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Watterson's formulae for the distribution, mean, and variance of the number of alleles in common on two chromosomes with multigene families are derived as simpler forms, and extended to chromosomes with an infinite number of genes, each evolving as in an infinitely many alleles model.  相似文献   

BLAST searches of 61 equine microsatellite sequences revealed two related families of retroposons. The first family included seven markers, all of which showed significant homology to the Equine Repetitive Element-1 (ERE-1) Short Interspersed Nucleotide Element (SINE) sequence. Length of homology ranged from 76 to 171 bases with identities to the ERE-1 consensus sequence ranging from 71% to 83%. The second family referred to as Equine Repetitive Element-2 (ERE-2) has a consensus sequence that showed homology to ERE-1 over approximately 60 bases. These 60 bases comprised subunit I. Sequence comparisons for the two retroposons led to the identification of a subunit II, subunit III, as well as the tRNAser subunit. The subunit structure of ERE-1 was tRNAser-I-II. By contrast, the subunit structure of ERE-2 was I-III-III. The nine markers related to ERE-2 showed homology lengths ranging from 84 to 163 bases with identities ranging from 75% to 99%. In addition to being present in microsatellites, ERE-2 appeared in three separate equine genes. It occurred in an intron of DNA-PK, in an untranslated region as well as in the promoter of PGHS, and in the coding region of PAM. The amino acids corresponding to the ERE-2 sequence in PAM were not present in the human or mouse PAM homologs. These amino acids associated with the ERE-2 sequence were present on the cytosolic side of the transmembrane domain of the PAM enzyme. Microsatellite markers in the ERE-1 and ERE-2 families were found throughout the genus equus and also for rhinoceros, indicating that the appearance of both retroposons predates the divergence of equids from the other perissodactyls. The markers did not amplify in human or bovine DNA. This indicated that ERE-1 and ERE-2 are, at least, perissodactyl specific. Received: 20 July 1998 / Accepted: 29 September 1998  相似文献   

We have identified two families of acyl-CoA thioesterase (ACHs) in Arabidopsis thaliana. One family, consisting of AtACH1 and AtACH2, appears to be peroxisomal, as they have type-1 peroxisomal targeting sequences. The other family, consisting of AtACH4 and AtACH5, resides in the endoplasmic reticulum, as shown by green fluorescent protein studies. AtACH2 has been overexpressed in Escherichia coli and shows high levels of acyl-CoA thioesterase activity against both 16:0-CoA and 18:1-CoA. AtACH5 has also been overexpressed in E. coli, and shows thioesterase activity as well. ACHs have been characterized in other many other organisms and in various subcellular locations, but their true physiological role is not yet understood. Indeed, atach5 gene knockout mutants have no observable phenotype.  相似文献   

Two families of mechanosensitive channel proteins.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mechanosensitive (MS) channels that provide protection against hypoosmotic shock are found in the membranes of organisms from the three domains of life: bacteria, archaea, and eucarya. Two families of ubiquitous MS channels are recognized, and these have been designated the MscL and MscS families. A high-resolution X-ray crystallographic structure is available for a member of the MscL family, and extensive molecular genetic, biophysical, and biochemical studies conducted in many laboratories have allowed postulation of a gating mechanism allowing the interconversion of a tightly closed state and an open state that controls transmembrane ion and metabolite fluxes. In contrast to the MscL channel proteins, which are of uniform topology, the much larger MscS family includes protein members with topologies that are predicted to vary from 3 to 11 alpha-helical transmembrane segments (TMSs) per polypeptide chain. Sequence analyses reveal that the three C-terminal TMSs of MscS channel proteins are conserved among family members and that the third of these three TMSs exhibits a 20-residue motif that is shared by the channel-forming TMS (TMS 1) of the MscL proteins. We propose that this C-terminal TMS in MscS family homologues serves as the channel-forming helix in a homooligomeric structure. The presence of a conserved residue pattern for the putative channel-forming TMSs in the MscL and MscS family proteins suggests a common structural organization, gating mechanism, and evolutionary origin.  相似文献   

