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The cereal stemborer Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) is a major insect pest of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) and maize (Zea mays L.) in Africa. Trap cropping systems have been shown to be a valuable tool in management of this pest. To optimize trap cropping strategies, an understanding of host‐plant preference for moth oviposition and host suitability for larval survival on potential trap plants is a prerequisite. Therefore, we assessed seven brachiaria accessions (Poaceae) for preference by C. partellus moths and subsequent larval performance. In two‐choice tests with a local open‐pollinated maize variety (cv. Nyamula), significantly higher numbers of eggs were deposited on brachiaria accessions Marandu, Piata, and Xaraes than on maize, whereas fewer eggs were recorded on plants of Mulato II, Mulato I, and Cayman. There was a significant and negative correlation between the trichome density on plant leaves and C. partellus oviposition preference for brachiaria. In addition to poor larval performance on brachiaria, there was no clear ranking in the accessions regarding larval orientation, settling, arrest, and food ingestion and assimilation. First instars did not consume leaf tissues of brachiaria plants but consumed those of maize, which also suffered more stem damage than brachiaria plants. No larvae survived on brachiaria plant tissue for longer than 5 days, whereas 79.2% of the larvae survived on maize. This study highlights the preferential oviposition of C. partellus on brachiaria plants over maize and the negative effects that these accessions have on subsequent larval survival and development. Our findings support the use of brachiaria as a trap crop for management of C. partellus through a push‐pull technology.  相似文献   

Ten Napier grass [Pennisetum purpureum Schumach (Poaceae)] varieties, used in various parts of Kenya as animal fodder, were tested for their potential role as a trap crop in the management of the gramineous spotted stemborer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), through habitat manipulation. Oviposition preference and larval survival and development were determined for each of these varieties under laboratory and screen‐house conditions. Two‐choice tests revealed that seven of the varieties tested were preferentially chosen by gravid female moths for oviposition over a susceptible maize cv. Inbred A. Larval survival was significantly lower on the majority of the Napier grass varieties (about 10%) than on maize cv. Inbred A (about 60%). Similarly, larval development was about 2 weeks longer on the majority of the Napier grass varieties. It was concluded that four of the varieties tested (Bana, Ex‐Machakos, Gold Coast, and Ex‐Nyanza‐2) had potential for use as trap crops in C. partellus management because they were more preferred by the borer moths for oviposition and allowed minimal survival of the larvae. This minimal larval survival is desirable in the conservation of C. partellus natural enemies when the cultivated host plant is out of season.  相似文献   

Maternal host choices during oviposition by herbivorous insects determine the fitness of their offspring and may be influenced by environmental changes that can alter host‐plant quality. This is of particular relevance to ‘push‐pull’ cropping systems where host preferences are exploited to manage insect pest populations. We tested how drought stress in maize and companion plants that are used in these systems affect oviposition preference, larval feeding, and development of the spotted stemborer, Chilo partellus Swinhoe (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Five host species were tested (all Poaceae): maize (Zea mays L.), Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach), signal grass [Brachiaria brizantha (A. Rich) Stapf], Brachiaria cv. ‘Mulato’, and molasses grass [Melinis minutiflora (Beauv.)]. Under drought stress, maize experienced as much oviposition as control unstressed maize in choice and no‐choice experiments. Similarly, larval leaf damage was not significantly different in drought‐stressed vs. unstressed maize. In contrast, oviposition occurred less on drought‐stressed than on unstressed Napier and signal grass. Oviposition acceptance and leaf damage remained low in both drought‐stressed and unstressed molasses grass and Mulato. Larval survival and development remained high in drought‐stressed maize, but not in Napier, signal, and molasses grass and Mulato, where survival and development were low in both drought‐stressed and unstressed plants. Our results indicate that herbivore responses to drought‐stressed plants depend on the plant species and that drought stress can change host preference and acceptance rankings. In particular, trap‐crops such as Napier grass may not divert oviposition from the main maize crop under drought stress conditions.  相似文献   

