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The biosynthetic routes to four linear furanocoumarins—psoralen, xanthotoxin, bergapten. isopimpinellin-co-occurring in Ruta graveolens cell cultures have been investigated with six 14C-labelled compounds. Mevalonic acid was only poorly incorporated, in contrast to umbelliferone. In support of previous suggestions, 7-demethylsuberosin and (±)-marmesin were very good precursors of the linear furanocoumarins. 7-O-Prenylumbelliferone also was fairly well utilized, but this was probably owing to a prior ether cleavage yielding umbelliferone. Psoralen was well incorporated into bergapten and xanthotoxin, but not into the dimethoxylated isopimpinellin. Differences exist between the organized plant and its cell culture in terms of metabolic products and, by implication, precursor utilization. S(+)-Marmesin was obtained in small quantity from an acid-hydrolysable conjugate present in the culture medium. Syntheses of [2-14C]7-demethylsuberosin, [2-14C]osthenol, [2-14C]7-O-prenylumbelliferone, [3-14C] (±)-marmesin, and [3-14C]psoralen are described, as well as an improved method for separation of furanocoumarin mixtures by TLC and GLC.  相似文献   

Young sorghum shoots have been shown to convert tyrosine, p-hydroxyphenylacetaldoxime and p-hydroxyphenylacetonitrile to dhurrin, the cyanogenic glucoside characteristic of this plant. Evidence for the in vivo formation of p-hydroxyphenylacetaldoxime but not p-hydroxyphenylacetonitrile from tyrosine has been obtained from a 'trapping experiment.'  相似文献   

When mevalonate-[2-14C] was incubated with seeds of Pinus pinea, 23% of the label in sterols was found in trans-24-ethylidenecholesterol, 12% in a mixture of 24α- and 24β-methylcholesterol, and 65% in 24α-ethylcholesterol. However, when the radioactive substrate was lanosterol-[24-3H], label appeared only in the 24-ethylidene- (85%) and the epimeric 24-methylsterols (15%). From the ratios of labels in the ethylidene- and methyl-sterols it was possible to show that the tritium in the 24-C1 -mixture was incorporated only into the 24β-methyl epimer. The labelling patterns are consistent with a pathway to 24β-alkylsterols via Δ25(27)-sterols bypassing 24-ethylidenesterols and to 24α-alkylsterols via Δ24(28)-sterols which are isomerized to Δ24(25)-sterols prior to reduction.  相似文献   

Gert Forkmann 《Phytochemistry》1979,18(12):1973-1975
In anthocyanin-producing flowers of Matthiola incana, the presence of naringenin, naringenin 7-glucoside, dihydrokaempferol and dihydrokaempferol 7-glucoside could be demonstrated. The four isolated compounds initiated anthocyanin synthesis after administration to acyanic flowers of genetically defined lines of Matthiola incana and Antirrhinum majus. Therefore, these compounds cannot be regarded as end-products but rather as intermediates in anthocyanin biosynthesis. Furthermore, naringenin 7-glucoside and dihydrokaempferol 7-glucoside most probably act as a pool for their aglycones, which serve as the actual substrates.  相似文献   

Experiments with various labelled cinnamic acid derivatives establish, in conjunction with previous work, that the incorporation of phenylalanine into the 3a-aryl octahydroindole ring system of the mesembrine alkaloids occurs via the intermediacy of cinnamic acid and 4′-hydroxycinnamic acid. The major pathway to the 3′,4′-di-oxyaryl substituted alkaloids proceeds via 4′-hydroxydihydrocinnamic acid (4′-phloretic acid), and 3′4′-dioxy-genated cinnamic acids are not involved as intermediates on this major pathway. In accord with this latter finding, the 3′-aryl oxygen substituent is introduced at a late state in the biosynthesis as evidenced by the bioconversion in S. strictum of sceletenone to mesembrenol and other related alkaloids. The late stages in the biosynthesis of the alkaloids are shown to involve the sequence: sceletenone, 4′-O-demethylmesembrenone, mesembrenone. Mesembrenone is converted to mesembrine, mesembrenol and mesembranol.  相似文献   

