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Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular parasite of humans and other warm-blooded vertebrates, invades a variety of cell types in the organism, including immune cells. Notably, dendritic cells (DCs) infected by T. gondii acquire a hypermigratory phenotype that potentiates parasite dissemination by a ‘Trojan horse’ type of mechanism in mice. Previous studies have demonstrated that, shortly after parasite invasion, infected DCs exhibit hypermotility in 2-dimensional confinements in vitro and enhanced transmigration in transwell systems. However, interstitial migration in vivo involves interactions with the extracellular matrix in a 3-dimensional (3D) space. We have developed a collagen matrix-based assay in a 96-well plate format that allows quantitative locomotion analyses of infected DCs in a 3D confinement over time. We report that active invasion of DCs by T. gondii tachyzoites induces enhanced migration of infected DCs in the collagen matrix. Parasites of genotype II induced superior DC migratory distances than type I parasites. Moreover, Toxoplasma-induced hypermigration of DCs was further potentiated in the presence of the CCR7 chemotactic cue CCL19. Blocking antibodies to integrins (CD11a, CD11b, CD18, CD29, CD49b) insignificantly affected migration of infected DCs in the 3D matrix, contrasting with their inhibitory effects on adhesion in 2D assays. Morphological analyses of infected DCs in the matrix were consistent with the acquisition of an amoeboid-like migratory phenotype. Altogether, the present data show that the Toxoplasma-induced hypermigratory phenotype in a 3D matrix is consistent with integrin-independent amoeboid DC migration with maintained responsiveness to chemotactic and chemokinetic cues. The data support the hypothesis that induction of amoeboid hypermigration and chemotaxis/chemokinesis in infected DCs potentiates the dissemination of T. gondii.  相似文献   

The ability to migrate is a hallmark of various cell types and plays a crucial role in several physiological processes, including embryonic development, wound healing, and immune responses. However, cell migration is also a key mechanism in cancer enabling these cancer cells to detach from the primary tumor to start metastatic spreading. Within the past years various cell migration assays have been developed to analyze the migratory behavior of different cell types. Because the locomotory behavior of cells markedly differs between a two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) environment it can be assumed that the analysis of the migration of cells that are embedded within a 3D environment would yield in more significant cell migration data. The advantage of the described 3D collagen matrix migration assay is that cells are embedded within a physiological 3D network of collagen fibers representing the major component of the extracellular matrix. Due to time-lapse video microscopy real cell migration is measured allowing the determination of several migration parameters as well as their alterations in response to pro-migratory factors or inhibitors. Various cell types could be analyzed using this technique, including lymphocytes/leukocytes, stem cells, and tumor cells. Likewise, also cell clusters or spheroids could be embedded within the collagen matrix concomitant with analysis of the emigration of single cells from the cell cluster/ spheroid into the collagen lattice. We conclude that the 3D collagen matrix migration assay is a versatile method to analyze the migration of cells within a physiological-like 3D environment.  相似文献   

We developed a novel model for studying migration of keratinocyte colonies over 3D collagen gel. It was shown that keratinocytes previously cultured on plastic and then seeded on the surface of collagen gel proliferate more actively than the primary cells. The gel density could significantly affect the morphology and migration of keratinocyte colonies. Modification of collagen gel by fibronectin-like protein or poly-L-lysine altered the morphometric parameters of colonies without significant changes in the velocity of migration.  相似文献   

This protocol describes the fabrication of a type of micro-tissues called modules. The module approach generates uniform, scalable and vascularized tissues. The modules can be made of collagen as well as other gelable or crosslinkable materials. They are approximately 2 mm in length and 0.7 mm in diameter upon fabrication but shrink in size with embedded cells or when the modules are coated with endothelial cells. The modules individually are small enough that the embedded cells are within the diffusion limit of oxygen and other nutrients but modules can be packed together to form larger tissues that are perfusable. These tissues are modular in construction because different cell types can be embedded in or coated on the modules before they are packed together to form complex tissues. There are three main steps to making the modules: (1) neutralizing the collagen and embedding cells in it, (2) gelling the collagen in the tube and cutting the modules and (3) coating the modules with endothelial cells.Download video file.(58M, mov)  相似文献   

