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Alkalinity of the medium was shown to be the chief factor involved in the accumulation of oxalate by T. cinnabarina. Glutamate and aspartate are shown to lead to oxalate with this organism and with L. lepideus by dehydrogenation to α-ketoglutarate and oxaloacetate, respectively. Malate was also shown to be dehydrogenated. It is proposed that oxaloacetate may either undergo β-decarboxylation to yield CO2 and pyruvate, or splitting by coenzyme A to yield oxalate and acetylated coenzyme A. The reversal of this latter reaction is suggested as the explanation of the disappearance of oxalate from culture media. The reduction of resazurin by the dehydrogenase systems of the molds is inhibited by cyanide, indicating the participation of metal systems, such as the cytochromes.  相似文献   

The goal of this work was to select higher fungi for the production of enzymes able to produce plant protoplasts. The hydrolytic capacity of various species of wood-detsroying fungi was examined to select those with the maximal hydrolytic capacity. The selection criteria included attack on cellulose, and oligo-and polysaccharides by each fungus species. Lenzites elegans, gonoderma applanatum and Pycnoporus sanguineus produced thr richest enzymatic mixtures, which were evaluated for their protoplasting ability. L. elegans has the best enzymatic mixture able to [roduced plant protoplasts with the shortest time for maceration of plant tissues, followed by G. applanatum and P. sanguineus. The potential of these fungi and the simplicity of enzyme proudtcion suggest the possibility of commercial applications.Correepondence to: A. R. Sampietro  相似文献   

Phomopsis longicolla Hobbs is the primary cause of Phomopsis seed decay (PSD) in soybean. Infection may result in moldy seed and poor germination. The objective of this study was to conduct inheritance studies to characterize resistance to PSD in plant introduction (PI) 360481. Crosses were made between PI 360841 and 2 PSD-susceptible genotypes, Agripro (AP) 350 and PI 91113, to determine the number of genes for resistance. Additionally, crosses were made between PI 360841 and Phomopsis resistant parents MO/PSD-0259 and PI 80837 to test the allelism of the resistance genes. Seed infection assays were done using seed from parent plants and F(2) populations. Chi-square analysis of the resistant x susceptible F(2) data fit to a 9R:7S model for 2 complementary dominant genes conferring PSD resistance in PI 360841. Segregation for reaction in the F(2) of MO/PSD-0259 x PI 360841 exhibited a good fit to a 57R:7S model for 2 complementary dominant genes from PI 360841 and a different dominant gene from MO/PSD-0259. There was no apparent segregation in the F(2) population from PI 360841 x PI 80837 except for one suspicious susceptible plant, suggesting one of the genes in PI 360841 is the same gene in PI 80837 for PSD resistance.  相似文献   

Aluminum phosphide, a well-known stored grain fumigant, available in solid formulation, has shown promise as wood fumigant. This chemical decomposes to phosphine when exposed to moisture. The feasibility of fumigant treatment to extend the service life of wood was evaluated in a small block test of two wood species. Hard wood (Mangifera indica L.) and conifer blocks (Pinus roxburghii Sargent) were fumigated with different concentrations (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, and 1.6%) of aluminum phosphide. Fumigated blocks were exposed to Lyctus africanus Lesne (Coleoptera; Lyctidae) larvae. Results revealed that aluminum phosphide showed complete mortality of Lyctus larvae at 0.2% concentration, that is, 0.93 g/m3 retention level. Mean mortality of 74% of Lyctus larvae was observed in soft wood blocks fumigated with lowest concentration, that is, 0.05% of aluminum phosphide, whereas in hard wood blocks > 85% mortality was observed at this concentration.  相似文献   

