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1. Bottom-up approaches based on individual behaviour can help to identify key variables influencing populations at larger scales. Instream habitat models have been developed to predict the consequences, for populations in stream reaches, of fish preferences for particular hydraulic conditions observed at the scale of individuals. Conventional instream habitat models (e.g. PHABSIM) predict habitat values for species or life stages in reaches, and their changes with discharge. Despite their worldwide use, they have been subject to continuing criticism and have been mainly limited to site-specific case studies.
2. We ran conventional instream habitat models in 58 French stream reaches dominated by brown trout. Using non-linear mixed effect models, we demonstrated that the outputs of instream habitat models (habitat values for three trout life stages and five other species) are predictable from average characteristics of reaches (discharge, depth, width and bed particle size).
3. Our models closely reflect variations in habitat values within-reaches (with discharge) and between-reaches. Within-reach changes are linked to the Reynolds number of reaches, while between-reach changes depend mainly on the Froude number at median daily discharge. These two dimensionless variables combine discharge, mean depth and mean width of reaches. Independent model validations showed robust model predictions that are consistent with studies of habitat values for brown trout made in larger streams from western North America.
4. Our results contribute to identifying the main hydraulic variables governing estimates of fish habitat values. They should facilitate habitat studies in multiple streams, at the basin or larger scales, while reducing their cost. They should enhance the biological validation of habitat model predictions, which remains critical.  相似文献   

Fish habitat preferences in large streams of southern France   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1. Relationships between fish and their habitat over whole geographic regions, which are evident from studies of many streams and species, can improve understanding of lotic communities and provide reliable management tools. Nevertheless, most habitat preference studies have been based on single sites, and confined to small streams and to game species.
2. Regional habitat preference models, based on local velocity, depth and roughness, were developed for twenty-four species and their size classes commonly found in large European streams. Fish surveys were conducted in six large streams in southern France over an 8-year period. To limit the influences of habitat variables other than those studied, we estimated fish preferences within each survey and averaged this information across surveys. Preferences were fitted with confidence intervals and their sensitivity to field uncertainty was evaluated.
3. Most species and size classes had significant preferences for local habitat conditions which were consistent across the region. Habitat preferences predominant in the region overall were not always observed at any one site, but habitat conditions preferred on average in the region were never actually avoided locally. These results support the use of regional preference models for fish and the development of similar models for other lotic groups whose sensitivity to local habitat conditions has been reported elsewhere.  相似文献   

The mean column velocity preference of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (LF 30–55 mm) was investigated by observing their spatial pattern of habitat use in a laboratory flume while varying discharge (Q) over a 18‐fold range (Q=2·6–46·8l s‐1). Based on 341 fish observations at three discharges (Q=2·6, 15·0 and 46·8l s‐1), three separate velocity preference curves were developed using standard procedures. The mean column velocities measured at 0·6 depth for the fish positions at the set low, medium and high discharges had medians of 7, 10 and 24 cm s‐1, respectively, and varied significantly between the discharges. Across the range of flows, the fish utilized mean column velocities between 0 and 56 cm s‐1, but the three velocity preference curves differed. Differences between juvenile Atlantic salmon use of habitat, defined according to mean column velocities at different discharges, were greatest at the lower end of the available range of velocities (<20 cm s‐1). Weighted usable area (WUA), the output of the instream flow model PHABSIM that is used to describe the available habitat at a given discharge, was calculated for the flume using the preference curves built at the three set discharges. The model was highly sensitive to differences between the three preference curves and WUA varied by up to a two‐fold difference. Furthermore, habitat‐discharge relationships derived from the three preference curves were very different. Predicted habitat losses across the modelled range of discharges varied by up to 150% depending upon which velocity preference curve was used in the model. Thus, the assumption that a single preference curve can be applied across a range of discharges is not valid and is likely to result in large errors when employing PHABSIM and other models that use similar principles.  相似文献   

