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The patterns of accumulation of five developmentally regulated enzymes were determined in four aggregateless mutant strains of Dictyostelium. Previous analyses of these strains had predicted that they should not accumulate these markers. The results are consistent with the concept that a linear dependent pathway controls the temporal expression of development in this system.  相似文献   

S L Lee  L E Alto  N S Dhalla 《Life sciences》1979,24(16):1441-1446
The effects of ether, chloroform and halothane on rat heart sarcolemmal ATP hydrolyzing and calcium binding activities were studied. Sarcolemmal Na+ ? K+ ATPase activity was inhibited by halothane (1.8 – 18 mM) and stimulated by ether (7.1 – 42.6 mM) and chloroform (7.5 – 45 mM). Higher concentrations of ether (56.8 – 71 mM) and chloroform (60 – 75 mM) depressed the Na+ ? K+ ATPase activity. Chloroform (7.5 – 75 mM) and halothane (1.8 – 18 mM) were found to decrease Mg2+ ATPase and Ca2+ ATPase activities, whereas e0her (42.6 – 71 mM) depressed only the Mg2+ ATPase activity. Sarcolemmal calcium binding was depressed by ether (42.6 – 71 mM), chloroform (45 – 75 mM) and halothane (10.8 – 18 mM). These results suggest that the anesthetic - induced cardiac depression may partly be due to decreased sarcolemmal activities.  相似文献   

A procedure is presented which is suitable for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the betaine homarine in aqueous tissue extracts. After preliminary purification of the extract by gel permeation chromatography on Sephadex G-25, quantitative analysis of the homarine content is performed by high pressure liquid chromatography on a 1-m column of Corasil II.  相似文献   

Triton X-100 (from three different suppliers) and Brij 35, substituted ethers of polyoxyethylene alcohols, were found to contain variable amounts of powerful oxidizing impurities representing a range of 0.04-0.22% H2O2 equivalents. These detergents contain also a considerable quantity of carbonyl compounds (0.5-2%) originating from carboxylic acids and ketones or aldehydes. Tween 20, also a polyoxyethylene detergent, and sodium dodecyl sulfate were free from oxidizing contamination. Aqueous solutions of Triton X-100 and Brij 35 (1–4%) reacted readily with SH groups of protein and nonprotein molecules as well as with Fe2+ ion. Both detergents were purified from the oxidizing impurities by treating aqueous solution of detergent with either NaHSO3 or SnCl2 followed by an extraction procedure. The present findings may clarify as well as complicate the interpretation of previous studies where these detergents were used for biological purposes, especially in enzyme and protein purifications, or when present in assay procedures that are based on the formation or consumption of reducing reagents.  相似文献   

An initial study of the charge distributions and torsional potentials for (1→4)-linked disaccharides, and a steric energy-map for (1→4)-linked disaccharides is reported for six acidic glycosaminoglycans. The charge distributions have been computed by the CNDO quantum-mechanical procedure, together with a molecular-decomposition technique. The intrinsic torsional potential has been computed by using CNDO energies and empirical potential-energies. The intrinsic torsional potential is two-dimensional. The general steric-map for a (1→4)-linked disaccharide will be useful for simplifying future conformational analyses of glycosaminoglycans. Wherever possible, comparisons between theory and experiment are presented or cited.  相似文献   

The copy numbers of the FII plasmids R1 and R100 were determined in four different ways and found to be identical. Deletion of one of the copy number control genes, copB, together with its promoter gives rise to plasmid copy mutants with an increased copy number. The increase was found to be 8- and 3.5-fold for plasmids R1 and R100, respectively. These deletion derivatives were found to be extremely sensitive to the presence of CopB activity from their own parent plasmid but not to that of the other plasmid. Hence, the CopB protein and its target are plasmid-specific and not FII-group-specific. These results are consistent with the high degree of nonhomology between plasmids R1 and R100 in a 250-bp region covering the distal part of the copB gene and the repA promoter region, which contains the target for the CopB protein.  相似文献   

D K Sarkar  N Miki  Q W Xie  J Meites 《Life sciences》1984,34(19):1819-1823
The effect of estradiol-17 beta (E2) on autofeedback regulation of prolactin (PRL) secretion was tested in ovariectomized rats after s.c. implantation of an (E2)-containing or empty silastic capsule, followed by i.v. injection of bovine PRL (b-PRL) or bovine serum albumin (BSA; 500 micrograms/100 g B.W.). Implantation of an E2 capsule (day 0), 2.5 mm or 5.0 mm in length, produced plasma E2 concentrations of 79 +/- 6 (9) and 140 +/- 8 pg/ml (8), respectively. Assay of PRL in plasma samples collected at 1 h intervals between 1100-1800 h on days 3, 4 and 5, after E2 capsule implantation showed a daily afternoon PRL surge. Empty capsule-treated rats did not show any afternoon PRL surge. Injection of b-PRL, but not BSA, at 1200 h on day 3 reduced basal PRL release both on days 3 and 4 in empty capsule-treated rats. In ovariectomized rats treated with a smaller E2 capsule (2.5 mm), b-PRL injection at 1200 h on day 3 reduced the amplitude of the afternoon surge of PRL and the total amount of PRL released on day 4. b-PRL, however, was ineffective in reducing PRL release in rats bearing the large E2 capsule (5.0 mm). These results suggest that high E2 levels in the blood can block the negative feedback action of PRL on PRL release.  相似文献   

