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Studies on the importance of seed arrival for community richness and composition have not considered the number of seeds arriving and its effect on species richness and composition of natural communities is thus unknown. A series of experimental dry grassland communities were established. All communities were composed of the same 44 species in exactly the same proportions on two substrates using three different seed densities.The results showed that seed density had an effect on species richness only at the beginning of the experiment. In contrast, the effects on species composition persisted across the entire study period. The results do not support the prediction that due to higher competition for light in nutrient-rich soil, species richness will be the highest in the treatment with the lowest seed density. However, the prevalence of small plants in the lowest seed density supported the expectation that low seed density guarantees low competition under high soil nutrients. In the nutrient-poor soil, species richness was the highest at the medium seed density, indicating that species richness reflects the balance between competition and limitations caused by the availability of propagules or their ability to establish themselves. This medium seed density treatment also contained the smallest plants.The results demonstrate that future seed addition experiments need to consider the amount of seed added so that it reflects the amount of seed that is naturally found in the field. Differences in seed density, mimicking different intensity of the seed rain may also explain differences in the composition of natural communities that cannot be attributed to habitat conditions. The results also have important implications for studies regarding the consequences of habitat fragmentation suggesting that increasing fragmentation may change species compositions not only due to different dispersal abilities but also due to differential response of plants to overall seed density.  相似文献   

We have little knowledge of how climatic variation (and by proxy, habitat variation) influences the phylogenetic structure of tropical communities. Here, we quantified the phylogenetic structure of mammal communities in Africa to investigate how community structure varies with respect to climate and species richness variation across the continent. In addition, we investigated how phylogenetic patterns vary across carnivores, primates, and ungulates. We predicted that climate would differentially affect the structure of communities from different clades due to between-clade biological variation. We examined 203 communities using two metrics, the net relatedness (NRI) and nearest taxon (NTI) indices. We used simultaneous autoregressive models to predict community phylogenetic structure from climate variables and species richness. We found that most individual communities exhibited a phylogenetic structure consistent with a null model, but both climate and species richness significantly predicted variation in community phylogenetic metrics. Using NTI, species rich communities were composed of more distantly related taxa for all mammal communities, as well as for communities of carnivorans or ungulates. Temperature seasonality predicted the phylogenetic structure of mammal, carnivoran, and ungulate communities, and annual rainfall predicted primate community structure. Additional climate variables related to temperature and rainfall also predicted the phylogenetic structure of ungulate communities. We suggest that both past interspecific competition and habitat filtering have shaped variation in tropical mammal communities. The significant effect of climatic factors on community structure has important implications for the diversity of mammal communities given current models of future climate change.  相似文献   

Summary Many well‐known methods are available for estimating the number of species in a forest community. However, most existing methods result in considerable negative bias in applications, where field surveys typically represent only a small fraction of sampled communities. This article develops a new method based on sampling with replacement to estimate species richness via the generalized jackknife procedure. The proposed estimator yields small bias and reasonably accurate interval estimation even with small samples. The performance of the proposed estimator is compared with several typical estimators via simulation study using two complete census datasets from Panama and Malaysia.  相似文献   

