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Electroantennogram responses of aphid nymphs to plant volatiles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. Electroantennogram (EAG) responses of immature aphids were investigated for 30 plant volatile compounds in third‐ and fourth‐stadium nymphs of the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae. The nymphs were destined to develop into adult alate (winged) virginoparae. The EAG response profiles were similar to those previously reported in the adults. Among the compounds tested, hexanonitrile elicited the largest EAG responses in both nymphal stadia, corresponding to previously reported results with adults. Six‐carbon aliphatic compounds showed relatively higher EAG activities in the nymphs but, in contrast, (E)‐2‐hexenal, benzaldehyde, α‐pinene and β‐pinene, and citronellal elicited relatively smaller EAG responses in nymphs than adults. Although overall EAG response profiles were similar between the third and the fourth stadia for the majority of the volatiles, four aldehyde compounds, hexanal (E)‐2‐heptenal, 2‐hydroxybenzaldehyde and citronellal, showed relatively higher EAG activities in the third than in the fourth stadium. The present study indicates that aphid nymphs possess a functional olfactory receptor system before the antennae are fully developed morphologically and physiologically.  相似文献   

研究了下列害虫和寄生天敌种类对大豆植株中提取的某些挥发性次生化合物及其不同组合混合相的触角电位反应: 1)豆蚜Aphis craccivora Koch和麦长管蚜Macrosiphum avenae (Fabricius);2)为害大豆植株的大豆蚜Aphis glycines Matsumura和不为害大豆植株的豆蚜二者所共有的寄生天敌豆柄瘤蚜茧蜂Lysiphlebus fabarum Marshall; 3)不为害大豆植株的麦长管蚜的寄生天敌燕麦蚜茧蜂Aphidius picipes Nees。结果表明,与大豆植株相关联的大豆蚜和不相关联的豆蚜所共有的天敌——豆柄瘤蚜茧蜂,对大豆植株的挥发性次生化合物及其混合相反应敏感,而与大豆植株不相关联的豆蚜、麦长管蚜及其寄生天敌——燕麦蚜茧蜂,对大豆植株的挥发性次生化合物及其混合相反应不敏感。再次证明,植物挥发性次生化合物在害虫及其寄生天敌搜寻寄主的过程中起到重要的作用。  相似文献   

麦长管蚜和禾谷缢管蚜对小麦挥发物的触角电位反应   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
刘勇  陈巨莲  倪汉祥 《昆虫学报》2003,46(6):679-683
采用活体蚜虫测定法,利用EAG技术比较分析了麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae和禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi有翅及无翅成蚜对小麦挥发物及麦蚜取食诱导挥发物组分的嗅觉反应,揭示了两种麦蚜的嗅觉变异特点。结果表明:麦长管蚜对水杨酸甲酯、反-2-己烯醛、反-2-己烯醇、-6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮和-6-甲基-5-庚烯-2醇的反应较强,禾谷缢管蚜对水杨酸甲酯、反-3-己烯乙酸酯、-6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮和-6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-醇的反应较强,并得到了剂量反应曲线。麦长管蚜的有翅和无翅成蚜对6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮、反-2-己烯醇和水杨酸甲酯的反应差异显著;禾谷缢管蚜的有翅和无翅成蚜对反-2-己烯醇、辛醛、里那醇、水杨酸甲酯和反-3-己烯乙酸酯的EAG反应差异显著,其原因与禾谷缢管蚜迁移及转主为害的生物学特性有关。  相似文献   

