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To guide development of robotic lower limb exoskeletons, it is necessary to understand how humans adapt to powered assistance. The purposes of this study were to quantify joint moments while healthy subjects adapted to a robotic ankle exoskeleton and to determine if the period of motor adaptation is dependent on the magnitude of robotic assistance. The pneumatically powered ankle exoskeleton provided plantar flexor torque controlled by the wearer's soleus electromyography (EMG). Eleven naïve individuals completed two 30-min sessions walking on a split-belt instrumented treadmill at 1.25 m/s while wearing the ankle exoskeleton. After two sessions of practice, subjects reduced their soleus EMG activation by ~36% and walked with total ankle moment patterns similar to their unassisted gait (r2=0.98±0.02, THSD, p>0.05). They had substantially different ankle kinematic patterns compared to their unassisted gait (r2=0.79±0.12, THSD, p<0.05). Not all of the subjects reached a steady-state gait pattern within the two sessions, in contrast to a previous study using a weaker robotic ankle exoskeleton (Gordon and Ferris, 2007). Our results strongly suggest that humans aim for similar joint moment patterns when walking with robotic assistance rather than similar kinematic patterns. In addition, greater robotic assistance provided during initial use results in a longer adaptation process than lesser robotic assistance.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to characterize the active and passive contributions to joint kinetics during walking in healthy young and older adults, and assess whether isokinetic ankle strength is associated with ankle power output during walking. Twenty healthy young (18–35 years) and 20 healthy older (65–85 years) adults participated in this study. We measured subject-specific passive-elastic joint moment–angle relationships in the lower extremity and tested maximum isokinetic ankle strength at 30 deg/s. Passive moment–angle relationships were used to estimate active and passive joint moment, power, and work quantities during walking at 80%, 100% and 120% of preferred walking speed. There were no significant differences in walking speed, step length, or cadence between the older and young adults. However, the older adults produced significantly more net positive work at the hip but less net positive work at the ankle at all walking speeds. Passive contributions to hip and ankle work did not significantly differ between groups, inferring that the older adults generated the additional hip work actively. Maximum isokinetic ankle strength was significantly less in the older adults, and correlated with peak positive plantar-flexor power at both the preferred and fast walking speeds. The results of this study suggest that age-related shifts in joint kinetics do not arise as a result of increased passive hip joint stiffness, but seem to be reflected in plantar-flexor weakness.  相似文献   

This study investigated the energetics of the human ankle during the stance phase of downhill walking with the goal of modeling ankle behavior with a passive spring and damper mechanism. Kinematic and kinetic data were collected on eight male participants while walking down a ramp with inclination varying from 0° to 8°. The ankle joint moment in the sagittal plane was calculated using inverse dynamics. Mechanical energy injected or dissipated at the ankle joint was computed by integrating the power across the duration of the stance phase. The net mechanical energy of the ankle was approximately zero for level walking and monotonically decreased (i.e., became increasingly negative) during downhill walking as the slope decreased. The indication is that the behavior of the ankle is energetically passive during downhill walking, playing a key role in dissipating energy from one step to the next. A passive mechanical model consisting of a pin joint coupled with a revolute spring and damper was fit to the ankle torque and its parameters were estimated for each downhill slope using linear regression. The passive model demonstrated good agreement with actual ankle dynamics as indicated by low root-mean-square error values. These results indicate the stance phase behavior of the human ankle during downhill walking may be effectively duplicated by a passive mechanism with appropriately selected spring and damping characteristics.  相似文献   

Previous ankle exoskeleton assistance techniques that were able to demonstrate metabolic reductions can be categorized into those that delivered moment profiles similar to the biological ankle moment throughout the stance phase, and others that delivered positive power only during push off. Both assistance techniques and a powered-off condition were compared in treadmill walking (1.5 m s−1) with a soft exosuit. We hypothesized that both techniques can result in a similar metabolic reduction when providing a similar level of average positive exosuit power at each ankle (0.12 W kg−1) and hip (0.02 W kg−1) while the underlying global center-of-mass and local joint biomechanics would be different. We found a similar net metabolic rate reduction of 15% relative to walking with the suit powered-off for both techniques. The ankle moment inspired technique showed larger magnitudes of reductions for biological moment and power at the hip and the ankle. The ankle power inspired technique might benefit from higher biological efficiency, when reducing positive instead of negative power at the knee and when almost keeping the isometric function of the plantarflexors before push-off. Changes at the ankle caused energetic reductions at the knee, hip and the center-of-mass. A major contribution to metabolic reduction might be based on them. As the lower limb biomechanics that led to these reductions were different, we believe that humans alter their gait to maximize their energetic benefit based on the exosuit assistance. For further insights on mechanisms that lead to metabolic reduction, joint mechanics and muscle-tendon dynamics must be analyzed in combination.  相似文献   

