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禽流感是由正黏液病毒科甲型流感病毒引起的对人类健康和社会发展构成极大威胁的烈性传染病,高致病性禽流感暴发突然,具有极高的发病率和死亡率。目前具有确切疗效的抗禽流感治疗药物品种很少,公认的药物只有奥塞米韦,此外流感病毒的抗药性也是一个重要的问题,近年来出现的甲型H1N1病毒更给人类敲响了警钟,因此研究更多的治疗药物和治疗手段对于禽流感的防控十分必要。从禽流感治疗化学药物和生物药物几个方面对禽流感治疗研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

Wild ducks of the genus Anas represent the natural hosts for a large genetic diversity of influenza A viruses. In these hosts, co-infections with different virus genotypes are frequent and result in high rates of genetic reassortment. Recent genomic data have provided information regarding the pattern and frequency of these reassortant viruses in duck populations; however, potential consequences on viral shedding and maintenance in the environment have not been investigated. On the basis of full-genome sequencing, we identified five virus genotypes, in a wild duck population in northwestern Minnesota (USA), that naturally arose from genetic reassortments. We investigated the effects of influenza A virus genotype on the viral shedding pattern in Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) and the duration of infectivity in water, under different temperature regimens. Overall, we found that variation in the viral genome composition of these isolates had limited effects on duration, extent and pattern of viral shedding, as well as on the reduction of infectivity in water over time. These results support that, in wild ducks, functionally equivalent gene segments could be maintained in virus populations with no fitness costs when genetic reassortments occur.  相似文献   

H5N8亚型高致病性禽流感病毒(highly pathogenic avian influenza virus,HPAIV)随候鸟的迁徙活动及商业贸易活动现已蔓延至亚洲、欧洲、非洲、美洲等国家和地区.2014-2015和2016-2019年H5N8亚型HPAIV已引发两波全球疫情,现正经历第三波疫情,导致家禽及野生鸟类...  相似文献   

目的探讨人、禽流感病毒在哺乳动物体内的遗传兼容性,为下一步研究H6亚型禽流感病毒重配和致病性变异的分子机制奠定基础。方法野鸭源A/H6N1亚型禽流感病毒A/Mallard/SanJiang/275/2007以101EID50~106EID50的攻毒剂量经鼻内途径感染小鼠,通过临床症状观察、病毒滴定和病理切片观察进行病毒学和组织学两方面检测对小鼠的致病性;同时,将此病毒与2009年A/H1N1流感病毒A/Changchun/01/2009(H1N1)混合感染豚鼠,分析两株病毒在哺乳动物体内的遗传兼容性。每天采集豚鼠鼻洗液并用噬斑纯化技术获得重配病毒,对获得的重配病毒进行全基因组序列的测定。结果 H6N1亚型禽流感病毒能直接感染小鼠,但对小鼠不致死。106EID50的攻毒剂量可有效感染小鼠,攻毒后第5天,小鼠表现出被毛较粗乱、活动减少、体重下降、呼吸急促的临床症状,但至攻毒后第10天开始康复,而对照组(MOCK)小鼠在14 d的观察期内无明显临床症状。病毒滴定结果表明,该病毒主要在小鼠肺脏和鼻甲骨中复制,病毒滴度可达104.5EID50/mL。病理学观察发现感染小鼠肺泡壁增厚,有大量炎性细胞浸润,纤维蛋白渗出并伴有轻微出血;在A/H6N1和A/H1N1混合感染豚鼠的重配实验中,经过三轮噬斑纯化从豚鼠鼻洗液中分离到6株重配病毒,说明A/H6N1亚型禽流感病毒与A/H1N1亚型流感病毒具有很好的遗传兼容性,能在豚鼠体内能发生重配。结论野鸭源A/H6N1亚型流感病毒无需适应就能够感染哺乳动物;该病毒与A/H1N1流感病毒具有很好的遗传兼容性,在哺乳动物体内能够发生基因重配,产生新的重配病毒,其公共卫生意义应引起高度关注。  相似文献   

流感病毒基因组进化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dong CZ 《遗传》2011,33(3):189-197
流感病毒先后造成了1918、1957、1968和2009年等多次全球性大流感,对人类的生命健康和社会生活形成了巨大的威胁。流感病毒的基因组进化研究为揭示病毒致病机理、疫情监测、准备疫苗和研发抗病毒药物提供了巨大的帮助。文章以流感病毒基因组进化机制为核心,结合与基因组进化密切相关的抗原性和抗药性等表型进化,对流感病毒基因组进化研究的相关进展予以介绍。  相似文献   

