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The ruminal effective degradability (RED) and intestinal effective digestibility (IED) for dry matter, crude protein (CP) and amino acids (AA) were estimated by a simplified in situ method using pooled samples from rumen-incubated residues, which represented the ruminal outflow of undegraded feed. The effect of microbial contamination in the rumen was corrected using 15N infusion techniques. Studies were carried out for soybean meal (SBM), barley grain (BG) and lucerne hay (LH) in three wethers cannulated in the rumen and the duodenum. Uncorrected values of RED for CP obtained either by mathematical integration or our simplified method were similar in all feeds. Microbial N in the pooled samples of SBM, BG and LH were 2%, 11% and 24% of total N, respectively. However, intestinal incubation eliminated this microbial charge by 100%, 99% and 88%, respectively. With microbial corrections, RED showed an increase, and IED showed a decrease, except for SBM. With this correction, intestinal digested CP was reduced by 2% in SBM, 13% in BG and 34% in LH. Corrected IED of AA was relatively similar in SBM (97–99%). However, large variations were observed in BG (74–93%) and in LH (10–88%). Digestion in the rumen and intestine changed the essential AA pattern. Overall, our results support that AA digestion is affected by the characteristics of their radicals and their contents in plant cell wall proteins. The accurate estimation of feed metabolisable AA or protein requires effective measures that are corrected by ruminal microbial contamination. The proposed in situ method largely simplifies these tasks and allows a more complete and less expensive feed evaluation.  相似文献   

The effective degradability of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and amino acids (AA), and the intestinal effective digestibility (IED) of DM and CP of a green forage corn (GC) and its silage (EC) were determined on freeze-dried samples using three rumen and duodenum cannulated wethers. Two rumen incubations with duplicate bags were performed for each feed. Rumen degradation was determined on one series of bags from each incubation. The other series was freeze-dried and used to determine IED using mobile nylon bags. Microbial contamination of rumen incubated residues (determined with 15N techniques) fitted exponential functions, which showed a greater microbial contribution in EC than in GC in the undegradable DM (18.6% vs. 13.5%) and CP (81.7% vs. 69.4%). Degradability was calculated considering the particle rumen outflow rate (kp : 0.056/h) of the EC (EDp) or additionally the rate of comminution and mixing (kc : 0.130/h) of these particles (EDcp). Ensiling increased EDp (9.33%, p < 0.01) or EDcp (5.30%, p = 0.062) of DM and was associated with losses of nitrogen and with large changes in the AA profile. It is necessary to correct the microbial contamination, because it represents 32.0% (GC) and 42.5% (EC) of the undegraded CP when using kp and kc . Ensiling caused higher degradabilities for some AA as well as large differences in the changes due to the rumen fermentation on the AA profile. However, it had only limited effects on the undegraded protein profile. Ensiling also reduced the IED of DM (23.3% vs. 14.6%; p = 0.057). In conclusion, results do not show losses of nutritive value by ensiling corn cut at vitreous grain stage.  相似文献   

This study included 33 samples with main focus on unprotected or rumen-protected rapeseed and soybean feedstuffs, which were analysed using an enzymatic in vitro procedure (EIVP) in order to determine intestinal crude protein (CP) digestibility (IPD) of ruminally undegraded CP. The EIVP involved the sequential digestion of samples with a protease from Streptomyces griseus, pepsin-HCl and pancreatin. Briefly, the EIVP started with determination of true protein. Feeds were incubated for 18 h in a buffer solution at a constant ratio (41 U/g) of S. griseus protease activity to feed true protein. The dried residues were incubated in pepsin-HCl solution for 1 h, and residues from this step were incubated in pancreatin solution for 24 h. Results appeared to have lower IPD dimensions than literature data of previous studies. In addition, a negative correlation became apparent between acid detergent fibre and IPD, as well as a positive correlation between CP, true protein and IPD. The EIVP in its current, strictly standardised form can be applied to develop a database that can be used for protein evaluation systems for establishing tabular values of IPD. Nevertheless, future studies may be hindered since sufficient reference values, i.e. in vivo data, are completely missing.  相似文献   

