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Summary How do organisms adapt to the differences in temperature and length of the growing season that occur with latitude? Among Atlantic silversides (Menidia menidia) along the east coast of North America, the length of the first growing season declines by a factor of about 2.5 with increasing latitude. Yet body size at the end of the first growing season does not decline. High-latitude fish must, therefore, grow faster within the growing season than do low-latitude fish. This geographical pattern has a genetic basis. Laboratory experiments on fish from six different locations revealed a latitudinal gradient in the capacity for growth (i.e., maximum growth potential). In two subsequent experiments using fish from Nova Scotia (NS), New York (NY) and South Carolina (SC) that had been separately reared in a common environment for several generations, differences in growth rate among populations were highly significant. The rank order was NS>NY>SC, but the difference among populations depended on temperature. High-latitude fish outperformed those from low latitudes primarily at the high temperatures that low-latitude fish would be expected to experience most often in nature. These results suggest that instead of being adapted for growth at low temperatures, fish from high latitudes are adapted for rapid elevation of growth rate during the brief interval of the year when high temperatures occur. Selection on growth rate results from sizedependent winter mortality: the importance to winter survival of being large increases with latitude but the length of the growing season simultaneously decreases. The end result is countergradient variation in growth rate, a phenomenon that may be much more widespread than currently recognized.  相似文献   

Genetic variation within and between five populations of Oryza granulata from two regions of China was investigated using RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) and ISSR (inter-simple sequence repeat amplification) markers. Twenty RAPD primers used in this study amplified 199 reproducible bands with 61 (30.65%) polymorphic; and 12 ISSR primers amplified 113 bands with 52 (46.02%) polymorphic. Both RAPD and ISSR analyses revealed a low level of genetic diversity in wild populations of O. granulata. Furthermore, analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was used to apportion the variation within and between populations both within and between regions. As the RAPD markers revealed, 73.85% of the total genetic diversity resided between the two regions, whereas only 19.45% and 6.70% were present between populations within regions and within a population respectively. Similarly, it was shown by ISSR markers that a great amount of variation (49.26%) occurred between the two regions, with only 38.07% and 12.66% between populations within regions and within a population respectively. Both the results of a UPGMA cluster, based on Jaccard coefficients, and pairwise distance analysis agree with that of the AMOVA partition. This is the first report of the partitioning of genetic variability within and among populations of O. granulata at the DNA level, which is in general agreement with a recent study on the same species in China using allozyme analysis. Our results also indicated that the percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) detected by ISSR is higher than that detected by RAPD. It seems that ISSR is superior to RAPD in terms of the polymorphism detected and the amplification reproducibility. Received: 29 March 2000 / Accepted: 15 May 2000  相似文献   

Genetic variation in protoplast-derived rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants was characterized using first and second generation selfed progenies. A total of 133 regenerated plants were obtained from ten protoplasts of the japonica rice cultivar Nipponbare. Sixty two regenerated plants which set enough seeds for the subsequent field tests at the next generation and were derived from five protoplasts were selected, and their selfed seeds were used as the first selfed-seed progeny generation). Fifteen plants were selected from each of the 15 lines, and their selfed seeds were used for tests at the generation. Thirty seven lines (60%) segregated plants with detrimental mutant characters of yellow-green phenotype, dwarf stature, dense and short panicle, or low seed fertility. According to the segregation patterns in the lines having mutated plants among those originated from the same protoplasts, the stages of mutation induction were estimated. Additionally, five quantitative traits were changed in almost all and lines. Varied quantitative traits of heading date, number of spikelets per panicle, and seed fertility, were in a heterozygous state. However, culm and panicle lengths showed high uniformity, whereas reduced culm and panicle lengths were caused by mutational changes in polygenes and/or multiple genes. Received: 20 March 1996 / Accepted: 21 June 1996  相似文献   

