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Zinc, a transition metal existing in very high concentrations in the hippocampal mossy fibers from CA3 area, is assumed to be co-released with glutamate and to have a neuromodulatory role at the corresponding synapses. The synaptic action of zinc is determined both by the spatiotemporal characteristics of the zinc release process and by the kinetics of zinc binding to sites located in the cleft area, as well as by their concentrations. This work addresses total, free and complexed zinc concentration changes, in an individual synaptic cleft, following single, short and long periods of evoked zinc release. The results estimate the magnitude and time course of the concentrations of zinc complexes, assuming that the dynamics of the release processes are similar to those of glutamate. It is also considered that, for the cleft zinc concentrations used in the model (≤ 1 μM), there is no postsynaptic zinc entry. For this reason, all released zinc ends up being reuptaken in a process that is several orders of magnitude slower than that of release and has thus a much smaller amplitude. The time derivative of the total zinc concentration in the cleft is represented by the difference between two alpha functions, corresponding to the released and uptaken components. These include specific parameters that were chosen assuming zinc and glutamate co-release, with similar time courses. The peak amplitudes of free zinc in the cleft were selected based on previously reported experimental cleft zinc concentration changes evoked by single and multiple stimulation protocols. The results suggest that following a low amount of zinc release, similar to that associated with one or a few stimuli, zinc clearance is mainly mediated by zinc binding to the high-affinity sites on the NMDA receptors and to the low-affinity sites on the highly abundant GLAST glutamate transporters. In the case of higher zinc release brought about by a larger group of stimuli, most zinc binding occurs essentially to the GLAST transporters, having the corresponding zinc complex a maximum concentration that is more than one order of magnitude larger than that for the high and low affinity NMDA sites. The other zinc complexes considered in the model, namely those formed with sites on the AMPA receptors, calcium and KATP channels and with ATP molecules, have much smaller contributions to the synaptic zinc clearance.  相似文献   

A form of long-term potentiation (LTP) is induced at the mossy fiber (MF) synapse in the hippocampus by highfrequency presynaptic stimulation (HFS). It is generally accepted that induction of this form of LTP (MF LTP) does not depend on postsynaptic Ca2+ current gated by N-methyl-D -aspartate receptors, but it has remained controversial whether induction depends on postsynaptic depolarization and voltage-gated entry of Ca2+. There are also contradictory data on the time course of both LTP and post-tetanic potentiation (PTP), a shorter duration form of potentiation observed at MF synapses immediately following HFS. It has been proposed that some of these differences in results may have arisen because of difficulties in isolating monosynaptic responses to MF input. In the present study, whole cell recording was used to observe excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) elicited in CA3 pyramidal cells by input from MFs. Postsynaptic cells were dialyzed with 1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy)-ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA) and F? to inhibit postsynaptic mechanisms that required Ca2+, cells were under voltage clamp during HFS, and conditions were selected to minimize the likelihood of polysynaptic contamination. Under these conditions, HFS nevertheless induced robust LTP (mean magnitude, 62%). The possibility that EPSCs were contaminated by polysynaptic components was investigated by exposing the slices to a suppressing medium (one that partially blocked neurotransmission). EPSC waveforms did not change shape during suppression, indicating that contamination was absent. The LTP observed always was accompanied by prominent PTP that lasted through the first 5 to 15 min following HFS (mean decay time constant, 3.2 min). Induction of this LTP was not cooperative; there was no relationship between the size of responses and the magnitude of the LTP induced. LTP magnitude also was unrelated to the extent to which postsynaptic cells depolarized during HFS. These results show that high rates of presynaptic MF activity elicit robust LTP whether or not there is accompanying postsynaptic depolarization or increase in the concentration of postsynaptic Ca2+. High-frequency MF activity also results in a PTP that is unusually large and long. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The actions of synaptically released zinc at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Vogt K  Mellor J  Tong G  Nicoll R 《Neuron》2000,26(1):187-196
Zn2+ is present at high concentrations in the synaptic vesicles of hippocampal mossy fibers. We have used Zn2+ chelators and the mocha mutant mouse to address the physiological role of Zn2+ in this pathway. Zn2+ is not involved in the unique presynaptic plasticities observed at mossy fiber synapses but is coreleased with glutamate from these synapses, both spontaneously and with electrical stimulation, where it exerts a strong modulatory effect on the NMDA receptors. Zn2+ tonically occupies the high-affinity binding site of NMDA receptors at mossy fiber synapses, whereas the lower affinity voltage-dependent Zn2+ binding site is occupied during action potential driven-release. We conclude that Zn2+ is a modulatory neurotransmitter released from mossy fiber synapses and plays an important role in shaping the NMDA receptor response at these synapses.  相似文献   