模糊数学方法模拟水库运行影响下鱼类栖息地的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水库调度改变了河流水文情势,从而使得水生动植物栖息地的空间分布发生明显的变化。针对水库运行对鱼类栖息地的影响,利用模糊数学方法建立栖息地模型,并与水环境模型耦合,分析不同水文情势下鱼类在不同生长期的栖息地变化情况。基于专家分析法建立模糊函数隶属度及规则集,计算栖息地适宜性指数(HSI),提出适宜栖息地宽度指数(HSWI)表征河道内栖息地连通性,并对栖息地变化的有效性进行分析。选取漓江下游的某个复式河道为对象,模拟特征鱼种光倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus hollandi)在典型水文年份中水库不同调节模式下的栖息地变化情况。结果表明,在丰水年及枯水年的产卵期,水库补水明显增加了鱼类适宜栖息地面积,其中高适应性区域面积增幅近50%,而平水年影响较小;水库补水对越冬场的影响则相对微弱,仅增加5%左右。  相似文献   

1. The River Durance, the last alpine tributary of the River Rhône, is a large, braided alluvial hydrosystem. Following large-scale regulation, flow downstream of the Serre-Ponçon dam has been maintained at 1/40th of previous annual mean discharge. To assess the effects of historical disturbances, fish assemblages and habitat use were analysed during five summers in a representative reach of the middle Durance.
2. Habitat availability and use were assessed with a multi-scale approach including the variables water depth, current velocity, roughness height of substratum, amount of woody debris and lateral/longitudinal location. Eighteen fish species were sampled by electrofishing in 289 habitat sample units.
3. Partial least square (PLS) regression showed that taxa were mainly distributed according to relationships between their total length and water depth/velocity variables. Fish assemblage composition was also related to roughness height as well as distance from the bank or to the nearest large woody debris. However, PLS regression revealed no significant differences in habitat selection between two periods of varying hydromorphological stability.
4. Fish distribution patterns and density were related to proximity to the bank and cover, indicating that local scale variables need to be considered in conservation and restoration programmes.  相似文献   

1. Many aspects of the flow regime influence the structure of stream communities, among which the minimum discharge left in rivers has received particular attention. However, instream habitat models predicting the ecological impacts of discharge management often lack biological validation and spatial generality, particularly for large rivers with many fish species. 2. The minimum flow at Pierre‐Bénite, a reach of the Rhône river bypassed by artificial channels, was increased from 10 to 100 m3 s?1 in August 2000 (natural mean discharge 1030 m3 s?1), resulting in a fivefold increase in average velocity at minimum flow. Fish were electrofished in several habitat units on 12 surveys between 1995 and 2004. 3. Principal components analysis revealed a significant change in the relative abundance of fish species. The relative abundance of species preferring fast‐flowing and/or deep microhabitats increased from two‐ to fourfold after minimum flow increase. A change in community structure confirmed independent quantitative predictions of an instream habitat model. This change was significantly linked to minimum flow increase, but not to any other environmental variables describing high flows or temperature at key periods of fish life cycle. The rapidity of the fish response compared with the lifespan of individual species can be explained by a differential response of specific size classes. 4. The fish community at Pierre‐Bénite is in a transitional stage and only continued monitoring will indicate if the observed shift in community structure is perennial. We expect that our case study will be compared with other predictive tests of the impacts of flow restoration in large rivers, in the Rhône catchment and elsewhere.  相似文献   