Gene electrotransfer is a promising nonviral method that enables transfer of plasmid DNA into cells with electric pulses. Although many in vitro and in vivo studies have been performed, the question of the implied gene electrotransfer mechanisms is largely open. The main obstacle toward efficient gene electrotransfer in vivo is relatively poor mobility of DNA in tissues. Since cells are mechanically coupled to their extracellular environment and act differently compared to standard in vitro conditions, we developed a three-dimensional (3-D) in vitro model of CHO cells embedded in collagen gel as an ex vivo model of tissue to study electropermeabilization and different parameters of gene electrotransfer. For this purpose, we first used propidium iodide to detect electropermeabilization of CHO cells embedded in collagen gel. Then, we analyzed the influence of different concentrations of plasmid DNA and pulse duration on gene electrotransfer efficiency. Our results revealed that even if cells in collagen gel can be efficiently electropermeabilized, gene expression is significantly lower. Gene electrotransfer efficiency in our 3-D in vitro model had similar dependence on concentration of plasmid DNA and pulse duration comparable to in vivo studies, where longer (millisecond) pulses were shown to be more optimal compared to shorter (microsecond) pulses. The presented results demonstrate that our 3-D in vitro model resembles the in vivo situation more closely than conventional 2-D cell cultures and, thus, provides an environment closer to in vivo conditions to study mechanisms of gene electrotransfer.  相似文献   

Lumen formation is important for morphogenesis; however, an unanswered question is whether it involves the collective migration of epithelial cells. Here, using a collagen gel overlay culture method, we show that Madin-Darby canine kidney cells migrated collectively and formed a luminal structure in a collagen gel. Immediately after the collagen gel overlay, an epithelial sheet folded from the periphery, migrated inwardly, and formed a luminal structure. The inhibition of integrin-β1 or Rac1 activity decreased the migration rate of the peripheral cells after the sheets folded. Moreover, lumen formation was perturbed by disruption of apical-basolateral polarity induced by transforming growth factor-β1. These results indicate that cell migration and cell polarity play an important role in folding. To further explore epithelial sheet folding, we developed a computer-simulated mechanical model based on the rigidity of the extracellular matrix. It indicated a soft substrate is required for the folding movement.  相似文献   

Bone is the most common site of metastasis for breast cancer, however the reasons for this remain unclear. We hypothesise that under certain conditions mammary cells possess osteomimetic capabilities that may allow them to adapt to, and flourish within, the bone microenvironment. Mammary cells are known to calcify within breast tissue and we have recently reported a novel in vitro model of mammary mineralization using murine mammary adenocarcinoma 4T1 cells. In this study, the osteomimetic properties of the mammary adenocarcinoma cell line and the conditions required to induce mineralization were characterized extensively. It was found that exogenous organic phosphate and inorganic phosphate induce mineralization in a dose dependent manner in 4T1 cells. Ascorbic acid and dexamethasone alone have no effect. 4T1 cells also show enhanced mineralization in response to bone morphogenetic protein 2 in the presence of phosphate supplemented media. The expression of several bone matrix proteins were monitored throughout the process of mineralization and increased expression of collagen type 1 and bone sialoprotein were detected, as determined by real-time RT-PCR. In addition, we have shown for the first time that 3D collagen glycosaminoglycan scaffolds, bioengineered to represent the bone microenvironment, are capable of supporting the growth and mineralization of 4T1 adenocarcinoma cells. These 3D scaffolds represent a novel model system for the study of mammary mineralization and bone metastasis. This work demonstrates that mammary cells are capable of osteomimicry, which may ultimately contribute to their ability to preferentially metastasize to, survive within and colonize the bone microenvironment.  相似文献   