For studies that aim to assess biological ankle function, calculating ankle joint complex (AJC) power between the calcaneus and shank is recommended over conventional inverse dynamics estimates between a rigid-body foot and shank. However, when designing a new experiment, it remains unclear whether holes should be cut in footwear to permit motion tracking via skin-mounted markers, or whether marker placement locations should be tightly controlled across conditions. Here we provide data to assist researchers in answering these questions. We performed a gait analysis study of walking (0.8, 1.2, 1.6 m·s−1) and running (2.6, 2.8, 3.0 m·s−1) while subjects (N = 10) wore custom-modified footwear, which allowed markers to be placed either on the shoe, or on the skin via cut-out windows in the shoes. First, we compared foot markers affixed to the skin vs. on the same locations on the shoe. Using statistical non-parametric mapping techniques, we discovered that skin vs. shoe markers had no statistically significant effect on net AJC power estimates throughout stance phase, for all walking and running speeds. Second, we compared calcaneal markers in the nominal shoe configuration vs. markers in a nearby location (∼27 mm below) on the shoe. We observed significant differences when marker placement on the shoe was varied, which may be relevant to repeated-measures study designs. The results suggest that when computing AJC power for walking and running, you may want to put down the scissors (i.e., forego cutting holes in your footwear), and instead pick up a Sharpie® (pen) or use a template, to maintain consistent marker placement across trials and conditions.  相似文献   

The internal moment developed about a joint during a functional activity is the result of contraction of muscles and the visco-elastic properties of the joint and its surrounding soft tissues. In this study, the contribution of each one of these mechanisms to the total internal moment developed about the ankle joint during human level walking was assessed. The results indicate that during normal level walking the internal moment about the ankle is mainly due to contraction of muscles surrounding the joint. The contribution of the passive component was found to be negligible. These results, however, were found to be different for the pathological case tested. The results indicated that in a subject with a mild equinus ankle deformity, a substantial portion (21%) of the total internal moment was contributed by the passive resistance of the joint and its surrounding structures.  相似文献   

Standing and walking balance control in humans relies on the transformation of sensory information to motor commands that drive muscles. Here, we evaluated whether sensorimotor transformations underlying walking balance control can be described by task-level center of mass kinematics feedback similar to standing balance control. We found that delayed linear feedback of center of mass position and velocity, but not delayed linear feedback from ankle angles and angular velocities, can explain reactive ankle muscle activity and joint moments in response to perturbations of walking across protocols (discrete and continuous platform translations and discrete pelvis pushes). Feedback gains were modulated during the gait cycle and decreased with walking speed. Our results thus suggest that similar task-level variables, i.e. center of mass position and velocity, are controlled across standing and walking but that feedback gains are modulated during gait to accommodate changes in body configuration during the gait cycle and in stability with walking speed. These findings have important implications for modelling the neuromechanics of human balance control and for biomimetic control of wearable robotic devices. The feedback mechanisms we identified can be used to extend the current neuromechanical models that lack balance control mechanisms for the ankle joint. When using these models in the control of wearable robotic devices, we believe that this will facilitate shared control of balance between the user and the robotic device.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test the assumption that elastic tissues of the ankle are prestressed, by investigating the presence of simultaneous opposite passive elastic moments and thus, passive co-tension, at the ankle joint. A prestressed two-spring model used to generate qualitative predictions of the effects of stretching the posterior elastic structures of the ankle on the net passive moment of this joint was used. Twenty-seven healthy individuals were subjected to passive evaluation of the net elastic moment of the ankle in the sagittal plane, with the knee positioned at 90°, 60°, 30° and 0° of flexion, in order to change the length of the posterior biarticular elastic structures. The placement of the knee in the more extended positions caused changes in the net passive moment as predicted by the prestressed model. The ankle position in which the net passive moment was equal to zero was shifted to more plantar flexed positions (p<0.001) and there was a global increase in ankle stiffness since both passive dorsiflexion stiffness (p≤0.037) and passive plantar flexion stiffness (p≤0.029) increased. The normalized terminal plantar flexion stiffness also increased (p≤0.047), suggesting that biarticular posterior elastic structures are pre-strained and still under tension when the ankle is maximally plantar flexed and the knee is positioned at 60° of flexion. Resting positions were indicative of equilibrium between opposite passive elastic moments. The results revealed that there is passive co-tension at the ankle, demonstrating the existence of prestress in elastic structures of this joint.  相似文献   

