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The presence of fetal cells has been associated with both positive and negative effects on maternal health. These paradoxical effects may be due to the fact that maternal and offspring fitness interests are aligned in certain domains and conflicting in others, which may have led to the evolution of fetal microchimeric phenotypes that can manipulate maternal tissues. We use cooperation and conflict theory to generate testable predictions about domains in which fetal microchimerism may enhance maternal health and those in which it may be detrimental. This framework suggests that fetal cells may function both to contribute to maternal somatic maintenance (e.g. wound healing) and to manipulate maternal physiology to enhance resource transmission to offspring (e.g. enhancing milk production). In this review, we use an evolutionary framework to make testable predictions about the role of fetal microchimerism in lactation, thyroid function, autoimmune disease, cancer and maternal emotional, and psychological health. Also watch the Video Abstract .  相似文献   

In many eusocial species, queens use pheromones to influence offspring to express worker phenotypes. Although evidence suggests that queen pheromones are honest signals of the queen's reproductive health, here I show that queen's honest signalling can result from ancestral maternal manipulation. I develop a mathematical model to study the coevolution of maternal manipulation, offspring resistance to manipulation and maternal resource allocation. I assume that (i) maternal manipulation causes offspring to be workers against offspring's interests; (ii) offspring can resist at no direct cost, as is thought to be the case with pheromonal manipulation; and (iii) the mother chooses how much resource to allocate to fertility and maternal care. In the coevolution of these traits, I find that maternal care decreases, thereby increasing the benefit that offspring obtain from help, which in the long run eliminates selection for resistance. Consequently, ancestral maternal manipulation yields stable eusociality despite costless resistance. Additionally, ancestral manipulation in the long run becomes honest signalling that induces offspring to help. These results indicate that both eusociality and its commonly associated queen honest signalling can be likely to originate from ancestral manipulation.  相似文献   

Relative to the life history of other great apes, that of humans is characterized by early weaning and short interbirth intervals (IBIs). We propose that in modern humans, birth until adrenarche, or the rise in adrenal androgens, developmentally corresponds to the period from birth until weaning in great apes and ancestral hominins. According to this hypothesis, humans achieved short IBIs by subdividing ancestral infancy into a nurseling phase, during which offspring fed at the breast, and a weanling phase, during which offspring fed specially prepared foods. Imprinted genes influence the timing of human weaning and adrenarche, with paternally expressed genes promoting delays in childhood maturation and maternally expressed genes promoting accelerated maturation. These observations suggest that the tempo of human development has been shaped by consequences for the fitness of kin, with faster development increasing maternal fitness at a cost to child fitness. The effects of imprinted genes suggest that the duration of the juvenile period (adrenarche until puberty) has also been shaped by evolutionary conflicts within the family.  相似文献   

The behavior of adults and young at the time of fledging is one of the least understood aspects of the breeding ecology of birds. Current hypotheses propose that fledging occurs either as a result of parent‐offspring conflict or nestling choice. We used video recordings to monitor the behavior of nestling and adult grassland songbirds at the time of fledging. We observed 525 nestlings from 166 nests of 15 bird species nesting in grasslands of Alberta, Canada, and Wisconsin, USA. Overall, 78% of nestlings used terrestrial locomotion for fledging and 22% used wing‐assisted locomotion. Species varied in propensity for using wing‐assisted locomotion when fledging, with nestling Grasshopper Sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum) and Henslow's Sparrows (Centronyx henslowii) often doing so (47% of fledgings) and nestling Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia), Common Yellowthroats (Geothlypis trichas), and Chestnut‐collared Longspurs (Calcarius ornatus) rarely doing so (3.5% of fledgings). For 390 fledging events at 127 nests, camera placement allowed adults near nests to be observed. Of these, most young fledged (81.5%) when no adult was present at nests. Of 72 fledging events that occurred when an adult was either at or approaching a nest, 49 (68.1%) involved feeding. Of those 49 fledgings, 30 (62.1%) occurred when one or more nestlings jumped or ran from nests to be fed as an adult approached nests. The low probability of nestlings fledging while an adult was at nests, and the tendency of young to jump or run from nests when adults did approach nests with food minimize opportunities for parents to withhold food to motivate nestlings to fledge. These results suggest that the nestling choice hypothesis best explains fledging by nestlings of ground‐nesting grassland songbirds, and fledging results in families shifting from being place‐based to being mobile and spatially dispersed.  相似文献   

