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The species composition and abundance of stink bugs (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in corn, Zea mays L., was determined in this on-farm study in Georgia. Seven species of phytophagous stink bugs were found on corn with the predominant species being Nezara viridula (L.) and Euschistus servus (Say). All developmental stages of these two pests were found, indicating they were developing on the corn crop. The remaining five species, Oebalus pugnax pugnax (F.), Euschistus quadrator (Rolston), Euschistus tristigmus (Say), Euschistus ictericus (L.), and Acrosternum hilare (Say), were found in relatively low numbers. Adult N. viridula were parasitized by the tachinid parasitoid Trichopoda pennipes (F.). There was a pronounced edge effect in distribution of stink bugs in corn. Population dynamics of N. viridula and E. servus were different on early and late-planted corn. Oviposition by females of both stink bug species occurred in mid-to-late-May and again mid-to-late-June in corn, regardless of planting date. In early planted fields, if stink bug females oviposited on corn in mid-July, the resulting nymphs did not survive to the adult stage in corn because ears were close to physiological maturity and leaves were senescing. Density of stink bug adults in early planted corn was relatively low throughout the growing season. In late-planted corn, females of both stink bug species consistently laid eggs in mid-to-late-July on corn with developing ears. This habitat favored continued nymph development, and the resulting adult population reached high levels. These results indicate that corn management practices play a key role in the ecology of stink bugs in corn agroecosystems and provide information for designing management strategies to suppress stink bugs in farmscapes with corn.  相似文献   

In southeastern United States farmscapes, corn, Zea mays L., is often closely associated with peanut, (Arachis hypogaea L.), cotton, (Gossypium hirsutum L.), or both. The objective of this 3-yr on-farm study was to examine the influence of corn on stink bugs (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), Nezara viridula (L.), and Euschistus servus (Say), in subsequent crops in these farmscapes. Adults of both stink bug species entered corn first, and seasonal occurrence of stink bug eggs, nymphs, and adults indicated that corn was a suitable host plant for adult survival and nymphal development to adults. Stink bug females generally oviposited on cotton or peanut near the interface, or common boundary, of the farmscape before senescence of corn, availability of a new food, or both. Adult stink bugs dispersed from crop to crop at the interface of a farmscape in response to senescence of corn, availability of new food, or both. In corn-cotton farmscapes, adult stink bugs dispersed from senescing corn into cotton to feed on bolls (fruit). In corn-peanut farmscapes, adult stink bugs dispersed from senescing corn into peanut, which apparently played a role in nymphal development in these farmscapes. In the corn-cotton-peanut farmscape, stink bug nymphs and adults dispersed from peanut into cotton in response to newly available food, not senescence of peanut. Stink bug dispersal into cotton resulted in severe boll damage. In conclusion, N. viridula and E. servus are generalist feeders that exhibit edge-mediated dispersal from corn into subsequent adjacent crops in corn-cotton, corn-peanut, and corn-peanut-cotton farmscapes to take advantage of suitable resources available in time and space for oviposition, nymphal development, and adult survival. Management strategies for crops in this region need to be designed to break the cycle of stink bug production, dispersal, and expansion by exploiting their edge-mediated movement and host plant preferences.  相似文献   

The vibratory signals of four species of Asopinae (Pentatomidae) from European Russia are described for the first time. The signals emitted by adult bugs are classified into three types: male rivalry signals, male calling signals, and solitary low-amplitude signals with still unknown function. The latter are similar in different species and show no species-specific features. Oscillograms and sonograms of vibratory signals are given for all the species studied.  相似文献   

The trichome in ant-feeding Holoptilinae (Insecta: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) comprises remarkable modifications of abdominal sternites 2 and 3. It has been hypothesized that this structure plays a role in attracting and drugging ants. In the present study the trichome of 14 species of Holoptilini, comprising 11 species of Ptilocnemus Westwood and representatives of three additional genera of Holoptilini, is examined using scanning electron and light microscopy. The astoundingly diverse species-level modifications of sternites and vestiture are described and primary homology hypotheses are proposed. The trichome provides species-specific diagnostic characters within Ptilocnemus and evidence for species-groups within the genus, but also for the sistergroup relationship of Ptilocnemus and Smiliopus Bergroth. The comparative morphology establishes a framework for investigations into systematics, functional morphology, and behavioral ecology of these myrmecophagous assassin bugs.  相似文献   