Two families with hereditary central diabetes insipidus (CDI) are reported. The pedigree in both families shows an autosomal dominant trait. The plasma arginine-8-vasopressin (AVP) determined by radioimmunoassay was markedly lower in these CDI patients than in healthy controls; the difference being even more pronounced after a hyperosmotic challenge. Since in the present study histamine also failed to increase the plasma AVP concentration, the authors consider it unlikely that an osmoreceptor failure would be implicated in the pathogenesis of CDI in these cases. The AVP concentration of the lumbar cerebrospinal fluid was also measured in two members of one of the families: the level found at the lower normal range indicates that some AVP secretion has been maintained in the extrahypothalamic vasopressinergic system of these patients.  相似文献   

Vertebrates receive tastants, such as sugars, amino acids, and nucleotides, via taste bud cells in epithelial tissues. In mammals, two families of G protein-coupled receptors for tastants are expressed in taste bud cells-T1Rs for sweet tastants and umami tastants (l-amino acids) and T2Rs for bitter tastants. Here, we report two families of candidate taste receptors in fish species, fish T1Rs and T2Rs, which show significant identity to mammalian T1Rs and T2Rs, respectively. Fish T1Rs consist of three types: fish T1R1 and T1R3 that show the highest degrees of identity to mammalian T1R1 and T1R3, respectively, and fish T1R2 that shows almost equivalent identity to both mammalian T1R1 and T1R2. Unlike mammalian T1R2, fish T1R2 consists of two or three members in each species. We also identified two fish T2Rs that show low degrees of identity to mammalian T2Rs. In situ hybridization experiments revealed that fish T1R and T2R genes were expressed specifically in taste bud cells, but not in olfactory receptor cells. Fish T1R1 and T1R2 genes were expressed in different subsets of taste bud cells, and fish T1R3 gene was co-expressed with either fish T1R1 or T1R2 gene as in the case of mammals. There were also a significant number of cells expressing fish T1R2 genes only. Fish T2R genes were expressed in different cells from those expressing fish T1R genes. These results suggest that vertebrates commonly have two kinds of taste signaling pathways that are defined by the types of taste receptors expressed in taste receptor cells.  相似文献   

Thermococcales (phylum Euryarchaeota) are model organisms for physiological and molecular studies of hyperthermophiles. Here we describe three new plasmids from Thermococcales that could provide new tools and model systems for genetic and molecular studies in Archaea. The plasmids pTN2 from Thermococcus nautilus sp. 30-1 and pP12-1 from Pyrococcus sp. 12-1 belong to the same family. They have similar size (∼12 kb) and share six genes, including homologues of genes encoded by the virus PAV1 from Pyrococcus abyssi. The plasmid pT26-2 from Thermococcus sp. 26-2 (21.5 kb), that corresponds to another plasmid family, encodes many proteins having homologues in virus-like elements integrated in several genomes of Thermococcales and Methanococcales. Our analyses confirm that viruses and plasmids are evolutionary related and co-evolve with their hosts. Whereas all plasmids previously isolated from Thermococcales replicate by the rolling circle mechanism, the three plasmids described here probably replicate by the theta mechanism. The plasmids pTN2 and pP12-1 encode a putative helicase of the SFI superfamily and a new family of DNA polymerase, whose activity was demonstrated in vitro, whereas pT26-2 encodes a putative new type of helicase. This strengthens the idea that plasmids and viruses are a reservoir of novel protein families involved in DNA replication.  相似文献   

Genes encoding the immunoglobulin heavy-chain variable region (Ig VH) in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) have been grouped into 11 families. While obtaining a baseline assessment of the various gene families utilized by trout in the production of secreted antibody, we discovered two new families. These proposed Ig VH families, Families XII and XIII, were rarely observed; only two VH sequence types were detected for each new family, suggesting that they may not be commonly used in response to antigens, or that the captive environment may not lead to typical exposures seen in the wild. Additionally, unlike preceding studies, we found at least one representative gene sequence for each of the 11 reported Ig VH gene families, possibly indicating that the repertoire of trout Ig VH gene families may be more universal among different stocks than previously realized. GenBank accession numbers: Family XII—DQ453185 and DQ453150; Family XIII—DQ453153 and DQ453146; others DQ453143, DQ453156, DQ831723, DQ831825.  相似文献   

Summary In an extensive research project on myotonia, the ionic mechanisms which are at the basis of the phenomenon of calcium-induced myotonia have been taken into consideration. A mathematical model of a muscle fibre was constructed to demonstrate the possibility that anomalous values of the membrane permeability to Calcium ions have an active part in the genesis of myotonia. This work was in great part supported by Grant of Muscular Dystrophy Assoc. Inc. and by CNR, Rome.  相似文献   

Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) (OMIM 143890) is an autosomal dominantly inherited disease mainly caused by mutations of the gene encoding the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) and Apolipoprotein (Apo) B. First the common mutation R3500Q in ApoB gene was determined using PCR/RFLP method. Then the LDLR gene was screened for mutations using Touch-down PCR, SSCP and sequencing techniques. Furthermore, the secondary structure of the LDLR protein was predicted with ANTHEPROT5.0. The R3500Q mutation was absent in these two families. A heterozygous p.W483X mutation of LDLR gene was identified in family A which caused a premature stop codon, while a homozygous mutation p.A627T was found in family B. The predicted secondary structures of the mutant LDLR were altered. We identified two known mutations (p.W483X, p.A627T) of the LDLR gene in two Chinese FH families respectively.  相似文献   

The genome of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans ATCC 19859 is about 2.8 X 10(6) base pairs as determined by analysis of reassociation kinetics of sheared DNA. This is 70% of the size of the genome of Escherichia coli. About 6% of the genome of T. ferrooxidans consists of moderately repetitive DNA sequences that are repeated an average of 20 times per genome. Two distinct repeated sequences, designated family 1 and family 2, have been analyzed in more detail. Both families are approximately 1 kilobase in length and are repeated 20 to 30 times per genome. Preliminary evidence from restriction enzyme analysis, Southern blotting experiments, and thermal melting analysis indicates that members of both families are conserved and are interspersed with single-copy DNA. Six copies of one family are present on the 45-kilobase-pair plasmid of strain ATCC 19859.  相似文献   

Olle Hints 《Palaeontology》1999,42(5):897-906
Study of three upper Ordovician borehole sections from Estonia has revealed abundant and well-preserved scolecodonts representing more than 50 species of jaw-bearing eunicid polychaetes. In this paper, two monotypic families, Conjungaspidae and Tretoprionidae, are introduced, based on two new species ( Conjungaspis minutus gen. et sp. nov. and Tretoprion astae gen. et sp. nov.). The most distinctive features of conjungaspids are the small, distally rounded and long-horned carriers, merged with large basal and laeobasal plates, and symmetrical jaw apparatus. Conjungaspids are supposedly a primitive group displaying common features with some placognaths and labidognaths. Tretoprionids are characterized by sub-transversely prolonged and strongly elevated scraper-like denticles in the anterior part of the posterior maxillae, unusual anterior maxillae composed of several weakly fused teeth, and occurrence of a hole or large incision in the outer face of the left posterior maxilla.  相似文献   

Homology has been established for members of two families of functionally related bacterial membrane proteins. The first family (the resistance/nodulation/cell division (RND) family) Includes (i) two metal-resistance efflux pumps in Alcaligenes eutrophus (CzcA and CnrA), (ii) three proteins which function together in nodulation of alfalfa roots by Rhizobium meliloti (NoIGHI), and (iii) a cell division protein in Escherichia coli (EnvD). The second family (the putative membrane fusion protein (MFP) family) includes a nodulation protein (NoIF), a cell division protein (EnvC), and a multidrug resistance transport protein (EmrA). We propose that an MFP functions co-operatively with an RND protein to transport large or hydrophobic molecules across the two membranes of the Gram-negative bacterial cell envelope.  相似文献   

Summary The frequency of heterozygotes of recessive generalized myotonia may be estimated at about 1/108 in the German Federal Republic. Some heterozygotes can be identified by an EMG. However, apart from this, apparently 2%–5% of heterozygotes may show minor subclinical manifestations. Sporadic cases of myotonia with late onset and a history of preceding, extremely prolonged physical stress, undernourishment, and/or prolonged cold exposure may be due to heterozygote manifestations of this otherwise recessive gene. Late onset and sporadic appearance also are features in patients with myotonia associated with hypothyroidism. One male patient displayed myotonia after a protracted diabetic coma. In cases reported in the literature where myotonia developed in association with either propranolol (beta-adrenergic blocking agent) or fenoterolhydrobromide (stimulator of beta receptors) heterozygote manifestation of recessive generalized myotonia is suggested.  相似文献   

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