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The cytoskeleton is important in the maintenance of cellular morphology and differentiated function in a number of cell types, including hepatocytes. In this study, adult rat hepatocytes sandwiched between two layers of collagen gel were compared to cells cultured on a single collagen gel for differences in the organization and expression of the cytoskeletal proteins actin and tubulin. Hepatocytes cultured between two layers of hydrated rat tail tendon collagen (sandwich gel) morphologically resembled cells in intact liver for several weeks. Actin filaments (F-actin) in these hepatocytes were concentrated under the plasma membrane in regions of cell-cell contact. In contrast, hepatocytes cultured on a single collagen gel were flattened and motile and had F-actin containing stress fibers. This was accompanied by a severalfold increase in actin mRNA. Microtubules formed an interwoven network in hepatocytes cultured in a sandwich gel, but in single gel cultures they formed long parallel arrays extending out to the cell periphery. Tubulin mRNA was severalfold greater in hepatocytes cultured on a single gel. Fibronectin and laminin staining were greater in single gel cultures, and these proteins were concentrated in fibrils radiating from the cell periphery. Overlaying a second collagen gel onto hepatocytes that had been cultured on a single gel (double gel rescue) reversed cell spreading and reduced stress fibers. Double gel rescue also resulted in a decrease in actin and tubulin mRNA to levels present in sandwich gel cultures and freshly isolated hepatocytes. These results show that the configuration of the external matrix has a dynamic effect on cytoskeletal proteins in cultured rat hepatocytes.  相似文献   

The effect of adrenaline on the control of respiratory activity of mitochondria from fetal hepatocytes in primary culture was studied. In the absence of adrenaline, the respiratory control ratio (RCR) of mitochondria increased during the first 3 days of culture due to a decrease in the rate of state 4 respiration. The presence of adrenaline in the incubation medium further increased the mitochondrial RCR through a decrease in the rate of respiration in state 4 and to an increase in the respiration rate in state 3. The effect of adrenaline was mimicked by dibutyryl-cAMP, forskolin, and isobutyl methyl xanthine. All these compounds increased cAMP concentrations, suggesting that cAMP may be involved in the effect of adrenaline. The increase in intracellular free Ca2+concentrations caused by phenylephrine, vasopressin, or thapsigargin was also accompanied by an increase in the RCR, suggesting that both phenomena are associated. Dibutyryl-cAMP also increased free Ca2+concentrations, suggesting that the effects of cAMP may be mediated by free Ca2+concentrations. Adrenaline, dibutyryl-cAMP, phenylephrine, vasopressin, and thapsigargin promoted adenine nucleotide accumulation in mitochondria; this may be an intermediate step in the activation of mitochondrial respiratory function. These results suggest that the stimulatory effect of adrenaline on mitochondrial maturation in cultured fetal rat hepatocytes may be exerted through a mechanism in which both cAMP and Ca2+act as second messengers. It is concluded that the effect of adrenaline on mitochondrial maturation is exerted by both α- and β-adrenergic mechanisms and is mediated by the increase in adenine nucleotide contents of mitochondria.  相似文献   

The effects of 7-ketocholesterol on rat hepatocytes prepared by collagenase perfusion were examined. The viability of cells incubated with 100 μm 7-ketocholesterol was significantly lower than those with cholesterol, although the LDH activity in the cultured medium remained unchanged during the incubation. Hepatocytes treated with 7-ketocholesterol produced large amounts of ·NO and in the early stage of incubation. Treatment of the hepatocytes with Carboxy-PTIO, which selectively scavenged ·NO, or with l-NMMA, an inhibitor of ·NO synthase, increased the cell viability. The addition of 7-ketocholesterol to the culture medium tended to increase the ratio of total sterol to phospholipid of the hepatocytes in a time-dependent manner without changing the content of phospholipid. No lipid peroxidation or oxidation of the cellular SH groups, protein SH and glutathione, was apparent. Vitamin E added 1 h before the addition of 7-ketocholesterol prevented the hepatocytes from cell death by suppressing the incorporation of 7-ketocholesterol into the hepatocytes and by scavenging .  相似文献   