Huang YZ  Pan E  Xiong ZQ  McNamara JO 《Neuron》2008,57(4):546-558
The receptor tyrosine kinase, TrkB, is critical to diverse functions of the mammalian nervous system in health and disease. Evidence of TrkB activation during epileptogenesis in vivo despite genetic deletion of its prototypic neurotrophin ligands led us to hypothesize that a non-neurotrophin, the divalent cation zinc, can transactivate TrkB. We found that zinc activates TrkB through increasing Src family kinase activity by an activity-regulated mechanism independent of neurotrophins. One subcellular locale at which zinc activates TrkB is the postsynaptic density of excitatory synapses. Exogenous zinc potentiates the efficacy of the hippocampal mossy fiber (mf)-CA3 pyramid synapse by a TrkB-requiring mechanism. Long-term potentiation of this synapse is impaired by deletion of TrkB, inhibition of TrkB kinase activity, and by CaEDTA, a selective chelator of zinc. The activity-dependent activation of synaptic TrkB in a neurotrophin-independent manner provides a mechanism by which this receptor can regulate synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Kwon HB  Castillo PE 《Neuron》2008,57(1):108-120
The mossy fiber to CA3 pyramidal cell synapse (mf-CA3) provides a major source of excitation to the hippocampus. Thus far, these glutamatergic synapses are well recognized for showing a presynaptic, NMDA receptor-independent form of LTP that is expressed as a long-lasting increase of transmitter release. Here, we show that in addition to this "classical" LTP, mf-CA3 synapses can undergo a form of LTP characterized by a selective enhancement of NMDA receptor-mediated transmission. This potentiation requires coactivation of NMDA and mGlu5 receptors and a postsynaptic calcium rise. Unlike classical LTP, expression of this mossy fiber LTP is due to a PKC-dependent recruitment of NMDA receptors specifically to the mf-CA3 synapse via a SNARE-dependent process. Having two mechanistically different forms of LTP may allow mf-CA3 synapses to respond with more flexibility to the changing demands of the hippocampal network.  相似文献   

The course of functional maturation with age of mossy fiber synapses on pyramidal cells in areas CA3,4 of the dorsal hippocampus was investigated by extracellular recording of focal potentials and single unit responses of the hippocampus to electrical stimulation of the dentate fascia in waking, unimmobilized rabbits aged from 1 to 14 days. After the 4th day of postnatal life focal potentials appeared in response to single stimulation, in the form of a biphasic short-latency wave, characteristic of responses of the mature hippocampus, accompanied by spike discharges with a latent period of 3 to 10 msec and inhibitory responses of the hippocampal neurons. During the next 10 days the amplitude of the focal potentials increased from several hundred millivolts, with the sharpest increase observed from the 4th through the 7th days. In early age periods global and unitary responses were shown to be capable of frequency potentiation and also of short-term after-potentiation.Brain Institute, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 246–254, May–June, 1980.  相似文献   

Rigorous analysis of synaptic transmission in the central nervous system requires access to presynaptic terminals. However, cortical terminals have been largely inaccessible to presynaptic patch-clamp recording, due to their small size. Using improved patch-clamp techniques in brain slices, we recorded from mossy fiber terminals in the CA3 region of the hippocampus, which have a diameter of 2-5 microm. The major steps of improvement were the enhanced visibility provided by high-numerical aperture objectives and infrared illumination, the development of vibratomes with minimal vertical blade vibrations and the use of sucrose-based solutions for storage and cutting. Based on these improvements, we describe a protocol that allows us to routinely record from hippocampal mossy fiber boutons. Presynaptic recordings can be obtained in slices from both rats and mice. Presynaptic recordings can be also obtained in slices from transgenic mice in which terminals are labeled with enhanced green fluorescent protein.  相似文献   

The time course of neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft contributes substantially to the fast kinetics of synaptic signalling. Hippocampal mossy fibres (MFs), a well-characterised excitatory pathway from dentate granule cells to the hippocampus proper, form large glutamatergic synapses at branched spiny structures in CA3 pyramidal cell dendrites. To what extent transmission at these synapses is affected by retarded glutamate clearance from the large tortuous synaptic cleft is not known. Here, we propose a simple geometrical approximation representing the 'typical' geometry of thorny excrescences that form the tortuous cleft interface at a MF synapse. We then employ Monte Carlo simulations to monitor movements of 3000 individual glutamate molecules released within the cleft. The results predict that, in the absence of neuronal glutamate transporters, it should take approximately 10 ms for 50% and 60-70 ms for 90% of glutamate molecules to escape the MF synapse.  相似文献   

