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Maintaining effective immune response is an essential factor in the survival of small populations. One of the most important immune gene regions is the highly polymorphic major histocompatibility complex (MHC). We investigated how a population bottleneck and recovery have influenced the diversity and selection in three MHC class II loci, DLA‐DRB1, DLA‐DQA1 and DLA‐DQB1, in the Finnish wolf population. We studied the larger Russian Karelian wolf population for comparison and used 17 microsatellite markers as reference loci. The Finnish and Karelian wolf populations did not differ substantially in their MHC diversities ( = 0.047, P = 0.377), but differed in neutral microsatellite diversities ( = 0.148, P = 0.008). MHC allele frequency distributions in the Finnish population were more even than expected under neutrality, implying balancing selection. In addition, an excess of nonsynonymous compared to synonymous polymorphisms indicated historical balancing selection. We also studied association between helminth (Trichinella spp. and Echinococcus canadensis) prevalence and MHC diversity at allele and SNP level. MHC‐heterozygous wolves were less often infected by Trichinella spp. and carriers of specific MHC alleles, SNP haplotypes and SNP alleles had less helminth infections. The associated SNP haplotypes and alleles were shared by different MHC alleles, which emphasizes the necessity of single‐nucleotide‐level association studies also in MHC. Here, we show that strong balancing selection has had similar effect on MHC diversities in the Finnish and Russian Karelian wolf populations despite significant genetic differentiation at neutral markers and small population size in the Finnish population.  相似文献   

Aphid species within the genus Tuberculatus Mordvilko (Hemiptera: Aphididae) exhibit a variety of interactions with ants, ranging from close associations to non‐attendance. A previous study indicated that despite wing possession, ant‐attended Tuberculatus species exhibited low dispersal rates compared with non‐attended species. This study examined if presence or absence of mutualistic interactions and habitat continuity of host plants affected intraspecific genetic diversity and genetic differentiation in mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I (COI) sequences. Sympatric ant‐attended Tuberculatus quercicola (Matsumura) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and non‐attended Tuberculatus paiki Hille Ris Lambers (Hemiptera: Aphididae) were collected from the daimyo oak Quercus dentata Thunberg (Fagales: Fagaceae) in Japan and examined for haplotype variability. Seventeen haplotypes were identified in 568 T. quercicola individuals representing 23 populations and seven haplotypes in 425 T. paiki representing 19 populations. Haplotype diversity, which indicates the mean number of differences between all pairs of haplotypes in the sample, and nucleotide diversity were higher in T. quercicola than T. paiki. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed higher genetic differentiation among populations within groups of T. quercicola (39.8%) than T. paiki (22.6%). The effects of attendant ant species on genetic differentiation in T. quercicola were not distinguishable from geographic factors. Despite low dispersal rates, host plant habitat continuity might facilitate widespread dispersal of a T. quercicola haplotype in Hokkaido. These results suggested that following T. quercicola colonization, gene flow among populations was limited, resulting in genetic drift within populations. However, frequent T. paiki dispersal is clearly evident by low genetic differentiation among populations within groups, resulting in lower haplotype diversity.  相似文献   

For species characterized by philopatry of both sexes, mate selection represents an important behaviour for inbreeding avoidance, yet the implications for gene flow are rarely quantified. Here, we present evidence of male gamete‐mediated gene flow resulting from extra‐group mating in Spix's disc‐winged bat, Thyroptera tricolor, a species which demonstrates all‐offspring philopatry. We used microsatellite and capture–recapture data to characterize social group structure and the distribution of mated pairs at two sites in southwestern Costa Rica over four breeding seasons. Relatedness and genetic spatial autocorrelation analyses indicated strong kinship within groups and over short distances (<50 m), resulting from matrilineal group structure and small roosting home ranges (~0.2 ha). Despite high relatedness among‐group members, observed inbreeding coefficients were low (FIS = 0.010 and 0.037). Parentage analysis indicated mothers and offspring belonged to the same social group, while fathers belonged to different groups, separated by large distances (~500 m) when compared to roosting home ranges. Simulated random mating indicated mate choice was not based on intermediate levels of relatedness, and mated pairs were less related than adults within social groups on average. Isolation‐by‐distance (IBD) models of genetic neighbourhood area based on father–offspring distances provided direct estimates of mean gamete dispersal distances () > 10 roosting home range equivalents. Indirect estimates based on genetic distance provided even larger estimates of , indicating direct estimates were biased low. These results suggest extra‐group mating reduces the incidence of inbreeding in T. tricolor, and male gamete dispersal facilitates gene flow in lieu of natal dispersal of young.  相似文献   

