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The rate of O2 uptake and the activity of NAD-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD-ICDH) of mitochondria isolated from castor bean cotyledons were increased by added cis, trans-abscisic acid (ABA) in an in vitro system, while the NADP-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP-ICDH) was not affected by cis, trans-ABA. Trans, trans-ABA showed only a slightly inhibitory effect on O2 uptake. The Vmax value for the isotherm of isocitrate by the enzyme was also increased by cis, trans-ABA. The isocitrate Km value for the enzyme with cis, trans-ABA was calculated to be approximately 249.8 micromolar, while the S0.5 for the enzyme without the ABA was 151.6 micromolar. The n value calculated from the slopes of Hill plots of the reaction velocity of NAD-ICDH against isocitrate concentration was 1.5 in the mitochondrial fraction in the absence of ABA, and cis, trans-ABA treatment decreased the value to 1.0. Cis, trans-ABA also partly overcame the inhibition of NAD-ICDH activity by ATP.  相似文献   

Short-day photoperiods can increase the partitioning of assimilatesto filling seeds of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.), resultingin higher seed growth rates. The plant growth substance ABAhas been implicated in the regulation of assimilate transferwithin filling soybean seeds. Thus, we hypothesized that anincreased concentration of endogenous ABA in seeds may enhancesucrose accumulation and seed growth rate of soybeans exposedto short-day photoperiods. Plants of cv. Hood 75 were grownin a greenhouse under an 8-h short-day photoperiod (SD) until11 d after anthesis (DAA) of the first flower, when half ofthe plants were transferred to a night-interruption (NI) treatment(3 h of low-intensity light inserted into the middle of thedark period). Plants remaining in SD throughout seed developmenthad seed growth rates 43% higher than that of plants shiftedto NI (7·6 mg seed–1 d–1 vs. 5·3 mgseed–1 d–1). On a tissue-water basis, the concentrationof ABA in SD seeds increased rapidly from 7.6 µmol l–1at 11 DAA to 65·2 µmol l–1 at 18 DAA, butthen declined to 6·6 µmol l–1 by 39 DAA.In contrast, the concentration of ABA increased more slowlyin NI seeds, reaching only 47·4 µmol l–1by 18 DAA, peaking at 57·0 µmol l–1 on 25DAA, and declining to 10·2 µmol l–1 by 39DAA. The concentration of sucrose in SD embryos peaked at 73·5mmol l–1 on 25 DAA and remained relatively constant forthe remainder of the seed-filling period. In NI, the concentrationof sucrose reached only 38·3 mmol 1–1 by 25 DAA,and peaked at 61·5 µmol l–1 on 32 DAA. Thusin both SD and NI, sucrose accumulated in embryos only afterthe peak in ABA concentration, suggesting that ABA may havestimulated sucrose movement to the seeds. The earlier accumulationof ABA and sucrose in SD suggests that ABA may have increasedassimilate availability during the critical cell-division period,thus regulating cotyledon cell number and subsequent seed growthrate for the remainder of the seed-filling period. Glycine max L. Merr. cv. Hood 75, soybean, assimilate partitioning, abscisic acid, photoperiod, source-sink  相似文献   

The activities and changes in the levels of exopeptidase and endopeptidase activities were characterized in unpollinated ovaries of Pisum sativum L. cv Alaska during senescence and early fruit development induced by gibberellic acid (GA3). Two aminopeptidases and one iminopeptidase were electrophoretically separated. These peptidases were sensitive to inhibitors of sulfhydryl proteases. Carboxypeptidase activity was inhibited by phenylmethyl sulfonyl fluoride. An azocasein-degrading endopeptidase, sensitive to thiol protease inhibitors, was also found. An increase in the specific activity of aminopeptidase during both fruit development and ovary senescence was observed. In contrast, the specific activity of carboxypeptidase and endopeptidase increased only during senescence of the ovary. Changes in exopeptidase activity in senescing ovaries could be mainly the consequence of a greater stability to proteolysis while the rise in endopeptidase activity appeared to be due to new or increased synthesis of the enzyme. These results suggest that endopeptidase, and not amino or carboxypeptidase, plays a key role in the senescence of pea ovaries and that the changes in unpollinated ovaries leading to ovary senescence or fruit development can be controlled by gibberellins.  相似文献   