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are biopolyesters produced by microorganisms that are environmentally friendly. PHAs can be used to replace traditional plastic to reduce environmental pollution in various fields. PHA production costs are high because PHA must be produced from a carbon substrate. The purpose of this study was to find the strain that can used the BDF by-product as the sole carbon source to produce high amounts of medium-chain-length PHA. Three isolates were evaluated for potential PHA production by using biodiesel-derived crude glycerol as the sole carbon source. Among them, Pseudomonas mosselii TO7 yielded high PHA content. The PHA produced from P. mosselii TO7 were medium-chain-length-PHAs. The PHA content of 48% cell dry weight in 48 h with a maximum PHA productivity of 13.16 mg PHAs L?1 h?1. The narrow polydispersity index value of 1.3 reflected the homogeneity of the polymer chain, which was conducive to industrial applications.  相似文献   

p-Coumaric and 3-O-p-coumarylquinic acid seem to be important precursors of chlorogenic acid in the leaves of Cestrum poeppigii. 3-O-Cinnamylquinic acid, which has a very small metabolic activity, is of little importance in this respect. The kinetics of incorporation of radioactivity from t-cinnamic acid-3-[14C] into p-coumaric, 3-O-p-coumarylquinic, chlorogenic and 3-O-cinnamylquinic acid showed that the biosynthetic rates for these products decrease in the order shown. For p-coumaric acid, which has a markedly high metabolic activity, a turnover rate of 28 μg/hr and per gram fresh plant leaf, was calculated. Some trapping experiments with caffeic acid, and the acids mentioned above and using either t-cinnamic acid-3-[14C] or p-coumaric acid-2-[14C] as precursor, are discussed. A HPLC method for the rapid determination of phenolic acids in plant extracts, is described.  相似文献   

The C-10 to C-9 methyl group migration in rosane biosynthesis proceeded without loss of mevalonoid hydrogen from C-20 thus excluding a cyclopropane intermediate from the biosynthesis sequence. 10β,19-Dihydroxyrosa-15-ene was comparatively efficiently incorporated into rosenonolactone but it could not be detected in the fermentation.  相似文献   

The incorporation of radioactivity from L-[14CH3]-methionine into caffeine by coffee fruits was enhanced by additions of theobromine and paraxanthine but was reduced by additions of theophylline and caffeine. Cell-free extracts prepared from seedlings, partially ripe and unripe coffee fruits showed that only the unripe green fruits contained significant methyltransferase and 7-methyl-N9-nucleoside hydrolase activity. The cell-free extracts catalysed the transfer of methyl groups fromS-adenosyl-L-[14CH3]-methionine to 7-methylxanthine, and 7-methylxanthosine, producing theobromine and to theobromine producing caffeine. The two enzymic methylations exhibited a sharp pH max at 8.5 and a similar pattern of effects with metal chelators, thiol reagents and Mg2+ ions, which were slightly stimulating though not essential to enzyme activity. Paraxanthine (1,7-dimethylxanthine) was sh own to be the most active among methylxanthines as methyl acceptors; however its formation from 1-methylxanthine and 7-methylxanthine was not detectable, and biosynthesis from paraxanthine in the intact plant would therefore appear not to occur. The apparent Km values are as follows: 7-methylxanthine 0.2 mM, theobromine 0.2 mM, paraxanthine 0.07 mM and S-adenosyl-L-methionine with each substrate 0.01 mM. The results suggest the pathway for caffeine biosynthesis in Coffea arabica is: 7-methylxanthosine → 7-methylxanthine → theobromine → caffeine.  相似文献   

The plant growth regulating substances, pimpinellin, isopimpinellin, bergapten, isobergapten, vaginidiol, sphondin, scopoletin, umbelliferone, ferulic  相似文献   

