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It is well established in many mammalian species, including the horse that normal testicular function is dependent upon a functional hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular (HPT) axis, which involves classic feedback mechanisms. The major HPT hormones involved in the stallion are gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone (T), estrogens (Es) and inhibin (INH). Although prolactin (PRL) fluctuates with season in the stallion and both PRL and thyroid hormone (TH) affect reproduction in other male species, their effects on stallion reproduction have not been elucidated. Growth hormone (GH) in the stallion may be involved in sperm motility, production and secretion of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and LH-induced testosterone release. The action of these hormones and the products involved for normal spermatogenesis require cell to cell communication within the testis. The somatic cell types, Leydig, Sertoli and peritubular myoid cells, all support germ cell development, maturation and release into the seminiferous tubule lumen. The cell to cell crosstalk involves an intricate network of paracrine-autocrine systems that support the endocrine input to modulate cell function. In other male species, researchers have demonstrated the reproductive effects of such paracrine-autocrine factors as IGF-1, transferrin, androgens, estrogens, inhibin, insulin like peptide 3 (INSL3), beta-endorphin and oxytocin. The specific nature and relative contribution of these various factors on testicular function in fertile and subfertile stallions are under investigation. This review summarizes current information regarding the nature of the multiple endocrine-paracrine-autocrine systems that may be necessary for normal testicular function in the stallion.  相似文献   

Over the last couple of generations, we have been exposed to an increasing number of endocrine disrupters in our environment, including dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), PCB, certain pesticides, the phthalate DBP, synthetic steroids in meat and many other agents (table 1), which act as agonists or antagonists of sex steroids. Although biologists working with wildlife have been concerned about the possible effects of these chemical agents on animal reproduction, it appears that clinicians have been less concerned about possible health effects in humans. However, the increasing incidence of hormone-dependent cancers, including cancer of the breast, prostate and testis, and signs of an increasing incidence of male reproductive health problems should alert us to the possible association between exposure to endocrine disrupters and the current high frequency of reproductive problems. In Denmark, for example, 5% of all children are now born after assisted reproduction (intracytoplasmic sperm injection, in vitro fertilization, donor insemination and intrauterine insemination) and 1% of all (mostly young) men develop testicular cancer. Evidence exists to support the concept that hypospadias, undescended testis, poor semen quality and testicular cancer are symptoms of an underlying testicular dysgenesis syndrome, which may be becoming increasingly common due to adverse environmental effects. Experimental and epidemiological evidence suggests that testicular dysgenesis syndrome is a result of disruption of foetal programming and gonadal development during foetal life.  相似文献   

Bull calves for fattening are often castrated during the first weeks of life. Because androgens stimulate growth, there is an interest in males that are infertile but exposed to endogenous testicular steroids. Such a situation occurs in cryptorchids and has been imitated by shortening the scrotum to an extent that the testes are located in a near-inguinal position. In this study, effects of partial scrotal resection (SR) and Burdizzo castration (BZ) on endocrine testicular function, testes histology and on weight at slaughter were studied and compared to orchidectomized (OR) and gonad-intact calves (CO; n = 10 per group; age at castration, 54 ± 3 days; fattening period, 474 ± 11 days). Plasma testosterone concentrations were determined repeatedly, and testes were collected for histopathology at slaughter. We hypothesized that SR inhibits spermatogenesis without loss of testicular steroidogenesis. Group SR animals gained more weight than groups OR and BZ (P < 0.01). Plasma testosterone concentration increased in groups SR and CO (P < 0.01 vs. BZ and OR). Histologically, in all SR animals, testicular and epididymal tissue was identified with a seminiferous epithelium of up to three-cell layers in two animals. Germ cells including elongated spermatids were present in three animals. Shortening of the scrotum thus induced varying degrees of testicular degeneration but 3/10 animals had to be suspected as fertile. In one BZ animal, spermatids were identified whereas in the remaining BZ animals, testes and epididymides consisted of sclerotic fibrous tissue. Partial SR thus induced a cryptorchid-like status but fertility in individual animals must be assumed.  相似文献   

