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Natal and breeding dispersal have a major impact on gene flowand population structure. We examined the consequences of nataldispersal on the reproductive success (proportion of pairs rearingchicks) of colonial-breeding Thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia).Reproductive success increased with distance dispersed for thefirst and second breeding attempt. The increase in breedingsuccess leveled off at natal dispersal distances above 7 m.Our results were consistent with the idea that the relationshipbetween dispersal and reproductive success is caused by siteavailability and mate choice as birds willing to disperse fartherhad a greater choice of potential sites and mates. This hypothesiswas supported by the fact that birds dispersing farther weremore likely to pair with an experienced breeder, which increasesthe likelihood of breeding success for young breeders. Explanationsfor increasing breeding success with increased dispersal basedon inbreeding effects were unlikely because most breeding failureswere caused by egg loss rather than infertility or nestlingdeath. However, we could not explain why >50% of birds returnwithin 3 m of the natal site, despite having an up to 50% lowerreproductive success than birds dispersing 7 m or more.  相似文献   

Breeding dispersal is the movement of an individual between breeding attempts and is usually associated with the disruption of the social pair bond, although mates may disperse together as a social unit. In monogamous territorial species, the decision to disperse may be affected by individual attributes such as sex, age and condition of the disperser. However, environmental and social contexts may also play a crucial role in the decision to disperse. We analysed capture‐resighting data collected over 9 years to study breeding dispersal and divorce rates of a Southern House Wren Troglodytes aedon musculus population in South Temperate Argentina. Between‐season dispersal was more frequent than within‐season dispersal, with females dispersing more often than males, both between and within seasons. Both within‐season and between‐season breeding dispersal probability was affected by territory availability, but not by previous breeding success. When the adult sex ratio (ASR) was more skewed towards males, male between‐season dispersal was also affected by mating status, with widowed and single males dispersing more often than paired males. Within‐season divorce increased the reproductive success of females but not males, and was affected by the availability of social partners (with increasingly male‐skewed ASR). Our results suggest that territorial vacancies and mating opportunities affect dispersal and divorce rates in resident Southern House Wrens, highlighting the importance of social and environmental contexts for dispersal behaviour and the stability of social pair bonds.  相似文献   

While natal dispersal can have a significant impact on population dynamics, it is typically difficult to quantify. We investigated timing of natal dispersal of the cooperatively breeding Puff-throated Bulbul Alophoixus pallidus in a tropical evergreen forest by modelling the probability of staying in or dispersing from their natal territory whilst taking into account the effects of sex, group size, and the presence of helper(s). Birds did not disperse until the beginning of and during the breeding season following the hatching year. Dispersal was strongly female-biased both in frequency and distance: most females (95%) dispersed away from their natal territories, and of those relocated, traversed 2–7 territories. In contrast, 50% of males remained in the natal territory as helpers in their second year, while relocated dispersing males crossed 1–2 territories. Natal dispersal was not influenced by either group size or the presence of helpers. Males that fledged earlier in the breeding season exhibited higher rates of philopatry than the males that fledged later, but no correlation between fledging date and philopatry was observed in females. The probability of staying in the natal territory during the second year was 0.58 ± 0.14 SE and 0.05 ± 0.04 for males and females, respectively. These findings may add to our understanding of how natal dispersal can reflect social patterns and kin structure in cooperative breeding species from a little-studied tropical forest region.  相似文献   

Capsule: Pairs of White-throated Dippers Cinclus cinclus which defended winter territories bred earlier than non-territorial individuals, but there was no difference in reproductive success.

Aims: The effect of winter territoriality on breeding ecology has rarely been studied in resident birds. We carried out a preliminary investigation of whether winter territorial behaviour and territory size affect the timing of reproduction, breeding territory size and reproductive success in a riverine bird, the White-throated Dipper.

Methods: We monitored an individually marked population of White-throated Dippers in the UK. Wintering individuals were classified as either territorial or ‘floaters’ according to their patterns of occurrence and behaviour, and their nesting attempts were closely monitored in the subsequent months. Winter and breeding territory sizes were measured by gently ‘pushing’ birds along the river and recording the point at which they turned back.

Results: All birds defending winter territories did so in pairs, but some individuals changed partners before breeding. Territorial pairs that were together throughout the study laid eggs significantly earlier than pairs containing floaters and those comprising territorial birds that changed partners. However, there were no significant differences in clutch size, nestling mass or the number of chicks fledged. There was no relationship between winter territory length and lay date or any measure of reproductive success, although sample sizes were small. Winter territories were found to be significantly shorter than breeding territories.

