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In a contaminated water-table aquifer, we related microbial community structure on aquifer sediments to gradients in 24 geochemical and contaminant variables at five depths, under three recharge conditions. Community amplified ribsosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) using universal 16S rDNA primers and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) using bacterial 16S rDNA primers indicated: (i). communities in the anoxic, contaminated central zone were similar regardless of recharge; (ii). after recharge, communities at greatest depth were similar to those in uncontaminated zones; and (iii). after extended lack of recharge, communities at upper and lower aquifer margins differed from communities at the same depths on other dates. General aquifer geochemistry was as important as contaminant or terminal electron accepting process (TEAP) chemistry in discriminant analysis of community groups. The Shannon index of diversity (H) and the evenness index (E), based on DGGE operational taxonomic units (OTUs), were statistically different across community groups and aquifer depths. Archaea or sulphate-reducing bacteria 16S rRNA abundance was not clearly correlated with TEAP chemistry indicative of methanogenesis or sulphate reduction. Eukarya rRNA abundance varied by depth and date from 0 to 13% of the microbial community. This contaminated aquifer is a dynamic ecosystem, with complex interactions between physical, chemical and biotic components, which should be considered in the interpretation of aquifer geochemistry and in the development of conceptual or predictive models for natural attenuation or remediation.  相似文献   

Pyrosequencing analysis of 16S rRNA genes was used to study temporal dynamics of groundwater bacteria and archaea over 10 months within three well clusters separated by ∼30 m and located 250 m from the Columbia River on the Hanford Site, WA. Each cluster contained three wells screened at different depths ranging from 10 to 17 m that differed in hydraulic conductivities. Representative samples were selected for analyses of prokaryotic 16S and eukaryotic 18S rRNA gene copy numbers. Temporal changes in community composition occurred in all nine wells over the 10-month sampling period. However, there were particularly strong effects near the top of the water table when the seasonal rise in the Columbia River caused river water intrusion at the top of the aquifer. The occurrence and disappearance of some microbial assemblages (such as Actinobacteria ACK-M1) were correlated with river water intrusion. This seasonal impact on microbial community structure was greater in the shallow saturated zone than deeper zone in the aquifer. Spatial and temporal patterns for several 16S rRNA gene operational taxonomic units associated with particular physiological functions (for example, methane oxidizers and metal reducers) suggests dynamic changes in fluxes of electron donors and acceptors over an annual cycle. In addition, temporal dynamics in eukaryotic 18S rRNA gene copies and the dominance of protozoa in 18S clone libraries suggest that bacterial community dynamics could be affected not only by the physical and chemical environment but also by top-down biological control.  相似文献   

Exposure to pollution exerts strong selective pressure on microbial communities, which may affect their potential to adapt to current or future environmental challenges. In this microcosm study, we used DNA fingerprinting based on 16S rRNA genes to document the impact of high concentrations of benzene on two bacterial communities from a benzene-contaminated aquifer situated below a petrochemical plant (SIReN, UK). The two groundwaters harboured distinct aerobic benzene-degrading communities able to metabolize benzene to below detection levels (1 mug L(-1)). A benzene concentration of 100 mg L(-1) caused a major shift from Betaproteobacteria to Actinobacteria, in particular Arthrobacter spp. A similar shift from Betaproteobacteria to Arthrobacter spp. and Rhodococcus erythropolis was observed in minimal medium (MM) inoculated with a third groundwater. These Gram-positive-dominated communities were able to grow on benzene at concentrations up to 600 mg L(-1) in groundwater and up to 1000 mg L(-1) in MM, concentrations that cause significant solvent stress to cellular systems. Therefore, Gram-positive bacteria were better competitors than Gram-negative organisms under experimental conditions of high benzene loads, which suggests that solvent-tolerant Gram-positive bacteria can play a role in the natural attenuation of benzene or the remediation of contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Sheep-urine-induced changes in soil microbial community structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil microbial communities play an important role in nutrient cycling and nutrient availability, especially in unimproved soils. In grazed pastures, sheep urine causes local changes in nutrient concentration which may be a source of heterogeneity in microbial community structure. In the present study, we investigated the effects of synthetic urine on soil microbial community structure, using physiological (community level physiological profiling, CLPP), biochemical (phospholipid fatty acid analysis, PLFA) and molecular (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, DGGE) fingerprinting methods. PLFA data suggested that synthetic urine treatment had no significant effect on total microbial (total PLFA), total bacterial or fungal biomass; however, significant changes in microbial community structure were observed with both PLFA and DGGE data. PLFA data suggested that synthetic urine induced a shift towards communities with higher concentrations of branched fatty acids. DGGE banding patterns derived from control and treated soils differed, due to a higher proportion of DNA sequences migrating only to the upper regions of the gel in synthetic urine-treated samples. The shifts in community structure measured by PLFA and DGGE were significantly correlated with one another, suggesting that both datasets reflected the same changes in microbial communities. Synthetic urine treatment preferentially stimulated the use of rhizosphere-C in sole-carbon-source utilisation profiles. The changes caused by synthetic urine addition accounted for only 10-15% of the total variability in community structure, suggesting that overall microbial community structure was reasonably stable and that changes were confined to a small proportion of the communities.  相似文献   