The EPR properties of P870 and the primary electron acceptor in chromatophores from R. rubrum and a nonphotosynthetic mutant have been compared. Using steady-state illumination in the presence of various electron donors, it has been found that the primary acceptor in the mutant strain accumulates in the reduced state even under aerobic conditions while this behavior does not occur with the wild-type strain. The properties of the photoreduction of a bound iron-sulfur center which most likely functions in a substrate-linked dehydrogenase are the same in both strains. These results are discussed in terms of the requirement for a component (rhodoquinone) which regulates the redox state of the primary electron acceptor during normal photosynthetic growth but is not required during dark aerobic growth.  相似文献   

The mechanistic stoichiometry for vectorial H+ ejection coupled to electron transport through energy-conserving segments 1 + 2 was determined on cyanide-inhibited mitochondria from rat liver, rat heart, and Ehrlich ascites tumor cells, and on rat liver mitoplasts with ferricyanide or ferricytochrome c as electron acceptors. K+ (+ valinomycin) and Ca2+ were employed as permeant cations. Three different methods were employed. In the first, known pulses of ferricyanide were added, and the total H+ ejected was determined with a glass electrode. Such measurements gave H+/2e-values exceeding 7.0 for both normal and tumor mitochondria with beta-hydroxybutyrate and other NAD-linked substrates; uptake of Ca2+ was also measured and gave the expected q+/2e-ratios. The second type of measurement was initiated by addition of ferricytochrome c to rat liver mitoplasts, with H+ ejection monitored with the glass electrode and ferricytochrome c reduction by dual-wavelength spectrophotometry; the H+/2e-ratios generally exceeded 7.0. In the third type of measurement, mixing and dilution artifacts were eliminated by oxidizing ferrocytochrome c in situ with a small amount of ferricyanide. H+/2e-ratios for rat liver mitoplasts oxidizing beta-hydroxybutyrate consistently approached or exceeded 7.5. Over 150 measurements made under a variety of conditions gave observed H+/2e-ejection ratios significantly exceeding 7.0, which correlated closely with H+/2e-measurements on sites 1 + 2 + 3, sites 2 + 3, and site 2. Factors leading to the deficit of the observed ratios from the integral value 8 for sites 1 + 2 were discussed.  相似文献   

Human red blood cells (RBCs), transformed by incubation with the amphiphatic compound lysolecithin from their normal discocyte shape into echinocytes, have increased rates of agglutination in the presence of either poly- -lysine (PLL) or soybean agglutinin (SBA). Removal of lysolecithin by washing caused a reversal of shape back to the discocyte configuration and a lowering of agglutination rates. Methochlorpromazine, another amphiphatic echinocytogenic substance produced a similar increase in agglutination rates, suggesting that increased agglutinability may be a general property of echinocytes. Lysolecithin treatment of RBCs caused a decrease in the binding of cationized ferritin (CF) particles/μm2 of RBC surface. The decrease in CF binding is due to a rearrangement of negative charge bearing molecules on the RBC surface rather than shedding of charged groups. These observations support the hypothesis that integral membrane proteins which bear negative charges and receptors are associated with a cytoskeleton within the red cell. Alterations in cell shape which result in distortion of the cytoskeleton may cause a redistribution of integral membrane proteins which bear charged groups at the RBC surface.  相似文献   

It is observed that the decrease in the energy charge, increase in Pi, NH4+, and fructose-6-phosphate observed in stimulated frog muscle act synergistically in increasing the activity of rabbit muscle phosphofructokinase 300-fold over its activity observed at the concentrations of above effector substrates found in the muscle at rest.The activity of phosphofructokinase at various concentrations of Mg2+ and various fixed concentrations of NH4+, at levels of energy charge and Pi corresponding to the resting and stimulated muscle were also studied.These results suggest that variations in the concentrations of effectors of phosphofructokinase resulting from contraction of muscle are responsible for the increase in the activity of enzyme in stimulated muscle and that this activation may not necessarily be geared to the contractile process itself as postulated by Karpatkin el al.  相似文献   

The half-lives of functional messenger RNAs were determined by a method employing the drugs actinomycin D and daunomycin for the inhibition of mRNA synthesis; the activity of extracted mRNAs was determined by an in vitro translation assay. Several controls indicated that this method yielded reliable values for mRNA half-lives; in particular, the declining rate of protein synthesis in the presence of the drugs is due predominantly to the decay of translatable mRNA. This method was used to determine the half-lives of two specific mRNAs—encoding actin and a protein of MW 51,000—as well as that of total cytoplasmic mRNA activity during growth and at several times in differentiation. The half-lives of at least these two mRNAs were shown to be distinctly different from that of the total mRNA population—about 4 hr. However, no significant change in any of these half-lives was observed between growing and developing cells. Therefore wholesale alterations in the degradation rates of total and at least specific messages do not appear to play a role in the regulation of gene expression during Dictyostelium development.  相似文献   

