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The study investigates the effects of a post-weaning water restriction on performance, nutrient digestibility, carcass traits and meat quality of 84-day-old rabbits. A total of 1388 weaned rabbits (35 days) were randomly divided into two groups on the basis of BW and sex. The two groups were fed the same diets ad libitum both in the post-weaning (35 to 60 days) and fattening (61 to 84 days) periods. In the post-weaning period, one group (AL) also received drinking water ad libitum, whereas the other (WR) had a water restriction from 35 to 41 days 2 h/day; from 42 to 48 days 2.5 h/day; from 49 to 55 days 3 h/day; and from 56 to 60 days 4 h/day. During the fattening period, both groups had water-free access. Individual live weights and feed intake per cage were recorded weekly for 32 cages randomly chosen per group (64 rabbits) to calculate the BW gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio (FCR). The apparent digestibility values of nutrients were measured using acid-insoluble ash. Carcass data were collected from 16 rabbits (8 males and 8 females) per group selected for similar final BW in both groups. Mortality from 35 to 60 days was higher in the AL group (10.1% v. 5.2%, for AL and WR, respectively, P < 0.0001). BW gain was higher for the AL group during both the post-weaning (+22.4%, P < 0.01) and the entire period (+7.5%, P < 0.05). Water restriction reduced feed intake both in the post-weaning (−17.4%, P < 0.0001) and in the entire period (−9.9%, P < 0.05). During the fattening period, FCR was lower for the WR group (5.15 v. 5.75 g/g, for WR and AL, respectively, P < 0.05). The apparent digestibilities of dry matter, organic matter, NDF, ADF and cellulose were greater in the restricted rabbits (+4.7%, +4.5%, +10.2%, +18.8% and +12.8%, P < 0.01, P < 0.01, P < 0.05, P < 0.01, P < 0.05, respectively). Perirenal and scapular fat percentages were higher in the AL rabbits (+30.7% and +116.6%, P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively). Water restriction increased saturated fatty acids (C16:0, +12.9%, P < 0.05), lauroleic acid (C12:1, +75.0%, P < 0.01), n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (C20:5, +50.0%, P < 0.01 and C22:5, +16.6%, P < 0.05) and the n-3/n-6 ratio (+28.6%, P < 0.05). The applied water restriction between 35 and 60 days executed during the winter months improved the digestive health of rabbits, with no negative effects on carcass traits, or physical and chemical meat characteristics. However, from the animal welfare point of view, a water restriction can be criticized as a method to restrict feed intake.  相似文献   

A 3 to 4 week feed restriction of about 20% to 25% of the free intake is widely applied in rabbit breeding systems to reduce post-weaning digestive disorders. However, a short intensive feed restriction is described in few studies and can be beneficial for growing rabbits due to a longer re-alimentation period. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of ad libitum (AL) and two restriction levels of feeding (50 and 65 g/rabbit per day) applied for 1 week on performance, gastrointestinal morphology and physiological parameters during the restriction and during the re-alimentation period. Rabbits were divided into three experimental groups: AL rabbits were fed AL, R1 rabbits were restricted from 42 to 49 days of age and received 50 g daily (29% of AL) and R2 rabbits were restricted at the same age and were fed 65 g of feed daily (37% of AL). In the 1st week after weaning and in the weeks after restriction, all the groups were fed AL. During the restriction period, daily weight gain (DWG) in R1 significantly dropped to 11% (experiment 1) and 5% (experiment 2) compared with rabbits in the AL group, although they were fed 29% of AL, whereas in the R2 group it decreased to 20% (experiment 1) and 10% (experiment 2). In the week following feed restriction, DWG in the restricted groups increased (P<0.001) to 166% and 148% in R1 and to 128% and 145% in R2. Restricted rabbits in both the experiments reached up to 90% to 93% of the final live weight (70 days) of the AL group. Over the entire experimental period, feed restriction significantly decreased feed intake to 85% to 88% of the AL group; however, the feed conversion ratio was lower (P<0.05) only in experiment 1 (−6% in R1 and −4% in R2). Digestibilities of CP and fat were not significantly higher during the restriction period and during the 1st week of re-alimentation compared with the AL group. Significant interactions between feeding regime and age revealed the shortest large intestine in the AL group at 49 days of age and the longest at 70 days in the AL and R1 groups. Small intestinal villi were significantly higher and the crypts were significantly deeper in the restricted groups. It could be concluded that short intensive feed restriction increased digestible area in the small and large intestines, including the height of villi and depth of crypts, which might be involved in the compensatory growth and defence mechanism.  相似文献   

