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Gallium arsenide (GaAs) photovoltaic (PV) cells have been widely investigated due to their merits such as thin‐film feasibility, flexibility, and high efficiency. To further increase their performance, a wider bandgap PV structure such as indium gallium phosphide (InGaP) has been integrated in two‐terminal (2T) tandem configuration. However, it increases the overall fabrication cost, complicated tunnel‐junction diode connecting subcells are inevitable, and materials are limited by lattice matching. Here, high‐efficiency and stable wide‐bandgap perovskite PVs having comparable bandgap to InGaP (1.8–1.9 eV) are developed, which can be stable low‐cost add‐on layers to further enhance the performance of GaAs PVs as tandem configurations by showing an efficiency improvement from 21.68% to 24.27% (2T configuration) and 25.19% (4T configuration). This approach is also feasible for thin‐film GaAs PV, essential to reduce its fabrication cost for commercialization, with performance increasing from 21.85% to 24.32% and superior flexibility (1000 times bending) in a tandem configuration. Additionally, potential routes to over 30% stable perovskite/GaAs tandems, comparable to InGaP/GaAs with lower cost, are considered. This work can be an initial step to reach the objective of improving the usability of GaAs PV technology with enhanced performance for applications for which lightness and flexibility are crucial, without a significant additional cost increase.  相似文献   

Recently, the stability of organic–inorganic perovskite thin films under thermal, photo, and moisture stresses has become a major concern for further commercialization due to the high volatility of the organic cations in the prototype perovskite composition (CH3NH3PbI3). All inorganic cesium (Cs) based perovskite is an alternative to avoid the release or decomposition of organic cations. Moreover, substituting Pb with Sn in the organic–inorganic lead halide perovskites has been demonstrated to narrow the bandgap to 1.2–1.4 eV for high‐performance perovskite solar cells. In this work, a series of CsPb1?xSnxIBr2 perovskite alloys via one‐step antisolvent method is demonstrated. These perovskite films present tunable bandgaps from 2.04 to 1.64 eV. Consequently, the CsPb0.75Sn0.25IBr2 with homogeneous and densely crystallized morphology shows a remarkable power conversion efficiency of 11.53% and a high Voc of 1.21 V with a much improved phase stability and illumination stability. This work provides a possibility for designing and synthesizing novel inorganic halide perovskites as the next generation of photovoltaic materials.  相似文献   

The unsatisfactory performance of low‐bandgap mixed tin (Sn)–lead (Pb) halide perovskite subcells has been one of the major obstacles hindering the progress of the power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) of all‐perovskite tandem solar cells. By analyzing dark‐current density and distribution, it is identified that charge recombination at grain boundaries is a key factor limiting the performance of low‐bandgap mixed Sn–Pb halide perovskite subcells. It is further found that bromine (Br) incorporation can effectively passivate grain boundaries and lower the dark current density by two–three orders of magnitude. By optimizing the Br concentration, low‐bandgap (1.272 eV) mixed Sn–Pb halide perovskite solar cells are fabricated with open‐circuit voltage deficits as low as 0.384 V and fill factors as high as 75%. The best‐performing device demonstrates a PCE of >19%. The results suggest an important direction for improving the performance of low‐bandgap mixed Sn–Pb halide perovskite solar cells.  相似文献   

In this work, the authors realize stable and highly efficient wide‐bandgap perovskite solar cells that promise high power conversion efficiencies (PCE) and are likely to play a key role in next generation multi‐junction photovoltaics (PV). This work reports on wide‐bandgap (≈1.72 eV) perovskite solar cells exhibiting stable PCEs of up to 19.4% and a remarkably high open‐circuit voltage (VOC) of 1.31 V. The VOC‐to‐bandgap ratio is the highest reported for wide‐bandgap organic?inorganic hybrid perovskite solar cells and the VOC also exceeds 90% of the theoretical maximum, defined by the Shockley–Queisser limit. This advance is based on creating a hybrid 2D/3D perovskite heterostructure. By spin coating n‐butylammonium bromide on the double‐cation perovskite absorber layer, a thin 2D Ruddlesden–Popper perovskite layer of intermediate phases is formed, which mitigates nonradiative recombination in the perovskite absorber layer. As a result, VOC is enhanced by 80 mV.  相似文献   