The preference of lepidopterous stem borer moths to oviposit on certain wild host plants can be exploited in habitat management systems by using those hosts as trap crops. Vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash) was evaluated for its attractiveness and suitability to the pyralid Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and the noctuid Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Two choice tests were conducted in the laboratory and in the greenhouse to determine oviposition choice of C. partellus for maize, Vetiver and rice (Oryza sativa L.), and of B. fusca for Vetiver and maize. C. partellus larval survival was evaluated in green house studies. Results indicated that C. partellus chose Vetiver grass over maize though larval survival on Vetiver was extremely low. B. fusca did not show any host preference.  相似文献   

The role of volatiles from stemborer host and non‐host plants in the host‐finding process of Dentichasmias busseolae Heinrich (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) a pupal parasitoid of Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) was studied. The non‐host plant, molasses grass (Melinis minutiflora Beauv. (Poaceae)), is reported to produce some volatile compounds known to be attractive to some parasitoid species. The studies were conducted to explore the possibility of intercropping stemborer host plants with molasses grass in order to enhance the foraging activity of D. busseolae in such a diversified agro‐ecosystem. Olfactometric bioassays showed that volatiles from the host plants maize, Zea mays L., and sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) (Poaceae), were attractive to the parasitoid. Infested host plants were the most attractive. Volatiles from molasses grass were repellent to the parasitoid. Further tests showed that volatiles from infested and uninfested host plants alone were preferred over those from infested and uninfested host plants combined with the non‐host plant, molasses grass. In dual choice tests, the parasitoid did not discriminate between volatiles from maize infested by either of the two herbivore species, C. partellus or Busseola fusca Fuller (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Volatiles from sorghum infested by C. partellus were preferred over those from C. partellus‐infested maize. The study showed that the pupal parasitoid D. busseolae uses plant volatiles during foraging, with those from the plant–herbivore complex being the most attractive. The fact that volatiles from molasses grass were deterrent to the parasitoid suggested that intercropping maize or sorghum with molasses grass was not likely to enhance the foraging behaviour of D. busseolae. Volatiles from the molasses grass may hinder D. busseolae's host location efficiency.  相似文献   

The potential of companion crops to serve as diversionary hosts for ovipositing Helicoverpa spp. moths in chickpea cropping systems was evaluated in a field experiment. Patterns of egg distribution by Helicoverpa spp. within paired combinations of chickpea and each of six companion crop species were documented in a split-plot design sampled four times during the 1999 winter growing season. Chickpea was attractive to ovipositing Helicoverpa moths from as early as 14 days after planting and throughout the experimental period. The companion crop species varied in relative attractiveness to ovipositing moths but none was able to effectively divert Helicoverpa egg pressure away from chickpea for the duration of the experiment. Of all Helicoverpa spp. larvae recorded from all samples and crop combinations, 98.3% were found on chickpea. A marked aggregative oviposition behaviour of Helicoverpa spp. on tall weeds growing through the chickpea canopy was recorded. The relevance of observed patterns of host selection and inferred moth behaviour to management of Helicoverpa populations on chickpea are discussed.  相似文献   

The behaviour of adult Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) was observed on leaves of cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., to study the process of host plant evaluation. Seven distinct behavioural elements were identified and recorded for a period of 20 min after initial contact with leaves. The behaviour of the whiteflies was observed on untreated leaves or on leaves treated with either foliar or systemically applied imidacloprid. Thus, contact with imidacloprid by whiteflies was either via the external cuticle or by ingestion, allowing determination of the effect of uptake route on host evaluation behaviour. Analysis of behavioural sequences and comparison of latencies, frequencies and durations of elements of behaviour between treatments revealed that host evaluation behaviour was similar on untreated and foliar treated leaves, but markedly different on those treated systemically. After their first probe, whiteflies on systemically treated leaves were much more active, spending significantly greater time walking and dabbing the labium tip onto the leaf surface. There was also a 50% reduction in the total time spent probing into systemically treated leaves, compared to the other treatments. This effect was the result of a shorter mean probe duration, and no effect of treatment was found on the frequency of probing. Pre-oviposition behaviour was significantly more common on the systemically treated leaves, although the number of eggs laid was similar on all treatments. These results also show that the host evaluation phase of adult female B. tabaci was dominated by probing. The behavioural sequence that leads to probing was affected significantly by imidacloprid when ingested, but not by direct contact with this compound on the leaf surface. The wider implications for the mechanisms of whitefly–host plant interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