Synaptic plasticity is a cellular model for learning and memory. However, the expression mechanisms underlying presynaptic forms of plasticity are not well understood. Here, we investigate functional and structural correlates of presynaptic potentiation at large hippocampal mossy fiber boutons induced by the adenylyl cyclase activator forskolin. We performed 2-photon imaging of the genetically encoded glutamate sensor iGluu that revealed an increase in the surface area used for glutamate release at potentiated terminals. Time-gated stimulated emission depletion microscopy revealed no change in the coupling distance between P/Q-type calcium channels and release sites mapped by Munc13-1 cluster position. Finally, by high-pressure freezing and transmission electron microscopy analysis, we found a fast remodeling of synaptic ultrastructure at potentiated boutons: Synaptic vesicles dispersed in the terminal and accumulated at the active zones, while active zone density and synaptic complexity increased. We suggest that these rapid and early structural rearrangements might enable long-term increase in synaptic strength.

This study uses several high-resolution imaging techniques to investigate the structural correlates of presynaptic potentiation at hippocampal mossy fiber boutons, observing an increase in release sites and in release synchronicity accompanied by synaptic vesicle dispersion in the terminal and accumulation at release sites, but no modulation of the distance between calcium channel and release sites.  相似文献   

Recent genetic linkage analysis has shown that LRRTM1 (Leucine rich repeat transmembrane neuronal 1) is associated with schizophrenia. Here, we characterized Lrrtm1 knockout mice behaviorally and morphologically. Systematic behavioral analysis revealed reduced locomotor activity in the early dark phase, altered behavioral responses to novel environments (open-field box, light-dark box, elevated plus maze, and hole board), avoidance of approach to large inanimate objects, social discrimination deficit, and spatial memory deficit. Upon administration of the NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801, Lrrtm1 knockout mice showed both locomotive activities in the open-field box and responses to the inanimate object that were distinct from those of wild-type mice, suggesting that altered glutamatergic transmission underlay the behavioral abnormalities. Furthermore, administration of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (fluoxetine) rescued the abnormality in the elevated plus maze. Morphologically, the brains of Lrrtm1 knockout mice showed reduction in total hippocampus size and reduced synaptic density. The hippocampal synapses were characterized by elongated spines and diffusely distributed synaptic vesicles, indicating the role of Lrrtm1 in maintaining synaptic integrity. Although the pharmacobehavioral phenotype was not entirely characteristic of those of schizophrenia model animals, the impaired cognitive function may warrant the further study of LRRTM1 in relevance to schizophrenia.  相似文献   

W G Regehr  D W Tank 《Neuron》1991,7(3):451-459
We have examined the role of presynaptic residual calcium in maintaining long-term changes in synaptic efficacy observed at mossy fiber synapses between hippocampal dentate granule cells and CA3 pyramidal cells. Calcium concentrations in individual mossy fiber terminals in hippocampal slice were optically measured with the calcium indicator fura-2 while stimulating the mossy fiber pathway and recording excitatory postsynaptic potentials extracellularly. Short-term synaptic enhancement was accompanied by increased presynaptic residual calcium concentration. A 2-fold enhancement of transmitter release was accompanied by a 10-30 nM increase in residual calcium. Following induction of mossy fiber LTP, transiently elevated presynaptic calcium decayed to prestimulus levels, whereas enhancement of synaptic transmission persisted. Our results demonstrate that, despite an apparent strong sensitivity of synaptic enhancement to presynaptic residual calcium levels, sustained increases in presynaptic residual calcium levels are not responsible for the maintained synaptic enhancement observed during mossy fiber LTP.  相似文献   

