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This study used eight polymorphic microsatellite loci to examine the relative effects of social organization and dispersal on fine‐scale genetic structure in an obligately cooperative breeding bird, the white‐winged chough (Corcorax melanorhamphos). Using both individual‐level and population‐level analyses, it was found that the majority of chough groups consisted of close relatives and there was significant differentiation among groups (FST = 0.124). However, spatial autocorrelation analysis revealed strong spatial genetic structure among groups up to 2 km apart, indicating above average relatedness among neighbours. Multiple analyses showed a unique lack of sex‐biased dispersal. As such, choughs may offer a model species for the study of the evolution of sex‐biased dispersal in cooperatively breeding birds. These findings suggest that genetic structure in white‐winged choughs reflects the interplay between social barriers to dispersal resulting in large family groups that can remain stable over long periods of times, and short dispersal distances which lead to above average relatedness among neighbouring groups.  相似文献   

Interdemic selection, inbreeding and highly structured populations have been invoked to explain the evolution of cooperative social behaviour in the otherwise solitary and cannibalistic spiders. The family Eresidae consists of species ranging from solitary and intermediate subsocial to species exhibiting fully cooperative social behaviour. In this study we, in a hierarchical analysis, investigated relatedness of putative family clusters, inbreeding and population genetic structure of the subsocial spider Eresus cinnaberinus. Five hierarchical levels of investigation ranging from large scale genetic structure (distances of 250 and 50 km level 1 and 2) over microgeographic structure (20 km2 and 4 km2, level 3 and 4) to a single hill transect of 200 m (level 5) were performed. The purpose of level 5 was two-fold: (1) to investigate the relatedness of putative family groups, and (2) to evaluate the influence of both family living and sampling design on higher level estimates. Relatedness estimates of putative family groups showed an average relatedness of R=0.26. There was no indication of inbreeding. In contrast to social spiders, genetic variation was abundant, He?0.10. The population genetic structure was intermediate between social and asocial spiders. Genetic variance increased continually across hierarchical levels. Family structured neighbourhoods biased differentiation estimates among level 5 samples (FST? 0.04) and level 3 and 4 samples (0.07ST<0.18), and apparent inbreeding among level 3 and 4 samples, FIS>0, was caused by disjunct sampling from separate neighbourhoods. Larger scale samples were highly differentiated 0.12ST<0.26, depending on level and sampling design. Due to a distance effect family living did not influence estimates of the higher level 1. Although the dispersing sex among social spiders and the subsocial E. cinnebarinus differ, females versus males, female behaviour of both sociality classes lead to high genetic variance.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a critical driver of gene flow, with important consequences for population genetic structure, social interactions and other biological processes. Limited dispersal may result in kin‐structured populations in which kin selection may operate, but it may also increase the risk of kin competition and inbreeding. Here, we use a combination of long‐term field data and molecular genetics to examine dispersal patterns and their consequences for the population genetics of a highly social bird, the sociable weaver (Philetairus socius), which exhibits cooperation at various levels of sociality from nuclear family groups to its unique communal nests. Using 20 years of data, involving capture of 6508 birds and 3151 recaptures at 48 colonies, we found that both sexes exhibit philopatry and that any dispersal occurs over relatively short distances. Dispersal is female‐biased, with females dispersing earlier, further, and to less closely related destination colonies than males. Genotyping data from 30 colonies showed that this pattern of dispersal is reflected by fine‐scale genetic structure for both sexes, revealed by isolation by distance in terms of genetic relatedness and significant genetic variance among colonies. Both relationships were stronger among males than females. Crucially, significant relatedness extended beyond the level of the colony for both sexes. Such fine‐scale population genetic structure may have played an important role in the evolution of cooperative behaviour in this species, but it may also result in a significant inbreeding risk, against which female‐biased dispersal alone is unlikely to be an effective strategy.  相似文献   

