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植物的叶片与细根分别作为植物体地上和地下部分重要的营养器官, 很多功能性状在二者之间存在着一定的关联性。研究这种关联有助于理解植物各性状之间的相互作用、植物生长过程中对资源的利用和分配, 以及建立细根性状的估算模型。该研究对内蒙古锡林河流域65种植物叶片与细根的氮(N)含量、磷(P)含量、N:P以及比叶面积(SLA)和比根长(SRL)进行了比较研究, 结果表明: 在种间尺度上, 叶片与细根间的N、P和N:P存在显著的相关性, 而SLASRL之间相关性较弱; 在种内尺度上, 叶片和细根的N、P及SLASRL, 在不同的物种中呈现出不同的趋势。此外, 叶片与细根性状的关联, 在不同的植物功能群之间存在差异。例如, 双子叶植物叶片与细根间的N含量显著相关, P含量不相关; 而单子叶植物二者之间的P含量显著相关, N含量无关联。该研究的主要结论是, 在相对一致的生境中, 植物叶片与细根性状的关联主要发生在不同物种之间, 在种内尺度上这种关联不明显, 这可能与植物功能性状在种内存在较小的变异幅度有关。  相似文献   

Restoration is an opportunity to study natural selection: One can measure the distribution of traits in source propagules used to found populations, compare this with the distribution of traits in successful recruits, and determine the strength and direction of selection on potentially adaptive traits. We investigated whether natural selection influenced seedling establishment during postfire restoration in the Great Basin, an area where large‐scale restoration occurs with a few widely available cultivars planted over a large range of environmental conditions. We collected seeds from established plants of the perennial grass Elymus elymoides ssp. californicus (squirreltail) at two restoration sites and compared the distribution of phenotypic traits of surviving plants with the original pool of restoration seeds. Seeds were planted in common gardens for two generations. Plants grown from seeds that established in the field were a nonrandom subset of the original seeds, with directional selection consistently favoring a correlated suite of traits in both field sites: small plant and seed size, and earlier flowering phenology. These results demonstrate that natural selection can affect restoration establishment in strong and predictable ways and that adaptive traits in these sites were opposite of the current criteria used for selection of restoration material in this system.  相似文献   

Leaf dry mass per unit leaf area (LMA) is a central trait in ecology, but its anatomical and compositional basis has been unclear. An explicit mathematical and physical framework for quantifying the cell and tissue determinants of LMA will enable tests of their influence on species, communities and ecosystems. We present an approach to explaining LMA from the numbers, dimensions and mass densities of leaf cells and tissues, which provided unprecedented explanatory power for 11 broadleaved woody angiosperm species diverse in LMA (33–262 g m?2; R2 = 0.94; < 0.001). Across these diverse species, and in a larger comparison of evergreen vs. deciduous angiosperms, high LMA resulted principally from larger cell sizes, greater major vein allocation, greater numbers of mesophyll cell layers and higher cell mass densities. This explicit approach enables relating leaf anatomy and composition to a wide range of processes in physiological, evolutionary, community and macroecology.  相似文献   

Here, we tested hypothesized relationships among leaf and fine root traits of grass, forb, legume, and woody plant species of a savannah community. CO2 exchange rates, structural traits, chemistry, and longevity were measured in tissues of 39 species grown in long-term monocultures. Across species, respiration rates of leaves and fine roots exhibited a common regression relationship with tissue nitrogen (N) concentration, although legumes had lower rates at comparable N concentrations. Respiration rates and N concentration declined with increasing longevity of leaves and roots. Species rankings of leaf and fine-root N and longevity were correlated, but not specific leaf area and specific root length. The C3 and C4 grasses had lower N concentrations than forbs and legumes, but higher photosynthesis rates across a similar range of leaf N. Despite contrasting photosynthetic pathways and N2-fixing ability among these species, concordance in above- and below-ground traits was evident in comparable rankings in leaf and root longevity, N and respiration rates, which is evidence of a common leaf and root trait syndrome linking traits to effects on plant and ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