We investigated rearrangements of connectivity between hippocampal mossy fibers and CA3 pyramidal neurons. We found that mossy fibers establish 10-15 local terminal arborization complexes (LMT-Cs) in CA3, which exhibit major differences in size and divergence in adult mice. LMT-Cs exhibited two types of long-term rearrangements in connectivity in the adult: progressive expansion of LMT-C subsets along individual dendrites throughout life, and pronounced increases in LMT-C complexities in response to an enriched environment. In organotypic slice cultures, subsets of LMT-Cs also rearranged extensively and grew over weeks and months, altering the strength of preexisting connectivity, and establishing or dismantling connections with pyramidal neurons. Differences in LMT-C plasticity reflected properties of individual LMT-Cs, not mossy fibers. LMT-C maintenance and growth were regulated by spiking activity, mGluR2-sensitive transmitter release from LMTs, and PKC. Thus, subsets of terminal arborization complexes by mossy fibers rearrange their local connectivities in response to experience and age throughout life.  相似文献   

The extracellular concentration of glutamate in the hippocampus is increased by hippocampal perfusion with CaEDTA, a membrane-impermeable zinc chelator, suggesting that the activity of glutamatergic neurons in the hippocampus are influenced by the extracellular concentrations of zinc. In the present study, the relationship between the extracellular concentrations of zinc and mossy fiber activity in the hippocampus was examined in mice and rats fed a zinc-deficient diet for 4 weeks. Timm's stain, by which histochemically reactive zinc in the presynaptic vesicles is detected, was attenuated in the hippocampus in zinc deficiency. The extracellular signal of ZnAF-2, a membrane-impermeable zinc indicator, was also lower in the hippocampal CA3, suggesting that the basal extracellular concentrations of zinc are lower maintained in zinc deficiency. To check mossy fiber activity after 4-week zinc deprivation, the decrease in the signal of FM4-64, an indicator of presynaptic activity (exocytosis), at mossy fiber synapses was measured under the condition of spontaneous depolarization. The decrease was significantly facilitated by zinc deficiency, suggesting that the basal exocytosis at mossy fiber synapses is enhanced by zinc deficiency. On the other hand, the increase in anxiety-like behavior was observed in the open-field test after 4-week zinc deprivation. The present study demonstrates that the decrease in the basal extracellular concentrations of zinc may be linked to the enhancement of the basal mossy fiber activity in zinc deficiency. This decrease seems to be also involved in neuropsychological behavior in zinc deficiency.  相似文献   

Rebola N  Lujan R  Cunha RA  Mulle C 《Neuron》2008,57(1):121-134
The physiological conditions under which adenosine A2A receptors modulate synaptic transmission are presently unclear. We show that A2A receptors are localized postsynaptically at synapses between mossy fibers and CA3 pyramidal cells and are essential for a form of long-term potentiation (LTP) of NMDA-EPSCs induced by short bursts of mossy fiber stimulation. This LTP spares AMPA-EPSCs and is likely induced and expressed postsynaptically. It depends on a postsynaptic Ca2+ rise, on G protein activation, and on Src kinase. In addition to A2A receptors, LTP of NMDA-EPSCs requires the activation of NMDA and mGluR5 receptors as potential sources of Ca2+ increase. LTP of NMDA-EPSCs displays a lower threshold for induction as compared with the conventional presynaptic mossy fiber LTP; however, the two forms of LTP can combine with stronger induction protocols. Thus, postsynaptic A2A receptors may potentially affect information processing in CA3 neuronal networks and memory performance.  相似文献   

Neuroligins (NL) are postsynaptic cell adhesion molecules that are thought to specify synapse properties. Previous studies showed that mutant mice carrying an autism‐associated point mutation in NL3 exhibit social interaction deficits, enhanced inhibitory synaptic function and increased staining of inhibitory synaptic puncta without changes in overall inhibitory synapse numbers. In contrast, mutant mice lacking NL2 displayed decreased inhibitory synaptic function. These studies raised two relevant questions. First, does NL2 deletion impair inhibitory synaptic function by altering the number of inhibitory synapses, or by changing their efficacy? Second, does this effect of NL2 deletion on inhibition produce behavioral changes? We now show that although NL2‐deficient mice exhibit an apparent decrease in number of inhibitory synaptic puncta, the number of symmetric synapses as determined by electron microscopy is unaltered, suggesting that NL2 deletion impairs the function of inhibitory synapses without decreasing their numbers. This decrease in inhibitory synaptic function in NL2‐deficient mice correlates with a discrete behavioral phenotype that includes a marked increase in anxiety‐like behavior, a decrease in pain sensitivity and a slight decrease in motor co‐ordination. This work confirms that NL2 modulates inhibitory synaptic function and is the first demonstration that global deletion of NL2 can lead to a selective behavioral phenotype.  相似文献   

