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Summary Long tracts of DNA with high sequence homology to chloroplast DNA were isolated from nuclear genomic libraries of Nicotiana tabacum. One lambda EMBL4 clone was characterised in detail and assigned to nuclear DNA. The majority of the 15.5-kb sequence is greater than 99% homologous with its chloroplast DNA counterpart, but a single base deletion causes premature termination of the reading frame of the psaA gene. One region of the clone contains a concentration of deleted regions, and these were used to identify and quantify the sequence in native nuclear DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods. An estimated 15 copies of this specific region are present in a 1c tobacco nucleus.  相似文献   

The rhizobia are a group of bacteria widely studied for their capacity to form intimate symbiotic relationships with leguminous plants. However, they are also interesting for containing a remarkable abundance of repetitive genetic elements, such as long DNA repeats. In this study we deeply analyzed long, exact DNA repeats in five representative rhizobial genomes; Rhizobium etli, Rhizobium leguminosarum, Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Sinorhizobium meliloti and Mesorhizobium loti. The results suggest that a huge proportion of repeats can be located in either plasmid or chromosome replicons, except in B. japonicum, which lacks plasmids, but contains the largest number, and longest repeat elements of the genomes analyzed here. Interestingly, we detected a slight correlation between the density of repeats (either number or length) and genome size. As expected, the highest percentage of DNA repeats code for mobile genetic elements, including insertion sequences, recombinases, and transposases. Some repeats corresponded to non-coding or intergenic regions, while in genomes like that of R. etli, a significant percentage of large repeats, mainly located in plasmids, were strongly associated with symbiotic and nitrogen fixation activities. In conclusion, our analysis shows that rhizobial genomes contain a high density of long DNA repeats, which might facilitate recombination events and genome rearrangements, functioning in adaption and persistence during saprophytic or symbiotic life.  相似文献   

The genomic organization of the histone genes of the newt Notophthalmus viridescens is described. Genes for the five proteins are clustered on a 9.0 kb segment of cloned DNA which is part of a homogeneous family of sequences containing 600–800 members per haploid genome. The 9.0 kb histone gene clusters are not adjacent in the genome, but are separated from neighboring clusters by up to 50 kb or more of cluster spacer sequences; some or all of these spacer sequences are members of a predominantly centromeric satellite DNA with a 225 bp repeating unit.  相似文献   

Approximately 6000 specific DNA deletion events occur during development of the somatic macronucleus of the ciliate Tetrahymena. The eliminated Tlr1 element is 13 kb or more in length and has an 825 bp inverted repeat near the rearrangement junctions. A functional analysis of the cis-acting sequences required for Tlr1 rearrangement was performed. A construct consisting of the entire inverted repeat and several hundred base pairs of flanking DNA on each side was rearranged accurately in vivo and displayed junctional variability similar to the chromosomal Tlr1 rearrangement. Thus, 11 kb or more of internal element DNA is not required in cis for DNA rearrangement. A second construct with only 51 bp of Tetrahymena DNA flanking the right junction underwent aberrant rearrangement. Thus, a signal for determination of the Tlr1 junction is located in the flanking DNA, 51 bp or more from the right junction. Within the Tlr1 inverted repeat are 19 bp tandem repeats. A construct with the 19mer repeat region deleted from the right half of the inverted repeat utilized normal rearrangement junctions. Thus, despite its transposon-like structure, Tlr1 is similar to other DNA rearrangements in Tetrahymena in possessing cis-acting sequences outside the deleted DNA.  相似文献   

Neisseria meningitidis, or the meningococcus, is the source of significant morbidity and mortality in humans worldwide. Even though mutability has been linked to the occurrence of outbreaks of epidemic disease, meningococcal DNA repair pathways are poorly delineated. For the first time, a collection of meningococcal disease-associated isolates has been demonstrated to express constitutively the DNA glycosylases MutY and Fpg in vivo. DNA sequence analysis showed considerable variability in the deduced amino acid sequences of MutS and Fpg, while MutY and RecA were highly conserved. Interestingly, multi-locus sequence typing demonstrated a putative link between the pattern of amino acid substitutions and levels of spontaneous mutagenicity in meningococcal strains. These results provide a basis for further studies aimed at resolving the genotype/phenotype relationships of meningococcal genome variability and mutator activity.  相似文献   

Reassociation kinetics of the fragments of DNA consisting of interspersed repetitive and non-repetitive nucleotide sequences is considered in this paper. Based on the model, suggested by Gavrilov and Mazo (Mol. biol., 11, 101 1977), which takes into account the random DNA shearing, both reassociation kinetics of the total DNA in the region corresponding to interspersed repeat reassociation and that of the isolated preparation of interspersed repetitive sequences are calculated. In both cases influence of the repeat length on the reassociation rate is demonstrated. The estimation of the repetition frequency of rare repeats from pigeon genome is specified using calculations performed.  相似文献   