The incidence of fungal infections has increased over the past decade. In addition to classical pathogens, such as Aspergillus spp, new fungal species are increasingly reported. Despite the availability of new antifungals, mortality of invasive fungal infections remains very high. The host immune status is the main factor for survival. However, most of these pathogens have high minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) to antifungals, and therefore, the influence of these high MICs in the outcome of the patients have begun to be addressed. Several strains of Aspergillus fumigatus showing resistance to itraconazole have been isolated, and the molecular-resistance mechanisms have been characterized. In addition, attempts to correlate high MICs with patient outcome have been performed. Although correlation is far from perfect, a clear trend between high MICs and poor outcome has been established. Resistance of fungi to antifungals is a health problem requiring support from research agencies.  相似文献   

Mycotoxin production by indoor molds   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Fungal growth in buildings starts at a water activity (a(w)) near 0.8, but significant quantities of mycotoxins are not produced unless a(w) reaches 0.95. Stachybotrys generates particularly high quantities of many chemically distinct metabolites in water-damaged buildings. These metabolites are carried by spores, and can be detected in air samples at high spore concentrations. Very little attention has been paid to major metabolites of Stachybotrys called spirocyclic drimanes, and the precise structures of the most abundant of these compounds are unknown. Species of Aspergillus and Penicillium prevalent in the indoor environment produce relatively low concentrations of mycotoxins, with the exception of sterigmatocystins that can represent up to 1% of the biomass of A. versicolor at a(w)'s close to 1. The worst-case scenario for homeowners is produced by consecutive episodes of water damage that promote fungal growth and mycotoxin synthesis, followed by drier conditions that facilitate the liberation of spores and hyphal fragments.  相似文献   

Where over-intensive use of the forests may be leading to the loss of a centuries-old plant-utilizing industry.  相似文献   

There are 5,000 trees in various parts of the State, planted at various times, and recent experimental strippings of the largest have yielded 600 to 1,000 pounds of high quality cork per tree. Does this presage an American cork industry?  相似文献   

Larch heartwood is appreciated for its good mechanical properties, its colour and its texture, and it is often used outdoors because of its natural durability (decay resistance). In this study the colour of larch heartwood was studied in relation to extractives and decay resistance, with the aim to estimate durability of larch heartwood from its colour. On a total of 293 trees colour in the CIE L*a*b* space (L* lightness, a* red/green axis, b* yellow/blue axis), extractives content (acetone and hot-water extractives, amount of phenolics) and the brown-rot decay resistance were determined. For calculating the relative decay resistance ( x), mass loss after inoculation for 16 weeks with two fungi [ Coniophora puteana (Schum.ex.Fr.) Karst., Poria placenta (Fr.) Cke, European standard EN 113] of larch heartwood samples was compared to Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L) sapwood reference samples (EN 350-1). Different species [Japanese larch ( Larix kaempferi Lamb.), Hybrid larch (Larix deciduax L. kaempferi) and European larch ( L. decidua Mill.)], provenances and age classes (38-year, >150-year) were included. Japanese larch heartwood turned out to be significantly more reddish (higher a*-values) compared to the European larch provenances. Reddishness of the hybrids was intermediate. The red hue (+a*) was strongly correlated with the amount of phenols ( r =0.84) and decay resistance ( r =0.63) and therefore suitable for prediction of both parameters. The results suggest that colour measurements of larch heartwood could be of benefit in tree breeding programs and for an optimised utilization of larch timber.  相似文献   

The gamma-amino acid oxidase of molds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The potential use of organosilicons as protective agents against basidiomycetes attack of wood used in outdoor applications was investigated using Scots pine sapwood and beech specimens. Both mini-blocks and EN 113 specimens were subjected to brown-rot and white-rot fungi. A dose–response could be observed showing that with higher weight percentage gain of the organosilicon, the resistance (i.e., efficacy) against fungi increased. At relatively low weight percentage gains, which are assumed to be economically feasible, Scots pine could be partly protected against decay by Postia placenta and Coniophora puteana and beech could be partly protected against decay by C. puteana and Trametes versicolor. Full protection was achieved by some silicons for Scots pine sapwood against C. puteana and for beech against T. versicolor. The most promising products were a solvent-based mixture of the alkoxysilanes methyltrimethoxysilane (MTM) and octyltriethoxysilane (OTES) and a water-based micro-emulsion of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and triethoxysilane (TES) when applied above 20 and 30% weight gain for Scots pine and above 30 and 40% weight gain for beech. A water-based mixture of dimethylmethylhydrogen siloxane (DMS) and N-octyltriethoxysilane (n-OTES) was able to protect beech at weight gains above 30%.  相似文献   