Midbrain dopamine (mdDA) neurons project via the medial forebrain bundle towards several areas in the telencephalon, including the striatum1. Reciprocally, medium spiny neurons in the striatum that give rise to the striatonigral (direct) pathway innervate the substantia nigra2. The development of these axon tracts is dependent upon the combinatorial actions of a plethora of axon growth and guidance cues including molecules that are released by neurites or by (intermediate) target regions3,4. These soluble factors can be studied in vitro by culturing mdDA and/or striatal explants in a collagen matrix which provides a three-dimensional substrate for the axons mimicking the extracellular environment. In addition, the collagen matrix allows for the formation of relatively stable gradients of proteins released by other explants or cells placed in the vicinity (e.g. see references 5 and 6). Here we describe methods for the purification of rat tail collagen, microdissection of dopaminergic and striatal explants, their culture in collagen gels and subsequent immunohistochemical and quantitative analysis. First, the brains of E14.5 mouse embryos are isolated and dopaminergic and striatal explants are microdissected. These explants are then (co)cultured in collagen gels on coverslips for 48 to 72 hours in vitro. Subsequently, axonal projections are visualized using neuronal markers (e.g. tyrosine hydroxylase, DARPP32, or βIII tubulin) and axon growth and attractive or repulsive axon responses are quantified. This neuronal preparation is a useful tool for in vitro studies of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of mesostriatal and striatonigral axon growth and guidance during development. Using this assay, it is also possible to assess other (intermediate) targets for dopaminergic and striatal axons or to test specific molecular cues.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the effect of different culture conditions on the survival and morphological phenotype of cultured acinar cells. Acinar fragments isolated from hamster pancreas were embedded in rat-tail collagen. Four groups were established: Medium 1—5% NuSerum + basic medium (basic MEDIUM = DMEM/F12 supplemented with dexamethasone, 3-isobutyl-2-methylxanthine, and antibiotics); Medium 2—10% NuSerum + basic medium. Medium 3—Medium 2 supplemented with epidermal growth factor and cholera toxin; and Medium 4:—Medium 3 supplemented with soybean trypsin inhibitor. Freshly isolated acinar cells were retrieved morphologically intact. In Medium 1, more than 80% of cells retained a normal histological appearance at 34 days in culture. Immunostaining for amylase was observed at the apical pole of the cells. The remaining cells showed variable degrees of degeneration. In Medium 2, approximately 50% of acinar cells appeared normal at 34 days in culture, while the remainder were severely degenerated. A few cystic structures were also observed. Positive immunostaining for amylase was limited to the cells with a normal histological appearance. The cells grown in Media 3 and 4 had similar courses of morphological changes. After 8 days in culture, most acinar fragments disappeared and were replaced by cystic structures, lined by a single layer of cuboidal cells. Some amylase-positive immunoreactive cells were integral components of the cystic wall. Cellular amylase activity was a function of the different culture media, a more rapid decrease in amylase activity being observed in Media 3 and 4. Uptake of [3H]thymidine did not show any significant differences between the media. It was also found that the ductlike cells cultured in Medium 4 had a limited capacity to redifferentiate into acinar cells. This study shows that the acinar cell phenotype can be maintainedin vitrofor more than 1 month. This study also suggests that ductal-like epithelial structures arise from transformation of acinar cells.  相似文献   

In order to reduce cellular complexity in the study of the controls of the biochemical differentiation of mammary gland epithelium, approximately 100-fold purified epithelial cells from the mammary glands of virgin BALB/c mice were grown in three-dimensional collagen gels, and formed colonies that resembled mammary ductules. Here we report the induction of a biochemical differentiation in these purified epithelial cells in response to appropriate hormonal signals, starting from the state in the virgin mammary gland and ending with the stage characteristic of lactation. Induction of the synthesis of caseins was examined as a marker of mammary functional differentiation using sensitive immunologic autoradiography. The cells were maximally induced by the combination of the hormones, insulin, prolactin, aldosterone, and hydrocortisone, in both serum-containing and essentially serum-free media. The induction required insulin and prolactin, and was enhanced by the presence of the steroids. The cellular distribution of the induction was general, inasmuch as three-quarters of the hormone-stimulated cells were casein-positive according to immunocytochemistry. In order to assess the role of the three-dimensional conformation in the induction process, the purified mammary epithelial cells were grown as monolayers on plastic and collagen-coated surfaces. In these two-dimensional cultures, the synthesis of casein was not induced, suggesting that cell shape, orientation, and multicellular organization are important parameters in the hormonal induction of the biochemical differentiation. The finding of the induction of differentiation-specific proteins in cultures of purified epithelial cells from virgin glands allows examination of the molecular mechanisms involved in the complete induction process in the virtual absence of fat cells, fibroblasts, and the complex assortment of biochemical constituents of the mammary fat pad.  相似文献   