The spotted stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe, 1885) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), an invasive pest of wild and cultivated grasses in Asia and Africa, was found for the first time during periodic surveys of maize fields in the East Mediterranean region of Turkey in September and October 2014. The pest was recorded in maize fields of three of four provinces surveyed (Adana, Hatay and Osmaniye; it was not detected in Icel province). The Mediterranean corn stalk borer, Sesamia nonagrioides Lefebvre (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is the dominant maize pest in the East Mediterranean region of Turkey, followed by the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). The new invasive species comprised 4.9% of the total number of collected lepidopteran pests collected from maize stems and cobs in locations infested by C. partellus. No natural enemies of the new pest were recorded during our surveys. We discuss possible interactions among these three lepidopteran pests sharing the same habitat, prospects for control of C. partellus by the control methods currently used against S. nonagrioides and O. nubilalis, and also speculate on the path of invasion taken by C. partellus into Turkey.  相似文献   

Larval dispersal either through ballooning or crawling results in a redistribution of the insect population and infestations within and between plants. In addition, invasive species, such as the fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and the exotic stemborer Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), may displace indigenous stemborers on maize in Africa. To test whether larval dispersal activity may play a role in the displacement of indigenous stemborers, larval dispersal was compared between FAW, C. partellus, and the indigenous species Busseola fusca (Fuller) and Sesamia calamistis (Hampson) (both Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Twenty potted maize plants were infested with one batch of eggs either from stemborers (B. fusca, S. calamistis, or C. partellus) or from FAW and monitored in the greenhouse for ballooning activities. After egg hatching, both ballooning and non-ballooning larvae were identified according to species and counted. FAW neonate larvae had greater potential for ballooning off than stemborers, irrespective of species. For each species, more females dispersed than males, and their survival rate was higher than that of non-ballooning larvae. In addition, plant-to-plant larval movements were studied using 6.25-m2 plots of caged maize in a completely randomized design with five replicates. FAW was found to have wider dispersal and plant damage potential than any of the stemborer species. In conclusion, in contrast to C. partellus, the invasive characteristic of FAW can be explained, in part, by its higher larval dispersal activity compared to stemborers. This difference in larval dispersal might also be considered in sampling plans for monitoring pest density in the field.  相似文献   

Laboratory scale experiments were conducted in order to assess the potential effect of Bacillus thuringiensis‐corn leaf material on the parasitized herbivore Chilo partellus Swinhoe (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and on its parasitoid Cotesia flavipes (Cameron) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Food consumption and relative consumption rate of parasitized hosts exposed to Bt‐corn leaf‐material were strongly reduced compared to the control. The number of hosts allowing parasitoid larvae to complete their development was also reduced in the Bt group. Moreover, the fresh weight of parasitoid pupae and the dry weight of parasitoid adults was lower than in the control. Only in the Bt group, were strong negative correlations found between food intake by the host, and the number of parasitoid cocoons. Strong positive correlations were also only found in the Bt group, between food intake and parasitoid development time. As effects of Bt on the oviposition behaviour of C. flavipes could be excluded, differences between the Bt group and the control could only be due to the effect of Bt toxin on the parasitoid larva developing inside the host. Whenever food consumption can be measured, the methods used in this study are proposed as a model for future risk assessments on different types of insect‐resistant transgenic plants, herbivores, parasitoids, and predators.  相似文献   

Solanum sisymbriifolium is an interesting trap crop to control potato cyst nematodes. A series of field experiments was carried out in the Netherlands between 2001 and 2003 to test its performance under field conditions. Experimental factors included sowing time, sowing density and site. Rate of germination, plant establishment and change over time in light interception were monitored. Growth analysis was performed at 7 and 14 weeks after emergence, and dry weight of component plant parts was determined. Time to 50% emergence was 36–38 days for planting at early April and declined to minimum values of ca 8–11 days when planting took place in June, July or the first week of August. When planted later, time to 50% germination increased again. Time to 50% light interception showed a similar trend with sowing time; minimum time was 35–40 days for planting between June and half of July. Planting before May did not advance crop growth. Crop performance was very variable across years and sites when planted later than the end of July to beginning of August. Dry matter accumulation up to 400 g m?2 was found at 7 weeks after emergence and up to 1040 g m?2 after 14 weeks. At 7 weeks after emergence, dry matter production increased with planting density (range 50–400 m?2), but no statistically significant differences were found after 14 weeks. A seed rate of 100 m?2 seems generally sufficient. Radiation use efficiency was 1.69 g MJ?1 PAR (SE = 0.0208). Dry matter accumulation (2002–2003) was somewhat higher in Wageningen (51°58’N) on light sandy soil than in Flevoland (52°31′N) on clay soil and in Drenthe (52°51′N) on reclaimed peat soil. It is concluded that above‐ground growth of S. sisymbriifolium in the Netherlands is adequate if planted between early May and the end of July.  相似文献   