For species characterized by philopatry of both sexes, mate selection represents an important behaviour for inbreeding avoidance, yet the implications for gene flow are rarely quantified. Here, we present evidence of male gamete‐mediated gene flow resulting from extra‐group mating in Spix's disc‐winged bat, Thyroptera tricolor, a species which demonstrates all‐offspring philopatry. We used microsatellite and capture–recapture data to characterize social group structure and the distribution of mated pairs at two sites in southwestern Costa Rica over four breeding seasons. Relatedness and genetic spatial autocorrelation analyses indicated strong kinship within groups and over short distances (<50 m), resulting from matrilineal group structure and small roosting home ranges (~0.2 ha). Despite high relatedness among‐group members, observed inbreeding coefficients were low (FIS = 0.010 and 0.037). Parentage analysis indicated mothers and offspring belonged to the same social group, while fathers belonged to different groups, separated by large distances (~500 m) when compared to roosting home ranges. Simulated random mating indicated mate choice was not based on intermediate levels of relatedness, and mated pairs were less related than adults within social groups on average. Isolation‐by‐distance (IBD) models of genetic neighbourhood area based on father–offspring distances provided direct estimates of mean gamete dispersal distances () > 10 roosting home range equivalents. Indirect estimates based on genetic distance provided even larger estimates of , indicating direct estimates were biased low. These results suggest extra‐group mating reduces the incidence of inbreeding in T. tricolor, and male gamete dispersal facilitates gene flow in lieu of natal dispersal of young.  相似文献   

The greenhead ant Rhytidoponera metallica has long been recognized as posing a potential challenge to kin selection theory, because it has large queenless colonies where apparently many of the morphological workers are mated and reproducing. However, this species has never been studied genetically and important elements of its breeding system and kin structure remain uncertain. We used microsatellite markers to measure the relatedness among nestmates, unravel the fine‐scale population genetic structure, and infer the breeding system of R. metallica. The genetic relatedness among worker nestmates is very low but significantly greater than zero (r=0.082 ± 0.015), which demonstrates that nests contain many distantly related breeders. The inbreeding coefficient is very close to and not significantly different from zero, indicating random mating and lack of microgeographic genetic differentiation. On average, closely located nests are not more similar genetically than distant nests, which is surprising, as new colonies form by budding and female dispersal is restricted. Lack of inbreeding and absence of population viscosity indicates high gene flow mediated by males. Overall, the genetic pattern detected in R. metallica suggests that a high number of moderately related workers mate with unrelated males from distant nests. This breeding system results in the lowest relatedness among nestmates reported for social insect species where breeders and helpers are not morphologically differentiated.  相似文献   

The interaction between philopatry and nonrandom mating has important consequences for the genetic structure of populations, influencing co‐ancestry within social groups but also inbreeding. Here, using genetic paternity data, we describe mating patterns in a wild population of red deer (Cervus elaphus) which are associated with marked consequences for co‐ancestry and inbreeding in the population. Around a fifth of females mate with a male with whom they have mated previously, and further, females frequently mate with a male with whom a female relative has also mated (intralineage polygyny). Both of these phenomena occur more than expected under random mating. Using simulations, we demonstrate that temporal and spatial factors, as well as skew in male breeding success, are important in promoting both re‐mating behaviours and intralineage polygyny. However, the information modelled was not sufficient to explain the extent to which these behaviours occurred. We show that re‐mating and intralineage polygyny are associated with increased pairwise relatedness in the population and a rise in average inbreeding coefficients. In particular, the latter resulted from a correlation between male relatedness and rutting location, with related males being more likely to rut in proximity to one another. These patterns, alongside their consequences for the genetic structure of the population, have rarely been documented in wild polygynous mammals, yet they have important implications for our understanding of genetic structure, inbreeding avoidance and dispersal in such systems.  相似文献   

There are strong links between habitat fragmentation, population size and genetic structure. However, to fully understand the long‐term effects of fragmentation on population viability, it is necessary to first understand the relationship between life history traits and genetic characteristics in un‐fragmented habitats. This is best done through comparing patterns of genetic diversity in sympatric species, since relative data may be maximally informative. We compared genetic structure and diversity among three sympatric small mammals – of which two were marsupial species – over a small spatial scale (<4 km) using microsatellite genotypic data from individuals sampled from four grids spaced in a linear fashion. Expected heterozygosity was high for all three species (average He range: 0.781–0.886), but the smallest species had significantly higher genetic diversity (both heterozygosity and allelic diversity) than the two larger species, possibly due to it having; 1) large effective population size and little overlap in generations, and/or 2) high mutation rates in large alleles. Genotypic isolation by distance (measured as relatedness) was detected only at the smallest distance of 750 m, for any species. In the two marsupial species Fst, relatedness and percentage of individuals assigned to site of capture were significantly lower in males than in females, corroborating previous reports of male‐biased dispersal. However, sex‐biased dispersal was not detected for the third species (the native bush rat Rattus fuscipes), and presence of significant heterozygous deficits suggested this resulted in inbreeding within kin‐structured demes. We speculate that habitat fragmentation will have differing effects on population dynamics, social organisation and mating systems for the two marsupial species compared to the native murid rodent, due to their differing population structure and divergent inbreeding avoidance mechanisms.  相似文献   

