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M Rucheton  D Blaas  P Jeanteur 《Biochimie》1978,60(11-12):1333-1337
A method is described for purification of MSV-MuLV from culture supernatant of chronically infected 78A,1 rat embryo cell line. This method involves direct polyethylene glycol-NaCl precipitation of the low speed supernatant of culture fluid followed by digestion of the pellet with trypsin. This procedure efficiently disrupts large aggregates which normally entrap most of the virus. Highly purified virus can be obtained in very good yield by a combination of sedimentation velocity and isopycnic centrifugation : yields up to 100 A280 units (17 mg of protein) of purified virus per liter of culture fluid can be observed. This procedure appears well suited for large scale isolation of virion associated enzymatic activities.  相似文献   

Rauscher murine leukemia virus was produced in roller-bottle cultures of chronically infected JLS-V9 cells. Virus from this culture fluid was concentrated and purified by two semi-isopycnic bandings in sucrose gradients. Virus material obtained from young, nonconfluent cultures (early-harvest virus) yielded products characteristically containing endogenous ribonucleic acid-dependent deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase with high specific activity (400 to 1,000 pmol of [3H]thymidine 5'-triphosphate incorporated per milligram of protein per hour). Fluids obtained from older confluent cultures (late-harvest virus) yielded products with endogenous ribonucleic acid-dependent deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase with little or no specific activity (200 pmol or less of [3H]thymidine 5'-triphosphate incorporated per milligram of protein per hour), but with higher virus particle counts and greater amounts of protein and gs antigen than the early-harvest products.  相似文献   

Rauscher murine leukemia virus was produced in roller-bottle cultures of chronically infected JLS-V9 cells. Virus from this culture fluid was concentrated and purified by two semi-isopycnic bandings in sucrose gradients. Virus material obtained from young, nonconfluent cultures (early-harvest virus) yielded products characteristically containing endogenous ribonucleic acid-dependent deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase with high specific activity (400 to 1,000 pmol of [3H]thymidine 5'-triphosphate incorporated per milligram of protein per hour). Fluids obtained from older confluent cultures (late-harvest virus) yielded products with endogenous ribonucleic acid-dependent deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase with little or no specific activity (200 pmol or less of [3H]thymidine 5'-triphosphate incorporated per milligram of protein per hour), but with higher virus particle counts and greater amounts of protein and gs antigen than the early-harvest products.  相似文献   

The Moloney murine sarcoma-leukemia virus [M-MSV (MuLV)], propagated at high multiplicity of infection (MOI), was demonstrated previously to contain a native genome mass of 4 X 10(6) daltons as contrasted to a mass of 7 X 10(6) daltons for Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV). The 4 X 10(6)-dalton classof RNA from M-MSV (MuLV) was examined for base sequence homology with DNA complementary to the 7 X 10(6)-dalton M-MuLV RNA genome. Approximately 86% of the M-MSV (MuLV) was protected from RNase digestion by hybridization, whereas 95% of M-MuLV was protected under identical conditions. These results indicate that the small RNA class of high-MOI M-MSV (MuLV) contains little (perhaps 10%) genetic information not present in M-MuLV. Virtually all of the 1.8 X 10(6)-dalton subunits of M-MSV (MuLV) RNA contained regions of poly(A) since 94% of the RNA bound to oligo(dT) cellulose in 0.5 M KCl. This suggests that the formation of the 1.8 X 10(6)-dalton subunits occurs before their packaging into virions and does not result from hydrolysis of intact 3.5 X 10(6)-dalton subunits by a virion-associated nuclease.  相似文献   