Geographical variation in traits related to fitness is often the result of adaptive evolution. Stress resistance traits in Drosophila often show clinal variation, suggesting that selection affects resistance traits either directly or indirectly. Multiple stress resistance traits were investigated in 45 natural populations of Drosophila ananassae collected from all over India. There was significant positive correlation between starvation resistance and lipid content. Significant negative correlations between desiccation and lipid content and between desiccation and heat resistance were also found. Flies from lower latitudes had higher starvation resistance, heat resistance and lipid content but the pattern was reversed for desiccation resistance. These results suggest that flies from different localities varied in their susceptibility to starvation because of difference in their propensity to store body lipid. Multiple regression analysis provided evidence of climatic selection driven by latitudinal variation in the seasonal amplitude of temperature and humidity changes within the Indian. Finally, our results suggest a high degree of variation in stress resistance at the population level in D. ananassae.  相似文献   

Local germplasm of onion (Allium cepa L.) in West Africa is threatened by extinction. Sixteen populations of onion collected in five countries in West Africa were investigated for isozyme polymorphism using four polymorphic enzyme systems (ADH, MDH, 6-PGDH and PGI) among nine enzyme systems assayed. This is the first report on the genetic diversity of local landraces of onion. The inheritance of two dimeric enzyme systems PGI and MDH was demonstrated using F2 progeny arrays. The PGI system revealed a single locus with three alleles, and the MDH system revealed three loci with four alleles. Four polymorphic systems revealed nine alleles (adh-a1 and a2, mdh-c1 and c2, 6-pgdh-a1 and a2, and pgi-a1, a2 and a3) in the 16 local populations observed. The mean number of alleles per polymorphic locus was 2.25, and 67% of the alleles were present in all populations. Allele 6-pgdh-a2 was present in only two landraces (from Niger and Nigeria); it is considered to be a rare allele (frequency approximately 2%). Among the 16 populations, within-population diversity was greater (90%) than between-population diversity (10%). Genetic distance analyses showed an aggregate of all populations except for two, which originated from Nigeria, an English-speaking country. Received: 24 August 1995 / Accepted: 26 February 2001  相似文献   

European Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations inhabit rivers from northern Portugal to northern Norway across a wide spectrum of environmental variability. To address whether single physical factors might lead to genetic divergence of isolated populations, we compared the digestive performances total digestibility, relative nitrogen digestibility, passage time, and digestion rate (g dry matter · h–1) — of northern (Scotland) and southern (Asturias, northern Spain) populations at three temperature regimes (5, 12, and 20° C). Total dry matter digestibilities increased directly with temperature but were similar for both populations at each of the three trials. Relative nitrogen digestibility did not differ between populations nor among temperature regimes. In contrast, passage time was significantly longer for low-than for high-latitude fish at both 5 and 20° C. When the percentage of food digested and the passage time were integrated as digestion rates (food digested per unit time), a significant population × temperature interaction consistent with a genotype × environment interaction was detected in addition to the population and temperature effects. This implies that not only is the digestive performance of the high-latitude population higher throughout the range of temperatures examined, but moreover the difference is reinforced at high temperatures, where the digestion rate of high-latitude fish was 1.6 times greater. Taken together, these two results provide preliminary evidence for countergradient variation in digestive rates of salmonids in response to variation in growth opportunity. The data support our previous work on the same two populations showing differences in growth rates, and underlie one of the possible mechnisms leading to more rapid growth of the high-latitude fish when both populations are reared in a common environment.  相似文献   