Sun Y  Wei J  Liang P  Huang X 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(23):10886-10891
Four materials, carbon felt cube (CFC), granular graphite (GG), granular activated carbon (GAC) and granular semicoke (GS) were tested as packed anodic materials to seek a potentially practical material for microbial fuel cells (MFCs). The microbial community and its correlation with the electricity generation performance of MFCs were explored. The maximum power density was found in GAC, followed by CFC, GG and GS. In GAC and CFC packed MFCs, Geobacter was the dominating genus, while Azospira was the most populous group in GG. Results further indicated that GAC was the most favorable for Geobacter adherence and growth, and the maximum power densities had positive correlation with the total biomass and the relative abundance of Geobacter, but without apparent correlation with the microbial diversity. Due to the low content of Geobacter in GS, power generated in this system may be attributed to other microorganisms such as Synergistes, Bacteroidetes and Castellaniella.  相似文献   

The performance and dynamics of the bacterial communities in the biofilm and suspended culture in the anode chamber of sucrose-fed microbial fuel cells (MFCs) were studied by using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of PCR-amplified partial 16S rRNA genes followed by species identification by sequencing. The power density of MFCs was correlated to the relative proportions of species obtained from DGGE analysis in order to detect bacterial species or taxonomic classes with important functional role in electricity production. Although replicate MFCs showed similarity in performance, cluster analysis of DGGE profiles revealed differences in the evolution of bacterial communities between replicate MFCs. No correlation was found between the proportion trends of specific species and the enhancement of power output. However, in all MFCs, putative exoelectrogenic denitrifiers and sulphate-reducers accounted for approximately 24% of the bacterial biofilm community at the end of the study. Pareto–Lorenz evenness distribution curves extracted from the DGGE patterns obtained from time course samples indicated community structures where shifts between functionally similar species occur, as observed within the predominant fermentative bacteria. These results suggest the presence of functional redundancy within the anodic communities, a probable indication that stable MFC performance can be maintained in changing environmental conditions. The capability of bacteria to adapt to electricity generation might be present among a wide range of bacteria.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between groundwater metazoans and their physical and chemical environment in a shallow Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer adjacent to the Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, USA. Average abundance of the groundwater organisms over a 1 % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaWaaSGaaeaaca% aIXaaabaGaaGOmaaaaaaa!3776!\[{\raise0.7ex\hbox{$1$} \!\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 2}}\right.\kern-\nulldelimiterspace}\!\lower0.7ex\hbox{$2$}}\] year period were large (% MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaWaa0aaaeaaca% WG4baaaaaa!36FB!\[\overline x \] = 471−1; range = 0–10001−1) and included a wide range of taxa (nematodes, rotifers, copepods, oligochaetes, and others). Highest meiofaunal abundances occurred in the summer and fall with considerable variation across a study site that spanned hundreds of meters. We found that over 70% of the variability in the abundance of total meiofauna at Wye Island could be explained by date, sampling location, and conductivity. Additional physical and chemical factors (e.g., dissolved oxygen, nitrate, dissolved organic carbon) which were significantly related to faunal abundances, differed among taxa. Nematode abundances were negatively related to nitrate concentrations. Copepod and oligochaete abundances were highest at intermediate pH values (4–6). Copepods also occurred in higher abundances at higher conductivity (> 0.25 dS m −1). Rotifers were most abundant at higher oxygen values (> 6 mg l−1). The high faunal abundances found in this sandy aquifer, and the degree to which such habitats are understudied (especially in North America), suggest a great need for additional research to elucidate factors that control faunal dynamics.  相似文献   