Various sequences in the mammalian genomes are unstable. One class of sequence arrangement is long inverted repeats, which are known to be unstable in bacteria and yeast. While in mammals some evidence suggests that short inverted repeats (<10 bp long) may show instability, nothing is known about the stability of long inverted repeats. Here we describe two unrelated multicopy transgenes in the mouse (loci 109 and OX1-5), each of which contains a long inverted repeat that shows substantial mitotic instability. This instability also occurs in the germline so that mutant transgenes appear within pedigrees at a high frequency. The mutation processes acting at these two inverted repeats are complex and can involve insertion or deletion, and can result in stabilization of the transgene. At transgene 109 mutational events range from very small rearrangements at the centre of the inverted repeat to complete transgene deletion. In addition we show that the rates of mutation at the inverted repeat of transgene OX1-5 can vary between the male and female germlines and between inbred strains of mice, suggesting the possibility of a genetic analysis to identify loci that modulate inverted repeat instability.  相似文献   

DNA repeats in the human genome   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  

DNA sequence polymorphisms in Alu repeats   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
M Orita  T Sekiya  K Hayashi 《Genomics》1990,8(2):271-278
We have developed an efficient method for detection of sequence differences in genomic DNA based on a new principle (M. Orita et al., 1989, Genomics 5: 874-879). Using this method, we show here that approximately half the Alu repeats interspersed in the human genome are significantly polymorphic. Analysis of Alu repeat polymorphism should be useful in construction of a high-resolution map and also in identifying genotypes of individuals for clinical and other purposes because the repeats are ubiquitous and the technique for their detection is simple.  相似文献   

J Texter 《Biopolymers》1992,32(1):53-59
The quantum yield for cyclobutyl-pyrimidine dimerization in DNA has been observed to increase approximately linearly with increasing pyrimidine tract length. A model without adjustable parameters for this yield is proposed based on energy delocalization, vibronic symmetry switching, and saturation statistics that describe the average number of (base pairwise) breathing modes in a given tract of pyrimidines. This average number of modes is an approximately linear function of the tract length. Monte Carlo techniques are used to simulate base sequences and photochemical events, and indicate that this model is consistent with experiment for Tetrahymena pyriformis DNA.  相似文献   

Chemical determinants of DNA bending at adenine-thymine tracts   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
H S Koo  D M Crothers 《Biochemistry》1987,26(12):3745-3748
DNA fragments having homopolymeric adenine-thymine tracts phased with the helix screw are known to be bent. According to our working model, adenine-thymine tracts adopt a polymorphic structure (H-DNA), and juxtaposition of H-DNA with B-DNA results in bending at the junction between the two structures. We incorporated different base analogues in addition to the four ordinary bases into oligonucleotides; ligated multimers of oligonucleotide duplexes were run on polyacrylamide gels. By comparison of gel mobility data for different sequences, we identified factors both necessary and irrelevant for bending, corresponding to the formation of H-DNA. The 5-methyl group on pyrimidines is not essential, and the 2-amino group on purines interferes with the formation of H-DNA, either because it provides a third H bond between the bases or because it alters water structure in the minor groove. The strong base stacking of A may be an important contributing factor to stabilization of the anomalous DNA structure responsible for bending.  相似文献   

Interaction of minor groove binding ligands with long AT tracts.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
We have used quantitative DNase I footprinting to examine the ability of distamycin and Hoechst 33258 to discriminate between different arrangements of AT residues, using synthetic DNA fragments containing multiple blocks of (A/T)6or (A/T)10in identical sequence environments. Previous studies have shown that these ligands bind less well to (A/T)4sites containing TpA steps. We find that in (A/T)6tracts distamycin shows little discrimination between the various sites, binding approximately 2-fold stronger to TAATTA than (TA)3, T3A3and GAATTC. In contrast, Hoechst 33258 binds approximately 20-fold more tightly to GAATTC and TAATTA than T3A3and (TA)3. Hydroxyl radical footprinting reveals that both ligands bind in similar locations at the centre of each AT tract. At (A/T)10sites distamycin binds with similar affinity to T5A5, (TA)5and AATT, though bands in the centre of (TA)5are protected at approximately 50-fold lower concentration than those towards the edges. Hoechst 33258 shows a similar pattern of preference, with strong binding to AATT, T5A5and the centre of (TA)5. Hydroxyl radical footprinting reveals that at low concentrations both ligands bind at the centre of (TA)5and A5T5, while at higher concentrations ligand molecules bind to each end of the (A/T)10tracts. At T5A5two ligand molecules bind at either end of the site, even at the lowest ligand concentration, consistent with the suggestion that these compounds avoid the TpA step. Similar DNase I footprinting experiments with a DNA fragment containing T n (n = 3-6) tracts reveals that both ligands bind in the order T3< T4 << T5 = T6.  相似文献   