Conclusion: Winter territoriality may be advantageous because breeding earlier increases the likelihood that pairs will raise a second brood, but further study is needed. Territories are shorter in winter as altitudinal migrants from upland streams increase population density on rivers, but this may also reflect seasonal changes in nutritional and energetic demands.  相似文献   

Breeding dispersal is a key process of population structure and dynamics and is often triggered by an individual's breeding failure. In both colonial and territorial birds, reproductive success of conspecifics (RSc) can also lead individuals to change breeding sites after a failure on a site. Yet, few studies have simultaneously investigated the independent contribution of individual reproductive success (RSi) and of RSc on dispersal decision. Here, we develop a modeling framework to disentangle the effects of RSi and RSc on demographic parameters, while accounting for imperfect individual detection and other confounding factors such as age or dispersal behavior in the previous year. Using a 10‐year capture–recapture dataset composed of 1,595 banded tree swallows, we assessed the effects of nonmanipulated RSi and RSc on female breeding dispersal in this semicolonial passerine. Dispersal was strongly driven by RSi, but not by RSc. Unsuccessful females were 9.5–2.5 times more likely to disperse than successful ones, depending if they had dispersed or not in the previous year, respectively. Unsuccessful females were also three times less likely to be detected than successful ones. Contrary to theoretical and empirical studies, RSc did not drive the decision to disperse but influenced the selection of the following breeding site once dispersal had been initiated. Because detection of individuals was driven by RSi, which was positively correlated to RSc, assuming a perfect detection as in previous studies may have lead us to conclude that RSc affected dispersal patterns, yet our approach corrected for this bias. Overall, our results suggest that the value and use of RSc as public information to guide dispersal decisions are likely dictated by multiple ecological determinants, such as landscape structure and extent, if this cue is indeed used.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of matrix habitats and destination territory social composition on dispersal choices made by red-cockaded woodpeckers (Picoides borealis). We compared matrix habitats and social conditions for 165 dispersals documented between 1995 and 2005 with similarly distanced destinations that went unselected. We modeled data with discrete choice analysis methods, and ranked models using a model selection approach. Model-averaged parameters indicated that juvenile female, and juvenile and helper male red-cockaded woodpeckers dispersed across matrix forests with characteristics similar to those used for breeding. Models differed for sex and social classes, but results generally indicated that birds chose not to transit forests with greater densities of hardwood trees and young pines, and that dispersal was more likely to occur across forests with more large diameter pine trees. Dispersers of both sexes also chose destinations without non-breeding helpers that might present aggressive social challenges to dispersers, particularly males. Juvenile females and helper males also preferred to disperse to territories that were currently occupied by breeding woodpeckers. Previous studies documented the influence on dispersal of travel distance, natal area social interactions and resources, and resources at dispersal destinations. Our results extend factors that affect dispersal movement to include matrix habitats traversed by dispersers and the social composition of destination territories. As such, results have key implications for promoting population connectivity and conservation management of endangered red-cockaded woodpeckers, as well as other resident territorial birds. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

1. Using data from 327 nests over a consecutive 8-year period we examined age-specific variation in reproduction in a population of stitchbirds (or hihi) Notiomystis cincta and related how differences in reproductive performance were linked to the timing of territory establishment and breeding. 2. Across the population all reproductive parameters showed a quadratic relationship with an increase mainly between the first and second breeding season and a decline after the fourth year. A longitudinal analysis showed evidence of senescence by the sixth year in the numbers of chicks fledged and recruited. 3. Reproductive increases between years 1 and 2 were the result of poor-quality females dying after their first breeding season (differential selection hypothesis) in combination with surviving females showing improvements in reproduction in their second year (individual improvement/constraint hypothesis). 4. There was no effect of mate experience or territory quality on improvements in breeding between years. 5. The key variable influencing reproductive output was the timing of breeding. Birds that started laying earlier were more likely to lay multiple clutches in any given season. This was the main difference between first-year and older birds; generally first-year birds initiated egg laying later and consequently laid fewer clutches. 6. Approximately half of all first-year birds did not establish their territory until after the breeding season had begun. This delay in territory establishment resulted in these birds delaying breeding, which resulted in them having a lower reproductive output relative to all other birds. First-year birds that managed to establish their territory before breeding commenced, had similar rates of reproduction as older birds. 7. There was a positive relationship between the timing of territory establishment during a female's first year and her hatching date in the previous breeding season. We hypothesize that this was because late-hatched females were less able to effectively compete for territories against earlier-hatched members of their cohort, and this delayed their establishment and breeding in their first year. Thus, this social constraint is likely to be a major factor driving age-specific reproductive variation in this population.  相似文献   