In rabbit farms, quantitative feed restriction in the post-weaning period is widely used with the aim of reducing the impact of digestive diseases, whereas less information is available about feed restriction strategies based on the reduction of access time to feeders in different housing systems. This study compared morbidity, mortality, growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality of 368 crossbred rabbits fed ad libitum (L) or subjected to a time-based feed restriction programme (R) and housed from 31 to 73 days of age in cages or pens with different dimensions and group sizes, that is, eight conventional cages (0.33 m2, six rabbits/cage), eight small open-top pens (0.50 m2, eight rabbits/pen), eight medium open-top pens (1.00 m2, 16 rabbits/pen) and four large open-top pens (2.00 m2, 32 rabbits/pen). Feed restriction was attained by progressively reducing the access time to feeders in the 1st week from 14 to 8 h/day, maintaining 8 h in the 2nd week and then by increasing access time by 1 h/day during the 3rd and 4th week up to 24 h/day. In the first 2 weeks, R rabbits showed a lower (P ≤ 0.001) daily weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion as compared with L rabbits. During the 3rd and 4th weeks, R rabbits exhibited a greater daily weight gain and better feed conversion (P ≤ 0.001). In the last 2 weeks of trial, daily weight gain tended (P = 0.06) to be greater in the R than L rabbits. In the whole trial, R rabbits manifested a lower daily weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion, as well as lower final live weight and the carcass dressing percentage at slaughter (0.05 ≤ P ≤ 0.01). During feed restriction, R rabbits did not show digestive problems, which, however, appeared in the following 2 weeks of refeeding. Thus, R rabbits had a higher health risk index in the whole trial as compared with L rabbits (P ≤ 0.05). The housing system did not affect growth performance, characteristics at slaughter, and carcass and meat quality. Mortality tended to increase with group size (P = 0.06). In conclusion, the time-based feed restriction significantly improved feed efficiency of growing rabbits housed collectively but had somewhat negative effects on characteristics at slaughter and on morbidity and mortality rate.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of feed restriction during pregnancy on reproductive performance of rabbit does and growth performance and meat quality of their offspring. A total of 26 primiparous non lactating does were equally divided into two treatment groups: the control group (C, n=13) that was fed ad libitum throughout gestation and the feed restricted group (R, n=13) that was fed to 75% of maintenance energy requirements from the 7th to the 26th day of gestation. Rabbit offsprings were weaned at 35 days of age and grown until the 72 days of age when they were slaughtered for meat quality assessment. Meat quality traits measured were pH24, colour (L*, a*, b*), percentage of released water, cook loss, shear values and intramuscular fat. At kindling, R does produced smaller litter weights compared with those of does from group C, 447.8 and 591.4 g, respectively, and smaller individual kit birth weights, 56.2 and 71.5 g, respectively (P<0.05). Ratio of stillborn kits and mortality rate from parturition until weaning was higher (P<0.05) in the R group, 21.4% and 11.1%, respectively, in comparison with the C group, 8.1% and 3.5%, respectively. Litter size and gestation length were unaffected by maternal undernutrition. Kit birth weight treatment differences were eliminated at weaning because of compensatory growth (P>0.05). Performance and meat quality characteristics of fattening rabbits at 72 days of age were not influenced by gestational feed restriction of their mothers (P>0.05). Taking into consideration that, simultaneous gestation and lactation in rabbit does may be simulated by gestational feed restriction, results of the present study suggest that lactating does can support a simultaneous gestation without any adverse effect on the offsprings’ quantitative and qualitative performance at the expense of increased mortality rates at parturition and until weaning.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of konjac flour (KF) inclusion in gestation diets of sows on nutrients digestibility, lactation feed intake, reproductive performance of sows and preweaning performance of piglets. Two isoenergetic and isonitrogenous gestation diets were formulated: a control diet and a 2.1% KF-supplemented diet (KF diet). Both diets had the same NDF and insoluble fiber (ISF) levels, but the KF diet had higher soluble fiber (SF) level. The day after breeding, 96 multiparous sows were assigned to the two dietary treatments. Restrict-fed during gestation, in contrast, all sows were offered the same lactation diet ad libitum. Response criteria included sow BW, backfat depth, lactation feed intake, weaning-to-estrus interval, litter size and piglet’s weight at parturition and day 21 of lactation. On day 60 of gestation, 20 sows were used to measure nutrient digestibility. Results showed that the digestibility of dry matter, gross energy, crude fiber and ADF were not affected by the dietary treatments. The inclusion of KF in gestation diets increased NDF digestibility (P<0.05) and tended to increase the digestibility of CP (P=0.05) compared with the control diet group. In addition, dietary treatment during gestation did not affect litter size, BW and backfat gain during gestation, lactation weight, backfat loss or weaning-to-estrus interval of sows. However, sows fed the KF diet consumed more (P<0.05) lactation diet per day than sows in the control group. Accordingly, sows fed the KF diet showed greater average piglet weights on day 21 of lactation (P=0.09), and the litter weight of sows fed the KF diet on day 21 of lactation increased by 3.95 kg compared with sows fed the control diet (not significant). In conclusion, the inclusion of KF in gestation diets increased lactation feed intake of sows and tended to improve litter performance.  相似文献   