Electroantennograms (EAGs) were recorded from unmated, laboratory-reared, male and female oriental fruit flies, Dacus dorsalis, in response to a range of between C1 and C12 carbon chain-length saturated and unaturated aliphatic alcohols and aldehydes, most all of which are known host-plant volatiles. Only two of the 35 compounds tested elicited significantly larger EAGs from female than male antennae. For the two functional-group series tested, aldehydes elicited responses greater than or equal to the responses to the alcohols. In general, the unsaturated alcohols did not elicit responses significantly different from the saturated alcohols. However, the unsaturated aldehydes, (E)-2-hexenal and 10-undecenal, elicited larger amplitude EAGs than their saturated analogs. EAGs were significantly greater for a particular carbon chain-length, with responsiveness to primary alcohols peaking at C6 and aldehydes peaking at C7. The (E)-2- monoenic alcohols peaked at C6, while the (E)-3-alcohols plateaued between C5 and C8. The greatest EAG responses of all compounds tested were elicited by the saturated and unsaturated C6 alcohols and aldehydes which are constitutents of the general green-leaf volatile complex that emanates from most plants. The potential adapative benefit of selective sensitivity to green-leaf volatiles is discussed in regards to foraging behaviors of oriental fruit flies.
Résumé Des électroantennogrammes (EAG) ont enregistré les réponses, en élevages de femelles et mâles vierges de Dacus dorsalis, à une gamme de chaînes de carbones de C1 à C12 saturés et non-saturés d'alcools aliphatiques et d'aldéhydes, dont beaucoup sont connus comme substances volatiles des végétaux. Seulement 2 des 35 composés examinés ont provoqué des EAG significativement plus importants chez les femelles que chez les mâles. Pour les séries des deux groupes fonctionnels examinés, les aldéhydes ont provoqué des réponses supérieures ou égales aux alcools. En général, les réponses aux alcools nonsaturés n'étaient pas significativement différentes des réponses aux alcools saturés. Cependant, les aldéhydes non-saturés, (E)-2-hexénal et 10-undécénal, ont induit des EAG de plus grande ampleur que leurs analogues saturés. Les EAG étaient significativement les plus importants pour une chaîne de longueur particulière, la réponse aux alcools primaires culminant en C6 et les aldéhydes en C7. Les alcools monoéniques (E)-2- culminaient en C6, tandis que les alcools (E)-3- étaient étales entre C5 et C8. Les EAG les plus importants ont été obtenus pour tous les composés examinés avec les alcools et aldéhydes en C6 qui appartiennent à l'odeur verte complexe émise par beaucoup de plantes. Le bénéfice adaptatif potentiel de la sensibilité sélective à l'odeur verte des feuilles est examinée en fonction du comportement de prospection de D. dorsalis.

以顺3-己烯乙酸酯为标准化合物,研究了豆野螟雌、雄成虫触角对不同浓度的植物挥发性和性信息素化合物组分的触角电位(EAG)反应.结果表明:豆野螟雌、雄成虫触角对植物挥发性气味具有强烈的EAG反应,但在大部分浓度下,雌、雄虫的反应没有显著差异.在测试的9种植物挥发性化合物中,雌、雄虫对高浓度反-2-己烯醛刺激的相对EAG反应的最大值分别达到250%和260%,且雌、雄虫触角对这种化合物的EAG反应的形状也有很大差异;但对豇豆花气味中的柏木烯和柏木脑没有明显的EAG反应.雌、雄蛾对性信息素都有明显反应,且雌、雄虫的反应存在显著差异,雄虫触角对性信息素化合物主要组分(反10,反12)-十六碳二烯醛的EAG反应的最大值达到250%,远超过雌虫反应的最大值(53%).雌、雄成虫这种神经感觉反应的差异反映了它们在感器结构、功能和行为上的差异.  相似文献   

Olfactory responses of two species of grasshoppers to plant odours   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Electroantennogram (EAG) responses were recorded from two species of oedipodine grasshoppers, Oedaleus decorus asiaticus L. (graminivorous) and Angaracris barabensis Pall. (forbivorous), to volatiles emitted by chopped leaves of ten plant species. Male O. d. asiaticus showed much stronger EAG responses than conspecific females and both sexes of A. barabensis. Sexual differences in EAG responses correspond to different numbers of antennal sensilla of both sexes and to certain behavioural and morphological factors as well. The overall EAG response profiles of the two grasshopper species to the ten plant odours were similar. However, adaptation to host odour might have occurred because of differences in their feeding habits. Females of the graminivorous O. d. asiaticus possess a significantly higher olfactory sensitivity for poaceous plant species than A. barabensis, while the forbivorous A. barabensis showed significantly higher EAG responses to Allium senescens (Liliaceae), and a tendency of high responses to composite plant species in comparison with O. d. asiaticus.  相似文献   