Intercalated disk (ID), which electromechanically couples cardiomyocytes into a functional syncitium, is closely related to normal morphology and function of engineered heart tissues (EHTs), but the development mode of ID in the three-dimensional (3D) EHTs is still unclear. In this study, we focused on the spatiotemporal development of the ID in the EHTs constructed by mixing neonatal rat cardiomyocytes with collagen/Matrigel, and investigated the effect of 3D microenvironment provided by collagen/Matrigel matrix on the formation of ID. By histological and immmunofluorescent staining, the spatiotemporal distribution of ID-related junctions was detected. Furthermore, the ultra-structures of the ID in different developmental stages were observed under transmission electron microscope. In addition, the expression of the related proteins was quantitatively analyzed. The results indicate that accompanying the re-organization of cardiomyocytes in collagen/Matrigel matrix, the proteins of adherens junctions, desmosomes and gap junctions redistributed from diffused distribution to intercellular regions to form an integrated ID. The adherens junction and desmosome which are related with mechanical connection appeared earlier than gap junction which is essential for electrochemical coupling. These findings suggest that the 3D microenvironment based on collagen/Matrigel matrix could support the ordered assembly of the ID in EHTs and have implications for comprehending the ordered and coordinated development of ID during the functional organization of EHTs.  相似文献   

Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a crucial event in tumor invasion and metastasis. However, most of past EMT studies have been conducted in the conventional two-dimensional (2D) monolayer culture. Therefore, it remains unclear what invasive phenotypes are acquired by EMT-induced cancer cells. To address this point, we attempted to characterize EMT cells in more physiological, three-dimensional (3D) collagen gel culture. EMT was induced by treating three human carcinoma cell lines (A549, Panc-1 and MKN-1) with TGF-ß. The TGF-ß treatment stimulated these cells to overexpress the invasion markers laminin γ2 and MT1-MMP in 2D culture, in addition to the induction of well-known morphological change and EMT marker expression. EMT induction enhanced cell motility and adhesiveness to fibronectin and collagen in 2D culture. Although EMT cells showed comparable cell growth to control cells in 2D culture, their growth rates were extremely suppressed in soft agar and collagen gel cultures. Most characteristically, EMT-induced cancer cells commonly and markedly extended invasive protrusions in collagen gel. These protrusions were mainly supported by microtubules rather than actin cytoskeleton. Snail-introduced, stable EMT cells showed similar protrusions in 3D conditions without TGF-ß. Moreover, these protrusions were suppressed by colchicine or inhibitors of heat shock protein 90 (HSP-90) and protein phosphatase 2A. However, MMP inhibitors did not suppress the protrusion formation. These data suggest that EMT enhances tumor cell infiltration into interstitial stroma by extending microtubule-based protrusions and suppressing cell growth. The elevated cell adhesion to fibronectin and collagen and high cell motility also seem important for the tumor invasion.  相似文献   

The wall of the egg case of the dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula) contains an analogue of collagen Types IV and VIII organised into a regular 3-dimensional network. It presumably provides both a protective and a filtering role for the eggs contained within it. Electron micrographs of longitudinal and transverse sections, including systematically tilted sections, have been used both to define, for the first time, the space group symmetry of the lattice and to carry out 3-D reconstruction of the unit cell contents. This cell was found to be tetragonal, space group I422, with a = b = 11 ± 1 nm, and c = 74 ± 4 nm. Consistent with this, projection symmetries were c2mm for the [1,0,0] view, p2mm for the [1,1,0] view, and p4mm for the projection down the c axis (the [0,0,1] view), and all observed reflections in the computed Fourier transform obeyed the ruleh+k+l= 2n(ninteger) for body-centred lattices. The 3-D reconstruction, the first electron micrograph 3-D reconstruction of a collagen-containing material, is interpreted in terms of variations of previous molecular models for this structure. Type IV collagen is a constituent of the basal lamina, where it forms a network with both structural and filtering properties. The dogfish egg case structure may throw light on the (less regular) collagen IV structure of the basal lamina.  相似文献   