The spermatozoon is a highly specified cell that has the abilities of active motility and fertilization of the ovum. Damage to the sperm plasma membrane results in the irreversible loss of its functions. Because of the high content of unsaturated fatty acids in the plasma membrane, mammalian sperm are sensitive to oxidative stress. While mild peroxidation appears to promote capacitation of the sperm cell, excessive peroxidation will damage the plasma membrane and results in loss of motility and fertility. The functional integrity of the sperm plasma membrane can be determined by functional tests (determination of motility, resistance against hypoosmotic media) or different staining methods. Today, fluorescent dyes that allow the evaluation of membrane-intact cells are preferred. Computer-assisted evaluation or the use of flow cytometry has improved the precision of these methods. The use of cooled-shipped semen has become a routine method in the equine industry and semen stored at 5 degrees C for about 24 h maintains fertility close to that of fresh semen. According to the suitability of their ejaculates for cooled-storage, stallions may be classified as "good coolers" or "poor coolers". Semen processing involves a number of factors that may damage the sperm plasma membrane. This includes addition of semen extender, centrifugation, cooling and storage at a temperature of 4-6 degrees C. Extender media and their ingredients protect the sperm plasma membrane against environmental influences, but unsuitable composition of the extender can also promote membrane damage. Recent advantages in extender composition are based on the substitution of undefined factors such as milk or egg yolk by more defined and stable components.  相似文献   

Endocrine studies of 4 anencephalic infants were carried out. No hypothalamic or hypophyseal structures could be found in any of them macroscopically, but we cannot say that there were no functioning pituitary cells which might have been seen microscopically. A combined LH-RH and TRH test was performed in the 6th h of life, followed by an intravenous glucose tolerance test 1 h later. Our data suggest that: (1) adenohypophyseal tissue, present in anencephaly even in the absence of a hypothalamus, is able to synthesize PRL and TSH autonomously and, under specific stimulation, PRL, TSH, and ACTH can be released while FSH and LH-HCG are not, hGH secretion is doubtful; (2) the circulating hGH and TSH surges that normally occur after delivery are hypothalamus-dependent and do not occur in anencephalics; (3) the thyroid and adrenals are able to synthesize hormones when specifically stimulated, even in the absence of the hypothalamus, and (4) beta-pancreatic function is not markedly impaired in anencephaly.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to clarify the effect of anabolic steroids on the testicular endocrine function of mature stallions. Mature thoroughbred stallions were treated with 800 mg nandrolone decanoate every 3 weeks for 3 months. After the first treatment, plasma concentrations of LH, immunoreactive inhibin and testosterone decreased rapidly to the nadir. These hormones were maintained at significantly lower concentrations compared with concentrations in intact stallions. Histology of the testicular tissue indicated the arrest of advanced spermatogenesis in the seminiferous tubules and a severe depletion of the number of Leydig cells in the interstitial compartment as a result of treatment. Most of the immunopositive cells for the inhibin alpha-subunit and steroidogenesis enzymes in the interstitial compartment decreased below detectable amounts, whereas immunopositive reactions of inhibin alpha-subunit in the seminiferous tubules were clearly observed. In conclusion, the treatment of mature stallions with nandrolone decanoate caused a decrease in the secretion of ir-inhibin and testosterone from the testis, the depletion of the number of Leydig cells and a decrease below detectable amounts of inhibin alpha-subunit and steroidogenesis enzymes. The concentration of ir-inhibin in the peripheral blood may be a useful marker for the examination of testicular activity in stallions being treated with anabolic steroids.  相似文献   

In general, fertility in breeding stallions is lower and more variable than in the other farm animal species, primarily because selection is based on pedigree, looks and/or athletic performance, with little consideration of fertility or fertility potential. Moreover, because the average stallion breeds only a limited number of mares per year and in-field fertility is influenced significantly by non-stallion factors such as management and mare fertility, meaningful fertility data are hard to come-by. Unfortunately, generating usable figures would involve impractically high costs, time and numbers of mares. Instead, a breeding soundness examination (BSE), based on assessments of sperm number, motility and morphological normality and of mating ability, is often carried out with the ostensible aim of identifying animals with the "potential for good fertility". In fact, the BSE generally succeeds only in ruling out those stallions with a very clear reason for sub-fertility, and still fails to identify some seriously sub-fertile animals. Thus, the routine BSE has very limited use as a predictor of subsequent fertility. This paper reviews assays developed for identifying capacitated, acrosome-reacted and DNA-damaged sperm, and assesses their utility for improving our ability to predict a stallion's fertility prior to the onset of his breeding career.  相似文献   