The processes of adaptation and speciation are expected to shape genomic variation within and between diverging species. Here we analyze genomic heterogeneity of genetic differentiation and introgression in a hybrid zone between two bird species (Manacus candei and M. vitellinus) using 59 100 SNPs, a whole genome assembly, and Bayesian models. Measures of genetic differentiation () and introgression (genomic cline center [α] and rate [β]) were highly heterogeneous among loci. We identified thousands of loci with elevated parameter estimates, some of which are likely to be associated with variation in fitness in Manacus populations. To analyze the genomic organization of differentiation and introgression, we mapped SNPs onto a draft assembly of the M. vitellinus genome. Estimates of , α, and β were autocorrelated at very short physical distances (< 100 bp), but much less so beyond this. In addition, average statistical associations (linkage disequilibrium) between SNPs were generally low and were not higher in admixed populations than in populations of the parental species. Although they did not occur with a constant probability across the genome, loci with elevated , α, and β were not strongly co-localized in the genome. Contrary to verbal models that predict clustering of loci involved in adaptation and isolation in discrete genomic regions, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that genetic regions involved in adaptive divergence and reproductive isolation are scattered throughout the genome. We also found that many loci were characterized by both exceptional genetic differentiation and introgression, consistent with the hypothesis that loci involved in isolation are also often characterized by a history of divergent selection. However, the concordance between isolation and differentiation was only partial, indicating a complex architecture and history of loci involved in isolation.  相似文献   

Sphagnum‐dominated peatlands comprise a globally important pool of soil carbon (C) and are vulnerable to climate change. While peat mosses of the genus Sphagnum are known to harbor diverse microbial communities that mediate C and nitrogen (N) cycling in peatlands, the effects of climate change on Sphagnum microbiome composition and functioning are largely unknown. We investigated the impacts of experimental whole‐ecosystem warming on the Sphagnum moss microbiome, focusing on N2 fixing microorganisms (diazotrophs). To characterize the microbiome response to warming, we performed next‐generation sequencing of small subunit (SSU) rRNA and nitrogenase (nifH) gene amplicons and quantified rates of N2 fixation activity in Sphagnum fallax individuals sampled from experimental enclosures over 2 years in a northern Minnesota, USA bog. The taxonomic diversity of overall microbial communities and diazotroph communities, as well as N2 fixation rates, decreased with warming (p < 0.05). Following warming, diazotrophs shifted from a mixed community of Nostocales (Cyanobacteria) and Rhizobiales (Alphaproteobacteria) to predominance of Nostocales. Microbiome community composition differed between years, with some diazotroph populations persisting while others declined in relative abundance in warmed plots in the second year. Our results demonstrate that warming substantially alters the community composition, diversity, and N2 fixation activity of peat moss microbiomes, which may ultimately impact host fitness, ecosystem productivity, and C storage potential in peatlands.  相似文献   

We reconstructed the genetic structure of a planktonic crustacean Daphnia longispina living in high mountain lakes and ponds in the Pyrenees to investigate whether it was shaped by persistent founder effects originating shortly after the last glacial maximum or by ongoing dispersal and effective migration (gene flow). We found that the genetic structure can largely be explained by a single colonization event following gradual deglaciation of the Pyrenees ~10 000–15 000 years ago. Nuclear genetic diversity declined steeply from southeast to northwest, suggestive of serial colonization of available habitats with advancing deglaciation. The spatial genetic structure suggests that founder effects were major determinants of the present‐day diversity, both at the catchment level and at the level of individual water bodies, further supporting extremely low effective migration rates. This study reveals a prime example of a founder effect that is both long lasting and maintained at small spatial scales. Our data suggest a process of isolation by colonization as a result of strong priority effects and monopolization. We found evidence for the spread of haplotypes with Pyrenean ancestry across the Palaearctic over distances up to 5500 km, although the local genetic structure after colonization was hardly influenced by contemporary dispersal. Finally, our data also suggest that mitochondrial mutation rates in the studied populations were seven times higher than typically assumed. Overall, we show that founder effects can persist for centuries even at small spatial scales at which the potential for dispersal is high.  相似文献   