Electroantennogram (EAG) responses were recorded from apterous virginoparae of the vetch aphidMegoura viciae Buckton (Homoptera, Aphididae) to more than eighty volatile compounds in order to investigate its sensory ability to perceive plant odours. The response profile ofM. viciae reveals a differential sensitivity for the array of plant volatiles tested. The whole group of general green leaf volatiles is very stimulatory. In addition to (E)-2-hexenal, the following compounds of this group elicit large EAG responses: (E)-2-heptenal, 1-octenol-3, hexyl acetate, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, hexanol-1, hexanal, 2-heptanone and 3-octanone. Relatively large EAGs are also produced by 4-methoxybenzaldehyde (p-anisaldehyde), hexanonitrile, heptanonitrile, 1,6-hexanedithiol, butyl isothiocyanate, 4-pentenyl isothiocyanate, (−)-(1S)-β-pinene, (+)-(S)-carvone, (−)-(R)-carvone, α-terpineol, linalool and citronellal. The nitriles are the most effective of all plant volatiles tested. Structure-activity relationships occur in various groups of chemicals and members of the green leaf volatiles, benzaldehydes, isothiocyanates and monoterpenes are ranked accordingly. In the group of green leaf volatiles, aliphatic aldehydes are more stimulating than the corresponding alcohols. EAG responses to series of saturated aliphatic alcohols and aldehydes reveal that C6 and C7 compounds are the most stimulatory. Dose-response curves show that the rank order of EAG response amplitudes hardly changes at lower dosages. It is concluded thatM. viciae perceives general plant volatiles as well as more-specific components, such as nitriles and isothiocyanates, associated with the odour blends of non-host plant species.  相似文献   

松阿扁叶蜂对不同树种挥发物的触角电位反应   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
用MS302生物信号记录分析系统,以顶端记录法测定松阿扁叶蜂成虫对不同树种挥发性物质的EAG反应。结果显示,该蜂成虫对其嗜好的油松、赤松、华山松挥发物的EAG反应敏感,雌成虫放电频率分别为45.2次/s、42.1次/s、42.3次/s,电位值依次为1 022 mV、1.139 mV、0.706 mV, 但对其非寄主树种的侧柏挥发物反应微弱,对空气无反应。雌成虫对油松挥发物的不同气流量17 mL/s、17 mL/s、85 mL/s的放电频率和电位值分别为24.8次/s、45.2次/s、46.6次/s和0.533 mV、1.022 mV、1.316 mV,表明EAG反应程度因挥发物气流量浓度不同而变化。触角电位与选择性行为的测试结果基本一致,表明松阿扁叶蜂在寄主选择过程中,触角的嗅觉功能起着重要作用。  相似文献   

Plant volatiles have been demonstrated to play an important role in regulating the behavior of Cotesia plutellae, a major larval parasitoid of the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella, but little is currently known about the function of each volatile and their mixtures. We selected 13 volatiles of the DBM host plant, a cruciferous vegetable, to study the electroantennogram (EAG) and behavioral responses of C. plutellae. EAG responses to each of the compounds generally increased with concentration. Strong EAG responses were to 100 μL/mL of trans‐2‐hexenal, benzaldehyde, nonanal and cis‐3‐hexenol, and 10 μL/mL of trans‐2‐hexenal and benzaldehyde with the strongest response provoked by trans‐2‐hexenal at 100 μL/mL. In the Y‐tube olfactometer, C. plutellae, was significantly attracted by 1 μL/mL of trans‐2‐hexenal and benzaldehyde. β‐caryophyllene, cis‐3‐hexenol or trans‐2‐hexenal significantly attracted C. plutellae at 10 μL/mL, while nonanal, benzyl alcohol, cis‐3‐hexenol or benzyl cyanide at 100 μL/mL significantly attracted C. plutellae. Trans‐2‐hexenal significantly repelled C. plutellae at 100 μL/mL. EAG of C. plutellae showed strong responses to all mixtures made of five various compounds with mixtures 3 (trans‐2‐hexenal, benzaldehyde, nonanal, cis‐3‐hexenol, benzyl cyanide, farnesene, eucalyptol) and 4 (trans‐2‐hexenal, benzaldehyde, benzyl alcohol, (R)‐(+)‐limonene, β‐ionone, farnesene, eucalyptol) significantly attracting C. plutellae. These findings demonstrate that the behavior of C. plutellae can be affected either by individual compounds or mixtures of plant volatiles, suggesting a potential of using plant volatiles to improve the efficiency of this parasitoid for biocontrol of P. xylostella.  相似文献   

