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A qualitative and quantitative analysis of airborne pollen and spores was carried out over 2 years (from September 1987 to August 1989) in the city of León. Slides were prepared daily using a volumetric pollen trap, which was placed on the Faculty of Veterinary Science building (University of León) 12m above ground-level. Fifty-one pollen types were observed; the most important of these were: Cupressaceae during the winter,Pinus andQuercus in spring, and Poaceae, Leguminosae and Chenopodiaceae in the summer. The results also showed the existence of a rich mould spore assemblage in the atmosphere. The group of Amerospores (Penicillium, Aspergillus andCladosporium) as well as Dictyospores (Alternaria) were the most abundant;Puccinia was common in the air in August. Fluctuations in the total pollen and spores m3 of air were compared with meteorological parameters (temperature, relative humidity and rainfall). From the daily sampling of the atmosphere of León, considering the maximum and minimum temperature and duration of rainfall, the start of the pollen grain season was observed generally to coincide with a rise in temperature in the absence of rain.  相似文献   

Lake Gallocanta has undergone drastic changes during the last thirteen years. Water level changed from a high level (Zmax = 2 m) to total dryness in 1985. From 1986 to 1988 slow refilling occurred. The water volume fluctuations have been studied in relation to climatic variations recorded for that period. Variations in the major dissolved ions were related to water volume fluctuations from data at two different stages, one corresponding to the drying phase and another to the refilling phase. Mineralogical composition of the salts precipitated at different stages was examined by X-ray diffraction. Interstitial water and mineralogical composition of recent sediments were also studied along a transect through the lake.The water column decrease from 1977 to 1985 is related to decreasing annual rainfall (500-250 mm respectively). The refilling in 1986–1988 is due to high annual rainfall (537 mm). In addition to these fluctuations, seasonal changes of the water level between 20 and 50 cm occurred every year.Gallocanta is a Na-Mg-Cl-(SO4) type lake. During the drying period a typical salt enrichment occurs with linear relationships between TDS, Cl, Na and K. Alkalinity is linearly correlated with Ca at relatively low salinities. As salinity increases a linear relationship between Ca and SO4 is observed. Minerals formed from the brine are halite, bischofite, epsomite, hexahydrite, mirabilite, gypsum, aragonite, calcite and dolomite. The molar ratio Mg/Ca of the interstitial water changes from 1.5 along the shorelines, where calcite and aragonite precipitate, to 40 in the center of the lake. Sediment cores from the central part of the lake show aragonite in the top layers, magnesian calcite and low proportions of quartz and illite, while at 20 cm depth a high proportion of gypsum is present. In contrast, cores from the shore of the lake are mainly composed of low magnesium calcite in the top layers and low magnesium calcite together high magnesium calcite and dolomite between 30 and 70 cm depth. Gypsum deposits only occur in significant proportions at 80–100 cm depth.The refilling process showed relationships between volume and salt concentration following the Langbein model. The salt mass in solution decreased about 50% from the drying to the refilling phase. However, Mg content decreased about 70 % for the same period, suggesting a contribution of this element to the dolomite formation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine the impact of man’s interventions on the present day distribution of fish in a mountain area in southern Norway, the Atna river system. River Atna originates in the Rondane mountains at altitudes of nearly 1600 m a.s.l., and joins River Glomma at 300 m a.s.l. There are 98 lakes in the watercourse (701–1565 m a.s.l.). Lake Atnsjøen is the largest lake (5.0 km2). Data on the occurrence, origin and status of fish in lakes were obtained by means of interviews, questionnaires and written sources. Occurrence in rivers and streams was surveyed by electrofishing. While the lower reaches of River Glomma contain most of the freshwater fish species found in Norway, the Atna watercourse has a poor fish fauna. Physical conditions, e.g. steep river gradients and several impassable waterfalls have prevented fish from reaching most lakes and river stretches after the deglaciation some 6000 years ago. Five species of fish are regarded as native to the