Plants produce nectar in their flowers as a reward for their pollinators and most of our crops depend on insect pollination, but little is known on the physiological control of nectar secretion. Jasmonates are well-known for their effects on senescence, the development and opening of flowers and on plant defences such as extrafloral nectar. Their role in floral nectar secretion has, however, not been explored so far. We investigated whether jasmonates have an influence on floral nectar secretion in oil-seed rape, Brassica napus. The floral tissues of this plant produced jasmonic acid (JA) endogenously, and JA concentrations peaked shortly before nectar secretion was highest. Exogenous application of JA to flowers induced nectar secretion, which was suppressed by treatment with phenidone, an inhibitor of JA synthesis. This effect could be reversed by additional application of JA. Jasmonoyl-isoleucine and its structural mimic coronalon also increased nectar secretion. Herbivory or addition of JA to the leaves did not have an effect on floral nectar secretion, demonstrating a functional separation of systemic defence signalling from reproductive nectar secretion. Jasmonates, which have been intensively studied in the context of herbivore defences and flower development, have a profound effect on floral nectar secretion and, thus, pollination efficiency in B. napus. Our results link floral nectar secretion to jasmonate signalling and thereby integrate the floral nectar secretion into the complex network of oxylipid-mediated developmental processes of plants.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to test the assumption that the relationship between the degree of dominance and local species richness may be different in grass communities with different productivities. Alpine, subalpine, and low-mountain grasslands, as well as subalpine mires, alpine communities of low-snow habitats and those with long-term snow cover, steppe communities, and the grass layer of low-mountain forest communities of the Western Caucasus and Ciscaucasia, are used as objects of research. The data on the phytomass of 419 plots with an area of 0.25 m2 are studied. The results show that, the higher the mean productivity of communities is, the closer the relationship between the degree of dominance and species richness is, and the closest relationship is observed in meadow communities. Possible causes of these relationships are considered. It is reasonably suggested that this may be due to the features of the organization of plant communities with high and low productivity (in particular, high or low intensity of interspecific competition).  相似文献   

香溪河流域河岸带植物群落物种丰富度格局   总被引:37,自引:9,他引:37  
通过不同海拔高度的样带调查来研究香溪河流域河岸植物群落物种丰富度格局,并探讨河岸带中生物多样性维持的生态学机制。结果表明:河岸植物群落总的物种丰富度、乔木层物种丰富度和草本层物种丰富度沿海拔梯度均表现出相似的格局特征,利用抛物线方程进行拟合,物种丰富度与海拔之间有显著的相关性。灌木层物种丰富度和藤本植物物种丰富度格局特征不明显,且物种丰富度与坡度相关,在流域尺度上,海拔对物种丰富度有着重要的控制作用;在局部尺度上,季节性洪水干扰导致的空间异质性和小地形对群落的生物多样性有着重要的影响,研究结果支在于总的物种多样性在原始河流的中间河段将达到最大值的预测。  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the constancy of amino acid composition and concentration, several randomly collected samples of genuine floral nectar from different flowers of several plant species were analysed. Although there seems to exist a rough pattern of species-specific nectar amino acid composition, amino acid concentration varied strongly from sample to sample. Apart from the lack of constancy in concentration of floral amino acids, our samples do not show amino acid concentration values as assigned typical for the pertinent pollination mode by other workers.  相似文献   

太行山南段森林群落物种多样性研究   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
分别用多样性指数、丰富度指数、均匀度指数对山西太行山南段森林群落的物种多样性及其与环境的关系进行了分析.结果表明:(1)3个植被型的物种多样性指数的顺序为:落叶阔叶林>温性针阔叶混交林>温性针叶林.(2)落叶阔叶林中各群系的物种多样性指数的顺序为:漆树 青麸杨林>鹅耳枥 青榨槭林>青檀林>辽东栎林>栓皮栎林>白桦林>红桦林>山杨 白桦林.(3)温性针叶林中各群系的物种多样性指数的顺序为南方红豆杉林>油松林>白皮松林>侧柏林.(4)物种丰富度指数在群落梯度上的总体趋势表现为草本层>灌木层>乔木层;多样性指数的趋势则为灌木层>乔木层>草本层;各群落灌木层物种均匀度指数大于乔木层和草本层,乔木层均匀度与草本层相差不明显.(5)各群落多样性指数在海拔梯度上表现出明显的规律,呈单峰曲线变化,即中等海拔高度上的群落物种多样性较高,而高海拔和低海拔多样性较低,这主要是由于在中海拔(大约1 500 m)地段水热条件组合较好、人类活动干扰较少所致.  相似文献   