The induction of malic enzyme gene expression by triiodothyronine and insulin was severely blunted in rat monolayer hepatocytes cultured on type I collagen compared with that in spherical hepatocytes cultured on a reconstituted basement membrane gel (EHS-gel). Although the mRNA level of thyroid hormone receptor β (TRβ) gradually decreased in the monolayer hepatocytes during culture, the mRNA level in the hepatocytes on EHS-gel was maintained at around the in vivo level. Our results suggest that the maintenance of TRβ mRNA on EHS-gel is responsible for the high responsiveness to thyroid hormone in a hepatocyte culture.  相似文献   

The proliferation of hepatocytes in the liver of 3-week-old rats has been investigated by autoradiographic methods. This investigation is a continuation of earlier work on the same topic (Schultze & Maurer, 1972; 1973). 21 days after birth, 102 rats received a single injection of 3H-TdR. the percentage of labelled mitoses was then determined 1 hr later and at various times throughout the interval up to 12 days after application of 3H-TdR. In agreement with earlier work, a first peak of labelled mitoses was found 7 hr after 3H-TdR injection. the area under the peak indicates an S phase duration of 8 hr. In addition a second very broad peak of labelled mitoses was found between 2 and 12 days after pulse labelling. the analysis of the results leads to the conclusion that the hepatocytes of the 3-week-old rat have a growth fraction close to 1 and a doubling time of 6–7 days. This is at variance with earlier results of Post, Huang & Hoffman (1963) and Grisham (1969) who had derived a value of 21.5 hr for the duration of the cell cycle and a value of only 0. 1–0.2 for the growth fraction of the hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Transglutaminase (TGase) activity increased 2.5-fold at 6 h after treatment of rat hepatocytes with 117 nMhepatocyte growth factor (HGF). In the same manner, putrescine incorporation into proteins of cells occurred in HGF-treated cells but did not in those pretreated with monodansylcadaverine (MDC), a TGase inhibitor, even in the presence of HGF. These results suggest that HGF-induced TGase was active and catalyzed some cross-linkage reaction. Cycloheximide completely blocked the increase in TGase activity induced by HGF, suggesting that HGF stimulatedde novosynthesis of TGase within 6 h. Both [35S]methionine incorporation and Northern blotting analyses supported this possibility. Pretreatment of cells with MDC additionally increased HGF-induced DNA synthesis and the ratio of cells in S-phase. Similarly, TGase antisense oligonucleotide inhibitedde novosynthesis of TGase, resulting in increase in the ratio of S-phase cells in the presence of HGF. Analyses of cross-linking of HGF to the receptor indicated that the antisense oligonucleotide inhibited the downregulation of HGF receptor subsequent to HGF-addition. These results provide the first evidence for inducibility ofde novosynthesis of TGase by HGF and suggest that TGase negatively regulates the growth signal of HGF through the downregulation of receptor.  相似文献   

To discover the role of propionate produced by colonic bacteria, this study examined the secretion of bile acids and cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase activity in the primary cultured hepatocytes. Addition of propionate (2 mM) to the medium for 48 h caused an increase in the bile acid secretion and enzyme activity, while acetate and butyrate had no significant influence. Bile acid secretion was increased by the addition of succinyl CoA and its precursor substances (α -ketoglutarate, valine, isoleucine, and methionine), but not malate and oxaloacetate, which are the metabolites of succinyl CoA. α -Ketoglutarate and valine also increased the activity of cholesterol 7α -hydroxylase. Since cholesterol 7α -hydroxylase is a microsomal cytochrome P-450 enzyme and the formation of δ-aminolevulinate from succinyl CoA in the mitochondria is the rate-controlling step for the subsequent synthesis of heme proteins, propionate may affect bile acid synthesis via elevation of mitochondrial succinyl CoA.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of various kinds of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in collagen gels on the maintenance of albumin synthesis in primary culture of rat hepatocytes. Among the GAGs examined (heparin, heparan sulfate, keratan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate A, dermatan sulfate, and hyaluronic acid), only heparin-containing collagen gel cultures could significantly sustain albumin synthesis. However, other GAGs, such as heparan sulfate and keratan sulfate, had almost no effect on the maintenance of albumin synthesis. Heparin in collagen gels exhibited a dose-dependent effect on albumin synthesis: heparin at 400 μg/ml-collagen solution maintained albumin synthesis for over 3 weeks. On the other hand, when an equivalent amount of heparin was added directly to the collagen gel culture medium, it prolonged albumin synthesis for only 10 days. The results demonstrate that specific regulation of albumin synthesis by heparin was significantly promoted by coincubating it with collagen, suggesting that some specific interaction between heparin and collagen might be of importance for the maintenance of hepatocyte functions.  相似文献   

