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本文主要论述在广州室温及恒温27℃、相对湿度80%条件下,截头堆砂白蚁Cryptotermes domesticus(Haviland)新群体的形成、繁殖特性及其群体的发展、发育状况.(1)在广州6~7月室温下,截头堆砂白蚁原始繁殖蚁自行配对后,产卵前期7~16天,平均10.33±2.32天,卵期46~71天,平均55.13±6.42天,巢龄为1年、2年的新建群体,子代个体分别为3~8头、10~16头;3年巢龄群体,子代个体12~35头;4年巢龄群体,兵蚁开始出现,子代个体23~57头,其中兵蚁1~3头.该种白蚁新建群体经历7年才发育成熟,此时群体子代个体36~115头,其中兵蚁1~4头.(2)在恒温27℃、相对湿度80%条件下,截头堆砂白蚁原始繁殖蚁配对后产卵前期8~18天,平均11.6±2.66天,卵期50~73天,平均57.8±5.79天.1年巢龄群体,子代个体6~10头;2年巢龄群体,兵蚁出现,子代个体16~34头,其中兵蚁1~2头.新建群体经历2~3年发育成熟,此时群体内的子代个体18~44头,其中兵蚁1~2头.  相似文献   

截头堆砂白蚁Cryptotermes domesticus(Haviland)是世界性的重要蛀木害虫,原始繁殖蚁分飞是该种白蚁的重要扩散传播途径之一。为了解截头堆砂白蚁的分飞活动规律,本文研究了其成熟群体在恒温恒湿条件下的分飞期。结果表明,在恒温27℃和相对湿度80%的条件下,经历持续10年零3个月的观察,有7年内全年每个月均有原始繁殖蚁分飞,只有3年内每年均缺少2个月无原始繁殖蚁分飞。试验结果揭示了截头堆砂白蚁成熟群体在形成有分飞能力原始繁殖蚁的基础上,只要温、湿度条件适宜,全年中不分季节和日期,都有可能进行分飞活动。  相似文献   

截头堆砂白蚁研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
截头堆砂白蚁Cryptotermes domestictis是世界性蛀木害虫, 也是我国主要危害木材的白蚁之一。本文重点综述了我国截头堆砂白蚁补充型繁殖蚁的形成、生存、繁殖和扩散, 以及成熟群体的分飞, 原始繁殖蚁的形成周期和行为特点, 初建群体的形成、发展发育和取食行为的生物学和生态学研究进展。并且对该种白蚁的控制进行了探讨, 为控制该种白蚁的扩散、传播和为害提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为了解截头堆砂白蚁Cryptotermes domesticus(Haviland)群体中不同品级、不同虫态的雌雄性比,本文研究了该种白蚁自行配对室温条件下饲养4年巢龄的实验群体与采集的自然群体的各个品级和不同虫态的雌雄性比.结果表明:自行配对室温饲养4年巢龄群体与自然环境群体中原始繁殖蚁、幼蚁、若蚁、兵蚁都有雌雄之分,其中自行配对室温饲养群体的原始繁殖蚁雌雄比例为1:1,兵蚁雌雄比例为1:1.24,幼蚁和若蚁雌雄比例为1:1.46;自然环境群体原始繁殖蚁雌雄比例为1:1,兵蚁雌雄比例为1:1.15,幼蚁和若蚁雌雄比例为1:1.43.  相似文献   

为了解截头堆砂白蚁Cryptotermes domesticus(Haviland)群体中不同品级、不同虫态的雌雄性比,本文研究了该种白蚁自行配对室温条件下饲养4年巢龄的实验群体与采集的自然群体的各个品级和不同虫态的雌雄性比。结果表明:自行配对室温饲养4年巢龄群体与自然环境群体中原始繁殖蚁、幼蚁、若蚁、兵蚁都有雌雄之分,其中自行配对室温饲养群体的原始繁殖蚁雌雄比例为1:1,兵蚁雌雄比例为1:1.24,幼蚁和若蚁雌雄比例为1:1.46;自然环境群体原始繁殖蚁雌雄比例为1:1,兵蚁雌雄比例为1:1.15,幼蚁和若蚁雌雄比例为1:1.43。  相似文献   