Electroantennogram (EAG) recordings from the antennae of a highly specialized phytophagous species — the oak flea weevil, Rhynchaenus quercus L. — revealed two general properties of its antennal olfactory system: (1) a high and to some extent selective sensitivity to chemotaxonomically nonspecific compounds, namely the so-called general green leaf volatiles as well as to geraniol and linalool, (2) a lack of marked differences in the general excitation level caused by stimulation with vapours from leaves of both host plants and non-host plants. It was also observed, that the shapes of EAG's evoked by vapours from cut leaves and general green leaf volatiles differed from those elicited by corresponding concentrations of geraniol and linalool, where recovery was distinctly slower.The results of EAG tests suggest that the general green leaf volatile complex is important in host-odour perception by the oak flea weevil. A possible function of these compounds in host-plant odour discrimination is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Elektroantennographische Aufzeichnungen an Fühlern einer hochspezialisierten phytophagen Art, des Eichenblattflohs Rhynchaenus quercus L. zeigten zwei allgemeine Eigenschaften des Geruchsystems der Antennen:Erstens ist eine hohe und teilweise selektive Empfindlichkeit auf chemotaxonomisch nicht spezifische Verbindungen, besonders auf die allgemeinen Blattgründämpfe wie auch auf Geraniol und Linalool vorhanden.Zweitens fehlen ausgeprägte Unterschiede im allgemeinen Erregungsniveau hervorgerufen durch flüchtige Stoffe von Wirtspflanzen einerseits und Nichtwirtspflanzen andererseits. Es wurde auch beobachtet, dass die Form der EAGs hervorgerufen durch zerschnittene Blätter oder allgemeine Blattgründämpfe verschieden war von denjenigen verursacht durch Geraniol und Linalool, wo die Erholung eindeutig langsamer war.Die Resultate der EAG deuten darauf hin, dass der Komplex der allgemeinen Blattgründämpfe wichtig ist bei der Wahrnehmung der Wirtspflanzengerüche durch Rhynchaenus quercus. Eine mögliche Funktion dieser Verbindungen bei der Erkennung der Wirtspflanzen wird diskutiert.

Electroantennograms (EAGs)were recorded from males and females of the potato tuber moth,Phthorimaea operculella in response to a broad range of plant volatile compounds belonging to diverse chemical classes.The responses to 27 compounds were evaluated,which indicated significant differences in EAGs between chemicals as well as between sexes.The fatty acid derivatives comprising essentially green leaf volatile components elicited significantly greater responses in females.The response profile of males was,in general,lower than that of females.EAG responses to the oxygenated and hydrocarbon monoterpenes were lower in both males and females.Dose -response studies indicate differences in response between the sexes and concentrations,suggesting the existence of sexual dimorphism. Compounds belonging to the fatty acid derivatives class appear to be important for an oligophagous pest such as the potato tuber moth and the findings are discussed in relation to host plant selection in this species.  相似文献   

刘莹  吕东  陈立  赵祜  赵兴鹏  王光宇  赵明  袁浩  张怡  李雅惠  陈敏 《生态学报》2023,43(9):3828-3839
圆柏大痣小蜂(Megastigmus sabinae Xu et He)是我国甘肃、青海和西藏等地祁连圆柏(Sabina przewalskii)球果的重要害虫,其危害严重影响了祁连圆柏的种子生产和育苗。为了筛选和鉴定圆柏大痣小蜂寄主定位相关的化学活性物质,利用动态顶空采集法和气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC-MS,Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer)分析了祁连圆柏不同状态的球果和枝叶共5类挥发物样品成分,采用气相色谱-触角电位联用技术(GC-EAD,Gas Chromatography-Electroantennagram Detection)测定圆柏大痣小蜂对寄主挥发物的触角电位反应,利用Y型嗅觉仪测定圆柏大痣小蜂成虫对几种化学活性物质的行为反应。研究结果表明:5类挥发物中共鉴定到117种化合物,每类样品都含特有的植物挥发性成分,但其主要成分基本相似;有15种化合物能引起圆柏大痣小蜂的触角电位反应;圆柏大痣小蜂对其中的12种挥发物具有明显的趋向行为反应。3种共有成分月桂烯、桧烯和右旋萜二烯均对圆柏大痣小蜂具有吸引作用,一年生未产卵球果挥发物特有成分α...  相似文献   

