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The liver has adapted to the inflow of ingested toxins by the evolutionary development of unique regenerative properties and responds to injury or tissue loss by the rapid division of mature cells. Proliferation of the parenchymal cells, i.e. hepatocytes and epithelial cells of the bile duct, is regulated by numerous cytokine/growth-factor-mediated pathways and is synchronised with extracellular matrix degradation and restoration of the vasculature. Resident hepatic stem/progenitor cells have also been identified in small numbers in normal liver and implicated in liver tissue repair. Their putative role in the physiology, pathophysiology and therapy of the liver, however, is not yet precisely known. Hepatic stem/progenitor cells also known as “oval cells” in rodents have been implicated in liver tissue repair, at a time when the capacity for hepatocyte and bile duct replication is exhausted or experimentally inhibited (facultative stem/progenitor cell pool). Although much more has to be learned about the role of stem/progenitor cells in the physiology and pathophysiology of the liver, experimental analysis of the therapeutic value of these cells has been initiated. Transplantation of hepatic stem/progenitor cells or in vivo pharmacological activation of the pool of hepatic stem cells may provide novel modalities for the therapy of liver diseases. In addition, extrahepatic stem cells (e.g. bone marrow cells) are being investigated for their contribution to liver regeneration. Hepatic progenitor cells derived from embryonic stem cells are included in this review, which also discusses future perspectives of stem cell-based therapies for liver diseases.  相似文献   

Application of liver stem cells for cell therapy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The worldwide shortage of donor livers to transplant end stage liver disease patients has prompted the search for alternative cell therapies for intractable liver disease. Embryonic stem cells can be readily differentiated into hepatocytes, and their transplantation into animals has improved liver function in the absence of teratoma formation: their use in bioartificial liver support is an obvious application. In animal models of liver disease, adopting strategies to provide a selective advantage for transplanted foetal or adult hepatocytes have proved highly effective in repopulating recipient livers, but the poor success of today's hepatocyte transplants can be attributed to the lack of a clinically applicable procedure to force a similar repopulation of the human liver. The activation of bipotential hepatic progenitor cells is clearly vital for survival in many cases of acute liver failure, but surprisingly little progress has been made with these cells in terms of transplantation. Finally there is the controversial subject of autologous bone marrow, and while the contribution of these indigenous cells to liver turnover seems at best, trivial, results from a small number of phase 1 studies of transplantation of bone marrow to cirrhotic patients have been moderately encouraging.  相似文献   

Summary In a study of 96 adult male Sprague-Dawley rats, da-and time-related changes of the mean nuclear volume of pinealocytes were determined with the aim of testing the reproducibility of the karyometric findings described by Quay and Renzoni (1966). It is shown (i) that statistically significant differences exist between the central and peripheral mean volumes of pinealocyte nuclei/group of animals and time point (p<0.001), (ii) that the day and time related differences are statistically different in both regions (p<0.001), (iii) that in the center and periphery of the pineal body different diurnal patterns exist, and (iv) that the diurnal patterns are not parallel in the two regions.The question discussed is (i) whether or not probable superimposed infradian rhythms may account for the different diurnal patterns, and (ii) whether these patterns in the two regions indicate functional differences between the cortex and the medulla of the rat pineal body.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Vo 135/4) within the Schwerpunkt-programm NeuroendokrinologieThis paper is an abridged version of a thesis submitted for obtaining the degree of Dr. med., Fachbereich Medizin, University of Mainz  相似文献   

