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Eukaryotic release factor 3 (eRF3) is implicated in translation termination and also interacts with the poly(A)-binding protein (PABP, Pab1 in yeast), a major player in mRNA metabolism. Despite conservation of this interaction, its precise function remains elusive. First, we showed experimentally that yeast eRF3 does not contain any obvious consensus PAM2 (PABP-interacting motif 2). Thus, in yeast this association is different from the well described interaction between the metazoan factors. To gain insight into the exact function of this interaction, we then analyzed the phenotypes resulting from deleting the respective binding domains. Deletion of the Pab1 interaction domain on eRF3 did not affect general mRNA stability or nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway and induced a decrease in translational readthrough. Furthermore, combined deletions of the respective interacting domains on eRF3 and on Pab1 were viable, did not affect Pab1 function in mRNA stability and harbored an antisuppression phenotype. Our results show that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae the role of the Pab1 C-terminal domain in mRNA stability is independent of eRF3 and the association of these two factors negatively regulates translation termination.  相似文献   

Poly(A) polymerase was purified 22,000-fold to homogeneity from a whole cell extract of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with a yield of 22%. The enzyme is a monomeric polypeptide with a denatured molecular weight of 63,000. Incorporation of labeled ATP into acid-precipitable material by the purified enzyme proceeds faster with manganese than with magnesium ions. Various RNA homopolymers as well as Escherichia coli tRNA or rRNA can serve as primers. An RNA that terminates at the natural poly(A) site of the CYC1 gene is not more efficiently elongated than several nonspecific substrates, indicating the requirement for additional factors to provide specificity. Elongation of the primer is distributive. Covering of a poly(A) primer with poly(A)-binding protein reduces the enzyme's activity more than 10-fold.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, ribosomal biogenesis takes place primarily in the nucleolus, in which a single 35S precursor rRNA (pre-rRNA) is first transcribed and sequentially processed into 25S, 5.8S, and 18S mature rRNAs, leading to the formation of the 40S and 60S ribosomal subunits. Although many components involved in this process have been identified, our understanding of this important cellular process remains limited. Here we report that one of the evolutionarily conserved DEAD-box protein genes in yeast, DBP3, is required for optimal ribosomal biogenesis. DBP3 encodes a putative RNA helicase, Dbp3p, of 523 amino acids in length, which bears a highly charged amino terminus consisting of 10 tandem lysine-lysine-X repeats ([KKX] repeats). Disruption of DBP3 is not lethal but yields a slow-growth phenotype. This genetic depletion of Dbp3p results in a deficiency of 60S ribosomal subunits and a delayed synthesis of the mature 25S rRNA, which is caused by a prominent kinetic delay in pre-rRNA processing at site A3 and to a lesser extent at sites A2 and A0. These data suggest that Dbp3p may directly or indirectly facilitate RNase MRP cleavage at site A3. The direct involvement of Dbp3p in ribosomal biogenesis is supported by the finding that Dbp3p is localized predominantly in the nucleolus. In addition, we show that the [KKX] repeats are dispensable for Dbp3p's function in ribosomal biogenesis but are required for its proper localization. The [KKX] repeats thus represent a novel signaling motif for nuclear localization and/or retention.  相似文献   

The Pab1p-dependent poly(A) nuclease (PAN) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae copurifies with polypeptides of approximately 127 and 76 kDa. Previously, it was demonstrated that the 127-kDa Pan2 protein is required for PAN activity (R. Boeck, S. Tarun, M. Reiger, J. Deardorff, S. Müller-Auer, and A.B. Sachs, J. Biol. Chem. 271:432-438, 1996). Here we demonstrate that the 76-kDa protein, encoded by the nonessential PAN3 gene, is also required for enzymatic activity. Deletion of PAN3 resulted in the loss of PAN activity in yeast extracts, and immunodepletion of Pan3p from purified PAN fractions abolished enzymatic activity. We show by coimmunoprecipitation and directed two-hybrid studies that the Pan2 and Pan3 proteins physically interact. In addition, we demonstrate that a deletion of PAN2, PAN3, or both resulted in similar increases in mRNA poly(A) tail lengths in vivo. These data strongly suggest that both Pan2p and Pan3p are required subunits of the PAN enzyme and that PAN functions in vivo to shorten mRNA poly(A) tails.  相似文献   