Solution‐processed organic solar cells (OSCs) are promising low‐cost, flexible, portable renewable sources for future energy supply. The state‐of‐the‐art OSCs are typically fabricated from a bulk‐heterojunction (BHJ) active layer containing well‐mixed donor and acceptor molecules in the nanometer regime. However, BHJ solar cells suffer from stability problems caused by the severe morphological changes upon thermal or illumination stress. In comparison, single‐component organic solar cells (SCOSCs) based on a double‐cable conjugated polymer with a covalently stabilized microstructure is suggested to be a key strategy for superior long‐term stability. Here, the thermal‐ and photostability of SCOSCs based on a model double‐cable polymer is systematically investigated. It is encouraging to find that under 90 °C & 1 sun illumination, the performance of SCOSCs remains substantially stable. Transport measurements show that charge generation and recombination (lifetime and recombination order) hardly change during the aging process. Particularly, the SCOSCs exhibit ultrahigh long‐term thermal stability with 100% PCE remaining after heating at temperature up to 160 °C for over 400 h, indicating an excellent candidate for extremely rugged applications.  相似文献   

Indoor photovoltaics (IPVs) are attracting renewed interest because they can provide sustainable energy through the recycling of photon energy from household lighting facilities. Herein, the Shockley–Queisser model is used to calculate the upper limits of the power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) of perovskite solar cells (PeSCs) for two types of artificial light sources: fluorescent tubes (FTs) and white light–emitting diodes (WLEDs). An unusual zone is found in which the dependence of the PCEs on the bandgap (Eg) under illumination from the indoor lighting sources follows trends different from that under solar irradiation. In other words, IPVs exhibiting high performance under solar irradiation may not perform well under indoor lighting conditions. Furthermore, the ideal bandgap energy for harvesting photonic power from these indoor lighting sources is ≈1.9 eV—a value higher than that of common perovskite materials (e.g., for CH3NH3PbI3). Accordingly, Br? ions are added into the perovskite films to increase their values of Eg. A resulting PeSC featuring a wider bandgap exhibits PCEs of 25.94% and 25.12% under illumination from an FT and a WLED, respectively. Additionally, large‐area (4 cm2) devices are prepared for which the PCE reaches ≈18% under indoor lighting conditions.  相似文献   

Solar cells with organic‐inorganic lead halide perovskites have achieved great success and their power conversion efficiency (PCE) has reached to 22.1%. To address the toxicology of lead element and some stability issues associated with the organic‐inorganic lead halide perovskites, inorganic lead‐free perovskites have gained more attentions from the photovoltaic research community. Herein, a series of chalcogenide perovskites are proposed as optical absorber materials for thin‐film solar cells. SrSnSe3 and SrSnS3 are predicted to be direct bandgap semiconductors with the bandgap value being within the optimal range of 0.9–1.6 eV. Both SrSnSe3 and SrSnS3 not only exhibit good optical absorption properties and carrier mobility, but also possess flexible bandgaps that can be continuously tuned within the grange of 0.9–1.6 eV via the element‐mixing strategy, thereby render both perovskites as promising candidates for photovoltaic applications.  相似文献   

A novel molecular‐ink deposition route based on thiourea and N,N‐dimethylformamide (DMF) that results in a certified solar cell efficiency world record for non‐vacuum deposited CuIn(S,Se)2 (CIS) absorbers and non‐vacuum deposited absorbers with a bandgap of 1.0 eV, is presented. It is found that by substituting the widely employed solvent dimethyl sulfoxide with DMF, the coordination chemistry of InCl3 could be altered, dramatically improving ink stability, enabling up to tenfold increased concentrations, omitting the necessity for elevated ink temperatures, and radically accelerating the deposition process. Furthermore, it is shown that by introducing compositionally graded precursor films, film porosity, compositional gradients, and the surface roughness of the absorbers are effectively reduced and device conversion efficiencies are increased up to 13.8% (13.1% certified, active area). The reduced roughness is also seen as crucial to realize monolithically interconnected CIS‐perovskite tandem devices, where semitransparent MAPbI3 devices are directly deposited on the CIS bottom cell. Confirming the feasibility of this approach, monolithic devices with near perfect voltage addition between subcells of up to 1.40 V are presented.  相似文献   

