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The vertebrate mitochondrial genome is highly conserved in size and gene content. Among the chordates there appears to be one basic gene arrangement, but rearrangements in the mitochondrial gene order of the avian lineages have indicated that the mitochondrial genome may be more variable than once thought. Different gene orders in marsupials and eutherian mammals leave the ancestral mammalian order in some doubt. We have investigated the mitochondrial gene order in the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus), a representative of the third major group of mammals, to determine which mitochondrial gene arrangement is ancestral in mammals. We have found that the platypus mtDNA conforms to the basic chordate gene arrangement, common to fish, amphibians, and eutherian mammals, indicating that this arrangement was the original mammalian arrangement, and that the unusual rearrangements observed in the avians and marsupials are probably lineage-specific. Correspondence to: N.J. Gemmell  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genomes of spermatophytes are the largest of all organellar genomes. Their large size has been attributed to various factors; however, the relative contribution of these factors to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) expansion remains undetermined. We estimated their relative contribution in Malus domestica (apple). The mitochondrial genome of apple has a size of 396 947 bp and a one to nine ratio of coding to non-coding DNA, close to the corresponding average values for angiosperms. We determined that 71.5% of the apple mtDNA sequence was highly similar to sequences of its nuclear DNA. Using nuclear gene exons, nuclear transposable elements and chloroplast DNA as markers of promiscuous DNA content in mtDNA, we estimated that approximately 20% of the apple mtDNA consisted of DNA sequences imported from other cell compartments, mostly from the nucleus. Similar marker-based estimates of promiscuous DNA content in the mitochondrial genomes of other species ranged between 21.2 and 25.3% of the total mtDNA length for grape, between 23.1 and 38.6% for rice, and between 47.1 and 78.4% for maize. All these estimates are conservative, because they underestimate the import of non-functional DNA. We propose that the import of promiscuous DNA is a core mechanism for mtDNA size expansion in seed plants. In apple, maize and grape this mechanism contributed far more to genome expansion than did homologous recombination. In rice the estimated contribution of both mechanisms was found to be similar.  相似文献   

The currently available yeast mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence is incomplete, contains many errors and is derived from several polymorphic strains. Here, we report that the mtDNA sequence of the strain used for nuclear genome sequencing assembles into a circular map of 85 779 bp which includes 10 kb of new sequence. We give a list of seven small hypothetical open reading frames (ORFs). Hot spots of point mutations are found in exons near the insertion sites of optional mobile group I intron-related sequences. Our data suggest that shuffling of mobile elements plays an important role in the remodelling of the yeast mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   

Probes were cloned, characterized, and developed for all regions of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis to provide the basis for the study of genetic diversity of South American atherinopsinii and to enable species identification from small amounts of tissue. The mtDNA was extracted from liver and cleaved with Eco RI, producing four fragments (7.4, 3.4, 3.1 and 2.9 kb) which were cloned using pUC118 plasmid vectors. Sequence analysis from both ends of the fragments showed that they encode tRNA (Asp, Phe, and Ser-TGA), 12 S rRNA, cytochrome oxidase (CO) II, NADH 4, 5, and 6, and the D-loop, and that the relative positions of these genes are identical to those in the mtDNA of other teleosts. A comparison of homology with carp mtDNA nucleotide sequences revealed that tRNA (Phe and Ser-TGA) and CO II were relatively conserved, whereas the D-loop region was highly divergent. The cloned mtDNA probes detected mtDNA fragments from about 800 ng of total DNA extracted from liver, muscle, and single embryos of O. bonariensis , and were effective for restriction length fragment polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of Patagonina hatcheri , the most distant atherinopsine relative of pejerrey. The cloned mtDNA probes may be useful for the analysis of genetic diversity and non-destructive species identification, including the examination of eggs, larvae and juveniles. The mtDNA sequences reported here provide the basis for the design of primers for PCR-based RFLP analysis.  相似文献   