Cistus ladanifer L. (CL) is a perennial shrub abundant in dry woods and dry land of Mediterranean zone, with high level of tannins. Tannins bind to protein, preventing its degradation in the digestive compartments. This tannin/protein complex may be advantageous when partially protecting good-quality feed protein from excessive rumen protein degradation. The objective of this trial was to use a CL phenol crude extract to prevent excessive rumen degradation of soya-bean meal protein. The phenolic compounds were extracted using an acetone/water solution (70:30, v/v). Soya-bean meal was then treated with this crude CL extract, containing 640 g of total phenols (TP) per kg of dry matter (DM), in order to obtain mixtures with 0, 12.5, 25, 50, 100 and 150 g of TP per kg DM. Three rumen-cannulated rams were used to assess in sacco rumen degradability of DM and nitrogen (N). The three-step in vitro procedure was used to determine intestinal digestibility. Increasing extract concentrations quadratically decreased the N-soluble fraction a (R2 = 0.96, P = 0.0001) and increased the non-soluble degradable fraction b (R2 = 0.92, P = 0.005). The rate of degradation c linearly decreased with CL extract doses (R2 = 0.44, P = 0.0065). For the effective rumen degradability of N, a linear reduction (R2 = 0.94, P < 0.0001) was observed. The in vitro intestinal digestibility of protein (ivID) quadratically decreased (R2 = 0.99, P < 0.0001) with TP inclusion and the rumen undegradable protein (RUP) showed a quadratic increase (R2 = 0.94, P = 0.0417). Total intestinal protein availability, computed from the RUP and ivID, linearly decreased with TP inclusion level (R2 = 0.45, P = 0.0033).  相似文献   

The objectives of the trial were to study the effects of dietary crude protein (CP) and tannic acid (TA) on rumen fermentation, microbiota and nutrient digestion in beef cattle. Eight growing beef cattle (live weight 350 ± 25 kg) were allocated in a 2 × 2 crossover design using two levels of dietary CP [111 g/kg dry matter (DM) and 136 g/kg DM] and two levels of TA (0 and 16.9 g/kg DM) as experimental treatments. Each experimental period lasted 19 d, consisting of 14-d adaptation and 5-d sampling. The impacts of dietary CP and TA on ruminal microbiota were analysed using high-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA gene. Results indicated that no interactions between dietary CP and TA were found on rumen fermentation and nutrient digestibility. Increasing dietary CP level from 111 to 136 g/kg DM increased the ruminal concentrations of ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) (p < 0.01) and improved the CP digestibility (p < 0.001). Adding TA at 16.9 g/kg DM inhibited rumen fermentation and decreased the digestibility of dietary CP (p < 0.001), DM (p < 0.05) and organic matter (p < 0.01). Increasing the dietary CP level or adding TA did not affect the relative abundances of the major bacteria Firmicutes and Proteobacteria at the phylum level and Prevotella_1 and Christensenellaceae_R-7_group at the genus level, even though adding TA increased the Shannon index of the ruminal bacterial community. TA was partly hydrolysed to pyrogallol, gallic acid and resorcinol in rumen fluid and the inhibitory effects of TA on rumen fermentation and nutrient digestibility could have been resulted from the TA metabolites including pyrogallol, gallic acid and resorcinol as well as the protein-binding effect.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of the dietary ratio of ruminal degraded protein (RDP) to ruminal undegraded protein (RUP) and the dry matter intake (DMI) on the intestinal flows of endogenous nitrogen (N) and amino acids (AA) in goats. The experiment was designed as a 4 × 4 Latin square using four ruminally, duodenally and ileally cannulated goats. The treatments were arranged in a 2 × 2 factorial design; two ratios of RDP to RUP (65:35 and 45:55, RDP1 and RDP2, respectively) and two levels at 95% and 75% of voluntary feed intake (DMI1 and DMI2, respectively) were fed to the goats. There were no significant differences in the N intake, duodenal flow of total N, undegraded feed N, microbial N, endogenous N or ileal flow of endogenous N, but the duodenal and ileal flow of endogenous N numerically decreased by approximately 22% and 9%, respectively, when the feed intake changed from DMI1 (0.63 kg/d) to DMI2 (0.50 kg/d). The dietary ratio of RDP to RUP had significant effects (p < 0.05) on the ileal flows of endogenous leucine, phenylalanine and cysteine. The present results implied that the duodenal flows of endogenous N and AA decreased when the dietary RDP to RUP ratio and DMI decreased, and the flow of endogenous AA at the ileum also decreased when the DMI decreased but increased with decreasing RDP to RUP ratios.  相似文献   