In cooperative breeders, sexually mature subordinates can either queue for chances to inherit the breeding position in their natal group, or disperse to reproduce independently. The choice of one or the other option may be flexible, as when individuals respond to attractive dispersal options, or they may reflect fixed life-history trajectories. Here, we show in a permanently marked, natural population of the cooperatively breeding cichlid fish Neolamprologus pulcher that subordinate helpers reduce investment in territory defence shortly before dispersing. Such reduction of effort is not shown by subordinates who stay and inherit the breeding position. This difference suggests that subordinates ready to leave reduce their investment in the natal territory strategically in favour of future life-history perspectives. It seems to be part of a conditional choice of the dispersal tactic, as this reduction in effort appears only shortly before dispersal, whereas philopatric and dispersing helpers do not differ in defence effort earlier in life. Hence, cooperative territory defence is state-dependent and plastic rather than a consistent part of a fixed life-history trajectory.  相似文献   

The reproductive success of colonially breeding species depends in part upon a trade‐off between the benefit of a dilution effect against nestling predation within larger colonies and colony conspicuousness. However, there may be no net survivorship benefit of dilution if smaller colonies are sufficiently inconspicuous. This raises the question about how the size distribution of breeding colonies on a landscape might change as the predation danger for nestlings changes. In southwest British Columbia, Canada, bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus populations have increased exponentially at ~5% per year in recent decades and prey upon nestlings of colonial breeding great blue herons Ardea herodias faninni. Motivated by field data on reproductive success in relation to colony size, modeling is used to ask under which circumstances trading off a dilution benefit against colony conspicuousness can improve population reproductive success. That is, which colonial nesting distribution, dispersed and cryptic versus clumped and conspicuous, best mitigates predation danger on nestlings? When predators are territorial, the modeling predicts a dispersed nesting strategy as attack rate increases, but not as predator numbers increase. When predators are non‐territorial, the modeling predicts a dispersed nesting strategy as predator numbers and/or attack rates increase. When predators are both territorial and non‐territorial, colonial nesting within a predator's territory improves reproductive success when attack rates are low. This suggests nesting in association with territorial predators may offer decreased levels of predation when compared with nesting amongst non‐territorial predators. Thus a change in the colony size distribution of colonially breeding species might be anticipated on a landscape experiencing a change in predation danger.  相似文献   

In most cooperatively breeding birds the offspring of one sex, usually male, delays dispersal to remain on the natal territory and helps its parents to rear subsequent young. Thus delayed dispersal could be the first step in the evolution of cooperative breeding. We studied natal dispersal in a population of the group-living speckled warbler, Chthonicola sagittata, based on observations of a colour-banded population over 3 years. Unlike other group-living members of the Acanthizinae, all juvenile males in this population dispersed to settle on foreign territories as subordinates, which do not help rear the young. Speckled warblers showed all the life history traits that are thought to result in a saturated habitat and lead to delayed dispersal: they were sedentary, had high adult survival and had a male-biased sex ratio. However, they differed from other acanthizids in occurring at low density (0.18 birds/ha) on large breeding territories (6-12 ha), with a maximum of two males per territory. This may allow subordinates to live on foreign territories yet avoid aggression from dominants. A benefit of dispersal is that it provides an additional route to gaining a breeding vacancy. Dispersers can acquire vacancies on their new territory or on a neighbour's, but incest avoidance would be likely to constrain nondispersing males to neighbours' territories. A model of relative lifetime success showed that the survival benefits of natal philopatry are unlikely to outweigh this benefit of dispersal.  相似文献   