In order to expand with validated scientific data the limited knowledge regarding the potential application of insects as innovative feed ingredients for poultry, the present study tested a partial substitution of soya bean meal and soya bean oil with defatted black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae meal (H) in the diet for growing broiler quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) on growth performance, mortality, nutrients apparent digestibility, microbiological composition of excreta, feed choice, carcass and meat traits. With this purpose, a total of 450 10-day-old birds were allocated to 15 cages (30 birds/cage) and received three dietary treatments: a Control diet (C) and two diets (H1 and H2) corresponding to 10% and 15% H inclusion levels, respectively (H substituted 28.4% soya bean oil and 16.1% soya bean meal for H1, and 100% soya bean oil and 24.8% soya bean meal for H2, respectively). At 28 days of age, quails were slaughtered, carcasses were weighed, breast muscles were then excised from 50 quails/treatment, weighed, and ultimate pH (pHu) and L*, a*, b* colour values were measured. Breast muscles were then cooked to assess cooking loss and meat toughness. For the digestibility trial, a total of 15 28-day-old quails were assigned to the three feeding groups. The excreta samples were subjected to chemical and microbiological analysis. The same 15 quails were then simultaneously provided with C and H2 diets for a 10-day feed choice trial. Productive performance, mortality and carcass traits were in line with commercial standards and similar in all experimental groups. With the exception of ether extract digestibility, which was lower in H1 group compared with C and H2 (P=0.0001), apparent digestibility of dry matter, CP, starch and energy did not differ among treatments. Microbial composition of excreta was also comparable among the three groups. Feed choice trial showed that quails did not express a preference toward C or H2 diets. Breast meat weight and yield did not differ among C, H1 and H2 quails. Differently, the inclusion of H meal reduced meat pHu compared with C. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that H. illucens larvae meal can partially replace conventional soya bean meal and soya bean oil in the diet for growing broiler quails, thus confirming to be a promising insect protein source for the feed industry. Further research to assess the impact of H meal on intestinal morphology as well as on meat quality and sensory profile would be of utmost importance.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Appropriate maternal nutrition and body weight gain during pregnancy is well established as a major factor in healthy prenatal development in humans. Given the role of nutrition and body weight gain in normal development, pharmaceuticals intended to reduce appetite and promote weight loss will generate developmental toxicity data that may be challenging to interpret. To aid with this, the effects of feed restriction, and subsequent reduction in maternal body weight gain, on embryo-fetal development was investigated in the rabbit. METHODS: Groups of 15 pregnant New Zealand White rabbits were offered 150 (control), 110, 75, 55, 35, and 15 g feed/day from gestation day (GD) 7-19. Cesarean sections were carried out on GD 29 and fetuses were examined for external, visceral, and skeletal development. RESULTS: Maternal body weights at the end of the feed restriction period (GD 20) were 0.97, 0.98, 0.93, 0.94, and 0.86 x control for the 110, 75, 55, 35, and 15 g feed/day groups, respectively. Only at 15 g feed/day was there a net maternal body weight loss (the GD 20 body weight was 0.93 x the GD 6 body weight) at the end of the feed restriction period. Six does aborted in the 15 g feed/day group; there were no other abortions associated with feed restriction. Fetal body weight was significantly reduced at 75, 55, 35, and 15 g feed/day (0.95, 0.90, 0.86, and 0.84 x control, respectively). There were no external or visceral malformations or variations, and no skeletal malformations associated with feed restriction. The incidence of fetuses with sternebrae 5 or 6 unossified was increased at feed levels < or = 75 g/day. At a feed level of 35 g/day there was an increase in unossified metatarsals and metacarpals, and an increase in the number of fetuses with a reduced number of caudal vertebrae ossified. Although these findings were not increased at a feed level of 15 g/day, the lack of dose response was likely due to increased abortion and subsequent decrease in fetuses available for evaluation at 15 g feed/day. CONCLUSION: These data demonstrate that feed restriction to feed levels that produce substantial reductions in maternal body weight gain can result in developmental toxicity expressed by abortion, reduced fetal weight, and alterations in ossification. Abortion only occurred when feed was restricted to an amount that produced maternal body weight loss (15 g feed/day) whereas reduced fetal weight and increased incidence of fetuses with unossified sternebrae, metatarsals, metacarpals, or caudal vertebrae were noted at feed levels of < or = 75 g/day. There were no fetal malformations associated with feed restriction.  相似文献   