  1. It is often assumed that invertebrate consumers in small tropical streams are dependent on allochthonous sources, although recent studies indicate that algae can form the base of food webs in tropical streams. Fish in tropical streams can feed across several trophic levels and the origin and path of energy and nutrient flow is uncertain for many species.
  2. We collected fish, insects, periphyton, and leaf litter from 20 streams across four Atlantic Forest catchments. We analysed stomach contents of fish to define trophic guild and fish dietary trophic position. We also analysed stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen of fish and their resources to identify the main basal resources of the food web and to estimate trophic positions and identify the path of energy flow.
  3. We found that autochthonous sources were the primary resource base for fish communities. Trophic positions estimated from diet and isotopes were similar and correlated for insectivore and algivore–insectivore fish, but not for algivore–detritivore or omnivore fish. Using path analysis, fish classified as algivore–detritivores appear to have derived their biomass through a diet of primary consumer insects and periphytic algae and thus, are more likely to play a trophic role as algivore–insectivores in these streams. However, omnivores probably derived much of their biomass from aquatic insects.
  4. Our findings support other studies of tropical systems in which the main basal resource is autochthonous, even in small streams. We also show that the assignment to a specific trophic guild for some fish species, based on gut contents, does not reflect what they assimilate into their bodies. In some species, food sources that are uncommon can make a disproportionately important contribution to their biomass.
  5. This study affirms the important role of inconspicuous algal resources in aquatic food webs, even in small forested streams, and demonstrates the effectiveness of taking a combined approach of diet analysis, isotopic tracing, and modelling to resolve food web pathways where the level of omnivory is high.

In the northern coast of Spain there are rivers with Atlantic salmon populations. In the upper reaches of one of these streams, river Pas, the effectiveness of habitat enhancement measures was evaluated, under different instream flow conditions. By means of the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology and using a two dimensional hydraulic model (River2D, Steffler P (2000) Software River2D. Two Dimensional Depth Averaged Finite Element Hydrodynamic Model. University of Alberta, Canada), the potential value of stream habitat for different salmon development stages requirements was measured by Weighted Useable Area (WUA). This habitat evaluation was carried out for the unmodified stream reach, which represent the control or natural conditions. Habitat improvement measures (alternate deflectors and low dams) were simulated in the original riverbed topography. Over this modified base, habitat was estimated running River2D again. By comparing the salmon habitat evaluations in the control conditions with those obtained under those improvement conditions we have been able to assess the effectiveness of each one, and the instream flow environment at which maximum improvement is reached. The maximum habitat improvement was obtained around 10 m3/s for the adult salmon, and for the fry and parr it was around 6 m3/s. However, the habitat simulation results show that with both improvement measures, under a natural flow regime the mean annual habitat increases around 1% of the WUA in relation to the control conditions, which is not a significant improvement. A similar small WUA increase was obtained when changing the bed topography, considering geomorphological adjustments due to the new erosion and sedimentation areas caused by the presence of these structures. Therefore, these types of habitat improvement measures are not recommended in these stream reaches.  相似文献   

莱州湾鱼类群落同功能种团的季节变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用2011年5月、8月、10月和12月底拖网调查数据,对莱州湾海域鱼类同功能种团特征及其季节变化进行了研究。全年调查共渔获鱼类49种,全部为硬骨鱼类。根据鱼类的摄食习性,调查海域鱼类可划分为浮游动物食性种团、浮游动物/底栖动物食性种团、底栖动物食性种团、底栖动物/游泳动物食性种团、游泳动物食性种团、杂食性种团和碎屑食性种团共7个同功能种团,其中底栖动物食性种团种类数最多(14种),底栖动物/游泳动物食性种团次之(12种)。碎屑食性种团生物量在全年处于第一优势地位,占32.8%;其次为浮游动物食性种团,占31.6%;再次为底栖动物/游泳动物食性种团,占25.0%。同功能种团多样性(HFD)和种类多样性(Hs)季节变化趋势相同,均在夏季达到最高值,冬季达到最低值;两者关系使用指数方程拟合效果最佳。浮游动物食性种团平均营养级为3.71、浮游动物/底栖动物食性种团为3.83、底栖动物食性种团为3.43、底栖动物/游泳动物食性种团为3.75、游泳动物食性种团为3.86、杂食性种团为3.73、碎屑食性种团为3.34。与20世纪80年代、90年代调查结果相比,目前莱州湾碎屑食性种团比例明显上升,游泳动物食性种团比例大幅下;底栖动物食性种团和游泳动物食性种团的平均营养级明显下降,碎屑食性种团平均营养级有所上升。  相似文献   

