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The ecological metaphor of industrial ecology is a proven conceptual tool, having spawned an entire field of interdisciplinary research that explores the intimate linkages between industry and its underlying natural systems. Besides its name and a number of borrowed concepts, however, industrial ecology has no formal relationship with the ecological sciences. This study explores the potential for further interdisciplinary collaboration by testing whether some of the same quantitative analysis techniques used in community ecology research can have meaning in an industrial context. Specifically, we applied the ecological concepts of connectance and diversity to an analysis of Burnside Industrial Park in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Our results demonstrate that these ecological tools show promise for use in industrial ecology. We discuss the meaning of connectance and diversity concepts in an industrial context and suggest next steps for future studies. We hope that this research will help to lay the groundwork of an ecologically inspired tool kit for analyzing industrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

Industrial ecology rests historically—even in a short lifetime of 15 years or so—on the metaphorical power of natural ecosystems. Its evolution parallels the rise of concerns over unsustainability, that is, the threats to our world's ability to support human life the emergence of sustainability as a normative goal on a global scale. This article examines the relationships between industrial ecology and sustainability and argues that, in its historical relationship to classical ecology models, the field lacks power to address the full range of goals of sustainability, however defined. The classical ecosystem analogy omits aspects of human social and cultural life central to sustainability. But by moving beyond this model to more recent ecosystem models based on complexity theory, the field can expand its purview to address sustainability more broadly and powerfully. Complexity models of living systems can also ground alternative normative models for sustainability as an emergent property rather than the output of a mechanistic economic model for society's workings.  相似文献   

This article presents the result of a two-year project funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to identify potential by-products partnerships between industries in a six-county metropolitan area in North Carolina, U.S.A. The project gathered data from 182 industries and institutions in the region regarding (1) by-products that might be usable by other, nearby firms, and (2) the inputs they used that might be furnished from another facility's by-products. These data, which were also linked to geographic information system maps, were used to identify potential regional partnerships for the reuse of materials, water, and energy. Of the 182 participating facilities, probable or possible partnerships were found for 48% during the limited project period. This project demonstrated the value of a local facilitator and the value of specific techniques for identifying and promoting potential by-products partnerships.  相似文献   

As industrial ecology (IE) solidifies conceptually and methodologically, and as it gains visibility and legitimacy in academia, industry, and government, it is important that the IE community periodically evaluate the status of its emerging institutional arrangements. At the same time, industrial ecologists should assess the political relations developing between the field and the larger world. We analyze four institutional criteria: professional legitimacy, viable clientele, entrepreneurial acumen, and occupational opportunities, as well as a more controversial fifth measure-political relevance. Drawing a comparison with the field of ecology, we argue that efforts to foster IE institutionally can, ironically, conflict with the objective of seeing IE become "the science and engineering of sustainability". The article concludes by reflecting on the importance of this kind of critical appraisal and on why many observers of the field remain hopeful.  相似文献   

Industrial Ecology and Ecological Engineering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ecological engineering (EE) and industrial ecology (IE) strive to balance humanity's activities with nature. The disciplines have emerged separately but share theoretical foundations and philosophies on how to address today's complex environmental issues. Although EE and IE share motive, goals, theories, and philosophies, there are many differences. These similarities and differences may make for a strong symbiotic relationship between the two fields. The goals of this article are (1) to compare and contrast the two fields to identify opportunities for collaboration and integration and (2) to suggest three cross-disciplinary focal areas that bridge EE and IE.
The first symbiotic area, ecosystem engineering for byproduct recovery, is defined as the design, creation, and management of living ecosystems (e.g., forests, wetlands) that utilize the by-products of industrial systems. Examples of this exist, including constructed wetlands for lead recovery and phyto-mining of nickel tailings. The second symbiotic focus is entitled "ecosystem analogues for industrial ecology", which fits with a founding principle of IE to strive to have industry emulate the energy efficiencies and material cycles of natural ecosystems. This focal area quantifies the ecological analogy and exploits the tremendous library of design alternatives that nature has developed over thousands of years to deal with varied resource situations. The third focal area is termed "eco-system information engineering." The means by which living ecosystems have created robust knowledge systems and information cycles should be understood in terms useful for managing current society's information explosion. As industrial society evolves toward the information society, holistic models are needed that account for the available energy and material resources required to operate effective information ecosystems, such as service industries.  相似文献   