Survey of plant short tandem DNA repeats   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
Length variations in simple sequence tandem repeats are being given increased attention in plant genetics. Some short tandem repeats (STRs) from a few plant species, mainly those at the dinucleotide level, have been demonstrated to show polymorphisms and Mendelian inheritance. In the study reported here a search for all of the possible STRs ranging from mononucleotide up to tetranucleotide repeats was carried out on EMBL and GenBank DNA sequence databases of 3026 kb nuclear DNA and 1268 kb organelle DNA in 54 and 28 plant species (plus algae), respectively. An extreme rareness of STRs (4 STRs in 1268 kb DNA) was detected in organelle compared with nuclear DNA sequences. In nuclear DNA sequences, (AT)n sequences were the most abundant followed by (A)n · (T)n, (AG)n · (CT)n, (AAT)n · (ATT)n, (AAC)n · (GTT), (AGC)n · (GCT)n, (AAG)n · (CTT)n, (AATT)n · (TTAA)n, (AAAT)n · (ATTT)n and (AC)n · (GT)n sequences. A total of 130 STRs were found, including 49 (AT)n sequences in 31 species, giving an average of 1 STR every 23.3 kb and 1 (AT)n STR every 62 kb. An abundance comparable to that for the dinucleotide repeat was observed for the tri- and tetranucleotide repeats together. On average, there was 1 STR every 64.6 kb DNA in monocotyledons versus 1 every 21.2 kb DNA in dicotyledons. The fraction of STRs that contained G-C basepairs increased as the G+C contents went up from dicotyledons, monocotyledons to algae. While STRs of mono-, di- and tetranucleotide repeats were all located in non coding regions, 57% of the trinucleotide STRs containing G-C basepairs resided in coding regions.  相似文献   

The history of the abundant repeat elements in the bovine genome has been studied by comparative hybridization and PCR. The Bov-A and Bov-B SINE elements both emerged just after the divergence of the Camelidae and the true ruminants. A 31-bp subrepeat motif in satellites of the Bovidae species cattle, sheep, and goat is also present in Cervidae (deer) and apparently predates the Bovidae. However, the other components of the bovine satellites were amplified after the divergence of the cattle and the Caprinae (sheep and goat). A 23-bp motif, which as subrepeat of two major satellites occupies 5% of the cattle genome, emerged only after the split of the water buffalo and other cattle species. During the evolution of the Bovidae the satellite repeat units were shaped by recombination events involving subrepeats, other satellite components, and SINE elements. Differences in restriction sites of homologous satellites indicate a continuing rapid horizontal spread of new sequence variants. Correspondence to: J.A. Lenstra  相似文献   

LTRs are sequence elements in retroviruses and retrotransposons which are difficult to align due to their variability. One way of handling such cases is to use Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). In this work HMMs of LTRs were constructed for three groups of orthoretroviruses: the betaretroviruslike human MMTV-like (HML) endogenous retroviruses, the lentiviruses, including HIV, and gammaretroviruslike human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs). The HMM-generated LTR alignments and the phylogenetic trees constructed from them were compared with trees based on alignments of the pol gene at the nucleic acid level. The majority of branches in the LTR and pol based trees had the same order for the three retroviral genera, showing that HMM methods are successful in aligning and constructing phylogenies of LTRs. The HML LTR tree deviated somewhat from the pol tree for the groups HML3, HML7 and HML6. Among the gammaretroviruslike proviruses, the exogenous Mouse Leukemia Virus (MLV) was highly related to HERV-T in the pol based tree, but not in the LTR based tree. Aside from these differences, the similarity between the trees indicates that LTRs and pol coevolved in a largely monophyletic way.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is the major repression mechanism for human retrotransposons, such as the Alu family. Here, we have determined the methylation levels associated with 5238 loci belonging to 2 Alu subfamilies, AluYa5 and AluYb8, using high-throughput targeted repeat element bisulfite sequencing (HT-TREBS). The results indicate that ~90% of loci are repressed by high methylation levels. Of the remaining loci, many of the hypomethylated elements are found near gene promoters and show high levels of DNA methylation variation. We have characterized this variation in the context of tumorigenesis and interindividual differences. Comparison of a primary breast tumor and its matched normal tissue revealed early DNA methylation changes in ~1% of AluYb8 elements in response to tumorigenesis. Simultaneously, AluYa5/Yb8 elements proximal to promoters also showed differences in methylation of up to one order of magnitude, even between normal individuals. Overall, the current study demonstrates that early loss of methylation occurs during tumorigenesis in a subset of young Alu elements, suggesting their potential clinical relevance. However, approaches such as deep-bisulfite-sequencing of individual loci using HT-TREBS are required to distinguish clinically relevant loci from the background observed for AluYa5/Yb8 elements in general with regard to high levels of interindividual variation in DNA methylation.  相似文献   

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