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铁作为浮游植物所必需的微量元素,限制了全球超过三分之一海域的初级生产力,尤其是在高营养盐、低叶绿素海域(high nutrient low chlorophyll,HNLC)。长期以来海洋铁施肥被认为是一项可以降低大气二氧化碳含量的地球工程策略。然而通过13次海洋人工铁施肥(artificial ocean iron fertilization,aOIF)实验发现,铁的额外添加对海洋深层碳输出量的促进作用要显著低于预期。本文简要地总结了碳在海洋和大气中的循环过程,回顾了人工铁施肥实验对生物碳泵和碳通量等的影响,分析了从海洋铁施肥到海洋碳汇关键生物地球化学过程的影响因素。综上分析发现,科学界对生物碳泵过程及其调控机制的认识仍十分浅薄,考虑到海洋铁施肥还会对海洋生态系统带来一定的负面作用,铁施肥能否作为降低大气中CO2的有效手段,以达到碳中和并缓解温室效应仍需进一步研究。  相似文献   

海洋固氮生物多样性及其对海洋生产力的氮、碳贡献   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
董俊德  王汉奎  张偲  黄良民  王肇鼎 《生态学报》2002,22(10):1741-1749
固氮生物及其共生体在自然生态系统的氮素供给和生产力的持续发展中有重要作用。是贫营养盐海域和海洋生态系统中新生产力的主要贡献者。就海洋固氮生物研究的历史和现状,以及在世界不同海域和海洋生态环境条件下,海洋固氮生物的物种多样性和在海洋生态环境中的生存方式、共生互作关系多样化,作较全面的概述。综合分析了海洋固氮生物的固氮能力(活性)、在光合固碳中的作用和对初级生产力的贡献。介绍了固氮生物在海洋生物链和海洋不同生态系统和生物群落中的作用及其对环境的影响的最新研究概况。  相似文献   

海洋微型底栖生物的多样性与地理分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海洋微型底栖生物是指生活于海洋沉积物中及表面的所有单细胞原核和真核微型生物,包括原核微生物、真核微藻及原生动物等光合自养和异养的类群.与水体相比,海洋底栖生境孕育了形态和功能多样性更高的微型生物,在陆架浅海单位体积沉积物中其丰度较之水体中同类生物高一至几个数量级,而深海则孕育着特殊进化环境下新奇多样且数量庞大的微型底栖生物,是维持海洋生物多样性、海洋生态系统结构和功能不可或缺的部分.迄今对于微型生物是全球性还是限定性分布一直存在争议,对其解答受到分类研究欠缺及采样不足的制约.分子生物学从正反两方面提供了理论依据,但无法得出一个普遍接受的观点.海洋微型底栖生物的多样性研究侧重于物种多样性及群落结构与分子多样性,较为显著的进展体现在原核微生物的分子多样性及底栖真核微藻的物种多样性研究,对于海洋底栖原生动物的多样性研究则相较滞后.本文综述了国内外对海洋微型底栖生物各主要类群的分类学和多样性研究进展,探讨了各类群在全球的潜在物种多样性,并就我国未来加强海洋微型底栖生物多样性构成、分布与变动及驱动变化的因子以及底栖微食物网的研究提出了建议.  相似文献   

