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Unfractionated tRNA, isolated from maize mitochondria, has been specifically labeled at the -CCA end and used to recover a tRNA gene-bearing fragment from a clone bank of maize mitochondrial DNA. This gene has been mapped, sequenced and found to carry the anticodon for histidine. The sequence of the gene and that of bases in its near vicinity are identical to maize chloroplast tRNAHis, although sequences more distant on the fragment are not homologous with cpDNA. The junction of the cpDNA insert has been sequenced.  相似文献   

Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Saxa) chloroplasts contain two tRNAPhe species, namely tRNAPhe1 and tRNAPhe2. By sequence determination, we show that tRNAPhe2 is identical to the previously sequenced tRNAPhe1 except for two undermodified nucleotides. By reversed-phase chromatography analyses, we demonstrate that the relative amounts of these two chloroplast tRNAsPhe vary during leaf development: in etiolated leaves the undermodified tRNAPhe2 only represents 15% of total chloroplast tRNAPhe, during development and greening it increases to reach 60% in 8-day-old leaves, and it then decreases to 9% in senescing leaves.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a 1.1 kbp BamHI fragment of the leek chloroplast DNA (Allium porrum., fam. Liliaceae) has been determined. The fragment contains the 3' part of the tRNAGly (UCC) gene and the tRNAArg (UCU) gene on the same strand, and the 3' end of the atpA gene encoding the CF1 ATPase α-subunit which is located on the opposite strand. The gene arrangement and nucleotide sequence of this fragment are similar to those of the corresponding region in the tobacco chloroplast DNA but differ significantly from what has been observed in other monocotyledonous plants such as wheat and rice, in which the region containing these genes has undergone intensive rearrangement.  相似文献   

We have sequenced all mitochondrial tRNA genes from a patient with chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO) and mitochondrial myopathy, who had no detectable large mtDNA deletions. Direct sequencing failed to detect previously reported mutations and showed a heteroplasmic mutation at nucleotide 12,276 in the tRNA(Leu(CUN)) gene, in the dihydrouridine stem, which is highly conserved through the species during evolution. RFLP analyses confirmed that 18% of muscle mtDNA harbored the mutation, while it was absent from DNA of fibroblasts and lymphocytes of the proband and in 110 patients with other encephalomyopathies. To date, besides large and single nucleotide deletions, several point mutations on mitochondrial tRNA genes have been reported in CPEO patients, but only three were in the gene coding for tRNA(Leu(CUN)).  相似文献   

Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and strokelike episodes (MELAS) syndrome is a mitochondrial disorder characterized by a wide variety of clinical presentations and a multisystemic organ involvement. In this study, we report a Tunisian girl with clinical features of MELAS syndrome who was negative for the common m.3243A>G mutation, but also for the reported mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations and deletions. Screening of the entire mtDNA genome showed several known mitochondrial variants besides to a novel transition m.1640A>G affecting a wobble adenine in the anticodon stem region of the tRNAVal. This nucleotide was conserved and it was absent in 150 controls suggesting its pathogenicity. In addition, no mutations were found in the nuclear polymerase gamma-1 gene (POLG1). These results suggest further investigation nuclear genes encoding proteins responsible for stability and structural components of the mtDNA or to the oxidative phosphorylation machinery to explain the phenotypic variability in the studied family.  相似文献   

We reported previously that the mitochondrial sequence that contains the chloroplast-derived trnH gene has been highly conserved in the region around one terminus of the junction between chloroplast-derived and mitochondrion-specific sequences in most of the gramineous plants analyzed [15]. The results of RT-PCR, northern hybridization, in vitro capping and ribonuclease protection experiments show that the chloroplast-derived trnH gene is transcribed from a putative promoter that is located in the mitochondrion-specific sequence. Gene expression in this region seems to be correlated with the conservation of the sequence at the junction between the chloroplast-derived fragment and the mitochondrion-specific sequence.  相似文献   

As a first step in the study of chloroplast genome variability in the genus Helianthus, a physical restriction map of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) has been constructed using restriction endonucleases BamH I, Hind III, Pst I, Pvu II and Sac. I. Sunflower circular DNA contains an inverted repeat structure with the two copies (23 kbp each) separated by a large (86 kbp) and a small (20 kbp) single copy region. Its total length is therefore about 152 kbp. Sunflower cpDNA is essentially colinear with that of tobacco with the exception of an inversion of a 23.5-kbp segment in the large single copy region. Gene localization on the sunflower cpDNA and comparison of the gene map with that from tobacco chloroplasts have revealed that the endpoints of the inversion are located between the trnT and trnE genes on the one hand, and between the trnG and trnS genes on the other hand.Analysis of BamH I restriction fragment patterns of H. annuus, H. occidentalis ssp. plantagineus, H. grossesseratus, H. decapetalus, H. giganteus, H. maximiliani and H. tuberosus cpDNAs suggests that structural variations are present in the genus Helianthus.  相似文献   