Heat treatments of two minutes at 46 to 47°C to root systems of Nicotiana rustica and Phaseolus vulgaris affected roots and shoots. Xylem exudate of Phaseolus was collected, and it was found that heat treatment reduced cytokinin levels and increased abscisic acid levels in the exudate. Shoot and root growth of both species was reduced. Root membrane integrity of Nicotiana was measured and was found to be impaired. It is suggested that the changes in hormone activity due to heat treatment regulate the reduction in shoot growth. Cell wall metabolism and glucosyl transferases making β-glucans were investigated in Phaseolus leaves. Incorporation of 14C from 14CO2 into wall constituents was slightly inhibited but neither photosynthesis nor extracted β-glucan synthetases were affected during the first 12 hours after treatment.  相似文献   

The Golgi apparatus in plant cells is involved in hemicellulose and pectin biosynthesis. While it is known that glucan synthase I is responsible for the formation of [beta]-l-4-linked glucose (Glc) polymers and uses UDP-Glc as a substrate, very little is known about the topography of reactions leading to the biosynthesis of polysaccharides in this organelle. We isolated from pea (Pisum sativum) stems a fraction highly enriched in Golgi apparatus-derived vesicles that are sealed and have the same topographical orientation that the membranes have in vivo. Using these vesicles and UDP-Glc, we reconstituted polysaccharide biosynthesis in vitro and found evidence for a luminal location of the active site of glucan synthase I. In addition, we identified a UDP-Glc transport activity, which is likely to be involved in supplying substrate for glucan synthase I. We found that UDP-Glc transport is protein mediated. Moreover, our results suggest that UDP-Glc transport is coupled to the exit of a luminal uridine-containing nucleotide via an antiporter mechanism. We suggest that UDP-Glc is transported into the lumen of Golgi and that Glc is transferred to a polysaccharide chain, whereas the nucleotide moiety leaves the vesicle by an antiporter mechanism.  相似文献   

Low temperature-resistant pea seedlings (Pisum sativum cv. Alaska),which had been kept at 2C in darkness, during which time growthhad been almost totally suppressed, were either transferredto 25C (warmed sample) or kept at 2C (chilled sample) for1 day. Rapid growth occurred at 25C. The number of nuclei inthe shoot tips of the warmed sample was twice that in the chilledsample. Nuclei prepared from the warmed and chilled samples were digestedby micrococcal nuclease at the same rate and appeared to havenucleosomal repeats of similar length, namely, approximately150 base pairs, and they generated similar patterns in termsof ladders of multimers of the basic fragment. However, significant differences in terms of chromatin structurewere observed when the chromatins isolated from the warmed andchilled samples were compared. The digestibility by DNase IIwas apparently greater in the case of chromatin prepared fromthe warmed sample. The analysis of the melting curves of thechromatins revealed three phases. The Tm of each phase was higherin the case of chromatin prepared from the chilled sample. Furthermore,an analysis by sucrose density gradient centrifugation revealedthat the chromatin prepared from the chilled sample migratedto a region of slightly higher density in the gradient thanthe chromatin from the warmed sample. Taken together, theseresults suggest that the structure of the chromatin preparedfrom the chilled sample may be more compact than that of thechromatin prepared from the warmed sample. (Received December 10, 1992; Accepted June 23, 1993)  相似文献   

The rate of dry matter accumulation by seeds of Vicia faba L. cv. Minica increases with temperature in the range of 16 to 26°C. The duration of dry matter accumulation decreases with temperature, resulting in a decrease of final seed dry weight. In this study we test the hypothesis that a diffusion barrier for O2, located in the seed coat, inhibits seed respiration and growth. The rate of O2 uptake of intact seeds and of excised embryos and seed coats (separated seeds) was measured in air and buffer at 16, 20, and/or 26°C at various O2 concentrations and developmental stages. Oxygen uptake rates of intact seeds in buffer were only 9 to 15% of those in air. In buffer, the respiration rate of intact seeds decreased at a pO2 below air saturation (21 kilopascals), whereas separated seeds showed a decline of O2 uptake only below 80% of air saturation. In air, embryo excision had no effect on the sensitivity of seed respiration to pO2, at both 20 and 26°C. In air at 20°C, separated and intact seeds showed similar rates of O2 uptake. Oxygen uptake by intact seeds, both halfway and beyond the linear growth phase, showed a temperature coefficient Q10 of 2.3 and was insensitive to pO2 in the range of 80 to 100% of ambient. These results indicate that V. faba seed respiration in air is not limited by the diffusion of O2 into the seed.  相似文献   

Gibberellin A1 (GA1) was identified by combined gas chromatographymass spectrometry as the major biologically active gibberellin (GA) in seeds of wild oat (Avena fatua L.) regardless of the depth of dormany or stage of imbibition. Both unimbibed dormant and nondromant seeds contained similar amounts of GA1 as estimated by the d5-maize bioassay. During imbibition, the level of GA1 declined in both dormant and non-dormant seeds, although the decline was more rapid in dormant seeds. Only in imbibing nondormant seeds did the GA biosynthesis inhibitor, 2-chloroethyltrimethyl ammonium chloride (CCC), cause a reduction in the level of GA1 from that observed in control seeds. These results are interpreted as an indication that while afterripening does not cause a direct change in the levels of GAs during dry storage, it does induce a greater capacity for GA biosynthesis during imbibition.