收集了62种从东南亚进口的不同树种的木材,并作为截头堆砂白蚁Cryptotermesdomestictis(Haviland)的食料,让其原始繁殖蚁自行配对钻入这些木料中取食,建立新群体.观察该种白蚁对不同树种木材的取食状况,了解不同树种木材对该种白蚁初建群体的影响.结果表明,该种白蚁食性广泛,能取食多种在分类上差异很大的木材,除坤甸外,均被其取食.试验用的全部木材对该种白蚁原始繁殖蚁配对没有影响,均有原始繁殖蚁配对钻入洞内.在配对3个月后解剖群体发现,除坤甸、樟木、硬榄仁、柚木、子京、虫眼木、暗罗、硬椴、轻胭脂、胭脂、番龙眼外,其余树种的初建群体,雌雄繁殖蚁存活,子代发育正常.  相似文献   

本文主要论述截头堆砂白蚁Coptotermes domestictis(Haviland)原始繁殖蚁行为特点以及利用其特点判断木材及木制品有该蚁存在的方法.原始繁殖蚁行为特点:1、刚分飞时有趋光性.2、雌雄蚁没有明显的追逐行为.3、脱翅后的原始繁殖蚁喜欢找隐蔽的场所营站.4、钻洞后的原始繁殖蚁封闭洞口,抗外界干扰.5、在洞内活动、取食、排泄、繁殖子代.6、原始繁殖蚁形成群体后把排泄物推出洞外.7、原始繁殖蚁形成群体后容易蔓延.判断有该蚁存在的方法:1、木材及木制品表面有0.3mm-1.5mm圆形封闭或未封闭洞口.2、洞口外有细砂粒状及不易碎的排泄物.  相似文献   

家白蚁的生物学和群体发育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
家白蚁Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki的生物学和初建群体的经过,显示有如下特性:(1)在广州室温条件下,成虫配对后5至10天开始产卵,产卵盛期集中在6天至7天。当年产卵期有5个月,每头雌虫平均产卵约为46粒。雌里产卵后,如果不断将卵取走,产卵量显著提高。这时,每头雌虫平均可产卵约96粒。(2)家白蚁卵要经过成虫或工蚁用口舐触和搬动卵粒才能孵化。孵化期在室温下为31至35天,32至33天为孵化高峰期。卵的孵化期随温度而变化。(3)初步测定幼蚁共有6个龄期。1—2龄幼蚁不活跃,要靠成虫或工蚁喂养,3龄后幼蚁非常活跃并能自己取食。4龄期间出现工蚁和兵蚁的分化,拟工蚁可以产生短翅补充型。(4)蚁巢成片叶状,由成虫唾液与食物及沙土等基质组成。配对后80天腔室内开始出现巢架。(5)家白蚁生活史漫长,需8年才能完成一个周期。  相似文献   

黑胸散白蚁新群体的建立及发展规律   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
潘演征  刘源智 《昆虫学报》1990,33(2):200-206
经十年的室内配对饲养观察,黑胸散白蚁 Reticulitermes chinensisSnyder初期群体配对后5—10天开始产卵,胚胎发育期36—46天,幼蚁经历两个龄期,各龄8—13天,工蚁是幼蚁经两次蜕皮后分化出来,具有上颚自如活动,头宽0.71mm以上;前兵蚁蜕一次皮发育为兵蚁需经历10—13天,触角14—15节,头宽0.81—0.82mm,大于2龄工蚁,初期巢群最早3个半月左右产生兵蚁.当年配对的产卵期3至4个半月,产卵量16—45粒.饲养7—8年后的群体开始出现若蚁(长翅成虫的幼期).9、10年群体发育成熟即产生长翅成虫.解剖三个成熟群体中一个巢原始蚁王、蚁后均存在,另两巢发现原始蚁王、蚁后均死亡,其中一巢由群体内自行补充上了翅鳞型母蚁1头,无翅补充型生殖蚁1头(较小,性别不清),翅芽型3头.另一巢补充上了无翅型大腹母蚁1头,翅芽型1头.通过室内长期连续饲养观察,对该种白蚁新建群体发育成熟年龄及其内在因素已有一定的了解.  相似文献   