tRNA identity elements determine the correct aminoacylation by the cognate aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. In class II aminoacyl tRNA synthetase systems, tRNA specificity is assured by rather few and simple recognition elements, mostly located in the acceptor stem of the tRNA. Here we present the crystal structure of an Escherichia coli tRNA(Gly) aminoacyl stem microhelix at 2.0 A resolution. The tRNA(Gly) microhelix crystallizes in the space group P3(2)21 with the cell constants a=b=35.35 A, c=130.82 A, gamma=120 degrees . The helical parameters, solvent molecules and a potential magnesium binding site are discussed.  相似文献   

We report here the characterization of a four-generation Han Chinese family with maternally transmitted diabetes mellitus. Six (two males/four females) of eight matrilineal relatives in this family exhibited diabetes. The age of onset in diabetes varies from 15 years to 33 years, with an average of 26 years. Two of affected matrilineal relatives also exhibited hearing impairment. Molecular analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) showed the presence of heteroplasmic tRNA(Lue(UUR)) A3243G mutation, ranging from 35% to 58% of mutations in blood cells of matrilineal relatives. The levels of heteroplasmic A3243G mutation seem to be correlated with the severity and age-at-onset of diabetes in this family. Sequence analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome in this pedigree revealed the presence of the A3243G mutation and 38 other variants belonging to the Eastern Asian haplogroup M7C. However, none of other mtDNA variants are evolutionarily conserved and implicated to have significantly functional consequence. Thus, the A3243G mutation is the sole pathogenic mtDNA mutation associated with diabetes in this Chinese family.  相似文献   

We describe a lethal mitochondrial disease in a 10-month-old child who presented with encephalomyopathy. Histochemical and electron microscopy examinations of skeletal muscle biopsy revealed abnormal mitochondria associated with a combined deficiency of complexes I and IV. After excluding mitochondrial DNA deletions and depletion, direct sequencing was used to screen for mutation in all transfer RNA (tRNA) genes. A T-to-C substitution at position 5693 in the tRNA(Asn) gene was found in blood and muscle. Microdissection of muscle biopsy and its analysis revealed the highest level of this mutation in cytochrome c oxidase (COX)-negative fibres. We suggest that this novel mutation would affect the anticodon loop structure of the tRNA(Asn) and cause a fatal mitochondrial disease.  相似文献   

Summary Two bean mitochondria methionine transfer RNAs, purified by RPC-5 chromatography and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, have been sequenced usingin vitro post-labeling techniques.One of these tRNAsMet has been identified by formylation using anE. coli enzyme as the mitochondrial tRNAF Met. It displays strong structural homologies with prokaryotic and chloroplast tRNAF Met sequences (70.1–83.1%) and with putative initiator tRNAm Met genes described for wheat, maize andOenothera mitochondrial genomes (88.3–89.6%).The other tRNAMet, which is the mitochondrial elongator tRNAF Met, shows a high degree of sequence homology (93.3–96%& with chloroplast tRNAm Met, but a weak homology (40.7%) with a sequenced maize mitochondrial putative elongator tRNAm Met gene.Bean mitochondrial tRNAF Met and tRNAm Met were hybridized to Southern blots of the mitochondrial genomes of wheat and maize, whose maps have been recently published (15, 22), in order to locate the position of their genes.  相似文献   

Overall phylogenetic relationships within the genus Pelargonium (Geraniaceae) were inferred based on DNA sequences from mitochondrial(mt)-encoded nad1 b/c exons and from chloroplast(cp)-encoded trnL (UAA) 5' exon-trnF (GAA) exon regions using two species of Geranium and Sarcocaulon vanderetiae as outgroups. The group II intron between nad1 exons b and c was found to be absent from the Pelargonium, Geranium, and Sarcocaulon sequences presented here as well as from Erodium, which is the first recorded loss of this intron in angiosperms. Separate phylogenetic analyses of the mtDNA and cpDNA data sets produced largely congruent topologies, indicating linkage between mitochondrial and chloroplast genome inheritance. Simultaneous analysis of the combined data sets yielded a well-resolved topology with high clade support exhibiting a basic split into small and large chromosome species, the first group containing two lineages and the latter three. One large chromosome lineage (x = 11) comprises species from sections Myrrhidium and Chorisma and is sister to a lineage comprising P. mutans (x = 11) and species from section Jenkinsonia (x = 9). Sister to these two lineages is a lineage comprising species from sections Ciconium (x = 9) and Subsucculentia (x = 10). Cladistic evaluation of this pattern suggests that x = 11 is the ancestral basic chromosome number for the genus.  相似文献   