To investigate the biomass and phylogenetic diversity of the microbial community inhabiting the deep aquifer of the Great Artesian Basin (GAB), geothermal groundwater gushing out from the aquifer was sampled and analyzed. Microbial cells in the groundwater were stained with acridine orange and directly counted by epifluorescence microscopy. Microbial cells were present at a density of 108–109 cells per liter of groundwater. Archaeal and bacterial small-subunit rRNA genes (rDNAs) were amplified by PCR with Archaea- and Bacteria-specific primer sets, and clone libraries were constructed separately. A total of 59 clones were analyzed in archaeal and bacterial 16S rDNA libraries, respectively. The archaeal 16S rDNA clones were divided into nine operated taxonomic units (OTUs) by restriction fragment length polymorphism. These OTUs were closely related to the methanogenic genera Methanospirillum and Methanosaeta, the heterotrophic genus Thermoplasma, or miscellaneous crenarchaeota group. More than one-half of the archaeal clones (59% of total 59 clones) were placed beside phylogenetic clusters of methanogens. The majority of the methanogen-related clones (83%) was closely related to a group of hydrogenotrophic methanogens (genus Methanospirillum). The bacterial OTUs branched into seven phylogenetic clusters related to hydrogen-oxidizing thermophiles in the genera Hydrogenobacter and Hydrogenophilus, a sulfate-reducing thermophile in the genus Thermodesulfovibrio, chemoheterotropic bacteria in the genera Thermus and Aquaspirillum, or the candidate division OP10. Clones closely related to the thermophilic hydrogen-oxidizers in the genera Hydrogenobacter and Hydrogenophilus were dominant in the bacterial clone library (37% of a total of 59 clones). The dominancy of hydrogen-users strongly suggested that H2 plays an important role as a primary substrate in the microbial ecosystem of this deep geothermal aquifer.  相似文献   

Rhizosphere microbial community is important for the acquisition of soil nutrients and closely related to plant species. Fertilisation practice changed soil quality. With the hypothesis of stronger rhizosphere effect of plant on rhizosphere microbial community than fertilisation management, we designed this research based on a long‐term field experiment (1982–present). This study consists of no fertilisation (NF), mineral fertilisers (NPK), mineral fertilisers plus 7,500 kg/ha of wheat straw addition (WS) and mineral fertilisers plus 30,000 kg/ha of cow manure (CM). After analysing, we found that fertilisation management not only elevated crop yield but also affected crop rhizosphere microbial community structure. The influence of fertilisation practice on wheat rhizosphere microbial structure was stronger than that of wheat. For wheat rhizosphere bacterial community, it was significantly affected by soil water content (SWC), nitrogen (TN), phosphorus (TP), pH, available phosphorus (AVP) and nitrogen (AVN), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and carbon (DOC). Besides SWC, pH, AVP, AVN, TN, TP and DOC, the wheat rhizosphere fungi community was also significantly affected by soil organic matter (SOM) and available potassium (AVK). Moreover, compared to rhizosphere bacterial community, the influences of soil physiochemical properties on rhizosphere fungal community was stronger. In conclusion, fertilisation practice was the primary factor structuring rhizosphere microbial community by changing soil nutrients availabilities in the agroecosystem.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the relationship between microbial community structure and hydrogeochemistry (e.g., pollution, redox and degradation processes) in landfill leachate-polluted aquifers is required to develop tools for predicting and monitoring natural attenuation. In this study analyses of pollutant and redox chemistry were conducted in parallel with culture-independent profiling of microbial communities present in a well-defined aquifer (Banisveld, The Netherlands). Degradation of organic contaminants occurred under iron-reducing conditions in the plume of pollution, while upstream of the landfill and above the plume denitrification was the dominant redox process. Beneath the plume iron reduction occurred. Numerical comparison of 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA)-based denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiles of Bacteria and Archaea in 29 groundwater samples revealed a clear difference between the microbial community structures inside and outside the contaminant plume. A similar relationship was not evident in sediment samples. DGGE data were supported by sequencing cloned 16S rDNA. Upstream of the landfill members of the beta subclass of the class Proteobacteria (beta-proteobacteria) dominated. This group was not encountered beneath the landfill, where gram-positive bacteria dominated. Further downstream the contribution of gram-positive bacteria to the clone library decreased, while the contribution of delta-proteobacteria strongly increased and beta-proteobacteria reappeared. The beta-proteobacteria (Acidovorax, Rhodoferax) differed considerably from those found upstream (Gallionella, Azoarcus). Direct comparisons of cloned 16S rDNA with bands in DGGE profiles revealed that the data from each analysis were comparable. A relationship was observed between the dominant redox processes and the bacteria identified. In the iron-reducing plume members of the family Geobacteraceae made a strong contribution to the microbial communities. Because the only known aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading, iron-reducing bacteria are Geobacter spp., their occurrence in landfill leachate-contaminated aquifers deserves more detailed consideration.  相似文献   