For social insect species, intraspecific variation in colony social structure provides an opportunity to relate the evolution of social behavior to ecological factors. The species Myrmica punctiventris is a cavity-dwelling forest ant that exhibits very different colony structures in two populations in the northeastern United States. Combined data from seasonal censuses, allozyme electrophoresis, and worker hostility tests showed that a population of M. punctiventris in Vermont was strictly monogynous and seasonally polydomous. The same procedures showed that a population of M. punctiventris in New York was facultatively polygynous and predominantly monodomous. Genetic relatedness among colony-mates was not different from Hamilton's expected values in the Vermont population and was consistent with little exchange of ants between colonies and single-mating of queens. In contrast, relatedness was lower in New York, and examination of nest-mate genotypes revealed exchange of ants between colonies, high rates of colony loss and replacement of queens, or multiple-mating of queens. The genetic structure of the Vermont population was consistent with no inbreeding, but in New York, the population genetic structure reflected microgeographic subdivision and inbreeding. Previous study of the ant communities at these sites implicates nest-site limitation in New York as a primary constraint on social structure.  相似文献   

Social structure can have a significant impact on divergence and evolution within species, especially in the marine environment, which has few environmental boundaries to dispersal. On the other hand, genetic structure can affect social structure in many species, through an individual preference towards associating with relatives. One social species, the short‐finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus), has been shown to live in stable social groups for periods of at least a decade. Using mitochondrial control sequences from 242 individuals and single nucleotide polymorphisms from 106 individuals, we examine population structure among geographic and social groups of short‐finned pilot whales in the Hawaiian Islands, and test for links between social and genetic structure. Our results show that there are at least two geographic populations in the Hawaiian Islands: a Main Hawaiian Islands (MHI) population and a Northwestern Hawaiian Islands/Pelagic population (FST and ΦST < .001), as well as an eastern MHI community and a western MHI community (FST = .009). We find genetically driven social structure, or high relatedness among social units and clusters (< .001), and a positive relationship between relatedness and association between individuals (< .0001). Further, socially organized clusters are genetically distinct, indicating that social structure drives genetic divergence within the population, likely through restricted mate selection (FST = .05). This genetic divergence among social groups can make the species less resilient to anthropogenic or ecological disturbance. Conservation of this species therefore depends on understanding links among social structure, genetic structure and ecological variability within the species.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of potential interactants is critical to social evolution in all cooperative organisms. Yet the biogeography of microbial kin discrimination at the scales most relevant to social interactions is poorly understood. Here we resolve the microbiogeography of social identity and genetic relatedness in local populations of the model cooperative bacterium Myxococcus xanthus at small spatial scales, across which the potential for dispersal is high. Using two criteria of relatedness—colony‐merger compatibility during cooperative motility and DNA‐sequence similarity at highly polymorphic loci—we find that relatedness decreases greatly with spatial distance even across the smallest scale transition. Both social relatedness and genetic relatedness are maximal within individual fruiting bodies at the micrometre scale but are much lower already across adjacent fruiting bodies at the millimetre scale. Genetic relatedness was found to be yet lower among centimetre‐scale samples, whereas social allotype relatedness decreased further only at the metre scale, at and beyond which the probability of social or genetic identity among randomly sampled isolates is effectively zero. Thus, in M. xanthus, high‐relatedness patches form a rich mosaic of diverse social allotypes across fruiting body neighbourhoods at the millimetre scale and beyond. Individuals that migrate even short distances across adjacent groups will frequently encounter allotypic conspecifics and territorial kin discrimination may profoundly influence the spatial dynamics of local migration. Finally, we also found that the phylogenetic scope of intraspecific biogeographic analysis can affect the detection of spatial structure, as some patterns evident in clade‐specific analysis were masked by simultaneous analysis of all strains.  相似文献   