Although inbreeding is commonly known to depress individual fitness, the severity of inbreeding depression varies considerably across species. Among the factors contributing to this variation, family interactions, life stage and sex of offspring have been proposed, but their joint influence on inbreeding depression remains poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that these three factors jointly shape inbreeding depression in the European earwig, Forficula auricularia. Using a series of cross‐breeding, split‐clutch and brood size manipulation experiments conducted over two generations, we first showed that sib mating (leading to inbred offspring) did not influence the reproductive success of earwig parents. Second, the presence of tending mothers and the strength of sibling competition (i.e. brood size) did not influence the expression of inbreeding depression in the inbred offspring. By contrast, our results revealed that inbreeding dramatically depressed the reproductive success of inbred adult male offspring, but only had little effect on the reproductive success of inbred adult female offspring. Overall, this study demonstrates limited effects of family interactions on inbreeding depression in this species and emphasizes the importance of disentangling effects of sib mating early and late during development to better understand the evolution of mating systems and population dynamics.  相似文献   

Sibling cannibalism occurs in many species, yet understanding of sibling cannibalism as an adaptation currently lags behind understanding of other antagonistic interactions among siblings. Observed sibling cannibalism phenotypes likely reflect the interaction between competitive games among siblings and parent-offspring conflict. Using a game-theoretic approach, we derive optimal offspring cannibalism behaviour and parental modifiers that limit or facilitate cannibalism. The results are compared to contemporary frequency-independent analysis. With the addition of game interactions among siblings or parent-offspring co-evolution, our model predicts increased cannibalism (compared to the frequency-independent prediction), as offspring compete to eat siblings. When infertile eggs are present--strengthening competition--offspring risk eating viable siblings in order to gain access to infertile eggs, intensifying parent-offspring conflict. We use the results to make new predictions about the occurrence of sibling cannibalism. Additionally, we demonstrate the utility of trophic egg laying as a maternal mechanism to promote egg eating.  相似文献   

Objective: To test the hypothesis that low‐income African‐American preschool children would have a higher BMI if their mothers reported greater “restriction” and “control” in feeding and if mothers reported that children showed greater “food responsiveness” and “desire to drink.” In addition, to test whether higher maternal “pressure to eat” would be associated with lower child BMI. Research Methods and Procedures: A questionnaire was completed by 296 low‐income African‐American mothers of preschool children. It assessed three constructs on maternal feeding strategies (“restriction,” “pressure to eat,” and “control”) and two on child eating behaviors (“food responsiveness” and “desire to drink”). Children's BMI was measured, and mothers’ BMI was self‐reported. Results: The mean (standard deviation) BMI z‐score of the children was 0.34 (1.5), and 44% of the mothers were obese (BMI ≥30 kg/m2). Only maternal “pressure to eat” had a significant overall association with child BMI z‐score (r = ?0.16, p < 0.01). Both maternal “restriction” and “control” were positively associated with children's BMI z‐score in the case of obese mothers (r = 0.20, p = 0.03 and r = 0.24, p = 0.007, respectively), but this was not so in the case of non‐obese mothers (r = ?0.16, p = 0.05 and r = ?0.07, p = 0.39, respectively). Discussion: Among low‐income African Americans, the positive association between maternal restriction and control in feeding and their preschoolers’ BMI was limited to obese mothers. Relations between parent feeding strategies and child weight status in this population may differ on the basis of maternal weight status.  相似文献   

