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Porcine mononuclear cells from peripheral blood separated by Ficoll-Hypaque gradient technique bound secretory IgA preferentially but not serum IgA or IgG after capping with anti-Ig. When the cells were incubated with free secretory component and washed, serum IgA binding was facilitated. Thus, the results indicate that a subpopulation of porcine circulating mononuclear cells bear surface receptors for secretory component (SC-receptor).  相似文献   

The carcinogen 1-methyl-3-hydroxyxanthine after esterification binds covalently to polynucleotides, RNA and DNA. All four ribopolynucleotides and poly(dT) are targets. Depending on reaction conditions, covalent binding is greatest to poly(A) followed by poly(U), poly(dT), poly(G), poly(C), RNA and DNA. Maximal covalent modification of DNA is one moiety per 360 nucleotides. All modified polynucleotides, RNA and DNA, except poly guanylic acid have been enzymatically digested and the major adducts characterized as nucleosides.  相似文献   

Heat-derived (60°C) extracts of Limulus amoebocyte lysate (LAL) were found to contain potent “broad-spectrum” antimicrobial activity. Additional heating of the LAL extracts to 100°C for 30 min completely inactivated the antimicrobial activity and served as a control. Antimicrobial activity was observed over a temperature range of 0° to 37°C (higher temperatures not tested) with greatest activity at 37°C. Antimicrobial activity of LAL extracts was variable when tested against Gram-negative bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae. A twofold concentration of the extracts resulted in a significant decrease in antimicrobial effectiveness. Dialysis of single- and double-strength LAL extracts against deionized water produced a marked and significant enhancement of antimicrobial activity against both resistant and sensitive species, confirming the presence of a dialyzable inhibitor(s). Dialyzed LAL extracts were active against 13 of 14 species of Enterobacteriaceae tested. Two strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were susceptible as were two of three Gram-positive cocci tested. Highly sensitive bacterial species were rapidly killed with a greater than 90% reduction in viable counts occurring within the first 30 min of reaction time. Dialyzed LAL extracts also possessed considerable antifungal activity. The role of the Limulus polyphemus amoebocyte in defense against microbial invasion and dissemination is discussed.  相似文献   

The sensory basis of group cohesion in the weak-electric fish Gnathonemus petersii was investigated in a circular tank with groups of four fish each, interacting through a wide-meshed plastic screen with intact or operated conspecifics, or with other stimulus objects. We confined these stimuli to one or two peripheral holding compartments. The response measures were obtained from the free swimming fish and included (1) the time the fish spent together as a group, (2) the time they spent in front of the holding compartments, (3) the circular distribution of the fish's positions, and (4) the mean nearest neighbour distances. Under empty compartment conditions, four different groups were tested, consisting of either (1) intact, electrically active fish, or (2) electrically ‘silent’ fish (with their electric organ surgically rendered inoperative), or (3) blind, or (4) ‘silent’ and blind animals. The loss of either sensory modality, vision or feedback from electric organ discharge, led to changes of comparable size, decreasing the time spent as a group and increasing the mean nearest neighbour distance. In fish lacking both modalities, group cohesion was further impaired. With stimuli present in one or both holding compartments, the strength of social attraction depended on the nature of the stimulus: the more intact stimulus conspecifics were present, the more densely did the fish group in front of the stimulus compartment. ‘Wired-in’ electric organ discharges (simulating waveform and intensity) and electrically ‘silent’ fish were equally attractive, but only half as attractive as intact fish. Blind free swimming fish aggregated with intact and also with ‘silent’ conspecifics. Under dim light conditions, group cohesion was predominantly, though not exclusively, affected by electrosensory feedback from the electric organ discharge and visual input. Mechanical and olfactory cues may also be involved.  相似文献   

Female gerbils were bilaterally bulbectomized, unilaterally bulbectomized or sham-operated at 2 days of age (Birth DAY = 0). As adults, the occurrence of scent marking and aggressive behavior was measured prior to and following administration of either testosterone propionate (TP) or oil. TP-treated sham operates showed increased scent marking; bilaterally bulbectomized and unilaterally bulbectomized females treated with TP did not. The display of aggressiveness increased for all females following TP. Neonatally bulbectomized animals treated with TP, however, were the most aggressive. Although androgen augments these species-typical response patterns, it seems dependent upon the integrity of the olfactory bulbs.  相似文献   

A characteristic electric organ discharge display in social encounters between mormyrid fish is a temporary discharge cessation. Using this response, we have investigated the useful range of electrocommunication under different water conductivity conditions in the mormyrid Brienomyrus niger. An individual fish was confined to a porous ceramic shelter tube and moved from a starting distance of 380 cm toward a similarly confined conspecific until discharge, cessation occurred. The moved fish was subsequently returned to its original, position. Water conductivity affects the peak-to-peak source voltage of the electric organ and the sensitivity of the fish's electroreceptors. Within a range of 10 to 36 000 μS/cm, the peak-to-peak amplitude of the electric organ discharge declined as a power function. At 120 μS/cm, the amplitude was 50%, and at 300μS/cm, 30% of the 10 μS/cm value. The interfish distance at which discharge cessation occurred and the associated electric field gradients were dependent on water conductivity and upon the spatial orientation of the two fish (end-to-end or parallel orientations of their shelter tubes). The respective ranges were from 135 cm and 0.02 mV/cm at 52 μS/cm (parallel orientation) to 22 cm and 0.36 mV/cm at 678 μS/cm (end-to-end orientation). When the data for both tube orientations were combined, the relationship between water conductivity (x) and the distance at which discharge cessation occurred (y) could be expressed by a power function, y=K·xa (with K=102.97 and a=?0.56). When an electrically ‘silent’ fish was moved away from its conspecific, a discharge resumption in the form of a high-frequency rebound occasionally effected changes in the other fish's discharge activity at distances up to 157 cm (with an associated electric, field gradient of 0.01 mV/cm under the lowest conductivity condition).  相似文献   