During maximal efforts, antagonistic activity can significantly influence the joint moment. During maximal voluntary "isometric" contractions, certain joint rotation can not be avoided. This can influence the estimation of the antagonistic moment from the EMG activity. Our study aimed to quantify the influence on the calculated agonistic moment produced during maximal voluntary isometric plantarflexions (a) when estimating antagonistic moments at different ankle angles and (b) when placing the EMG electrodes at different portions over the m. tibialis anterior. Ten subjects performed maximal voluntary isometric plantarflexions at 90 degrees ankle angle. In order to estimate the antagonistic moment, submaximal isometric dorsiflexions were performed at various ankle angles. Moment and EMG signals from mm. triceps surae and tibialis anterior were measured. The RMS differences between plantarflexors moment calculated considering the antagonistic cocontraction estimated at the same ankle angle at which the maximal plantarflexion moment was achieved and at different ankle angles ranged from 0.10 to 2.94 Nm. The location of the electrodes led to greater RMS differences (2.35-5.18 Nm). In conclusion, an angle 10 degrees greater than the initial plantarflexion angle is enough to minimize the effect of the change in length of the m. tibialis anterior during the plantarflexion on the estimation of the plantarflexors moment. The localisation of the electrodes over the m. tibialis anterior can influence the estimation of its cocontraction during maximal plantarflexion efforts.  相似文献   

The non-disabled human ankle joint was examined during walking in an attempt to determine overall system characteristics for use in the design of ankle prostheses. The hypothesis of the study was that the quasi-stiffness of the ankle changes when walking at different walking speeds. The hypothesis was examined using sagittal plane ankle moment versus ankle angle curves from 24 able-bodied subjects walking over a range of speeds. The slopes of the moment versus ankle angle curves (quasi-stiffness) during loading appeared to change as speed was increased and the relationship between the moment and angle during loading became increasingly non-linear. The loading and unloading portions of the moment versus angle curves showed clockwise loops (hysteresis) at self-selected slow speeds that reduced essentially to zero as the speed increased to self-selected normal speeds. Above self-selected normal speeds, the loops started to traverse a counter-clockwise path that increased in area as the speed was increased. These characteristics imply that the human ankle joint could be effectively replaced with a rotational spring and damper for slow to normal walking speeds. However, to mimic the characteristics of the human ankle during walking at fast speeds, an augmented system would be necessary. This notion is supported by the sign of the ankle power at the time of opposite heel contact, which was negative for slow speeds, was near zero at normal speeds, and was positive for fast walking speeds.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether the passive range of motion at the finger joints is restricted more by intrinsic tissues (cross a single joint) or by extrinsic tissues (cross multiple joints). The passive moment at the metacarpophalangeal (MP) joint of the index finger was modeled as the sum of intrinsic and extrinsic components. The intrinsic component was modeled only as a function of MP joint angle. The extrinsic component was modeled as a function of MP joint angle and wrist angle. With the wrist fixed in seven different positions the passive moment at the MP joint of eight subjects was recorded as the finger was rotated through its range at a constant rate. The moment-angle data were fit by the model and the extrinsic and intrinsic components were calculated for a range of MP joint angles and wrist positions. With the MP joint near its extension limit, the median percent extrinsic contribution was 94% with the wrist extended 60° and 14% with the wrist flexed 60°. These percentages were 40 and 88%, respectively, with the MP joint near its flexion limit. Our findings indicate that at most wrist angles the extrinsic tissues offer greater restraint at the limits of MP joint extension and flexion than the intrinsic tissues. The intrinsic tissues predominate when the wrist is flexed or extended enough to slacken the extrinsic tissues. Additional characteristics of intrinsic and extrinsic tissues can be deduced by examining the parameter values calculated by the model.  相似文献   