Mothers vary in duration of breastfeeding. These individual differences are related to a variety of demographic and individual maternal factors including maternal hormones, mood and early experiences. However, little is known about the role of genetic factors. We studied single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the OXT peptide gene (rs2740210; rs4813627) and the OXT receptor gene (OXTR rs237885) in two samples of mothers from the Maternal adversity, Vulnerability and Neurodevelopment study (MAVAN), a multicenter (Hamilton and Montreal, Canada) study following mothers and their children from pregnancy until 7 years of age. Data from the Hamilton site was the primary sample (n = 201) and data from Montreal was the replication sample (n = 151). Breastfeeding duration, maternal mood (measured by the CES‐D scale) and early life adversity (measured by the CTQ scale) were established during 12 months postpartum. In our primary sample, polymorphisms in OXT rs2740210, but not the other SNPs, interacted with early life adversity to predict variation in breastfeeding duration (overall F8,125 = 2.361, P = 0.021; interaction effect b = ?8.12, t = ?2.3, P = 0.023) and depression (overall F8,118 = 5.751, P ≤ 0.001; interaction effect b = 6.06, t = 3.13, P = 0.002). A moderated mediation model showed that higher levels of depression mediated the inverse relation of high levels of early life adversity to breastfeeding duration, but only in women possessing the CC genotype [effect a′ = ?3.3401, 95% confidence interval (CI) = ?7.9466 to ?0.0015] of the OXT SNP and not in women with the AA/AC genotype (a′ = ?1.2942, ns). The latter findings (moderated mediation model) were replicated in our Montreal sample (a′ = ?0.277, 95% CI = ?0.7987 to ?0.0348 for CC; a′ = ?0.1820, ns for AA/AC) .  相似文献   

The evolution of maternal effects on offspring phenotype should depend on the extent of parent-offspring conflict and costs and constraints associated with maternal and offspring strategies. Here, we develop a model of maternal effects on offspring dispersal phenotype under parent-offspring conflict to evaluate such dependence. In the absence of evolutionary constraints and costs, offspring evolve dispersal rates from different patch types that reflect their own, rather than the maternal, optima. This result also holds true when offspring are unable to assess their own environment because the maternal phenotype provides an additional source of information. Consequently, maternal effects on offspring diapause, dispersal, and other traits that do not necessarily represent costly resource investment are more likely to maximize offspring than maternal fitness. However, when trait expression was costly, the evolutionarily stable dispersal rates tended to deviate from those under both maternal and offspring control. We use our results to (re)interpret some recent work on maternal effects and their adaptive value and provide suggestions for future work.  相似文献   

The recovery of giant otter populations after the hunting prohibition and restriction of the pelt trade resulted in more frequent conflicts with fishermen. In this study, fisherman–giant otter conflicts were analyzed in the Uacari Sustainable Development Reserve, where giant otters are accused of interfering with fisheries by eating the fish (predation), frightening the fish away (local interference), and damaging fishing equipment (direct interference). Interference by predation was analyzed by evaluating overlap in fish species consumption between humans (measured by subsistence and commercial catches) and giant otters. The giant otter diet was assessed from fecal samples, and the human diet through questionnaires. Local and direct interferences were analyzed through fish samples using gillnets and comparing capture efficiency with and without giant otters’ presence. The overlap between human and giant otter diets was low (0.37), varied seasonally, and was smaller in the low water (0.24) than in the high water period (0.60), when both species tend to be more generalists. Overlap between fish species consumed by giant otters and those exploited by commercial fisheries was small (0.34). Giant otter presence during the experimental fishing was low (9.5%), restricted to the high water period, and did not significantly reduce the captures (= 13, = 0.61). The low overlap in diet may be a result of differences in preferences and fishing strategies. The conflict between giant otters and fishermen is greater in the high water period, when the income of the fisheries decreases; however, the conflict seems to be mainly motivated by the resident's prejudice against giant otters.  相似文献   