松毛虫狭颊寄蝇对被害马尾松针叶挥发物的触角电位反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
松毛虫狭颊寄蝇Carcelia matsukarehaeShima是我国松毛虫Dendrolimus punctatus(Walke)的重要天敌。通过对被害马尾松(Pinus massonianaLamb.)针叶挥发性物质的提取、鉴定以及对松毛虫狭颊寄蝇的电生理测定,结果表明,大多数的挥发性物质,包括绿叶性挥发物以及松针特有的单萜、氧化单萜和倍半萜,对雌蝇均有明显的电生理活性,其中以顺-3-己烯-1-醇最高,长叶烯最低。雌蝇对4大类挥发性物质的平均相对触角电位反应值,以绿叶性挥发物为最高,其余依次为单萜、氧化单萜和倍半萜。  相似文献   

小菜蛾对合成植物挥发物的活性反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在室内检验了小菜蛾已交配和未交配雌、雄成虫对3种合成植物挥发物乙酸顺-3-己烯酯(Z-3-hexenyl acetate,ACTE)、异硫氰酸丙烯酯(allyl isothiocyanate,NCS)和顺-3-己烯醇(Z-3-hexen-1-ol,OH)的触角电位(EAG)反应。不同浓度(0.008 μg/μL、0.08 μg/μL、0.2 μg/μL、0.8 μg/μL、8 μg/μL、20 μg/μL和40 μg/μL)实验表明,随着刺激化合物浓度的提高,小菜蛾反应活性增强。但小菜蛾的性别及其交配状态可能影响其对3种化合物的反应强度:不同性别及交配状态的小菜蛾对ACTE的反应差异不大;未交配雌、雄虫对OH的反应强于已交配雌、雄虫;未交配雌虫对低浓度的NCS反应较强,NCS超过一定浓度时已交配雌虫的反应强于未交配雌虫,雄虫对NCS反应较小且与交配状态无关。以小菜蛾性信息素作为对照,在湖北长阳和越南河内试验了这3种植物挥发物诱芯(6 μL/诱芯)对小菜蛾的引诱作用。结果表明,在湖北,第1天时 ACTE、NCS对雄虫具有很强的引诱作用,引诱量显著大于性诱剂的引诱量,但随着诱芯放置时间延长,NCS引诱作用迅速下降,第2天时引诱作用已经很小;ACTE的引诱作用下降缓慢,第4天的诱蛾量才显著小于性信息素的诱蛾量,OH的引诱力较弱。在河内,ACTE、NCS、OH第1天对小菜蛾引诱作用很强,引诱量大于性信息素,但差异不显著;随着诱芯放置时间延长,3种挥发物对小菜蛾的引诱量均下降很快,第4天的引诱力就很弱。3种植物挥发物的混合物(体积比1∶1∶1)对小菜蛾的引诱作用与性信息素相似,且诱蛾活性持效期相对较长。无论在越南或湖北,植物挥发物或其混合物均很少引诱到雌虫。  相似文献   

Electroantennograms (EAGs) were recorded from laboratory-reared, male and female Ceratitis capitata (medfly) in response to individual volatiles identified from ripe nectarines. Uniformity in EAG response between the sexes was observed for most test compounds. Only 10 volatiles, of the 44 nectarine volatiles tested, elicited significantly different EAG responses between the sexes. No correlation was observed between the magnitude of antennal responsiveness and the concentration of a particular volatile in the headspace odor of ripe nectarines. The most abundant (major) nectarine volatiles were among the least EAG stimulatory compounds tested. And certain minor and trace volatiles were the most potent compounds in eliciting EAGs. Moreover, the magnitude of antennal response to a nectarine volatile was related to the functional-group, chain-length, and unsaturation of the compound. The degree of potency of the compounds was as follows: six-carbon unsaturated aldehydes and alcoholsmethyl and ethyl hexanoates and octanoateshexenyl acetates and monoterpenes>shorter chain-length acetates and alcohols>lactones. Unsaturated aldehydes, alcohols, and acetates generally elicited larger EAGs than their saturated analogs, with the (E)-2-isomers being the most potent isomeric configurations. In addition, medfly antennae exhibited long recovery periods (i.e., >10 sec.) for the EAG tracings to return to baseline potential after stimulations with certain classes of compounds, e.g., C6 to C8 acid esters, monoterpenes, and hexen-1-ols. The potential adaptiveness to medflies for selective sensitivity to these volatiles is discussed.  相似文献   