《Zoologischer Anzeiger》2009,248(4):237-253
The trichome in ant-feeding Holoptilinae (Insecta: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) comprises remarkable modifications of abdominal sternites 2 and 3. It has been hypothesized that this structure plays a role in attracting and drugging ants. In the present study the trichome of 14 species of Holoptilini, comprising 11 species of Ptilocnemus Westwood and representatives of three additional genera of Holoptilini, is examined using scanning electron and light microscopy. The astoundingly diverse species-level modifications of sternites and vestiture are described and primary homology hypotheses are proposed. The trichome provides species-specific diagnostic characters within Ptilocnemus and evidence for species-groups within the genus, but also for the sistergroup relationship of Ptilocnemus and Smiliopus Bergroth. The comparative morphology establishes a framework for investigations into systematics, functional morphology, and behavioral ecology of these myrmecophagous assassin bugs.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(1):113-123
Owing to their predatory feeding habits, many members of the stink bug subfamily Asopinae have been used as biological agents for controlling insect pests. Herein a taxonomical review of Korean Asopinae species is presented. The habitus and a detailed genital morphology of each species is illustrated together with the first key to the Asopinae species present in Korea. We report Eocanthecona kyushuensis (Esaki & Ishihara, 1950) for the first time on the Korean Peninsula and the subtropical species Andrallus spinidens has been confirmed in the southern part of Korea, but Troilus luridus has not been found in the Republic of Korea. All this information is of extreme importance for the correct identification and understanding of the biology and distribution of Asopinae species. We also present a discussion of the potential usefulness and viability of the stink bugs as biological control agents in Korea.  相似文献   

Two soybean varieties (early-maturing group V and late-maturing group VII) and two cotton varieties (conventional and transgenic (Bt) were grown in adjacent replicated large field plots (approximately 0.1 ha each) at two locations for 3 yr. The dynamics and relative abundance of phytophagous stink bugs within these two crops were observed. The most abundant pentatomid species in both crops for all 3 yr were Nezara viridula (L.), Acrosternum hilare (Say), and Euschistus servus (Say). Several other species also were commonly collected. This is the first record of Mormidea lugens (F.) on soybean and E. quadrator Rolston, E. obscurus (Palisot), Holcostethus limbolarius (St?l), and Oebalus pugnax (F.) on cotton. Stink bugs began arriving in soybean when plant growth stages ranged from pod formation to full seed development. Peak numbers of these insects were found in soybean from the time of full-size seeds in the pods until early maturity. The bugs were first attracted to the earlier maturing cultivar (group V), where they remained until plants began to mature (R7). The pentatomids then moved to the later-maturing cultivar (group VII) as it reached full pod to full seed. Stink bugs began arriving in cotton from the time of the earliest flowers until after the first bolls formed. Peak numbers in cotton occurred during the time when all stages of developing bolls were present. Stink bug numbers were much greater in soybean than in cotton over all three seasons. This preference for soybean over cotton indicates the potential use of soybean as a trap crop for attracting stink bugs away from cotton. Additionally, the coordinated use of early- and late-maturing soybean cultivars as a trap crop could minimize the area requiring insecticides, as well as the number of insecticide applications to cotton.  相似文献   