Exoneura bicolor is a univoltine, facultatively social bee exhibiting a solitary/quasisocial/semisocial colony polymorphism (Schwarz, 1986, 1987). Intracolony relatedness in semisocial colonies has been previously estimated at 0.49 ± 0.06 (Schwarz, 1987), although the crucial relatedness between altruists and the brood that they rear will be about half this value. This value is unlikely to be increased by the preferential rearing of only close relatives (Schwarz, 1988a) and no known morphological specializations preclude workers from reproducing in this species. Hamilton (1972, 1975) suggested that relatedness may be increased through population subdivision, if this leads to significant inbreeding and increased between-colony genetic variance. The same process may also operate at higher levels of population structure (e.g., Wade, 1978). Population structure and intracolony relatedness in E. bicolor were investigated in seven localities in southern Victoria, Australia, to determine if inbreeding at any level of population structure was contributing to relatedness between altruists and beneficiaries within these colonies. Population structure was described using hierarchical F-statistics and an identity by descent measure, developed by Queller and Goodnight (1989), was used to estimate intracolony relatedness. It was found that inbreeding was not contributing to between-group genetic variance, at any level, in a consistent manner across localities. Therefore relatedness, considered in isolation, does not seem sufficient to account for the presence of worker behavior. It is suggested that large benefits for group living may be responsible for maintaining altruistic behavior, in part, in this species. Significant heterogeneity among localities for all F-statistics estimated in our analysis was found and this may be attributable to stochastic elements such as cofounding behavior and the low percentage of males in the brood. The possible consequences of such heterogeneity in population structure for the maintenance of altruism in E. bicolor are discussed.  相似文献   

By constraining gene flow, group living and natal philopatry can result in fine‐scale genetic structure. Although the genetic structure of some group‐living lizards has been characterised, studies are few compared with those for group‐living bird and mammal species. The Egerniinae group of lizards exhibits a high diversity of social structures, making it a useful group for comparative studies of genetic structure across a broader range of social taxa. A well‐studied member of Egerniinae is Egernia stokesii, a lizard that forms long‐term pair bonds and stable social groups and exhibits natal philopatry and limited dispersal. Evidence exists for consistent E. stokesii social structure across seven close but disconnected rocky outcrops within a 40 × 10 km area. We used summary statistics, analysis of molecular variance, Bayesian clustering, and discriminant analysis of principal components to assess if E. stokesii exhibit a consistent pattern of fine‐scale genetic structure across the same seven outcrops. Due to E. stokesii social structure and constrained dispersal, we predicted significant genetic structuring – based on microsatellite markers – among outcrops. We found significant fine‐scale genetic structuring and evidence for two genetic clusters. We discuss features of E. stokesii biology and ecology that may explain our findings. Some rocky outcrops, and some social groups, contained lizards from both genetic clusters. An examination of the composition of mixed cluster social groups did not detect any notable patterns. Therefore, further work is necessary to identify how the observed patterns may have arisen. Future investigations in E. stokesii and other group‐living lizard species are likely to contribute greatly to our understanding of the genetic consequences of group living.  相似文献   

Dispersal and mating features strongly influence the evolutionary dynamics and the spatial genetic structure (SGS) of marine populations. For the first time in a marine invertebrate, we examined individual reproductive success, by conducting larval paternity assignments after a natural spawning event, combined with a small‐scale SGS analysis within a population of the gorgonian Paramuricea clavata. Thirty four percent of the larvae were sired by male colonies surrounding the brooding female colonies, revealing that the bulk of the mating was accomplished by males from outside the studied area. Male success increased with male height and decreased with increasing male to female distance. The parentage analyses, with a strong level of self‐recruitment (25%), unveiled the occurrence of a complex family structure at a small spatial scale, consistent with the limited larval dispersal of this species. However, no evidence of small scale SGS was revealed despite this family structure. Furthermore, temporal genetic structure was not observed, which appears to be related to the rather large effective population size. The low level of inbreeding found suggests a pattern of random mating in this species, which disagrees with expectations that limited larval dispersal should lead to biparental inbreeding. Surface brooding and investment in sexual reproduction in P. clavata contribute to multiple paternity (on average 6.4 fathers were assigned per brood), which enhance genetic diversity of the brood. Several factors may have contributed to the lack of biparental inbreeding in our study such as (i) the lack of sperm limitation at a small scale, (ii) multiple paternity, and (iii) the large effective population size. Thus, our results indicate that limited larval dispersal and complex family structure do not necessarily lead to biparental inbreeding and SGS. In the framework of conservation purposes, our results suggested that colony size, proximity among colonies and the population size should be taken into consideration for restoration projects.  相似文献   