Otis T 《Neuron》2002,35(3):412-414
Neurotransmitter "spillover" between neighboring synapses challenges the principle of synapse specificity. In this issue of Neuron, show that release from neighboring presynaptic sites contributes significantly to AMPA receptor-mediated postsynaptic currents at cerebellar mossy fiber synapses. Unexpectedly, spillover is predicted to improve the reliability and reduce the variability of transmission at this glomerular synapse.  相似文献   

Neuropilin-1 and neuropilin-2 bind differentially to different class 3 semaphorins and are thought to provide the ligand-binding moieties in receptor complexes mediating repulsive responses to these semaphorins. Here, we have studied the function of neuropilin-2 through analysis of a neuropilin-2 mutant mouse, which is viable and fertile. Repulsive responses of sympathetic and hippocampal neurons to Sema3F but not to Sema3A are abolished in the mutant. Marked defects are observed in the development of several cranial nerves, in the initial central projections of spinal sensory axons, and in the anterior commissure, habenulo-interpeduncular tract, and the projections of hippocampal mossyfiber axons in the infrapyramidal bundle. Our results show that neuropilin-2 is an essential component of the Sema3F receptor and identify key roles for neuropilin-2 in axon guidance in the PNS and CNS.  相似文献   

The effect of ibogaine (Endabuse, NIH 10567) on serotonin uptake and release, and on serotonergic modulation of dopamine release, was measured in striatal tissue from rats and mice. Two hours after treatment in vivo with ibogaine (40 mg/kg i.p.), the uptake of labeled [3H]serotonin and [3H]dopamine uptake in striatal tissue was similar in the ibogaine-treated animal to that in the control. The 5HT1B agonist CGS-12066A (10–5 M) had no effect on stimulation-evoked tritium release from mouse or rat striatal tissue preloaded with [3H]serotonin; however, it elevated tritium efflux from striatal tissue preloaded with [3H]dopamine. This increase was not seen in mice treated with ibogaine 2 or 18 hours previously, or in rats treated 2 hours before. Dopamine autoreceptor responses were not affected by ibogaine pretreatment in either mouse or rat striatal tissue; sulpiride increased stimulation-evoked release of tritium from tissue preloaded with [3H]dopamine. The long-lasting effect of ibogaine on serotonergic functioning, in particular, its blocking of the 5HT1B agonist-mediated increase in dopamine efflux, may have significance in the mediation of its anti-addictive properties.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Sidney Ochs.  相似文献   

Engel D  Jonas P 《Neuron》2005,45(3):405-417
Action potentials in central neurons are initiated near the axon initial segment, propagate into the axon, and finally invade the presynaptic terminals, where they trigger transmitter release. Voltage-gated Na(+) channels are key determinants of excitability, but Na(+) channel density and properties in axons and presynaptic terminals of cortical neurons have not been examined yet. In hippocampal mossy fiber boutons, which emerge from parent axons en passant, Na(+) channels are very abundant, with an estimated number of approximately 2000 channels per bouton. Presynaptic Na(+) channels show faster inactivation kinetics than somatic channels, suggesting differences between subcellular compartments of the same cell. Computational analysis of action potential propagation in axon-multibouton structures reveals that Na(+) channels in boutons preferentially amplify the presynaptic action potential and enhance Ca(2+) inflow, whereas Na(+) channels in axons control the reliability and speed of propagation. Thus, presynaptic and axonal Na(+) channels contribute differentially to mossy fiber synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

In the rat, neonatal gamma-irradiation of the hippocampus induces a selective destruction of dentate granule cells and prevents the development of the mossy fiber-CA3 pyramidal cell connection. In the absence of mossy fiber input, the CA3 pyramidal neurons exhibit morphological alterations and rats deprived of dentate granule cells fail to develop kainate-induced epileptic activity in the CA3 pyramidal neurons. Neonatal elimination of the granule cells also impairs learning and memory tasks in adult rats. In the present work, we assessed by in situ hybridization and semi-quantitative RT-PCR, whether in the pyramidal layers, the absence of mossy fiber input alters the expression of a number of genes involved in activity-dependent signal transduction, in GABAergic neurotransmitter signaling and in neurite development via microtubule organization. Surprisingly, we show that the expression and the developmentally regulated alternative splicing of the genes we examined in the developing hippocampus are not altered in the pyramidal neurons, whether the dentate granule afferents are present or absent. Our results suggest that in the CA3 pyramidal layer, the developmental expression patterns of the mRNAs we studied are independent of extrinsic cues provided by mossy fiber input.  相似文献   

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