To gain further information on gonadal function of the stallion, concentrations of testicular steroids in blood plasma (bpl) and seminal plasma (spl) and their distribution in the ejaculate were determined. Blood and semen samples from a total of 11 stallions were collected from November to July. Estrone (E1), estrone sulfate (E1S), estradiol-17beta (E2beta) and testosterone (T) were determined in bpl and spl, and in addition androstenedione (A), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (5alpha-DHT) were measured in spl. At certain points of time, aliquots of an ejaculate were centrifuged, washed and the distribution of E1, E1S, E2beta and T into seminal plasma and the sperm fraction was assessed. Hormone assay was by RIA, partly after prior separation by HPLC. Mean concentrations (X(g) x DF) were as follows: E2beta (bpl) 31.1 (1.16), (spl) 24.2 (1.42) pg ml(-1); E1 (bpl) 143.3 (1.21), (spl) 117.7 (1.53) pg ml(-1); E1S (bpl) 157.3 (1.44), (spl) 2.92 (1.42) ng ml(-1); T (bpl) 570.6 (1.43), (spl) 23.1 (1.68) pg ml(-1); A (spl) 17.9 (1.39) pg ml(-1); DHEH (spl) 12.4 (1.51) pg ml(-1); 5alpha-DHT (spl) 9.7 (1.29) pg ml(-1). Except for E2beta and A in seminal plasma, a seasonal pattern was established for all other steroids with lowest mean values occurring from November to April. From the semen parameters determined, only motility was correlated to season. There was a higher correlation among oestrogen in blp than in spl and the only correlation identified between oestrogenic and androgenic steroids was between T and E2beta in blp. In spl, T was correlated with A and 5alpha-DHT. T was the dominant free steroid in bpl while it was E1 in spl; T and E1S concentrations were about 23- and 54-fold lower in spl compared to bpl with E1S, however, showing the highest absolute values in both fluids. In the fractionated ejaculate an association of free oestrogens, particularly E2beta, with spermatozoa was observed.  相似文献   

Structural basis for the actin-binding function of missing-in-metastasis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The adaptor protein missing-in-metastasis (MIM) contains independent F- and G-actin binding domains, consisting, respectively, of an N-terminal 250 aa IRSp53/MIM homology domain (IMD) and a C-terminal WASP-homology domain 2 (WH2). We determined the crystal structures of MIM's IMD and that of its WH2 bound to actin. The IMD forms a dimer, with each subunit folded as an antiparallel three-helix bundle. This fold is related to that of the BAR domain. Like the BAR domain, the IMD has been implicated in membrane binding. Yet, comparison of the structures reveals that the membrane binding surfaces of the two domains have opposite curvatures, which may determine the type of curvature of the interacting membrane. The WH2 of MIM is longer than the prototypical WH2, interacting with all four subdomains of actin. We characterize a similar WH2 at the C terminus of IRSp53 and propose that in these two proteins WH2 performs a scaffolding function.  相似文献   

DEAH helicases participate in pre‐messenger RNA splicing and ribosome biogenesis. The structure of yeast Prp43p‐ADP reveals the homology of DEAH helicases to DNA helicases and the presence of an oligonucleotide‐binding motif. A β‐hairpin from the second RecA domain is wedged between two carboxy‐terminal domains and blocks access to the occluded RNA binding site formed by the RecA domains and a C‐terminal domain. ATP binding and hydrolysis are likely to induce conformational changes in the hairpin that are important for RNA unwinding or ribonucleoprotein remodelling. The structure of Prp43p provides the framework for functional and genetic analysis of all DEAH helicases.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of sensory rhodopsin II from Natronobacterium pharaonis was recently solved at 2.1 A resolution from lipidic cubic phase-grown crystals. A critical analysis of previous structure-function studies is possible within the framework of the high-resolution structure of this photoreceptor. Based on the structure, a molecular understanding emerges of the efficiency and selectivity of the photoisomerization reaction, of the interaction of the sensory receptor and its cognate transducer protein HtrII, and of the mechanism of spectral tuning in photoreceptors. The architecture of the retinal binding pocket is compact, representing a major determinant for the selective binding of the chromophore, all-trans retinal to the apoprotein, opsin. Several chromophore-protein interactions revealed by the structure were not predicted by previous mutagenesis and spectroscopic analyses. The structure suggests likely mechanisms by which photoisomerization triggers the activation of sensory rhodopsin II, and highlights the possibility of a unified mechanism of signaling mediated by sensory receptors, including visual rhodopsins. Future investigations using time-resolved crystallography, structural dynamics, and computational studies will provide the basis to unveil the molecular mechanisms of sensory receptors-mediated transmembrane signaling.  相似文献   

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