Lowering dietary protein concentration is known to decrease urinary nitrogen (N) losses and increase milk N efficiency in dairy cows, but it may negatively affect animal productivity. Plant-derived essential oils (EO) may alleviate these negative effects by improving the efficiency of rumen fermentation in cows fed reduced feed protein diets. The experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of lowering crude protein (CP) supply alone or in a combination with an EO product on feed intake, milk production and composition, rumen fermentation, total tract digestibility and N utilization in dairy cows. Twenty-one Holstein cows were used in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design experiment. Each period consisted of 14 days for adaptation and 14 days for data collection and sampling. Cows were randomly assigned to one of three experimental diets: a 165 g/kg CP diet (control), a 155 g/kg CP diet (LCP) and LCP supplemented with 35 g/day per cow EO (LCPEO). The dry matter (DM) intake was decreased by LCP and LCPEO compared with the control; there was no effect of EO on DM intake. Milk yield and composition and feed efficiency were similar among treatments. Ruminal pH, lactate, ammonia and volatile fatty acids concentrations were not affected by treatment, except increased valerate concentration by LCPEO compared with LCP. The supplementation of EO tended to decrease protozoal counts. The LCP and LCPEO increased total tract digestibility of DM and organic matter and decreased CP digestibility compared with the control. Supplementation with EO did not affect total tract digestibility of dietary nutrients compared with the control or LCP. The LCP and LCPEO decreased urinary and fecal N excretions and increased milk N efficiency; nitrogen losses were not affected by EO. In this study, lowering dietary CP by 10 g/kg decreased urinary and fecal N excretion without affecting productivity. The supplementation of EO to LCP had only minor effects on rumen fermentation and did not affect productivity, digestibility and N excretion in lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

Aim: The aim of this study was to find suitable yeast isolates as potential microbial feed additives for ruminants. Methods and Results: Yeast isolates from traditional fermented food (tapai) and home‐made wine were selected based on their tolerance to volatile fatty acids (VFA) mixture of acetic, propionic and butyric acids and to pH and temperature according to the rumen condition. The ability to grow in and produce ethanol was determined in yeast extract peptone glucose broth supplemented with a VFA mixture (VFA‐YEPG medium). Fifty‐five isolates showed OD660nm values between 0·35–0·6, and 27 isolates showed ethanol production in the range of 0·17–0·30% (v/v). All selected isolates were identified as Kluyveromyces marxianus base on biochemical tests (BioLog kit; Biolog Inc., Hayward, CA) and molecular techniques. The best isolate in terms of ethanol production (K. marxianus WJ1) significantly (P < 0·01) improved in vitro apparent dry matter (DM) digestibility of alfalfa (Medicago sativa), guinea grass (Panicum maximum) and timothy (Phleum pretense) hay by rumen microbes. Conclusion: Yeast isolates from tapai and wine were able to grow in VFA‐YEPG medium, and K. marxianus WJ1 improved in vitro DM digestibility of plant substrates. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study indicated the possibility of using K. marxianus as a microbial feed additive.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to evaluate the variability in in situ CP degradation characteristics of 15 batches lupin grains from nine genotypes in a standardised approach. This study also investigated whether differences in CP degradation can be described by protein fractionation using the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS) and also whether thermal processing of lupins has an effect on CP degradation in the rumen and analysed protein fractions. The rising political and consumer demand for milk products from dairy production systems based on domestic protein sources and the wide range of lupin types and varieties that can be chosen as protein feed in dairy nutrition requires research to determine the variability in CP degradation characteristics in the rumen. For CP degradation measurements, ground grains were incubated in the rumen of three lactating Jersey cows fitted with a ruminal cannula for different times from 2 to 48 h, and the washing loss of non-incubated samples was also measured. Protein fractions were analysed according to CNCPS and used for the estimation of ruminally degraded protein. In situ CP degradation parameters varied widely between untreated samples. The mean value for the washout fraction was 29.3% (from 16.4% to 43.6%). The potentially degradable fraction averaged 70.5% (from 55.6% to 83.7%), hence maximal degradation of CP was close to completeness. Mean degradation rate was 16.6%/h (from 12.6 to 21.0%/h). Variation in estimated parameters led to variation in the effective degradation (ED) averaging 76.6% (from 67.3% to 83.0%) when calculated assuming a ruminal outflow of 8%/h. Thermal treatment of lupins induced changes in degradation characteristics, primarily by lowering degradation rates, and also led to a significant reduction in ED. The ED calculated from analysed protein fractions averaged 10 percentage points higher than ED calculated from in situ parameters for untreated grains. The ED based on protein fractionation was also reduced by heat treatment, but the correlation with in situ based ED was poor. It can be concluded that the variation in ED indicates a potential to increase the amount of rumen undegraded protein without additional chemical or physical treatment and the effect of genetic factors and agronomic practices on ED of lupin grains should be investigated in systematic studies in the future.  相似文献   

