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蚁对植物种子的传播作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
许多种子植物依靠动物传播种子 ,称为动物传播。根据动物类群的不同 ,可分为哺乳类传播 ,鸟传播 ,鱼传播 ,蚁传播等。鸟传播和蚁传播的研究近年取得了很大的进展 ,但国内在这方面研究较缺乏 ,作者已就鸟传播作了综述报道 ,现将蚁传播的研究综述报道如下。1 蚁与植物的相互关系蚁类属膜翅目 (Hymenoptera) ,蚁科 (Formici dae) ,典型的社会性昆虫。多数蚁类是肉食性的 ,以小动物或更小的蚁类为食 ,但也有很多蚁类是植物食性的。在大多数生态系统中均有蚁类分布 ,而且蚁类数量众多 ,在森林生态系统中每 1ha可达 6~10…  相似文献   

自然界中蚂蚁与蚁运植物的互惠关系是一种普遍的现象。蚁运植物种子的油质体是两者发生联系的纽带,它能为蚂蚁提供营养物质,且蚂蚁在消耗油质体的同时,搬运并散布了种子。红火蚁是近年来在华南地区严重发生的一种入侵性蚂蚁,能在短时间内迅速发展成为优势种,造成入侵地生物多样性降低和生态单一化,是世界范围内最具危险的社会性昆虫之一。由于该入侵蚂蚁极具侵略性、觅食能力强、种群庞大等特点,对蚁运植物具有深远的影响。为了深入、全面地了解红火蚁对蚁运植物种子的影响,本文综述了红火蚁对蚁运植物种子油质体的喜好及搬运行为,以及对蚁运植物种子的直接影响(搬运、取食、划痕或毁坏)及间接影响(排挤本地蚂蚁),最后展望了未来红火蚁对蚁运植物影响的研究方向。  相似文献   

张霜  陈进 《生态学杂志》2008,27(11):1913-1919
蚂蚁对热带森林中小种子的二次散布会影响种子最终到达地点和种子命运.本文以一种由鸟散布的榕树垂叶榕(Ficus benjamina)为研究对象,观察蚂蚁对不同处理种子二次散布的影响.共记录到菱结大头蚁(Pheidole rhombinoda)、法老小家蚁(Monomorium pharaonis)、横纹齿猛蚁(Odontoponera transversa)和布立毛蚁(Paratrechina bourbonica)等4种蚂蚁参与了种子的搬运,其出现频率分别为71.7%、23.3%、2.5%、2.5%.蚂蚁对种子的搬运距离为179 cm±13 cm(n=159).其中,最主要的散布者菱结大头蚁把种子搬进蚁巢后,取食了内果皮,并把58.6%的净种子抛弃在巢外垃圾堆中.蚂蚁取食内果皮显著提高了种子萌发特性(萌发率由49.3%提高到93.3%).去除内果皮后种子被蚂蚁搬走的比率显著下降(由75.0%降为29.5%).垂叶榕种子外着生的内果皮,明显提高了对蚂蚁的吸引力,而蚂蚁取食内果皮显著提高了种子萌发能力,垂叶榕和二次散布的蚂蚁之间存在着明显的互惠关系.  相似文献   

蚂蚁和某些植物具有典型的互利共生关系,植物为蚂蚁提供食宿,换来的是蚂蚁有效地抵御植物的入侵者。然而,最新一项研究显示,这种互利互惠的关系看上去并不完美,往往蚂蚁破坏了植物的性繁殖。节果决明(Cordia nodosa)是一种与蚂蚁共生的南美洲植物,Allomerus octoarticulatus是与节果决明植物一起生存的蚂蚁物种之一,它们在一起生活时,这种蚂蚁既充当着朋友,也充当着破坏者,尽管它们可以保护蚂蚁,但同时却破坏了植物,使其无法繁殖。科学家推测蚂蚁能够迫使植物将营养物质主要用于生长,而不是结出果实和种子。节果决明树枝的中空节结叫做“虫菌穴(domatia)”,蚂蚁在虫菌穴里居住,同时以植物上生产甘露的介壳虫为食。如果节果决明植物生长得更快,那么植物体上就有更多的虫菌穴,能够使蚂蚁殖民地进一步扩张。  相似文献   

胡欣  贺虹 《微生物学通报》2020,47(11):3892-3898
昆虫与其体内细菌的互利共生关系是近十余年来生物学家关注的热点领域,也是研究物种间协同进化的理想模型。Blochmannia是蚁科弓背蚁属Camponotus蚂蚁体内的初级内共生菌,作为最早被描述的动物与细菌之间的共生关系,Blochmannia在帮助宿主蚂蚁合成食物中所缺少的必需营养物质、维持生长发育、繁殖和营养代谢等方面发挥重要作用。本文从Blochmannia的分布规律、母系传播、基因组特征及其功能等方面进行综述,以期为相关研究提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

