2 cells was significantly increased (P<0.01). In contrast, L. gasseri NY0509 did not affect the adhesion of L. casei NY1301. A heat-stable cell component of L. casei NY1301 was involved in this increase of adhesion. These results suggest that a combination of these strains may have synergistic effects of adhesion to human intestinal mucosa.  相似文献   

In the presence of Lactobacillus casei NY1301, the adhesion of Lactobacillus gasseri NY0509 to cultured human intestinal Caco-2 cells was significantly increased (P<0.01). In contrast, L. gasseri NY0509 did not affect the adhesion of L. casei NY1301. A heat-stable cell component of L. casei NY1301 was involved in this increase of adhesion. These results suggest that a combination of these strains may have synergistic effects of adhesion to human intestinal mucosa.  相似文献   

In recent years, various families of small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs) have been discovered by experimental and computational approaches, both in bacterial and eukaryotic genomes. Although most of them await elucidation of their function, it has been reported that some play important roles in gene regulation. Here we carried out comparative genomics analysis of possible sRNAs that are computationally identified in 30 bacterial genomes from gamma- and alpha-proteobacteria and Deinococcus radiodurans. Identified sRNAs are clustered by a complete-linkage clustering method to see conservation among the organisms. On average, sRNAs are found in approximately 30% of intergenic regions of each genome sequence. Of these, 25.7% are conserved among three or more organisms. Approximately 60% of the conserved sRNAs do not locate in orthologous intergenic regions, implying that sRNAs may be shuffled their positions in genomes. The current study implies that sRNAs may be involved in a more extensive range of functions in bacteria.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The recent discovery of the first small modulatory RNA (smRNA) presents the challenge of finding other molecules of similar length and conservation level. Unlike short interfering RNA (siRNA) and micro-RNA (miRNA), effective computational and experimental screening methods are not currently known for this species of RNA molecule, and the discovery of the one known example was partly fortuitous because it happened to be complementary to a well-studied DNA binding motif (the Neuron Restrictive Silencer Element). RESULTS: The existing comparative genomics approaches (e.g., phylogenetic footprinting) rely on alignments of orthologous regions across multiple genomes. This approach, while extremely valuable, is not suitable for finding motifs with highly diverged "non-alignable" flanking regions. Here we show that several unusually long and well conserved motifs can be discovered de novo through a comparative genomics approach that does not require an alignment of orthologous upstream regions. These motifs, including Neuron Restrictive Silencer Element, were missed in recent comparative genomics studies that rely on phylogenetic footprinting. While the functions of these motifs remain unknown, we argue that some may represent biologically important sites. AVAILABILITY: Our comparative genomics software, a web-accessible database of our results and a compilation of experimentally validated binding sites for NRSE can be found at http://www.cse.ucsd.edu/groups/bioinformatics.  相似文献   

Glycosylation of proteins in prokaryotes has been known for the last few decades. Glycan structures and/or the glycosylation pathways have been experimentally characterized in only a small number of prokaryotes. Even this has become possible only during the last decade or so, primarily due to technological and methodological developments. Glycosylated proteins are diverse in their function and localization. Glycosylation has been shown to be associated with a wide range of biological phenomena. Characterization of the various types of glycans and the glycosylation machinery is critical to understand such processes. Such studies can help in the identification of novel targets for designing drugs, diagnostics, and engineering of therapeutic proteins. In view of this, the experimentally characterized pgl system of Campylobacter jejuni, responsible for N-linked glycosylation, has been used in this study to identify glycosylation loci in 865 prokaryotes whose genomes have been completely sequenced. Results from the present study show that only a small number of organisms have homologs for all the pgl enzymes and a few others have homologs for none of the pgl enzymes. Most of the organisms have homologs for only a subset of the pgl enzymes. There is no specific pattern for the presence or absence of pgl homologs vis-à-vis the 16S rRNA sequence-based phylogenetic tree. This may be due to differences in the glycan structures, high sequence divergence, horizontal gene transfer or non-orthologous gene displacement. Overall, the presence of homologs for pgl enzymes in a large number of organisms irrespective of their habitat, pathogenicity, energy generation mechanism, etc., hints towards the ubiquity of N-linked glycosylation in prokaryotes.  相似文献   

In Lactobacillus johnsonii strain NCC533, two prophages were integrated into tRNA genes and one was disrupted by integration. In a survey, the prophages were restricted to strains sharing an essentially identical restriction pattern. Microarray analysis showed that the prophage DNA represents about 50% of the NCC533 strain-specific DNA.  相似文献   

Hydrophilic and electrostatic cell surface properties of eight Lactobacillus strains were characterized by using the microbial adhesion to solvents method and microelectrophoresis, respectively. All strains appeared relatively hydrophilic. The strong microbial adhesion to chloroform, an acidic solvent, in comparison with microbial adhesion to hexadecane, an apolar n-alkane, demonstrated the particularity of lactobacilli to have an important electron donor and basic character and consequently their potential ability to generate Lewis acid-base interactions with a support. Regardless of their electrophoretic mobility (EM), strains were in general slightly negatively charged at alkaline pH. A pH-dependent behavior concerning cell surface charges was observed. The EM decreased progressively with more acidic pHs for the L. casei subsp. casei and L. paracasei subsp. paracasei strains until the isoelectric point (IEP), i.e., the pH value for which the EM is zero. On the other hand, the EM for the L. rhamnosus strains was stable from pH 8 to pH 3 to 4, at which point there was a shift near the IEP. Both L. casei subsp. casei and L. paracasei subsp. paracasei strains were characterized by an IEP of around 4, whereas L. rhamnosus strains possessed a markedly lower IEP of 2. The present study showed that the cell surface physicochemical properties of lactobacilli seem to be, at least in part and under certain experimental conditions, particular to the bacterial species. Such differences detected between species are likely to be accompanied by some particular changes in cell wall chemical composition.  相似文献   

Information on the factors influencing citrate metabolism in lactobacilli is limited and could be useful in understanding the growth of lactobacilli in ripening cheese. Citrate was not used as an energy source by either Lactobacillus casei ATCC 393 or Lact. plantarum 1919 and did not affect the growth rate when co-metabolized with glucose or galactose. In growing cells, metabolism of citrate was minimal at pH 6 but significant at pH 4·5 and was greater in cells co-metabolizing galactose than in those co-metabolizing glucose or lactose. In non-growing cells, optimum utilization of citrate also occurred at pH 4·5 and was not increased substantially by the presence of fermentable sugars. In both growing and non-growing cells, acetate and acetoin were the major products of citrate metabolism; pyruvate was also produced by non-growing cells and was transformed to acetoin once the citrate was exhausted. Citrate was metabolized more rapidly than sugar by non-growing cells; the reverse was true of growing cells. Citrate metabolism by Lact. plantarum 1919 and Lact. casei ATCC 393 increased six- and 22-fold, respectively, when the cells were pre-grown on galactose plus citrate than when pre-grown on galactose only. This was probably due to induction of citrate lyase by growth on citrate plus sugar. These results imply that lactobacilli, if present in large enough numbers, can metabolize citrate in ripening cheese in the absence of an energy source.  相似文献   

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