Extrachromosomal DNA obtained from mink cells acutely infected with the Snyder-Theilen (ST) strain of feline sarcoma virus (feline leukemia virus) [FeSV(FeLV)] was fractionated electrophoretically, and samples enriched for FeLV and FeSV linear intermediates were digested with EcoRI and cloned in lambda phage. Hybrid phages were isolated containing either FeSV or FeLV DNA "inserts" and were characterized by restriction enzyme analysis, R-looping with purified 26 to 32S viral RNA, and heteroduplex formation. The recombinant phages (designated lambda FeSV and lambda FeLV) contain all of the genetic information represented in FeSV and FeLV RNA genomes but lack one extended terminally redundant sequence of 750 bases which appears once at each end of parental linear DNA intermediates. Restriction enzyme and heteroduplex analyses confirmed that sequences unique to FeSV (src sequences) are located at the center of the FeSV genome and are approximately 1.5 kilobase pairs in length. With respect to the 5'-3' orientation of genes in viral RNA, the order of genes in the FeSV genome is 5'-gag-src-env-c region-3'; only 0.9 kilobase pairs of gag and 0.6 kilobase pairs of env-derived FeLV sequences are represented in ST FeSV. Heteroduplex analyses between lambda FeSV or lambda FeLV DNA and Moloney murine sarcoma virus DNA (strain m1) were performed under conditions of reduced stringency to demonstrate limited regions of base pair homology. Two such regions were identified: the first occurs at the extreme 5' end of the leukemia and both sarcoma viral genomes, whereas the second corresponds to a 5' segment of leukemia virus "env" sequences conserved in both sarcoma viruses. The latter sequences are localized at the 3' end of FeSV src and at the 5' end of murine sarcoma virus src and could possibly correspond to regions of helper virus genomes that are required for retroviral transforming functions.  相似文献   

A method for rapidly producing helper-free murine leukemia virus (MLV) without using packaging cell lines is described. Viruses bearing ecotropic or amphotropic MLV or Rous sarcoma virus envelope glycoprotein and containing various retroviral vector genomes have been prepared with titers 30 to 40-fold higher than those produced by transient transfection of standard packaging cells. This system can be used to alter the cellular tropism of MLV by incorporating other envelope glycoproteins and to prepare retroviral vector stocks without establishing stable producer cell lines. This method will be particularly useful for preparing viruses that encode toxic proteins and for the rapid analysis of panels of mutant envelope glycoproteins.  相似文献   

The molecular weights of the large genomic RNAs from Rous sarcoma and Moloney murine leukemia viruses were determined by a combination of sedimentation coefficients and retardation coefficients from gel electrophoresis. Six RNA standards, ranging from 0.7 X 10(6) to 5.3 X 10(6) daltons, were employed. Studies in the presence of varying concentrations of Mg2+ showed that the method provided valid molecular weights for RNAs of differing amounts of ordered structure. The molecular weight (X 10(-6)) of the high molecular weight RNA complexe from Rous sarcoma virus was 7.6 (+/-0.3) and from murine leukemia virus was 6.9 (+/-0.3). The molecular weights (X 10 (-6) of their Subunits were 3.3 (+/-0.1) and 2.8 (+/-0.2), respectively. Hence, the large complexes consisted of two, not three or more, subunits plus small associated RNAs. The high molecular weight RNA from cloned Rous sarcoma virus was heterogenous in molecular weight although the apparent molecular radius was constant; stuides were performed on subfractions of the RNA as well as on RNA from virus harvested at various time intervals. The preparations with lowest molecular weight approached a mass equal to twice that of the subunit, with hydrodynamic properties approaching those expected of normal single-stranded RNA.  相似文献   

With only a three-step chromatographic procedure, human urinary prokallikrein has been purified completely. The active kallikrein also could be purified in the process of this purification. The prokallikrein was very rapidly activated by trypsin, followed thereafter by a very slow increase in the kallikrein activity. In the rapidly activated state, the molecular weight and the values of Km and Vmax were very similar to those of the purified active kallikrein. Only the slow increase in the activity was observed by tryptic digestion of the active kallikrein. The results suggest that the initial rapid activation is due to release of the propeptide and the slow reaction is due to a limited hydrolysis of the activated prokallikrein at sites which are not directly related to the active site.  相似文献   

M Rucheton  P Jeanteur 《Biochimie》1976,58(6):689-695
We have previously reported that amikhellin binds to double-stranded DNA by an intercalation process (1). We now report that this drug inhibits the DNA-polymerase from murine sarcoma leukemia virus. The extent of inhibition was found to vary with the nature of the primer-template used : maximum with poly(rA)n-oligo(dT)10 (nucleotide ratio 20:1), minimum with poly(rA)n-poly(dT)n and intermediate with native calf thymus DNA. Experiments performed with synthetic templates of the (rA)-(dT) type have led to the following conclusions as to the mechanism of inhibition: 1) Amikhellin acts at an early stage of the synthesis reaction because the drug is no longer inhibitory when a limited extension of the oligo(dT) primers has been allowed to occur. However, mere incubation of the enzyme with the template in the absence of dTTP is not sufficient to confer resistance to the drug. 2) Progression of enzyme molecules actively engaged in polymerization is stopped when they reach downstream duplex regions to which amikhellin is bound.  相似文献   