卢明镇 《生物多样性》2020,28(11):1311-545
植物-微生物互惠共生是一种特殊的合作形式, 在整个生命和陆地生态系统的演化历史中起着至关重要的作用。在全球环境变化背景下, 植物和微生物间的互惠共生对生态系统功能的维持具有重要意义。尽管合作/互惠共生如此重要, 在生物学中却存在着对它的历史偏见与忽视。特别地, 尽管互惠共生的理论与建模发展已有较长的历史, 但不同学科分支间仍存在着多种不同的观点。本综述从两个看似对立的视角概述植物-微生物互惠共生的概念框架, 即微生物学家关心的微观机制和生态系统生态学家关注的宏观影响。宏观模型通常从一组过于简单的假设出发, 便于理论分析。但微观机制是开展定量预测的基础, 因此新一代基于过程的宏观模型需嵌入微观机制, 这对预测全球变化下的生态系统响应至关重要。此外, 希望本文也可以吸引更多学者关注合作/互惠的重要作用, 并将这一概念应用于解决其他生态学和社会学问题。  相似文献   

在云南省植胶区采用2种不同方法对橡胶盔蚧共生蚂蚁种类进行调查.共采集到蚂蚁22种,隶属4个亚科15个属.优势种为黄猄蚁(Oecophylla smaragdina).大田普查发现,有蚂蚁存在的橡胶树,受橡胶盔蚧危害的几率较高.为了解橡胶盔蚧与蚂蚁的相互关系,选择2棵有黄猄蚁和橡胶盔蚧的橡胶树进行调查.结果表明,橡胶盔蚧数量与蚂蚁数量呈正相关,蚂蚁数量越大,橡胶盔蚧危害越严重;同时,离蚁巢的距离也影响着橡胶盔蚧的数量,离蚁巢越近,橡胶盔蚧数量越大.蚂蚁隔离后,橡胶盔蚧第2代死亡率和寄生蜂的寄生率降低,从而增加了橡胶盔蚧的种群数量.结果验证,蚂蚁的存在确能保护橡胶盔蚧,它们之间为共生关系.  相似文献   

生态系统的组织理论:食物链动态论与互惠共生—控制论   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文主要介绍生态系统的组织理论,食物链动态理论和互惠共生-控制论,这两种理论代表了进化生态学家与系统生态学家两个学派。前者是建立在达尔文的“生存竞争”思想耻,强调初级生产力是关键变量,捕食作用和食物资源两者随初级生产力梯度的增加交替控制食物网结构,并预报相邻营养级的生物量和周转率为负相关关系,被称作“生态学的中心理论”后者是建立在控制论基础上,认为生态系统是正,负反馈联合构建的,并预报生物量和周转  相似文献   

啮齿动物对种子的传播   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
简要介绍了扩散、传播植物种子的啮齿动物种类、它们传播的植物种子种类,以及啮齿动物对植物种子扩散、传播的主动、被动方式及双方在这一体系中的互惠关系和可能存在的协同进化关系。  相似文献   

新疆蚁属蚂蚁及元素的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴卫  刘建平  欧阳彤  黄人鑫 《昆虫知识》2005,42(2):186-189,F003
我国将蚂蚁食用和药用已有悠久的历史 ,北方省区以蚁属Formica蚂蚁为重要。经调查和鉴定 ,新疆蚁属蚂蚁有 2 2种 ,其中 8种蚁类具有较为丰富的资源 ;对 4种蚂蚁分析测定 ,含有较高的Zn,Mn,Ce,Ca等微量和常量元素 ,说明新疆蚁属蚂蚁具有很好的潜在开发利用价值。  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that the obligate myrmecophytism between Macaranga ant-plants and Crematogaster plant-ants is highly species specific, although multiple Macaranga species can coexist in a microhabitat. However, the species specificity has been described based on the study of trees with established plant-ant colonies. We studied how the process of settling into the partner Macaranga seedlings by single foundress Crematogaster queens contributes to species specificity. By sampling seedlings of three sympatric Macaranga myrmecophytes species in the field, we tested two hypotheses. The first is that foundresses correctly select their specific partner plant species when they settle into seedlings. The second hypothesis is that the seasons in which seedlings available for settling by foundresses appear are segregated among the Macaranga species, and the seasons in which foundress queens settle are synchronized to the appearance of seedlings of specific partner species; thus species specificity is consequently generated. Our results support the former hypothesis but not the latter: we always observed foundresses settling species-specific host plants, and seedlings suitable for settling were always available in each Macaranga species. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Mutualism can mediate competition and promote coexistence   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mutualistic interactions are not believed to promote coexistence of competitors because mutualisms produce positive feedbacks on abundances whereas coexistence requires negative feedbacks. Here we show that a mutualism between an anemonefish (Amphiprion) and its sea anemone host mediates the effect of asymmetrical competition for space between the anemonefish and another damselfish (Dascyllus) in a manner that fosters their coexistence. Amphiprion stimulates increases in host area, the shared resource, but social interactions cap the number of anemonefish to two adults per host. Space generated by the mutualism becomes differentially available to Dascyllus because the effectiveness of an anemonefish in excluding its competitor declines with increases in the area it defends. This alters Amphiprion's ratio of per capita intra‐ to interspecific effects and thus facilitates coexistence of the fishes. This mechanism may be prevalent in nature, adding another major pathway by which mutualism can enhance diversity.  相似文献   