Aarts  Bram G.W.  Nienhuis  Piet H. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,500(1-3):157-178
Longitudinal zonation concepts describe the downstream changes in chemico-physical and biological properties of rivers. Including information on ecological fish guilds can enhance the usefulness of fish zonation concepts, in a way that they can be used as tools for assessment and management of the ecological integrity of large rivers. We present an ecological characterization of fish zones and fish communities in near-natural and in regulated large rivers in Europe (the River Doubs in France and the Rivers Rhine and Meuse in the Netherlands), using guild classifications of several life-history traits of fish and national Red Lists of threatened species. The Doubs data set was also analyzed using indices of the sensitivity of fish species to environmental degradation and indices for eurytopy. In these rivers, the number of ecological guilds per zone increases downstream, and there are clear shifts in the structure of the guilds. Flow preference and reproduction ecology of river fish are closely linked. The proportion of rheophilic species in the fish community decreases downstream, and the proportions of limnophilic and eurytopic species increase. Lithophilic and psammophilic spawners are dominant in the upper zones, whereas the lower zones are dominated by phytophilic and phytolithophilic spawners. The proportion of zoobenthivorous and periphytivorous species decreases downstream, and the proportion of zooplanktivorous and phytivorous species increases. However, because the European fish fauna mainly consists of feeding generalists, the discriminative abilities of simplistic feeding guild classifications are not very high. Guilds of sensitive, stenoecious species that share life history strategies that are highly adapted to specific riverine conditions (rheophils and limnophils) have declined far more than generalist species that can survive in a wide range of habitats that are not characteristic of natural river ecosystems. Because of the subsequent over-abundance of the eurytopic species the original longitudinal fish zonations are hardly recognizable anymore in heavily impacted large rivers such as the River Rhine. Hence these rivers do not meet the criteria for ecological integrity. Within a specific fish region, a suitable way of analyzing and monitoring the impact of human disturbance on the structure of the fish community is by comparing the guild structure of the present state of a fish zone with that of the reference situation.  相似文献   

Livestock grazing on natural grasslands is widespread with negative consequences to biodiversity. In the High Andes, páramo grassland is a distinctive ecosystem where the influence of livestock grazing on páramo birds is poorly documented. We assessed the influence of habitat modification of páramo grassland related to livestock grazing on bird habitat guilds in the southern Andes of Ecuador. We recorded birds occurring along transects located in areas which showed a gradient (low to high) of grazing pressure. We found a decrease in abundance of páramo specialists in transects with more grazing pressure. We interpret this habitat modification as loss of key habitat necessary for habitat-specialized birds.  相似文献   

In recent years, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration have been key issues of watershed management in many countries. To maintain or restore the environmental quality of watersheds, we need to assess the impact of anthropogenic changes on stream ecosystems with accuracy. In addition, watershed conservation planners have to make strategic plans and determine priorities of each conservation activity.

A new monitoring methodology to evaluate the change of habitat condition for freshwater fish based on a predictive habitat model using logistic regression was developed and applied to the whole of Japan. The main contributions of our approach were 1) the construction of a Geographical Information System (GIS) database that integrates many types of data, including freshwater fish species, water quality, habitat fragmentation by damming, geology, and climate; 2) spatial analysis for quantitative assessment and predictive habitat modeling using logistic regression to combine fish survey data and environmental habitat factors to determine critical and major habitat variables for each target fish; and 3) digital mapping and changes detection of fish habitat potential for targeted endangered fish species to show habitat distribution and spatio-temporal changes of habitat potential over a 25-year period (from 1977 to 2002). We found that predicted suitable habitat and actual fish habitat showed high overlap, and that habitat conditions and distribution patterns of target freshwater fish had been affected by major habitat variables to target species respectively.  相似文献   