Replication-competent chimeric retroviruses constructed of members of the two subfamilies of Retroviridae, orthoretroviruses and spumaretroviruses, specifically murine leukemia viruses (MuLV) bearing hybrid MuLV-foamy virus (FV) envelope (env) genes, were characterized. All viruses had the cytoplasmic tail of the MuLV transmembrane protein. In ESL-1, a truncated MuLV leader peptide (LP) was fused to the complete extracellular portion of FV Env, and ESL-2 to -4 contained the complete MuLV-LP followed by N-terminally truncated FV Env decreasing in size. ESL-1 to -4 had an extended host cell range compared to MuLV, induced a cytopathology reminiscent of FVs, and exhibited an ultrastructure that combined the features of the condensed core of MuLV with the prominent surface knobs of FVs. Replication of ESL-2 to -4 resulted in the acquisition of a stop codon at the N terminus of the chimeric Env proteins. This mutation rendered the MuLV-LP nonfunctional and indicated that the truncated FV-LP was sufficient to direct Env synthesis into the secretory pathway. Compared to the parental viruses, the chimeras replicated with only moderate cell-free titers.  相似文献   

A rapid and efficient procedure for the purification of DNA from agarose gels   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
DNA fragments electrophoresed through a horizontal agarose slab gel can be recovered by inserting strips of filter paper backed by dialysis membrane into slits cut in the gel in front of the DNA bands and continuing electrophoresis until the DNA is collected in the paper. Elution of the DNA from the filter paper is then achieved by low-speed centrifugation. Recovery well above 70% is routinely obtained with this technique and the DNA recovered is biologically active and can be recleaved, ligated, labeled in vitro by nick translation and hybridized to RNA.  相似文献   

A short and efficient procedure consisting of two chromatographic steps is described for the isolation of tyrosinase from Neurospora. The first step, Celite-column chromatography, resulted in the isolation of four copper-containing proteins from the crude mycelial extract. Anion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex of these proteins resulted in the isolation of electrophoretically and serologically pure tyrosinase. More than 70% of the initial tyrosinase activity was recovered in the final enzyme preparation, which had a specific activity of 450 units/mg.  相似文献   

A simple and effective method to partially purify virus-specific DNA from avian sarcoma virus-infected QT6 cells has been developed. This method consists of lysing infected cell nuclei in water followed by precipitation of the resulting chromatin with sodium chloride. More than 98% of the host cell DNA could be removed by this method without diminishing viral DNA yields. This method is equally applicable to SV40 DNA purification.  相似文献   

L I Lobel  J E Murphy    S P Goff 《Journal of virology》1989,63(6):2629-2637
We generated viral constructs to test the hypothesis that the major substrate on retroviral DNA that is utilized for proviral DNA integration is the palindromic sequence, termed the LTR-LTR junction, normally present in circular molecules formed by joining the two termini of linear proviral DNA. Recombinant viral genomes were built which carried a selectable marker and an extra copy of the LTR-LTR junction from a cloned circular provirus. The junction sequence in each case was positioned such that its use during integration would lead to an easily detected, aberrantly integrated proviral DNA. Analysis of DNA from cells infected with the virus constructs showed that the introduced junction sequence is used at least 1,000-fold less efficiently than the natural sequences at the ends of the genome. This suggests that a linear or more exotic DNA intermediate is most likely the true precursor for the integration reaction.  相似文献   

Two Akv murine leukemia virus-based retroviral vectors with primer binding sites matching tRNA(Gln-1) and tRNA(Lys-3) were constructed. The transduction efficiency of these mutated vectors was found to be comparable to that of a vector carrying the wild-type primer binding site matching tRNA(Pro). Polymerase chain reaction amplification and sequence analysis of transduced proviruses confirmed the transfer of vectors with mutated primer binding sites and further showed that tRNA(Gln-2) may act efficiently in conjunction with the tRNA(Gln-1) primer binding site. We conclude that murine leukemia virus can replicate by using various tRNA molecules as primers and propose primer binding site-tRNA primer interactions to be of major importance for tRNA primer selection. However, efficient primer selection does not require perfect Watson-Crick base pairing at all 18 positions of the primer binding site.  相似文献   

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