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Adult female Dysdercus cingulatus which feed on cotton seeds shows a decrease in midgut protease and invertase after extirpation of the median neurosecretory cells (mnc). This is reversed after implantation of fresh active mnc into the operated insects if they are allowed to feed on cotton seeds. However, when these insects are fed only on sucrose solution after implantation of mnc, protease or invertase does not increase. A significant decrease in food consumption is also noticed after ablation of the mnc which is reversed by their implantation. It is suggested that the mnc stimulate food consumption and that this ingested food in turn stimulates the digestive enzyme activity through a secretogogue mechanism in Dysdercus cingulatus.  相似文献   

In Dysdercus cingulatus, extirpation of the median neurosecretory cells inhibits flight-muscle breakdown. However, implantation of median neurosecretory cells or corpus allatum into females lacking these neurosecretory cells induces muscle histolysis. Median neurosecretory cells stimulate the corpus allatum to produce juvenile hormone which in turn induces muscle degeneration. Topical application of kinoprene induces muscle breakdown, even in males and starved virgin females. The direct participation of juvenile hormone in muscle degeneration is further confirmed by observations on the effect of precocene II which inhibits muscle histolysis in many individuals. The endocrine basis of vitellogenesis and flight-muscle degeneration could be identical; vitellogenesis however appears to require a higher threshold concentration of juvenile hormone.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural comparisons of median neurosecretory cells of Manduca sexta were made by using fresh and cultured specimens. Examination of the endomembrane system, the abundance and electron density of neurosecretory granules, and the condition and abundance of mitochondria showed that brains cultured for 4 days were similar to those taken directly from the insect. After 10 days, the neurosecretory cells had broken down but the neurosecretory granules were still present.  相似文献   

Degeneration of indirect flight muscles takes place during the first gonotrophic cycle in females. Feeding and mating stimulate egg production and muscle histolysis. Starved virgin females do not histolyse the flight muscles. Mating has greater effect on muscle degeneration than feeding. Ovariectomy inhibits degeneration to a certain extent.  相似文献   

Antiserum to flight-muscle proteins was developed by injecting flight-muscle extract into rabbits. Immunodiffusion tests showed the presence of at least 4 antibodies formed against 4 proteins in the flight-muscle extract. During the 4th day of adult life, while vitellogenesis was under way, 4 proteins antigenically identical to those of flight-muscle extract were found in the blood. These four proteins were found in the first batch of laid eggs under immunodiffusion. The possibility of entry of muscle proteins into oöcytes by way of the blood is discussed.  相似文献   

Topical application of sterilizing doses of apholate causes haematological changes in the adults ofDysdercus koenigii. The normal males have less haemolymph (13–16 l) than females (18–37 l) for the first 120 hr of adult life. Apholate treatment significantly reduces the haemolymph volume of both the sexes. There are significantly more haemocytes in circulation in adult females than in males. The total haemocyte count shows an initial increase up to 48 hr, but later indicates a drastic reduction in the treated males and females. The plasmatocytes of the treated insects are found to reduce in numbers and the prohaemocytes become the predominant type, while in controls the plasmatocytes are the major type of haemocytes.
Zusammenfassung Topicale Anwendung von sterilisierenden Dosen von Apholat verursacht hämatologische Änderungen bei den Adulten vonDysdercus koenigii. Die normalen Männchen haben weniger Hämolymphe (13–16 l) als Weibchen (18–37 l) in den ersten 120 h des adulten Lebens. Apholatbehandlung reduziert signifikant das Hämolymphvolumen beider Geschlechter. Es sind signifikant mehr Hämocyten im Umlauf bei adulten Weibchen als bei Männchen. Zählung der Gesamthämocyten zeigt bei behandelten Männchen und Weibchen ein anfängliches Anwachsen bis zu 48 h, später aber eine drastische Reduktion. Die Zahl der Plasmatocyten der behandelten Insekten erwies sich als abnehmend und die Prohämocyten werden der überwiegende Typ, während in der Kontrolle die Plasmatocyten der Haupttyp der Hämocyten sind.

The distribution of neutral red staining peripheral cell bodies along the nerve trunks of the thoracic median nervous system of the locust, Schistocerca gregaria, is described. Backfilling of the cells with cobalt chloride solution reveals that they are neurones with characteristic axonal processes that terminate in the neurohaemal areas of the median nerve. The neurones react with the dye acridine orange, indicating their neurosecretory nature. This is confirmed by their ultrastructural appearance at the electron microscope level. The distribution and staining properties of the cells are compared with those of peripheral neurones from other insects and the nature of their neurosecretory product is discussed.  相似文献   