Measuring ankle joint stiffness (AJS) during quiet standing QS using an inverted pendulum model typically involves a single calculation covering the entire period of QS. This study compared AJS using the same 20.0s set of QS postural sway data but employing seven different calculation windows (0.25s, 0.5s, 1.0s, 2.0s, 5.0s, 10.0s and 20.0s). AJS was calculated for both anterio-posterior AP and medio-lateral ML directions of sway. Postural sway data from 19 subjects were used to calculate mean±SD and time-normalized AJS over the same 20s period of QS. Statistical power of this study was 0.99. The AJS had ICCs ranging from 0.47 to 0.85 with coefficient of variations ranging from 11.1% to 31.8%. There were significant differences in AJS between window sizes (P<0.0001) for both directions of sway. Specifically, AJS calculated by 1.0s windows was significantly larger (P<0.01) than others, except 0.5s, while the AJS of the largest two windows 10.0s and 20.0s were significantly smaller (P<0.01) than all others in both directions of sway. In conclusion, it is recommended that 1.0s windows be used to calculate AJS and that stiffness analyzed as a continuous signal offers a more complete picture of how AJS behaves during QS.  相似文献   

Free vertical moment (FVM) of ground reaction is recognized to be a meaningful indicator of torsional stress on the lower limbs when walking. The purpose of this study was to examine whether and how gait speed influences the FVM when walking. Fourteen young healthy adults performed a series of overground walking trials at three different speeds: low, preferred and fast. FVM was measured during the stance phase of the dominant leg using a force platform embedded in a 10 m-long walkway. Transverse plane kinematic parameters of the foot and pelvis were measured using a motion capture system. Results showed a significant decrease in peak abduction FVM (i.e., resisting internal foot rotation) and an increase in peak adduction FVM (i.e., resisting external foot rotation), together with an increase in gait speed. Concomitantly, we observed a decrease in the foot progression angle and an increase in the peak pelvis rotation velocity in the transverse plane with an increase in gait speed. A significant positive correlation was found between the pelvis rotation velocity and the peak adduction moment, suggesting that pelvis rotation influences the magnitude of adduction FVM. Furthermore, we also found significant correlations between the peak adduction FVM and both the step length and frequency, indicating that the alterations in FVM may be ascribed to changes in these two key variables of gait speed. These speed-related changes in FVM should be considered when this parameter is used in gait assessment, particularly when used as an index for rehabilitation and injury prevention.  相似文献   

This paper presents a multi-body model which can simulate human normal and abnormal walking. The abnormal walking model has a zero moment joint, abbreviated as ZMJ, representing a diseased joint of one leg. The joint can transmit a force to adjacent connected bodies, but cannot generate a moment about the joint to control motions of the bodies. Thus the ZMJ can be considered an extreme case of the diseased joint. Compensatory actions are required to make up for the lost function at the ZMJ in different patterns of variables, such as moments at sound joints, motions of upper torso, and so on. The characteristics of the abnormal walking having the ZMJ at the hip joint became so pronounced that the model could not walk in a realistic manner, not the case in the ZMJ at the knee.  相似文献   

The study investigated relations between effects of repeated ankle plantar-flexion movements exercise on the soleus Hoffmann (H) reflex and on postural body sway when maintaining upright stance. Ten young volunteers performed five sets of ankle plantar-flexions of both lower limbs. Assessment of the feet centre-of-pressure (COP) displacement and H-reflex tests were carried out in quiet stance before, during and after the exercise. H-max and M-max responses were obtained in 8 subjects and reported as the peak-to-peak amplitudes of the right soleus muscle electromyographic waves. Mean dispersion of COP along the antero-posterior direction increased significantly during the exercise; whilst the overall H-reflex response indicated a reduction without a concomitant modification in the M-max response. H-reflex responses, however, varied between participants during the first sets of exercise, showing two main trends of modulation: either depression or early facilitation followed by reduction of the H-reflex amplitude. The extent of reflex modulation in standing position was correlated to the concentric work performed during the exercise (r = 0.85; p < 0.01), but not to the antero-posterior COP dispersion. These results suggest that during a repeated ankle plantar-flexions exercise, modulation of the H-reflex measured in upright stance differs across individuals and is not related to changes of postural sway.  相似文献   

The Achilles tendon (AT) moment arm is an important determinant of ankle moment and power generation during locomotion. Load and depth-dependent variations in the AT moment arm are generally not considered, but may be relevant given the complex triceps surae architecture. We coupled motion analysis and ultrasound imaging to characterize AT moment arms during walking in 10 subjects. Muscle loading during push-off amplified the AT moment arm by 10% relative to heel strike. AT moment arms also varied by 14% over the tendon thickness. In walking, AT moment arms are not strictly dependent on kinematics, but exhibit important load and spatial dependencies.  相似文献   