State‐of‐the‐art perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have bandgaps that are invariably larger than 1.45 eV, which limits their theoretically attainable power conversion efficiency. The emergent mixed‐(Pb, Sn) perovskites with bandgaps of 1.2–1.3 eV are ideal for single‐junction solar cells according to the Shockley–Queisser limit, and they have the potential to deliver higher efficiency. Nevertheless, the high chemical activity of Sn(II) in these perovskites makes it extremely challenging to control their physical properties and chemical stability, thereby leading to PSCs with relatively low PCE and stability. In this work, the authors employ the Lewis‐adduct SnF2·3FACl additive in the solution‐processing of ideal‐bandgap halide perovskites (IBHPs), and prepare uniform large‐grain perovskite thin films containing continuously functionalized grain boundaries with the stable SnF2 phase. Such Sn(II)‐rich grain‐boundary networks significantly enhance the physical properties and chemical stability of the IBHP thin films. Based on this approach, PSCs with an ideal bandgap of 1.3 eV are fabricated with a promising efficiency of 15.8%, as well as enhanced stability. The concept of Lewis‐adduct‐mediated grain‐boundary functionalization in IBHPs presented here points to a new chemical route for approaching the Shockley–Queisser limit in future stable PSCs.  相似文献   

Mixed‐dimensional perovskite solar cells combining 3D and 2D perovskites have recently attracted wide interest owing to improved device efficiency and stability. Yet, it remains unclear which method of combining 3D and 2D perovskites works best to obtain a mixed‐dimensional system with the advantages of both types. To address this, different strategies of combining 2D perovskites with a 3D perovskite are investigated, namely surface coating and bulk incorporation. It is found that through surface coating with different aliphatic alkylammonium bulky cations, a Ruddlesden–Popper “quasi‐2D” perovskite phase is formed on the surface of the 3D perovskite that passivates the surface defects and significantly improves the device performance. In contrast, incorporating those bulky cations into the bulk induces the formation of the pure 2D perovskite phase throughout the bulk of the 3D perovskite, which negatively affects the crystallinity and electronic structure of the 3D perovskite framework and reduces the device performance. Using the surface‐coating strategy with n‐butylammonium bromide to fabricate semitransparent perovskite cells and combining with silicon cells in four‐terminal tandem configuration, 27.7% tandem efficiency with interdigitated back contact silicon bottom cells (size‐unmatched) and 26.2% with passivated emitter with rear locally diffused silicon bottom cells is achieved in a 1 cm2 size‐matched tandem.  相似文献   

All‐perovskite multijunction photovoltaics, combining a wide‐bandgap (WBG) perovskite top solar cell (EG ≈1.6–1.8 eV) with a low‐bandgap (LBG) perovskite bottom solar cell (EG < 1.3 eV), promise power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) >33%. While the research on WBG perovskite solar cells has advanced rapidly over the past decade, LBG perovskite solar cells lack PCE as well as stability. In this work, vacuum‐assisted growth control (VAGC) of solution‐processed LBG perovskite thin films based on mixed Sn–Pb perovskite compositions is reported. The reported perovskite thin films processed by VAGC exhibit large columnar crystals. Compared to the well‐established processing of LBG perovskites via antisolvent deposition, the VAGC approach results in a significantly enhanced charge‐carrier lifetime. The improved optoelectronic characteristics enable high‐performance LBG perovskite solar cells (1.27 eV) with PCEs up to 18.2% as well as very efficient four‐terminal all‐perovskite tandem solar cells with PCEs up to 23%. Moreover, VAGC leads to promising reproducibility and potential in the fabrication of larger active‐area solar cells up to 1 cm2.  相似文献   

