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Minor bedforms within the mudstone-dominated Early Jurassic Hettangian Saltford Shale Member (Liasicus up to Angulata Chronozone) of the Blue Lias Formation in central England, indicate weak seafloor erosion in a mid to outer ramp setting. Distal storm flows below maximum storm wave base are proposed as the most likely generative mechanism for silty scour and gutter casts that enclose concentrations of well-preserved schlotheimiid ammonites and arthropod trace fossils. Within the upper part of the Saltford Shale (probably Angulata Chronozone), a discrete layer of reworked and bioencrusted limestone nodules signifies an episode of more persistent seafloor erosion. The immediately overlying strata, transitional to the Hettangian–Sinemurian Rugby Limestone Member, are relatively bioturbated and feature fossils of macrobenthos, as well as shell concentrations resembling relatively proximal storm beds. This suggests that the reworked nodule horizon marks sea-level fall, rather than stratigraphic condensation associated with sediment starvation. The biostratigraphic evidence raises the possibility that this erosional episode correlates with a mid-Angulata Chronozone hiatus documented from the Wessex Basin, southwest England. Equally however, it could be linked to contemporaneous movement on one or more nearby faults, affecting the southern part of the English East Midlands Shelf.  相似文献   

The Middle Jurassic (Late Bathonian) Mammal Bed at Kirtlington, Oxfordshire, has yielded a rich assemblage of small vertebrates including mammals, frogs, salamanders and small reptiles. This paper describes the skull of a new diapsid reptile, Marmorelta oxoniensis, which was common within the fauna. The skull is gracile with large orbits and relatively long external nares. The frontals and parietals are single in the adult and almost separated on the roof of the skull by the postfrontals. The temporal region shows a mosaic of primitive and derived character states. The quadrate was firmly held to the skull by a large squamosal and a small, free, quadratojugal was retained. However, reduction of the anterior process of the quadratojugal and of the posterior process of the jugal left the lower temporal fenestra broadly open. Comparison with other diapsids leads to the conclusion that Marmoretta was a lepidosauromorph, most probably the sister taxon of Lepidosauria.  相似文献   

An Early Jurassic (Upper Pliensbachian) gastropod fauna from the Herforder Liasmulde (Herford Lias Syncline) near Bielefeld, Northwest Germany is described. This is one of the first detailed and illustrated reports of Pliensbachian gastropods from this area. Sixteen species are reported. Surface collecting yielded relatively large vetigastropods (pleurotomarioids amd trochomorphs). Bulk samples yielded abundant small caenogastropods (especiallyLevipleura blainvillei andKalchreuthia frankei) and cylindrobullinid opisthobranchs (e.g.Cylindrobullina dornend). These small species are also abundant in the Pliensbachian of South Germany (N Bavaria, Franconia). Therefore, this characteristic Pliensbachian microgastropod assemblage was widespread in Germany and probably also in other comparable marine deposits of Central Europe (e.g. the Paris Basin).   相似文献   

The two Early Toarcian (Early Jurassic) extinction events in ammonoids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Early Toarcian (Early Jurassic) biological crisis was one of the ‘minor’ mass extinctions. It is linked with an oceanic anoxic event. Fossil data from sections located in northwestern European (epicontinental platforms and basins) and Tethyan (distal, epioceanic) areas indicate that Late Pliensbachian–Early Toarcian ammonoids experienced two extinction events during the Early Toarcian. The older one is linked with disruption of the Tethyan–Boreal provinciality, whereas the younger event correlates with the onset of anoxia and corresponds with the Early Toarcian mass‐extinction event. These two extinctions cannot be interpreted as episodes of a single, stepwise, event. Values of the net diversification, more than the number of extinctions, allow the two extinction events to be clearly recognized and distinguished. Values of regional net diversification for northwestern European and Tethyan faunas point to greater evolutionary dynamics in the epioceanic areas. The inclusion of Mediterranean faunas in the database proves that the ammonite turnover at the Early Toarcian mass‐extinction event was more important than previously thought. Progenitor (evolute Neolioceratoides), survivor (Dactylioceras, Polyplectus pluricostatus) and Lazarus (Procliviceras) taxa have been recognized. Different selectivity patterns are shown for the two events. The first one, linked to the disruption of the Tethyan–Boreal provinciality, has mainly affected ammonites adapted to epicontinental platforms. In the mass‐extinction event, no selectivity is recognized, because also Phylloceratina and Lytoceratina were deeply affected at species level, although their wide biogeographical distribution at clade level was a significant buffer against extinction. In contrast to Palaeozoic mass extinctions, ammonoid survivors and Lazarus taxa are characterized by complex sutures: Phylloceratina (long‐ranging ammonoids) and Polyplectus (relatively long‐ranging compared to other Ammonitina).  相似文献   