Functional trait plasticity is a major component of plant adjustment to environmental stresses. Here, we explore how multiple local environmental gradients in resources required by plants (light, water, and nutrients) and soil disturbance together influence the direction and amplitude of intraspecific changes in leaf and fine root traits that facilitate capture of these resources. We measured population‐level analogous above‐ and belowground traits related to resource acquisition, i.e. “specific leaf area”–“specific root length” (SLA–SRL), and leaf and root N, P, and dry matter content (DMC), on three dominant understory tree species with contrasting carbon and nutrient economics across 15 plots in a temperate forest influenced by burrowing seabirds. We observed similar responses of the three species to the same single environmental influences, but partially species‐specific responses to combinations of influences. The strength of intraspecific above‐ and belowground trait responses appeared unrelated to species resource acquisition strategy. Finally, most analogous leaf and root traits (SLA vs. SRL, and leaf versus root P and DMC) were controlled by contrasting environmental influences. The decoupled responses of above‐ and belowground traits to these multiple environmental factors together with partially species‐specific adjustments suggest complex responses of plant communities to environmental changes, and potentially contrasting feedbacks of plant traits with ecosystem properties. We demonstrate that despite the growing evidence for broadly consistent resource‐acquisition strategies at the whole plant level among species, plants also show partially decoupled, finely tuned strategies between above‐ and belowground parts at the intraspecific level in response to their environment. This decoupling within species suggests a need for many species‐centred ecological theories on how plants respond to their environments (e.g. competitive/stress‐tolerant/ruderal and response‐effect trait frameworks) to be adapted to account for distinct plant‐environment interactions among distinct individuals of the same species and parts of the same individual.  相似文献   

Foliar endophytic fungi (FEF) are diverse and ubiquitously associated with photosynthetic land plants. However, processes shaping FEF assemblages remain poorly understood. Previous studies have indicated that host identity and host habitat are contributing factors, but these factors are often difficult to disentangle. In this study, we studied FEF assemblages from plants grown in a botanical garden, enabling us to minimize the variation in abiotic environmental conditions and fungal dispersal capacity. FEF assemblages from 46 Ficus species were sequenced using next‐generation methods, and the results indicated that closely related host species had clearly differentiated FEF assemblages. Furthermore, host phylogenetic proximity was significantly correlated with the similarity of their FEF assemblages. In the canonical correspondence analysis, eleven leaf traits explained 32.9% of the total variation in FEF assemblages, whereas six traits (specific leaf area, leaf N content, leaf pH, toughness, latex alkaloid content, and latex volume per leaf area) were significant in the first two dimensions of ordination space. In the multiple regression on distance matrix analysis, 21.0% of the total variance in FEF assemblage was explained by both host phylogeny and leaf traits while phylogeny alone explained 7.9% of the variance. Thus, our findings suggest that both evolutionary and ecological processes are involved in shaping FEF assemblages.  相似文献   

T. Tani  H. Kudoh  N. Kachi 《Plant and Soil》2003,255(1):227-237
The understory evergreen perennial Pteridophyllum racemosum Sieb. et Zucc. (Papaveraceae) has the ability to increase root mass per unit transpiring leaf area (RMA) if irradiance increases gradually over several years. In this study, we examined how P. racemosum changes its root length/leaf area ratio and specific root length when the species encounters abrupt increases in irradiance, such as sudden and unexpected canopy openings. Plants were transplanted from a low light condition in a subalpine wave-regenerating forest (photon flux density on the forest floor relative to the full sun (RPFD) was 2.7%) to a high light condition in a glasshouse (30% RPFD) (LH treatment). Transplantation from the low light condition in the forest to a low light condition in the glasshouse (LL) and transplantation from a high light condition in the forest (33% RPFD) to a high light condition in the glasshouse (HH) were also conducted as controls. Compared to the LL plants, the LH plants exhibited significant increases in RMA and root length/leaf area ratio from 30 to 70 days after transplantation. On the other hand, the effect of increased irradiance on specific root length (SRL) was weak, and both the LL and LH plants showed increased SRL from 30 to 70 days after transplantation. Increased SRL results from longer root length per unit construction cost. We concluded that increased root length/leaf area ratio of P. racemosum in response to abrupt increases in irradiance was caused by a combination of enhanced carbon allocation to roots with increased SRL.  相似文献   