area; brown trout (Salmo trutta), Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus), grayling (Thymallus thymallus), Siberian sculpin (Cottus poecilopus) and European minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus). Although only native species are found in the area, the present distribution of these species within the watercourse is to a very large extent a result of human interventions during the past 100–130 years. Brown trout were originally found in the main branch of the river, including Lake Atnsjøen and a few small lakes (n<5) further upstream, but it is now found in 65 lakes. Arctic charr were native only to Lake Atnsjøen, but now inhabit 20 lakes. Grayling remains restricted to River Atna below the waterfall at the outlet of Lake Atnsjøen. The natural distribution of Siberian sculpin is restricted to the main river below Liafossen waterfall (14 km above Lake Atnsjøen). During the 1890s, this species was accidentally introduced to Lake Setningsjøen, and subsequently spread to another three lakes further upstream. The European minnow was native only to the River Atna below Lake Atnsjøen, but was accidentally introduced to seven lakes in the course of this century. There are 24 fishless lakes in the watershed, mainly mountain lakes between 1033 and 1587 m a.s.l.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variability in the concentration of saprophytic bacteria was investigated in surface waters of Paranaguá and Antonina bays.Seven points along a profile from the entrance of Paranaguá Bay to the innermost part of Antonina Bay, were sampled monthly from November 1985 to November 1986. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and precipitation data were also measured.ZoBell 2216E culture medium was utilized with freshwater and 32% salinity water.Principal component analysis of biotic and abiotic data showed a gradient from the innermost bay to the baymouth bar with an increase in bacteria concentration at Antonina Bay. Significant variation was not observed among sampling stations at Paranaguá Bay, except for February 1986 when there was a homogeneous increase of bacteria throughout both bays in association with an increase in temperature and precipitation. There was also no strong variation of saprophyte numbers at sampling locations near Paranaguá city, despite domestic and harbour waste input.We conclude that the outer region of the estuary is highly influenced by the adjacent ocean and that the inner part has typical estuarine characteristics. The region may be considered little polluted.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2000,21(1):29-35
Ecological correlates of the distribution of nine common leiodid species were studied in three river valleys on the southern side of the Cantabrian Range in León, in northern Spain. Soil moisture content, substrate temperature variability and type of organic matter proved to be the key factors determining the distribution of species of this group. These factors may have important effects not only at the local level but also on the medium scale.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken in order to understand thebehaviour of airborne pollen grains, namely therelationship between their concentrations andconcomitant meteorological parameters, at differentaltitudes (ground level, 200, 400 and 600 m) of thelower atmosphere and its daily variations over onesite (the experimental farm of the University ofLeón). The experimental design involved a tetheredballoon (2.25 m3), an ADAS remote meteorologicalstation and an original radio controlled three headedpollen and spore sampler (called GABIS) using theRotorod design. Each head sampled a differentaltitude, while two control samples were taken atground level. Twenty-one takeoffs could be realized inthe 5 weeks period between end of May and end of June1997. Sampling was done early in the morning and sampling time at each altitudewas of 15 minutes. Results show that 45 differenttypes of pollen grains could be collected at this timeof the year and that significant variations could beobserved in the behaviour of the pollen cloud on a dayto day basis, probably because of differentmeteorological situations. Contrary to what isgenerally believed, pollen was in most cases moreabundant at higher altitude – on average by 30% ascompared to ground level – making evident anaerobiological layer of transport at about 500 m aboveground. This was especially the case for trees (Quercus and Castanea). The atmosphere MixingRatio was the most explicative factor at 200 m, whiletemperature dominated significance analysis at both400 and 600 m.  相似文献   