Postweaning feed restriction preserves rabbit digestive health after weaning, but the underlying physiological mechanisms are not yet understood. To elucidate whether the feeding intake pattern modification related to feed restriction might be involved, we studied the effects of both feed intake quantity and intake frequency. Animals were allotted at weaning (28 d old) in a 2 × 2 factorial design: feed intake quantity (AL = ad libitum vs R = 75% of AL) and fragmented feed distribution (FFD) (1 vs 13 distributions), thus forming four groups (AL1, AL13, R1 and R13). New Zealand White growing rabbits were used from weaning to slaughter (70 d old), to analyse mortality, morbidity, performance, intake behaviour, digestion and microbial activity. Seven days after starting feed restriction (35 d old, group R1), rabbits consumed 44% of the feed within 2 h, 65% in 4 h and in 7 h over 95%. Over the 28–70 d period, mortality was low (5.3%) while morbidity averaged 18.5% and neither was affected by treatment. However, FFD tended to decrease the morbidity rate during the first 14 days after weaning (P = 0.06). Feed conversion (28–70 d) was improved by restriction (+15%, P < 0.001) and by FFD (+5%, P < 0.001). Nutrient digestibility was improved by restriction (+10% for energy, P < 0.01), but not by FFD. Fragmented feed distribution led to a lower stomachal pH, in the antrum (1.48 vs 2.13, P < 0.001) and in the fundus (1.52 vs 2.63, P < 0.001), while a higher pH was found in the caecum (6.07 vs 5.86, P < 0.001). Butyrate proportion in the caecum was reduced by four units for restricted groups. Fragmented feed distribution reduced the caecal VFA concentration by 23% within restricted rabbit groups only. A similar interaction between intake level and FFD was observed for fibrolytic activity (cellulase and xylanase). The diversity of caecal bacterial community was not modified by either of the two factors studied. Globally, fragmented meals have no major impacts on the caecal microbial activity, diversity, and thus would not be implicated in the better resistance of restricted rabbit to digestive troubles.  相似文献   

A field enquiry mentioned the potential positive impact of a feed restriction on the health of young rabbits, but no objective information relates the intake to digestive health. The effects of a post-weaning feed restriction strategy were thus studied on digestive health and growth and carcass parameters of the growing rabbit, using a monofactorial design that produces a quantitative linear reduction of the intake, from ad libitum (AL group) to 80%, 70% and 60% of AL. The study was performed simultaneously in six experimental sites, on 1984 growing rabbits (496 per treatment) collectively caged from weaning (34 to 38 days of age, depending on the site) to slaughter (68 to 72 days). The feeding programme was applied as followed: restriction during 21 days after weaning, and then ad libitum till slaughter. During the feed restriction period the growth rate was linearly reduced with the restriction level, by 0.5 g/day for each percent of intake reduction. When returning to ad libitum intake (after 54 days old) a compensatory growth and a higher feed efficiency occurred. Therefore, the impact of the feeding programme on the slaughter weight (SW) was significant (-4.5 g/% of restriction), but relatively moderate: the weight loss of the more-restricted rabbits (60%) reached 7.7% (-200 g) compared to the AL group. Over the whole fattening period, the feed restriction reduced linearly and significantly the feed conversion (FC) (-0.0077 unit/% of restriction). Carcass traits were little affected by the feeding programme, except for a slightly lower decrease of the dressing percentage (mean: 1.2 units between AL and the three restricted groups). On the six experimental sites, mortality and morbidity were always caused by acute digestive disorders, namely diarrhoea and/or caecal impaction. Independent of the treatment, the mortality rate strongly varied according to the site (between 7% and 18% from weaning to 54 days and for the AL group). During feed restriction, the mortality was significantly lower from a restriction threshold of 80% (meanly: -9% compared to AL). The morbidity was also significantly reduced (-6%) for the two most restricted groups (70% and 60%). The favourable effect of a lower intake on health did not persist after returning to ad libitum intake (54 days to slaughter), since mortality and morbidity were not significantly different among the treatments. Such a feeding strategy thus represents a double benefit in terms of feed costs and lower losses of young rabbits.  相似文献   