实验室配对饲养黑胸散白蚁Reticulitermes chinensis表明,黑胸散白蚁新群体在原始生殖蚁控制下,83.30%的群体在第9年分出了有翅成虫,16.70%的群体在第7年发生有翅成虫分飞,平均分飞成熟年龄为8.67年;由补充生殖蚁控制的群体在第6年即有53.85%的群体发生分飞,第7年有46.15%的群体分飞,平均分飞成熟年龄为6.38年,较原始生殖蚁控制的群体发生分飞平均提前2.29年。初次发生分飞时群体内个体数量前者明显多于后者。研究还发现,群体内补充生殖蚁的数量与分飞发生的早迟关系不大。作者认为在黑胸散白蚁中,原始生殖蚁对补充生殖蚁和若蚁的产生具有较强的抑制作用,而补充生殖蚁对上述品级的分化虽有一定抑制,但不如原始生殖蚁强。认为黑胸散白蚁群体发展速度在品级分化的调节上起到不可忽视的作用,但一定要在生殖蚁分泌外激素的能力开始减弱后才能发挥效应。  相似文献   

P. Luykx 《Insectes Sociaux》1993,40(2):191-205
Summary Analysis of allozyme markers was carried out on 16 colonies of the termiteIncisitermes schwarzi in which one or both primary (founding) reproductives had been replaced by secondary reproductives. About one-quarter of field-collected colonies have replacement reproductives, and the genetic data suggest that in most of these a single replacement event had occurred. Genetic evidence for a second replacement event was found in one colony. Genetic analysis of the offspring allowed the following conclusions: (1) Soldiers are a relatively long-lived caste, so that even in colonies in which all other members have been replaced by offspring of the secondary reproductives, the soldiers remain the offspring of the primary reproductives; and (2) when primary reproductives are replaced by secondary reproductives, the nosoldier offspring of the former are completely replaced by those of the latter over a period of about two or three years, probably as a result of the normal maturation of colony members (workers, nymphs, and alates). The results provide no evidence for the existence of a true sterile worker caste in this species.  相似文献   

Energy dynamics within incipient colonies of the southern African mound dwelling harvester termite Trinervitermes trinervoides (Sj?stedt) (Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae) were investigated. Development of incipient colonies established from field collected alates and changes in energy content of reproductives and brood were studied over a 25 week period in the laboratory. Colonies were then transferred into the field to study the established of the first mound. An initial four-week egg-laying cycle started within a week of pairing. Hatching occurred six weeks later. Two lines emerged from first instar undifferentiated larvae. Small larvae moulted first into minor presoldiers and then minor soldiers. Large larvae developed into major workers. Foraging began once second instar major workers had differentiated 20 weeks after colony foundation. First instar major workers did not forage but there is evidence of pre-foraging utilisation of soil humus. The epigeous mound was produced after three years. The energy available to maintain incipient termite colonies until the first workers start foraging is crucial to their survival. The royal pair of T. trinervoides does not feed during the rearing of the first brood, the fate of which depends largely on the reproductives accumulated energy reserves. The males and females expended 84.54 and 83.07% respectively of their total energy during this period. Once foraging started, the energy content of the royal pair increased and a second egg-laying cycle began. Received 25 July 2007; revised 19 March and 22 May 2008; accepted 4 September 2008.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial analyses are seldom utilized in the study of colony genetic structure, but they are potentially powerful methods which can yield novel insights into the mechanisms underlying variation in breeding systems. Here we present the results of a study which incorporated both of these dimensions in an examination of genetic structure of subterranean termites in the genus Reticulitermes (primarily R. flavipes). Most colonies of this species (70%) were simple families apparently headed by outbred primary reproductives, while most of the remaining (27% of the total) colonies contained low effective numbers of moderately inbred reproductives. Mapping the spatial distribution of colony foraging sites over time revealed that despite the high colony density, the absolute foraging boundaries of most R. flavipes colonies were persistent and exclusive of other conspecific colonies, which suggests that this species is more territorial than has been implied by laboratory studies of intraspecific aggression. Nevertheless, we found a single colony (3% of all colonies) which contained the offspring of more than two unrelated reproductives. Although other studies have also described subterranean termite colonies with a similarly complex genetic composition, we demonstrate here that such colonies can form under natural conditions via the fusion of whole colonies. This study underscores how repeated sampling from individual colonies over time and space can yield information about colony spatial and genetic structure that cannot be obtained from conventional analyses or sampling methods.  相似文献   