Trap cropping, though promising, has had little evaluation in greenhouses. This study evaluated eggplant, Solanum melongena L. (Solanaceae), as a trap crop for two whitefly species, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) and Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring (both Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), on greenhouse poinsettia, Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Koltz (Euphorbiaceae). Because the two whitefly species co‐occur in greenhouses, a common trap crop for both whiteflies is desirable. When adults were provided a choice between eggplant and poinsettia in a cage, 60% of B. argentifolii and 98% of T. vaporariorum were observed on eggplant after 3 days. However, when adults were given eggplant after first settling on poinsettia, only 38% of B. argentifolii were later found on eggplant, whereas 95% of T. vaporariorum moved to eggplant. In a greenhouse experiment, eggplant did not affect either the spatial distribution or density of adult B. argentifolii on poinsettias. In contrast, eggplant changed the spatial distribution of T. vaporariorum within 3 days by attracting and retaining the adults. However, the attractiveness of eggplant did not result in a reduced number of T. vaporariorum on poinsettias compared with poinsettias in monoculture. Adult T. vaporariorum mortality was high on poinsettias and this likely caused adult density on poinsettias in monoculture to decrease as fast as that under trap cropping. A simulation model was developed to examine how adult whitefly mortality on poinsettia influences trap cropping effectiveness. When whitefly mortality was high, simulated densities were similar to the experimental data. This reveals an unexpected factor, pest mortality on the main crop, that can influence the relative effectiveness of trap cropping. Our results indicate that eggplant will not work unilaterally as a trap crop for B. argentifolii. For T. vaporariorum, attraction to eggplant might be useful as a trap crop system when whitefly mortality on the main crop is not high.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The biological-control function of field boundaries of Guinea grass, Panicum maximum Jacq. on the spotted stem borer, Chilo partellus Swinhoe was examined as a reservoir for arthropod predators and as a trap plant for the pest. Field border vegetation and predator density were manipulated to determine the effect of the grass border on the abundance of stem borers and their predators in maize fields, and the effect of predators on the stem borer population. The strip of Guinea grass supported an abundance of earwigs and spiders, the potential predators of stem borer eggs and larvae. Density of C. partellus larvae in the Guinea grass strips was low throughout the season and only young larvae were collected, suggesting the inferiority of the grass stand as a habitat for stem borer larvae. These results indicate that Guinea grass is a good agent of habitat management to selectively enhance arthropod predators of stem borers and act as a sink for the pest. Predator removal resulted in a higher density of C. partellus than control in maize-bordered plots. On the other hand, no difference was found in the stem borer density between predator treatments in grass-bordered plots, probably because of insufficient predator reduction in removal plots. These results suggest that the predator assemblage found in the study site has, if sufficiently abundant, potential to limit the C. partellus population in maize fields. Even though the Guinea grass stand harboured an abundant number of predators, the grass boundaries around maize fields did not enhance predator populations within the crop field. Furthermore, field boundaries of Guinea grass had no measurable effect on the within-field density of C. partellus as a trap crop. Creating a polyculture within the crop and early planting of the grass could further enhance the biological-control function of Guinea grass boundaries.  相似文献   