The spatial arrangement of resources in patchy habitats influences the distribution of individuals and their ability to acquire resources. We used Chironomus riparius, a ubiquitous aquatic insect that uses leaf particles as an important resource, to ask how the dispersion of resource patches influences the distribution and resource acquisition of mobile individuals in patchy landscapes. Two experiments were conducted in replicated laboratory landscapes (38×38 cm) created by arranging sand and leaf patches in a 5×5 grid so that the leaf patches were either aggregated or uniformly dispersed in the grid. One-day-old C. riparius larvae were introduced into the landscapes in one of three densities (low, medium, high). In experiment 1, we sampled larvae and pupae by coring each patch in each landscape 3, 6, 12, or 24 days after adding larvae. In experiment 2, emerging adults were collected daily for 42 days from each patch in each landscape. In aggregated landscapes, individuals were aggregated in one patch type or the other during a particular developmental stage, but the ”preferred” type changed depending on developmental stage and initial density. Adult emergence was lower by about 30% in all aggregated landscapes. In dispersed landscapes, individuals used both types of patch throughout their life cycles at all initial densities. Thus, patch arrangement influences the distribution of mobile individuals in landscapes, and it influences resource acquisition even when average resource abundance is identical among landscapes. Regardless of patch arrangement, high initial density caused accumulation of early instars in edge patches, 75% mortality of early instars, a 25% increase in development time, and a 60% reduction in adult emergence. Because mortality was extremely high among early-instar larvae in high-density treatments, we do not have direct evidence that the mechanism by which patch arrangement operates is density dependent. However, the results of our experiments strongly suggest that dispersion of resource patches across a landscape reduces local densities by making non-resource patches available for use, thereby reducing intraspecific competition. Received: 20 July 1999 / Accepted: 28 January 2000  相似文献   

 Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to assess levels and patterns of genetic diversity in Digitalis obscura L. (Scrophulariaceae), an outcrossing cardenolide-producing medicinal plant species. A total of 50 plants from six natural populations on the Iberian Peninsula were analysed by six arbitrarily chosen decamer primers resulting in 96 highly reproducible RAPD bands. To avoid bias in parameter estimation, analyses of population genetic structure were restricted to bands (35 of 96) whose observed frequencies were less than 1–3/n in each population. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) with distances among individuals corrected for the dominant nature of RAPDs (genotypic analysis) showed that most of the variation (84.8%) occurred among individuals within populations, which is expected for an outcrossing organism. Of the remaining variance, 9.7% was attributed to differences between regions, and 5.5% for differences among populations within regions. Estimates of the Wright, Weir and Cockerham and Lynch and Milligan FST from null-allele frequencies corroborated AMOVA partitioning and provided significant evidence for population differentiation in D. obscura. A non-parametric test for the homogeneity of molecular variance (HOMOVA) also showed significant differences in the amount of genetic variability present in the six populations. UPGMA cluster analyses, based on Apostol genetic distance, revealed grouping of some geographically proximate populations. Nevertheless, a Mantel test did not give a significant correlation between geographic and genetic distances. This is the first report of the partitioning of genetic variability within and between populations of D. obscura and provides important baseline data for optimising sampling strategies and for conserving the genetic resources of this medicinal species. Received: 7 September 1998 / Accepted: 28 November 1998  相似文献   

Summary As a quantitative approach to the life history, the present paper numerically analyzed a relation among growth, reproduction and mortality for nine fish populations with a technique of optimal control theory, the discrete maximum principle. The analytical method used was derived on the postulate that natural selection maximized the net reproductive rate subject to a few constraints. A comparison between the theoretical and observed survival rate showed that the former was discernibly lower than the latter in all the populations except the three species. For the reasons mentioned below, however, the analyzed life history data should not be interpreted as a refutation of the adopted postulate and the method. First, it is generally very difficult to obtain a good estimate of the rate with traditional methods. Moreover, it is probable in most fish populations that the rate considerably changes with age even in the adult stage though it is usually estimated on the assumption that it is constant in a certain age range. Second, an intense fishing pressure possibly alters the life history characteristics of fish populations to some extent.  相似文献   