Wheat infected naturally withFusarium, contaminated mainly with 18.53 mg DON per kg, was added to a total constant wheat proportion of 400g/kg diet. Control and DON contaminated feed was fed for 11 weeks underad libitum and restrictive feeding conditions to 48 pigs of both sexes, which were randomly divided into 4 groups. Effects on performance (live weight range between 26 and 100kg), duration of feed intake and blood parameters were investigated. Parallel to this study, a balance study was carried out to examine the effects on nutrient digestibility and DON metabolism. The group fed the DON contaminated rationad libitum consumed 15% less feed and gained 14% less live weight compared to thead libitum control group, while the feed to gain ratio was unaffected. Under restrictive feeding conditions (DON and control) pigs exhibited 33%, 25% and 10% lower feed consumption, live weight gain and feed to gain ratio, respectively, than the control group fedad libitum. Metabolizability of energy, digestibility of organic matter, crude protein, crude fat and N-retention were significantly increased by 4, 3, 6, 11 and 10%, respectively, in the DON group of the restrictively fed pigs. In average up to 43.2% of the ingested DON, as the parent toxin in both groups, was eliminated with the urine and up to 3.0% with faeces. DON fed animals needed more time to consume the restrictive ration than the control group. Presented at the 26th Mykotoxin-Workshop in Herrsching, Germany, May 17–19, 2004. Financial support Deutsone Forschungsgemeingschaft  相似文献   

Feed form is well recognized to improve broiler performance, specially by increasing feed intake (FI). However, when different diet energy levels are used, the results differ in the literature. Therefore, this experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of feed form and dietary metabolizable energy (ME) levels on broiler performance, carcass yield and on the digestibility of DM, CP, starch and gross energy. In total, 1152 male Cobb 500 broilers were evaluated between 35 and 47 days. The birds were distributed according to a completely randomized design in a 2 × 4 factorial arrangement, consisting of two feed forms (mash or pellet) and four ME levels (12.73, 13.06, 13.40 or 13.73 MJ/kg), totaling eight treatments with eight replicates of 18 birds. Broilers fed the lowest ME level presented the lowest weight gain (WG) and worst feed per unit gain (P < 0.01). Metabolizable energy intake increased (P < 0.01) with progressive increments of ME, which, however, did not affect caloric conversion (CC, P > 0.05). Pelleted diets promoted higher FI, WG, ME intake (P < 0.01) and better feed per unit gain and CC (P < 0.05) compared with mash. In mash diets, increasing dietary ME levels promoted a linear increase in WG (P < 0.01) and reduced feed per unit gain (P ≤ 0.05), but did not affect FI (P > 0.05). In pelleted diets, on the other hand, increasing ME levels linearly reduced FI (P < 0.05) and feed per unit gain (P < 0.01). Broilers fed pelleted diets presented higher abdominal fat deposition than those fed mash (P < 0.05). Increasing ME levels reduced the coefficients of ileal apparent digestibility of DM (P < 0.01) and total starch (P < 0.05) but did not affect the digestibility of other evaluated nutrients. The digestibility of all nutrients was lower when pelleted diets were fed compared with mash. Increasing inert material inclusion in the diets at the expense of soybean oil to reduce dietary ME levels promoted higher pellet durability index values (P < 0.05) and the percentage of fines (P < 0.01). Overall, the results suggest that pelleted diets promote better broiler performance because they increase FI, since the digestibility of dietary fractions is reduced. Chickens consuming low-energy pelleted diets may increase FI to compensate for energy deficit. In contrast, broilers fed mash diets may have reached their maximum intake capacity and did not regulate FI by changing feed energy density. When feeding pelleted diets, dietary energy reduction should be considered to reduce feed costs and to improve the carcass quality of broilers.  相似文献   

Limiting the post-weaning intake of the young rabbit is known to improve its resistance to digestive disorders, whereas a degradation of its housing hygiene is assumed to have a negative impact on its health. This study aims at providing insights into the mechanism of digestive health preservation regarding both host (growth and immune response) and its symbiotic digestive microbiota. A 2×2 factorial design from weaning (day 28) to day 64 was set up: ad libitum intake or restricted intake at 70% of ad libitum, and high v. low hygiene of housing (n=105 per group). At day 36 and day 45, 15 animals/group were subcutaneously immunized with ovalbumin (OVA) to assess their specific immune response. Blood was sampled at 36, 45, 57 and 64 days of age to determine total and anti-OVA immunoglobulin type G (IgG) and haptoglobin levels. The cecal bacterial community was explored (18 per group) by 454 pyrosequencing of genes coding for the 16S ribosomal RNA, whereas cecal pH, NH3 and volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentrations were measured to characterize fermentative activity. A 30% reduction in feed intake reduced the growth by only 17% (P<0.001), and improved the feed conversion ratio by 15% (P<0.001), whereas the degradation of hygiene conditions slightly decreased the feed intake in ad libitum fed rabbits (−3.5%, P<0.02). As poor hygiene conditions did not affect weight gain, feed conversion was improved from day 42 (P<0.05). Restricted feeding led to a lower mortality between day 28 and