Isolated, intact rat liver nuclei have high-affiity (Kd=10−9 M) binding sites that are highly specific for nonsteroidal antiestrogens, especially for compounds of the triphenylethylene series. Nuclear [3H]tamoxifen binding capacity is thermolabile, being most stable at 4°C and rapidly lost at 37°C. More [3H]tamoxifen, however, is specifically bound at incubation temperatures of 25°C and 37°C than at 4°C although prewarming nuclei has no effect, suggesting exchange of [3H]tamoxifen for an unidentified endogenous ligand. Nuclear antiestrogen binding sites are destroyed by trypsin but not by deoxyribonuclease I or ribonuclease A. The nuclear antiestrogen binding protein is not solubilized by 0.6 M potassium chloride, 2 M sodium chloride, 0.6 M sodium thiocyanate, 3 M urea, 20 mM pyridoxal phosphate, 1% (w/v) digitonin or 2% (w/v) sodium cholate but is extractable by sonication, indicating that it is tightly bound within the nucleus. Rat liver nuclear matrix contains high-affinity (Kd=10−9 M) [3H]tamoxifen binding sites present in 5-fold higher concentrations (4.18 pmol/mg DNA) than in intact nuclei (0.78±0.10 (S.D.) pmol/mg DNA). Low-speed rat liver cytosol (20 000×g, 30 min) contains high-capacity (955±405 (S.D.) fmol/mg protein), low-affinity (Kd=10.9±4.5 (S.D.) nM) antiestrogen binding sites. In contrast, high-speed cytosol (100 000×g, 60 min) contains low-capacity (46±15 (S.D.) fmol/mg protein), high-affinity (Kd=0.61± 0.20 (S.D.) nM) binding sites. Low-affinity cytosolic sites constitute more than 90% of total liver binding sites, high-affinity cytosolic sites 0.3%–3.2%, and nuclear sites less than 0.5% of total sites.  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation was to elucidate the intralobular heterogeneity of the perisinusoidal stellate cells (fat-storing cells, lipocytes) in the porcine liver. Their three-dimensional structure, desmin immunoreactivity and vitamin-A storage were studied by use of the Golgi silver, immunocytochemical and gold chloride methods. In order to locate the stellate cells, the hepatic lobules were divided into 10 zones. The stellate cells were readily identified in Golgi preparations by their striking dendritic appearance with branching processes encompassing the sinusoids. The stellate cells in the centrolobular zones were conspicuously dendritic with longer processes in conspicuously dendritic with longer processes in comparison to those emitted by periportal elements. Such arborizations were studded with numerous thorn-like microprojections. Desmin immunoreaction in the periportal zones was stronger than that in the centrolobular zones. Vitamin-A storage in the stellate cells was well developed in zones 2–4, but reduced gradually toward the central region. The perisinusoidal etellate cells display marked heterogeneity in morphology and function based on their zonal location in the hepatic lobule.  相似文献   

Summary The aim of this study was to identify the G6PDH-active sinusoidal cells in the rat liver described by Rieder et al. (1978). Because of their number and distribution in the liver parenchyma, endothelial cells and pit cells could be excluded. Fat-storing cells were specifically marked by vital staining with vitamin A and identified by fluorescence microscopy. Kupffer cells could be detected after vital staining with carmine. Both staining methods allowed a subsequent incubation for the demonstration of G6PDH activity in the same unfixed cryostat section. Whereas more than 80% of the fluorescent particles were found outside the enzyme-positive cells, all G6PDH-active cells contained carmine particles. After counting the G6PDH-active cells, an estimation of 0.217 × 108 cells/g liver tissue was obtained. The results indicate that high G6PDH activity is common to all Kupffer cells, and is therefore a highly specific marker enzyme for this class of sinusoidal liver cells.The essential parts of this study will be presented as an Inaugural-Dissertation to the Medical Faculty of the University of Freiburg by W. HosemannSupported by a grant from the SFB 46 (Molgrudent)  相似文献   

Chorionic binucleate cells (BNC) occur in several ruminants including cow, deer, goat and sheep. They migrate through the chorionic tight junction to fuse with uterine epithelial cells and discharge their granules into maternal connective tissue. We have compared the BNC of near-term, resin-embedded, ovine and bovine placentae using 15 biotinylated lectins and an avidinperoxidase revealing system. There was pronounced conservation of saccharides between the two species. Several sub-types of N-glycan were present, with highly branched structures being abundant, as shown by Galanthus nivalis, Pisum sativum and Phaseolus vulgaris (leuko) agglutinins. Among the non-reducing terminal saccharides conserved were GalNAc1,3(Fuc1,2)-Gal1,4GlcNAc1-, GalNAc1,6Gal1-, Gal1,4GlcNAc-and Gal1,3GalNAc1- shown by Dolichos biflorus, Wisteria floribunda, Erythrina cristagalli, and Maclura pomifera agglutinins, respectively. Arachis hypogaea and Glycine max agglutinins tended to bind to bovine BNC at different stages of maturity, while fucosyl residues detectable by Tetragonolobus purpureus and Ulex europaeus-1 agglutinins were not observed in either species. The only major difference related to sialyl residues, with 2,3-linked sialic acid being present in bovine (Maackia amurensis, Limax flavus) and 2,6 sialic acid being present in ovine (Sambucus nigra agglutinin) cells. This conservation of glycan may be related to glycosylation of peptide hormones in the granules, and may thus be important in the targeting of these hormones to their receptors.  相似文献   