Boreal and cool temperate forests are the major land cover of northern Eurasia, and information about continental‐scale genetic structure and past demographic history of forest species is important from an evolutionary perspective and has conservation implications. However, although many population genetic studies of forest tree species have been conducted in Europe or Eastern Asia, continental‐scale genetic structure and past demographic history remain poorly known. Here, we focus on the birch genus Betula, which is commonly distributed in boreal and cool temperate forests, and examine 129 populations of two tetraploid and four diploid species collected from Iceland to Japan. All individuals were genotyped at seven to 18 nuclear simple sequence repeats (nSSRs). Pairwise among the six species ranged from 0.285 to 0.903, and genetic differentiation among them was clear. structure analysis suggested that Betula pubescens is an allotetraploid and one of the parental species was Betula pendula. In both species pairs of B. pendula and B. plathyphylla, and B. pubescens and B. ermanii, genetic diversity was highest in central Siberia. A hybrid zone was detected around Lake Baikal for eastern and western species pairs regardless of ploidy level. Approximate Bayesian computation suggested that the divergence of B. pendula and B. platyphylla occurred around the beginning of the last ice age (36 300 years BP, 95% CI: 15 330–92 700) and hybridization between them was inferred to have occurred after the last glacial maximum (1614 years BP, 95% CI: 561–4710), with B. pendula providing a higher contribution to hybrids.  相似文献   

Summary While the in vitro clonal propagation of peat mosses (Sphagnaceae) in bioreactors has been established since the late 1980s, it has never been possible to regenerate Sphagnum species from isolated protoplasts, which is a key step towards the production of closely defined genetically modified clones. The present study describes an efficient protocol for protoplast isolation and regeneration of Sphagnum fallax. Protoplast survival rates of over 50% and regeneration rates of up to 20% were achieved by using excised capitulum buds as starting material and by co-cultivating Sphagnum protoplasts with protoplasts from a chlorophyll-deficient Solanum hybrid clone. Besides the effects of nutrient components and differential osmotic readjustment of the regenerant cell clusters, the interference of unique Sphagnum phenolics, sphagnum acid and hydroxybutenolide, with protoplast isolation efficiency is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The effective number of breeders that give rise to a cohort (Nb) is a promising metric for genetic monitoring of species with overlapping generations; however, more work is needed to understand factors that contribute to variation in this measure in natural populations. We tested hypotheses related to interannual variation in Nb in two long‐term studies of brook trout populations. We found no supporting evidence for our initial hypothesis that reflects (defined as the number of adults in a population at the time of reproduction). was stable relative to and did not follow trends in abundance (one stream negative, the other positive). We used stream flow estimates to test the alternative hypothesis that environmental factors constrain Nb. We observed an intermediate optimum autumn stream flow for both (R2 = 0.73, = 0.02) and full‐sibling family evenness (R2 = 0.77, = 0.01) in one population and a negative correlation between autumn stream flow and full‐sib family evenness in the other population (= ?0.95, = 0.02). Evidence for greater reproductive skew at the lowest and highest autumn flow was consistent with suboptimal conditions at flow extremes. A series of additional tests provided no supporting evidence for a related hypothesis that density‐dependent reproductive success was responsible for the lack of relationship between Nb and NC (so‐called genetic compensation). This work provides evidence that Nb is a useful metric of population‐specific individual reproductive contribution for genetic monitoring across populations and the link we provide between stream flow and Nb could be used to help predict population resilience to environmental change.  相似文献   