Parents should bias resource allocation towards the sex most likely to provide higher fitness returns by adjusting the birth sex ratio and/or through differential care of sons and daughters. Sex allocation research in mammals to date has been focused almost exclusively on maternal traits, but fathers may also play an important role. Future studies should investigate the influence of paternal quality on the fitness of sons and daughters, and possible conflicts of interest between mothers and fathers. There is also a crucial need for more studies examining whether relative levels of maternal care in sons and daughters depend on paternal quality.  相似文献   

A five-year mark-recapture study of small mammals was conducted with sampling every two months in a rural area of Sumidouro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from June 1991 to July 1996. Population sizes were estimated through MNKA estimator, survivorship and recruitment rates through Jolly-Seber estimator. Nectomys squamipes and Didelphis aurita were the most abundant species, followed by Akodon cursor, Philander frenata and Oligoryzomys nigripes. Marsupials reproduced from July/August to March, with the highest population sizes and recruitment rates in the end of the rainy periods and beginning of the dry period. Rodents were able to reproduce throughout the year. N. squamipes' population size was correlated with survivorship; peaks and the bulk of reproduction occurred during and after the rainy periods. A. cursor's population size increased in dry periods. These species displayed seasonal patterns of population dynamics related to reproduction, with some variations among years chiefly for the rodents.  相似文献   

Gravel augmentation is often applied to rivers and streams to rehabilitate salmonid spawning and incubation habitat. However, the effect of gravel size on salmon spawning utilization and embryo survival during incubation is not well understood. We conducted an experiment on a regulated and previously mined Northern California salmonid‐bearing stream in which different sized gravel (small, medium, and large) patches were placed into the stream's degraded spawning reach. We documented Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Chinook salmon) spawning activity within the three gravel sizes for two seasons. In addition, we deployed Chinook salmon embryos into each gravel size patch and allowed them to incubate until estimated emergence time. Although all experimental gravel sizes were predicted to be within the spawning population's mobilization capabilities, model results indicated the probability of salmon building redds decreased as substrate size increased. Conversely, embryo survival increased as gravel size increased. A possible mechanism of disparate Chinook salmon embryo survival is provided by an observed decrease in embryo survival correlating with greater presence of embryo predators (leeches), which are associated with smaller gravel. Our results indicate a parent‐offspring conflict in optimal spawning gravel size for Chinook salmon, and suggest that an intermediate gravel size would maximize overall reproductive success across both spawning and incubation life stages.  相似文献   

The diet composition of the electric eel Electrophorus voltai was studied in specimens collected from the River Jari, state of Amapá, eastern Amazon region, Brazil. Analysis on their stomach contents revealed that fish, especially Megalechis thoracata, were the most frequent prey item, whereas arthropods and plant material were the least frequent intakes. This is the first stomach content analysis on E. voltai, and it corroborates that electric eel species are piscivorous.  相似文献   

Question: Is soil hydrology an important niche‐based driver of biodiversity in tropical forests? More specifically, we asked whether seasonal dynamics in soil water regime contributed to vegetation partitioning into distinct forest types. Location: Tropical rain forest in northwestern Mato Grosso, Brazil. Methods: We investigated the distribution of trees and lianas ≥ 1 cm DBH in ten transects that crossed distinct hydrological transitions. Soil water content and depth to water table were measured regularly over a 13‐month period. Results: A detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) of 20 dominant species and structural attributes in 10 × 10 m subplots segregated three major forest types: (1) high‐statured upland forest with intermediate stem density, (2) medium‐statured forest dominated by palms, and (3) low‐statured campinarana forest with high stem density. During the rainy season and transition into the dry season, distinct characteristics of the soil water regime (i.e. hydro‐indicators) were closely associated with each vegetation community. Stand structural attributes and hydro‐indicators were statistically different among forest types. Conclusions: Some upland species appeared intolerant of anaerobic conditions as they were not present in palm and campinarana sites, which experienced prolonged periods of saturation at the soil surface. A shallow impermeable layer restricted rooting depth in the campinarana community, which could heighten drought stress during the dry season. The only vegetation able to persist in campinarana sites were short‐statured trees that appear to be well‐adapted to the dual extremes of inundation and drought.  相似文献   

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