A common stress on plants is NaCl‐derived soil salinity. Genus Lotus comprises model and economically important species, which have been studied regarding physiological responses to salinity. Leaf area ratio (LAR), root length ratio (RLR) and their components, specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf mass fraction (LMF) and specific root length (SRL) and root mass fraction (RMF) might be affected by high soil salinity. We characterised L. tenuis, L. corniculatus, L. filicaulis, L. creticus, L. burtii and L. japonicus grown under different salt concentrations (0, 50, 100 and 150 mm NaCl) on the basis of SLA, LMF, SRL and RMF using PCA. We also assessed effects of different salt concentrations on LAR and RLR in each species, and explored whether changes in these traits provide fitness benefit. Salinity (150 mm NaCl) increased LAR in L. burtii and L. corniculatus, but not in the remaining species. The highest salt concentration caused a decrease of RLR in L. japonicus Gifu, but not in the remaining species. Changes in LAR and RLR would not be adaptive, according to adaptiveness analysis, with the exception of SLA changes in L. corniculatus. PCA revealed that under favourable conditions plants optimise surfaces for light and nutrient acquisition (SLA and SRL), whereas at higher salt concentrations they favour carbon allocation to leaves and roots (LMF and RMF) in detriment to their surfaces. PCA also showed that L. creticus subjected to saline treatment was distinguished from the remaining Lotus species. We suggest that augmented carbon partitioning to leaves and roots could constitute a salt‐alleviating mechanism through toxic ion dilution.  相似文献   

Horacio Paz 《Biotropica》2003,35(3):318-332
I analyzed patterns of variation in root mass allocation and root morphology among seedlings of woody species in relation to environmental factors in four Neotropical forests. Among forests, I explored the response of root traits to sites varying in water or nutrient availability. Within each forest, I explored the plastic response of species to different microhabitats: gaps and understory. Additionally, I explored evidence for life history correlation of root and shoot traits by comparing species differing in their successional group (light‐demanding [22 spp.] or shade tolerant [27 spp.]) and germination type (species with photosynthetic cotyledons or species with reserve cotyledons). At each forest site, young seedlings from 10 to 20 species were excavated. A total of 55 species was collected in understory conditions and 31 of them were also collected in gaps. From each seedling, six morphological ratios were determined. Allocation to roots was higher in forest sites with the lowest soil resources. Roots were finer and longer in the most infertile site, while roots were deeper in the site with the longest dry season. Seedling traits did not differ between germination types. Shade tolerant species allocated more to roots and developed thicker roots than light‐demanding species. Light‐demanding species showed stronger plastic responses to habitat than shade tolerant species, and species with photo‐synthetic cotyledons showed lower plasticity than species with reserve cotyledons. Overall, these results suggest that among Neotropical species, root allocation and root morphology of seedlings reflect plant adjustments to water or nutrient availability at geographic and microhabitat scales. In addition, life history specialization to light environments is suggested by differences among groups of species in their allocation to roots and in their root morphology.  相似文献   


Explaining the mechanisms that produce the enormous diversity within and between tropical tree communities is a pressing challenge for plant community ecologists. Mechanistic hypotheses range from niche-based deterministic to dispersal-based stochastic models. Strong tests of these hypotheses require detailed information regarding the functional strategies of species. A few tropical studies to date have examined trait dispersion within individual forest plots using species trait means in order to ask whether coexisting species tend to be more or less functionally similar than expected given a null model. The present work takes an alternative approach by: (i) explicitly incorporating population-level trait variability; and (ii) quantifying the functional beta diversity in a series of 15 tropical forest plots arrayed along an elevational gradient. The results show a strong pattern of decay in community functional similarity with elevation. These observed patterns of functional beta diversity are shown to be highly non-random and support a deterministic model of tropical tree community assembly and turnover.  相似文献   