In ruminants, dietary lipids are extensively hydrogenated by rumen micro-organisms, and the extent of this biohydrogenation is a major determinant of long-chain fatty acid profiles of animal products (milk, meat). This paper reports on the duodenal flows of C18 fatty acids and their absorption in the small intestine, using a meta-analysis of a database of 77 experiments (294 treatments). We established equations for the prediction of duodenal flows of various 18-carbon (C18) fatty acids as a function of the intakes of their precursors and other dietary factors (source and/or technological treatment of dietary lipids). We also quantified the influence of several factors modifying rumen metabolism (pH, forage : concentrate ratio, level of intake, fish oil supplementation). We established equations for the apparent absorption of these fatty acids in the small intestine as a function of their duodenal flows. For all C18 unsaturated fatty acids, apparent absorption was a linear function of duodenal flow. For 18:0, apparent absorption levelled off for high duodenal flows. From this database, with fatty acid flows expressed in g/kg dry matter intake, we could not find any significant differences between animal categories (lactating cows, other cattle or sheep) in terms of rumen metabolism or intestinal absorption of C18 fatty acids.  相似文献   

To determine whether non-fibrous carbohydrate (NFC) supplementation improves fiber digestibility and microbial protein synthesis, 18 Corriedale ewes with a fixed intake level (40 g dry matter (DM)/kg BW0.75) were assigned to three (n = 6) diets: F = 100% fresh temperate forage, FG = 70% forage + 30% barley grain and FGM = 70% forage + 15% barley grain + 15% molasses-based product (MBP, Kalori 3000). Two experimental periods were carried out, with late (P1) and early (P2) vegetative stage forage. For P2, ewes were fitted with ruminal catheters. Forage was distributed at 0900 h, 1300 h, 1800 h and 2300 h, and supplement added at 0900 h and 1800 h meals. Digestibility of the different components of the diets, retained N and rumen microbial protein synthesis were determined. At the end of P2, ruminal pH and N-NH3 concentration were determined hourly for 24 h. Supplementation increased digestibility of DM (P < 0.001) and organic matter (OM; P < 0.001) and reduced NDF digestibility (P = 0.043) in both periods, with greater values in P2 (P = 0.008) for the three diets. Daily mean ruminal pH differed (P < 0.05) among treatments: 6.33 (F), 6.15 (FG) and 6.51 (FGM). The high pH in FGM was attributed to Ca(OH)2 in MBP. Therefore, the decreased fiber digestibility in supplemented diets could not be attributed to pH changes. The mean ruminal concentration of N-NH3 was 18.0 mg/dl, without differences among treatments or sampling hours. Microbial protein synthesis was greater in P2 (8.0 g/day) than in P1 (6.1 g/day; P = 0.006), but treatments did not enhance this parameter. The efficiency of protein synthesis tended to be lower in supplemented groups (16.4, 13.9 and 13.4 in P1, and 20.8, 16.7 and 16.2 g N/kg digestible OM ingested in P2, for F, FG and FGM, respectively; P = 0.07) without differences between supplements. The same tendency was observed for retained N: 2.55, 1.38 and 1.98 in P1, and 2.28, 1.23 and 1.10 g/day in P2, for F, FG and FGM, respectively; P = 0.05). The efficiency of microbial protein synthesis was greater in P2 (P = 0.007). In conclusion, addition of feeds containing NFCs to fresh temperate forage reduced the digestibility of cell walls and did not improve microbial protein synthesis or its efficiency. An increase in these parameters was associated to the early phenological stage of the forage.  相似文献   