Cesium ions block potassium channels in biological membranes in a voltage dependent manner. For example, external cesium blocks inward current with little or no effect on outward current. Consequently, it produces a characteristic N-shaped current-voltage relationship. We have modeled this result by single file diffusion of ions in a narrow channel spanning the membrane with a special blocking site in the channel for cesium ions. The model enables us to make detailed comparisons of the effects of cesium on potassium channels in different types of biological membranes.  相似文献   

A rat heart plasma membrane preparation isolated in a sucrose medium and some of its enzymatic properties have been investigated.It has been shown that a rat heart plasma membrane fraction contains high creatine phosphokinase activity which can not be diminished by repeated washing with sucrose solution. Creatine phosphokinase extracted from a plasma membrane fraction with potassium chloride and 0.01% deoxycholate solution is electrophoretically identical to MM isoenzyme of creatine phosphokinase. Under the conditions where (Na+,K+)-ATPase is activated by addition of Na+,K+ and MgATP, creatine phosphokinase of plasma membrane fraction is able to maintain a low ADP concentration in the medium if creatine phosphate is present. The rate of creatine release is dependent upon MgATP concentration in accordance with the kinetic parameters of the (Na+,K+)-ATPase and is significantly inhibited by ouabain (0.5 mM). The rate of creatine release is also dependent on creatine phosphate concentration in conformance with the kinetic parameters of MM isozyme of creatine phosphokinase,It is concluded that in intact heart cells the plasma membrane creatine phosphokinase may ensure effective utilization of creatine phosphate for immediate rephosphorylation of ADP produced in the (Na+,K+)-ATPase reaction.  相似文献   

Three classes of mutant strains of Escherichia coli K12 defective in pheA, the gene coding for chorismate mutase/prephenate dehydratase, have been isolated: (1) those lacking prephenate dehydratase activity, (2) those lacking chorismate mutase activity, and (3) those lacking both activities. Chorismate mutase/prephenate dehydratase from the second class of mutants was less sensitive to inhibition by phenylalanine than wild-type enzyme and, along with the defective enzyme from the third class of mutants, could not be purified by affinity chromatography on Sepharosyl-phenylalanine. Pure chorismate mutase/prephenate dehydratase protein was prepared from two strains belonging to the first class. The chorismate mutase activity of these enzymes is kinetically similar to that of the wild-type enzyme except for a two- to threefold increase in both the Ka for chorismate and the Kis for inhibition by prephenate. In both cases only one change in the tryptic fingerprint was detected, resulting from a substitution of the threonine residue in the peptide Gln·Asn·Phe·Thr·Arg. This suggests that this residue is catalytically or structurally essential for the dehydratase activity.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi is the agent of Chagas disease, an infection that affects around 8 million people worldwide. The search for new anti-T. cruzi drugs are relevant, mainly because the treatment of this disease is limited to two drugs. The objective of this study was to investigate the trypanocidal and cytotoxic activity and elucidate the chemical profile of extracts from the roots of the Lonchocarpus cultratus. Roots from L. cultratus were submitted to successive extractions with hexane, dichloromethane, and methanol, resulting in LCH, LCD, and LCM extracts, respectively. Characterization of extracts was done using 1H-RMN, 13C-RMN, CC and TLC. Treatment of T. cruzi forms (epimastigotes, trypomastigotes, and amastigotes) with crescent concentrations of LCH, LCD, and LCM was done for 72, 48, and 48 h, respectively. After this, the percentage of inhibition and IC50/LC50 were calculated. Benznidazole was used as a positive control. Murine macrophages were treated with different concentrations of both extracts for 48 h, and after, the cellular viability was determined by the MTT method and CC50 was calculated. The chalcones derricin and lonchocarpine were identified in the hexane extract, and for the first time in the genus Lonchocarpus, the presence of a dihydrolonchocarpine derivative was observed. Other chalcones such as isocordoin and erioschalcone B were detected in the dichloromethane extract. The dichloromethane extract showed higher activity against all tested forms of T. cruzi than the other two extracts, with IC50 values of 10.98, 2.42, and 0.83 µg/mL, respectively; these values are very close to those of benznidazole. Although the dichloromethane extract presented a cytotoxic effect against mammalian cells, it showed selectivity against amastigotes. The methanolic extract showed the lowest anti-T. cruzi activity but was non-toxic to peritoneal murine macrophages. Thus, the genus Lonchocarpus had demonstrated in the past action against epimastigotes forms of T. cruzi but is the first time that the activity against infective forms is showed, which leading to further studies with in vivo tests.  相似文献   

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