东灵山地区不同森林群落叶功能性状比较   总被引:20,自引:11,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
宝乐  刘艳红 《生态学报》2009,29(7):3692-3703
植物功能性状(plant functional trait)是近年来生态学研究的热点.其中叶功能性状(leaf functional trait)与植株生物量和植物对资源的获得、利用及利用效率的关系最为密切.研究了东灵山地区叶功能性状之间的关系、叶功能性状与地形因子的关系,并对不同群落叶功能性状进行了比较.通过Pearson相关分析发现,叶干物质含量(LDMC)与比叶面积(SLA)、叶氮浓度(LNC)、叶磷浓度(LPC)、叶钾浓度(LKC)负相关;叶大小与叶厚度正相关;SLA与 LNC、LPC、LKC正相关;LNC与LPC、LKC正相关;LPC与LKC正相关.通过灰色关联度分析发现,对叶大小、LNC、LKC来讲,海拔是各项地形因子中的首要影响因子;对LDMC、叶厚度来讲,坡度对其影响最大;对SLA、LPC来讲,坡位是其首要影响因子.依据乔木层的SLA和LDMC将5种群落分成3类,第一类是黑桦林和山杨林,第二类是辽东栎林,第三类是胡桃楸林和糠椴林.群落的分类情况符合该地带性植被优势度类型的分类情况,LDMC和SLA是最能体现群落间差异的叶功能性状.  相似文献   

Plant community functional composition can be manipulated in restored ecosystems to reduce the establishment potential of invading species. This study was designed to compare invasion resistance among communities with species functionally similar or dissimilar to yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis), a late‐season annual. A field experiment was conducted in the Central Valley of California with six experimental plant communities that included (1) six early‐season native annual forbs (AF); (2) five late‐season native perennials and one summer annual forb (NP); (3) a combination of three early‐season native annual forbs and three late‐season native perennials (FP); (4) six early‐season non‐native annual grasses (AG); (5) monoculture of the late‐season native perennial grass Elymus glaucus (EG); and (6) monoculture of the late‐season native perennial Grindelia camporum (GC). Following establishment, C. solstitialis seed was added to half of the plots, and a monoculture of C. solstitialis (CS) was established as a control. Over a 5‐year period, the AF and AG communities were ineffective at preventing C. solstitialis invasion. Centaurea solstitialis cover remained less than 10% in the FP and NP communities, except in year 1. By the fourth year, E. glaucus cover was greater than 50% in NP and FP communities and had spread to all other communities (e.g., 27% cover in CS in year 5). Communities containing E. glaucus, which is functionally similar to C. solstitialis, better resisted invasion than communities lacking a functional analog. In contrast, G. camporum, which is also functionally similar to C. solstitialis, failed to survive. Consequently, species selection for restored communities must consider not only functional similarity to the invader but also establishment success, competitiveness, and survivorship.  相似文献   

Despite their difference in potential growth rate, the slow-growing Brachypodium pinnatum and the fast-growing Dactylis glomerata co-occur in many nutrient-poor calcareous grasslands. They are known to respond differently to increasing levels of N and P. An experiment was designed to measure which characteristics are affected by nutrient supply and contribute to the ecological performance of these species. Nutrient acquisition and root and shoot traits of these grasses were studied in a garden experiment with nine nutrient treatments in a factorial design of 3 N and 3 P levels each. D. glomerata was superior to B. pinnatum in nutrient acquisition and growth in all treatments. B. pinnatum was especially poor in P acquisition. Both species responded to increasing N supply and to a lesser extent to increasing P supply by decreasing their root length and increasing their leaf area per total plant weight. D. glomerata showed a higher plasticity. In most treatments, the root length ratio (RLR) and the leaf area ratio (LAR) were higher for D. glomerata. A factorization of these parameters into components expressing biomass allocation, form (root fineness or leaf thickness) and density (dry matter content) shows that the low density of the biomass of D. glomerata was the main cause for the higher RLR and LAR. The biomass allocation to the roots showed a considerable plasticity but did not differ between the species. B. pinnatum had the highest leaf weight ratio. Root fineness was highly plastic in D. glomerata, the difference with B. pinnatum being mainly due to the thick roots of D. glomerata at high nutrient supply. The leaf area/leaf fresh weight ratio did not show any plasticity and was slightly higher for B. pinnatum. It is concluded, that the low density of the biomass of D. glomerata is the pivotal trait responsible for its faster growth at all nutrient levels. It enables simultaneously a good nutrient acquisition capacity by the roots as well as a superior carbon acquisition by the leaves. The high biomass density of B. pinnatum will then result in a lower nutrient requirement due to a slower turnover, which in the long term is advantageous under nutrient-poor conditions.  相似文献   