In ectothermic organisms, declining season length and lower temperature towards higher latitudes often select for latitudinal variation in growth and development. However, the energetic mechanisms underlying this adaptive variation are largely unknown. We investigated growth, food intake and growth efficiency of Rana temporaria tadpoles from eight populations along a 1500 km latitudinal gradient across Sweden. To gain an insight into the mechanisms of adaptation at organ level, we also examined variation in tadpole gut length. The tadpoles were raised at two temperatures (16 and 20 degrees C) in a laboratory common garden experiment. We found increased growth rate towards higher latitudes, regardless of temperature treatment. This increase in growth was not because of a higher food intake rate, but populations from higher latitudes had higher growth efficiency, i.e. they were more efficient at converting ingested food into body mass. Low temperature reduced growth efficiency most strongly in southern populations. Relative gut length increased with latitude, and tadpoles at low temperature tended to have longer guts. However, variation in gut length was not the sole adaptive explanation for increased growth efficiency as latitude and body length still explained significant amounts of variation in growth efficiency. Hence, additional energetic adaptations are probably involved in growth efficiency variation along the latitudinal gradient.  相似文献   

In the context of global changes, the long‐term viability of populations of endangered ectotherms may depend on their adaptive potential and ability to cope with temperature variations. We measured responses of Atlantic salmon embryos from four populations to temperature variations and used a QSTFST approach to study the adaptive divergence among these populations. Embryos were reared under two experimental conditions: a low temperature regime at 4 °C until eyed‐stage and 10 °C until the end of embryonic development and a high temperature regime with a constant temperature of 10 °C throughout embryonic development. Significant variations among populations and population × temperature interactions were observed for embryo survival, incubation time and length. QST was higher than FST in all but one comparison suggesting an important effect of divergent selection. QST was also higher under the high‐temperature treatment than at low temperature for length and survival due to a higher variance among populations under the stressful warmer treatment. Interestingly, heritability was lower for survival under high temperature in relation to a lower additive genetic variance under that treatment. Overall, these results reveal an adaptive divergence in thermal plasticity in embryonic life stages of Atlantic salmon suggesting that salmon populations may differentially respond to temperature variations induced by climate change. These results also suggest that changes in temperature may alter not only the adaptive potential of natural populations but also the selection regimes among them.  相似文献   

Plant breeders would like to predict which biparental populations will have the largest genetic variance. If the population genetic variance could be predicted using coefficient of parentage or genetic distance estimates based on molecular marker data, breeders could choose parents that produced segregating populations with a large genetic variance. Three biparental soybean {Glycine max (L.) Merr.} populations were developed by crossing parents that were closely related, based on pedigree relationships. Three additional biparental populations were developed by crossing parents that were assumed to be unrelated. The genetic variance of each population was estimated for yield, lodging, physiological maturity, and plant height. Coefficient of parentage was calculated for each pair of parents used to develop the segregating populations. Genetic distance was determined, based on the number of random amplified polymorphic markers (RAPD) that were polymorphic for each pair of parents. Genetic distance was not associated with the coefficient of parentage or the magnitude of the genetic variance. The genetic variance pooled across the three closely related populations was smaller than the genetic variance pooled across the three populations derived from crossing unrelated parents for all four traits that were evaluated. Received: 24 April 1996 / Accepted: 17 May 1996  相似文献   

The Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia (Pisces: Atherinidae), exhibits an exceptionally high level of clinal variation in sex determination across its geographic range. Previous work suggested linear changes in the level of temperature‐dependent sex determination (TSD) with increasing latitude. Based on comparisons at 31 sites encompassing the entire species’ range, we find that the change in level of TSD with latitude is instead highly nonlinear. The level of TSD is uniformly high in the south (Florida to New Jersey), then declines rapidly into the northern Gulf of Maine where genotypic sex determination (GSD) predominates and then rebounds to moderate levels of TSD in the northern‐most populations of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Major latitudinal breakpoints occur in central New Jersey (40oN) and the northern Gulf of Maine (44oN). No populations display pure TSD or GSD. Length of the growing season is the likely agent of selection driving variation in TSD with a threshold at 210 days. Because gene flow among populations is high, such distinct patterns of geographic variation in TSD/GSD are likely maintained by contemporary selection thereby demonstrating the adaptive fine tuning of sex determining mechanisms.  相似文献   