Most wood‐warblers (Parulidae) are non‐migratory residents of the Neotropics and subtropics, and the demographic characteristics of these species are poorly known. I examined the annual survival, reproductive output, dispersal, age of first breeding, and other demographic characteristics of a permanently territorial non‐migratory tropical warbler, the Slate‐throated Redstart (Myioborus miniatus), based on a 5‐yr study of a color‐banded population in Monteverde, Costa Rica. Territorial males showed strong site fidelity, but 26% of females engaged in short‐distance between‐year breeding dispersal. Estimated annual survival of territory holders, corrected for undetected female breeding dispersal, was 0.56 for males and 0.43 for females, values lower than expected and comparable to survival estimates for North American migrant warblers. The lower annual survival of females had two demographic consequences; unpaired territorial males were present in 3 of 5 yr, and some 1‐yr‐old males appeared to be floaters. Unpaired females or female floaters, however, were not observed. Mean natal dispersal distance was significantly greater for females (935 m) than males (485 m). Estimated first‐year survival was 0.29, but this is almost certainly an underestimate because of undetected long‐distance, female‐biased natal dispersal. Annual fecundity (fledglings per female) was 1.8, less than that of temperate warblers and attributable to small mean clutch sizes and a low incidence of double brooding. Estimated population growth rate (λ) was <1 for both males and females, suggesting that the study population was a demographic sink, most likely due to lower‐than‐expected adult survival.  相似文献   

One of the most widely accepted explanations for the difference in the sex bias between mammals and birds is that male-biased dispersal in mammals is due to the preponderance of polygynous mating systems exhibited by this class, whereas birds are predominantly monogamous. Spectral tarsiers (Tarsius spectrum) are unusual in that they exhibit variation in its mating system. Although the majority of spectral tarsier groups are monogamous, ca. 15% are polygynous. If mating system influences dispersal, then I predicted that the polygynous groups would exhibit male biased dispersal whereas I predicted that the dispersal patterns of the monogamous groups would be analogous to that exhibited by birds, specifically female biased. Alternatively, I hypothesized that ecological variation may influence dispersal habits in this species. Specifically, I predicted that polygynous groups would exhibit greater habitat quality than monogamous groups. The 2 hypotheses are not mutually exclusive. On the basis of 14 individuals birdbanded between 1994 and 1999, I determined that individuals of both sexes were equally likely to disperse (males, n = 5; females, n = 9). Males dispersed twice as far as females did. The mean dispersal distance for males was 660 m, and for females it was 266 m. Females (77%) were more likely to form a territory adjacent to the parental territory than were males (20%). Individuals exhibited relatively high amounts of site fidelity (86%) that were related to physical characteristics of the sleeping site. Adults that dispersed a second time (n = 4) initially resided in trees that were shorter and had a smaller diameter-at-breast height than the trees of individuals that exhibited site fidelity. The results of my study partly support the parental mating system hypothesis and also support the habitat quality hypothesis.  相似文献   

As the value of a limited resource such as a territory increases, animals should invest more in the defence of that resource. Because reproductive success often depends on the quality of a breeding territory, reproductive success or failure may alter the perceived value of territory and affect an animal's investment in territorial defence. We used common loons Gavia immer to test the hypothesis that animals with recent breeding success would show stronger territorial defence than those with no recent breeding success. Surprisingly, successful loons responded less, not more, to a simulated intrusion. However, birds with success in the previous season also increased their territorial response as the breeding season progressed. In conjunction with past data showing that recently successful loons experience an increase in conspecific intrusions on their territories, we interpret our data to suggest that loons with recent success offset the cost of increased intrusions by adopting a more efficient strategy for territorial defence (e.g. limiting investment in resource defence until the time of the season when it is most critical).  相似文献   

TOM A. LANGEN 《Ibis》1996,138(3):506-513
Greenwood explained the different sex bias in dispersal of birds (usually female biased) and mammals (usually male biased) by a difference in mating systems: male birds primarily defend resources while male mammals primarily defend females. The White-throated Magpie-jay Calocitta formosa is unusual among birds in that females are philopatric and jointly defend permanent resource territories while males disperse before they are 2 years of age. One female in a group is the primary breeder. One male joins the group permanently as her mate. Males that do not have a permanent breeding position circulate among groups and attempt to mate with both the primary breeding female and other group females. Other females feed the primary breeder and her offspring and also pursue other reproductive behaviour, including secondary nesting in the territory and egg dumping into the primary breeder's nest. I argue that the unusual dispersal pattern in this species is a result of the alternative reproductive strategies that can be pursued by males and females excluded from being primary breeders. The White-throated Magpie-jay conforms to Greenwood's predictions: males pursue a mate defence rather than resource defence mating system and they are the dispersing sex. The primary factor influencing alternative reproductive tactics may be asynchronous reproduction among groups during the long breeding season arising from frequent renesting in an area of high nest predation.  相似文献   