The evolution of feeding systems for ruminants towards evaluation of diets in terms of multiple responses requires the updating of the calculation of nutrient supply to the animals to make it more accurate on aggregated units (feed unit, or UF, for energy and protein digestible in the intestine, or PDI, for metabolizable protein) and to allow prediction of absorbed nutrients. The present update of the French system is based on the building and interpretation through meta-analysis of large databases on digestion and nutrition of ruminants. Equations involved in the calculation of UF and PDI have been updated, allowing: (1) prediction of the out flow rate of particles and liquid depending on the level of intake and the proportion of concentrate, and the use of this in the calculation of ruminal digestion of protein and starch from in situ data; (2) the system to take into account the effects of the main factors of digestive interactions (level of intake, proportion of concentrate, rumen protein balance) on organic matter digestibility, energy losses in methane and in urine; (3) more accurate calculation of the energy available in the rumen and the efficiency of its use for the microbial protein synthesis. In this renewed model UF and PDI values of feedstuffs vary depending on diet composition, and intake level. Consequently, standard feed table values can be considered as being only indicative. It is thus possible to predict the nutrient supply on a wider range of diets more accurately and in particular to better integrate energy×protein interactions occurring in the gut.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the effect of protein source / availability on the intestinal microbiota, digestive traits and nutritional performance of early-weaned rabbits. The effects of supplemental antibiotics in the drinking water were also evaluated. Four isoenergetic and isofibrous diets were formulated: a control diet with a high protein (207 g/kg dry matter (DM)) and lucerne hay content (HPHL), a diet with low crude protein (CP) (179 g/kg DM) and high lucerne hay content (LPHL) and low protein diets in which the lucerne hay in diet LPHL was replaced partially (LPML) or totally (LPLL) with soya-bean protein concentrate. Rabbits, weaned at 25 days (52 per diet), were fed the experimental diets for a 2-week period and thereafter received a commercial diet until 56 days of age. The incidence of mortality was investigated using 70 animals per diet without supplemental medication. The profile of the ileal microbiota was studied at 35 days of age in rabbits treated (18 per diet) or not (12 per diet) with antibiotic. As expected, supplementation with antibiotics effectively reduced fattening mortality rate and microbial biodiversity. However, lowering of also the dietary CP content led to a reduction in the mortality rate ( P < 0.05), both in animals treated with (by 80%) or without (by 39%) antibiotics. In addition, there was a reduction ( P < 0.05) in the frequency of Clostridium perfringens in non-medicated animals. Neither jejunal morphology nor growth performance, over the whole fattening period, was affected by dietary CP content of the experimental diets. However, with HPHL, feed efficiency was higher (by 4.8%; P < 0.01) than with LPHL diets. Substitution of lucerne hay with soya-bean meal in low protein diets did not affect apparent faecal or ileal digestibility of DM and CP. However, the ileal digestibility of cystine, alanine, aspartic acid, and proline was lowered ( P < 0.05) with increasing substitution by soya bean. Nevertheless, ileal CP flow, incidence of mortality and presence of C. perfringens were unaffected. Our results suggest that a reduction in dietary CP, resulting in reduced lumenal flows of nitrogen through the ileum, may be beneficial for young rabbits and limit the numbers of potentially harmful bacteria in the lower gut. Modulation of dietary CP should be contemplated as a strategy to increase the intestinal health in rabbits.  相似文献   