Forest fragmentation may negatively affect plants through reduced genetic diversity and increased population structure due to habitat isolation, decreased population size, and disturbance of pollen‐seed dispersal mechanisms. However, in the case of tree species, effective pollen‐seed dispersal, mating system, and ecological dynamics may help the species overcome the negative effect of forest fragmentation. A fine‐scale population genetics study can shed light on the postfragmentation genetic diversity and structure of a species. Here, we present the genetic diversity and population structure of Cercis canadensis L. (eastern redbud) wild populations on a fine scale within fragmented areas centered around the borders of Georgia–Tennessee, USA. We hypothesized high genetic diversity among the collections of C. canadensis distributed across smaller geographical ranges. Fifteen microsatellite loci were used to genotype 172 individuals from 18 unmanaged and naturally occurring collection sites. Our results indicated presence of population structure, overall high genetic diversity (HE = 0.63, HO = 0.34), and moderate genetic differentiation (FST = 0.14) among the collection sites. Two major genetic clusters within the smaller geographical distribution were revealed by STRUCTURE. Our data suggest that native C. canadensis populations in the fragmented area around the Georgia–Tennessee border were able to maintain high levels of genetic diversity, despite the presence of considerable spatial genetic structure. As habitat isolation may negatively affect gene flow of outcrossing species across time, consequences of habitat fragmentation should be regularly monitored for this and other forest species. This study also has important implications for habitat management efforts and future breeding programs.  相似文献   

Statistics and Jost's D have been proposed for replacing FST as measures of genetic differentiation. A principal argument in favour of these statistics is the independence of their maximal values with respect to the subpopulation heterozygosity HS, a property not shared by FST. Nevertheless, it has been unclear if these alternative differentiation measures are constrained by other aspects of the allele frequencies. Here, for biallelic markers, we study the mathematical properties of the maximal values of and D, comparing them to those of FST. We show that and D exhibit the same peculiar frequency‐dependence phenomena as FST, including a maximal value as a function of the frequency of the most frequent allele that lies well below one. Although the functions describing , D, and FST in terms of the frequency of the most frequent allele are different, the allele frequencies that maximize them are identical. Moreover, we show using coalescent simulations that when taking into account the specific maximal values of the three statistics, their behaviours become similar across a large range of migration rates. We use our results to explain two empirical patterns: the similar values of the three statistics among North American wolves, and the low D values compared to and FST in Atlantic salmon. The results suggest that the three statistics are often predictably similar, so that they can make quite similar contributions to data analysis. When they are not similar, the difference can be understood in relation to features of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Understanding how genetic diversity is maintained across patchy marine environments remains a fundamental problem in marine biology. The Coral Triangle, located in the Indo‐West Pacific, is the centre of marine biodiversity and has been proposed as an important source of genetic diversity for remote Pacific reefs. Several studies highlight Micronesia, a scattering of hundreds of small islands situated within the North Equatorial Counter Current, as a potentially important migration corridor. To test this hypothesis, we characterized the population genetic structure of two ecologically important congeneric species of reef‐building corals across greater Micronesia, from Palau to the Marshall Islands. Genetic divergences between islands followed an isolation‐by‐distance pattern, with Acropora hyacinthus exhibiting greater genetic divergences than A. digitifera, suggesting different migration capabilities or different effective population sizes for these closely related species. We inferred dispersal distance using a biophysical larval transport model, which explained an additional 15–21% of the observed genetic variation compared to between‐island geographical distance alone. For both species, genetic divergence accumulates and genetic diversity diminishes with distance from the Coral Triangle, supporting the hypothesis that Micronesian islands act as important stepping stones connecting the central Pacific with the species‐rich Coral Triangle. However, for Ahyacinthus, the species with lower genetic connectivity, immigration from the subequatorial Pacific begins to play a larger role in shaping diversity than input from the Coral Triangle. This work highlights the enormous dispersal potential of broadcast‐spawning corals and identifies the biological and physical drivers that influence coral genetic diversity on a regional scale.  相似文献   

Historical abiotic factors such as climatic oscillations and extreme climatic events as well as biotic factors have shaped the structuring of species' genetic diversity. In obligate species‐specific mutualisms, the biogeographic histories of the interacting species are tightly linked. This could be particularly true for nuclear genes in the Ficus‐pollinating wasp mutualistic association as the insects disperse pollen from their natal tree. In this study, we compare spatial genetic structure of plant and pollinator for the Ficus hirtaValisia javana association throughout southeast China including Hainan Island, for both nuclear and cytoplasmic markers. We show that dispersal of the insect leads to plant and insect presenting similar signatures of lack of genetic isolation by distance for nuclear genes on the continent over a distance of 1000 km. But we also show that the demographic histories of plant and insect are strikingly different. This is in agreement with extreme climatic events leading to transient regional extinctions of the insects, associated with local survival of the plants. We also observe evidence of genetic differentiation for both wasps and fig‐tree between the continent and Hainan Island, although the Qiongzhou Strait is only on average 30 km wide, suggesting that geographic isolation by itself has not been sufficient to generate this differentiation. Hence, our results suggest that in highly dispersive mutualistic systems, isolation‐by‐dispersal limitation across a geographic barrier could be supplemented by isolation by adaptation, and maybe by coevolution, allowing further genetic divergence. In such systems, species may frequently be composed of a single population.  相似文献   