Human hepatocytes, suitable for treatment of patients with liver failure, for the creation of bioartificial (BAL) devices, or for studies for toxicity and metabolization studies in the pharmaceutical industry, are in short supply due to the lack of donor organs. Therefore, methods that allow ex vivo expansion of hepatocytes with mature function are being pursued. One cell source, believed to be a possible inexhaustible source of hepatocytes, is pluripotent stem cells (PSCs). However, directed differentiation of PSCs to cells with features of adult hepatocytes is not yet possible. Differentiated progeny remains mixed and PSC progeny does not have a number of the functional features of mature hepatocytes. In this review article, we will address tools being developed that allow for the identification of mature hepatocytes, in a non-invasive manner; to perform lineage tracing of PSC progeny; and novel culture systems being created for the in vitro differentiation of PSCs to hepatocyte like cells, and for the maintenance of primary liver derived hepatocytes or PSC-derived hepatic progeny in culture. As conventional two-dimensional (2D) static culture conditions poorly recapitulate the in vivo cellular environment, we will discuss bioreactor systems for liver tissue engineering, both macro-scale and micro-scale culture systems.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of Kupffer cells has been studied at various times after an intravenous injection of lipopolysaccharide of Salmonella abortus equii. The most prominent effects were: an increase in the number and dimensions of phagocytic vacuoles (often containing ingested LPS and neutrophilic granulocytes); mitochondrial damage, including disintegration of the matrix and cristae; an increase in the amount of dilated, lucent rough endoplasmic reticulum; presence of fat droplets in the cytoplasm. Five days after injection of lipopolysaccharide, the Kupffer cells had resumed their normal ultrastructure.Several minutes after injection of lipopolysaccharide, platelets adhered to the Kupffer and endothelial cells. Between one and six hours, neutrophilic granulocytes accumulated in the liver sinusoids. The resulting obstruction of the hepatic microcirculation most probably affected cellular ultrastructure by ischaemia. At three days, the number of Kupffer cells was doubled, and increased further at later time intervals.  相似文献   

Hepatic differentiation of mouse ES cells into BE cells in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Liver failure represents a serious challenge for cell based therapies. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) possess potential for regeneration of fibrotic liver; however, there is a dire need to improve their hepatic differentiation. This study examines a pretreatment strategy to augment the differentiation potential of MSCs towards hepatic lineage. MSCs were isolated from C57BL/6 wild type mice and were characterized by flow cytometry for CD44 (92.4%), CD90 (96.6%), CD105 (94.7%), CD45 (0.8%) and CD34 (1.4%) markers. To improve the differentiation potential of MSCs towards hepatic lineage, cells were pretreated with injured liver tissue in an in-vitro model, which resulted in high expression of albumin, cytokeratin 8, 18, TAT and HNF1α as compared to untreated MSCs. The efficacy of pretreated MSCs was evaluated by preparing in-vivo mouse model with liver fibrosis by intraperitoneal administration of CCl(4). Pretreated MSCs were transplanted in the left lateral lobe of mice with liver fibrosis and showed enhanced localization and differentiation abilities after 1 month. The expression for cytokeratin 8, 18, albumin and Bcl-xl was up-regulated and that of HGF, Bax and Caspase- 3 was down-regulated in animals transplanted with pretreated MSCs. Sirus red staining also confirmed a significant reduction in the fibrotic area in liver tissue transplanted with pretreated MSCs as compared to untreated MSCs and was concomitant with improved serum levels of bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Therefore, it was concluded that pretreatment with injured liver tissue augment homing and hepatic differentiation abilities of MSCs and provides an improved procedure for the treatment of liver fibrosis.  相似文献   

Hepatoblasts, which are considered one type of hepatic progenitor cell, reside in the fetal liver. To selectively identify these cells, we transfected primary cultured human fetal liver cells (FLCs) with a pGL3 vector bearing the gene for the enhanced green fluorescence protein (EGFP) under the control of the alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) promoter expressed in hepatoblasts. The FLCs were then sorted by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) on the basis of AFP promoter-driven EGFP expression. The EGFP-positive cells expressed AFP, albumin, and cytokeratin 19, and could be expanded in vitro. Thus, the AFP promoter-EGFP reporter system is highly useful for identification and isolation of hepatic progenitor cells.  相似文献   