禽流感病毒血凝素疫苗在转基因马铃薯中的表达   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
利用转基因马铃薯表达禽流感病毒血凝素疫苗,将含有禽流感病毒血凝素序列的表达载体导入农杆菌,再感染马铃薯的幼茎外植体。转化植株的再生及温室栽培,Western blot分析表明,83%的转化植株在其块茎组织中表达了重组血凝素,表达量占总蛋白量的0.03-0.04%,结果显示用马铃薯生产口服禽流感疫苗是可行的。  相似文献   

Highly pathogenic influenza A (H5N1) virus causes a widespread poultry deaths worldwide. The first human H5N1 infected case was reported in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China in 1997. Since then, the virus re-emerged in 2003 and continues to infect people worldwide. Currently, over 400 human infections have been reported in more than 15 countries and mortality rate is greater than 60%. H5N1 viruses still pose a potential pandemic threat in the future because of the continuing global spread and evolution. Here, we summarize the epidemiological, clinical and virological characteristics of human H5N1 infection in China monitored and identified by our national surveillance systems. Chinese Nature Science Foundation Key Project (Grant No. 30599433), Chinese Basic Science Research Program (973)Key Project (Grant No. 2005CB523006)  相似文献   

李燕  李秀岚  严景华 《生物工程学报》2011,27(10):1472-1481
由于新发现的流感病毒抗体CR6261可以中和多种亚型的流感病毒,而且是其VH区结合于流感病毒蛋白HA的保守区,因此该抗体有望成为一种广谱的流感治疗性抗体而备受关注。通过构建真核表达载体pCR6261VH、pCR6261VH-GFP、pCR6261scFv,成功地筛选到在细胞膜上稳定表达CR6261VH、CR6261VH-GFP与CR6261scFv的单克隆细胞系。用流感病毒去感染稳定细胞系,间隔12 h取上清检测病毒血凝效价。结果表明:稳定表达CR6261scFv和CR6261VH-GFP细胞系能够降低病  相似文献   

【目的】构建传染性法氏囊病毒VP2蛋白展示禽流感M2e抗原表位的重组蛋白,研发预防H5或H9亚型禽流感和传染性法氏囊的基因工程疫苗。【方法】根据现有禽流感疫苗株M2e的氨基端12个氨基酸多肽序列(nM2e)序列,结合GenBank中H5和H9亚型禽流感病毒nM2e的比对结果,确定nM2e序列。用融合PCR分别将1拷贝H5或H9的nM2e序列插入IBD B87株VP2基因的PBC区,获得VP2BCnM2e重组基因。将重组基因克隆至杆状病毒表达系统,转染Sf9细胞进行表达。经间接免疫荧光和Western blotting检测Sf9细胞表达重组基因后,扩繁重组病毒,制备疫苗,间隔4周对非免鸡作2次重复免疫,用间接ELISA和鸡胚成纤维细胞中的病毒血清中和试验检测血清中VP2和nM2e的抗体效价。【结果】成功构建含H5或H9 nM2e的VP2BCnM2e重组基因,该重组基因在Sf9细胞中得到表达。经免疫鸡,两重组蛋白均能激发针对VP2和nM2e的抗体,VP2BCnM2eH5组抗体效价高于VP2BCnM2eH9组。【结论】两重组蛋白均具有免疫原性,VP2BCnM2eH5免疫原性更佳。  相似文献   

Data on long-term circulation of pathogens in wildlife populations are seldom collected, and hence understanding of spatial–temporal variation in prevalence and genotypes is limited. Here, we analysed a long-term surveillance series on influenza A virus (IAV) in mallards collected at an important migratory stopover site from 2002 to 2010, and characterized seasonal dynamics in virus prevalence and subtype diversity. Prevalence dynamics were influenced by year, but retained a common pattern for all years whereby prevalence was low in spring and summer, but increased in early autumn with a first peak in August, and a second more pronounced peak during October–November. A total of 74 haemagglutinin (HA)/neuraminidase (NA) combinations were isolated, including all NA and most HA (H1–H12) subtypes. The most common subtype combinations were H4N6, H1N1, H2N3, H5N2, H6N2 and H11N9, and showed a clear linkage between specific HA and NA subtypes. Furthermore, there was a temporal structuring of subtypes within seasons based on HA phylogenetic relatedness. Dissimilar HA subtypes tended to have different temporal occurrence within seasons, where the subtypes that dominated in early autumn were rare in late autumn, and vice versa. This suggests that build-up of herd immunity affected IAV dynamics in this system.  相似文献   

A型流行性感冒病毒的负链RNA基因组由编码病毒中12个蛋白质的八个节段组成。在病毒组装的最后阶段,病毒体从细胞顶端胞浆膜突出时将这些基因组的病毒体(v)RNAs吸收进其中。基因组分段赋予了流感病毒进化的优势,但也提出了问题,在病毒体组装时需要八个节段每一个的至少一个复制本以产生完全有传染性的病毒颗粒。历史上一直存在争论:一方赞同确保足额的基因组合并的特异性包装机制;另一方赞同基因组节段被随机选择而不是以充足数量被包装以确保能自行产生合理比例病毒体的替代模式。近年来人们对该问题已达成一致意见:大多数病毒体仅包含八个节段,特异性机制为选择每个vRNA的某一复制本的确发挥了作用。本综述总结了得出这一结论所做的工作,叙述了在识别特异性包装信号方面最新的进展,讨论了这些RNA元素运转的可能机制。  相似文献   