day 40 (P=0.047), whereas degraded hygiene conditions decreased overall morbidity (7.8% v. 16.6%; P<0.01). Both a reduced intake and low hygiene conditions of housing affected microbiota composition and especially dominant genera belonging to the Ruminococcaceae family (P<0.01). Moreover, low hygiene was associated with a higher Ruminococcaceae/Lachnospiraceae ratio (3.7 v. 2.4; P<0.05). Cecal total VFA and pH were increased (+19%; P<0.001) and decreased (−0.1 pH unit; P<0.05), respectively, in feed-restricted rabbits. Neither specific anti-OVA IgG nor haptoglobin was affected by treatments. Total IgG concentrations were the highest in animals raised in poor hygiene conditions after 8 days of restriction, but decreased after 19 days of restriction in high hygiene conditions (−2.15%; P<0.05). In conclusion, the degradation of hygiene conditions failed to induce a systematic specific and inflammatory response in rabbit, but reduced morbidity instead. Our results suggest that the microbiota composition would be a helpful source of biomarkers of digestive health.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of pre-weaning concentrate feeding in early-weaned (EW, day 90) or traditionally weaned (TW, day 150) autumn-born beef calves on growth, feed intake and feed efficiency, and carcass and meat quality. Twenty-eight male calves were either EW or TW, and offered a starter concentrate (S) or no additional feed (NS) during the pre-weaning period. Therefore, four management strategies were tested: EWS, EWNS, TWS and TWNS. Growth patterns were affected by management strategy. From day 90 to 150, TWNS calves presented a substantially lower average daily gain (ADG) than their counterparts, which had similar performance. During the finishing phase (from day 150 to slaughter at 450 kg live weight), EWS calves had the lowest ADG. Daily feed intake or efficiency in the finishing phase was unaffected by previous management. Serum IGF-I concentrations at day 90 and slaughter did not differ with management strategy, but early weaning and pre-weaning concentrate feeding increased IGF-I concentrations at day 150. Circulating leptin concentrations were unaffected by age at weaning and pre-weaning concentrate feeding, except for leptin concentrations at slaughter, which were higher in S calves than in NS calves. Total concentrate intake from birth to slaughter and the concomitant feed costs were higher for EWS and EWNS calves than for TWNS and TWS ones. However, cow feed costs were lower for cows whose calves had been early weaned. Concerning carcass quality, early weaning improved dressing percentage and increased fatness score, and particularly TWNS calves presented a poorer conformation. Meat quality was not affected by management strategy. Considering the economic performance, TWS, EWNS and EWS strategies yielded a similar economic margin, whereas TWNS would be the least advisable strategy when calves are fattened in the farm until slaughter.  相似文献   

Feed restriction after weaning is widely used in meat rabbit farms to promote health and reduce mortality, but this practice impacts negatively on rabbit growth and slaughter performance. This study compared a 3-week post-weaning feed restriction with ad libitum medicated feeding, evaluating effects on feed intake, growth, health, carcass and meat quality of rabbits of two genotypes: Italian White pure breed and Hycole hybrid×Italian White crossbred. A total of 512 rabbits at 36 days of age, of both sexes and two genotypes, were divided into four homogeneous groups assigned, from 36 to 57 days of age, to different feeding programmes (FP): restricted non-medicated (R-N), ad libitum non-medicated (L-N), restricted medicated (R-M) and ad libitum medicated (L-M). The diets were medicated with oxytetracycline (1540 mg/kg) and colistin sulphate (240 mg/kg). The restriction, performed by giving 70, 80 and 90 g/day of feed for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd week, was followed by ad libitum feeding in the successive 5 weeks, up to slaughter at 92 days of age. Restricted feeds were ingested at a level of 64% of the feed intake recorded in the ad libitum fed rabbits; it was significantly associated, regardless of medication and rabbit genotype, with a lower feed intake (−22 to −24 g dry matter/day) during the entire experiment, compensatory growth and a lower feed conversion ratio in the ad libitum period, and a lower final live weight (−150 g) than ad libitum feeding (P<0.001). During restriction, mortality was lower in the restricted rabbits (6.25%, 5.47% v. 12.5%, 14.8% for R-N, R-M, L-N and L-M; P<0.05), whereas in the ad libitum period mortality did not differ among the groups (9.23%, 9.90%, 11.0% and 4.59% for R-N, R-M, L-N and L-M). Dressing out percentage was not affected by FP or genotype; heavier carcasses were produced by rabbits fed ad libitum (+100 g; P<0.001) and crossbred rabbits (+122 g; P<0.001). Restriction did not alter meat quality, except for a tendency towards a higher cooking loss and less fat; crossbred meat was higher in L* (+1.3; P<0.01) and b* (+0.51; P<0.05) colour indexes and tenderness (−0.14 kg/cm2; P<0.05) than pure breed meat. Under the conditions of this study, a 3-week restricted feeding after weaning resulted to be a suitable alternative, also for high growth potential genotypes, to the antibiotics to preserve rabbit health. The production of lighter carcasses could be compensated partly by the lower feed conversion ratio showed by restricted rabbits.  相似文献   