Host selection can be a strategy to simplify downstream processing for protein recovery. Advancing capabilities for using plants as hosts offers new host opportunities that have received only limited attention from a downstream processing perspective. Here, we investigated the potential of using a polycationic precipitating agent (polyethylenimine; PEI) to precipitate an acidic model protein (beta-glucuronidase; GUS) from aqueous plant extracts. To assess the potential of host selection to enhance the ease of recovery, the same procedure was applied to oilseed extracts of canola, corn (germ), and soy. For comparison, PEI precipitation of GUS was also evaluated from a crude bacterial fermentation broth. Two versions of the target protein were investigated--the wild-type enzyme (WTGUS) and a genetically engineered version containing 10 additional aspartates on each of the enzyme's four homologous subunits (GUSD10). It was found that canola was the most compatible expression host for use with this purification technique. GUS was completely precipitated from canola with the lowest dosage of PEI (30 mg PEI/g total protein), and over 80% of the initial WTGUS activity was recovered with 18-fold purification. Precipitation from soy gave yields over 90% for WTGUS but only 1.3-fold enrichment. Corn, although requiring the most PEI relative to total protein to precipitate (210 mg PEI/g total protein for 100% precipitation), gave intermediate results, with 81% recovery of WTGUS activity and a purification factor of 2.6. The addition of aspartate residues to the target protein did not enhance the selectivity of PEI precipitation in any of the systems tested. In fact, the additional charge reduced the ability to recover GUSD10 from the precipitate, resulting in lower yields and enrichment ratios compared to WTGUS. Compared to the bacterial host, plant systems provided lower polymer dosage requirements, higher yields of recoverable activity and greater purification factors.  相似文献   

Trap cropping may exploit a pest's dispersal and host selection behavior in order to protect a desired crop. Here, we used a combination of visual sampling, immunomarking, and harmonic radar to assess host plant selection and retention time of the highly mobile and invasive Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), as it moves within and between a polyculture trap crop of sorghum and sunflower, and a bell pepper cash crop. Visual sampling demonstrated no significant differences in H. halys densities across crops, whereas dislodging stink bugs to collect for protein analysis revealed ca. 4× more bugs in the trap crop plants than in the peppers. In total 145 H. halys were collected and of these 6% were doubly marked with proteins, demonstrating that minimal movement occurred between the two planting systems. Tracking tagged H. halys with harmonic radar revealed that the trap crop retained adult H. halys within the plots 1.5× longer and reduced their movement by nearly half compared with bugs released in the pepper cash crop. The data suggest the trap crop of sunflower plus sorghum has the potential to attract and arrest the invasive H. halys, demonstrating that trap cropping may operate as an effective management tool.  相似文献   

The color of lepidopteran eggs often varies by species or egg condition, and parasitoids that attack lepidopteran eggs could therefore potentially use color to obtain information about host identity or quality. The objective of our study was to determine whether females of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma ostriniae Pang & Chen (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) showed differential responses to egg color when searching for hosts over short distances and when evaluating the suitability of encountered eggs. We examined the wasps’ host‐selection behavior in a Petri dish arena using white, yellow, green, and black clay beads as egg models presented against a green background (to mimic leaf color). In no‐choice tests, bead color had a significant effect on the proportion of tested wasps that accepted a bead for further examination, on the time it took wasps to find and begin examining a bead, and on the time that wasps spent examining the beads. However, bead color had only a marginally significant effect on the proportion of wasps attempting to drill into a bead with their ovipositors, and no significant effect on the amount of time they spent drilling. The wasps also showed significant color preferences when given a choice between two adjacent beads of different colors. The results of the no‐choice and choice trials taken together indicated a color preference ranking of yellow > white > green > black. The wasps’ higher preference for the yellow and white egg models generally corresponds to the white or yellowish‐white egg color of T. ostriniae's target host, the European corn borer moth, Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). The wasps’ strong rejection of black egg models is likely to be an adaptive response that reflects the fact that eggs that are wholly or partially black are often unsuitable for parasitization due to advanced caterpillar development, damage to the egg, or previous parasitization.  相似文献   

Host selection and sex ratio in a heteronomous hyperparasitoid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 Encarsia tricolor Förster is a heteronomous hyperparasitoid: females develop as primary endoparasitoids of Homoptera, whereas males develop hyperparasitically in primary endoparasitoids, including conspecific females.
  • 2 When offered pupae of Encarsia inaron (Walker) or conspecific pupae, E.tricolor showed a distinct preference to exploit E.inaron for male production.
  • 3 Parasitoids were given the opportunity to gain different types of ovipositional experience on male and female hosts and were then offered patches containing mixtures of male and female hosts in various ratios. The mean sex ratio which they laid was not dependent on the relative availability of each type of host, whereas prior ovipositional experience had a significant effect.
  • 4 Adaptive reasons for the observed oviposition strategies are suggested.

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