The modern world increasingly reflects human activities, to the point that many scientists are referring to this era as the "Anthropocene," the Age of Humans. A major domain of human activity involves sociotechnical systems, which can be characterized as occurring in constellations of coevolving technological, cultural, institutional, economic, and psychological systems lasting over many decades. The current constellation, still in its early stages of development, brings together five powerful technology systems—nanotechnology, biotechnology, robotics, information and communication technology, and cognitive science—that are even more complex than historical precedents because they enable not just far more powerful capabilities to design domains external to humans but also the potential to design individual humans themselves. Understanding the implications of this sociotechnical landscape for industrial ecology suggests profound theoretical challenges as well as important new areas of research.  相似文献   

China requires industrial ecology (IE) skills and knowledge to deal with the contradiction between rapid economic growth and subsequent environmental pollution and resource depletion. Industrial ecology education was introduced in China in 1997 and now a few Chinese universities offer IE courses. Wuhan University is one of them and since 1999 has committed itself to promoting IE education. The university offers different curricula for different majors at all levels: undergraduate, master's, and doctoral. Between 1999 and 2004 more than 5,000 students received IE education at Wuhan University. Although inadequate human resources and a lack of relevant textbooks present challenges to further developing IE education in China, as more universities pay attention to IE, more courses will be developed. It is believed that IE education in China will blossom in the near future.  相似文献   

鼎湖山森林生态系统演替过程中的能量生态特征   总被引:16,自引:9,他引:16  
任海  彭少麟 《生态学报》1999,19(6):817-822
以时空替代的方法,将灌草丛、针叶林、针阔叶混交林和季风常绿阔叶林等4个处于同一空间下的群落当作同一样落演替进程中的4个阶段,研究了鼎湖山南亚热带森林演替过程中的能量生态特征。结果表明,鼎湖山南亚热带森林群落演替过程中,其垂直层次、叶面积指数、冠层对太阳辐射能的截获量、叶生物量、总生物量、总初级生产力、总呼吸量、净初级生产力、枯树木现存量和年输入量、昆虫啃食量、群落的能量现存量等随演替的进程而增加,  相似文献   

As a leading university in engineering education in China, Tsinghua University implemented industrial ecology (IE) education in the 1990s. This article describes the evolution of IE education at Tsinghua. Tsinghua mainstreams IE education into green education and engineering education not only by establishing independent courses of IE for both undergraduate and graduate students, but also by incorporating IE principles and knowledge modules into an increasing number of courses. During 2002–2015, a total of 1,023 undergraduates from 33 schools and departments participated in an IE course. To cope with the diversity of participants, four knowledge modules were customized for an undergraduate course: concepts and history; methods and tools; topics and applications; and policy and perspectives. Meanwhile, an interdisciplinary teaching method was adopted by inviting experts from diverse disciplines and organizing group discussions. Though the course has received strong positive feedback, four challenges still remain in IE education: defining the knowledge boundary, presenting an integrated view, utilizing an interdisciplinary methodology, and cultivating a class culture.  相似文献   

The Potential of Genomic Approaches to Rotifer Ecology   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Rotifers are a key component of many freshwater ecosystems, but surveys of the composition of rotifer communities are limited by the labor-intensiveness of sample processing, particularly of non-planktonic taxa, and by the shortage of investigators qualified to identify a broad range of rotifer species. Additional problems are posed by species that must be identified from living specimens, and by members of cryptic species complexes. As DNA sequencing becomes easier and cheaper, it has become practical to obtain representative DNA sequences from identified rotifer species for use in genome-based surveys to determine which rotifers are present in a new sample, avoiding the difficulties of traditional surveys. Here we discuss two genome-based tools used in surveys of microbial communities: serial analysis of gene tags (SAGT) and microarray hybridization. SAGT is a method for inexpensively obtaining characteristic short DNA sequences from a sample that can both identify taxa for which the tag sequence is known and signal the presence of additional uncharacterized species. Microarray hybridization allows detection of DNA sequences in the sample that are identical or similar to sequences present on the microarray. We also report the construction and hybridization of a small microarray of rotifer sequences, demonstrating that this method can discriminate among bdelloid families, and is likely to make much finer discriminations if appropriate sequences are present on the microarray. These techniques are most powerful when combined with traditional systematics in collaborative efforts, which may be fostered through the data base of rotifer biology, WheelBase (http://jbpc.mbl.edu/wheelbase).  相似文献   

刘晔  石磊 《生态学报》2016,36(22):7302-7309
工业多样性是工业生态学关注和研究的重点,也是工业生态化的重要决策支撑之一。但其含义复杂,指标多种多样。为了深入理解工业多样性的含义及其对工业生态系统的影响,本研究分析了工业生态系统与自然生态系统在结构和功能两方面的异同,梳理了工业多样性概念定义的发展过程,整理了现今应用较多的10个工业多样性指标,从工业种类数量和分布均匀程度、工业的可逐级细分性,以及工业间的经济联系和区域产业组合三方面将指标划分为三组,分别介绍其计算方法和含义,并比较了各指标的优缺点。在实际应用中,综合多个工业多样性指标的计算结果,可以较为全面的反映区域工业组成和结构,有助于理解工业多样性对工业生态系统过程的影响。  相似文献   