The relative roles of chance colonization and subsequent gene flow in the development of insular endemic biotas have been extensively studied in remote oceanic archipelagos, but are less well characterized on nearshore island systems. The current study investigated patterns of colonization and divergence between and within two wild buckwheat species (Polygonaceae), Eriogonum arborescens and E. giganteum, endemic to the California Channel Islands to determine whether geographical isolation is driving diversification. Using plastid and nuclear sequence data and microsatellite allele frequencies, we determined that gene flow in these Eriogonum spp. is restricted by isolation. The data suggest that successful colonization of and gene flow among the islands are infrequent. Colonization appears to have followed a stepping‐stone model that is consistent with a north‐to‐south pattern across the islands. This colonization pattern coupled with relatively little post‐colonization inter‐island gene flow, particularly among southern islands, has generated a pattern of more divergent lineages on the isolated southern islands. These results run counter to the general expectation that all islands close to a continental source should receive a high level of gene flow. Finally, management recommendations focused on protecting the lineages from loss of private alleles and the erosion of the remaining genetic diversity are offered.  相似文献   

Population growth typically involves range expansion and establishment of new breeding sites, while the opposite occurs during declines. Although density dependence is widely invoked in theoretical studies of emigration and colonization in expanding populations, few empirical studies have documented the mechanisms. Still fewer have documented the direction and mechanisms of individual transfer in declining populations. Here, we screen large numbers of pups sampled on their natal rookeries for variation in mtDNA (n = 1106) and 16 microsatellite loci (n = 588) and show that new Steller sea lion breeding sites did not follow the typical paradigm and were instead colonized by sea lions from both a declining (Endangered) population and an increasing population. Dispersing individuals colonized rookeries in the distributional hiatus between two evolutionarily distinct ( = 0.222,  = 0.053, = 2) metapopulations recently described as separate subspecies. Hardy–Weinberg, mixed‐stock and relatedness analysis revealed levels of interbreeding on the new rookeries that exclude (i) assortative mating among eastern and western forms, and (ii) inbreeding avoidance as primary motivations for dispersal. Positive and negative density dependence is implicated in both cases of individual transfer. Migration distance limits, and conspecific attraction and performance likely influenced the sequence of rookery colonizations. This study demonstrates that resource limitation may trigger an exodus of breeding animals from declining populations, with substantial impacts on distribution and patterns of genetic variation. It also revealed that this event is rare because colonists dispersed across an evolutionary boundary, suggesting that the causative factors behind recent declines are unusual or of larger magnitude than normally occur.  相似文献   

The black‐tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) is a keystone species on the mid‐ and short‐grass prairies of North America. The species has suffered extensive colony extirpations and isolation as a result of human activity including the introduction of an exotic pathogen, Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of sylvatic plague. The prairie dog flea, Oropsylla hirsuta, is the most common flea on our study colonies in north‐central Montana and it has been shown to carry Y. pestis. We used microsatellite markers to estimate the level of population genetic concordance between black‐tailed prairie dogs and O. hirsuta in order to determine the extent to which prairie dogs are responsible for dispersing this potential plague vector among prairie dog colonies. We sampled fleas and prairie dogs from six prairie dog colonies in two regions separated by about 46 km. These colonies were extirpated by a plague epizootic that began months after our sampling was completed in 2005. Prairie dogs showed significant isolation‐by‐distance and a tendency toward genetic structure on the regional scale that the fleas did not. Fleas exhibited higher estimated rates of gene flow among prairie dog colonies than the prairie dogs sampled from the same colonies. While the findings suggested black‐tailed prairie dogs may have contributed to flea dispersal, we attributed the lack of concordance between the population genetic structures of host and ectoparasite to additional flea dispersal that was mediated by mammals other than prairie dogs that were present in the prairie system.  相似文献   