The nucleotide substrate specificity of yeast poly(A) polymerase (yPAP) toward various C-2- and C-8-modified ATP analogs was examined. 32P-Radiolabeled RNA oligonucleotide primers were incubated with yPAP in the absence of ATP to assay polyadenylation using unnatural ATP substrates. The C-2-modified ATP analogs 2-amino-ATP and 2-chloro (Cl)-ATP were excellent substrates for yPAP. 8-Amino-ATP, 8-azido-ATP, and 8-aza-ATP all produced chain termination of polyadenylation, and no primer extension was observed with the C-8-halogenated derivatives 8-Br-ATP and 8-Cl-ATP. The effects of modified ATP analogs on ATP-dependent poly(A) tail synthesis by yPAP were also examined. Whereas C-2 substitution (2-amino-ATP and 2-Cl-ATP) had little effect on poly(A) tail length, C-8 substitution produced moderate (8-amino-ATP, 8-azido-ATP, and 8-aza-ATP) to substantial (8-Br-ATP and 8-Cl-ATP) reduction in poly(A) tail length. To model the biochemical consequences of 8-Cl-Ado incorporation into RNA primers, a synthetic RNA primer containing a 3'-terminal 8-Cl-AMP residue was prepared. Polyadenylation of this modified RNA primer by yPAP in the presence of ATP was blocked completely. To probe potential mechanisms of inhibition, two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy experiments were used to examine the conformation of two C-8-modified AMP nucleotides, 8-Cl-AMP and 8-amino-AMP. C-8 substitution in adenosine analogs shifted the ribose sugar pucker equilibrium to favor the DNA-like C-2'-endo form over the C-3'-endo (RNA-like) conformation, which suggests a potential mechanism for polyadenylation inhibition and chain termination. Base-modified ATP analogs may exert their biological effects through polyadenylation inhibition and thus may provide useful tools for investigating polyadenylation biochemistry within cells.  相似文献   

The size of poly (A) +-mRNA in different classes of yeast polysomes is estimated. The average molecular weight of long-term labelled polysomal poly (A) +-mRNA is about 0,65 x 10(6) daltons. Approximately 60% of the poly (A) +-mRNA polynucleotide chains located at the 5' end, are unprotected by ribosomes and degraded by nucleases upon incubation of cell lysates, to yield a population of poly (A) +-mRNA with an average molecular weight of 0,25 x 10(6) daltons.  相似文献   

Interactions of the 5' and 3' splice sites with intron internal sequences of the yeast mitochondrial group I intron aI3 were studied using mutation analysis. The results can be fully explained by the splice guide model in which the splice sites are defined by the Internal Guide Sequence. No evidence was found for an alternative interaction between intron nucleotides preceding the 3' splice site and nucleotides in the vicinity of the core region as was found for the Tetrahymena intron. Our results also suggest that binding of the 5' and 3' splice site nucleotides to the IGS can not take place simultaneously. The intron must therefore undergo conformational changes as the reaction proceeds from the first step of self splicing, GTP attack at the 5' splice site, to exon ligation, the second step.  相似文献   