【目的】惰性溶解有机碳(refractory dissolved organic carbon,RDOC)是海洋总有机碳的主体组分,RDOC在深海中可保存数千年,构成了巨大的碳储库,在调节气候变化中有重要作用。但RDOC的定量评估尚未有统一的标准方法。通过测定环境中能被异养细菌利用的溶解有机碳(biodegradable DOC,BDOC)可以反过来评估RDOC的量。本文对BDOC测定中一些关键步骤进行验证,为制定海洋RDOC评估标准奠定基础。【方法】本文评估了3种过滤方式及5种滤膜对DOC测定的影响,并评估了瓶子效应和稀释效应对细菌生长和DOC利用的影响。【结果】研究发现,(1) GF/F滤膜、GF-75滤膜、聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)滤膜(孔径0.2μm)、聚碳酸酯(PC)滤膜(孔径0.2μm)和聚四氟乙烯材质针孔过滤器(HA)(孔径0.2μm) 5种滤膜不会引入DOC污染;抽滤过滤和重力过滤方式过滤效果稳定、无污染,而在线过滤效果不稳定,易污染;(2)不同大小培养体系(30–480 mL;表面积/体积比为:1.64–0.67 cm–1)之间的细菌生长速率和DOC利用量没有显著性差异;(3)培养体系稀释度越高,细菌生长速率越高,对数生长期细菌丰度及DOC利用量越低。【结论】综合考虑,建议BDOC和RDOC测定实验中采用抽滤过滤的方式及不进行稀释的培养体系;常用的滤膜和培养体积对BDOC评估无显著影响。结合研究结果,我们提出了评估海洋RDOC的方法。  相似文献   

海洋碳循环研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
海洋碳循环是全球碳循环的重要组成部分,是影响全球变化的关键控制环节。海洋作为一个巨大的碳库,具有吸收和贮存大气CO2的能力,影响着大气CO2的收支平衡,研究碳在海洋中的转移和归宿,对于预测未来大气中CO2含量乃至全球气候变化具有重要意义。综述了海洋CO2通量,海水中碳的迁移和海洋沉积物及河口通量的研究状况,介绍了生物泵作用,碳循环模型的发展以及分析方法的最新发展等,并展望了海洋碳循环研究的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

海洋是地球上最大的碳库,通过对CO~2的固定以及与大气物质和能量的交换,海洋对全球气候的变化起到关键的调控作用。随着全球气候变化的加剧,增加海洋碳汇已经成为应对全球气候变化的热门研究课题和主要途径之一。海洋微型生物在海洋的固碳过程及碳循环中起到关键的作用,对海洋碳汇意义重大。本文综述了一类重要的海洋微型生物——单细胞原生生物在海洋碳汇研究中的重要性,分析了其中的代表——网粘菌门(Labyrintholomycota)原生生物在海洋碳循环和次级生产中的意义,并从清楚地认识海洋碳汇的过程和机制方面,提出未来该领域急需解决的科学问题和可能的研究方案,为丰富海洋碳汇研究的生物学基础提供理论依据。  相似文献   

海洋沉积物是地球上最大的有机碳库,其中生存的微生物总量大、分布范围广、类群多样、代谢方式复杂,并共同构成海洋沉积物微生物组。海洋沉积物微生物组介导的有机碳降解与矿化过程不但能为沉积物中的生命活动提供物质和能量,也能参与调控碳循环过程,并在长时间尺度上对地球气候系统产生重大影响。沉积物中的有机碳在复杂多样的微生物代谢活动下被逐步降解,其最终的矿化过程与不同的电子受体消耗相偶合,并形成对应的地球化学分区。研究海洋沉积物微生物及其介导的有机碳转化过程对我们深入认识沉积物中的元素循环过程,并进一步评估其对整个地球系统的影响具有重要科学意义。本文对海洋沉积物微生物组的体量、包含的微生物多样性、代谢活性以及在不同地球化学分区中主要的微生物类群和代谢机制进行综述,最后基于研究现状展望了海洋沉积物微生物组的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

杨芸兰  蔡兰兰  张锐 《微生物学报》2015,55(9):1097-1104
摘要:病毒作为海洋中丰度最高的生命粒子,通过侵染和裂解宿主细胞影响宿主生理生态特性,改变海洋食物网的物质循环和能量流动,在海洋生物地球化学过程中扮演着重要角色。全球气候变化导致海面升温、海洋酸化、营养盐和海水盐度变化、低氧区扩大等海洋环境问题,对海洋病毒生理生态特性产生直接或间接的影响。本文从海洋病毒的生态功能和生物地球化学效应出发,概述了气候变化因子对病毒分布、丰度、生命策略以及与宿主之间相互作用等的影响,提出海洋病毒是全球气候变化研究中不可或缺的对象。  相似文献   