The metabolism of adenine and guanine, relating to the biosynthesis of caffeine, in excised shoot tips of tea was studied with micromolar amounts of adenine-[8-14C] or guanine-[8-14C]. Among the presumed precursors of caffeine biosynthesis, adenine was the most effective, whereas guanine was the least effective. After administration of a ‘pulse’ of adenine-[8-14C], almost all of the adenine-[14C] supplied disappeared by 30 hr, and 14C-labelled caffeine and RNA purine nucleotide (AMP and GMP) synthesis increased throughout the experimental period, whereas the radioactivities of free purine nucleotides, 7-methylxanthine and theobromine increased during the first 10 hr incubation period, followed by a steady decrease. By contrast, more than 45% of the guanine-[8-14C] supplied remained unchanged even after a 120 hr period. The main products of guanine-[8-14C] metabolism in tea shoot tips were guanine nucleotides, theobromine, caffeine and the GMP of RNA. The results support the hypothesis that the purine nucleotides are synthesized from adenine and guanine via the pathway of purine salvage. Adenylate is readily converted into other purine nucleotides, whereas the conversion rate of guanylate into other purine nucleotides is very low.The results also support the view that 7-methylxanthine and theobromine are precursors of caffeine. For the origin of the purine ring in caffeine, purine nucleotides in the nucleotide pool rather than in nucleic acids are suggested.  相似文献   

【目的】 通过一锅酶法在体外无细胞条件下重构醌那霉素的生物合成途径,实现从原料辅酶A、乙酰-辅酶A和丙二酸到醌那霉素重要中间体的高效转化。【方法】 纯化得到AlpAB、RavC等8个醌那霉素合成相关蛋白和MCAT、MatB等2个辅助蛋白;利用一锅酶法进行体外反应,并用高效液相色谱(high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC)检测反应产物;利用该体系探究Ⅱ型硫酯酶AlpS在合成通路中的功能及作用底物;利用单一变量法对体系温度、pH、最小聚酮合酶(minimal polyketide synthase, minimal PKS)浓度和Ⅱ型硫酯酶AlpS浓度等条件进行优化。【结果】 体系所需的聚酮合酶和辅助蛋白均获得可溶性表达;利用一锅酶法成功合成了醌那霉素的早期重要中间体SEK15、UWM6、rabelomycin、prejadomycin和dehydrorabelomycin;加入AlpS蛋白后以上5种产物产量均有不同程度的提高,其中prejadomycin和dehydrorabelomycin提高较为显著;优化后的反应最适条件为:温度30℃、pH 7.0、最小聚酮合酶(AlpA、AlpB和RavC)浓度各2.8 μmol/L、AlpS 7.2 μmol/L;prejadomycin的产量提高到302 mg/L。【结论】 本研究成功利用一锅酶法在无细胞条件下重构了醌那霉素的早期生物合成途径,合成了醌那霉素的重要中间体SEK15、UWM6、rabelomycin、prejadomycin和dehydrorabelomycin。研究进一步验证了硫酯酶AlpS的链释放功能并推测其作用底物。  相似文献   

4,2′,4′-Trihydroxychalcone- [carbonyl-14C], formononetin- [Me-14C] and texasin- [Me-14C] were all good precursors of afrormosin (7-hydroxy-6,4′-dimethoxyisoflavone) in Onobrychis viciifolia seedlings, and a biosynthetic pathway involving these intermediates is proposed. 2′,4′-Dihydroxy-4-methoxychalcone- [carbonyl-14C] and daidzein-[carbonyl-14C] were poor precursors. Incorporations into formononetin were also recorded.  相似文献   

Cycloeucalenol-obtusifoliol isomerase from higher plant cells catalyses the opening of the cyclopropane ring of cycloeucalenol yielding obtusifoliol. 7-Oxo-24ξ(28)-dihydrocycloeucalenol was not a substrate but behaved like a potent inhibitor of the isomerase. The inhibition was reversible and highly specific; the inhibitor needed the presence of the 7-oxo group, the cyclopropane ring and the absence of a 4β-methyl group to be active. Other enzymes involved in plant sterol biosynthesis such as 2, 3-oxidosqualene-cycloartenol cyclase and S-adenosyl methionine cycloartenol C-24 methyltransferase were not inhibited by 7-oxo-24ξ(28)-dihydrocycloeucalenol. In vivo treatment of a suspension of bramble cells growing in a liquid medium with 7-oxo-24ξ(28)-dihydrocycloeucalenol resulted in a strong accumulation of 9β 19-cyclopropyl sterols confirming that the main cellular target of the inhibitor is the cycloeucalenol-obtusifoliol isomerase.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of 7β-hydroxy- and 7β,18-dihydroxy-kaurenolides from ent-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid has been investigated by incubating unlabelled  相似文献   

