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Biosynthesis of secondary alcohols and ketones from alkanes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Combined gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry of the secondary alcohols and ketones from broccoli (Brassica oleracea) showed that the former consisted of a mixture of nonacosan-14-ol (43%) and nonacosan-15-ol (57%) whereas the latter contained predominantly nonacosan-15-one (92%). Chemical degradation of the secondary alcohols derived from [4-14C]stearic acid in B. oleracea indicated that the intact C18 chain was incorporated into nonacosan-14-ol and nonacosan-15-ol and that the hydroxyl groups of the positional isomers were introduced into a preformed aliphatic chain. [G-3H]Nonacosane was incorporated into nonacosan-14-ol and nonacosan-15-ol in B. oleracea in a ratio similar to that found in the natural mixture. A randomly tritiated natural mixture of secondary alcohols was incorporated into the ketone fraction by broccoli leaves. Chemical degradation of substrate secondary alcohols and the ketones biologically derived from them demonstrated that nonacosan-15-ol was the preferred secondary alcohol for biological oxidation to the ketone. The incorporation of [G-3H]nonacosane into nonacosanol and nonacosanone by broccoli leaves required O2 and was inhibited by phenanthroline. The inhibition was reversed by Fe2+ suggesting that conversion of nonacosane into the oxygenated derivatives involve a mixed-function oxidase. From these results it is concluded that in B. oleracea nonacosane is hydroxylated to give nonacosan-15-ol and nonacosan-14-ol with subsequent preferential oxidation of the C-15 isomer to give the ketones.  相似文献   

Biologically active gibberellins were isolated from immature seeds of Japanese pear (Pyrus serotina). The major one was tentatively identified as GA4 by selected ion monitoring. Evidence for the possible presence of GA7 in the seeds was inconclusive but GA3 was not detected by either the rice seedling or barley half-seed bioassay.  相似文献   

Apple fruit used for beverage production has a polyphenol oxidase which does not hydroxylate tyrosine under any conditions but it hydroxylates p-coumaric acid in the presence of NADH, and phloridzin in the absence of cofactors. The apparent Kms for hydroxylation of phloridzin and p-coumaric acid are 1.5 and 4 mM, respectively. However, subsequent oxidation of 3-hydroxyphloridzin or caffeic acid has an apparent Km of 200 nM. The oxidation products of 3-hydroxyphloridzin are complex and a stable dimeric quinone is finally formed. The apparent Kms for oxidation of catechin, epicatechin, chlorogenic acid, l-Dopa and 4-methyl catechol are 4.7, 5.7, 6.0, 2.7 and 3.2 mM, respectively. The Km for oxygen was 4.3 % although there was marked substrate inhibition by oxygen above 30 %. Polyphenol oxidase was stable at pH 3.5–4.5 with an optimum of 4.5.  相似文献   

The composition of epicuticular wax from plants of bread wheat (Demar 4 variety) at 3 stages of growth was studied. After germination for 30 and 130 da  相似文献   

Volatiles from the epicuticular wax of watercress were collected by ether washing and examined using gas chromatographic and mass spectrometric analysi  相似文献   

The epicuticular leaf wax of four North American and one Austrian Euphorbia esula biotypes was examined as a potential source of chemotaxonomic information relative to intraspecies classification. Analysis (GC and GC/MS) shows general similarity of wax constituent character among all biotypes but differences in specific component yields between the North American and Austrian biotypes. Distinctive variation in occurrence of five triterpenes (α- and β-amyrin, δ-amyrenone, 24-methylenecycloartenol and lupeyl acetate) was observed between the North American and Austrian biotypes.  相似文献   

The hexane extract of Wyethia mollis contains the n-alkanes C15-C18, C20-C25, C27 and C29. Linoleic acid was the only detectable acidic component. A mass spectral analysis of the wax ester fraction indicated that it was a mixture of homologues, the saturated even-carbon acids n-C16-C30 esterfield with the saturated even-carbon alcohols n-C18-C26. The chloroform extract yielded the known isoflavones santal and 3′-O-methylorobol along with a new lanostane-type triterpene, 22,25-epoxy-lanosta-7:9(11)-dien-3-one. The wide distribution of n-alkanes and the decreased odd-even carbon ratio are consistent with the proposed primitive nature of this plant.  相似文献   

Four new flavonol glycosides have been identified from fresh leaves and fruits of sweet and sour cherries (Prunus avium and P. cerasus) as minor flavonoids: quercetin 3-O-rutinosyl-7,3′-O-bisglucoside; two quercetin 3-O-rutinosyl-4′-di-O-glucosides; kaempferol 3-O-rutinosyl-4′-di-O-glucoside.  相似文献   