Carnitine has long been known to play a critical role for energy metabolism. Due to this, a large number of studies have been carried out to investigate the potential of supplemental carnitine in improving performance of livestock animals including ruminants, with however largely inconsistent results. An important issue that has to be considered when using carnitine as a feed additive is that the efficacy of supplemental carnitine is probably dependent on the animal’s carnitine status, which is affected by endogenous carnitine synthesis, carnitine uptake from the gastrointestinal tract and carnitine excretion. The present review aims to summarise the current knowledge of the regulation of carnitine status and carnitine homeostasis in ruminants, and comprehensively evaluate the efficacy of carnitine supplementation on performance and/or health in ruminant livestock by comparing the outcomes of studies with carnitine supplementation in dairy cattle, growing and finishing cattle and sheep. While most of the studies show that supplemental carnitine, even in ruminally unprotected form, is bioavailable in ruminants, its effect on either milk or growth performance is largely disappointing. However, supplemental carnitine appears to be a useful strategy to offer protection against ammonia toxicity caused by consumption of high levels of non-protein N or forages with high levels of soluble N both, in cattle and sheep.  相似文献   

Current feed evaluation systems for dairy cattle aim to match nutrient requirements with nutrient intake at pre-defined production levels. These systems were not developed to address, and are not suitable to predict, the responses to dietary changes in terms of production level and product composition, excretion of nutrients to the environment, and nutrition related disorders. The change from a requirement to a response system to meet the needs of various stakeholders requires prediction of the profile of absorbed nutrients and its subsequent utilisation for various purposes. This contribution examines the challenges to predicting the profile of nutrients available for absorption in dairy cattle and provides guidelines for further improved prediction with regard to animal production responses and environmental pollution.The profile of nutrients available for absorption comprises volatile fatty acids, long-chain fatty acids, amino acids and glucose. Thus the importance of processes in the reticulo-rumen is obvious. Much research into rumen fermentation is aimed at determination of substrate degradation rates. Quantitative knowledge on rates of passage of nutrients out of the rumen is rather limited compared with that on degradation rates, and thus should be an important theme in future research. Current systems largely ignore microbial metabolic variation, and extant mechanistic models of rumen fermentation give only limited attention to explicit representation of microbial metabolic activity. Recent molecular techniques indicate that knowledge on the presence and activity of various microbial species is far from complete. Such techniques may give a wealth of information, but to include such findings in systems predicting the nutrient profile requires close collaboration between molecular scientists and mathematical modellers on interpreting and evaluating quantitative data. Protozoal metabolism is of particular interest here given the paucity of quantitative data.Empirical models lack the biological basis necessary to evaluate mitigation strategies to reduce excretion of waste, including nitrogen, phosphorus and methane. Such models may have little predictive value when comparing various feeding strategies. Examples include the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Tier II models to quantify methane emissions and current protein evaluation systems to evaluate low protein diets to reduce nitrogen losses to the environment. Nutrient based mechanistic models can address such issues. Since environmental issues generally attract more funding from governmental offices, further development of nutrient based models may well take place within an environmental framework.  相似文献   