When grown in the presence of [CD3]-methionine Achlya heterosexual produces oogoniols containing two deuterium atoms which are located at C-28  相似文献   

Allyl isopropylacetamide (AIA) does not stimulate porphyrin biosynthesis in greening barley; AIA inhibits the synthesis of 5-aminolaevulinate (ALA) in plants and does not overcome the repression of ALA-synthetase. This indicates that the ALA synthesis system of green plants is regulated differently from ALA synthetase of mammalian systems. Laevulinic acid (LA) inhibited the biosynthesis of tetrapyrrole pigments in greening barley and diminished the insertion of 55Fe into extractable protohaem, confirming that haem was synthesized at a time of little net increase in protohaem. ALA feeding increased iron incorporation into protohaem without increasing either extractable protohaem or cytochromes b and f. Since ALA feeding greatly increased the protochlorophyllide content of darkgrown plants and subsequent chlorophyll levels in the light, the regulation of haem pigment synthesis in plants occurs after protoporphyrin and protohaem synthesis and is likely to involve the turnover of protohaem produced in excess of haem protein requirements.  相似文献   

Homocysteine-dependent transmethylases utilizing 5-methyltetrahydropteroylglutamic acid and S-adenosylmethionine as methyl donors have been examined using ammonium sulphate fractions prepared from isolated mitochondria of pea cotyledons. Substantial levels of a 5-rnethyltetrahydropteroylglutamate transmethylase were detected, the catalytic properties of this enzyme being found similar to those of a previously reported enzyme present in cotyledon extracts. The mitochondrial 5-CH3-H4PteGlu transmethylase had an apparent Km of 25 μM for the methyl donor, was saturated with homocysteine at 1 mM and was inhibited 50% by l-methionine at 2.5 mM. At similar concentrations of methyl donor the mitochondrial S-adenosylmethionine methyltransferase was not saturated. Mitochondrial preparations were found capable of synthesizing substantial amounts of S-adenosylmethionine but lacked ability to form S-methylmethionine. Significant levels of β-cystathionase, cystathionine-γ-synthase, l-homoserine transacetylase and l-homoserine transsuccinylase were detected in the isolated mitochondria. The activity of the enzymes of homocysteine biosynthesis was not affected by l-methionine in vitro. It is concluded that pea mitochondria have ability to catalyze the synthesis of methionine de novo.  相似文献   

An oxygen requirement for de novo biotin synthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae precludes the application of biotin-prototrophic strains in anoxic processes that use biotin-free media. To overcome this issue, this study explores introduction of the oxygen-independent Escherichia coli biotin-biosynthesis pathway in S. cerevisiae. Implementation of this pathway required expression of seven E. coli genes involved in fatty-acid synthesis and three E. coli genes essential for the formation of a pimelate thioester, key precursor of biotin synthesis. A yeast strain expressing these genes readily grew in biotin-free medium, irrespective of the presence of oxygen. However, the engineered strain exhibited specific growth rates 25% lower in biotin-free media than in biotin-supplemented media. Following adaptive laboratory evolution in anoxic cultures, evolved cell lines that no longer showed this growth difference in controlled bioreactors, were characterized by genome sequencing and proteome analyses. The evolved isolates exhibited a whole-genome duplication accompanied with an alteration in the relative gene dosages of biosynthetic pathway genes. These alterations resulted in a reduced abundance of the enzymes catalyzing the first three steps of the E. coli biotin pathway. The evolved pathway configuration was reverse engineered in the diploid industrial S. cerevisiae strain Ethanol Red. The resulting strain grew at nearly the same rate in biotin-supplemented and biotin-free media non-controlled batches performed in an anaerobic chamber. This study established an unique genetic engineering strategy to enable biotin-independent anoxic growth of S. cerevisiae and demonstrated its portability in industrial strain backgrounds.  相似文献   

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