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This report describes two modified methods for the identification of Salmonella somatic (O) and flagellar (H) antigens. Over a period of 2 years, both modified methods were found to be approximately three times less labor intensive than the standard methods while requiring no more technical skill. The modified methods were as accurate as the standard methods in identifying the O and H antigens of 350 Salmonella isolates. Furthermore, 43 O antisera reacted exclusively with organisms possessing homologous O antigens when the modified and two standard methods were used. At the antiserum dilutions used for H antigen identification, H antisera did not react with O antigens or heterologous H antigens by either the modified or the standard method. Compared with the standard method for H antigen identification, the modified method was approximately 20 times more economical with respect to antisera and usually generated a 1.5- to 4-fold higher titer. Since the antisera stored for use in the modified method for H antigen identification were usually 100-fold more dilute than the antisera stored for the standard method, an antibody-stabilizing buffer was incorporated in the diluted antisera, allowing these reagents to be used for at least 9 to 16 months.  相似文献   

This report describes two modified methods for the identification of Salmonella somatic (O) and flagellar (H) antigens. Over a period of 2 years, both modified methods were found to be approximately three times less labor intensive than the standard methods while requiring no more technical skill. The modified methods were as accurate as the standard methods in identifying the O and H antigens of 350 Salmonella isolates. Furthermore, 43 O antisera reacted exclusively with organisms possessing homologous O antigens when the modified and two standard methods were used. At the antiserum dilutions used for H antigen identification, H antisera did not react with O antigens or heterologous H antigens by either the modified or the standard method. Compared with the standard method for H antigen identification, the modified method was approximately 20 times more economical with respect to antisera and usually generated a 1.5- to 4-fold higher titer. Since the antisera stored for use in the modified method for H antigen identification were usually 100-fold more dilute than the antisera stored for the standard method, an antibody-stabilizing buffer was incorporated in the diluted antisera, allowing these reagents to be used for at least 9 to 16 months.  相似文献   

Following the injection of polymeric flagellin (POL), foetal sheep older than 70 days gestation produced haemagglutinating antibody and synthesized IgM. The maximum titre of antibody in the blood increased with the age at which the foetus was injected. All foetuses synthesized 2-mercapto-ethanol-sensitive antibodies, while older foetuses (approximately 120 days gestation) also produced 2-mercaptoethanol-resistant antibodies and synthesized IgG1. During the primary immune response, there was a poor correlation between the antibody titre and the amount of immunoglobulin synthesized. The majority of IgM synthesized and almost all IgG1 had no demonstrable specificity for POL. During the secondary response to POL, the majority of IgG1 synthesized was specific and in one case appeared to be monoclona. There was no detectable primary antibody response in foetal sheep to the somatic antigens of Salmonella typhimurium, although all foetuses synthesized IgM. Only one of six foetuses receiving a second injection of antigen produced antibody. There was an increase in the numbers of blood lymphocytes following the injection of both POL and S. typhimurium, but only POL induced a rapid increase in the numbers of neutrophils in the blood and produced histological changes in the draining lymph nodes and spleen.  相似文献   

Bacterial flagellar filaments are assembled by tens of thousands flagellin subunits, forming 11 helically arranged protofilaments. Each protofilament can take either of the two bistable forms L‐type or R‐type, having slightly different conformations and inter‐protofilaments interactions. By mixing different ratios of L‐type and R‐type protofilaments, flagella adopt multiple filament polymorphs and promote bacterial motility. In this study, we investigated the hydrogen bonding networks at the flagellin crystal packing interface in Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium (S. typhimurium) by site‐directed mutagenesis of each hydrogen bonded residue. We identified three flagellin mutants D108A, N133A and D152A that were non‐motile despite their fully assembled flagella. Mutants D108A and D152A trapped their flagellar filament into inflexible right‐handed polymorphs, which resemble the previously predicted 3L/8R and 4L/7R helical forms in Calladine’s model but have never been reported in vivo. Mutant N133A produces floppy flagella that transform flagellar polymorphs in a disordered manner, preventing the formation of flagellar bundles. Further, we found that the hydrogen bonding interactions around these residues are conserved and coupled to flagellin L/R transition. Therefore, we demonstrate that the hydrogen bonding networks formed around flagellin residues D108, N133 and D152 greatly contribute to flagellar bending, flexibility, polymorphisms and bacterial motility.  相似文献   