Abstract We use 14 microsatellites to examine the genetic structure of a lion (Panthera leo L.) population in southern Tanzania. Heterozygosity levels were high (0.75 ± 0.08). Relatedness estimates showed that prides often had close relatives in neighbouring prides, whereas few relatives were found in prides not sharing a border. The drop‐off in relatedness with distance was highly significant. Female pridemates exhibited a higher mean relatedness (0.26 ± 0.07) to one another than did pride males (0.11 ± 0.07). Mean relatedness among females was significantly higher in small prides than in large ones. Prides exhibited significant inbreeding avoidance (FIL: ?0.11). Mating did not detectably differ from random across prides (FIT: ?0.02 ns). In addition to being recognizable behavioural and demographic units, prides were statistically distinct genetic units (FLT: 0.07). Some neighbouring prides grouped together both geographically and genetically, forming ‘superprides’ in the population (FZT = 0.05). Thus, although individual prides were genetically distinct, there was an important genetic structure above the level of social groups.  相似文献   

Sichuan taimen (Hucho bleekeri) is critically endangered fish listed in The Red List of Threatened Species compiled by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Specific locus amplified fragment sequencing (SLAF‐seq)‐based genotyping was performed for Sichuan taimen with 43 yearling individuals from three locations in Taibai River (a tributary of Yangtze River) that has been sequestered from its access to the ocean for more than 30 years since late 1980s. Applying the inbreeding level and genetic relatedness estimation using 15,396 genome‐wide SNP markers, we found that the inbreeding level of this whole isolated population was at a low level (2.6 × 10?3 ± 0.079), and the means of coancestry coefficients within and between the three sampling locations were all very low (close to 0), too. Genomic differentiation was negatively correlated with the geographical distances between the sampling locations (p < .001), and the 43 individuals could be considered as genetically independent two groups. The low levels of genomic inbreeding and relatedness indicated a relatively large number of sexually mature individuals were involved in reproduction in Taibai River. This study suggested a genomic‐relatedness‐guided breeding and conservation strategy for wild fish species without pedigree information records.  相似文献   

Mating systems and population dynamics influence genetic diversity and structure. Species that experience inbreeding and limited gene flow are expected to evolve isolated, divergent genetic lineages. Metapopulation dynamics with frequent extinctions and colonizations may, on the other hand, deplete and homogenize genetic variation, if extinction rate is sufficiently high compared to the effect of drift in local demes. We investigated these theoretical predictions empirically in social spiders that are highly inbred. Social spiders show intranest mating, female‐biased sex ratio, and frequent extinction and colonization events, factors that deplete genetic diversity within nests and populations and limit gene flow. We characterized population genetic structure in Stegodyphus sarasinorum, a social spider distributed across the Indian subcontinent. Species‐wide genetic diversity was estimated over approximately 2800 km from Sri Lanka to Himalayas, by sequencing 16 protein‐coding nuclear loci. We found 13 SNPs in 6592 bp (π = 0.00045) indicating low species‐wide nucleotide diversity. Three genetic lineages were strongly differentiated; however, only one fixed difference among them suggests recent divergence. This is consistent with a scenario of metapopulation dynamics that homogenizes genetic diversity across the species' range. Ultimately, low standing genetic variation may hamper a species' ability to track environmental change and render social inbreeding spiders ‘evolutionary dead‐ends’.  相似文献   