The in vitro antioxidative activity of 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin (BPH4) was measured and the ability of BPH4 to prevent paraquat-induced cell damage was examined in cultured hepatocytes. The scavenging activity of BPH4 against superoxide anion radicals was assayed in two systems, i.e., xanthine/xanthine oxidase (X/XOD) and rat macrophage/phorbol myristate acetate (MξPMA) radical-generating systems. BPH4 showed an extremely strong superoxide anion radical-scavenging activity in both assay systems. Biopterin (BP) itself did not show any activity in the X/XOD system, but was effective in the MξPMA system. The antioxidative activities of BPH4 against both superoxide anion and hydroxyl radicals were confirmed by spin trapping-ESR spectrometry. BPH4 also protected rat brain homogenate against auto-oxidation. We further examined the effect of BPH4 on paraquat-induced cell toxicity in cultured rat hepatocytes. The paraquat-induced elevation of the release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), a marker enzyme for cytotoxicity from cultured hepatocytes was suppressed by BPH4 in a dose-dependent manner. The elevation of lipid peroxides simultaneously induced by paraquat was also inhibited by BPH4 in the same manner. These results suggest that BPH4 might be useful in the treatment of various diseases whose pathogenesis is active oxygen-related.  相似文献   

The Fas antigen is a member of the tumor necrosis factor/nerve growth factor receptor family and is expressed in tissues such as the thymus, liver, and ovary. Agonistic anti-Fas antibodies have cytolytic activity against cell lines expressing the Fas antigen. In this study, we show that anti-Fas antibody can induce the death of mouse hepatocytes in primary culture. Cell death via apoptosis was evidenced by the fact that the dying cells displayed DNA fragmentation, extensive surface bleb formation, and chromatin condensation. Anti-Fas antibody alone induced apoptosis in less than 20% of the cultured hepatocytes, whereas all cells were killed within 24 h by anti-Fas antibody in the presence of actinomycin D, cycloheximide, or protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors such as H-7 and HA1004. These results indicate that the Fas antigen expressed in mouse hepatocytes functionally transduces the apoptotic signal and suggest that cultured mouse hepatocytes express protective proteins against apoptosis and that phosphorylation by PKC is also involved in protection of the hepatocytes from Fas-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   

猪肝细胞和培养上清液中猪内源性逆转录病毒的检测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立了猪肝细胞及其培养上清液中猪内源性逆转录病毒(PERV)的检测方法,探讨了其在猪肝细胞生物人工肝应用中的意义。以PERV gag基因为靶序列,选用特定的引物,PCR检测中国实验用小型猪肝细胞PERV前病毒DNA;RT-PCR检测猪、犬、大鼠以及HBV阳性病人血清和猪肝细胞培养6h、24h时的上清液PERV RNA,同时检测猪肝细胞猪线粒体DNA(mtDNA)。研究结果表明:检测5份中国实验用小型猪血清、肝细胞及培养猪肝细胞24h时的上清液PERV均为阳性,而5份培养猪肝细胞6h时的上清液、5份犬血清、5份大鼠血清和5份HBV阳性病人血清PERV检测结果均为阴性,猪肝细胞中均可检测到猪mtDNA。因此,中国实验用小型猪肝细胞携带PERV;PERV可释放到血清中;猪肝细胞培养24h后该病毒颗粒已释放到培养液中;PCR和RT-PCR方法检测PERV具有特异性强、简便的特点。  相似文献   