The daylily (Hemerocallis spp.) is one of the most economically important ornamental plant species in commerce. Interestingly, it is also one of the most heavily bred crops during the past 60 years. Since the American Hemerocallis Society began acting as the official registry of daylily cultivars in 1947, more than 40 000 registrations have been processed. In order to determine the effects of intensive breeding on cultivar development, and to study relationships among different species, genetic variation in the daylily was estimated using AFLP markers. Nineteen primary genotypes (species and early cultivars) and 100 modern cultivars from different time periods were evaluated using 152 unambiguous bands (average 79% polymorphism rate) derived from three AFLP primer combinations. Overall, pairwise similarity estimates between entries ranged between 0.618 and 0.926 (average=0.800). When comparing cultivar groups from different time periods (1940–1998), genetic similarity was initially increased, compared to the primary diploid genotypes, remained constant from 1940 to 1980, and then steadily increased as breeding efforts intensified and hybridizers began focusing on a limited tetraploid germplasm pool derived by colchicine conversion. Among modern (1991–1998) daylily cultivars, genetic similarity has increased by approximately 10% compared to the primary genotypes. These data were also used to evaluate recent taxonomic classifications among daylily species which, with a few minor exceptions, were generally supported by the AFLP data. Received: 15 March 2000 / Accepted: 13 June 2000  相似文献   

Growth of mycorrhizal tomato and mineral acquisition under salt stress   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
 High salt levels in soil and water can limit agricultural production and land development in arid and semiarid regions. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have been shown to decrease plant yield losses in saline soils. The objective of this study was to examine the growth and mineral acquisition responses of greenhouse-grown tomato to colonization by the AMF Glomus mosseae [(Nicol. And Gerd.) Gerd. and Trappe] under varied levels of salt. NaCl was added to soil in the irrigation water to give an ECe of 1.4 (control), 4.7 (medium) and 7.4 dS m–1 (high salt stress). Plants were grown in a sterilized, low P (silty clay) soil-sand mix. Mycorrhizal colonization was higher in the control than in saline soil conditions. Shoot and root dry matter yields and leaf area were higher in mycorrhizal than in nonmycorrhizal plants. Total accumulation of P, Zn, Cu, and Fe was higher in mycorrhizal than in nonmycorrhizal plants under both control and medium salt stress conditions. Shoot Na concentrations were lower in mycorrhizal than in nonmycorrhizal plants grown under saline soil conditions. The improved growth and nutrient acquisition in tomato demonstrate the potential of AMF colonization for protecting plants against salt stress in arid and semiarid areas. Accepted: 21 February 2000  相似文献   

Small‐scale spatial variation in life history was found among genetically distinct local populations of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua from the Norwegian Skagerrak coast. Among populations, age at 50% maturity varied from 2·6 to 3·8 years, total ( L T) length at 50% maturity from 35 to 60 cm, annual survival from 33 to 64%, mean L T at age 4 years from 43 to 63 cm, and mean backcalculated L T at age 1 year from 8 to 12 cm.  相似文献   