Landscape topography and the mobility of individuals will have fundamental impacts on a species’ population structure, for example by enhancing or reducing gene flow and therefore influencing the effective size and genetic diversity of the population. However, social organization will also influence population genetic structure. For example, species that live and breed in cooperative groups may experience high levels of inbreeding and strong genetic drift. The western pebble‐mound mouse (Pseudomys chapmani), which occupies a highly heterogeneous, semi‐arid landscape in Australia, is an enigmatic social mammal that has the intriguing behaviour of working cooperatively in groups to build permanent pebble mounds above a subterranean burrow system. Here, we used both nuclear (microsatellite) and mitochondrial (mtDNA) markers to analyse the range‐wide population structure of western pebble‐mound mice sourced from multiple social groups. We observed high levels of genetic diversity at the broad scale, very weak genetic differentiation at a finer scale and low levels of inbreeding. Our genetic analyses suggest that the western pebble‐mound mouse population is both panmictic and highly viable. We conclude that high genetic connectivity across the complex landscape is a consequence of the species’ ability to permeate their environment, which may be enhanced by “boom‐bust” population dynamics driven by the semi‐arid climate. More broadly, our results highlight the importance of sampling strategies to infer social structure and demonstrate that sociality is an important component of population genetic structure.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory suggests that choice for partners carrying dissimilar genes at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) may play a role in maintaining genetic variation in animal populations by limiting inbreeding or improving the immunity of future offspring. However, it is often difficult to establish whether the observed MHC dissimilarity among mates drives mate choice or represents a by‐product of inbreeding avoidance based on MHC‐independent cues. Here, we used 454‐sequencing and a 10‐year study of wild grey mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus), small, solitary primates from western Madagascar, to compare the relative importance on the mate choice of two MHC class II genes, DRB and DQB, that are equally variable but display contrasting patterns of selection at the molecular level, with DRB under stronger diversifying selection. We further assessed the effect of the genetic relatedness and of the spatial distance among candidate mates on the detection of MHC‐dependent mate choice. Our results reveal inbreeding avoidance, along with disassortative mate choice at DRB, but not at DQB. DRB‐disassortative mate choice remains detectable after excluding all related dyads (characterized by a relatedness coefficient r > 0), but varies slightly with the spatial distance among candidate mates. These findings suggest that the observed deviations from random mate choice at MHC are driven by functionally important MHC genes (like DRB) rather than passively resulting from inbreeding avoidance and further emphasize the need for taking into account the spatial and genetic structure of the population in correlative tests of MHC‐dependent mate choice.  相似文献   

Fine‐scale spatial genetic structure of populations results from social and spatial behaviors of individuals such as sex‐biased dispersal and philopatry. However, the demographic history of a given population can override such socio‐spatial factors in shaping genetic variability when bottlenecks or founder events occurred in the population. Here, we investigated whether socio‐spatial organization determines the fine‐scale genetic structure for both sexes in a Mediterranean mouflon (Ovis gmelini musimon × Ovis sp.) population in southern France 60 years after its introduction. Based on multilocus genotypes at 16 loci of microsatellite DNA (n = 230 individuals), we identified three genetic groups for females and two for males, and concurrently defined the same number of socio‐spatial units using both GPS‐collared individuals (n = 121) and visual resightings of marked individuals (n = 378). The socio‐spatial and genetic structures did not match, indicating that the former was not the main driver of the latter for both sexes. Beyond this structural mismatch, we found significant, yet low, genetic differentiation among female socio‐spatial groups, and no genetic differentiation in males, with this suggesting female philopatry and male‐biased gene flow, respectively. Despite spatial disconnection, females from the north of the study area were genetically closer to females from the south, as indicated by the spatial analysis of the genetic variability, and this pattern was in accordance with the common genetic origin of their founders. To conclude, more than 14 generations later, genetic signatures of first introduction are not only still detectable among females, but they also represent the main factor shaping their present‐time genetic structure.  相似文献   

Estimates of inbreeding and relatedness are commonly calculated using molecular markers, although the accuracy of such estimates has been questioned. As a further complication, in many situations, such estimates are required in populations with reduced genetic diversity, which is likely to affect their accuracy. We investigated the correlation between microsatellite‐ and pedigree‐based coefficients of inbreeding and relatedness in laboratory populations of Drosophila melanogaster that had passed through bottlenecks to manipulate their genetic diversity. We also used simulations to predict expected correlations between marker‐ and pedigree‐based estimates and to investigate the influence of linkage between loci and null alleles. Our empirical data showed lower correlations between marker‐ and pedigree‐based estimates in our control (nonbottleneck) population than were predicted by our simulations or those found in similar studies. Correlations were weaker in bottleneck populations, confirming that extreme reductions in diversity can compromise the ability of molecular estimates to detect recent inbreeding events. However, this result was highly dependent on the strength of the bottleneck and we did not observe or predict any reduction in correlations in our population that went through a relatively severe bottleneck of N = 10 for one generation. Our results are therefore encouraging, as molecular estimates appeared robust to quite severe reductions in genetic diversity. It should also be remembered that pedigree‐based estimates may not capture realized identity‐by‐decent and that marker‐based estimates may actually be more useful in certain situations.  相似文献   

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