In the nearctic predaceous stink bugs (Asopinae), Perillus bioculatus and Stiretrus anchorago, and the neotropical asopine, Oplomus severus, males possess conspicuous sternal glands that are absent in females. In each of these species, the male sternal gland secretion contains predominantly a single compound; 6,10,13-trimethyltetradecyl isovalerate in the allopatric species, P. bioculatus and O. severus, and 6,10,13-trimethyltetradecanol in S. anchorago, a species sympatric with P. bioculatus. The function of the sternal gland secretions from asopine hemipterans is unknown.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the data on diapause and related phenomena in stink bugs (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Using stink bugs as examples, the consecutive stages of the complex dynamic process of diapause (such as diapause preparation, induction, initiation, maintenance, termination, post-diapause quiescence, and resumption of direct development) are described and discussed. Out of 43 pentatomid species studied in relation to diapause in the Temperate Zone up to date, the majority (38 species) overwinter as adults, two species—as eggs, and another two species—as nymphs. Pentatoma rufipes is believed to be able to overwinter at different stages of its life cycle. Less than 5 % of pentatomid species are probably able to overwinter twice. Only five species have obligate diapause, others have the facultative one. Day-length and temperature are the main diapause inducing factors in the majority of species. The role of food in the control of seasonal development is essential in the pentatomid species feeding on plant seeds. In different species, different stages are sensitive to day-length. Some pentatomids retain sensitivity to photoperiod even after diapause, others lose it and become photo-refractory (temporarily or permanently). In Pentatomidae, such seasonal adaptations as photoperiodic control of nymphal growth rates, seasonal body colour change, migrations, and summer diapause (aestivation) are widely represented, whereas wing and/or wing muscle polymorphism has not been reported yet. In the subfamily Podopinae, induction of facultative reproductive winter diapause is under the control of photoperiod and temperature. All species feed on seeds and their seasonal development to a great extent reflects availability of food. However, the same food preferences and pattern of seasonal development are also characteristic to many species from the subfamily Pentatominae. All species of the subfamily Asopinae are predators. Among them, Picromerus bidens and Apateticus cynicus have obligate embryonic winter diapause, which is rear among true bugs. At the same time, A. cynicus and Podisus maculiventris belong to the same tribe but have different types of diapause: obligate embryonic diapause in A. cynicus and facultative adult diapause in P. maculiventris. Other Asopinae species studied up to date have facultative adult diapause controlled by photoperiod and temperature with probably only one exception: in Andrallus spinidens, adult diapause is controlled by temperature, and photoperiod plays only a secondary role. Thus, in spite of the similar habits and feeding types among Asopinae, the species of this subfamily have different types of diapause and the latter is controlled by different factors. In the subfamily Pentatominae, most species overwinter as adults and induction of their diapause is controlled by the long-day type photoperiodic response, in spite of the differences in their feeding preferences (within phytophagy). However, there are some exceptions in this subfamily, too: Palomena prasina, P. angulosa and Menida scotti have obligate diapause, which conditions univoltinism in these pentatomids. In M. scotti, only females have obligate adult diapause, whereas males remain physiologically active through the whole winter, this pattern being unusual for Heteroptera. The univoltine seasonal cycle of this species with summer diapause (aestivation) and apparent migrations is similar to that of shield bugs (Scutelleridae). According to the analysis of seasonal development, the evolution of seasonal adaptations in Pentatomidae does not directly reflect their phylogeny. However, individual genera, small tribes or even subfamilies have similar complexes of seasonal adaptations. At the same time, Pentatominae is a large and apparently collected taxon, but most of species in this subfamily have the same facultative adult diapause.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the diversity of seasonal cycles known in stink bugs (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) from the temperate zone and is based on the data of 43 pentatomid species studied in detail up to date (Saulich and Musolin, 2011). All the seasonal cycles realized by pentatomids in the temperate zone can be divided into two large groups: univoltine and multivoltine cycles. In univoltine cycles, only one generation is annually realized. However, univoltinism of a particular species or population can be ensured by different mechanisms: its control can be endogenous (involving an obligate diapause) or exogenous (environmental, involving a facultative diapause). Furthermore, endogenously controlled univoltine seasonal cycles can include obligate embryonic (egg) diapause (e.g., Picromerus bidens and Apateticus cynicus), obligate nymphal diapause (e.g., Pentatoma rufipes) or obligate adult (reproductive) diapause (e.g., Palomena prasina, Palomena angulosa, and Menida scotti). Exogenously controlled seasonal cycles are more flexible. Many species that are multivoltine in the subtropical or warm temperate zones are univoltine further polewards. In this case, their univoltinism is controlled exogenously, or environmentally. The mechanism often involves such seasonal adaptations as photoperiodic response of facultative winter diapause induction with a high thermal optimum (e.g., Arma custos and Dybowskyia reticulata) or a high critical threshold of winter diapause induction response (e.g., Graphosoma lineatum). The seasonal cycles of some species include not only winter diapause (hibernation) but also summer diapause (aestivation). The diapausing stage can be the same (e.g., Nezara antennata has facultative adult winter and summer diapauses) or different (e.g., Picromerus bidens survives winter in obligate embryonic diapause and spends the hottest period of summer in facultative adult aestivation). All the multivoltine cycles follow the same general pattern, with one, two, or even more directly breeding generation(s) followed by a generation that enters winter diapause. However, this sequence may be complicated by incorporation of specific seasonal adaptations such as aestivation, migrations, different forms of seasonal polyphenism or polymorphism (e.g., seasonal changes of body color), etc. Many stink bugs demonstrate geographic clines of voltinism, producing several generations in the subtropical regions (environmentally controlled multivoltine development) and two or only one generation(s) polewards (environmentally controlled bi- or univoltinism). However, some species demonstrate a strictly bivoltine seasonal cycle: they always produce two annual generations, each with either winter or summer diapause. An example is Nezara antennata which produces two generations and enters facultative winter and summer diapauses. Semivoltine seasonal cycles last more than one year. They are not very rare among insects and are known in true bugs, but have not yet been recorded among pentatomids. Examples of different seasonal cycles are described and discussed in detail. Further discussion is focused on the ecological importance of photoperiodic and thermal responses in cases of natural or artificial dispersal of pentatomids beyond their original ranges. The phytophagous Nezara viridula and the predatory Podisus maculiventris and Perillus bioculatus are used as examples. An attempt is made to compare the phylogeny of Pentatomidae and distribution of realized patterns of their seasonal development. However, it is concluded that reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships cannot yet provide a sufficient basis for prediction of realized seasonal cycles. It is suggested that the terms uni-, bi-, multi-, and semivoltinism should refer to populations rather than species, since the realized patterns of seasonal development often differ between the northern and southern populations of the same broadly distributed species.  相似文献   