Despite its key role in population dynamics and evolutionary ecology, little is known about factors shaping survival in long‐lived territorial species. Here, we assessed several hypotheses that might explain variability in survival in a migratory Spanish population of a long‐lived territorial species, the Egyptian vulture Neophron percnopterus, using a 16‐year monitoring period and live‐encounter histories of 835 individually marked birds. Cormack‐Jolly‐Seber capture–recapture models showed no evidence for effects of sex or nestling body condition on survival. However, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI; an indicator of primary productivity) of natal territories had positive effects on juvenile survival, indicating that environmental conditions experienced early in life can determine survival prospects. Survival increased with age (0.73±0.02 in the first 2 years to 0.78±0.03 in years 3 and 4) to later decrease when birds were five years old (0.60±0.05), the age at which they acquire the adult plumage, abandon the communal lifestyle of juveniles, and may look for a breeding territory. At older ages, survival was higher for non‐breeding (0.75±0.02) and breeding adults (0.83±0.02). Among the latter, birds that recruited into better territories had higher survival prospects. Age‐specific variation in survival in this species may be related to behavioural changes linked to dispersal and recruitment into the breeding population, while survival prospects of adult birds strongly depend on breeding territory selection. These results suggest a tradeoff between recruiting soon, and thus reducing mortality costs of a long and extensive dispersal period, and trying to recruit into a good quality territory. Finally, annual survival rates for birds of all age classes were positively related with the NDVI in their African wintering grounds. Although this relationship was probably mediated by food availability, further research is needed to properly identify the limiting factors that are affecting trans‐Saharan migrants, especially in light of global climate change.  相似文献   

张新玉  王华  鲍毅新  王艳妮  叶彬 《生态学报》2016,36(5):1312-1320
2009年7月—11月,2010年3月—11月对千岛湖两个岛屿上的社鼠(Niviventer confucianus)种群进行标志重捕,通过分析扩散个体的性别、年龄及扩散距离等,探讨陆桥岛屿环境下社鼠的扩散特征。研究结果显示:岛屿环境下社鼠的扩散率为37.96%,不同季节社鼠的扩散率存在差异,社鼠倾向于在春季发生扩散,尤其是3月份,社鼠扩散个体数最多;对于整个捕获史而言,雌雄扩散个体数存在极显著的差异(x~2=12.542,df=1,P0.001),雄性个体更倾向于发生扩散;而在繁殖高峰期,当怀孕鼠存在时,雄性扩散数亦大于雌性,两者存在显著差异(x~2=4.504,df=1,P=0.034)。扩散个体体重的季节差异不显著;扩散与社鼠的年龄密切相关,社鼠更加倾向于在亚成年阶段发生扩散;另外,家群大小对社鼠扩散个体数量也有显著影响,家群越大,扩散个体越多;对扩散距离进行分析发现存在显著的性别差异(t=-9.229,df=50,P0.001),雌性个体的平均扩散距离为(282.97±16.14)m,显著大于雄性的(146.70±6.80)m,而扩散距离与年龄、体重、最大活动距离均无显著相关性。  相似文献   

Adult birds tend to show high fidelity to their breeding territory or disperse over relatively short distances. Gene flow among avian populations is thus expected to occur primarily through natal dispersal. Although natal dispersal is a critical demographic process reflecting the area over which population dynamics take place, low recapture rates of birds breeding for the first time have limited our ability to reliably estimate dispersal rates and distances. Stable isotope approaches can elucidate origins of unmarked birds and so we generated year- and age-specific δ2H and δ34S feather isoscapes (ca. 180 000 km2) of coastal-breeding Ovenbirds (Seiurus aurocapilla) and used bivariate probability density functions to assign the likely natal areas of 35 males recruited as first-year breeders into a population located in northwestern New Brunswick, Canada. Most individuals (80–94% depending on the magnitude of an age correction factor used; i.e. 28–33 out of 35) were classified as residents (i.e. fledged within our study area) and estimated minimum dispersal distances of immigrants were between 40 and 240 km. Even when considering maximum dispersal distances, the likely origin of most first-year breeders was<200 km from our study area. Our method identified recruitment into our population from large geographic areas with relatively few samples whereas previous mark-recapture based methods have required orders of magnitude more individuals to describe dispersal at such geographic scales. Natal dispersal movements revealed here suggest the spatial scale over which many population processes are taking place and we suggest that conservation plans aiming to maintain populations of Ovenbirds and ecologically-similar species should consider management units within 100 or at most 200 km of target breeding populations.  相似文献   