Deoxynivalenol (DON), a mycotoxin synthesised by the Fusarium, is known to affect the growth of pigs. This effect can be attenuated with sodium meta-bisulphite (SBS). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of SBS with antioxidant blend on nutrient digestibility in pigs fed a diet contaminated naturally with DON. Six crossbred castrated pigs fitted surgically with single-T cannulas in the distal ileum received one of four barley-corn-soybean diets with or without SBS. After 8 d of feeding, faeces and ileal digesta were collected for 2 d. Apparent ileal digestibility (AID) of the dry matter (DM), energy, nutrients and DON, and apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of DM, acid detergent fibre (ADF), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), energy and DON were evaluated. The AID of phosphorus, calcium and some amino acids was increased (p < 0.05) in the DON diets whereas the ATTD of DM and energy tended to decrease (p = 0.064 and p = 0.071). SBS reduced the AID of DM, energy, ADF, ether extract, phosphorus and DON (p < 0.05) but had no effect on the ATTD of DM, energy, fibre or DON. These results show that DON improved the AID of some nutrients but tended to reduce the ATTD of energy, which could explain, although anorexia is the main effect of DON on live weight gain, the reported negative effect of DON on pig growth. Finally, SBS with antioxidant blend had reduced AID of some nutrients and intestinal absorption of DON.  相似文献   


Diets containing 0, 1 and 10 g ergot (Claviceps purpurea) per kg, corresponding to mean total alkaloid contents of 0.05, 0.60 and 4.66 mg/kg (sums of ergometrine, ergotamine, ergocornine, α-ergocryptine, ergocristine, ergosine and their -inine isomers analysed by a HPLC-method), were each fed ad libitum to 12 pigs in the BW range of 30–115 kg to study the effect of ergot-contaminated feed on growth and slaughtering performance and the carry over of ergot alkaloids. Additionally, balance trials were conducted to investigate the digestibility of nutrients. Tendencies towards reduced feed intake and BWG were observed at a feeding level of 4.66 mg total alkaloids per kg diet. Typical symptoms of ergot poisoning were not observed. Heart and spleen weights showed significant linear increases. Differences in carcass quality due to dietary treatment were not detected. No genuine ergot alkaloids were found in physiological samples. The balance trials demonstrated a significantly decreased protein digestibility for the most highly supplemented diet.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Hershberger and male pubertal onset assays have been identified as possible Tier I screening tests to detect endocrine‐active compounds (EACs). Both tests rely on changes in reproductive and/or accessory sex gland (ASG) weights in young animals. Because chemical treatment may affect growth rate, the relationship between body weight and reproductive/ASG weights was examined using feed restriction (FR) to produce a targeted 10% decrease in body weight. METHODS: In the male pubertal onset assay, 23‐day‐old rats (12/group) were given ad lib feed or FR until euthanized at 45, 49, 52, 56, or 59 days of age. Despite a 10% body weight differential, pubertal onset was not significantly delayed and testes weights were conserved. Absolute prostate, ventral prostate, seminal vesicle, epididymides, and liver weights were decreased by FR. Relative weights for the prostate, ventral prostate, and seminal vesicles were similar to controls, but relative epididymides and liver weights still exhibited FR‐mediated changes. In the Hershberger assay, male rats (12/group) castrated at 36 days of age were given ad lib feed or FR in the presence or absence of testosterone propionate (T) from 46–55, 50–59, or 56–65 days of age. At 56, 60, and 66 days of age, rats were euthanized. In untreated animals, FR did not alter absolute ventral prostate, seminal vesicles, or Cowper's gland weights; however, absolute and relative weights of the levator ani‐bulbocavernosus muscles (LABC) were affected. In T‐treated animals, absolute organ weights (the ventral prostate, seminal vesicles, LABC, and glans penis) were relatively insensitive to FR. The weight of the Cowper's gland was affected only at 66 days of age. RESULTS: These data show that reproductive and ASG organ weight endpoints in the Hershberger and male pubertal onset assays can be influenced by FR levels that produce a 10% change in terminal body weight. CONCLUSIONS: The establishment of objective criteria for a positive or negative result is problematic due to the confounding effects of body weight on some endpoints. Furthermore, a 10% decrease in body weight seems to be excessive as a requirement for high‐dose toxicity in these assays due to possible indictment of agents that are not EACs, as well as potential masking of EAC effects coincident with body weight changes. Minimally, caution must be used in interpreting assay results in the presence of a 10% body weight change, recognizing the possible confounding effects of this degree of growth suppression. Birth Defects Res B 68:363–374, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Feed