Long time geographical isolation of Hainan Island from the China continent has resulted in appearance of many novel frog species. As one of them, Hainan odorous frog, Odorrana hainanensis possesses some special antimicrobial peptides distinct from those found in other Odorrana. In this study, three antimicrobial peptides have been purified and characterized from the skin secretion of O. hainanensis. With the similarity to the temporin family, two peptides are characterized by amidated C-terminals, so they are named as temporin-HN1 (AILTTLANWARKFL-NH2) and temporin-HN2 (NILNTIINLAKKIL-NH2). The third antimicrobial peptide belongs to the brevinin-1 family which is widely distributed in Eurasian ranids, and thus, it is named as brevinin-1HN1 (FLPLIASLAANFVPKIFCKITKKC). Furthermore, after sequencing 68 clones, eight cDNAs encoding antimicrobial peptide precursors were cloned from the skin-derived cDNA library of O. hainanensis. These eight cDNAs can encode seven mature antimicrobial peptides including the above three, as well as brevinin-1V, brevinin-2HS2, odorranain-A6, and odorranain-B1. Twelve different species of microorganisms were chosen, including Gram-positive, Gram-negative and fungi, to test the antimicrobial activities of temporin-HN1, temporin-HN2, brevinin-1HN1, brevinin-1V, and brevinin-2HS2. The result shows that, in addition to their activities against Gram-positive bacteria, temporin-HN1 and temporin-HN2 also possess activities against some Gram-negative bacteria and fungi. However, the two antimicrobial peptides, brevinin-1HN1 and brevinin-1V of the brevinin-1 family have stronger antimicrobial activities than temporin-HN1 and temporin-HN2 of the temporin family. Brevinin-1HN1 possesses activity against Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC25923), Rhodococcus rhodochrous X15, and Slime mould 090223 at the concentration of 1.2 μM.  相似文献   

倪郁  宋超  王小清 《生态学报》2014,34(15):4160-4166
以野生型拟南芥与蜡质突变体cer1、cer4为试验材料,通过研究核盘菌胁迫对拟南芥茎表皮蜡质结构及组分含量的影响,揭示核盘菌侵染与表皮蜡质的关系。扫描电镜结果显示,野生型拟南芥蜡质晶体以垂直于表面的杆状、块状结构为主;突变体cer1晶体类型以水平的松针状、块状结构为主;突变体cer4蜡质晶体以垂直片层结构为主。核盘菌胁迫下,拟南芥蜡质晶体结构及分布形态发生变化。蜡质层结构在核盘菌胁迫下表现为:杆状、松针状蜡质晶体减少—蜡质晶体熔融—表皮"囊状凸起"—表皮膜层破裂。这些结构变化有利于病菌突破角质层屏障而侵入到植株体内。色质谱分析结果显示:与野生型相比,cer1突变体烷、次级醇、酮类显著减少;cer4突变体表现为一级醇含量减少。接种核盘菌后,野生型拟南芥与蜡质突变体一级醇类显著增加(cer1增加不显著);烷类、次级醇类、酮类含量与蜡质总量均显著减少,表明蜡质前体物质在受到核盘菌胁迫后更多地通过酰基还原途径生成一级醇,从而减少了由脱羰基途径所生成的蜡质组分。核盘菌通过改变表皮蜡质晶体结构与化学组分分泌量来促进侵染。  相似文献   

The suberin contents of the isolated superficial cork layers of Malus pumila stems and root ranged from 15 to 35% of the dry weight. The qualitative composition of the aliphatic monomers obtained after alkaline depolymerization of the extractive-free corks was similar but some quantitative differences were found according to cultivar and age of the cork layer. 1-Alkanols (mainly 22:0, 24:0 and 26:0), alkanoic acids (mainly 22:0 and 24:0), α, ω-alkanedioic acids (mainly 16:0, 18:1 (9) and 18:0) and ω-hydroxyalkanoic acids (mainly 18:1 (9) and 22:0) were major constituents of all the samples examined and together they comprised 40–50% of the total monomeric mixture. The remainder was composed mainly of 9,10-epoxy-18-hydroxy-and 9,10,18-trihydroxyoctadecanoic acids. The corresponding dibasic acids, 9,10-epoxy- and 9,10-dihydroxyoctadecane-1,18-dioic, were minor components as were C16 and C18 dihydroxyalkanoic acids (mainly 10,16-dihydroxyhexadecanoic and 10,18-dihydroxyoctadecanoic acids, respectively). The root suberin dittered from that of the stem in containing larger amounts of 9,10-epoxy- 18-hydroxyoctadecanoic and 18-hydroxyoctadec-9-enoic acids.  相似文献   

The distribution of the pentacylic triterpenoids, β-amyrin acetate and taraxerone, in the glaucous epicuticular wax of Dudleya subgenus Dudleya is correlated with both the geographic distribution and corolla tube length of a particular species. This is significant in a genus with many systematic problems.  相似文献   

A new triterpene acid, rubinic acid, was isolated from the chloroform extract of the leaves of Rubus fruticosus. On the basis of physical methods and chemical degradation experiments, its structure was determined as 7α-hydroxyursonic acid.  相似文献   