Liver cirrhosis is characterized by distortion of liver architecture, necrosis of hepatocytes and regenerative nodules formation leading to cirrhosis. Various types of cell sources have been used for the management and treatment of decompensated liver cirrhosis. Knowledge of stem cells has offered a new dimension for regenerative therapy and has been considered as one of the potential adjuvant treatment modality in patients with end stage liver diseases (ESLD). Human fetal hepatic progenitor cells are less immunogenic than adult ones. They are highly propagative and challenging to cryopreservation. In our earlier studies we have demonstrated that fetuses at 10-18 wk of gestation age contain a large number of actively dividing hepatic stem and progenitor cells which possess bi-potent nature having potential to differentiate into bile duct cells and mature hepatocytes. Hepatic stem cell therapy for the treatment of ESLD is in their early stage of the translation. The emerging technology of decellularization and recellularization might offer a significant platform for developing bioengineered personalized livers to come over the scarcity of desired number of donor organs for the treatment of ESLD. Despite these significant advancements long-term tracking of stem cells in human is the most important subject nowadays in order to answer several unsettles issues regarding the route of delivery, the choice of stem cell type(s), the cell number and the time-point of cell delivery for the treatment in a chronic setting. Answering to these questions will further contribute to the development of safer, noninvasive, and repeatable imaging modalities that could discover better cell therapeutic approaches from bench to bed-side. Combinatorial approach of decellularization and nanotechnology could pave a way towards the better understanding in determination of cell fate post-transplantation.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents a study on the structure and function of Kupffer cells (KC) and liver endothelial cells (LEC) isolated by a simple and rapid technique involving 1) perfusion of the liver with collagenase; 2) cell separation by means of density centrifugation in Percoll; and 3) cell culture, taking advantage of the fact that KC and LEC differ in their preferences for growth substrate. The KC, which attach and spread under serum-free conditions on surfaces of glass or plastic during the first 15 min in culture exhibit a typical macrophage-like morphology including membrane ruffling and a heterogenous content of vacuoles. Moreover, these cells express (a) Fc receptors (FcR) for binding and phagocytosis of erythrocytes covered with immune globulin G (E-IgG), and (b) complement receptors (CR) for binding and serum dependent phagocytosis of erythrocytes covered with either human C3b or mouse inactivated C3b (iC3b). The cells also bind fluid phase fluoresceinated C3b. Approximately 30% of the KC express immune response-associated (Ia)-antigens.The LEC attach and spread on fibronectin coated surfaces, but not on glass or plastic surfaces, during the first two hours in culture with or without serum, and are morphologically distinct from KC. Cultured LEC are well spread out with no membrane ruffling and with numerous large vesicles surrounding the regularly shaped nucleus. These cells bind, but do not ingest E-IgG via the FcR, but no binding of fluid phase C3b or particle fixed C3b or iC3b can be observed. Incubation of LEC with fluorescein amine conjugates of ovalbumin or formaldehyde treated serum albumin, but not with fluoresceinated native serum albumin, results in accumulation of fluorescence specifically localized in the large perinuclear vesicles. Neither KC nor any other cell types tested have the ability to accumulate fluorescence upon incubation with these compounds. Iaantigens are not present on the LEC.Cytochemical demonstration of unspecific esterase, acid phosphatase, and peroxidase reveals different patterns and intensities of staining in KC as compared to LEC.Abbreviations Used KC Kupffer cells - LEC Liver endothelial cells - C Complement - C3b Major fragment of C3 activation - iC3b C3b that has been cleaved by factor I (C3b inactivator), present in serum - meC3b C3b produced by treating purified human C3 with methyl amine - trC3b C3b produced by treating purified human C3 with trypsin - CR Complement receptors for C3b and iC3b - IgG Immune globulin G - IgM Immune globulin M - E Erythrocytes - E-IgG E covered with anti-E IgG - E-IgM E covered with anti-E IgM - E-C3b(h) E-IgM reacted with purified human C1, C4, oxidized C2 and C3 (E-IgMC14xyC2C3b) - E-iC3b(m) E-IgM incubated with C5 deficient serum from AKR mice - FcR Receptors for the Fc portion of IgG - FITC Fluorescein isothiocyanate - FITC-meC3b FITC conjugated to meC3b - FITC-trC3b FITC conjugated to trC3b - FA Fluorescein amine - FA-OA Ovalbumin conjugated with FA - FA-SA Serum albumin conjugated with FA - FA-FSA Formaldehyde-treated serum albumin conjugated with FA - Ia Immune response-associated AcE Acid unspecific esterase acting on alpha naphtyl acetate - NASDAE Unspecific esterase acting on naphthol AS-D acetate - NASDCAE Unspecific esterase acting on napthol AS-D chloroacetate  相似文献   