The exchange of wastes, by-products, and energy among closely situated firms is one of the distinctive features of the applications of industrial ecological principles. This article examines the industrial district at Kalundborg, Denmark, often labeled as an "industrial ecosystem" or "industrial symbiosis" because of the many links among the firms. The forces that led to its evolution and to the interdependencies are described and analyzed. Key has been a sequence of independent, economically driven actions. Other potential forms of industrial linkages are critically reviewed in the light of the Kalundborg experience. The evolutionary pattern followed at Kalundborg may not be easily transferable to greenfield developments.  相似文献   

人类文明演化的生态观   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
自从地球上出现生命以后 ,生命就与环境构成了复杂庞大的生态系统。人类的出现使得生态系统日益复杂化 ,纯粹的天然系统逐渐被打上了人类活动的烙印 ,人类根据自身的需要 ,不断地改变原有的纯自然的生态平衡 ,创造出更适合人类生存、生活和生产的人工生态系统 ,达到新的平衡 ,不断建造了人类文明 ,因此 ,人类文明史实际上是一部人与自然环境、社会环境及心理环境竞争与共生、改造与适应的生态史。1 农业文明的兴衰在旧石器时代末 ,地球上人口总数不到 30 0万 ,到中石器时代也只有 1 0 0 0万 ,这一时期 ,人类还仅仅是自然生态系统食物网中的…  相似文献   

In recent years, industrial ecology (IE) has become increasingly integrated into formal education as a distinct body of work. The aim of this article is to describe the state of IE in postsecondary education across the world by providing an inventory of programs and courses offered from a search conducted during the summer of 2012. Although some interpretation of the results is conducted, the aim of this article is to provide a snapshot of the state of IE in higher education in 2012 and serve as a starting point for future work. Data were collected on IE courses and programs across the world by Internet search in order to determine the prevalence of IE in postsecondary curricula. Subsequently, 190 universities and colleges from 46 countries were identified as offering courses and/or programs in IE. From this research, a total of 409 courses and 78 programs were inventoried and course content was analyzed (where available). The results indicate that IE is mainly studied at the graduate level within engineering and environmental disciplines, although undergraduate‐level curricula are emerging. In terms of disciplinary departments offering said curricula, IE is presented as a topic of instruction in varied fields of study, such as business and administration, and the arts. From the course syllabi analyzed, the main subjects being taught within IE education are introductory principles and general tools. Advanced or specialized aspects of the field are also covered, however, less frequently.  相似文献   

The lead battery has the potential to become one of the first examples of a hazardous product managed in an environmentally acceptable fashion. The tools of industrial ecology are helpful in identifying the key criteria that an ideal lead-battery recycling system must meet maximal recovery of batteries after use, minimal export of used batteries to countries where environmental controls are weak, minimal impact on the health of communities near lead-processing facilities, and maximal worker protection from lead exposure in these facilities. A well-known risk analysis of electric vehicles is misguided, because it treats lead batteries and lead additives in gasoline on the same footing and implies that the lead battery should be abandoned. The use of lead additives in gasoline is a dissipative use where emissions cannot be confined: the goal of management should be and has been to phase out this use. The use of lead in batteries is a recyclable use, because the lead remains confined during cycles of discharge and recharge. Here, the goal should be clean recycling. The likelihood that the lead battery will provide peaking power for several kinds of hybrid vehicles-a role only recently identified increases the importance of understanding the levels of performance achieved and achievable in battery recycling. A management system closely approaching clean recycling should be achievable.  相似文献   

This article presents a theoretical foundation for integrating three otherwise disparate areas of human thought and understanding: technology, ecology, and economics. The article presents the mathematical foundations for quantifying the biophysical (mass, energy, and informational) aspects of economic production systems and their interaction with natural systems. These mathematical relationships are required for the on-going ecological and economic design of technological production networks by enterprise management, thereby extending the scope and scale of quantitative engineering design from the domain of individual technologies to networks of technologies at enterprise, corporate, and industrial levels of technological organization.
The analytical framework extends the practical utility of ecology, as an applied natural science, from passive environmental monitoring and prediction to active institutional participation in an informational feedback control strategy pursuant to economically abating the ecological risks of industrial growth, development, and modernization at local, regional, and global levels of ecological organization. And it provides the applied natural-science underpinnings and the informational feedback control institutions required to support economics as an applied social science. In this context ecological risk-control pricing is presented as a supplement to conventional economic policies at local, regional, and national levels of economic organization.  相似文献   

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