段鹏  陈文波  杨欢  梁翔 《生态学报》2024,44(14):6053-6066
近几十年来,随着工业化、城市化的加速推进,人类活动对自然生境的干扰越来越频繁,导致生境破碎化与生境质量下降。在流域尺度上科学模拟生境破碎化过程及其对生境质量的影响,对于提升生物多样性和生态系统功能具有重要意义。以鄱阳湖流域为研究区域,基于InVEST模型分析区域生境质量的演变特征;从生境面积、生境边缘和生境隔离三个特征维度模拟生境破碎化过程;采用广义加性模型和地理探测器探究不同生境破碎化过程对生境质量变化的影响与交互作用。研究结果表明:(1)鄱阳湖流域生境质量呈下降趋势,从2000年的0.7862下降到2010年的0.7807,再下降到2020年的0.7715,但总体生境质量较好。生境质量较优的区域主要分布在流域南部、东北部以及西部地区,生境质量较差的区域主要分布在各个子流域的交界处。(2)2000-2010年,鄱阳湖流域生境面积占比下降、生境边缘增加和生境隔离增加三个生境破碎化过程分别占总研究区网格数的34.70%、30.15%和4.50%;2010-2020年分别占总研究区网格数的34.80%、30.69%和4.40%;2000-2020年分别占总研究区网格数的40.82%、37.50%和5.46%。生境面积减少的网格主要集中在鄱阳湖流域的中北部地区;生境边缘增加的网格分布和生境面积减少的网格分布相似;相比之下,生境隔离增加的网格较少,主要分布在各城市的中心城区范围。(3)生境破碎化过程对生境质量具有显著影响,两者呈非线性负相关关系;三个生境破碎化过程两两之间交互作用对生境质量的影响呈现双因子增强趋势。研究结果可为鄱阳湖流域生态格局优化与生境质量提升提供科学参考。  相似文献   

A surface-dependent gastric evacuation model for fish   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A gastric evacuation curve expresses how fast prey disappear from the stomach, and empirical models are used generally for the relationship between weight of prey remaining ( Wt ) and time ( t ) after a meal. Unfortunately, empirical models are likely to have restricted applicability because their parameters often represent limited biological mechanisms. This paper develops a simple digestion model. The simplest form of the model has four parameters; the digestion velocity (expressing enzymatic breakdown of prey), prey length, initial prey radius and the density of the prey. Two more parameters are included in an extended version; a time-delay before digestion starts and environmental temperature. The approach is based on the assumption that prey digestion is a surface process in that digestive enzymes attack progressively deeper into a prey of known size and shape so that the average digestion rate is proportional to the prey radius r (m). This process is characterized by the digestion velocity ds (m s –1). Unknown parameters are estimated with uncertainty using the maximum likelihood technique. Model evaluation using published data sets demonstrated that the new model is flexible. Prey geometry is incorporated into the model and temperature effects upon gastric evacuation are linked directly to the digestion velocity.  相似文献   

We determined the species-specific habitat associations of coral reef fishes and environmental characteristics in an Okinawan coral reef in Japan. We focused on three families (Pomacentridae, Gobiidae and Labridae) and attempted to determine differences in habitat utilization. We selected six sites along the coast of Amitori Bay, from the entrance to the innermost part, in order to cover a wide range of habitat characteristics (exposed habitat, semi-exposed habitat and sheltered habitat). The species diversity of coral assemblages was greater at the exposed and semi-exposed habitats, whereas branching coral mostly covered the sheltered habitat. The environmental factors that determine the species-specific spatial association in fishes differed among families. Both biological characteristics (coral morphology and coral species diversity) and physical characteristics (water depth and wave exposure) affected the spatial association of pomacentrids and gobiids. In contrast, physical characteristics such as substrate complexity and water depth affected the species-specific spatial association of labrid species. Further study is needed to determine the ecological factors that regulate the species-specific habitat preference in Okinawan coral reefs.  相似文献   

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