The main goal of the present study was to provide a detailed analysis of olive pollen transport dynamics in the province of Córdoba (south-western Spain) by applying back-trajectory analysis. Pollen data from 2006 and 2007 were analysed at four monitoring sites: Córdoba city in the centre of the province, Baena and Priego de Córdoba located in the south, and El Cabril reserve (Hornachuelos Natural Park) in the north. Particular attention was paid to nine episodes of high pollen counts. Synoptic surface maps were used, and kinematic back-trajectories (3D) were computed using the hybrid single particle Lagrangian integrated trajectory model (HYSPLIT) at 500 m above ground level, run with a time-step of 6 h over a period of 36 h. Findings were analysed in conjunction with daily and bi-hourly airborne pollen data, field phenological data and hourly surface meteorological data recorded at nearby stations: temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, wind direction and wind speed. The results identified two pollen source areas over the Córdoba province, the largest one located in the south, affecting Baena, Priego de Córdoba and Córdoba city, and one smaller located in the west, which determines mainly the pollen cycle over the north of the province, El Cabril. In addition, two air mass circulations were found, one coming from the south and crossing the main olive pollen sources very close to the surface and being frequently associated with higher pollen counts, and the other coming from the west and, in the episodes investigated, influencing mainly the north of the province.  相似文献   

This study sought to compare airborne pollen counts for a number of common herbaceous species (Plantago, Chenopodiaceae–Amaranthaceae, Rumex, and Urticaceae) in two cities with differing weather conditions, Córdoba (Southwestern Spain) and Poznan (Western Poland). Pollen seasons for these species were studied from 1995 to 2005. Aerobiological sampling was performed using a Hirst type 7-day spore trap, in accordance with the procedure developed by the European Aerobiology Network. A Spearman correlation test was used to test for correlations between meteorological parameters and daily airborne pollen counts. The Spearman correlation test and the Wilcoxon signed ranks test were also used to compare mean daily pollen counts for the two study sites. In Córdoba, the pollen season generally started around two months earlier than in Poznan, and also lasted longer. These findings were attributed to the presence of a larger number of species in Córdoba, with overlapping pollen seasons, and also to more favorable weather conditions. Trends in pollen season start dates were fairly stable over the study period, with a slight tendency to delayed onset in Córdoba and a modest advance in start date in Poznan. The pollen season end date also remained reasonably stable over the study, with only a slight tendency for the season to end earlier in Córdoba and later in Poznan. A clear trend towards declining annual pollen counts was recorded over the study period for all pollen types in both cities.  相似文献   

The spatial ecology of sloths was studied in an agricultural landscape in Limón Province, Costa Rica. Two sloth species, the three-toed sloth (Bradypus variegatus) and the two-toed sloth (Choloepus hoffmanni), actively used and traveled through a cacao agroforest and its contiguous living fence rows and riparian forests. This agroecosystem was embedded in an agricultural landscape dominated by banana and pineapple plantations and pastures with dispersed trees. The two-toed sloth (C. hoffmanni) was found in 101 tree species and used 34 for food; the three-toed sloth (B. variegatus) was found in 71 tree species and used 15 for food. Choice of preferred species differed between the two sloth species. Trees commonly used by sloths for food and/or refuge in the cacao agroforest included Erythrina poeppigiana, Cecropia obtusifolia, Leucaena leucocephala; in the living fence rows, Cordia alliodora, Erythrina poeppigiana, Ocotea sinuata and Trophis racemosa; in the riparian forests, Coussapoa villosa, Cecropia obtusifolia, Hura crepitans, Pterocarpus officinalis and Spondias mombin; and in the pastures with dispersed trees, Cordia alliodora, Coussapoa villosa, Erythrina poeppigiana, Ocotea sinuata and Hura crepitans. This study demonstrates the importance of the cacao agroforest as well as arboreal elements in other land uses in providing resources for sloth conservation in a larger agricultural landscape.  相似文献   