干热河谷植物叶片,树高和种子功能性状比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
植物功能性状 (plant functional trait)是近年来生态学研究的热点。以云南怒江和澜沧江干热河谷36种木本植物为研究对象,选取比叶面积 (SLA)、植株高 (H) 和种子干重 (SM) 3个功能性状,研究它们的相互关系,比较其在河谷间、河谷内的差异。结果表明:1)两个河谷内36种木本植物的以上3种功能性状间没有显著的相关性 (P值分别为0.8739,0.5763,0.5517);2)河谷间的比叶面积存在显著差异 (P=0.02944),植株高和种子干重无显著差异 (P分别为0.4070, 0.8867);3)两个河谷内木本植物功能性状中,种子干重差异最大,植株高次之,比叶面积最小。  相似文献   

1 Species-pairs from woody dicot lineages were chosen as phylogenetically independent contrasts (PICs) to represent evolutionary divergences along gradients of rainfall and nutrient stress, and within particular habitat types, in New South Wales, Australia. Seedlings were grown under controlled, favourable conditions and measurements were made for various growth, morphological and allocation traits.
2 Trait correlations across all species were identified, particularly with respect to seedling relative growth rate (RGR) and specific leaf area (SLA), a fundamental measure of allocation strategy that reflects the light-capture area deployed per unit of photosynthate invested in leaves.
3 Across all species, SLA, specific root length (SRL) and seed reserve mass were the strongest predictors of seedling RGR. That is, a syndrome of leaf and root surface maximization and low seed mass was typical of high RGR plants. This may be a high-risk strategy for individual seedlings, but one presumably mitigated by a larger number of seedlings being produced, increasing the chance that at least one will find itself in a favourable situation.
4 Syndromes of repeated attribute divergence were identified in the two sets of gradient PICs. Species from lower resource habitats generally had lower SLA. Thus, in this important respect the two gradients appeared to be variants of a more general 'stress' gradient.
5 However, trends in biomass allocation, tissue density, root morphology and seed reserve mass differed between gradients. While SLA and RGR tended to shift together along gradients and in within-habitat PICs, no single attribute emerged as the common, primary factor driving RGR divergences within contrasts. Within-habitat attribute shifts were of similar magnitude to those along gradients.  相似文献   

  • In Mediterranean ecosystems, some natural areas are exposed to severe anthropogenic impact. Especially in summer, the considerable number of tourists visiting such areas, often with vehicles, causes deposition of dust over the vegetation due to formation of powder clouds, also favoured by wind erosion, high temperature, low precipitation and incoherent soil structure. The main aim of this study was to analyse whether the deposition of dust can induce changes in leaf anatomical functional traits and in the efficiency of photosynthetic apparatus in Centranthus ruber, a species widespread in Mediterranean ecosystems.
  • Leaf morpho‐functional traits were quantified in plants growing at sites characterised by high (HD) and low (LD) dust deposition, in periods with high anthropogenic impact. Analyses included quantification of chlorophyll fluorescence emission parameters, photosynthetic pigment concentration as well as stomatal size and frequency, leaf lamina thickness, quantification of intercellular spaces and phenolics in the mesophyll through microscopy.
  • The overall analysis suggested that the different conditions of dust deposition induced different adjustment of morpho‐functional traits in leaves of C. ruber. High dust deposition shielded the leaf lamina, protecting the photosynthetic apparatus from excess light and favoured plant photochemical efficiency. Leaves exposed to low dust deposition showed higher accumulation of phenolic compounds, protecting chloroplast membranes and characterised by high thermal dissipation of excess light.
  • Such adaptive phenomena can affect vegetation dynamics due to possible different species‐specific plant responses, resulting in different plant competitiveness under the limiting conditions of Mediterranean environments.

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