海水颗粒有机碳(POC)变化的生物地球化学机制   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
张乃星  宋金明  贺志鹏 《生态学报》2006,26(7):2328-2339
海水中颗粒有机碳(POC)的生物地球化学行为是海洋碳循环研究的重要组成部分,近年来的研究取得了重大进展,主要阐述了海水POC生物地球化学研究的概况.海水POC在海洋中的分布受各种物理、化学、生物过程等多种因素的影响.不同海域、不同水层POC的含量与组成差异很大,在水平分布上,近岸高于远海,垂直分布上,表层高于中下层,含量通常为几十到几百个μg/L,主要由陆源碎屑、浮游植物、浮游动物及其新陈代谢产物和死亡残体组成,海水POC可来源于陆源、海源(海洋生物的生产)、海底沉积物的再悬浮以及溶解有机碳(DOC)的转化,其中海源是其主要贡献者.海水POC与生物过程的关系密切,海洋生物既是POC的组成部分也是POC的重要生产者,通过摄食-代谢过程产生碎屑POC,通过垂直洄游促进POC的向下沉降,通过细菌的降解将POC转化为其他形态.POC参与再循环与营养盐(特别是氮、磷、硅)之间有重要的协同作用,生命POC的新陈代谢造成了营养盐浓度的变化,反过来,营养盐浓度的变化又改变了生命POC的组成及数量;无生命的POC一方面在生物及化学作用下分解矿化释放出营养盐,及时补充了水体中氮、磷、硅等生源要素的含量,这在高生产力的珊瑚礁区尤为明显.另一方面,其又通过在沉积物中的矿化,产生吸附位点,吸附营养盐,影响着营养盐在沉积物与水体中的交换.  相似文献   

海水中藻菌共培养体系对碳氮磷的吸收转化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张艳敏  王江涛  谭丽菊 《生态学报》2017,37(14):4843-4851
海洋环境中,细菌和微藻之间的物质交换是生源要素在自然界中迁移转化的重要方式。为进一步了解生源要素的生物地球化学循环,在实验室模拟条件下,研究了共培养体系中营养盐和有机物在细菌和微藻之间的转换。通过纯培养中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)、东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)、天然海水中的细菌以及藻菌混合培养,分析了营养盐和有机物随藻菌生物量的变化情况,并计算了溶解有机碳(DOC)和溶解有机氮(DON)的浓度比值[(DOC/DON)a]。结果发现,在共培养体系中,细菌对中肋骨条藻的生长有抑制作用,对东海原甲藻影响不明显;中肋骨条藻有利于细菌生长,东海原甲藻抑制细菌生长,这种不同可能与微藻的粒径有关。海洋细菌在2种藻的指数生长均期均会促进微藻吸收氨氮(NH_4-N),但在生长末期NH_4-N以释放为主。硝氮(NO_3-N)的浓度与藻的生长呈负相关,但在衰亡期NO_3-N略有增加,表明NO_3-N再生所需时间较长。细菌对硝氮的吸收量较少,但对其再生有贡献。细菌和中肋骨条藻对磷酸盐(PO_4-P)的吸收存在竞争,但与东海原甲藻的竞争关系不明显。不同培养体系中DOC浓度变化不同,在藻菌共培养体系中增加较快,纯藻培养体系中增加缓慢,在纯菌培养体系中缓慢减少。通过对DOC与DON浓度比值的分析,发现用判断颗粒有机碳(POC)来源的方法可以分析DOC的来源。  相似文献   