根据野外调查、标本鉴定及查阅文献,对新疆甘家湖梭梭林自然保护区植物组成、地理成分进行了研究。结果显示:保护区共有维管植物62科236属448种,其中蕨类植物2科2属3种,裸子植物1科1属4种,被子植物59科233属441种。藜科、菊科、禾本科、十字花科、豆科为优势科,所含属、种数占该保护区总数的49.15%和51.12%;属内种数的变化范围为1~13种,仅含1种的属最多,有144个,占总属数的61.02%。植物生活型组成多样,草本375种、灌木65种、乔木5种、藤本3种,分别占保护区总种数的83.71%、14.51%、1.12%和0.67%。植物群落组成简单,以梭梭群落(Form.Haloxylon ammodendron)、白梭梭群落(Form.Haloxylon persicum)为主,它们与超旱生、旱生灌木、小灌木、草本等组成荒漠植被。保护区种子植物60科可划分为4个分布区类型和7个变型,以温带地理成分为主(14科),占保护区非世界分布的56.00%;234个属可划分为12个分布区类型和12个变型,其中北温带分布及其变型73属,占保护区非世界分布的37.44%,地中海、中亚、东亚分布在此地交流融合,缺乏热带成分,具强烈的温带荒漠性质。  相似文献   

Caterpillar ensembles were sampled on 16 species of shrubs from the family Asteraceae and the genus Piper (Piperaceae) in open and forest habitats in the Andean montane forest zone of southern Ecuador between August 2007 and May 2009. Trophic affiliations of caterpillars to the host plants were confirmed in feeding trials. Overall, species richness of herbivorous caterpillars was high (191 species across all plants), but varied strongly between ensembles associated with different plant species (2?C96 lepidopteran species per shrub species). Ensembles on Piper species were characterized by low effective species numbers and high dominance of one or two species of the Geometridae genus Eois Hübner. Low species number and high dominance were also found on latex-bearing Erato polymnioides, whereas ensembles on two other Asteraceae species were far more diverse and less strongly shaped by a few dominant species. The observed diversity patterns fit well to the concept that anti-herbivore defenses of plants are the major factors regulating associated insect ensembles. Local abundance and geographic range of host plants appear to have less influence. Lepidopteran species feeding on Asteraceae were found to be more generalistic than those feeding on Piper species. We conclude that caterpillar ensembles on most, but not all, studied plant species are defined by a small number of dominant species, which usually are narrow host specialists. This pattern was more distinct on Piper shrubs in forest understory, whereas Asteraceae in disturbed habitats had more open caterpillar ensembles.  相似文献   

The floral nectar chemical composition and nectary structureof some Argentinean Bromeliaceae were studied, including fieldobservations on pollinators. Twenty species belonging to eightgenera from the three subfamilies were analysed. The nectarcomponents report is mostly new since no comprehensive studyhas been carried out on the family previously. Sugars were alwayspresent, while alkaloids, lipids, phenols, and proteins werenot detected in any sample. Reducing acids were found in threespecies. Amino acids were detected in a very low concentrationin only about half the samples. Pitcairnioideae species showa mean balanced disaccharide/monosaccharide nectar sugar composition,Bromelioideae had hexose-rich nectars and Tillandsioideae saccharose-dominantones. Nectar concentration ranged from 16 to 48%. All taxa bearseptal nectaries with many common features. Pitcairnioideaeand Tillandsioideae members have half-inferior ovaries, a featuremostly overlooked in previous studies. Three types of nectaryarchitecture were recognized in both subfamilies. Bromelioideaehave inferior ovaries and possess comparable nectaries. Hummingbirdsconstitute the main flower pollinators of many species but butterfliesand bees were occasionally seen in two species, cropping nectarand pollen, respectively. Argentinean Bromeliaceae, floral nectar, nectary structure, pollinators, Abromeitiella, Aechmea, Bromelia, Deuterocohnia, Dvckia, Puva, Tillandsia, Vriesea  相似文献   