restriction with its resultant body weight loss impacts the rodent estrous cycle; however, the manifestation of these changes in a regulatory study design has not been documented. This study reports the effects of feed restriction in the context of an FDA regulatory submission. METHODS: Adult female rats (n = 20/group; weighing approximately 200 g each) were provided rodent chow ad lib (control) or at 20, 15, 10, or 7.5 g/rat/day (g/day) during a 2-week pre-mating phase, throughout the mating phase, and up to gestation day (GD) 7. On GD 8, all animals were provided ad lib feed until necropsy on GD 14. Estrous cyclicity, mating, and fertility parameters were evaluated. RESULTS: Ad lib rats consumed approximately 20 and 28 g/day during the pre-mating and gestation phases, respectively. All measured fertility parameters in the 20 g/day group were similar to control values. In the 15 g/day group, body weight was reduced by 16% at 2 weeks, prolonged diestrus occurred, and fertility was compromised due to reductions in corpora lutea. Within 2 weeks, mean body weight in groups receiving < or = 10 g/day was reduced by > or = 29% compared to ad lib values, and overt changes in estrous cyclicity, mating, and fertility occurred. The 7.5 g/day group was not sustainable beyond the pre-mating phase. CONCLUSIONS: For this study type, feed intake at < or = 50% ad lib values (< or = 10 g/day) was inadequate due to the magnitude and rapidity of body weight effects. Estrous parameters appeared slightly more sensitive than functional measures, as body weight changes of approximately 16% appeared near the threshold of changing routinely calculated estrous cycle parameters and were later associated with reduced fertility. In general, body weight differences of 10-15% by themselves were not adverse to normal reproduction (20 g/day).  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the effectiveness of dietary cellulase (243 U/g, derived from Neocallimastix patriciarum) and a Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product (yeast product) on ruminal fermentation characteristics, enteric methane (CH4) emissions and methanogenic community in growing goats. The experiment was conducted in a 5 × 5 Latin square design using five Xiangdong black wether goats. The treatments included a Control and two levels of cellulase (0.8 g and 1.6 g/kg dry matter intake (DMI), i.e. 194 U/kg and 389 U/kg DMI, respectively) crossed over with two levels (6 g or 12 g/kg DMI) of the yeast product. There were no significant differences regarding feed intake, apparent digestibility of organic matter, neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibre among all the treatments. In comparison with the Control, the ruminal ammonia N concentration was decreased (= 0.001) by cellulase and yeast product addition. The activities of carboxymethylcellulase and xylanase were decreased after cellulase addition. Moreover, dietary cellulase and yeast product addition led to a significant reduction (p < 0.05) of enteric CH4 emissions although the diversity and copy numbers of methanogens among treatments were not dissimilar. The present results indicate that the combination of cellulase and yeast fermentation product can reduce the production of CH4 energy and mitigate the enteric CH4 emissions to a certain degree.  相似文献   

The current pilot study assessed the influence of N,N-dimethylglycine (DMG) on insulin sensitivity, glucose and fat metabolism, nutrient digestibility and reproductive performance of sows in the peripartal period. At day 105 of gestation, 25 sows were randomly assigned to the control (n = 13) or the DMG group (n = 12). Sows from the DMG group were supplemented with 1 g DMG/kg feed until day 3 of lactation. After an overnight fast 1 day after farrowing, a blood sample of each sow was drawn. The plasma was analyzed for insulin, glucose, fructosamine, leptin, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and triglycerides (TG) and an oral glucose tolerance test was performed. A rectal feces sample was collected and the apparent fecal digestibility (AFD) of crude fat (CFAT), crude protein (CP) and nitrogen-free extract (NFE) was calculated after proximate analyses. Finally, a colostrum sample was collected from each sow and analyzed for the presence of DMG. Reproductive performance parameters were recorded. The results showed an improvement in the AFD of CFAT, CP and NFE when DMG was supplemented. This beneficial effect confirms the hypothesis that DMG acts as an emulsifying agent. The improvement in digestibility in the DMG group was accompanied by a numerical increase in plasma TG (P = 0.067). Plasma NEFA concentrations were not different between treatment groups. DMG supplementation neither affected glucose clearance nor influenced plasma insulin, glucose, fructosamine or leptin levels. TBARS and FRAP also remained unaffected, despite previously reported anti-oxidative properties of DMG. Furthermore, no significant impact on reproductive performance could be recorded. In conclusion, DMG supplementation significantly improved nutrient digestibility. Possible beneficial effects on energy metabolism and reproductive performance of sows should be tested when DMG is supplemented for a longer period of time or at a higher dose.  相似文献   

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