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An Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA clone encoding a novel 110 amino acid thylakoid protein has been sequenced. The in vitro synthesized protein is taken up by intact chloroplasts, inserted into the thylakoid membrane and the transit peptide is cleaved off during this process. The mature protein is predicted to contain 69 amino acids, to form one membrane-spanning -helix and to have its N-terminus at the stromal side of the thylakoid membrane. The protein showed similarity to the LHC, ELIP and PsbS proteins of higher plants, but more pronounced to the high-light-inducible proteins (HLIPs) of cyanobacteria and red algae, to which no homologue previously has been detected in higher plants. As for HLIP and ELIP, high light increases the mRNA levels of the corresponding gene. Sequence comparisons indicate that the protein may bind chlorophyll and form dimers in the thylakoid membrane. The level of expression of the protein seems to be far lower than that of normal PSI and PSII subunits.  相似文献   

A heat-stable protein with antimicrobial activity was isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana plants by buffer-soluble extraction and two chromatographic procedures. The results of MALDI-TOF analysis revealed that the isolated protein shares high sequence identity with aspen SP1. To determine the exact antimicrobial properties of this protein, a cDNA encoding the protein was isolated from an A. thaliana leaf cDNA library and named AtHS1. AtHS1 mRNA was induced by exposure to external stresses, such as salicylic acid and jasmonic acid. We also analyzed the antimicrobial activity of recombinant AtHS1 expressed in Escherichia coli. This protein inhibited pathogenic fungal strains, except for Phytophthora infestans and Phytophthora nicotianae, and it exhibited antibacterial activity against E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus. These results suggest that AtHS1 shows good potential for use as a natural material in the study of antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   

Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) belong to a unique family of enzymes containing a single polypeptide chain with a kinase domain at the amino terminus and a putative calcium-binding EF hands structure at the carboxyl terminus. From Arabidopsis thaliana, we have cloned three distinct cDNA sequences encoding CDPKs, which were designated as atcdpk6, atcdpk9 and atcdpk19. The full-length cDNA sequences for atcdpk6, atcdpk9 and atcdpk19 encode proteins with a molecular weight of 59343, 55376 and 59947, respectively. Recombinant atCDPK6 and atCDPK9 proteins were fully active as kinases whose activities were induced by Ca2+. Biochemical studies suggested the presence of an autoinhibitory domain in the junction between the kinase domain and the EF hands structure. Serial deletion of the four EF hands of atCDPK6 demonstrated that the integrity of the four EF hands was crucial to the Ca2+ response. All the three atcdpk genes were ubiquitously expressed in the plant as demonstrated by RNA gel blot experiments. Comparison of the genomic sequences suggested that the three cdpk genes have evolved differently. Using antibodies against atCDPK6 and atCDPK9 for immunohistochemical experiments, CDPKs were found to be expressed in specific cell types in a temporally and developmentally regulated manner.  相似文献   

To facilitate future investigations of glyphosate-resistance mechanisms, three approaches were taken to obtain Arabidopsis thaliana variants that differed in glyphosate response. Recurrent selection by spraying with sub-lethal glyphosate concentrations was performed with Columbia-0 seedlings. After seven cycles of treatment, no resistance was found. A population of 800,000 ethylmethanesulfonate-mutagenized M(2) seedlings was screened on agar containing 0.2mM glyphosate, a lower concentration than that previously used in other studies, and no resistant mutants were recovered. Seventy-two Arabidopsis ecotypes were screened with glyphosate and a range of responses was observed. In a follow-up experiment on a subset of these ecotypes, reduction of seed yield by 11.5 g/ha glyphosate (about 1% the typical field use rate) ranged among ecotypes from 0% to >90%, relative to untreated controls. However, even the least sensitive ecotypes were severely injured by relatively low glyphosate rates. Overall, attempts to select Arabidopsis seedlings that were significantly glyphosate-resistant were unsuccessful and consistent with previous reports. Arabidopsis ecotypes identified with differential glyphosate responses could be used for further studies though the inherently high sensitivity of Arabidopsis to glyphosate could limit their utility in studying glyphosate-resistance mechanisms.  相似文献   

Summary Katanin, a heterodimeric protein with ATP-dependent microtubule-severing activity, localizes to the centrosome in animal cells. Widespread occurrence is suspected as several species contain homologs to the katanin p60 subunit. Recently we isolated anArabidopsis thaliana cDNA with significant identity to the p60 subunit of sea urchin katanin. Like p60, the encoded protein is a member of the AAA superfamily of ATPases, containing the Walker ATP binding consensus and the signature AAA minimal consensus sequences within a single larger AAA/CAD amino acid motif. Phylogenetic analysis placed the encoded protein in the AAA subfamily of cytoskeleton-interactive proteins, where it formed a strongly supported clade with 4 other members identified as katanin p60 subunits. The clone was named AtKSSArabidopsis thaliana kataninlike protein small subunit). Western blots, performed using a polyclonal antibody raised against recombinant AtKSS, revealed AtKSS is present in protein extracts of all Arabidopsis organs examined. To evaluate potential interactions between AtKSS and the cytoskeleton, the intracellular localization of AtKSS was correlated with that of tubulin. AtKSS was found in perinuclear regions during interphase, surrounding the spindle poles during mitosis, but was absent from the preprophase band and phragmoplast microtubule arrays. These data support the thesis that AtKSS is an Arabidopsis homolog of the p60 subunit of katanin. Its cell cycle-dependent distribution is consistent with microtubule-severing activity, but additional studies will better define its role.  相似文献   