Binucleate cells in ruminant trophectodermal epithelium are unique in that they form part of the tight junction as they migrate across it, maintaining the ionic barrier seal to the internal milieu of the fetus. Such participation imposes considerable constraints on the cell migration because membrane cannot flow through a tight junction. We report quantitative ultrastructural immunocytochemical evidence for vesicle membrane insertion into the binucleate cell plasmalemma which allows the cells to form a pseudopodium past the tight junction. This pseudopodium increases continuously in area by vesicle insertion and develops a close apposition to the plasmalemma of the fetomaternal syncytium which constitutes the fetomaternal boundary in the placenta of the sheep and goat. Enventually the apposed membranes of the binucleate cell pseudopodium and the syncytium fuse by vesiculation and the cytoplasm and nuclei of the binucleate cell merge into the fetomaternal syncytium. The binucleate cell plasmalemma remaining on the trophectodermal side of the tight junction is blebbed off into, and phagocytosed by, the uninucleate trophectodermal cells between which the binucleate cell passed. This process permits the delivery of the binucleate cell granules to the maternal side of the placenta but none of the fetal molecules expressed on the plasma membrane of the binucleate cells are exposed to potential maternal immunological rejection.  相似文献   

Summary Adrenal glands of adult female rats are heavier than the glands of corresponding male rats. Postpubertal orchiectomy increases the adrenal weight, an effect restored by testosterone replacement. Under the same conditions ovariectomy of 8 weeks duration does not change the adrenal weight while estradiol replacement enhances the relative adrenal weight.Karyometric studies have shown that nuclei in the female zona fasciculata cells are larger (app. 18%) than those of the male. Similar but only slight differences (2%) were observed in the zona reticularis. Orchiectomy results in enlargement of cell nuclei within all zones of the adrenal cortex; testosterone replacement has the opposite effect. Ovariectomy of 8 weeks duration slightly enhances the volume of nuclei of the zona glomerulosa cells, has no effect on the nuclei of the zona fasciculata and reduces the volume of nuclei in the zona reticularis. Estradiol replacement reduces the volume of nuclei of the zona glomerulosa cells but increases nuclear volume in the zona fasciculata and in the zona reticularis.Thus testosterone has an inhibitory effect on the adrenal cortex of the rat while the physiologic effect of estradiol on the morphology of this gland, particularly on the zona fasciculata cells is rather dubious.The author wishes to thank Mrs. B. Westerska and Miss K. Siejak for excellent technical assistance.This research was supported in part by a grant from the Zoological Committee, 2nd Department, Polish Academy of Sciences.This paper is dedicated to the memory of late Kazimierz Mietkiewski, M.D., Ph.D. whose encouragements and suggestions were most stimulating for my work.  相似文献   

Thy-1 (CD90) is an adhesion molecule induced in fibroblast populations associated with wound healing and fibrosis. In this study the question whether Thy-1-gene-expression can be induced in hepatic stellate cells (HSC) in vivo, under conditions of liver injury or liver regeneration was addressed. Acute and chronic rat liver injury was induced by the administration of CCl4. For comparison, cirrhotic human liver, and rat 67% partial hepatectomy (PH) was studied as well. Thy-1-gene-expression was examined also in isolated human liver myofibroblasts. Thy-1-mRNA expression was significantly upregulated in chronic liver injury. Thy-1+ cells were detected in the periportal area of rat liver specimens in normal-, injured- and regenerative-conditions. In chronic human and rat liver injury, Thy-1+ cells were located predominantly in scar tissue. In the pericentral necrotic zone after CCl4-treatment, no induction of Thy-1 was found. Gremlin and Thy-1 showed comparable localization in the periportal areas. Thy-1 was not detected in either normal or capillarized sinusoids, in isolated rat HSC, and was neither inducible by inflammatory cytokines in isolated HSC, nor upregulated in treated myofibroblasts. Based upon these data Thy-1 is not a marker of “activated” sinusoidal HSC, but it is a marker of “activated” (myo)fibroblasts found in portal areas and in scar tissue. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary Mouse morulae from two strains were examined in whole mounts after dissociation of embryos into single cells and were analysed in serial sections by light and electron microscopy. One or two binucleate cells per embryo were discovered in a statistically significant number of morulae. The frequency of morulae with binucleate cell(s) was higher in older morulae than in younger ones. Binucleate cells were always the outer cells of the embryo. Their ultrastructure did not differ from the ultrastructure of mononucleate cells. It is suggested that cell binuclearity at the morula stage is a possible way to polyploidization of nuclei, resulting in the formation of primary trophoblast giant cells.  相似文献   

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