Synopsis The spawning periodicity and mating behavior of a northern population of the Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia, was studied both in the field (Salem Harbor, Massachusetts) and in laboratory experiments. Spawning in the field coincided with new and full moons. Under conditions of unlimited food availability in artificial outdoor pools that received natural celestial illumination or in indoor aquaria receiving no evening illumination, spawning occurred every 1–3 days rather than fortnightly. These results suggest that tidal influences are a primary factor that synchronizes spawning in M. menidia. Published reports of diel time of spawning in both marine and freshwater species of Menidia indicate a generic tendency to spawn during mid-morning. This pattern coupled with high tides that cover suitable spawning substrates during mid-morning only at fortnightly intervals could account for the semilunar spawning cycle in marine populations of Menidia. Although general characteristics of the reproductive ecology of M. menidia in Massachusetts were similar to a thoroughly studied population in South Carolina, several differences were evident. The breeding season was shorter in Massachusetts (late; April–June), and occurred over a much lower range of temperatures (9–21°C). Intensity and frequency of spawning was correlated with the height of high tide. Eggs were deposited only on mats of intertidal, filamentous algae rather than on roots or stems of Spartina alterniflora or other intertidal vegetation. Promiscuous spawning occurred in small, highly male-dominated groups of fish, primarily after the tide had begun to recede, and often at the water's edge. No predation on spawning adults was observed but the mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus, fed daily on developing embryos during high tide. Contribution No. 81, Massachusetts Cooperative Fisheries Research Unit, Contribution No. 349, Marine Sciences Research Center, State University of New York at Stony Brook.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts that organisms should only invest resources into intrinsic components of life span to the degree that it pays off in terms of reproductive success. Here, we investigate if the temporal distribution of mating opportunities may have influenced the evolution of intrinsic mortality rates in the butterfly Pararge aegeria (Satyrinae). In this species, females mate only once and the frequency of male mating opportunities depends on the temporal emergence pattern of virgin females. As expected, in a population from Madeira where females emerge continuously throughout the year, there was no sex difference in adult life span, while in a Swedish population with synchronised female emergence, males had significantly shorter life spans compared to females. A logistic mortality model provided the best fit to the observed change in age-specific mortality and all categories reached an asymptotic mortality rate of a similar magnitude. However, the Swedish males reached this mortality plateau more rapidly than the other categories. External mortality, due to water and food limitation, affected the pattern of sex-specific mortality but males from Sweden still had higher rates of mortality compared to all other categories. We argue that selection on male longevity is likely to be weaker in Sweden because under synchronised emergence, all females emerge and mate within a short period of time, after which male reproductive value will quickly approach zero. On Madeira, however, male reproductive value decrease more slowly with age since the probability of finding a receptive female is constant over the year. Received: 29 July 1999 / Accepted: 23 August 1999  相似文献   

Evolutionary diversification within consumer species may generate selection on local ecological communities, affecting prey community structure. However, the extent to which this niche construction can propagate across food webs and shape trait variation in competing species is unknown. Here, we tested whether niche construction by different life-history variants of the planktivorous fish alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) can drive phenotypic divergence and resource use in the competing species bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus). Using a combination of common garden experiments and a comparative field study, we found that bluegill from landlocked alewife lakes grew relatively better when fed small than large zooplankton, had gill rakers better adapted for feeding on small-bodied prey and selected smaller zooplankton compared with bluegill from lakes with anadromous or no alewife. Observed shifts in bluegill foraging traits in lakes with landlocked alewife parallel those in alewife, suggesting interspecific competition leading to parallel phenotypic changes rather than to divergence (which is commonly predicted). Our findings suggest that species may be locally adapted to prey communities structured by different life-history variants of a competing dominant species.  相似文献   

P. X. Kover 《Oecologia》2000,123(1):48-56
It has been proposed that host castration is a parasite strategy to reallocate host resources from reproductive to vegetative functions to increase parasite fitness. Since resource partitioning between reproduction and vegetative growth can affect host life-history traits, parasite effects on resource allocation can affect both plant fitness and host-parasite coevolution. Field and greenhouse experiments were used to investigate the effects of host castration by the fungus Atkinsonella hypoxylon on the resource allocation and architecture of the grass Danthonia spicata. The results indicate that non-infected D. spicata can reallocate resources from reproduction to vegetative growth when resource allocation to reproduction is prevented. However, I found no evidence that fungal castration causes reallocation of resources from host reproduction to vegetative growth. Instead, infection reduces host biomass and the fungus directly utilizes resources that would have been used for host reproduction for its own reproduction. Received: 25 March 1999 / Accepted: 24 October 1999  相似文献   

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