Somatic and flagellar immunofluorescence of Salmonella   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Caldwell, W. J. (The Child Research Center of Michigan, Detroit, Mich.), C. S. Stulberg, and W. D. Peterson, Jr. Somatic and flagellar immunofluorescence of Salmonella. J. Bacteriol. 92:1177-1187. 1966.-Labeled globulin fractions of flagellar (H) antisera, prepared against 20 frequently occurring Salmonella serotypes belonging to five major somatic (O) groups, were characterized for O and H immunofluorescence and for O and H agglutinin titers against 32 serotypes. The feasibility of immunofluorescent identification of both somatic and flagellar antigens was enhanced by staining formaldehyde-treated organisms in suspension. Relationships between homologous, partial, and unrelated antigen-antibody systems were then analyzed, and a high degree of correlation was shown between the results obtained by the two serological procedures. Flagellar staining was highly specific, and was bright, faint, or inapparent, depending on the relationship between the antigen-antibody systems involved. Somatic staining was also specific, but somewhat more difficult to interpret, because cells in the same preparation might exhibit a mixture of bright, faint, or no fluorescent intensities. Correlation was shown between the percentage of brightly staining cells found in these preparations and the agglutination titers of the comparable antigen-antibody systems. The phenomenon of a "percentage" reaction was unexplained. Absorption studies further confirmed the specificity of reactions. The techniques developed were applied to surveillance of several mouse colonies for the presence of Salmonella. Broth cultures of fecal specimens were treated with formaldehyde and stained in suspension with "polyvalent" labeled antibody reagents. Agreement was found in 97.6% of the instances between results obtained by immunofluorescence and cultural methods. In addition, preliminary evidence indicated the feasibility of presumptive serotyping of Salmonella isolates by immunofluorescence.  相似文献   

Transduction of flagellar characters in Salmonella   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  

Electron cryomicroscopy of rotor complexes of the Salmonella typhimurium flagellar motor, overproduced in a nonmotile Escherichia coli host, has revealed a variation in subunit symmetry of the cytoplasmic ring (C ring) module. C rings with subunit symmetries ranging from 31 to 38 were found. They formed a Gaussian distribution around a mean between 34 and 35, a similar number to that determined for native C rings. C-ring diameter scaled with the number of subunits, indicating that the elliptical-shaped subunits maintained constant intersubunit spacing. Taken together with evidence that the M ring does not correspondingly increase in size, this finding indicates that rotor assembly does not require strict stoichiometric interactions between the M- and C-ring subunits. Implications for motor function are discussed.  相似文献   

Operon structure of flagellar genes in Salmonella typhimurium   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Summary In Salmonella typhimurium, more than 40 genes have been shown to be involved in flagellar formation and function and almost all of them have been assigned to three regions of the chromosome, termed region I, region II, and region III. In the present study, a large number of transposon-insertion mutants in these flagellar genes were isolated using Tn10 and Mud1. The flaV gene was found to be a strong hot spot for Tn10 insertion. Complementation analysis of the polarity effects exerted by the transposon-insertion mutants defined 13 different flagellar operons; 3 in region I, 4 in region II, and 6 in region III. These results are compared with the reported arrangement of the corresponding genes in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

The flagellar filament of the mutant Salmonella typhimurium strain SJW814 is straight, and has a right-handed twist like the filament of SJW1655. Three-dimensional reconstructions from electron micrographs of ice-embedded filaments reveal a flagellin subunit that has the same domain organization as that of SJW1655. Both show slight changes from the domain organization of the subunits from SJW1660, which possesses a straight, left-handed filament. This points to the possible role of changes in subunit conformation in the left-to-right-handed structural transition in filaments. Comparison of the left and right-handed filaments shows that the subunit's orientation and intersubunit bonding appear to change. The orientation of the subunit in the SJW814 filament is intermediate between that of SJW1655 and SJW1660. Its intermediate orientation may explain why the filaments of SJW1655 and SJW1660 are locked in one conformation, whereas the filament of SJW814 can be induced to switch by, for example, changes in pH and ionic strength.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized spontaneous mutants with defects in the 147-amino-acid Salmonella protein FliJ, which is a cytoplasmic component of the type III flagellar export apparatus. These mutants, including ones with null mutations, have the ability to form swarms on motility agar plates after prolonged incubation at 30 degrees C; i.e., they display a leaky motile phenotype. One mutant, SJW277, which formed significantly bigger swarms than the others, encoded only the N-terminal 73 amino acids of FliJ, one-half of the protein. At 30 degrees C, overproduction of this mutant protein improved, to wild-type levels, both motility and the ability to export both rod/hook-type (FlgD; hook capping protein) and filament-type (FliC; flagellin) substrates. At 42 degrees C, however, export was inhibited, indicating that the mutant FliJ protein was temperature sensitive. Taking advantage of this, we performed temperature upshift experiments, which demonstrated that FliJ is directly required for the export of FliC. Co-overproduction of FliJ and either of two export substrates, FliE or FlgG, hindered their aggregation in the cytoplasm. We conclude that FliJ is a general component of the flagellar export apparatus and has a chaperone-like activity for both rod/hook-type and filament-type substrates.  相似文献   

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