Gene targeting in Arabidopsis thaliana.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary Gene targeting of a chromosomally integrated transgene in Arabidopsis thaliana is reported. A chimeric gene consisting of the promoter of the 35S RNA of CaMV, the polyadenylation signal of the octopine synthase gene and the coding region of the bacterial hygromycin phosphotransferase gene (hpt), which was rendered non-functional by deletion of 19 bp, was introduced into the genome of A. thaliana using Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer. A total of 3.46 x 108 protoplasts isolated from 17 independent transgenic Arabidopsis lines harbouring the defective chimeric hpt gene were transformed via direct gene transfer using various DNA forms containing only the intact coding region of the hpt gene. Out of 150 hygromycin-resistant colonies appearing in the course of these experiments, four were the result of targeted recombination of the incoming DNA with the defective chromosomal locus as revealed by PCR and Southern blot analysis. Comparison with the number of transformants obtained when an hpt gene controlled by a promoter and terminator from the nopaline synthase gene was employed results in a maximal ratio of homologous to non-homologous transformation in A. thaliana of 1 x 10–4.  相似文献   

Epithiospecifier protein (ESP) is a protein that catalyses formation of epithionitriles during glucosinolate hydrolysis. In vitro assays with a recombinant ESP showed that the formation of epithionitriles from alkenylglucosinolates is ESP and ferrous ion dependent. Nitrile formation in vitro however does not require ESP but only the presence of Fe(II) and myrosinase. Ectopic expression of ESP in Arabidopsis thaliana Col-5 under control of the strong viral CaMV 35S promoter altered the glucosinolate product profile from isothiocyanates towards the corresponding nitriles.  相似文献   

PCR amplification of cDNA prepared from poly(A)+ RNA from aerial parts of Arabidopsis thaliana, using degenerate nucleotide primers based on conserved regions between the large and small subunits of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGP), yielded four different cDNAs of ca. 550 nucleotides each. Based on derived amino acid sequences, the identities between the clones varied from 49 to 69%. Sequence comparison to previously published cDNAs for AGP from various species and tissues has revealed that three of the amplified cDNAs (ApL1, ApL2 and ApL3) correspond to the large subunit of AGP, and one cDNA (ApS) encodes the small subunit of AGP. Both ApL1 and ApS were subsequently found to be present in a cDNA library made from Arabidopsis leaves. All four PCR products are encoded by single genes, as found by genomic Southern analysis.  相似文献   

Isolation of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants hypersensitive to gamma radiation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A screening method for mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana hypersensitive to -radiation has been devised. Plants grown from ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS)-treated seeds were irradiated at the seedling stage, which is highly radiosensitive due to extensive cell division. Severe growth inhibition of mutant plants by a -ray dose which only slightly affects wild-type plants was the selective criterion. Twelve true-breeding hyper-sensitive lines were isolated from a total of 3394 screened plants. Genetic analysis of five of the lines revealed five new genes, designated RAD1-RAD5. These Arabidopsis RAD mutants are phenotypically similar to mutants in the RAD52 epistasis group of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which are highly sensitive to ionizing radiation but not hypersensitive to UV light. One possibility is that the Arabidopsis mutants are defective in a nonhomologous or illegitimate recombination mechanism used by plants for repair of chromosome breaks.  相似文献   

Characterization of two Arabidopsis thaliana glutathione S-transferases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Glutathione S-transferases (GST) are multifunctional proteins encoded by a large gene family, divided on the basis of sequence identity into phi, tau, theta, zeta and lambda classes. The phi and tau classes are present only in plants. GSTs appear to be ubiquitous in plants and are involved in herbicide detoxification and stress response, but little is known about the precise role of GSTs in normal plant physiology and during biotic and abiotic stress response. Two cDNAs representing the two plant classes tau and phi, AtGSTF9 and AtGSTU26, were expressed in vitro and the corresponding proteins were analysed. Both GSTs were able to catalyse a glutathione conjugation to 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB), but they were inactive as transferases towards p-nitrobenzylchloride (pNBC). AtGSTF9 showed activity towards benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC) and an activity as glutathione peroxidase with cumene hydroperoxide (CumHPO). AtGSTU26 was not active as glutathione peroxidase and towards BITC. RT-PCR analysis was used to evaluate the expression of the two genes in response to treatment with herbicides and safeners, chemicals, low and high temperature. Our results reveal that AtGSTU26 is induced by the chloroacetanilide herbicides alachlor and metolachlor and the safener benoxacor, and after exposure to low temperatures. In contrast, AtGSTF9 seems not to be influenced by the treatments employed.  相似文献   