离散的互惠生态系统的最优捕获策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用离散的两种群互惠模型给出了在捕获能力不同状况下的不同最优捕获策略,指出了理论上和实践上可获得的最大经济效益。  相似文献   

Mutualistic relations between plants and animals are well documented on land but have received less attention in marine systems. This study examined the relationship between the territorial intertidal limpet Patella longicosta and the crustose brown alga Ralfsia verrucosa. Adult Patella are found exclusively in association with Ralfsia, on which they feed, while Ralfsia occurs primarily, but not exclusively, in Patella territories. Ralfsia benefits directly from both the presence and the territorial behaviour of Patella. Algal productivity was assessed by measuring oxygen evolution and utilization in situ and deriving photosynthesis/irradiance curves. Productivity was increased by about 30% by the presence of Patella in both summer (P max of grazed algae 0.0098; ungrazed algae 0.0063 mg C · cm-2 · h-1) and winter (P max grazed algae 0.0081; ungrazed algae 0.0053 mg-2 · C · h-1). Algal growth rates were not significantly increased by the application of limpet mucus in the laboratory. We did not examine nutrient regeneration by the limpet, but the increase in photosynthetic rate may depend on the limpet's grazing pattern which creates secondary sites for growth. Ralfsia also benefited from the territorial behaviour of Patella. The effects of different grazing regimes were investigated in different seasons by removing territorial limpets and either excluding all limpets using copper-based antifouling paint, or allowing access to non-territorial limpets (mostly P. oculus) using partial paint barriers. Exclusion of all limpets resulted in rapid overgrowth of Ralfsia plants by the foliose green alga Ulva sp.. Where non-territorial limpets had access to the plants overgrowth was reduced but Ralfsia plants were entirely removed by destructive grazing. Non-territorial grazers removed 90% of Ralfsia plants within 4 weeks in summer and 60% in winter. In control treatments P. longicosta prevented overgrowth by Ulva and actively excluded vagrant grazers, preventing overgrazing. Based on these findings, the association between the limpet and alga can be regarded as a nonobligate mutualism.  相似文献   

榕树与其传粉小蜂形成了高度专一的互惠共生系统。非传粉小蜂则是该系统的资源掠夺者,但它与该系统共存的机制仍不清楚。于2003年12月-2004年4月在西双版纳以聚果榕(Ficus racemosa L.)为材料,研究了寄生在聚果榕榕果内的5种非传粉小蜂的食性及相互关系,以探讨非传粉小蜂与榕树-传粉小蜂系统共存的机制。结果表明:寄生在聚果榕榕果内的5种非传粉小蜂中,仅Platyneura testacea Motschulsky和Platyneura,mayri Rasplus能刺激子房发育成瘿花,是造瘿者;Apocrypta sp.,Apocrypta westwoodi Grandi和Platyneura agraensis Joseph不能刺激子房发育成瘿花,是拟寄生者。传粉小蜂的拟寄生者和造瘿者对传粉小蜂有负的影响。但在蚂蚁和造瘿者的拟寄生蜂作用下,这种负面影响并不显著,而且它们对榕树繁殖没有显著影响。对小蜂自然种群的分析表明,传粉小蜂处于优势地位。说明在自然情况下传粉小蜂的拟寄生者和造瘿者的种群维持在一个较低水平,对榕树一传粉小蜂系统稳定性影响较小,故能与之长期共存。  相似文献   