Abstract.The synthetic racemic mixture of methyl 2,6,10‐trimethyltridecanoate, a component of the male produced pheromone of Euschistus heros (F.) (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae), was attractive to pentatomid species in a field test, using homemade pheromone trap designs. The pentatomid Piezodorus guildinii was caught in high numbers in field traps, during two field experiments, indicating a consistent response of this species to the E. heros pheromone. A correlation was found between the range of insects caught in the pheromone‐baited traps and a random sampling method. The synthetic stereoisomeric mixture of methyl 2,6,10‐trimethyldodecanoate, a minor component of E. heros pheromone, was also field tested and caught no pentatomids. Egg parasitoids were caught in traps baited with E. heros pheromone, indicating that this pheromone can be exploited as a kairomone. A synchrony in the periodicity of trap catch, between the egg parasitoids and their host, was also recorded.  相似文献   

Park DS  Foottit R  Maw E  Hebert PD 《PloS one》2011,6(4):e18749


DNA barcoding, the analysis of sequence variation in the 5′ region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene, has been shown to provide an efficient method for the identification of species in a wide range of animal taxa. In order to assess the effectiveness of barcodes in the discrimination of Heteroptera, we examined 344 species belonging to 178 genera, drawn from specimens in the Canadian National Collection of Insects.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Analysis of the COI gene revealed less than 2% intra-specific divergence in 90% of the taxa examined, while minimum interspecific distances exceeded 3% in 77% of congeneric species pairs. Instances where barcodes fail to distinguish species represented clusters of morphologically similar species, except one case of barcode identity between species in different genera. Several instances of deep intraspecific divergence were detected suggesting possible cryptic species.