H.V. Moghadam  C.R.C. Paul 《Ichnos》2013,20(4):283-306
The Lower Jurassic, Blue Lias Formation at Lyme Regis, Dorset, England is rhythmically bedded with symmetrical rhythms consisting of laminated black shale followed by dark then pale marls (sometimes cemented into pale limestones) and back to laminated black shale. Its trace fossil fauna includes nine ichno‐genera and represents a shallow shelf paleoenviron‐ment. The ichnofauna occurs in three assemblages named after consistently occurring ichnogenera. A Chondrites assemblage (diversity = 1 ichnogenus) and a Chondrites‐Arenicolites assemblage (diversity = 2–3 ichnogenera) are typical of dark marls but may penetrate tops of laminated black shales. A thalassi‐noides‐Chondrites‐Arenicolites assemblage (diversity up to 7 ichnogenera) is typical of pale marls or limestones. Blue Lias limestones are diagenetic: dark laminated limestones and pale bioturbated limestones are cemented equivalents of laminated black shales and pale marls, respectively. However, pale burrow fills in darker sediments and vice versa confirm the rhythms are primary. Rhythms represent redox cycles, fluctuating from anoxic laminated black shales lacking mac‐robenthos or infauna (bioturbation index = 0) to oxic, bioturbated, pale marls or limestones with large mac‐robenthos such as Gryphaea or Plagiostoma and diverse infauna (bioturbation index = 5).  相似文献   

A comprehensive investigation of the Early Jurassic stratigraphical palynology of the Lusitanian Basin in western Portugal was undertaken, with most emphasis placed on dinoflagellate cysts. A total of 214 samples from an upper Sinemurian to upper Toarcian composite section based on six successions were examined. The Sinemurian material examined was barren of dinoflagellate cysts; however, the Pliensbachian and Toarcian successions are characterised by relatively low diversities where Luehndea spinosa, Mancodinium semitabulatum, Mendicodinium microscabratum, Nannoceratopsis gracilis, Nannoceratopsis senex, and Scriniocassis priscus are relatively common and biostratigraphically significant. Luehndea spinosa dominates the lowermost Toarcian (Dactylioceras polymorphum ammonite Biozone), and is an index species. At the base of the Hildaites levisoni ammonite Biozone, the effects of the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE) caused Luehndea spinosa to become extinct. At the same time, dinoflagellate cyst abundance and diversity markedly decreased. After the T-OAE, during the middle and late Toarcian, phytoplankton recovery was prolonged and slow in the Lusitanian Basin. The Luehndea spinosa and Mendicodinium microscabratum dinoflagellate cyst biozones are defined, both of which are subdivided into two dinoflagellate cyst subbiozones.  相似文献   