We have characterized the structure and expression of a senescence-associated gene (sen1) of Arabidopsis thaliana. The protein-coding region of the gene consists of 5 exons encoding 182 amino acids. The encoded peptide shows noticeable similarity to the bacterial sulfide dehydrogenase and 81% identity to the peptide encoded by the radish din1 gene. The 5-upstream region contains sequence motifs resembling the heat-shock- and ABA-responsive elements and the TCA motif conserved among stress-inducible genes. Examination of the expression patterns of the sen1 gene under various senescing conditions along with measurements of photochemical efficiency and of chlorophyll content revealed that the sen1 gene expression is associated with Arabidopsis leaf senescence. During the normal growth phase, the gene is strongly induced in leaves at 25 days after germination when inflorescence stems are 2–3 cm high, and then the mRNA level is maintained at a comparable level in naturally senescing leaves. In addition, dark-induced senescence of detached leaves or of leaves in planta resulted in a high-level induction of the gene. Expression of the sen1 gene was also strongly induced in leaves subjected to senescence by 0.1 mM abscisic acid or 1 mM ethephon treatment. The induced expression of the gene by dark treatment was not significantly repressed by treatment with 0.1 mM cytokinin or 50 mM CaCl2 which delayed loss of chlorophyll but not that of photochemical efficiency.  相似文献   

From an ethylmethane sulphonate-mutagenized M2 population of Arabidopsis thaliana L. var Landsberg erecta, a mutant was isolated on the basis of its ability to germinate in the presence of a germination inhibitory concentration (0.35 mM) of spermine. The mutant produced yellowish green seeds that lacked a mucilaginous sheath, exhibited reduced dormancy and were generally viviparous under ambient conditions. Dose-response assays indicated increased resistance of the mutant to spermine but normal sensitivity to spermidine, putrescine and abscisic acid. The spermine resistance and the associated phenotype of the mutant was inherited as a single recessive nuclear mutation. Following the genetic analysis, spermine-resistant mutant has been designated as spr2. The results suggest a role for spermine in seed dormancy.  相似文献   

Chen H  Zhang D  Guo J  Wu H  Jin M  Lu Q  Lu C  Zhang L 《Plant molecular biology》2006,61(4-5):567-575
Psb27 has been identified as a lumenal protein associated with photosystem II (PSII). To gain insight into the function of Psb27, we isolated a mutant Arabidopsis plant with a loss of psb27 function. The quantity of PSII complexes and electron transfer within PSII remained largely unaffected in the psb27 mutant. Our results also showed that under high-light-illumination, PSII activity and the content of the PSII reaction center protein D1 decreased more significantly in the psb27 mutant than in wild-type (WT) plant. Treatment of leaves with a chloroplast protein synthesis inhibitor resulted in similar light-induced PSII inactivation levels and D1 protein degradation rates in the WT and psb27 mutant plants. Recovery of PSII activity after photoinhibition was delayed in the psb27 mutant, suggesting that Psb27 is required for efficient recovery of the photodamaged PSII complex. Overall, these results demonstrated that Psb27 in Arabidopsis is not essential for oxygenic photosynthesis and PSII formation. Instead, our results provide evidence for the involvement of this lumenal protein in the recovery process of PSII. Hua Chen and Dongyuan Zhang contribute equally to this work.  相似文献   

Continuous irradiation with blue light (400–500 nm) induces flower formation in plantlets of Arabidopsis thaliana (C24) while red light (600–700 nm) is ineffective. This observation started a search for genes that are activated by blue light and initiate the morphogenic programme leading to flower formation. Several genes were identified via their cDNAs. From these clone AthH2, with an open reading frame for a hydrophobic 30.5 kDa polypeptide, was selected for further characterization of the corresponding gene. From a genomic library a DNA fragment of about 6.4 kb was isolated, comprising the coding region as well as 5-upstream and 3-downstream flanking segments. The coding region is composed of four exons, which specify a polypeptide of 286 amino acids. Several potential regulatory elements were found between position –670 and –1140 including GA and ABA sequence motifs. The latter could account for the observed induction of the AthH2 gene by ABA. Southern blot analysis of Arabidopsis genomic DNA suggests that the AthH2 gene is encoded by a single-copy gene. Hydropathy plots and secondary structure analysis of the putative polypeptide predict six membrane-spanning domains implicating a function as transmembrane channel protein. It displays significant homology with the proteins TR7a of pea (82%) and RD 28 of A. thaliana (68%).  相似文献   

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