Although this analysis encompasses 0.8% of the described global fauna, our results indicate that DNA barcodes will aid the identification of Heteroptera. This advance will be useful in pest management, regulatory and environmental applications and will also reveal species that require further taxonomic research.  相似文献   

The green stink bug, Acrosternum hilare (Say), the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (L), and the brown stink bug, Euschistus servus (Say), were predominant phytophagous Pentatomidae detected during 1995-1997 in cotton in South Carolina. These species occurred in similar numbers in conventional and transgenic cotton 'NuCOTN33B', containing the gene for expression of CryIA(c) delta-endotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner variety kurstaki. Adult stink bugs moved into cotton from wild and cultivated alternate hosts during July, and reproducing populations usually were detected in cotton from late July into September. Applications of either methyl parathion (0.56 kg [AI]/ha) directed for stink bugs or lambda-cyhalothrin (0.037 kg [AI]/ha) or cyfluthrin (0.056 kg [AI]/ha) for control of cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), provided effective control of pentatomids in NuCOTN33B or conventional 'DP5415' and increased yields compared with untreated plots. Fiber quality did not differ among treated or untreated plots of NuCOTN33B. The ground-cloth technique was used to estimate populations of stink bugs, and data indicated that treatment at one bug per 2 m of row adequately protected cotton from yield loss due to stink bug damage. Observations on boll damage indicated that treatment might be necessary if >20-25% reveal internal symptoms of feeding injury during mid- to late season. More detailed damage thresholds should be developed to complement an approach based on population monitoring. This study validated current recommendations for management of pentatomids in cotton, demonstrated the necessity of threshold use for stink bugs in transgenic cultivars expressing endotoxin from B. thuringiensis, and provided insight into further development of management options for pentatomids in the crop.  相似文献   

Group predation promotes foraging efficiency because it increases the size of prey that can be killed and improves hunting success compared to solitary predation. However, group predation may increase competition among group members during feeding. Earlier studies have focused on the advantages of group predation, but little is known about the costs and benefits of group predation for individual members of the group. Here, we show that the costs and benefits of group predation for individuals of the predatory stink bug Andrallus spinidens vary with prey size in laboratory experiments. We found that when A. spinidens fed on small prey, group predation did not significantly increase foraging efficiency but did increase competition for food among group members. In contrast, when prey was large, group predation promoted foraging efficiency, and competition over food was not detected. Our results suggest that group predation by A. spinidens nymphs is advantageous for individual members because it enables each member to hunt larger prey that could not be hunted alone. However, when group size was large or prey size was small, group predation increased competition among group members.  相似文献   

The spiracular chambers of the three anterior pairs of spiracles are described, and their relationships with the air stores on the body are discussed. Morphological variations in the spiracular chambers of Ambrysus, Notonecta, and Hesperocorixa appear to be correlated with the manner in which these insects obtain atmospheric and dissolved oxygen.
Explanation of Figures AB Abdominal segment - AC Antecosta - AF Flap on second abdominal segment - AM Alar membrane - AP Abdominal projection of second abdominal segment - AT Air trough of metathoracic spiracular chamber - AX Humeral axillary sclerite - CL Clavus of forewing - CM Coxal membrane - CO Corium of forewing - CP Metacoxal process - CS Claval suture of forewing - CX Coxa - D Wing-anchoring depression on costal margin of forewing - DVM Dorsoventral muscle of first abdominal segment - E Embolium of forewing - EM Epimeron - ES Episternum - FE Femur - FL Posterior flap on costal margin of forewing - FW Forewing - G Gap between forewing and body - OR Groove on abdominal projection - H Horizontal ridge or sulcus - HA Hairs on precoxal bridge HD Head - HL Laterosternal hairs - HW Hindwing - L Laterosternite of abdomen - LH Lateral hairs of ventral abdominal air channel - LM Epirneral lobe - LMO Opening into epimeral lobe - LN Notal lobe - LS Episternal lobe - MI-II Membrane between prothorax and mesothorax - MB Membrane of forewing - MH Medial hairs of ventral abdominal air channel - MP Process for dorsoventral muscle of first abdominal segment - N Notum - P Pleural ridge or sulcus - PB Postalar bridge - PN Postnotum - PP Postalar projection of postalar bridge - R Ridge on metathoracic episternum - RS Rounded swelling on costal margin of forewing - S Spiracle - SA Subalar air store - SC Spiracular chamber - SO Scolopophorous sense organ - ST Sternum - TA Thoracico-abdominal sclerite - TAL Thoracico-abdominal lobe of thoracico-abdominal sclerite - TAM Functional (not morphological) thoracico-abdominal membrane - TAO Opening into thoracico-abdominal lobe - TR Trochanter - V Vertical ridge or sulcus - VP Vertical plate of thoracico-abdominal sclerite - WA Wing-anchoring process of mesothoracic epimeron - WF Wing-anchoring flap on costal margin of forewing - WH Hairs on emboliar margin of forewing - WM Costal margin of forewing - WR Ridge on inner surface of forewing - XC Axillary cord of forewing - 2 or 3 PH Second or third phragma - II–III Boundary between mesothorax and metathorax  相似文献   