Summary We report that the mitochondrial genome of Chlamydomonas moewusii has a 22 kb circular map and thus contrasts with the mitochondrial genome of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, which is linear and about 6 kb shorter. Overlapping restriction fragments spanning over 90% of the C. moewusii mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were identified in a clone bank constructed using a Sau3AI partial digest of a C. moewusii DNA fraction enriched for mtDNA by preparative CsCI density gradient centrifugation. Overlapping Sau3AI clones were identified by a chromosome walk initiated with a clone of C. moewusii mtDNA. The mtDNA map was completed by Southern blot analysis of the C. moewusii mtDNA fraction using isolated mtDNA clones. Regions that hybridized to C. reinhardtii or wheat mitochondrial gene probes for subunit I of cytochrome oxidase (cox1), apocytochrome b (cob), three subunits of NADH dehydrogenase (nadl, nad2 and nad5) and the small and the large ribosomal RNAs (rrnS and rrnL, respectively) were localized on the C. moewusii mtDNA map by Southern blot analysis. The results show that the order of genes in the mitochondrial genome of C. moewusii is completely rearranged relative to that of C. reinhardtii.  相似文献   

var1 Gene on the mitochondrial genome of Torulopsis glabrata   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We have cloned and sequenced a region of the Torulopsis glabrata mitochondrial genome homologous to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae var1 gene (var1Sc). An open reading frame that could encode a protein of 339 amino acids was found with 72.7% amino acid and 85.3% nucleotide sequence homology to the S. cerevisiae var1 gene. The T. glabrata gene (var1Tg) is transcribed yielding two stable RNAs, a more abundant 13.5 S RNA and a less abundant 18 S species. We have also identified a candidate for a T. glabrata var1 protein among mitochondrial translation products labeled in isolated mitochondria. The var1Tg gene is even more A + T-rich (93%) than var1Sc (89.6%) and has conserved the strong codon bias of var1Sc. Major differences between the two sequences were found. Significant among these are that no GC clusters are found in var1Tg and the sequences surrounding each of the sites where known polymorphisms exist in var1Sc have deletions at the corresponding sites in var1Tg. These data are discussed with respect to possible origins of these var1 genes and translocation of GC clusters in S. cerevisiae mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   

Analysis of complete mitochondrial genome sequences is becoming increasingly common in genetic studies. The availability of full genome datasets enables an analysis of the information content distributed throughout the mitochondrial genome in order to optimize the research design of future evolutionary studies. The goal of our study was to identify informative regions of the human mitochondrial genome using two criteria: (1) accurate reconstruction of a phylogeny and (2) consistent estimates of time to most recent common ancestor (TMRCA). We created two series of datasets by deleting individual genes of varied length and by deleting 10 equal-size fragments throughout the coding region. Phylogenies were statistically compared to the full-coding-region tree, while coalescent methods were used to estimate the TMRCA and associated credible intervals. Individual fragments important for maintaining a phylogeny similar to the full-coding-region tree encompassed bp 577-2122 and 11,399-16,023, including all or part of 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, ND4, ND5, ND6, and cytb. The control region only tree was the most poorly resolved with the majority of the tree manifest as an unresolved polytomy. Coalescent estimates of TMRCA were less sensitive to removal of any particular fragment(s) than reconstruction of a consistent phylogeny. Overall, we discovered that half the genome, i.e., bp 3669-11,398, could be removed with no significant change in the phylogeny (p(AU)=0.077) while still maintaining overlap of TMRCA 95% credible intervals. Thus, sequencing a contiguous fragment from bp 11,399 through the control region to bp 3668 would create a dataset that optimizes the information necessary for phylogenetic and coalescent analyses and also takes advantage of the wealth of data already available on the control region.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial genome of Neurospora crassa has been less studied than its nuclear counterpart, yet it holds great potential for understanding the diversity and evolution of this important fungus. Here we describe a new mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) complete sequence of a N. crassa wild type strain. The genome with 64 839 bp revealed 21 protein-coding genes and several hypothetical open reading frames with no significant homology to any described gene. Five large repetitive regions were identified across the genome, including partial or complete genes. The largest repeated region holds a partial nd2 section that was also detected in Neurospora intermedia, suggesting a rearrangement that occurred before the N. crassa speciation. Interestingly, N. crassa has a palindrome adjacent to the partial nd2 repeated region possibly related to the genomic rearrangement, which is absent in N. intermedia. Finally, we compared the sequences of the three available N. crassa complete mtDNAs and found low levels of intraspecific variability. Most differences among strains were due to small indels in noncoding regions. The revisiting of the N. crassa mtDNA forms the basis for future studies on mitochondrial genome organization and variability.  相似文献   