Freshly isolated hepatocytes were cultured on an EHS-gel prepared from EHS-tumor, poly-N-p-vinylbenzyl-d-lactonamide (PVLA), and type I collagen (TIC). Hepatocytes on EHS-gel showed a spherical shape and much more strongly maintained the inducible expression of cytochrome P-450 genes which were lost on PVLA and TIC. Further, the expression of liver-specific genes were maintained on EHS gel at the highest level, and then higher on PVLA than TIC.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1-5):299-308
With cultured hepatocytes it was studied whether CCl4-induced inhibition of secretion of VLDL and HDL from liver cells is a consequence of covalent binding of CC14 metabolites (i.e. CO,; CC1,00) to cell constituents or of membrane damage by lipid peroxidation. Comparing the kinetics of inhibition of lipoprotein secretion with that of CCl4-bioactivation it was found, that covalent binding of (HC)-CC14 occurred at early time points (5 min) after CC14 administration and inhibited the lipoprotein secretion. At 100μM CC14 it was depressed by 53% within 60min. Incubations of CC14-treated cells with increasing concentrations of vitamin E blocked lipid peroxidation, but lipoprotein secretion was still inhibited. Piperonyl butoxid, a radical scavenger, protected against CCl4-induced inhibition of lipoprotein section, lipid peroxidation and covalent binding.

These results show that during the early phases of CC14 poisoning fat accumulation is the consequence of covalent binding of CC14 metabolities to cell structures.  相似文献   


We studied the in vitro interaction and the endocytic process of peroxidase-loaded liposomes with isolated rat hepatocytes maintained in suspension culture. We report morphological (both at light and electron microscopy) and biochemical evidence that cationic egg PC (egg phosphatidylcholine)-liposomes are taken up by isolated rat hepatocytes via an endocytic pathway. The incubation of 2.5 mM liposomal lipids for at least 4 hours was not cytotoxic to the cells. The uptake of peroxidase-fluoresceine isothiocyanate conjugate-liposomes was not distributed homogeneously among the hepatocyte population. However the hepatocytes which have apparently internalized greater amount of probe were not damaged since cell shape and integrity of the membrane are retained as evaluated by conventional light microscopy. Therefore the fusion between liposomes and hepatocytes seems to be dependent on the viability of the isolated hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Changes in cell cytoskeleton are known to play an important role in differentiation and embryogenesis and also in carcinogenesis. Previous studies indicated that neonatal hepatocytes undergo an epithelial–mesenchymal transition when cultured in a serum-free medium for several days. Here we show by Western blotting of neonatal rat liver cells cultured for 3 days that vimentin and cytokeratin were expressed by these cells. Epidermal growth factor treatment induced high coexpression of vimentin and cytokeratin filaments in hepatocytes from neonatal livers, as detected by double immunofluorescence microscopy. Confocal scanning laser microscopy was used to determine the spatial and cell distribution of cytokeratin and vimentin intermediate filament networks. Vimentin-expressing hepatocytes were mainly located on the periphery of epithelial clusters and presented a migratory morphology, suggesting that vimentin expression was related to the loss of cell–cell contact. Short vimentin filaments were mainly located at the cytoplasmic sites behind the extending lamella. Horizontal and vertical dual imaging of double immunofluorescence with anti-vimentin and anti-cytokeratin antibodies indicated that both filaments colocalize strongly. Three-dimensional reconstruction of serial optical sections revealed that newly synthesized vimentin distributed following the preexisting cytokeratin network and, when present, both filament scaffolds codistributed inside cultured hepatocytes. Immunoelectron microscopy performed in whole-mount-extracted cultured cells revealed that both filaments are closely interrelated but independent. However, a high degree of immunogold colocalization was found in the knots of the filament network. Further experiments with colce- mide and cytochalasin treatment indicated that vimentin filament distribution, but not cytokeratin, was dependent on an intact microtubule network. These results are consistent with a mechanism of vimentin assembly, whereby growth of vimentin intermediate filaments is dependent on microtubules in topographically restricted cytoplasmic sites, in close relation to the cytokeratin cytoskeleton and to changes in cell–cell contact and cell shape.  相似文献   