Microbial communities capable of degrading biopolymers and surfactants typically found in graywater were selected in continuous-flow bioreactors operated at 30, 44, 53, or 62°C. The effect of temperature upon microbial activity and community composition was determined. Microbial respiration of the organic components of the medium (including linear alkylbenzene sulfonate) was detected in samples from each reactor. The microbial community in each reactor was adapted to the operating temperature. Nucleic acid-based analyses of community composition showed that distinct consortia were present at each temperature. Community complexity was inversely related to temperature. The specific maintenance rate was twofold higher at 62°C than at the lower temperatures. Under starvation conditions, microbes in the 62°C system lost membrane integrity 30- to 100-fold faster than microbes at lower temperatures. Received 02 April 1999/ Accepted in revised form 17 May 1999  相似文献   

Microbial dehalogenation of tetrachloroethene (PCE) and cis-dichloroethene (cis-DCE) was studied in cultures from a continuous stirred tank reactor initially inoculated with aquifer material from a PCE-contaminated site. Cultures amended with hydrogen and acetate readily dechlorinated PCE and cis-DCE; however, this transformation was incomplete and resulted in the accumulation of chlorinated intermediates and only small amounts of ethene within 60 days of incubation. Conversely, microbial PCE and cis-DCE dechlorination in cultures with benzoate and acetate resulted in the complete transformation to ethene within 30 days. Community fingerprinting by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) revealed the predominance of phylotypes closely affiliated with Desulfitobacterium, Dehalococcoides, and Syntrophus species. The Dehalococcoides culture VZ, obtained from small whitish colonies in cis-DCE dechlorinating agarose cultures, revealed an irregular cell diameter between 200 and 500 nm, and a spherical or biconcave disk-shaped morphology. These organisms were identified as responsible for the dechlorination of cis-DCE to ethene in the PCE-dechlorinating consortia, operating together with the Desulfitobacterium as PCE-to-cis-DCE dehalogenating bacterium and with a Syntrophus species as potential hydrogen-producing partner in cultures with benzoate. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Ecosystem functions in streams (e.g., microbially mediated leaf litter breakdown) are threatened globally by the predicted agricultural intensification and its expansion into pristine areas, which is associated with increasing use of fertilizers and pesticides. However, the ecological consequences may depend on the disturbance history of microbial communities. To test this, we assessed the effects of fungicides and nutrients (four levels each) on the structural and functional resilience of leaf‐associated microbial communities with differing disturbance histories (pristine vs. previously disturbed) in a 2 × 4 × 4‐factorial design (= 6) over 21 days. Microbial leaf breakdown was assessed as a functional variable, whereas structural changes were characterized by the fungal community composition, species richness, biomass, and other factors. Leaf breakdown by the pristine microbial community was reduced by up to 30% upon fungicide exposure compared with controls, whereas the previously disturbed microbial community increased leaf breakdown by up to 85%. This significant difference in the functional response increased in magnitude with increasing nutrient concentrations. A pollution‐induced community tolerance in the previously disturbed microbial community, which was dominated by a few species with high breakdown efficacies, may explain the maintained function under stress. Hence, the global pressure on pristine ecosystems by agricultural expansion is expected to cause a modification in the structure and function of heterotrophic microbial communities, with microbially mediated leaf litter breakdown likely becoming more stable over time as a consequence of fungal community adaptions.  相似文献   