Nondormant seeds imbibed in the presence of 50 millimolar CCC germinated equally as well as untreated seeds. When wild oat plants were fed CCC throughout the entire life cycle, viable seeds were produced that lacked detectable GA-like substances. These seeds afterripened at a slightly slower rate than the controls. Moreover, completely afterripened (nondormant) seeds from plants fed CCC continuously contained no detectable GA-like substances, and when these seeds germinated, dwarf seedlings were produced, indicating GA biosynthesis was inhibited during and after germination. In total, these results suggest that the increased capacity for GA biosynthesis observed in imbibing nondormant seeds is not a necessary prerequisite for germination. It is therefore possible that GA biosynthesis in imbibing nondormant seeds is one of many coordinated biochemical events that occur during germination rather than an initiator of the processes leading to germination.


油菜生长发育期间内源激素含量的变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
初花期至盛花期华双3号、华杂4号、恢5900等3个品种花蕾的iPAs含量呈明显上升趋势,而秦油2号则刚好相反(表2)。对双低品种华双3号功能叶的研究表明:苗期至盛花期IAA含量始终最高,其后依次是GA1 3;、iPAs、ABA。功能叶IAA的含量在越冬期处于整个生育期的最低水平,蕾薹期达到高峰,随后下降:GA1 3和iPAs含量随生育进程逐渐升高,并在初花期达到峰值;ABA在苗期及抽薹后一直处于很低水平,但在越冬期达到最高值(图1、2)。蕾薹期IAA主要分布在幼嫩和正在生长的器官中并起重要作用,而在功能叶中相对要少;幼叶GA1 3和iPAs含量最高,功能叶其次,花蕾最低(表1)。角果皮与籽粒的内源激素含量差异极显著,在开花后第39天,籽粒中IAA、GA1 3;、iPAs的含量大大超过角果皮(表3)。结果 表明iPAs在促进籽粒的充实饱满、物质积累转化方面发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

菠萝黑心病是PPO催化氧化酚类物质形成褐色产物所致。低温或GA_3处理提高了PPO活性及其底物——儿茶酚、绿原酸和咖啡酸的含量,也导致了PAL活性增加;低温还使乙烯释放率增大。这些变化均有利于黑心病的发生和发展。  相似文献   

Water status and endogenous ABA levels were measured duringthe development of the embryonic axis and cotyledons in fruitsof Quercus robur L. As dry matter accumulated in the embryoduring development, both moisture content and osmotic potential(  相似文献   

The effect of coumarin, IAA, ethylene, kinetin and gibberellic acid on roots of maize and wheat was investigated. Sterile attached and detached roots and isolated elongation zones were used. In some experiments a semi-sterile procedure was followed. The effects of the different regulators separately or in various combinations together with coumarin were studied on the root growth with regard to division, elongation and swelling of the cells. The ethylene production in isolated elongation zones was measured after treatment with coumarin, IAA, PCIB, kinetin, colchicine and dinitrophenol. The results show the following: 1) Each substance produces a specific morphologic pattern. 2) Changes in polarity were demonstrated for auxin-induced swelling in cell divisions and cell expansion and for coumarin-induced swelling in cell divisions. Other cell expansion in swollen parts was due to cylindric cells increasing in width while retaining their cylindric form. 3) Coumarin-induced inhibition could not be counteracted by IAA, PCIB, carbon dioxide, kinetin, gibberellic acid or Cycocel. 4) The ethylene production in isolated elongation zones increases noticeably after kinetin treatment, less strongly after auxin treatment and least after coumarin treatment. The production of ethylene does not seem to be correlated with the morphogenetic effect of the different substances. 5) The isolated elongation zones reacted to a) IAA and kinetin with an increase in length in some cases and b) gibberellic acid with a reduction of their width. 6) The inhibitory effect of coumarin on the growth in length of the elongation zones was diminished by kinetin. The swelling produced by coumarin in these zones was reduced by gibberellic acid. The effects just mentioned of kinetin and gibberellic acid were considered as indirect ones. - From the present findings it was concluded that concomitant effects of auxin, ethylene, cytokinins and gibberellins are not obligatory for coumarin to exert its morphogenetic effects on root growth. In discussing the results some pitfalls in studies of growth reactions after application of hormones to roots containing meristem were emphasized.  相似文献   