The paper describes new Lower Jurassic corals from the South-Eastern Pamir Mountains (Tajikistan) and interprets their relationships with contemporaneous West Tethyan corals. Taxonomic similarities with Pliensbachian European and North African faunas indicate a Pliensbachian age for this fauna, which was previously considered to be of Hettangian/Sinemurian age. Together with the taxa earlier described from the Pamirs, this fauna consists of 30 species of 25 genera, including Triassic holdover genera such as Stylophyllopsis, Phacelostylophyllum and Eocomoseris. The bulk of the fauna represents new Jurassic genera: Alichurastrea, Eomicrophyllia, Guembelastreomorpha, Gurumdynia, Pinacomorpha, Protostephanastrea, Psenophyllia, Sedekastrea and Stylimorpha. Earlier coral studies of the region concerned the genera: Archaeosmilia Melnikova, 1975, Archaeosmiliopsis Melnikova, 1975, Cylismilia Roniewicz, 1988, Pachysmilia Melnikova, 1989, and Prodonacosmilia Melnikova in Melnikova and Roniewicz, 1976. Two species that were considered to belong to the genus Cylismilia, are redescribed and reclassified in the genera Psenophyllia, and Archaeosmilia Melnikova, respectively.  相似文献   

Neoselachian sharks and rays from the British Bathonian (Middle Jurassic)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Extensive sampling of Bathonian sediments from localities across southern and central England has produced over 8000 neoselachian teeth. These comprise diverse faunas, with over 25 species being represented in total, most of them previously undescribed. Seventeen new species and seven new genera are named: Palaeoscyllium tenuidens sp. nov., Praeproscyllium oxoniensis gen. et sp. nov., Eypea leesi gen. et sp. nov., Proheterodontus sylvestris gen. et sp. nov., Paracestracion bellis sp. nov., Palaeobrachaelurus mussetti sp. nov., Heterophorcynus microdon gen. et sp. nov., Dorsetoscyllium terraefullonicum gen. et sp. nov., Ornatoscyllium freemani gen. et sp. nov., Pseudonotidanus semirugosus gen. et sp. nov., Synechodus duffini sp. nov., Protospinax magnus sp. nov., P. bilobatus sp. nov., P. carvalhoi sp. nov., Belemnobatis kermacki sp. nov., B. stahli sp. nov. and Spathobatis delsatei sp. nov. In addition, a new family, the Pseudonotidanidae fam. nov., is defined and the status of Paranotidanus Ward and Thies, 1987, Hybodus levis Woodward, 1889 and Breviacanthus brevis (Phillips, 1871) are discussed. These taxa show strong facies specificity, with different species being restricted to different palaeoenvironments.  相似文献   

The origin of angiosperms has been a focus of intensive research for a long time. The so-called preCretaceous angiosperms, including Schmeissneria, are usually clouded with doubt. To expel the cloud around the enigmatic Schmeissneria, the syntype and new materials of Schmeissneria collected previously in Germany and recently in China are studied. These materials include female inflorescences and infructescences. The latter are old materials but were under-studied previously. Light microscopy and scanning electron microscope observations indicate that the fruits in these infructescences have in situ seeds enclosed, and that the ovaries are closed before pollination. Thus the plants meet two strict criteria for angiosperms: angiospermy plus angio-ovuly. Placing Schmeissneria in angiosperms will extend the record of angiosperms up to the Early Jurassic, more compatible with many molecular dating conclusions on the age of angiosperms, and demanding a reassessment of the current doctrines on the origin of angiosperms. Although the phylogenetic relationship of Schmeissneria to other angiosperms apparently is still an open question, this study adds to research concerning the origin of angiosperms.  相似文献   

The origin of angiosperms has been a focus of intensive research for a long time.The so-called pre-Cretaceous angiosperms,including Schmeissneria,are usually clouded with doubt.To expel the cloud around the enigmatic Schmeissneria,the syntype and new materials of Schmeissneria collected previously in Germany and recently in China are studied.These materials include female inflorescences and infructescences.The latter are old materials but were under-studied previously.Light microscopy and scanning electron microscope observations indicate that the fruits in these infructescences have in situ seeds enclosed,and that the ovaries are closed be fore pollination.Thus the plants meet two strict criteria for angiosperms:angiospermy plus angio-ovuly.Placing Schmeissneria in angiosperms will extend the record of angiosperms up to the Early Jurassic,more compatible with many molecular dating conclusions on the age of angiosperms,and demanding a reassessment of the current doctrines on the origin of angiosperms.Although the phylogenetic relationship of Schmeissneria to other angiosperms apparently is still an open question,this study adds to research concerning the origin of angiosperms.  相似文献   