This study determined the effects of contact with DEET on guinea pig skin on mortality, probing time, blood feeding rate, engorgement time, and fecundity responses in female Anopheles quadrimaculatus Say. Exposure, in this manner, to 10% DEET (in ethanol) for 5 min, resulted in 98% mortality in mosquitoes after 24h. The median probing time (PT(50)) required by females, when exposed to 0.1%, 1.0%, and 10% DEET, was significantly (P<0.0001) longer (12.5, 12.1, and 19.1s, respectively) than the 6.8s required by females to probe ethanol-treated skin (control). Similarly, mean blood feeding rates in populations of females exposed to 1.0% DEET for < or = 5 min (14.4%) was 6x lower (P<0.001) (85.5%) than in females exposed to ethanol-treated skin, whereas the mean engorgement time on skin treated with 1.0% DEET (66.3s) was significantly shorter (P<0.0001) than for females feeding on the control guinea pigs (105.9s). The mean number of mature o?cytes per female (fecundity) in treatment (1.0% DEET) and control mosquitoes was not significantly different. The responses to DEET observed in this study suggest that repeated exposure of female A. quadrimaculatus populations to this repellent, in laboratory bioassays, could result in confounding of toxicant and repellent effects and inaccurate estimates of DEET repellency.  相似文献   

In this study, the full mitochondrial genome of a basidiomycete fungus, Pleurotus ostreatus, was sequenced and analyzed. It is a circular DNA molecule of 73 242 bp and contains 44 known genes encoding 18 proteins and 26 RNA genes. The protein-coding genes include 14 common mitochondrial genes, one ribosomal small subunit protein 3 gene, one RNA polymerase gene and two DNA polymerase genes. In addition, one RNA and one DNA polymerase genes were identified in a mitochondrial plasmid. These two genes show relatively low similarities to their homologs in the mitochondrial genome but they are nearly identical to the known mitochondrial plasmid genes from another Pleurotus ostreatus strain. This suggests that the plasmid may mediate the horizontal gene transfer of the DNA and RNA polymerase genes into mitochondrial genome, and such a transfer may be an ancient event. Phylogenetic analysis based on the cox1 ORFs verified the traditional classification of Pleurotus ostreatus among fungi. However, the discordances were observed in the phylogenetic trees based on the six cox1 intronic ORFs of Pleurotus ostreatus and their homologs in other species, suggesting that these intronic ORFs are foreign DNA sequences obtained through HGT. In summary, this analysis provides valuable information towards the understanding of the evolution of fungal mtDNA.  相似文献   

Zhe Chen  Fan Zhang  Hong Xu 《遗传学报》2019,46(4):201-212
Mutations that disrupt the mitochondrial genome cause a number of human diseases whose phenotypic presentation varies widely among tissues and individuals. This variability owes in part to the unconventional genetics of mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA), which includes polyploidy, maternal inheritance and dependence on nuclear-encoded factors. The recent development of genetic tools for manipulating mitochondrial genome in Drosophila melanogaster renders this powerful model organism an attractive alternative to mammalian systems for understanding mtDNA-related diseases. In this review, we summarize mtDNA genetics and human mtDNA-related diseases. We highlight existing Drosophila models of mtDNA mutations and discuss their potential use in advancing our knowledge of mitochondrial biology and in modeling human mitochondrial disorders. We also discuss the potential and present challenges of gene therapy for the future treatment of mtDNA diseases.  相似文献   

This paper reports the first successful gnotobiotic rearing of the mosquito Anopheles quadrimaculatus, a major vector of Dirofilaria immitis, the etiologic agent of canine heartworm disease in the United States. Mosquito eggs were sterilized in Zephiran, and emerging larvae were transferred to flat-sided rearing flasks which contained a sterile easily prepared formulation of commercial dietary products. Maturing pupae were withdrawn in a syringe and were injected with a small amount of water into the gnotobiotic arthropod module (GAM), a sterile Lucite capsule which allows sugar feeding at one end and blood feeding through a heated artificial membrane at the other end. The GAM provided a convenient sterilizable unit to support 12–15 gnotobiotic mosquitoes for a variety of experimental purposes.  相似文献   

Surveys of Anopheles mosquitoes were conducted in urban, rural, and natural areas of Tajikistan to obtain updated information on their distributions, especially in southern districts of the country where malaria is a prevalent disease. Nine species of Anopheles are found in Tajikistan. Anopheles superpictus, An. claviger, An. hyrcanus, and An. pulcherrimus are the most widespread and abundant species. Investigations in northern Tajikistan confirmed the presence of An. artemievi and the absence of An. martinius, both members of the An. maculipennis complex of malaria vectors. Anopheles barianensis, An. lindesayi, and An. marteri sogdianus, species previously recorded in the country, were not encountered during our surveys. The history of Anopheles and malaria research in Tajikistan is reviewed and bionomical and distributional information is provided for each of the nine species.  相似文献   