We test a strategy for analyzing species richness in a landscape. This strategy is based on the joint analysis of (local), (turnover) and (landscape) diversities. We assessed the spatial and temporal relations among , and diversity of bats (Phyllostomidae and Mormoopidae) in a tropical landscape. In a spatial dimension, diversity depends on the diversity of the most species-rich community. The value of spatial diversity between habitats was very low. A high diversity was found in a cornfield, which may be attributed to the reduced extent of the field (compared with a more extensive field) that allows the arrival of individuals from nearby rich communities. In a temporal dimension, within habitat cumulative richness over sampling period may be considerably different from the average richness. These differences are attributed to temporal turnover during short time intervals. Therefore, cumulative richness may be viewed as the temporal equivalent of within-habitat diversity, which results of both average and temporal turnover. We discuss, which value must be taken as an estimate of habitat species richness, the average or the cumulative , and the implications that this decision can have in the evaluation of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Many European lakes are monitored according to the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), with focus on phytoplankton biomass and species composition. However, the low-frequency WFD monitoring may miss short-term phytoplankton changes. This is an important issue because short-term extreme meteorological events (heat waves and heavy rain) are predicted to increase in frequency and intensity with climate change. We used records from Lake Mondsee (Austria) from 2009 to 2015 to test if a reduction from monthly to seasonal sampling affected the average annual phytoplankton biovolume. Furthermore, we combined inverted light microscopy, FlowCAM and flow cytometry to estimate the effect of sampling during extreme events on average phytoplankton biovolume. Relative to monthly sampling, seasonal sampling significantly overestimated phytoplankton biomass. A heat wave in 2015 and two episodes of heavy rain in 2015 and 2016 caused species-specific changes; biovolumes of chlorophytes and the filamentous cyanobacterium Planktothrix rubescens (De Candolle ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek increased significantly during the heat wave. Using live material with FlowCAM and flow cytometry, we detected small and fragile cells and colonies that were either ignored or underrepresented by analysing fixed samples with light microscopy. We suggest a modified sampling and analysis strategy to capture short-term changes within the phytoplankton community.  相似文献   

Speciation requires the evolution of reproductive barriers to achieve isolation between species. In this paper, we examine the role of two major pre-zygotic barriers in reducing the chance of F1 hybrid formation between two pairs of Narcissus species. Field experiments were performed over 5?years in eight natural populations to determine whether flowering phenology and pollinator fidelity could act as reproductive isolation barriers in Narcissus. Our results show that reproductive isolation due to flowering phenology is highly variable and asymmetric. In some populations, pollinator fidelity was so strong that the quantification of reproductive isolation was complete and a strong negative correlation was found between the strength of this barrier and the abundance of hybrids. Nevertheless, the degree of pollinator fidelity was quite variable among populations indicating that reproductive isolation varies geographically but very consistent across years indicating that plant-pollinator interactions are well established. In fact, the finding that hybrid formation between these species occurs only in sites where pollinator fidelity is incomplete suggests that hybrid formation also varies geographically and that divergent evolutionary outcomes may occur in different sympatric populations of Narcissus.  相似文献   

Fernández-Rosado  M. J.  Lucena  J. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,455(1-3):157-170
Space-time distribution of the zooplankton (Rotifera, Cladocera and Copepoda) density along the central axis (horizontally and vertically) and the shores of La Concepción reservoir have been studied for one year. Results show that the distribution along the central axis and the shores follows similar patterns both in space and time. Rotifera and Copepoda mainly appear during the first part of the mixing period and Cladocera during stratification. Horizontal distribution is characterized by the occurrence of density gradients from the intake to the dam. Vertical distribution present density maximum at the Secchi depth during mixing and at two times Secchi depth, during stratification. Zooplankton distribution is related to physical-chemical and biotic factors.  相似文献   