The in vitro digestibility of two-stage dried olive cake (TSDOC) and olive leaves (OL) unsupplemented or supplemented with increasing amounts of urea (U) or sunflower meal (SM) (0, 1.5, 2 and 2.5 g/100 g organic matter (OM) of the by-product) was determined. Chemical and amino acid composition, in vitro digestibility, in situ rumen degradability of crude protein and amino acids, and in situ–in vitro intestinal digestibility of SM CP and amino acids was determined. The in sacco rumen degradability and in vitro intestinal availability of CP and individual amino acids were also determined. Results obtained in Granadina goats and Segureña wethers were compared. SM provides arginine, glycine and aspartic and glutamic acids. The addition of increasing amounts of U or SM improved (P<0.001) the IVDMD and IVOMD of both TSDOC and OL. There was no effect (P>0.05) of the rumen inoculum origin on in vitro TSDOC digestibility. In contrast, values for OL were higher (P<0.001) for goats versus sheep. In sacco ruminal CP degradability of SM was relatively high, and similar in sheep and goats (ED=0.78 and 0.75 for sheep and goats). Individual amino acid ruminal degradability had different values, being lowest for methionine, leucine, proline, tyrosine and cysteine. Values obtained for individual amino acids differed from those of CP. Apparent intestinal digestibility of undegraded protein (AIDUP) of SM was high (0.86 and 0.98, respectively, for sheep and goats). The intestinally absorbable protein (IADP) was low (18.9 and 24.0 for sheep and goats, respectively). Results indicate that goats and sheep have the same capacity for TSDOC digestion, but goats showed a better capacity than sheep for OL utilisation. Although the amino acids supply to the intestine from SM is not important it could be a good supplement for low degradable protein feedstuffs such as TSDOC and OL.  相似文献   

Fat coating of soybean meal (SBM) can reduce its protein degradability in the rumen, but the encapsulation of SBM with palmitic (PA) and stearic acids (SA) has not yet been investigated, despite both fatty acids are common energy sources in dairy cow diets. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of applying a novel method, using either 400 or 500 g fat/kg (treatments FL40 and FL50, respectively), which was enriched in PA and SA at different ratios (100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0:100), on physical and chemical characteristics, ruminal degradability, solubility and in vitro intestinal protein digestibility (IVIPD) of the obtained products. Encapsulation of SBM in fat resulted in greater mean particle size and lower bulk density and protein solubility than unprotected SBM (USBM). Treatment FL50 resulted in increased (p < 0.01) rumen-undegraded protein (RUP) compared to USBM. There were no differences in RUP of SBM when different PA: SA ratios were used. The mean RUP content of treatments FL40 and FL50 (306 and 349 g/kg, respectively) was greater compared to USBM (262 g/kg, p < 0.05), but lower than that for a standard heat-treated SBM (431 g/kg). Values of IVIPD did not differ among SBM, heat-treated SBM and FL40 and FL50 samples, all being greater than 97.8%. In conclusion, encapsulation of SBM with fats enriched in PA and SA proved to be effective in reducing protein solubility and increasing RUP without depressing protein digestibility in the intestine. For validation of the method, in vivo research to investigate the effects of these products on the production of dairy cows is warranted.  相似文献   