We have studied the differences in the organic matter processing and biofilm composition and structure between autoheterotrophic and heterotrophic biofilm communities. Microbial communities grown on artificial biofilms were monitored, following incubation under light and dark conditions and with or without the addition of glucose as a labile organic compound. Glucose addition greatly affected the microbial biofilm composition as shown by differences in 16S rRNA gene fingerprints. A significant increase in β-glucosidase and peptidase enzyme activities were also observed in glucose-amended biofilms incubated in the dark, suggesting an active bacterial community. Light enhanced the algal and bacterial growth, as well as higher extracellular enzyme activity, thereby indicating a tight algal–bacterial coupling in biofilms incubated under illumination. In these biofilms, organic compounds excreted by photosynthetic microorganisms were readily available for bacterial heterotrophs. This algal–bacterial relationship weakened in glucose-amended biofilms grown in the light, probably because heterotrophic bacteria preferentially use external labile compounds. These results suggest that the availability of labile organic matter in the flowing water and the presence of light may alter the biofilm composition and function, therefore affecting the processing capacity of organic matter in the stream ecosystem.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation uses the natural ability of plants to degrade contaminants in groundwater. A field demonstration designed to remediate aerobic shallow ground‐water contaminated with trichloroethene began in April 1996 with the planting of cottonwood trees, a short‐rotation woody crop, over an approximately 0.2‐ha area at the Naval Air Station, Fort Worth, Texas. The project was developed to demonstrate capture of contaminated groundwater and degradation of contaminants by phreatophytes. Analyses from samples of groundwater collected from July 1997 to June 1998 indicate that tree roots have the potential to create anaerobic conditions in the groundwater that will facilitate degradation of trichloroethene by microbially mediated reductive dechlorination. Organic matter from root exudates and decay of tree roots probably stimulate microbial activity, consuming dissolved oxygen. Dissolved oxygen concentrations, which varied across the site, were smallest near a mature cottonwood tree (about 20 years of age and 60 meters southwest of the cottonwood plantings) where degradation products of trichloroethene were measured. Oxidation  相似文献   

油田区多环芳烃污染盐碱土壤活性微生物群落结构解析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
焦海华  张淑珍  景旭东  张通  白志辉 《生态学报》2016,36(21):6994-7005
多环芳烃(Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,PAHs)是土壤中广泛存在的、美国环保总署(USEPA)优先控制的一类有毒(致癌、致突变)的持久性污染物,主要来源于人类活动。土壤微生物多样性是表征土壤质量变化的敏感指标之一。磷脂脂肪酸(PLFAs)分析方法是基于活性微生物细胞膜的PLFAs组分的生化检测技术,克服了传统培养方法只能分离出少量微生物(1%)的缺点。采用PLFAs方法,解析了土壤活性微生物对PAHs污染胁迫的反应。结果表明,土壤微生物分布情况可分为4种类型:Ⅰ型,微生物PLFAs种类最多,占该区土壤微生物PLFAs种类总数的57.7%,PAHs对变量的解释量最小;Ⅱ型,微生物PLFAs占PLFAs总数的30.8%,PAHs对变量的解释量较小;Ⅲ型,微生物PLFAs种类占总数的7.68%,PAHs对变量的解释量较大;Ⅳ型,微生物PLFAs的种类仅占总数的3.85%,PAHs对变量的解释量最大。相关性分析表明:土壤微生物PLFAs的种类、生物量和生态多样性指数与土壤中萘(Nap)、芴(Flu)、蒽(Ant)、苯并[K]荧蒽(Bkf)、苯并[a]芘(Bap)、茚并[1,2,3-cd]芘(Ind)的相对含量呈负相关关系;与苊(Ace)、菲(Phe)、荧蒽(Fla)、芘(Pyr)、苯并[a]蒽(Baa)的相对含量呈正相关关系;与PAHs的种类和浓度呈负相关关系。结果将为开展PAHs污染土壤的生态风险评价和微生物生物修复技术研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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