Eleven species of the proseriate turbellarian family Coelogynoporidae have been encountered between Cape Cod, Mass. and the southern shore-line of New Brunswick, Canada. The distributions of Coelogynopora schultzii, C. biarmata and Cirrifera cirrifera are reported. Four new species belonging to the genus Coelogynopora, one new species of Cirrifera and a species belonging to a new genus are described. Two species remain undescribed. Biological observations on a laboratory-reared colony of C. biarmata maintained since 1978 are reported.  相似文献   

Quantitative analyses of Pliensbachian calcareous nannofossils have been carried out on a proximal-distal transect in the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). The studied sections Vale Venteiro near Tomar and Peniche represent proximal and distal environments with respect to the emerged land of the Iberian Meseta (to the East). The upper portion of the Vale das Fontes Fm (Davoei and Margaritatus ammonite Zones) is studied in both sections and correlated by means of ammonite and nannofossil integrated biostratigraphy. A careful analysis of the preservation state of nannofossils is performed. Preservation state is moderate to good in the two settings; changes in nannofossil assemblages are therefore considered as primary. Samples were analysed for nannofossil absolute and relative abundances, species diversity and wt%CaCO3. The analysis of calcareous nannofossils (absolute abundance, percentage, average abundance) shows changes in the community structure in space (i.e., from proximal to distal), and vertically within the water column. This pattern suggests a partitioning of habitats within the photic zone, and with respect to emerged lands. Proximal environments within the Lusitanian Basin were probably more eutrophic, because of the proximity of emerged lands to the East (Iberian Meseta). This was the source area for nutrients delivered into the basin by river transport. Distal environments were likely characterized by a greater water depth and by a deeper light penetration leading to a relatively more expanded photic zone. The assemblages recorded in the proximal setting exhibit high mean relative abundance of placolith-bearing coccolithophorids (Lotharingius spp., Biscutum spp. and Similiscutum spp.) and of Schizosphaerella spp., while distal assemblages are dominated by Crepidolithus crassus and Schizospharella spp. Crepidolithus crassus is interpreted as a deep-dweller coccolithophorid, inhabiting preferentially distal and deeper settings in the Lusitanian Basin. Placolith-bearing coccolithophorids were more abundant in proximal settings with respect to emerged lands, under relatively elevated trophic conditions. The probable calcareous dinocyst Schizospharella spp. proliferated in surface waters of both proximal and distal environments.  相似文献   

Abstract: Eight remarkably preserved specimens of ichthyosaurs from the lower Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) of Strawberry Bank (Ilminster, Somerset, England) are described fully for the first time. Whereas previously these ichthyosaurs were assigned to one species, Stenopterygius hauffianus, our study shows there are two, Stenopterygius triscissus and Hauffiopteryx typicus. S. triscissus is a small‐ to medium‐sized ichthyosaur up to 3.5 m long, characterised by three apomorphies: long and slender rostrum, large elliptical supratemporal fenestra and bipartite pelvis. H. typicus is a small ichthyosaur up to 2.95 m long, with five apomorphies: short and extremely slender rostrum, very large orbit, small rounded supratemporal fenestra and tripartite pelvis, which is fused distally. Cladistic analysis is equivocal about their relationships, suggesting either that Hauffiopteryx and perhaps also Stenopterygius are members of a clade Eurhinosauria or that this clade does not exist, and both genera are members of a wider clade Thunnosauria. Further, the clade Stenopterygiidae, in which Hauffiopteryx had been located, is not identified. Most striking is that the specimens are all juveniles (five specimens) or infants (three specimens), ranging from one‐tenth to one‐half the normal adult length of the species.  相似文献   