刘明花  张小晶  薛薇  陈娇玲  刘鹤  吴佳  苏晓红 《昆虫学报》2014,57(11):1328-1334
摘要: 【目的】为了探讨圆唇散白蚁Reticulitermes labralis补充生殖蚁对巢群稳定和发展的作用。【方法】对野外巢群进行调查研究, 及对婚飞成虫通过雌雄配对与补充生殖蚁隔离巢群进行人工饲养的对比研究。【结果】在野外巢群只发现1对原始蚁王蚁后, 而补充生殖蚁的数量最多可达到689头/巢。圆唇散白蚁有3种类型的补充生殖蚁, 即由工蚁转化来的无翅型补充生殖蚁、若蚁转化来的翅芽型补充生殖蚁和末龄若蚁羽化来的拟成虫型补充生殖蚁。实验室条件下婚飞配对群体和隔离群体建群1个月后的存活率分别为64%和96%。建巢初期婚飞配对群体的子代数目增长缓慢, 2个月时的群体数量为6.3±1.54, 10个月时的群体数量也仅为8.4±1.47; 而隔离建群补充生殖蚁2个月时的群体数量为52.4±6.44, 10个月时的群体数量为164.3±20.85, 都高于婚飞配对群体。 此外, 野外巢群的补充蚁后跟原始蚁后一样都具有发达的卵巢。【结论】在圆唇散白蚁中补充生殖蚁是白蚁巢群主要的繁殖力量, 也是建立新巢群的重要繁殖品级。  相似文献   

Winged queens are the most common reproductives in ants. They are morphologically specialized for independent colony foundation, with wings for long-range dispersal and metabolic reserves to raise the first brood. However independent foundation can sometimes be selected against and replaced by fission, featuring short-range dispersal on the ground and reproductives that are dependent on the wingless workers for all non-reproductive tasks. We investigated the evolutionary consequences of this transition on the morphology of the reproductives by collecting 30 colonies of Odontomachus coquereli from Madagascar, the only species in the genus where winged queens have never been found. Data about colony demography, morphometry, allometry and ovarian dissections showed that the winged queen caste has been replaced by a wingless reproductive caste with distinct body proportions relative to the workers or to congeneric winged queens. The 17 reproductives that we measured exhibited little size variability. A single wingless reproductive was found in each colony, corresponding to ‘ergatoids’ in literature. Several facts suggest that colonies reproduce by fission, notably the relatively constant colony size (19±11 workers). The developmental origins of wingless reproductive phenotypes need investigation; little genetic change may be involved, as seen when Odontomachus larvae are parasitized by nematodes. The sole function of wingless reproductives in O. coquereli is reproduction, and they contrast with multi-purpose wingless reproductives found in other ants, where numerous intermorphs occur in each colony and contribute to sterile tasks. Received 15 December 2006; revised 26 February 2007; accepted 1 March 2007.  相似文献   

Abstract Cubitermes spp. are widely distributed soil-feeding termite species in sub-Saharan Africa which play a fundamental role in soil structure and fertility. A complex of at least four cryptic species (i.e., Cubitermes sp. affinis subarquatus complex of species) has been recently described using molecular markers. In order to investigate the breeding system of these species, five microsatellite markers were used to carry out parentage and relatedness analyses in 15 Gabonese colonies. Monogamy was confirmed as the predominant reproductive organization in Cubitermes spp. (76% of the colonies). Within 30% of these monogamous colonies, a high relatedness between reproductives was shown, suggesting that mating between related individuals occurs. However, Cubitermes colonies can deviate from monogamy. Indeed, parental contributions by at least two related reproductives of the same sex were revealed in four colonies and polyandry was demonstrated in two of them. Infiltration of reproductives in the colony is the most plausible explanation for such cases of polygamy in Cubitermes spp.  相似文献   