The Achilles tendon (AT) moment arm transforms triceps surae muscle forces into a moment about the ankle which is critical for functional activities like walking. Moreover, the AT moment arm changes continuously during walking, as it depends on both ankle joint rotation and triceps surae muscle loading (presumably due to bulging of the muscle belly). Here, we posit that aging negatively effects the architecturally complex AT moment arm during walking, which thereby contributes to well-documented reductions in ankle moment generation during push-off. We used motion capture-guided ultrasound imaging to quantify instantaneous variations in the AT moment arms of young (23.9 ± 4.3 years) and older (69.9 ± 2.6 years) adults during walking, their dependence on triceps surae muscle loading, and their association with ankle moment generation during push-off. Older adults walked with 11% smaller AT moment arms and 11% smaller peak ankle moments during push-off than young adults. Moreover, as hypothesized, these unfavourable changes were significantly and positively correlated (r2 = 0.38, p < 0.01). More surprisingly, aging attenuated load-dependent increases in the AT moment arm (i.e., those between heel-strike and push-off at the same ankle angle); only young adults exhibited a significant increase in their AT moment arm due to triceps surae muscle-loading. Age-associated reductions in triceps surae volume or activation, and thus muscle bulging during force generation, may compromise the mechanical advantage of the AT during the critical push-off phase of walking in older adults. Thus, strategies to restore and/or improve locomotor performance in our aging population should consider these functionally important changes in musculoskeletal behavior.  相似文献   

Knowledge of ligament fibre recruitment at the human ankle joint complex is a fundamental prerequisite for analysing mobility and stability. Previous experimental and modelling studies have shown that ankle motion must be guided by fibres within the calcaneofibular and tibiocalcaneal ligaments, which remain approximately isometric during passive flexion. The purpose of this study was to identify these fibres.

Three below-knee amputated specimens were analysed during passive flexion with combined radiostereometry for bone pose estimation and 3D digitisation for ligament attachment area identification. A procedure based on singular value decomposition enabled matching bone pose with digitised data and therefore reconstructing position in space of ligament attachment areas in each joint position. Eleven ordered fibres, connecting corresponding points on origin and insertion curves, were modelled for each of the following ligaments: posterior talofibular, calcaneofibular, anterior talofibular, posterior tibiotalar, tibiocalcaneal, and anterior tibiotalar.

The measured changes in length for the ligament fibres revealed patterns of tightening and slackening. The most anterior fibre of the calcaneofibular and the medio-anterior fibre of the tibiocalcaneal ligament exhibited the most isometric behaviour, as well as the most posterior fibre of the anterior talofibular ligament. Fibres within the calcaneofibular ligament remain parallel in the transverse plane, while those within the tibiocalcaneal ligament become almost parallel in joint neutral position. For both these ligaments, fibres maintain their relative inclination in the sagittal plane throughout the passive flexion range.

The observed significant change in both shape and orientation of the ankle ligaments suggest that this knowledge is fundamental for future mechanical analysis of their response to external forces.  相似文献   

Individuals with lower-limb amputation often have difficulty walking on slopes, in part due to limitations of conventional prosthetic feet. Conventional prostheses have fixed ankle set-point angles and cannot fully replicate able-bodied ankle dynamics. Microprocessor-controlled ankles have been developed to help overcome these limitations. The objective of this study was to characterize how the slope adaptation feature of a microprocessor-controlled ankle affected individual prosthesis user gait biomechanics during sloped walking. Previous studies on similar microprocessor-controlled ankles have focused on group-level results (inter-subject mean), but did not report individual subject results. Our study builds upon prior work and provides new insight by presenting subject-specific results and investigating to what extent individual responses agree with the group-level results. We performed gait analysis on seven individuals with unilateral transtibial amputation while they walked on a 7.5° incline with a recently redesigned microprocessor-controlled ankle that adjusts ankle set-point angle to the slope. We computed gait kinematics and kinetics, and compared how users walked with vs. without this set-point adjustment. The microprocessor-controlled ankle increased minimum toe clearance for all subjects. Despite the microprocessor-controlled ankle behaving similarly for each user, we observed marked differences in individual responses. For instance, two users switched from a forefoot landing pattern with the microprocessor-controlled ankle locked at neutral angle to rearfoot landing when the microprocessor-controlled ankle adapted to the slope, while two maintained a forefoot and three maintained a rearfoot landing pattern across conditions. Changes in knee angle and moment were also subject-specific. Individual user responses were often not well represented by inter-subject mean. Although the prevailing experimental paradigm in prosthetic gait analysis studies is to focus on group-level analysis, our findings call attention to the high inter-subject variability which may necessitate alternative experimental approaches to assess prosthetic interventions.  相似文献   

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