Laboratory studies were conducted to compare duration of feeding and superficial and in-depth damage to soybean (Glycine max) seeds by the Southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (L.), the Neotropical brown stink bug, Euschistus heros (F.), the red-banded stink bug, Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood), and the green-belly stink bug, Dichelops melacanthus (Dallas). Results indicated that feeding time was significantly longer for N. viridula (≈ 133 min) compared to E. heros and D. melacanthus (≈ 70 min), but not different from P. guildinii (≈ 103 min). There was a positive correlation between feeding time and the resulting damage for E. heros, N. viridula and P. guildinii (R2 > 0.80, P < 0.0001), but not for D. melacanthus (R2 = 0.1011, P = 0.1493). The deepest seed damage (2.0 mm) was made by P. guildinii and the shallowest (0.5 mm) by D. melacanthus. The depth of the seed damage by E. heros and N. viridula (0.8, 1.2 mm, respectively) was intermediate in comparison to the other species studied. Feeding damage to the seed endosperm caused variable cell disruption and protein body dissolution, particularly when P. guildinii fed on seeds, suggesting that the deleterious action of salivary enzymes was greater for this bug compared to the others.  相似文献   

Adult brown, Euschistus servus (Say); green, Acrosternum hilare (Say); and southern green, Nezara viridula (L.), stink bugs were collected from soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., in fall 2001 and 2002 near Stoneville, MS, and Eudora, AR. A glass-vial bioassay was used to determine LC50 values for the three species of stink bugs for the pyrethroids bifenthrin, cypermethrin, cyfluthrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, and permethrin, and the organophosphates acephate, dicrotophos, malathion, and methyl parathion. Results confirmed findings of other researchers that the brown stink bug was less susceptible to pyrethroid and organophosphate insecticides than were green and southern green stink bugs. The susceptibility of all three stink bug species to the insecticides tested was very similar at both test locations. The study established baseline insecticide mortality data from two locations in the mid-South for three stink bug species that are pests of soybean and cotton, Gossypium spp. Data from the tests are valuable for future use in studies on resistance and in resistance monitoring programs.  相似文献   

Feeding behavior has been investigated several times in different semiaquatic bugs (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha), but has never been directly compared between species from lentic and lotic habitats and different families. Time required to capture prey was investigated in five gerromorphan species: Aquarius paludum, Gerris lacustris, G. odontogaster (Gerridae), Velia caprai and V. gridellii (Veliidae). This experiment used live and dead prey and intact and artificially blinded bugs. The presence of vibrational stimuli (live prey) significantly decreased latency to capture prey in all species except G. odontogaster. This species was the only one where visual stimuli affected the response significantly (only with dead prey). Latency to capture in Velia spp. was significantly shorter than that in the three gerrid species. Capture efficiency differed significantly between Gerris and Velia spp.; both Velia species carried out unsuccessful attack attempts less frequently than did the Gerris species. Prey capture was quicker in treatments with live prey and/or intact bugs. No difference in capture efficiency was found between sexes. Aquarius and Gerris species from predominantly lentic habitats needed more time to capture prey than did Velia species, which live mostly in streams. This difference in feeding behavior can probably allow coexistence of gerrids and veliids at sites where their occurrence overlaps.  相似文献   

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