Electron micrographs of the larval brain of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, show that the largest median neurosecretory cell of the diapause egg producer may participate in the production of lipo-granules, and that of the non-diapause egg producer in the production of electron-lucent vesicles. It was found that there were ribosome-like particles in the diapause median neurosecretory cell, and they gradually developed into highly dense particles and lined up along the smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum. They finally became lipo-granules.  相似文献   

Destruction, by electrocoagulation, of the median neurosecretory cells of the pars intercerebralis of 2-day old adult female Locusta migratoria completely suppressed normal juvenile hormone-biosynthetic activity of the corpora allata in most animals. For example, 6 days after electrocoagulation the rates of spontaneous juvenile hormone biosynthesis, measured by radiochemical assay of freshly isolated glands, showed a median value of less than 1100 that of the corresponding sham operated controls, which were then in mid-vitellogenesis. Injection of graded doses (200–1600 μg) of precocene I at this time, followed by assays five days later, resulted in a similar decline of both corpus allatum volume and precocene epoxidase activity (measured by radiochemical assays of precocene I dihydrodiol formation in vitro) in pars intercerebralis-coagulated and sham-operated animals, when expressed as a percentage of their own zero precocene controls. Electrocoagulation of the pars intercerebralis largely prevented the normal increase in both corpus allatum volume and its epoxidase activity, so that by age 13 days these parameters were about 2.5-fold lower in coagulated vs control (sham operated) animals. In fact, electrocoagulation had no marked effect on the value of epoxidase activity per unit corpus allatum volume. It is concluded that the corpora allata from this species and stage are sensitive to precocene irrespective of whether they are active in biosynthesis of juvenile hormone.  相似文献   

The carabid P. nigrita is a short-day/long-day insect. Short days with less than 15.0 hr of light per day induce pre-vitellogenesis. Vitellogenesis only takes place in subsequent long days with more than 13,1 hr of light. In the range from ld 13:11 to ld 16:8 egg production is possible without a change in photoperiod. Pre-vitellogenesis is induced by the corpus allatum hormone. Implantation of active corpora allata or injection of juvenile hormone substitutes for short-day photoperiods. Histological investigations and implantation experiments revealed that for vitellogenesis some neurosecretion is necessary. Ecdysterone cannot replace this neurosecretion.  相似文献   

The corpus cardiacum neurosecretory cells (c.n.c.) of Calliphora are unipolar cells with slender projections (axonal length: 50 to 110 μ; diameter: 0·25 to 1·75 μ).The cell body, where production of neurosecretory material occurs, is electrically inexcitable (resting potential about 36 mV, inside negative), whereas the axon—responsible for controlled neurohormone release—is excitable. Spike potentials with a duration of 3 to 7 msec occur in volleys the number and duration of which are supposed to determine the amount of secretion released. Electrical activity may be stimulated via the brain. Resting and action potentials are compared with recordings from other cell types of the blowfly.  相似文献   

We investigated whether an immune response is associated with growth, female reproduction and survival costs in the house cricket. Using different intensities of challenge immune (implantation of one piece of nylon (1N) and two nylons (2N), with their respective sham-challenge and control groups) with body size and exoskeleton thickness as response variables, growth costs were determined for both sexes. A similar methodology was followed for reproduction costs, in which egg number and size, and female survival were measured as response variables. It was also determined whether mated and virgin females showed different immune responses. Body size decreased with immune challenge but only in the 2N treatment. Exoskeleton thickness increased in both sham-challenge groups and the 1N group but decreased in the 2N group. Egg number decreased more in the sham-challenge groups followed by the 1N and 2N groups. The 2N group showed the largest egg size at the end of the experiment. In these females, 2N group died first followed by the 1N, two nylon sham and one nylon sham groups. Finally, mated females showed a lower immune response than virgin females. These results are consistent with ecological immunity theory. The discovery of exoskeleton-related costs of immunity and injury may have important implications for experimental design in studies of the cost of immunity.  相似文献   

An iridovirus was isolated from two terrestrial isopods (class Crustacea, order Isopoda), the pill bug, Armadillidium vulgare, and the sow bug, Porcellio dilatatus, collected in southern California. The isolates have been designated Type 31 (from A. vulgare) and Type 32 (from P. dilatatus). Diseased isopods were recognized by a characteristic blue discoloration of the normally gray cuticle. Based on the relative number of virions observed in diseased cells, viral replication was most extensive in epidermal, muscle, and adipose tissue. Additionally, small clusters of midgut epithelial cells were heavily infected in many specimens, although replication throughout this tissue was never observed. Nerve and reproductive tissues were lightly infected. Infection was not observed in hemocytes or the hepatopancreatic caeca. Virions of both isolates measured ca. 125 nm in diameter in ultrathin sections and 141 nm in negatively stained preparations, and formed paracrystalline arrays in heavily infected cells. The isolation of a typical iridovirus from isopods further demonstrates that the natural host range of this virus group extends beyond the class Insecta.  相似文献   

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