Production of a rennin-like enzyme by molds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The capacity of 22 molds for 11β-hydroxylation of cortexolone (Reichstein’s compound S) to hydrocortisone were assessed. The biotransformation capacity was compared for solid-state and submerged monocultures of molds that were otherwise under identical conditions. Thin-layer chromatography and a novel rapid color-development assay were used to qualitatively establish the ability of fungi to convert cortexolone to hydrocortisone. These assays were validated and supplemented with data from high-performance liquid chromatography to obtain quantitative information on biotransformation. Nearly all the fungi consumed a significant fraction of the cortexolone fed, but only four of them (i.e., two isolates of Cunninghamella blakesleeana, C. echinulata, and Curvularia lunata) yielded measurable quantities of hydrocortisone. Submerged cultures generally gave a significantly greater yield of hydrocortisone compared to equivalent solid-state cultures. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

The cost of providing power to disperse gas and mix the contents of fermenters contributes significantly to overall process economics. The major factor affecting the power demand is the viscosity of the fermentation medium, and this can be substantially reduced by growing molds in the form of pellets rather than as filaments. Studies on Penicillium chrysogenum demonstrate the advantages of inoculating fermentation media with pelleted molds.  相似文献   

Capabilities of 22 molds were assessed for 11beta-hydroxylation of cortexolone (Reichstein's compound S) to hydrocortisone. The biotransformation capability was compared for solid-state and submerged monocultures of the molds under otherwise identical conditions. A novel rapid color development assay and thin layer chromatography were used to qualitatively establish the ability of the fungi to convert cortexolone to hydrocortisone. These assays were validated and supplemented with data from high performance liquid chromatography to obtain quantitative information on the biotransformation. Nearly all the fungi consumed a significant fraction of the cortexolone fed, but only four (i.e. two isolates of Cunninghamella blakesleeana, C. echinulata and Curvularia lunata) yielded measurable quantities of hydrocortisone. Submerged cultures generally gave significantly greater yield of hydrocortisone compared to equivalent solid-state cultures.  相似文献   

Fast-growing plant wood Populus ussuriensis Kom, and Micheliamacclurel wood were respectively modified by formation of wood-polymer composite to improve their decay resistance. Two functional monomers, glycidyl methacrylate and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate, added with a few Azo-bis-isobutryonitrile as initiator, and maleic anhydride as catalyst, were first impregnated into wood cell lumen under a vacuum-pressure condition, and then in-situ polymerized into copolymers through a catalyst-thermal treatment. The decay resistances of untreated wood and wood-polymer composites were assessed by weight loss and compared by SEM observations. SEM and FTIR analysis indicated that the in-situ polymerized copolymers fully filled up wood cell lumen and also grafted onto wood cell walls, resulting in the blockage of passages for microorganisms and moisture to wood cell walls. Thus, the decay resistance of poplar wood-polymer composite and Micheliamacclurel wood-polymer composite against brown rot fungus and white rot fungus in terms of weight loss achieved 3.43–3.92% and 1.04–1.33%, improved 95.06–95.18% and 95.10–95.35% than those of untreated poplar wood and Micheliamacclurel wood, respectively; and also respectively higher than that of boron-treated wood. The SEM observations for the decayed poplar wood, Micheliamacclurel wood and their corresponding treated wood also showed the remarkable improvement of decay resistance of wood after such treatment, which effectively protected wood from degradation by fungi.  相似文献   

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