Summary The Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki is the most destructive, difficult to control and economically important species of termite in the southern United States. At present, no information is available on the genetic relatedness of primary Formosan subterranean termite reproductives that establish new colonies. Information on survivorship and fitness components of primary reproductives from different sibships (sibling or nonsibling) is helpful to our understanding of biological and ecological characteristics of different breeding generations in C. formosanus. The present study examined the effects of sibship and colony origin on growth and mortality of incipient colonies of C. formosanus. Seven stock colonies of C. formosanus were collected in 1996 through 1997 in New Orleans and Lake Charles, La, USA. A total of 338 incipient colonies of sibling pairs or nonsibling pairs of C. formosanus were set up. The study indicated that mate relatedness significantly affected mortality and fitness. Nonsibling mates suffered significantly higher mortality than sibling mates originated from New Orleans. However, the decreased success of outbred mates was offset by an increased fecundity compared to inbred colonies over time. Both sibling- and nonsibling-founded colonies from Lake Charles had a significantly higher survival rate than did colonies from New Orleans. Colonies from Lake Charles also produced a significantly higher number of larvae/workers than colonies from New Orleans. The mismatch of habits by mates from different locations and the potential for greater disease risks may be associated with higher mortality in outbred pairs. However, heterozygous offspring of outbred pairs probably have increased genetic variation, which provides greater adaptation potential, thus making the colony more robust in the face of environmental fluctuations.Received 11 March 2002; revised 26 February 2003; accepted 14 March 2003.  相似文献   

The existence of altruism in social insects is commonly attributed to altruistic individuals gaining indirect fitness through kin selection. However, recent studies suggest that such individuals might also gain direct fitness through reproduction. Experimental studies on primitive wood-dwelling termites revealed that colony fusion often causes the death of primary reproductives (queen and king), allowing opportunities for workers to inherit the nest by developing into replacement reproductives (neotenics). Therefore, colony fusion has been proposed as an important factor that may have favoured sociality in termites. However, whether colony fusion occurs frequently in natural populations of wood-dwelling termites remains an open question. We analysed eleven colonies of the wood-dwelling termite Kalotermes flavicollis (Kalotermitidae), using two mitochondrial and five nuclear microsatellite markers. Nine of eleven colonies (82%) were mixed families, with offspring of three or more primary reproductives. To our knowledge, this result represents the highest frequency of mixed-family colonies ever reported in termites. Moreover, genetic mixing of colonies appeared extreme in two ways. First, the number of haplotypes per colony was exceptionally high (up to nine), indicating that colonies were composed of multiple queens' offspring. Second, some mixed-family colonies included individuals belonging to two highly divergent genetic lineages. F-statistics and relatedness values suggest that mixed-family colonies most likely result from colony fusion, giving support to the accelerated nest inheritance theory. These findings raise important questions about the mode of foundation of mixed-family colonies and the evolutionary forces that maintain them within populations.  相似文献   

Aldrich BT  Kambhampati S 《Heredity》2007,99(4):443-451
Understanding the origin and maintenance of eusociality in termites has proved problematic, in part, due to a lack of knowledge concerning the variability and evolutionary changes in termite breeding structure. One way to address this is to compare the population genetics of a broad range of termite species. However, few studies have investigated the population genetics of basal termite taxa. We used 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci to characterize and compare the colony genetic structure of 18 colonies of two basal termite subspecies, Zootermopsis nevadensis nevadensis and Zootermopsis nevadensis nuttingi. The average relatedness (r) among individuals within a colony was high (0.59) and similar to values reported for other termite species. Average relatedness between colony founders was lower (0.21) suggesting the alates outbreed. Genotypes of workers and soldiers in 4 out of the 18 colonies were consistent with reproduction by a single pair of primary reproductives and the remaining colonies were inferred to have been derived from more than two reproductives. Eleven colonies with three or more reproductives were consistent with replacement reproductives (neotenics) and the remaining three colonies included genetic contribution from three or more primary reproductives. Comparisons between the subspecies revealed significant differences in breeding structure, specifically in the number and types of reproductives (that is, primaries or neotenics). Furthermore, we observed a larger proportion of colonies with greater than three primary reproductives compared to more derived termite lineages. Thus, our results suggest that breeding structure can vary significantly among termite taxa.  相似文献   

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