The tRNAGly/glycyl-tRNA synthetase (GlyRS) system belongs to the so-called ‘class II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase system’ in which tRNA identity elements are assured by rather few and simple determinants mostly located in the tRNA acceptor stem. Regarding evolutionary aspects, the tRNAGly/GlyRS system is a special case. There exist two different types of GlyRS, namely an archaebacterial/human type and a eubacterial type reflecting an evolutionary divergence within this system.Here we report the crystal structure of a human tRNAGly acceptor stem microhelix at 1.2 Å resolution. The local geometric parameters of the microhelix and the water network surrounding the RNA are presented. The structure complements the previously published Escherichia coli tRNAGly aminoacyl stem structure.  相似文献   

Genes of human mitochondrial tRNALeu(UUR) (mtRNALeu(UUR)) and its mutant (mtRNALeu(M)) were synthesized and inserted into the plasmid pGEM-9Zf(-) respectively.E.coli JM 109 was transformed by the recombinant plasmids containing the target genes. The mtRNALeu(UUR) and mtRNALeu(M) were expressed up to 19.10% and 17.76% of total small RNA respectively. They were purified to 54% homogeneity by DEAE-sepharose-CL4B column chromatography and finally repurified by 15% PAGE/urea. Their kinetic parameters forE.coli LeuRS were measured. The results showed that the value of kcal/ Km of mtRNALeu(M) was about one fifth of that of mtRNALeu(UUR) and indicated the leucine acceptability of mtRNALeu(M) was much lower than that of mtRNALeu(UUR).  相似文献   

The percentage of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) present in total DNA isolated from pea tissues was determined using labeled mtDNA in reassociation kinetics reactions. Embryos contained the highest level of mtDNA, equal to 1.5% of total DNA. This value decreased in light- and dark-grown shoots and leaves, and roots. The lowest value found was in dark-grown shoots; their total DNA contained only 0.3% mtDNA. This may be a reflection of increased nuclear ploidy levels without concomitant mtDNA synthesis. It was possible to compare the mtDNA values directly with previous estimates of the amount of chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) per cell because the same preparations of total DNA were used for both analyses. The embryo contained 1.5% of both mtDNA and ctDNA; this equals 410 copies of mtDNA and 1200 copies of ctDNA per diploid cell. Whereas mtDNA levels decreased to 260 copies in leaf cells of pea, the number of copies of ctDNA increased to 10300. In addition, the levels of ctDNA in first leaves of dark-grown and light-transferred pea were determined, and it was found that leaves of plants maintained in the dark had the same percentage of ctDNA as those transferred to the light.Abbreviations ctDNA chloroplast DNA - mtDNA mitochondrial DNA  相似文献   

A tRNAPhe derivative carrying ethidium at position 37 in the anticodon loop has been used to study the effect of spermine on conformational transitions of the tRNA. As previously reported (Ehrenberg, M., Rigler, R. and Wintermeyer, W. (1979) Biochemistry 18, 4588–4599) in the tRNA derivative the ethidium is present in three states (T1–T3) characterized by different fluorescence decay rates. T-jump experiments show two transitions between the states, a fast one (relaxation time 10–100 ms) between T1 and T2, and a slow one (100–1000 ms) between T2 and T3. In the presence of spermine the fast transition shows a negative temperature coefficient indicating the existence of a preequilibrium with a negative reaction enthalpy. Spermine shifts the distribution of states towards T3, as does Mg2+, but the final ratio obtained with spermine is higher than with Mg2+, which we tentatively interpret to mean that spermine stabilizes one particular conformation of the anticodon loop.  相似文献   

The initiator methionine transfer RNA (tRNAf Met) gene was identified on a 347 bpEco RI-Hind III DNA fragment of the potato mitochondrial (mt) genome. The sequence of this gene shows 1 to 7 nucleotide differences with the other plant mt tRNAsf Met or tRNAf Met genes studied so far. Whereas the tRNAf Met gene is present as a single copy in the potato mt genome, a tRNA pseudogene corresponding to 60% of a complete tRNA (from the 5 end to the variable region) and located at 105 nucleotides upstream of the tRNAf Met gene on the opposite strand was shown to be repeated at least three times. Furthermore, the physical environment of the tRNAf Met gene in the mt genome is very different among plants, which suggests that the tRNAf Met gene region has often been implicated in recombination events of plant mt genomes leading to important rearrangements in gene order.  相似文献   

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