Rumen digestion and microbial protein synthesis were studied using 36 growing lambs given either free choice access to separate feeders with whole barley grain and a pelleted soybean meal-based supplement (treatment WB) or a pelleted compound feed (treatment C) made by combining ground barley (0.65) with the same protein supplement (0.35). Free access to barley straw was offered in treatment C but not in WB. While both treatments were imposed before and after weaning (at 42 days), for a third treatment the compound feed was replaced after weaning by whole barley grain and the protein supplement without access to straw (treatment CWB). Six lambs from each treatment were slaughtered at 10 and 30 days post-weaning after 15N-labelling of microbial N and abomasal digesta flows were estimated using C31 alkane as marker. Processing of barley grain increased (P<0.05) the apparent digestibility of dry matter in the rumen irrespective of age (0.53, 0.48 and 0.43 (S.E. 0.027) for C, CWB and WB). Ruminal pH averaged 5.5 (S.E. 0.06) regardless of cereal processing. The molar ratio of acetate to propionate decreased with age reflecting a higher proportion of grain in the mixed diets (WB and CWB) at 30 than 10 days post-weaning. Even with similar dietary proportions of grain and protein supplement, the acetate to propionate ratio was lower for lambs fed the free-choice (WB and CWB) vs. those fed the compound (C) diet (1.3 vs. 2.2 (S.E.D. 0.37)). Ruminal ammonia concentration increased with age and was lower for treatment C compared with treatments WB and CWB (24 vs. 127 (S.E.D. 22.2) mg/L), reflecting the higher protein intake of the latter two treatments. However, recovery of N intake as abomasal non-ammonia N was low for all treatments due to high protein intake and inefficient microbial growth compared to values reported for mixed diets. The efficiency of microbial N synthesis did not differ between treatments but it was negatively correlated (r = −0.73) with the organic matter apparently digested in the rumen, resulting in similar microbial yields in spite of the lower digestion in the rumen of whole barley diets. Feeding whole barley is thus a useful strategy to modify the site of digestion in intensive lamb fattening, allowing to reduce ruminal fermentation without depressing microbial N yield.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate the effect of the forage source and feed particle size (FPS) in ruminant rations on the composition of the ruminal Firmicutes community in vitro. Methods and Results: Three diets, varying in maize silage to grass silage ratio and FPS, were incubated in a rumen simulation system. Microbial samples were taken from the liquid fermenter effluents. Microbial community analysis was performed by 16S rRNA‐based techniques. Clostridia‐specific single‐strand conformation polymorphism profiles revealed changes of the community structure in dependence on both factors tested. The coarse grass silage–containing diets seemed to enhance the occurrence of different Roseburia species. As detected by real‐time quantitative PCR, Ruminococcus albus showed a higher abundance with decreasing FPS. A slightly lower proportion of Bacilli was found with increasing grass silage to maize silage ratio by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). In contrast, a slightly higher proportion of bacterial species belonging to the Clostridium‐clusters XIV a and b was detected by FISH with increasing grass silage contents in the diet. Conclusions: The ruminal Firmicutes community is affected by the choice of the forage source and FPS. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study supplies fundamental knowledge about the response of ruminal microbial communities to changing diets. Moreover, the data suggest a standardization of grinding of feeds for in vitro studies to facilitate the comparison of results of different laboratories.  相似文献   


The chemical characteristics of rapeseed meal (RSM) produced from two cultivars of UK-grown rapeseed, by both supercritical carbon dioxide extraction (ScCO2) and cold-pressed hexane extraction (CpHe) were examined. Their nutritional value, with and without protease, was then assessed in a broiler digestibility trial. Basal feed was substituted with one of four RSM batches (200 g/kg) following adjustments for dry matter (DM) and ether extract (EE) content. Half of each diet was supplemented with a mono-component protease derived from Bacillus subtilis (Axtra®PRO, Danisco Animal Nutrition, Malborough, UK) giving a total of eight test diets. Two control diets, with and without protease were also fed. At 13 d age male Ross 308 broilers were randomly allocated to seven replicate pens (five birds per pen) and assigned to one of 10 diets. Total excreta were collected from 17 to 21 d age and feed intake was recorded. Pre-caecal protein digestibility (pcPd) was determined using TiO2 as an indigestible marker. Colourimetrically CpHe RSM was substantially darker than ScCO2 counterparts. The influence of oil recovery method (ORM) was also evident in DM, EE, ash free neutral detergent fibre (aNDFom), neutral detergent insoluble crude protein (NDICP) and glucosinolate content (GLS). The content of DM, EE and GLS was higher in ScCO2 RSM whereas aNDFom and NDICP levels were greater in CpHe RSM. Protein solubility in KOH was greater in ScCO2 RSM whilst levels of NDICP were lower. Collectively these results suggest that less heat damage was incurred to the RSM during ScCO2 extraction. There was no significant main effect of cultivar nor were any significant interactions observed between treatment factors. Rapeseed meal ScCO2 produced greater metabolisable energy, pcPd, nitrogen retention and energy metabolisability (p < 0.05). Protease supplementation increased pcPd (p < 0.05) irrespective of ORM and cultivar. The key implications of these findings are that by adopting oil recovery methods that minimise the exposure of RSM to thermal treatments and by adding a compatible protease there is scope to increase the nutritional value of RSM for broilers and increase its utilisation in modern poultry production.  相似文献   

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