In order to study the role of hapten-reactive helper T cells in the induction of autoimmunity in mice, an attempt was made to establish an experimental model for the development of hapten-reactive helper T cells and the termination of immunological tolerance against heterologous proteins. Spleen cells taken from mice which were immunized with hapten-isologous protein conjugates (PAB-MGG) demonstrated helper activity for the anti-DNP antibody response of DNP-primed B cells responding to DNP and PAB-conjugated protein, but spleen cells from hapten-heterologous protein conjugate (PAB-HGG)-primed mice could not respond to PAB-determinant. Thus, hapten-reactive helper T cells can develop in mice by the immunization with hapten-isologous protein conjugate, but not with hapten-heterologous protein conjugate. However, spleen cells from mice which had been rendered tolerant by treatment with 2.5 or 0.2 mg of DHGG and then immunized with PAB-HGG could demonstrate helper activity responding to PAB-determinant. This helper activity was PAB-specific, because these spleen cells did not demonstrate helper activity if PAB-determinant was omitted in the primary and the secondary antigen. This helper activity was abrogated by the treatment of spleen cells with anti-θ serum and complement. Thus, hapten-reactive helper T cells were successfully induced by the challenge with hapten-heterologous protein conjugate in carrier-protein tolerant mice. When mice were treated with 2.5 or 0.2 mg of DHGG, no anti-HGG antibody response was induced by the challenge with HGG or PAB-HGG. However, the termination of HGG-tolerance was demonstrated only when the mice were preimmunized with PAB-MGG to raise PAB-rcactive helper T cells, treated with 0.2 mg of DHGG, and then challenged with PAB-HGG. This termination of immunological tolerance was not observed when the mice were preimmunized with PAB-BαA to raise PAB-specific B cells and anti-PAB antibody, or when the mice were treated with 2.5 mg of DHGG. Thus, if HGG-specific B cells remain intact in mice such as treated with low dose of DHGG, these B cells can be activated by some bypass mechanisms in the presence of PAB-reactive helper T cells through the PAB-determinant even in the absence of HGG-reactive helper T cells. These data clearly showed the role of hapten-reactive helper T cells in the termination of immunological tolerance and provide experimental supports to the hypothesis on the termination mechanism proposed by Weigle. The cellular mechanism for the development of hapten-reactive helper T cells in tolerant animals and the cellular mechanism of autoantibody production were discussed on the basis of T-B cell collaboration.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes obtained from the spleen of Balb/C mice have been subjected to transformation by LPS in the presence of varying concentrations of Pb2+, Cd2+, or Cr3+. Both DNA and protein turnover were followed. It was found that Pb2+ and Cr3+ are mitogenic over a broad range of concentrations, while Cd2+ is slightly mitogenic at very low (10?6M) concentration and rapidly becomes inhibitory of both [3H]TdR and [3H]ALA uptake. Pb2+ appears to stimulate the action of LPS, while Cr3+ appears to inhibit. Each of the metals protects the lymphocytes from cell death arising from incubation with LPS. The mechanism of the observed changes is as yet obscure.  相似文献   

A method for analysis of elution data of proteins, obtained from Sephadex gel filtration experiments, is described. The relevant elution data from seven different proteins, with known molecular weights and Stoke's radii, were fitted into various equations relating elution parameters and molecular size parameters. It was observed that polynomial relationships represented elution data for proteins with a much greater degree of precision than linear equations. The validity of this procedure was also checked by analysing gel filtration data available in the literature and it was concluded that a better fit was obtained using polynomial relationships, provided a sufficiently large number of experimental points were available for numerical analysis. Using this method, values of 320,000 ± 7000 for the molecular weight, and (60 ± 0.4) × 10?8 cm for the Stoke's radius of Neurospora NAD-specific glutamate dehydrogenase were calculated.  相似文献   

Inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) in the intracellular concentration range causes rapid efflux of Ca2+ from rat heart mitochondria oxidizing pyruvate + malate in a low Na+ medium. Half-maximal rates of Ca2+ efflux were given by 20 microM PPi. During and after PPi-stimulated Ca2+ efflux the mitochondria retain their structural integrity and complete respiratory control. Carboxyatractyloside inhibits PPi-stimulated Ca2+ efflux, indicating PPi must enter the matrix in order to promote Ca2+ efflux. Heart mitochondria have a much higher affinity for PPi uptake and PPi-induced Ca2+ efflux than liver mitochondria.  相似文献   

Electrophoresis on cellulose acetate strips was used to analyze protein kinases from normal rat liver. In addition to already well-characterized cAMP-dependent protein kinases type I and II and cAMP-independent casein kinases I and II, this method enabled the detection of several supplementary bands corresponding to kinases which were investigated according to their substrate specificity, activation by cAMP, and inhibition by the specific inhibitor of the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinases or by heparin. Using this rapid, sensitive, and resolutive electrophoretic method, different isozyme patterns could be obtained starting from minute amounts of different types of biological material.  相似文献   

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