以彩色马蹄莲(Zantedeschia hybrids)的‘Black Magic’为试材,研究其块茎经不同贮藏温度和时间处理后,块茎内源激素的变化及对块茎萌芽的影响。结果表明:在不同温度条件下,随贮藏时间的延长,GA,和IAA含量水平均呈上升的趋势,并且贮藏温度越高,GA,含量水平越高。脱落酸ABA含量与GA3呈相反的变化趋势,相同贮藏天数均为15℃处理ABA含量水平最低,6℃处理ABA含量水平最高。随着贮藏时间延长,GA3/ABA、IAA/ABA质量分数比值越大。GA3/ABA、IAA/ABA质量分数比值与块茎萌芽率之间存在一定程度的对应关系。  相似文献   

The hypothesis that endogenous short chain fatty acids (C 6-C 10) are important in maintaining seeds of wild oat (Avena fatua L.) in the dormant state by acting as natural germination inhibitors (Berrie, Buller, Don, Parker, 1979 Plant Physiol 63: 758-764) was investigated. When germination of nondormant seeds was inhibited by treatment with short chain fatty acids, the seeds did not revert to a similar biochemical and physiological state as exhibited by dormant seeds. First, nonanoic acid-induced inhibition of seed germination was not reversed by hormone treatments which normally break dormancy in wild oat seeds. Second, nondormant seeds treated with short chain fatty acids maintained similar relative proportions of the pentose phosphate pathway and the Embden-Meyerhoff-Parnas pathway for respiratory glucose metabolism as that found in the nondormant controls. Seeds imbibed in the presence of nonanoic acid lost more amino acids and proteins into the imbibition solution than did the untreated controls, suggesting membrane damage had occurred. Inasmuch as increasing concentrations of nonanoic acid also progressively reduced the growth of the coleoptile and roots of intact seedlings until all growth ceased and no germination occurred, the inhibition of seed germination could be due to a nonspecific inhibition of growth of the embryo, perhaps because of disruption of membrane structure and function. Finally, no correlation between endogenous levels of short chain fatty acids in seeds or isolated embryonic axes and seed dormancy could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Excised pea roots were grown in culture in the absence or presenceof NaCl. Salinity induced anatomical and morphological changesin the roots, some of which could be observed after only 24h in culture. Roots became constricted just above the apex,the region above the constriction thickened and the root tipcurved through 90°. Cellular differentiation began nearerthe apex, cortical and epidermal cells shortened and mitoticactivity in the pericycle increased as a result of exposureto salinity. Some of the changes resemble those induced by ethylene,but ethylene probably was not the cause of the response to salinity.Root cultures seem to be a suitable model for studying the effectof salinity in plant roots. Pisum sativum cv. Alaska, salinity, roots, cortex, root culture, pericycle, growth and differentiation  相似文献   

In nature, plants are constantly affected by adverse conditions. Unlike animals, plants can resist these adverse stresses only by insisting on their original positions. Stress can be divided into biological stress and abiotic stress, abiotic stress directly affects the growth, development and yield of plants, it spans all developmental stages from seed germination to senescence. In order to adapt to changing environment, plants have evolved well-developed mechanisms that help to perceive the stress signals and enable optimal growth response. Salicylic acid (SA) is an important endogenous signal molecule in plants, which not only regulate some plant growth and development processes, but also plays an important part in plant stress resistance. Much work about salicylic acid has been done on the immunity of plants to pathogens, and the synthesis and signal transduction of SA are clearly understood, its function in plant growth, development and abiotic stress is also well learned, we systemically summarized the multiple function of SA signal in non-pathogen-related response, such review should help us understand the common but essential function of SA signal in modulating plant growth, development and abiotic stress.  相似文献   

The free amino acid, protein, water and dry matter contents were determined during the seed development of Araucaria angustifolia. Soluble and insoluble proteins in the mature seed represent 4.2 % of the fresh matter. The embryonic axis stored the greatest amount of soluble proteins, while cotyledons both with the embryonic axis showed the largest quantities of insoluble proteins in the mature seed. The greatest concentration of free amino acids was detected during the stage when cotyledons start to develop. Glutamic acid, aspartic acid, alanine and serine were predominant in the whole seed while arginine, lysine and γ-aminobutyric acid were present in great amounts only in cotyledons and embryonic axis. Although megagametophyte was important as a source of free amino acids, it was not the major protein storage organ in the mature seed. In the embryogenetic process, the rise of cotyledons is closely related to physiological and biochemical changes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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