Significance of ocean carbonate budgets for the global carbon cycle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Changes in the trace gas composition of the atmosphere over glacial–interglacial cycles are linked to changes in the oceanic carbon cycle. This paper examines the role of biologically driven fluxes of organic and inorganic carbon in modifying the carbon dioxide chemistry of the oceans, and the corresponding implications for the partitioning of CO2 between the atmosphere and ocean. Relevant details of the marine carbon system are presented together with an assessment of the significance of remineralization and dissolution processes. Recent estimates of the marine carbonate fluxes show significant uncertainties and inconsistencies which must be resolved in order to assess fully the role of the oceans' biota in the marine carbon system. Various types of ocean carbon cycle models have been developed in order to interpret the changes in past atmospheric carbon dioxide. Some take account of the role of the oceans' biota, focussing in the main on the cycling of organic matter. Relatively few have considered the role of the carbonate pump and the subtle interactions between organic and inorganic carbon cycling. The significance of carbonate formation and dissolution, and of the effects of global change on the marine carbonate system, for air–sea fluxes of CO2 are discussed. Finally some recommendations for future research are made in order to improve our understanding of how spatial and temporal variation in marine carbonate fluxes, in conjunction with processes determining the oxidation and burial of organic matter in the oceans, affect levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

John E. Hobbie 《Hydrobiologia》1992,229(1):169-180
The dissolved organic carbon (DOC) of lakes dominates any budget of organic carbon in these systems. Limnologists are still limited by techniques and particularly by the lack of measurements of rates of microbial transformation and use of this DOC. There are now four different approaches to the study of the microbial control of DOC in lakes. The first is through measurements of the total DOC. Recent advances in measurement with high temperature combustion will likely lead to higher and more consistent measurements in freshwaters than previously. It is possible that a biologically active fraction may be identified. The second approach is through measurements of microbial incorporation and respiration of 14C-labeled organic matter. The kinetics of this process are well known but advances in measurement of the size of the substrate pool are still being made. The third approach is to use bacterial growth in batch or continuous flow experiments in order to understand how much of the total DOC can be decomposed by microbes. The assay in this approach may be microbial growth (thymidine incorporation, biomass changes) or change in the DOC (total concentrations, specific compounds, or fractions of the DOC by molecular weight). These methods are promising but are not developed enough for routine use. For example, growth measurements in the laboratory are all subject to experimental artifacts caused by changes in the DOC and in the bacterial populations. Finally, the fourth approach is through the use of isotopes of the natural DOC. In the sea this approach has given the age of the bulk DOC (14C data). In freshwaters it has great potential for differentiating between bacterial use of terrestrial DOC vs. use of algal-derived DOC (13C data). Stable isotopes are also useful for experimentally labeling DOC produced by algae and following the use of this material by bacteria.  相似文献   

城市土壤碳循环与碳固持研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
罗上华  毛齐正  马克明  邬建国 《生态学报》2012,32(22):7177-7189
城市化过程带来的土地利用变化和环境污染是全球变化的重要方面,城市为人们了解人类与自然复合生态系统对全球变化的影响及其对全球变化的响应过程提供一个独特的"天然实验室"。陆地生态系统碳循环是全球变化研究的热点领域之一,然而,人们对城市在全球碳循环中的作用和影响知之甚少,城市土壤碳循环研究处于起步阶段。介绍了城市土壤的主要特性和碳循环特征,指出强烈的人为作用是其最突出的特点;综述了城市土壤碳库、碳通量和碳固持研究方面取得的进展;探讨了城市化过程中土地利用变化、土壤中生物及土壤管护措施、城市小气候、大气污染沉降和土壤污染等对土壤碳循环的影响;提出未来城市碳循环研究需要开展长期系统监测、深化城市土壤碳循环机制研究、创新研究范式和研究方法、并将研究成果与城市景观规划与设计相结合,提升城市土壤碳管理能力。  相似文献   

While there is an emerging view that roots and their associated microbes actively alter resource availability and soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition, the ecosystem consequences of such rhizosphere effects have rarely been quantified. Using a meta‐analysis, we show that multiple indices of microbially mediated C and nitrogen (N) cycling, including SOM decomposition, are significantly enhanced in the rhizospheres of diverse vegetation types. Then, using a numerical model that combines rhizosphere effect sizes with fine root morphology and depth distributions, we show that root‐accelerated mineralization and priming can account for up to one‐third of the total C and N mineralized in temperate forest soils. Finally, using a stoichiometrically constrained microbial decomposition model, we show that these effects can be induced by relatively modest fluxes of root‐derived C, on the order of 4% and 6% of gross and net primary production, respectively. Collectively, our results indicate that rhizosphere processes are a widespread, quantitatively important driver of SOM decomposition and nutrient release at the ecosystem scale, with potential consequences for global C stocks and vegetation feedbacks to climate.  相似文献   