We describe a repetitive DNA region at the 3 end of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region and compare it in 21 carnivore species representing eight carnivore families. The sequence and organization of the repetitive motifs can differ extensively between arrays; however, all motifs appear to be derived from the core motif ACGT. Sequence data and Southern blot analysis demonstrate extensive heteroplasmy. The general form of the array is similar between heteroplasmic variants within an individual and between individuals within a species (varying primarily in the length of the array, though two clones from the northern elephant seal are exceptional). Within certain families, notably ursids, the array structure is also similar between species. Similarity between species was not apparent in other carnivore families, such as the mustelids, suggesting rapid changes in the organization and sequence of some arrays. The pattern of change seen within and between species suggests that a dominant mechanism involved in the evolution of these arrays is DNA slippage. A comparative analysis shows that the motifs that are being reiterated or deleted vary within and between arrays, suggesting a varying rate of DNA turnover. We discuss the evolutionary implications of the observed patterns of variation and extreme levels of heteroplasmy.By acceptance of this article, the publisher acknowledges the right of the US Government to retain non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering the article. Correspondence to: A.R. Hoetzel  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2022,82(19):3646-3660.e9
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This review focuses on mitochondrial biology in mammalian development; specifically, the dynamics of information transfer from nucleus to mitochondrion in the regulation of mitochondrial DNA genomic expression, and the reverse signaling of mitochondrion to nucleus as an adaptive response to the environment. Data from recent studies suggest that the capacity of embryonic cells to react to oxygenation involves a tradeoff between factors that influence prenatal growth/development and postnatal growth/function. For example, mitochondrial DNA replication and metabolic set points in nematodes may be determined by mitochondrial activity early in life. The mitochondrial drug PK11195, a ligand of the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor, has antiteratogenic and antidisease action in several developmental contexts in mice. Protein malnutrition during early life in rats can program mitochondrial DNA levels in adult tissues and, in humans, epidemiological data suggest an association between impaired fetal growth and insulin resistance. Taken together, these findings raise the provocative hypothesis that environmental programming of mitochondrial status during early life may be linked with diseases that manifest during adulthood. Genetic defects that affect mitochondrial function may involve the mitochondrial DNA genome directly (maternal inheritance) or indirectly (Mendelian inheritance) through nuclear-coded mitochondrial proteins. In a growing number of cases, the depletion of, or deletion in, mitochondrial DNA is seen to be secondary to mutation of key nuclear-coded mitochondrial proteins that affect mitochondrial DNA replication, expression, or stability. These defects of intergenomic regulation may disrupt the normal cross-talk or structural compartmentation of signals that ultimately regulate mitochondrial DNA integrity and copy number, leading to depletion of mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify novel mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid (mtDNA) mutations in a series of patients with clinical and/or morphological features of mitochondrial dysfunction, but still no genetic diagnosis. A heterogeneous group of clinical disorders is caused by mutations in mtDNA that damage respiratory chain function of cell energy production. We developed a method to systematically screen the entire mitochondrial genome. The sequence-data were obtained with a rapid automated system. In the six mitochondrial genomes analysed we found 20 variants of the revised Cambridge reference sequence [Nat. Genet. 23 (1999) 147]. In skeletal muscle nineteen novel mtDNA variants were homoplasmic, suggesting secondary pathogenicity or co-responsibility in determination of the disease. In one patient we identified a novel heteroplasmic mtDNA mutation which presumably has a pathogenic role. This screening is therefore useful to extend the mtDNA polymorphism database and should facilitate definition of disease-related mutations in human mtDNA.  相似文献   

Within an individual, mitochondria must function in a range of tissue specific environments that are largely governed by expression of a particular suite of nuclear genes. Furthermore, mitochondrial proteins form large complexes with nuclear-encoded proteins to form the electron-transport system. These dynamics between mitochondrial and nuclear genomes have important implications in studies of within and among species genetic variation, and interpretation of disease phenotypes. Experimentally disrupting naturally occurring combinations of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes should provide insights into the coevolutionary dynamics among genomes.  相似文献   

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