流感病毒的蛋白和基因组在宿主细胞内能否正确地转运到相关部位,直接影响到病毒颗粒的形态发生。流感病毒跨膜蛋白(HA、NA和M2)主要通过宿主细胞的运输膜泡实现转运,而宿主细胞的蛋白转运机器参与了这一过程。新合成的流感病毒核糖核蛋白复合物(vRNPs)出核后,通过与活化的Rab11相结合,聚集于邻近微管组织中心(MTOC)的胞内体。然后以运输小膜泡的形式,沿着MTOC的微管网络向细胞膜方向转运。跨膜蛋白和基因组在细胞质内的转运受一些宿主因子的调控,如ARHGAP21和小G蛋白Cdc42能够调节NA蛋白向细胞膜转运,Rab11协助vRNPs从MTOC向细胞膜转运。文中主要讨论新合成的流感病毒跨膜蛋白和遗传物质在宿主细胞质内的顺向转运(Anterograde transport)过程与调控。  相似文献   

Phylogenetic methods have been widely used to detect the evolution of influenza viruses. However, previous phylogenetic studies of influenza viruses do not make full use of the genetic information at the protein level and therefore cannot distinguish the subtle differences among viral genes. Proteotyping is a new approach to study influenza virus evolution. It aimed at mining the potential genetic information of the viral gene at the protein level by visualizing unique amino acid signatures (proteotypes). Neuraminidase gene fragments of some H5N1 avian influenza viruses were used as an example to illustrate how the proteotyping method worked. Bayesian analysis confirmed that the NA gene tree was mainly divided into three lineages. The NA proteotype analysis further suggested there might be multiple proteotypes within these three lineages and even within single genotypes. At the same time, some proteotypes might even involve more than one genotype. In particular, it also discovered some amino acids of viruses of some genotypes might co-reassort. All these results proved this approach could provide additional information in contrast to results from standard phylogenetic tree analysis. Foundation items: National Nature Science Funds (30670242, 30500056)  相似文献   

We measured deuterium isotope ratios (δDf) in primary feathers to distinguish first‐year from older Pectoral Sandpipers Calidris melanotos captured in Barrow, Alaska, during the breeding season. δDf showed a distinct bimodal distribution, and model‐based clustering placed the δDf values into two non‐overlapping groups. More negative δDf corresponded to Arctic areas, probably identifying first‐year birds with Arctic‐grown juvenile feathers retained from the previous year. The more positive values corresponded to lower latitudes, possibly identifying older birds that grew their feathers at non‐Arctic latitudes.  相似文献   

“Survival of the fittest” is an old axiom laid down by the great evolutionist Charles Darwin and microorganisms seem to have exploited this statement to a great extent. The ability of viruses to adapt themselves to the changing environment has made it possible to inhabit itself in this vast world for the past millions of years. Experts are well versed with the fact that influenza viruses have the capability to trade genetic components from one to the other within animal and human population. In mid April 2009, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization had recognized a dramatic increase in number of influenza cases. These current 2009 infections were found to be caused by a new strain of influenza type A H1N1 virus which is a re-assortment of several strains of influenza viruses commonly infecting human, avian, and swine population. This evolution is quite dependent on swine population which acts as a main reservoir for the reassortment event in virus. With the current rate of progress and the efforts of heath authorities worldwide, we have still not lost the race against fighting this virus. This article gives an insight to the probable source of origin and the evolutionary progress it has gone through that makes it a potential threat in the future, the current scenario and the possible measures that may be explored to further strengthen the war against pandemic.  相似文献   

首次利用苏云金芽胞杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis,Bt)S-层蛋白CTC表面展示系统研究在Bt细胞表面展示禽流感病毒NP蛋白的可行性和最佳方案,为研制能常温长期保藏和运输的禽用口服疫苗奠定基础。用全长np基因或部分np基因(npp)代替S-层蛋白ctc基因的3′-端或中部,构建了4个重组质粒pSNP(含ctc-np)、pCSA-SNP(csa-ctc-np)、pCTC-NPP(ctc-npp)和pCSNPP(csa-ctc-npp)。将重组质粒分别电转化入Bt受体菌株BMB171中,获得了5个重组菌株BN、BCN、C-S、BCCN和CN。用5个重组菌株的营养细胞做玻片凝集试验,结果显示5个重组菌株均成功地在细胞表面展示了NP蛋白。用5个重组菌株的营养细胞免疫小鼠,ELISA测定血清抗体效价,结果显示5个重组菌株均具有免疫原性,其中重组菌株CN的免疫原性最高,其含融合基因csa-ctc-npp,证明该种融合基因的构建方式最佳。这为利用S-层蛋白CTC表面展示系统构建展示其它禽类病原体抗原的重组菌株以研制禽用热稳定性口服疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