We studied the transport of particulate organic carbon (POC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in two regulated rivers during minimum and increasing discharges. Mean annual concentrations of total POC, measured monthly during conditions of minimum discharge from the dams, were twice as high at a station below a dam with a selective withdrawal system on the Kootenai River (KR, 0.15 mg 1–1), as at station below a dam with hypolimnetic water releases on the Flathead River (FR, 0.07 mg 1–1). Annual mean concentrations of DOC were similar below both dams (1.62 mg 1–1 FR; 1.71 KR). The percentage of POC in four size fractions differed in regulated and unregulated reaches of each river system; the smallest size fraction (0.45–10 smm) constituted a larger percentage of the total POC at the stations below the dams (50–93%), because POC in large size classes had settled out in the reservoir. The three largest size fractions (10–1000 µm) comprised a larger percentage of the total POC when samples were taken during conditions of full discharge from the dam. We measured large increases in all size classes of POC in samples collected during increasing discharges in a regulated reach, reflecting the component of sloughed periphyton and resuspended organic matter that were added during periods of hydropower generation at the dam. Seston (355 µm to 1 cm) collected in nets increased dramatically during increasing flows; concentrations of particulate organic matter (POM) in samples collected two and three hours after water levels began to rise were 572 and 1440 times higher than those collected during minimum discharge at the dam.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) dynamics were examined over five years (1989–1993) in Sycamore Creek, a Sonoran Desert stream, specifically focusing on DOC concentration in surface and hyporheic waters, and rates of export. In 1989 and 1990, the years of lowest stream discharge (0.08 and 0.04 m3 s–1 annual mean of daily discharge, respectively), DOC was high, averaging 7.37 and 6.22 mgC l–1 (weighted annual means). In contrast, from 1991 through 1993, a period of increased flow (1.1, 1.2 and 4.3 m3 s–1), concentration was significantly lower (P<0.001) with annual mean concentrations of 3.54, 3.49 and 3.39 mgC l–1. Concentration exhibited little spatial variation between two sampling stations located 6 km apart along the mainstem or between surface and hyporheic waters. Annual export of DOC from Sycamore Creek varied 100-fold over the five-year period from a mean rate of only 24 kgC d–1 in 1990 to 2100 kgC d–1 in 1993. Ninety percent of DOC was exported by flows greater than 2.8 m3 s–1, and 50% during flows greater than 27 m3 s–1; flows of 2.8 and 24 m3 s–1 occurred only 9 and 1% of the time. The export of organic matter in Sycamore Creek appears to be coupled to El Niño-Southern Oscillation phenomena. The years of highest export, 1991–1993, had El Niño conditions while 1989 and 1990 had medial conditions.  相似文献   

Measurements of suspended matter, particulate organic carbon and dissolved organic carbon were made over a three year period at stations spanning 150 km of the tidal freshwater Hudson River. Suspended matter concentrations varied from year-to-year and were not related to freshwater discharge. The increase in suspended matter with depth in vertical profiles suggests that, during medium to low flow conditions, resuspension of bottom sediments was as important a source of sediment as loadings from tributaries. Particulate organic carbon showed significant variability among stations, and both autochthonous primary production and detrital organic matter are contributing to POC standing stocks. Dissolved organic carbon represented over half of the total organic carbon in the water column and showed little variation among stations.Examining downstream changes in transport showed that there was significant production of both suspended matter and POC within the study reach during the ice-free season. Tributary loadings within the study reach do not appear to be the cause of these increases in downstream transport. Dissolved organic carbon behaved conservatively in that there was no evidence for net production or net consumption within the river.The spatial/temporal patterns and analyses of transport suggest that suspended matter and POC, but not DOC, were controlled to a significant extent by processes occurring within the river and were not simply related to loadings from outside.  相似文献   

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