Enhancement of an insect pheromone response by green leaf volatiles is reported for the first time in the boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis Boh. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Single cell recordings from antennal olfactory receptors revealed a class of cells selectively responsive to six carbon alcohols and aldehydes (i.e., green leaf volatiles). Field tests with released weevils demonstrated enhanced trap captures with trans-2-hexen-l-ol, cis-3-hexen-l-ol, or l-hexanol paired with grandlure, the boll weevil aggregation pheromone, when in competition with grandlure alone. Although dose-response curves constructed from electroantennograms were indicative of similar populations of receptor cells for selected six carbon alcohols, one of the compounds tested, cis-2-hexen-l-ol, was inactive in field tests. Trans-2-hexenal was active in single cell recordings, but was also inactive in field tests. In tests in cotton fields with indigenous weevil populations, trans-2-hexen-l-ol not only enhanced pheromone trap captures, but also extended the longevity of attractiveness of pheromone-baited traps. The combined electrophysiological and field data support across-fiber coding of green leaf volatiles by boll weevil olfactory receptors. The results are discussed with regard to the chemistry of the host plant of the boll weevil, cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), and potential economic significance for boll weevil eradication/suppression.
Résumé Pour la première fois, l'augmentation de la puissance de la phéromone d'agrégation sous l'action de l'odeur verte est signalée chez A. grandis. Les enregistrements unitaires de cellules des récepteurs olfactifs des antennes a mis en évidence une catégorie de cellules réagissant sélectivement aux alcools et aux aldéhydes à 6 carbones (c'est-à-dire aux substances volatiles des feuilles vertes). Des essais dans la nature ont montré une augmentation des captures par les pièges de grandlure (phéromone d'agrégation du charançon) renforcés par du trans-2-hexen-l-ol, du cis-3-hexen-l-ol, ou du l-hexanol.Bien que les courbes des réponses en fonction des doses construites à partir des électroantennogrammes indiquent des catégories de cellules réceptrices identiques pour les alcools à 6 carbones examinés, l'une de ces substances, cis-2-hexen-l-ol, s'est révélée inactive dans la nature. Le trans-2-hexenal qui était actif avec des enregistrements unitaires de cellules, était lui aussi inactif dans la nature. Dans des essais dans des champs de coton avec des populations indigènes de charançons, le trans-2-hexen-l-ol a, non seulement augmenté l'efficacité des pièges à phéromone, mais a prolongé leur attractivité. Les résultats d'électrophysiologie combinés aux données de la nature appuient le modelage transversal des substances vertes volatiles des feuilles par les récepteurs olfactifs du charançon. Ces résultats sont interprétés en relation avec la chimie de la plante-hôte de A. grandis, le coton, Gossypium hirsutum L., et leur possibilité d'utilisation économique pour l'éradication du charançon.

Among numerous other factors, host‐plant volatiles may affect selection of food plants by herbivorous insects. The blue willow leaf beetle, Phratora vulgatissima (L.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is known to differentiate between willow species and genotypes. However, so far no knowledge is available on the physiological abilities of this leaf beetle to respond to willow volatiles. In this study, we recorded electroantennograms of male and female P. vulgatissima to volatiles from two Salix viminalis L. (Salicaceae) genotypes: Jorr and 78021. The headspace of these genotypes were analysed by coupled gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. In addition to known green leaf volatiles (GLV), several terpenoid components were found. Both males and females of P. vulgatissima showed strong responses to the GLVs (Z)3‐hexenol and (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate, and moderate responses to (E)‐ocimene and β‐caryophyllene. Females, but not males, also responded to R‐(+)‐limonene. This work represents a further step to identify substances relevant for the orientation of P. vulgatissima to host plants.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Ovipositing Eurema brigitta (Wallace) and Eurema herla (W. S. Macleay) butterflies were followed in the field to determine the nature and extent of the pre-alighting discrimination shown by these insects towards their only host plant, Cassia mimosoides (L).
2. Both species tended to search in areas where plants with long, thin leaves (primarily grasses) were less common, on average, than in randomly placed quadrats. Both species were also more likely to alight on non-host plants with leaves of a similar size and shape to those of the host plant than on non-hosts with leaf shapes dissimilar to that of the host.
3. The search behaviour of these monophagous insects was not so specialized that the butterflies never alighted on non-hosts; in fact the majority of alightings were on non-host plants and the pre-alighting discrimination shown by these insects is clearly not the prime behavioural determinant of their monophagy.  相似文献   

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