We develop from basic principles a two-species differential equations model which exhibits mutualistic population interactions. The model is similar in spirit to a commonly cited model [Dean, A.M., Am. Nat. 121(3), 409–417 (1983)], but corrects problems due to singularities in that model. In addition, we investigate our model in more depth by varying the intrinsic growth rate for each of the species and analyzing the resulting bifurcations in system behavior. We are especially interested in transitions between facultative and obligate mutualism. The model reduces to the familiar Lotka–Volterra model locally, but is more realistic for large populations in the case where mutualist interaction is strong. In particular, our model supports population thresholds necessary for survival in certain cases, but does this without allowing unbounded population growth. Experimental implications are discussed for a lichen population.  相似文献   

Workers of three ant species (Lasius niger, Lasius flavus, Myrmica rubra) were caged in the laboratory together with caterpillars and pupae of five species of lycaenid butterflies. Mortality of ants was 3–5 times higher when the ants were confined with larvae lacking a dorsal nectar organ (Lycaena phlaeas, Lycaena tityrus) rather than with caterpillars which possess a nectar gland (Aricia agestis, Polyommatus bellargus, P. icarus). For all five species, ant survival was always lower at the pupal stage (where a nectar organ is always absent) than at the caterpillar stage and was largely equivalent for the butterfly species tested. The experimental data confirm earlier estimates that ants can derive nutritive benefits from tending facultatively myrmecophilous lycaenid caterpillars, even though these caterpillars produce nectarlike secretions at low rates.  相似文献   

Abiotic environmental variables strongly affect the outcomes of species interactions. For example, mutualistic interactions between species are often stronger when resources are limited. The effect might be indirect: water stress on plants can lead to carbon stress, which could alter carbon-mediated plant mutualisms. In mutualistic ant–plant symbioses, plants host ant colonies that defend them against herbivores. Here we show that the partners'' investments in a widespread ant–plant symbiosis increase with water stress across 26 sites along a Mesoamerican precipitation gradient. At lower precipitation levels, Cordia alliodora trees invest more carbon in Azteca ants via phloem-feeding scale insects that provide the ants with sugars, and the ants provide better defense of the carbon-producing leaves. Under water stress, the trees have smaller carbon pools. A model of the carbon trade-offs for the mutualistic partners shows that the observed strategies can arise from the carbon costs of rare but extreme events of herbivory in the rainy season. Thus, water limitation, together with the risk of herbivory, increases the strength of a carbon-based mutualism.  相似文献   

There has been considerable recent interest in understanding the role of positive inter-specific interactions within ecology, and significant progress has been made both empirically and theoretically. Similarly, considerable progress has been made in improving our understanding of the mechanisms that limit species' ranges. In this contribution, we seek to understand the setting of species' borders when some species within the assemblage exhibit positive inter-specific interactions. We use a spatially explicit dual-lattice simulation model to explore the distribution of different interactions across environmental gradients. We first simulate community dynamics when there is either a gradient in reproductive rate or in mortality. We then consider what happens when gradients in reproduction and mortality run in parallel or perpendicular to one another. If the stress gradient impacts on reproductive potential, positive interactions are found where there is high abiotic stress. In this instance, the mutualists are able to tolerate an environment that the cheaters cannot. However, when the stress gradient influences mortality, we find that the mutualists occur as a stripe surrounded by cheaters both towards the better and the harsher ends of the gradient. Previous theory and most empirical evidence tend to indicate that net positive interactions are likely to occur in environments characterized by high abiotic stress. However, evidence from some stress gradients suggests that the distribution of positive and negative interactions can be more complex, with the most stressful environments being occupied by individuals engaging in negative rather than positive interactions. Our results provide a potential theoretical explanation for these recent field observation, and highlight the need for further theoretical and empirical work to better our understanding of how positive and negative interactions act to determine the limits to species' ranges.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the results of an experimental study on ant pollination of three plant species inhabiting the Mediterranean high mountains (Alyssum purpureum, Arenaria tetraquetra and Sedum anglicum) and four species inhabiting the aridlands (Lepidium subulatum, Gypsophyla struthium, Frankenia thymifolia and Retama sphaerocarpa) of South-eastern Spain. We determined several plant and ant traits, as well as the composition and abundance of the pollinator assemblage. Insects belonging to 29 families and five orders visited the flowers of the plant species studied. In all but two, L. subulatum and G. struthium, the ants comprised 70–100% of the flower visitors. The results clearly show that five out of seven of these plant species were pollinated by ants. The role of the ants as pollinators seems to depend heavily on the relative abundance of the ants with respect to the other species of the pollinator assemblage, ant pollination becoming evident when ants outnumber other floral visitors. The ant-pollination systems analysed in this study may be the result of prevailing ecological conditions more than an evolutionary result of a specialized interaction.  相似文献   

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