[目的]获得共表达H5亚型AIV HA基因和鸡IL-18基因的重组禽痘病毒.[方法]将含痘病毒启动子LP2EP2的HA基因和鸡IL-18基因插入到禽痘病毒转移载体pSY681中,获得重组转移载体pSYHA/IL-18.用脂质体将其转染已感染亲本禽痘病毒S-FPV-017株的鸡胚成纤维细胞,使其在鸡胚成纤维细胞内与禽痘病毒基因组发生同源重组,产生表达HA和IL-18的重组禽痘病毒(rFPV-HA-IL-18).在含有X-gal的营养琼脂培养基上进行蓝斑筛选后,对重组禽痘病毒又进行了多次蚀斑克隆.[结果]以重组禽痘病毒DNA为模板,利用HA基因和鸡IL-18基因引物进行PCR,分别扩增出1条约1.7 kb带和1条0.6 kb左右的带.以间接免疫荧光试验、T细胞转化试验和SPF雏鸡免疫接种证实重组禽痘病毒能表达HA和鸡IL-18,并初步证明鸡IL-18增强HA免疫作用.[结论]重组禽痘病毒能表达具有生物学活性的HA和鸡IL-18.  相似文献   

We investigated the selection pressures on the haemagglutinin genes of H5N1 avian influenza viruses using fixed effects likelihood models. We found evidence of positive selection in the sequences from isolates from 1997 to 2007, except viruses from 2000. The haemagglutinin sequences of viruses from southeast Asia, Hong Kong and mainland China were the most polymorphic and had similar nonsyn-onymous profiles. Some sites were positively selected in viruses from most regions and a few of these sites displayed different amino acid patterns. Selection appeared to produce different outcomes in vi-ruses from Europe, Africa and Russia and from different host types. One position was found to be positively selected for human isolates only. Although the functions of some positively selected posi-tions are unknown, our analysis provided evidence of different temporal, spatial and host adaptations for H5N1 avian influenza viruses.  相似文献   

In the second half of 2005, a large-scale outbreak of influenza in poultry and wild birds was caused by a highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus in Russia. The level of pathogenicity is a polygenic trait, and most individual genes contribute to the influenza A virus pathogenicity in birds, animals, and humans. The full-length nucleotide sequences were determined for H5N1 strains isolated in the Kurgan region (Western Siberia). The structure of viral proteins was analyzed using the deduced amino acid sequences. The receptor-binding site of hemagglutinin (HA) in strains A/chicken/Kurgan/05/2005 and A/duck/Kurgan/08/2005 was typical for avian influenza viruses and contained Glu and Gly at positions 226 and 228, respectively. The structure of the basic amino acid cluster located within the HA cleavage site was identical in all isolates: QGERRRKKR. According to the neuraminidase structure, all H5N1 isolates from the Kurgan region were assigned to the Z genotype. Amino acid residues typical for the avian influenza virus were revealed in 30 out of 32 positions of M1, M2, NP, PA, and PB2, determining the host range specificity. One of the strains contained Lys at position 627 of PB2. Isolates from the Kurgan region were shown to have a remantadine-sensitive genotype. Both strains contained Glu at position 92 of NS1, indicating that the virus is interferon-resistant. Phylogenetic analysis related the Kurgan isolates to subclade 2 of clade 2 of highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza viruses.  相似文献   

In early 2013, a Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris) in a zoo died of respiratory distress. All specimens from the tiger were positive for HPAI H5N1, which were detected by real-time PCR, including nose swab, throat swab, tracheal swab, heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, aquae pericardii and cerebrospinal fluid. One stain of virus, A/Tiger/JS/1/2013, was isolated from the lung sample. Pathogenicity experiments showed that the isolate was able to replicate and cause death in mice. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that HA and NA of A/Tiger/JS/1/2013 clustered with A/duck/Vietnam/OIE-2202/2012 (H5N1), which belongs to clade Interestingly, the gene segment PB2 shared 98% homology with A/wild duck/Korea/CSM-28/20/2010 (H4N6), which suggested that A/Tiger/JS/1/2013 is a novel reassortant H5N1 subtype virus. Immunohistochemical analysis also confirmed that the tiger was infected by this new reassortant HPAI H5N1 virus. Overall, our results showed that this Bengal tiger was infected by a novel reassortant H5N1, suggesting that the H5N1 virus can successfully cross species barriers from avian to mammal through reassortment.  相似文献   

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