Next generation sequencing of pooled samples is an effective approach for studies of variability and differentiation in populations. In this paper we provide a comprehensive set of estimators of the most common statistics in population genetics based on the frequency spectrum, namely the Watterson estimator , nucleotide pairwise diversity Π, Tajima's D, Fu and Li's D and F, Fay and Wu's H, McDonald‐Kreitman and HKA tests and , corrected for sequencing errors and ascertainment bias. In a simulation study, we show that pool and individual θ estimates are highly correlated and discuss how the performance of the statistics vary with read depth and sample size in different evolutionary scenarios. As an application, we reanalyse sequences from Drosophila mauritiana and from an evolution experiment in Drosophila melanogaster. These methods are useful for population genetic projects with limited budget, study of communities of individuals that are hard to isolate, or autopolyploid species.  相似文献   

Questions : What is the mechanism of bog ground layer colonization post‐fire? Is species colonization stochastic or does facilitation occur? Location : Boreal bog peatland near Crow Lake, Alberta, Canada. Methods : Diaspore‐addition treatments were applied in 2003 to autoclaved peat samples from high and low microtopographic positions within a recently burned bog. Colonization was assessed within the plots in 2005 and compared to control plots to determine treatment success and patterns of colonization. Results : A significant degree of ground layer colonization was found two years after fire, with Polytrichum strictum dominating the site. Colonization was greater in low (wet) plots, although only P. strictum and Sphagnum angustifolium had significant colonization. No effect of diaspore addition was observed and Sphagnum was only found in conjunction with P. strictum. Conclusions : Environmental conditions and species life history strategy are more important than diaspore availability for post‐fire colonization. True mosses (e.g. P. strictum) appearto facilitate Sphagnum colonization.  相似文献   

  • The moss Syntrichia caninervis is widely distributed in cool temperate and cold deserts where environmental pressures create a dependence on asexual reproduction (fragment reproduction). However, when compared to sporophyte‐producing mosses, there is a lack of evidence to support the capacity of drought‐tolerant mosses that predominantly fragment and produce protonema to disperse over long distances.
  • We used 20 microsatellite loci to study genetic variation and structure in six populations (five natural populations and one population from a regeneration site) in three contrasting and widely separated regions of China.
  • The genetic diversity and expected heterozygosity were lower in populations from the Tengger Desert than in populations from the other regions. Using PCoA, UPGMA and Structure analysis, the genetic grouping divided the three regions into three distinct groups. This may indicate that in regions where S. caninervis reproduces predominantly asexually, propagules are spread mainly by short‐distance dispersal. The genetic diversity of the population from the regeneration site in the Tengger Desert was slightly higher than that of the nearby, naturally occurring population, and included some input from the Pamir Plateau almost 2,300 km to the west, suggesting long‐distance dispersal of S. caninervis propagules across the region.
  • Predominantly asexually reproducing populations of S. caninervis are mainly dependent on short‐distance dispersal. Long‐distance dispersal of S. caninervis propagules across the region is difficult. Establishment of populations with dominant asexual reproduction will eventually result in genetic differentiation.

The expanse of deep water between the central Pacific islands and the continental shelf of the Eastern Tropical Pacific is regarded as the world's most potent marine biogeographic barrier. During recurrent climatic fluctuations (ENSO, El Niño Southern Oscillation), however, changes in water temperature and the speed and direction of currents become favourable for trans‐oceanic dispersal of larvae from central Pacific to marginal eastern Pacific reefs. Here, we investigate the population connectivity of the reef‐building coral Porites lobata across the Eastern Pacific Barrier (EPB). Patterns of recent gene flow in samples (n = 1173) from the central Pacific and the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP) were analysed with 12 microsatellite loci. Results indicated that P. lobata from the ETP are strongly isolated from those in the central Pacific and Hawaii (  = 0.509; < 0.001). However, samples from Clipperton Atoll, an oceanic island on the eastern side of the EPB, grouped with the central Pacific. Within the central Pacific, Hawaiian populations were strongly isolated from three co‐occurring clusters found throughout the remainder of the central Pacific. No further substructure was evident in the ETP. Changes in oceanographic conditions during ENSO over the past several thousand years thus appear insufficient to support larval deliveries from the central Pacific to the ETP or strong postsettlement selection acts on ETP settlers from the central Pacific. Recovery of P. lobata populations in the frequently disturbed ETP thus must depend on local larval sources.  相似文献   

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