Rubidium (Rb) is explored as an alternative cation to use in a novel multication method with the formamidinium/methylammonium/cesium (Cs) system to obtain 1.73 eV bangap perovskite cells with negligible hysteresis and steady state efficiency as high as 17.4%. The study shows the beneficial effect of Rb in improving the crystallinity and suppressing defect migration in the perovskite material. The light stability of the cells examined under continuous illumination of 12 h is improved upon the addition of Cs and Rb. After several cycles of 12 h light–dark, the cell retains 90% of its initial efficiency. In parallel, sputtered transparent conducting oxide thin films are developed to be used as both rear and front transparent contacts on quartz substrate with less than 5% parasitic absorption of near infrared wavelengths. Using these developments, semi‐transparent perovskite cells are fabricated with steady state efficiency of up to 16.0% and excellent average transparency of ≈84% between 720 and 1100 nm. In a tandem configuration using a 23.9% silicon cell, 26.4% efficiency (10.4% from the silicon cell) in a mechanically stacked tandem configuration is demonstrated which is very close to the current record for a single junction silicon cell of 26.6%.  相似文献   

A tandem organic solar cell (OSC) is a valid structure to widen the photon response range and suppress the transmission loss and thermalization loss. In the past few years, the development of low‐bandgap materials with broad absorption in long‐wavelength region for back subcells has attracted considerable attention. However, wide‐bandgap materials for front cells that have both high short‐circuit current density (JSC) and open‐circuit voltage (VOC) are scarce. In this work, a new fluorine‐substituted wide‐bandgap small molecule nonfullerene acceptor TfIF‐4FIC is reported, which has an optical bandgap of 1.61 eV. When PBDB‐T‐2F is selected as the donor, the device offers an extremely high VOC of 0.98 V, a high JSC of 17.6 mA cm?2, and a power conversion efficiency of 13.1%. This is the best performing acceptor with such a wide bandgap. More importantly, the energy loss in this combination is 0.63 eV. These properties ensure that PBDB‐T‐2F:TfIF‐4FIC is an ideal candidate for the fabrication of tandem OSCs. When PBDB‐T‐2F:TfIF‐4FIC and PTB7‐Th:PCDTBT:IEICO‐4F are used as the front cell and the back cell to construct tandem solar cells, a PCE of 15% is obtained, which is one of best results reported to date in the field of organic solar cells.  相似文献   

Developing efficient narrow bandgap Pb–Sn hybrid perovskite solar cells with high Sn‐content is crucial for perovskite‐based tandem devices. Film properties such as crystallinity, morphology, surface roughness, and homogeneity dictate photovoltaic performance. However, compared to Pb‐based analogs, controlling the formation of Sn‐containing perovskite films is much more challenging. A deeper understanding of the growth mechanisms in Pb–Sn hybrid perovskites is needed to improve power conversion efficiencies. Here, in situ optical spectroscopy is performed during sequential deposition of Pb–Sn hybrid perovskite films and combined with ex situ characterization techniques to reveal the temporal evolution of crystallization in Pb–Sn hybrid perovskite films. Using a two‐step deposition method, homogeneous crystallization of mixed Pb–Sn perovskites can be achieved. Solar cells based on the narrow bandgap (1.23 eV) FA0.66MA0.34Pb0.5Sn0.5I3 perovskite absorber exhibit the highest efficiency among mixed Pb–Sn perovskites and feature a relatively low dark carrier density compared to Sn‐rich devices. By passivating defect sites on the perovskite surface, the device achieves a power conversion efficiency of 16.1%, which is the highest efficiency reported for sequential solution‐processed narrow bandgap perovskite solar cells with 50% Sn‐content.  相似文献   

Stability has become the main obstacle for the commercialization of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) despite the impressive power conversion efficiency (PCE). Poor crystallization and ion migration of perovskite are the major origins of its degradation under working condition. Here, high‐performance PSCs incorporated with pyridine‐2‐carboxylic lead salt (PbPyA2) are fabricated. The pyridine and carboxyl groups on PbPyA2 can not only control crystallization but also passivate grain boundaries (GBs), which result in the high‐quality perovskite film with larger grains and fewer defects. In addition, the strong interaction among the hydrophobic PbPyA2 molecules and perovskite GBs acts as barriers to ion migration and component volatilization when exposed to external stresses. Consequently, superior optoelectronic perovskite films with improved thermal and moisture stability are obtained. The resulting device shows a champion efficiency of 19.96% with negligible hysteresis. Furthermore, thermal (90 °C) and moisture (RH 40–60%) stability are improved threefold, maintaining 80% of initial efficiency after aging for 480 h. More importantly, the doped device exhibits extraordinary improvement of operational stability and remains 93% of initial efficiency under maximum power point (MPP) tracking for 540 h.  相似文献   

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