Polyphosphates of different chain lengths (P3, P4, P15, P35), (1 μM) inhibited 10, 60, 90 and 100%, respectively, the primer (tRNA) dependent synthesis of poly(A) catalyzed poly(A) polymerase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The relative inhibition evoked by p4A and P4 (1 μM) was 40 and 60%, respectively, whereas 1 μM Ap4A was not inhibitory. P4 and P15 were assayed as inhibitors of the enzyme in the presence of (a) saturating tRNA and variable concentrations of ATP and (b) saturating ATP and variable concentrations of tRNA. In (a), P4 and P15 behaved as competitive inhibitors, with Ki values of 0.5 μM and 0.2 μM, respectively. In addition, P4 (at 1 μM) and P15 (at 0.3 μM) changed the Hill coefficient (nH) from 1 (control) to about 1.3 and 1.6, respectively. In (b), the inhibition by P4 and P15 decreased V and modified only slightly the Km values of the enzyme towards tRNA.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that a sequence element downstream of the poly(A) addition site is required for efficient cleavage in vivo. We tested a group of downstream element point mutations in an in vitro reaction using HeLa cell nuclear extract as a source of cleavage activity. In close agreement with earlier studies (M. A. McDevitt, R. P. Hart, W. W. Wong, and J. R. Nevins, EMBO J. 5:2907-2913, 1986), a downstream element from the adenovirus E2a gene directed a higher level of cleavage activity than one from the simian virus 40 early gene. Furthermore, a single-base change in the downstream element could result in a decrease in cleavage activity of about 50-fold. That these mutations have similar effects in vivo and in vitro indicates that the HeLa cell nuclear extract system contains all of the factors required to study the mechanism of sequence recognition.  相似文献   

Using a system of chromatography through columns of DEAE-Bio-Gel, HTP-Bio-Gel, and CM-Bio-Gel, we isolated and characterized six different (1 leads to 3)-beta-glucanases from cell wall autolysates and cell extracts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae haploid strain 2180B. These enzymes were designated glucanases I, II, IIIA, IIIB, IV, and V. The haploid mating type S. cerevisiae strain 2180A and the diploid strains S. cerevisiae 2180D and S. cerevisiae 595 contained the same complex of glucanases. Glucanases II and IIIA were exoenzymes, and glucanases I, IIIB, IV, and V were endoenzymes. The enzymes exhibited different molecular weights, kinetic properties, and activities on isolated yeast cell walls. The products of substrate (laminarin) hydrolysis were quantified by using high-pressure liquid chromatography and were significantly different for the four endoglucanases.  相似文献   

A heat-stable protein has been detected in Saccharomyces cerevisiae which inhibits mitochondrial ATPase activity. The protein inhibitor has been isolated from extracts prepared by brief heat treatment of unbroken cell suspensions. The isolated inhibitor is a small basic protein (molecular weight close to 7000, isoelectric proint 9.05) devoid of tryptophan, tyrosine, and cysteine as well as proline. The NHP2-terminal amino acid is serine. The ultraviolet absorption spectrum shows the vibrational fine structure of the phenyl-alanine band. Like the ATPase inhibitor from bovine heart mitochondria the yeast inhibitor is rapidly destroyed by trypsin. It is also inactivated by the yeast proteinases A and B. Radioimmunological analysis indicates that the inhibitor is synthesized on cytoplasmic ribosomes. Its accumulation seems to be connected to the formation of the mitochondrial ATPase complex, since its specific activity is greatly reduced both in extracts obtained from the F1-ATPase-deficient nuclear mutant pet 936 and from the cytoplasmic petite mutant D 273-10B-1.  相似文献   

We have determined the solution structure of the PABC domain from Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pab1p and mapped its peptide-binding site. PABC domains are peptide binding domains found in poly(A)-binding proteins (PABP) and are a subset of HECT-family E3 ubiquitin ligases (also known as hyperplastic discs proteins (HYDs)). In mammals, the PABC domain of PABP functions to recruit several different translation factors to the mRNA poly(A) tail. PABC domains are highly conserved, with high specificity for peptide sequences of roughly 12 residues with conserved alanine, phenylalanine, and proline residues at positions 7, 10, and 12. Compared with human PABP, the yeast PABC domain is missing the first alpha helix, contains two extra amino acids between helices 2 and 3, and has a strongly bent C-terminal helix. These give rise to unique peptide binding specificity wherein yeast PABC binds peptides from Paip2 and RF3 but not Paip1. Mapping of the peptide-binding site reveals that the bend in the C-terminal helix disrupts binding interactions with the N terminus of peptide ligands and leads to greatly reduced binding affinity for the peptides tested. No high affinity or natural binding partners from S. cerevisiae could be identified by sequence analysis of known PABC ligands. Comparison of the three known PABC structures shows that the features responsible for peptide binding are highly conserved and responsible for the distinct but overlapping binding specificities.  相似文献   

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