The floral nectar chemical composition and nectary structureof some Argentinean Bromeliaceae were studied, including fieldobservations on pollinators. Twenty species belonging to eightgenera from the three subfamilies were analysed. The nectarcomponents report is mostly new since no comprehensive studyhas been carried out on the family previously. Sugars were alwayspresent, while alkaloids, lipids, phenols, and proteins werenot detected in any sample. Reducing acids were found in threespecies. Amino acids were detected in a very low concentrationin only about half the samples. Pitcairnioideae species showa mean balanced disaccharide/monosaccharide nectar sugar composition,Bromelioideae had hexose-rich nectars and Tillandsioideae saccharose-dominantones. Nectar concentration ranged from 16 to 48 %. All taxabear septal nectaries with many common features. Pitcairnioideaeand Tillandsioideae members have half-inferior ovaries, a featuremostly overlooked in previous studies. Three types of nectaryarchitecture were recognized in both subfamilies. Bromelioideaehave inferior ovaries and possess comparable nectaries. Hummingbirdsconstitute the main flower pollinators of many species but butterfliesand bees were occasionally seen in two species, cropping nectarand pollen, respectively. Argentinean Bromeliaceae,, floral nectar, nectary structure, pollinators, alkalinity, abromeitiella, Aechmea, Bromelia, Deuterocohnia, Dyckia, puya, Tillandsia, vriesea  相似文献   

Abstract: The morphological and cytological characteristics of nectaries of Helleborus foetidus and H. bocconei during the secretory period are reported. The nectaries are derived from modified petals and secrete nectar continuously for about 20 days; they consist of a single layered epidermis, nectar-producing parenchyma and photosynthesizing parenchyma. Nectar secretion is holocrine and the nectar is released by rupture of the wall and cuticle of each epidermal cell. The nectaries of the two species differ in number and external morphology. In H. foetidus, secretion begins before anthesis and secretion rate decreases with nectary age. In H. bocconei it begins on the day of anthesis and proceeds at a constant rate. The nectar has a high sugar content, mainly sucrose, and also contains lipids and proteins.  相似文献   

为探讨多叶斑叶兰(Goodyera foliosa)花蜜体积和成分的变异性,及其对传粉昆虫的影响,采用毛细管法、折光仪和高效液相-蒸发光法对一天内不同时间段单花花蜜体积、总糖浓度和可溶性糖成分及含量进行检测,用摄像机对其传粉昆虫访花行为进行观察。结果表明,单花花蜜体积在10:00达到最大[(7.19±2.29)μL, n=10],糖浓度在16:00达到最大[(25.85±1.83)%,n=10]。花蜜中的主要可溶性糖为果糖和蔗糖,果糖在上午10:00含量达到最高(78.310 mg/g);蔗糖在下午16:00含量达到最高(247.600 mg/g)。中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana)访花时间为每天9:00-15:00,访花高峰期在10:00-14:00;橘尾熊蜂(Bombus friseanus)访花时间为每天8:00-16:00,访花高峰期在10:00-12:00和16:00-18:00。因此,这两种传粉昆虫访花频率与多叶斑叶兰单花花蜜体积及糖浓度的变化有一定的相关性,它们更倾向于访问较高花蜜体积及糖浓度的花朵。多叶斑叶兰花蜜成分中蔗糖占优势,能有效吸引各种蜂类、蝶类和蚁类访花,且访问频率较高,中华蜜蜂和橘尾熊蜂能携带其花粉块,是主要的有效传粉昆虫。花形态和访花昆虫的体型大小的匹配,决定了是否成为有效传粉昆虫。  相似文献   

Srisuk  N.  Nutaratat  P.  Surussawadee  J.  Limtong  S. 《Microbiology》2019,88(3):353-369
Microbiology - The study aimed to investigate yeast communities in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum Linn.) phylloplane in Thailand by a culture-dependent approach using a direct isolation method;...  相似文献   