A new triterpene acid, rubitic acid was isolated from the alcoholic extract of the whole plant of Rubus fruticosus. On the basis of physical methods coupled with chemical investigations, the structure of rubitic acid was shown to be 7α-hydroxy ursolic acid.  相似文献   

2H-NMR spectra of perdeuterated octadecanoic acid (C18AC) and dotriacontane (C32AN) added to isolated and subsequently recrystallized cuticular wax from barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaves were recorded between 298 and 328 K. They were compared to calorimetric excess heat capacity profiles. The NMR-data revealed the presence of both an isotropic and a rigid wax component at temperatures below 313 K. At temperatures above 318 K all labels are in the fast motion regime indicating a transition in the host matrix of the labels. The presence of the surfactant C6E3 reduced the order of the C18AC-label but did not influence the order of the long chain alkane label (C32AN). Most surprisingly, calorimetry revealed that most thermotropic events take place above the apparent melting observed in NMR. Furthermore, the macroscopic softening and melting of the wax took place in the same temperature regime as in the calorimetric experiments. The excess heat capacity traces were complex and indicated a heterogeneous structural composition of the barley wax. We interpreted the apparent conflict between the NMR and the calorimetric results by assuming a crystalline host matrix, formed by C26-alcohol, the major molecular component of the wax. Within the crystal compartments there may exist an amorphous matrix with some crystalline microdomains of other wax components, including the NMR-labels. The melting of the amorphous environment leads to fast motional narrowing of the NMR spectral line of the microdomains without melting of the macroscopic structure. The measurements of diffusion coefficients (D) of radiolabelled C18AC and C32AN gave additional insight into the microstructure of the way architecture. Identical results in terms of D were obtained when radiolabelled C18AC was added to the wax from either the exterior after recrystallization or when it was recrystallized together with the wax. It is concluded that in both cases the radiolabelled molecule is located in an amorphous wax phase, which forms a percolating path through the wax and is thus also accessible to the surfactant C6E3. In contrast, D of C32AN in barley wax was about 2400 times higher when C32AN was added to recrystallized wax from the exterior compared to wax samples recrystallized together with C32AN. This indicates that in the case of C32AN the alkane is trapped within separate microdomains of the wax during recrystallization and thus it remains essentially immobile, whereas it possesses a high degree of mobility when it is added from the exterior where it has only access to the percolating amorphous wax phase. Received: 1 February 1997 / Accepted: 27 May 1997  相似文献   

We attempted to separate species of the genus Clusia according to the concentration of linear alkanes (C25 and C35), and the presence and diversity of terpenes in epicuticular wax extracts. We collected leaves of 15 Clusia species growing in mountain forests of Panama (Cerro Jefe 1007 m and Altos de Campana 800 m a.s.l.) and from cultivated plants at two lowland sites. Leaf surfaces were washed gently with hexane to extract epicuticular waxes, which were analyzed using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. The predominant alkanes were C29, C31, and C33. In the extract the ratio C31/C29 was ≤1 in 6 of the 15 species analyzed: Clusia multiflora, Clusia peninsulae (Hammel ined.), Clusia stenophylla, Clusia liesneri, Clusia coclensis, and Clusia triflora. The concentrations of C29 and C33 were inversely related, the latter being above 10% in Clusia divaricata, Clusia pratensis, Clusia rosea, Clusia uvitana, and Clusia valerioi. Proportion of triterpenes was less than 5% in the species C. minor, C. pratensis, C. uvitana, C. rosea, Clusia cylindrica, C. divaricata, and C. valerioi. The rest contained squalene, and specific triterpenes such as β-amyrine in C. liesneri, betuline in Clusia osseocarpa, taraxerol in C. stenophylla, and lupeol in C. multiflora. The variety of triterpenes was higher in Clusia liesneri (5) and C. multiflora (3). The results suggest that groups of species can be distinguished within the genus according to the presence of terpenes and ratios of linear alkanes. These groups overlap with those generated by other classifications using morphology and nuclear ribosomal DNA.  相似文献   

R.B.H. Wills 《Phytochemistry》1973,12(11):2607-2608
Gibberellic acid (GA3) that was injected into the core of apples to reduce internal breakdown, was found to accumulate in the cortical tissue during cool storage only to a limited extent and never exceeded 0.5 % of the added dose. Limitations on the commercial use of GA3 would appear to be associated with the low level of incorporation into susceptible tissue.  相似文献   

Previously, a sweet steviol bisglucoside named rubusoside was isolated from leaves of a Chinese Rubus spp. which was tentatively assigned as R. chingii. From leaves of Japanese Rubus chingii (Japanese name Gosho-Ichigo) which are not sweet, five ent-labdane-type diterpene glucosides named goshonosidies F1-5 were isolated instead of rubusoside and their structures were elucidated. The name ‘R. suavissimus’ has been proposed for the Chinese plant.  相似文献   

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