To propose a concept of their mutual diversity, twenty-nine permanent shallow floodplain pools and oxbows in the river Lužnice floodplain were analysed for area, depth, shape, flooding, and shading by terrestrial vegetation, and sampled in all seasons for their water chemistry, phytoplankton composition and biomass, and zooplankton composition. The sites are regularly flooded, eutrophic, and often shaded by surrounding vegetation. Cryptophyceae, Chrysophyceae and Euglenophyceae dominated the phytoplankton, while Cyanophytes were rare. Within the rich zooplankton assemblage (63 species), cladocerans and rotifers dominated. Correlation matrices and multivariate analyses indicated that shaded and relatively deeper sites had lower oxygen saturation and higher concentrations of PO4–P and NH4–N. Shade and relative depth correlated negatively with phytoplankton biomass and number of phytoplankton taxa, and positively with Cryptophytes and large cladocerans—thus indicating poor mixing, poor light availability and low fish pressure on herbivores. Decomposition of leaf litter increased oxygen consumption, while shade from terrestrial vegetation restricted photosynthesis and decreased oxygen production. Larger sites were more species-rich in phytoplankton and supported Euglenophyceae, green algae and rotifers.  相似文献   



Studies in the literature have indicated that the timing of seasonal influenza epidemic varies across latitude, suggesting the involvement of meteorological and environmental conditions in the transmission of influenza. In this study, we investigated the link between meteorological parameters and influenza activity in 9 sub-national areas with temperate and subtropical climates: Berlin (Germany), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Castile and León (Spain) and all 6 districts in Israel.


We estimated weekly influenza-associated influenza-like-illness (ILI) or Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) incidence to represent influenza activity using data from each country’s sentinel surveillance during 2000–2011 (Spain) and 2006–2011 (all others). Meteorological data was obtained from ground stations, satellite and assimilated data. Two generalized additive models (GAM) were developed, with one using specific humidity as a covariate and another using minimum temperature. Precipitation and solar radiation were included as additional covariates in both models. The models were adjusted for previous weeks’ influenza activity, and were trained separately for each study location.


Influenza activity was inversely associated (p<0.05) with specific humidity in all locations. Minimum temperature was inversely associated with influenza in all 3 temperate locations, but not in all subtropical locations. Inverse associations between influenza and solar radiation were found in most locations. Associations with precipitation were location-dependent and inconclusive. We used the models to estimate influenza activity a week ahead for the 2010/2011 period which was not used in training the models. With exception of Ljubljana and Israel’s Haifa District, the models could closely follow the observed data especially during the start and the end of epidemic period. In these locations, correlation coefficients between the observed and estimated ranged between 0.55 to 0.91and the model-estimated influenza peaks were within 3 weeks from the observations.


Our study demonstrated the significant link between specific humidity and influenza activity across temperate and subtropical climates, and that inclusion of meteorological parameters in the surveillance system may further our understanding of influenza transmission patterns.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(7):781-789
We present an updated taxonomy and faunal distribution of the micromammal fossil record from the Aragonian and Lower Vallesian of the Calatayud-Montalbán Basin. The analysed record includes the orders Rodentia, Eulipotyphla, and Lagomorpha. The pattern of species turnover shows seven major faunal events, which are correlated with major climate changes based on marine stable oxygen and carbon isotope records. Episodes δ18O Mi-2 and Mi-3 are significantly correlated with major micromammal turnover at the boundaries between the Lower and Middle Aragonian and the Middle and Upper Aragonian, respectively. Our results support the existence of a selective turnover during the Aragonian and Lower Vallesian.  相似文献   

Skull morphology results from the bone remodelling mechanism that underlies the specific bone growth dynamics. Histological study of the bone surface from Neanderthal mandible specimens of El Sidrón (Spain) provides information about the distribution of the remodelling fields (bone remodelling patterns or BRP) indicative of the bone growth directions. In comparison with other primate species, BRP shows that Neanderthal mandibles from the El Sidrón (Spain) sample present a specific BRP. The interpretation of this map allows inferences concerning the growth directions that explain specific morphological traits of the Neanderthal mandible, such as its quadrangular shape and the posterior location of the mental foramen.  相似文献   

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