The pathogen and parasite community that inhabits every free-living organism can control host vital rates including lifespan and reproductive output. To date, however, there have been few experiments examining pathogen community assembly replicated at large-enough spatial scales to inform our understanding of pathogen dynamics in natural systems. Pathogen community assembly may be driven by neutral stochastic colonization and extinction events or by niche differentiation that constrains pathogen distributions to particular environmental conditions, hosts, or vectors.Here, we present results from a regionally-replicated experiment investigating the community of barley and cereal yellow dwarf viruses (B/CYDV''s) in over 5000 experimentally planted individuals of six grass species along a 700 km latitudinal gradient along the Pacific coast of North America (USA) in response to experimentally manipulated nitrogen and phosphorus supplies. The composition of the virus community varied predictably among hosts and across nutrient-addition treatments, indicating niche differentiation among virus species. There were some concordant responses among the viral species. For example, the prevalence of most viral species increased consistently with perennial grass cover, leading to a 60% increase in the richness of the viral community within individual hosts (i.e., coinfection) in perennial-dominated plots. Furthermore, infection rates of the six host species in the field were highly correlated with vector preferences assessed in laboratory trials. Our results reveal the importance of niche differentiation in structuring virus assemblages. Virus species distributions reflected a combination of local host community composition, host species-specific vector preferences, and virus responses to host nutrition. In addition, our results suggest that heterogeneity among host species in their capacity to attract vectors or support pathogens between growing seasons can lead to positive covariation among virus species.  相似文献   

We quantified broad-scale patterns of species richness and species density (mean # species/km2) for native and non-indigenous plants, birds, and fishes in the continental USA and Hawaii. We hypothesized that the species density of native and non-indigenous taxa would generally decrease in northern latitudes and higher elevations following declines in potential evapotranspiration, mean temperature, and precipitation. County data on plants (n = 3004 counties) and birds (n=3074 counties), and drainage (6 HUC) data on fishes (n = 328 drainages) showed that the densities of native and non-indigenous species were strongly positively correlated for plant species (r = 0.86, P < 0.0001), bird species (r = 0.93, P<0.0001), and fish species (r = 0.41, P<0.0001). Multiple regression models showed that the densities of native plant and bird species could be strongly predicted (adj. R2 = 0.66 in both models) at county levels, but fish species densities were less predictable at drainage levels (adj. R2 = 0.31, P<0.0001). Similarly, non-indigenous plant and bird species densities were strongly predictable (adj. R2 = 0.84 and 0.91 respectively), but non-indigenous fish species density was less predictable (adj. R2 = 0.38). County level hotspots of native and non-indigenous plants, birds, and fishes were located in low elevation areas close to the coast with high precipitation and productivity (vegetation carbon). We show that (1) native species richness can be moderately well predicted with abiotic factors; (2) human populations have tended to settle in areas rich in native species; and (3) the richness and density of non-indigenous plant, bird, and fish species can be accurately predicted from biotic and abiotic factors largely because they are positively correlated to native species densities. We conclude that while humans facilitate the initial establishment, invasions of non-indigenous species, the spread and subsequent distributions of non-indigenous species may be controlled largely by environmental factors. The U.S. Government’s right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

太行山南段油松群落物种多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
油松是太行山区重要的植树造林树种。本文以太行山南段为研究区域,采用随机取样法对武乡、黎城、襄垣、平顺、壶关、屯留6个地区油松的物种多样性与群落多样性进行了分析比较。结果表明:(1)6个地区油松群落中共有种子植物34科70属81种,包含乔木4科4属5种、灌木7科12属15种、草本23科54属61种;(2)太行山南段油松群落种子植物属的区系成分类型多样,以温带成分占绝对优势;(3)武乡、黎城、襄垣、平顺、壶关5个地区油松群落的物种多样性表现出较为一致的变化趋势,即草本层灌木层乔木层,而屯留的不同功能群物种多样性表现为草本层=灌木层乔木层;(4)6个地区油松群落多样性从高到低依次为平顺黎城襄垣武乡屯留壶关;(5)油松群落多样性和物种多样性水平受群落演替进程、地理环境、人为干扰等诸多因子的协同作用。  相似文献   

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