Cells dissociated from brains of 1-day-old rats were cultured in medium containing either lipoprotein-deficient serum (LPDS) or LPDS plus various lipoprotein fractions. Increases in number of cells and in DNA content served as a measure of cell growth. Cholesterol synthesis was measured from the incorporation of [14C]acetate into total nonsaponifiable lipids and digitonin-precipitable sterols, and from the activity of the enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG CoA) reductase. The data indicated that cholesterol biosynthesis from acetate was reduced in cells cultured in medium containing either LPDS plus low-density lipoproteins (LDL), high-density lipoproteins (HDL), or total lipoproteins (LP) and that this reduction was accompanied by a reduction in the activity of the HMG CoA reductase and an increase in the esterified sterol content. The reduction in cholesterol synthesis from acetate was maximal in cells cultured in the presence of HDL, whereas the maximal reduction in the activity of HMG CoA reductase occurred in cells cultured in the presence of LP. The presence of LDL or LP in the culture medium enhanced the cell growth but the presence of HDL did not. Esterified sterol content was highest in cells cultured in the medium containing LPDS plus LP and was not detected in cells cultured in LPDS medium. It is inferred from these data that rat brain glial cells in culture are able to utilize cholesterol in lipoproteins, that the presence of LDL in the medium enhances cell growth, and that reduced cholesterol synthesis in the presence of lipoproteins may occur at the HMG CoA reductase step as well as at some other step(s).  相似文献   

Dehydroascorbic acid, the oxidized form of ascorbic acid, is rapidly reduced to ascorbate in living organs (ascorbate recycling). We examined the GSH-dependent dehydroascorbate reductase activity in several tissues of the chicken. The activity was highest in the liver, and second highest in the brain. The activity was localized in the cytosol fraction of the liver. We subsequently examined the dehydroascorbate reduction in separated chiken hepatocytes. The cellular ascorbate concentration was elevated in dehydroascorbate-treated cells. It is thought that hepatocytes incorporated external dehydroascorbate and converted it into ascorbate. These findings suggest that the liver plays an important role in ascorbate recycling by the chicken.  相似文献   

The effects of dexamethasone (Dex) on insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I and IGF binding protein (IGFBP)-l production were investigated in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes. Dex enhanced the secretion of IGFBP-1 as measured by ligand blot analysis but did not show any prominent effect on immunoreactive IGF-I secretion. EC50 of Dex on IGFBP-1 secretion was calculated to be 3 × 10?8m. The content of IGFBP-1 mRNA in the cells increased greatly in the presence of Dex but the IGF-I mRNA content did not change significantly under the same conditions. Insulin showed the opposite effect of Dex by decreasing the production of IGFBP-1 and the cellular content of IGFBP-1 mRNA. This effect of insulin was observed also with Dex in the medium. These results show that the gene expression of IGF-I and IGFBP-1 is differently regulated by glucocorticoids and insulin in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes. The results most possibly explain the in vivo effects of glucocorticoids and insulin in regulation of IGF-I and IGFBP-1 production by liver.  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH) is a key regulatory factor in animal growth, development and metabolism. Based on the expression level of the GH receptor, the chicken liver is a major target organ of GH, but the biological effects of GH on the chicken liver are not fully understood. In this work we identified mRNAs and miRNAs that are regulated by GH in primary hepatocytes from female chickens through RNA-seq, and analyzed the functional relevance of these mRNAs and miRNAs through GO enrichment analysis and miRNA target prediction. A total of 164 mRNAs were found to be differentially expressed between GH-treated and control chicken hepatocytes, of which 112 were up-regulated and 52 were down-regulated by GH. A total of 225 chicken miRNAs were identified by the RNA-Seq analysis. Among these miRNAs 16 were up-regulated and 1 miRNA was down-regulated by GH. The GH-regulated mRNAs were mainly involved in growth and metabolism. Most of the GH-upregulated or GH-downregulated miRNAs were predicted to target the GH-downregulated or GH-upregulated mRNAs, respectively, involved in lipid metabolism. This study reveals that GH regulates the expression of many mRNAs involved in metabolism in female chicken hepatocytes, which suggests that GH plays an important role in regulating liver metabolism in female chickens. The results of this study also support the hypothesis that GH regulates lipid metabolism in chicken liver in part by regulating the expression of miRNAs that target the mRNAs involved in lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

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