The presence of parents in the natal territory may play an important,but often overlooked, role in natal dispersal and the consequentacquisition of a territory. Living with parents in a territorymay confer a fitness advantage to subordinates through, forexample, the nepotistic behavior of the parents or indirectbenefits gained by helping to raise nondescendent kin. Whena parent is replaced by a stepparent, such advantages are reducedor disappear and, as a result, subordinates may disperse. Subordinatesthat disperse after parent replacement may be constrained intheir timing of dispersal, which could have negative fitnessconsequences. In the cooperatively breeding Seychelles warbler,we show that when a parent was naturally replaced or experimentallyremoved and subsequently replaced by a stepparent from outsidethe territory, subordinates were more likely to disperse thanwhen both parents remained in the natal territory. Furthermore,subordinates dispersing from territories in which one or bothparents had been replaced were less likely to acquire a breederposition than subordinates dispersing when both parents werestill on the natal territory. Our findings suggest that thepresence of parents in the natal territory may promote delayeddispersal and facilitate the eventual acquisition of a breederposition outside the natal territory. Our results support theidea that the prolonged parental care, which long-lived speciesare able to provide, may have selected for family living.  相似文献   

The little penguin Eudyptula minor is unique among penguin species in being able to fledge chicks from two clutches in one breeding season. Pairs laying two clutches in a given season make a higher reproductive investment, and may be rewarded by a higher reproductive success as they may raise twice as many chicks as pairs laying one clutch. The higher effort made by pairs laying two clutches could correlate negatively with survival, future reproductive performance or offspring survival, indicating a cost of reproduction. Conversely, a positive relationship between the number of clutches produced in a given breeding season and survival, future reproductive performance or offspring survival would indicate that birds laying two clutches belonged to a category of birds with higher fitness, compared to birds laying only one clutch in the season. In this study we used a long‐term data set taken from an increasing population of little penguins in Otago, SE New Zealand. We modelled the relationship between the number of clutches laid in a breeding season and survival probability, reproductive performance in the next breeding season and first year survival of offspring using capture‐recapture modelling.
Birds laying two clutches produced 1.7 times more fledglings during a breeding season than pairs laying one clutch. We found that birds laying two clutches had a higher probability of breeding in the following breeding season, a higher probability of laying two clutches in the following breeding season and a higher survival probability. There was no overall difference in post‐fledging survival between the young of birds producing one clutch and the young of birds producing two clutches. However, the survival of young of single clutch breeders declined with laying date, whereas the young of double clutch breeders had the same survival rate irrespective of laying date. For a subset of data with birds of known age, we found evidence that the probability of laying two clutches increased with age. However, there were also indications for differences among birds in the tendency to lay two clutches that could not be attributed to age. We tentatively interpret our results as evidence of quality difference among little penguin breeders.  相似文献   

American dipper Cinclus mexicanus populations are frequently composed of resident individuals that occupy permanent territories year round and migratory individuals that overwinter with residents but migrate to breeding territories on higher elevation creeks each spring. Between 1999 and 2004 we examined how migratory strategy (resident/migratory) and sex differences influence breeding territory fidelity of American dippers occupying the Chilliwack River watershed, British Columbia, Canada. Counter to expectation we found that the migratory strategy of American dippers did not influence whether birds breeding in one year were found on their former breeding territory in the next. Migratory strategy also did not affect the probability that known surviving dippers occupied the same breeding territory in the following year. Males and females were equally likely to be found on their former territory in the following year (females 43%, males 41%) and known survivors had similar levels of breeding territory fidelity (females 74%, males 68%). However, breeding territory fidelity of males and females varied in response to different factors. Surviving female dippers were more likely to be found on their former breeding territory in the subsequent year following a successful breeding attempt than an unsuccessful breeding attempt. Prior reproductive performance did not influence whether surviving male dippers were found on their former breeding territory. Male dippers were more likely to be found on their former territory and, if they survived, have higher breeding territory fidelity when their mate also returned to that same territory. Mate retention also influenced whether females were found on their former territory in the following year but had no effect on the breeding territory fidelity of known survivors. We argue that sex‐specific dispersal decision rules in American dippers are driven by sex differences in the predictability of breeding performance between years and sex differences in how mate retention influences subsequent reproductive success.  相似文献   

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