Mecochirid lobsters assigned to the genus Pseudoglyphea Oppel, 1861 have previously been recorded from several localities in Europe. In this paper Pseudoglyphea foersteri sp. nov. is described from the Lower Jurassic of Raasay, Inner Hebrides, Scotland, providing the first evidence of a vagile benthic predator/scavenger in the Scalpa Sandstone Formation. Re-examination of the systematic placement of the genus supports allying the Mecochiridae with the Glypheidae within the Astacidea, not the Palinura as traditionally done.  相似文献   

Some small and medium-sized crocodylomorph footprints are described from the Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) coastal and deltaic units of the northern Spain (Asturias). There are at least four footprint morphotypes. Three of them, with well preserved trackways, are included in the ichnogenus Crocodylopodus (Crocodylopodus isp. and Crocodylopodus meijidei); the fourth one, documented by some isolated large footprints, is referable to the ichnogenus Hatcherichnus. This ichnoassociation confirms the presence of small crocodilians in palaeoenvironments apparently dominated by dinosaurs. The presence of Hatcherichnus seems to confirm the affinity between the Iberian and North American ichnofaunas.  相似文献   


Sauropod tracks from the Early Jurassic Maanshan Member of the Ziliujing Formation in the Dazhuanwan area of Guizhou represent the first Jurassic dinosaur track record for this province. The best preserved and longest trackway is narrow gauge (Brontopodus type), and indicates a relatively small trackmaker (footprint length ~35.0 cm). In conjunction with sauropodomorph skeletal remains these tracks suggest that basal sauropodomorphs and primitive sauropods coexisted in this region during the Early Jurassic. This pattern is same in the Lufeng and Sichuan basins. Thus, sauropod tracks from southwest China are diverse in the Early Jurassic, and include narrow gauge Parabrontopodus, wide gauge Brontopodus-type, and basal sauropodomorph tracks.  相似文献   

Abstract: A new family, Sinoalidae Wang and Szwedo fam. nov., is described from the Middle Jurassic Daohugou Biota (Inner Mongolia, China). Two new genera with three new species (Sinoala parallelivena Wang and Szwedo gen. et sp. nov., Jiania crebra Wang and Szwedo gen. et sp. nov., and Jiania gracila Wang and Szwedo sp. nov.) are erected based on well‐preserved whole‐bodied specimens. The morphological characters of Procercopidae and the new family are given, and a key to the species of Sinoalidae is presented. The genera Luanpingia Hong, 1983 and Huabeicercopis Hong, 1983 are revised and attributed to Sinoalidae. The genera Mesocercopis Hong, 1983 and Sinotettegarcta Hong, 1986 are considered junior synonyms of Anthoscytina Hong, 1983. Taxa assigned to Sinoalidae fam. nov. cannot be attributed to any previously known family, but share some general (plesiomorphic) characters with ancient Clypeata, for example, postclypeus distinctly swollen, transversely wrinkled, antenna with a flagellum of a few elongate segments, frons with median ocellus and lateral ocelli on crown. Moreover, the new family is closely related to Procercopidae (Cercopoidea) based on a pronotum with a median incision at the hind margin; tegmen slender, partly punctuate, basal portion of Sc not exceeding apex of basal cell, and hind legs with lateral spines. It has a mixture of ancestral characters shared with Hylicelloidea and Jurassic Procercopidae and some derived characters. Therefore, it is tentatively placed in Cercopoidea. A preliminary phylogram of Clypeata is presented based on the combination of fossil and morphological data.  相似文献   

Hymenopterans Xyelula alexandri Rasnitsyn, sp. nov. (Sepulcidae) and Kotaphialtites frankmortoni Rasnitsyn, gen. et sp. nov. (Ephialtitidae) are described from the Lower or Middle Jurassic Kota Formation, Andhra Pradesh, India. These finds prove a considerable similarity between the Gondwanan and Laurasian hymenopteran faunas during the Jurassic, as well as during the Triassic and Cretaceous.  相似文献   

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