Primary myeloma (PM) cells are short-lived in conventional culture, which limited their usefulness as a study model. Here, we evaluated if three-dimensional (3D) culture can significantly prolong the longevity of PM cells in-vitro. We employed a previously established 3D model for culture of bone marrow mononuclear cells isolated from 15 patients. We assessed the proportion of PM cells, viability and proliferation using CD38 staining, trypan blue exclusion assays and carboxy fluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE) staining, respectively. We observed significantly more CD38+ viable cells in 3D than in conventional culture (65% vs. 25%, p = 0.006) on day 3. CFSE staining showed no significant difference in cell proliferation between the two culture systems. Moreover, we found that PM cells in 3D culture are more STAT3 active by measure of pSTAT3 staining (66% vs. 10%, p = 0.008). Treatment of IL6, a STAT3 activator significantly increased CD38+ cell viability (41% to 68%, p = 0.021). In comparison, inhibition of STAT3 with Stattic significantly decreased PM cell viability in 3D culture (38% to 17% p = 0.010). Neither IL6 nor Stattic affected the PM cell viability in conventional culture. This study suggests that 3D culture can significantly improve the longevity of PM cells in-vitro, and STAT3 activation can further improve their viability.  相似文献   

Epithelial cells of normal rat liver origin (strain RL34) synthesized the α1 peptide of type I collagen. In nononcogenic cultures (RL34 and RL34EC) and a marginally oncogenic culture (RL34HII), the peptide was continuously secreted from the proliferating cells. Part of the soluble peptide was incorporated into the intercellular matrix of contact-inhibited cells after confluency, while the remainder was degraded. The intercellular matrix contained characteristic collagen fibrils which were argyrophilic and revealed a 64 nm axial periodicity. Epithelial cells of an oncogenic culture (RL34HT) secreted procollagen into the medium continuously throughout their proliferative phases and were unable to accumulate collagen fibrils in the intercellular matrix. The depletion of collagen accumulation in the hepatocarcinoma cell culture was ascribed to lack of the binding of native collagen molecules to the cell membrane and the persistence of high proteolytic activity on the cell surface.  相似文献   

The matrix (M) proteins of rhabdoviruses are multifunctional proteins essential for virus maturation and budding that also regulate the expression of viral and host proteins. We have solved the structures of M from the vesicular stomatitis virus serotype New Jersey (genus: Vesiculovirus) and from Lagos bat virus (genus: Lyssavirus), revealing that both share a common fold despite sharing no identifiable sequence homology. Strikingly, in both structures a stretch of residues from the otherwise-disordered N terminus of a crystallographically adjacent molecule is observed binding to a hydrophobic cavity on the surface of the protein, thereby forming non-covalent linear polymers of M in the crystals. While the overall topology of the interaction is conserved between the two structures, the molecular details of the interactions are completely different. The observed interactions provide a compelling model for the flexible self-assembly of the matrix protein during virion morphogenesis and may also modulate interactions with host proteins.  相似文献   

S-sulfokeratein is prepared through S-sulfonation after the cleavage of disulfide bonds in keratin using ditiothreitol in urea. S-sulfokeratein is composed of two fractions, matrix and microfibril components, and S-sulfokeratein from the matrix component (Bs) can regenerate disulfide bonds. In this study, the effects of Bs and partially reduced Bs on type I collagen self-assembly and properties of reconstructed Bs- or partially reduced Bs-collagen gel were investigated. It was proved that collagen self-assembly was accelerated by the increased amount of added Bs, but partially reduced Bs with 10 mg DTT/100 mg Bs (Bs-10) did not affect the ratio of collagen self-assembly. The mechanical strength of Bs-collagen gel proved to be lower than control, but that of Bs-10-collagen gel was times higher than that of control.  相似文献   

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