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The skull structure of dicynodonts may be regarded as a complex adaptation towards herbivorous feeding. The present work examines how and why this adaptation may have evolved. A cladogram of the dicynodonts is presented and from it a sequence of hypothetical ancestral forms is inferred. The jaw musculature of dicynodonts and other therapsids is described and in particular the early dicynodont Eodicynodon oosthuizeni is described in detail. This information is used to draw up a sequence of ancestral stages whose basic skull anatomy, jaw muscle organization and masticatory properties are described. Differences in masticatory properties between these stages are pinpointed and an explanation to account for the development of these differences is advanced. It is concluded that the changes in skull organization seen during the evolution of dicynodonts are consistent with the hypothesis that a propalinal jaw action was being improved by selection, and that this was required to permit dicynodonts to be efficient herbivores.  相似文献   

Radek Mikuláš 《Ichnos》2013,20(3-4):177-184

A number of biogenic processes leads to the formation of distinctive traces in terrestrial lithic substrates. These include: burrowing by vertebrates in moderately lithified rocks; scraping by mammals; smoothing and polishing of limestone surfaces by the locomotion of mammals; excavation by bees, wasps, and ants producing nesting and dwelling tunnels; dissolution of limestone surfaces by terrestrial snails; endolithic activity of fungi, algae, and lichens on subaerial rock surfaces; root corrosion; etc. Processes of biochemical weathering, biophysical erosion, and enlargement of cracks and fissures by the pressure of plant roots do not leave distinctive traces and therefore lie outside the ichnological realm. The fossil preservation of terrestrial bioerosional traces is expected to be uncommon. Nevertheless, various possible means of preservation must be considered, such as by rapid burial by volcanic material, by fluvial sediments, by travertine or tufa, by loess, “conservation”; in caves, case hardening of surfaces of porous rocks, and preservation of subsoil traces below fossil soils.  相似文献   

Graviportal taxa show an allometric increase of the cross‐sectional area of supportive bones and are assumed to display microanatomical changes associated with an increase in bone mass. This evokes osteosclerosis (i.e. an increase in bone compactness observed in some aquatic amniotes). The present study investigates the changes in bones' microanatomical organization associated with graviportality and how comparable they are with aquatically acquired osteosclerosis aiming to better understand the adaptation of bone to the different associated functional requirements. Bones of graviportal taxa show microanatomical changes that are not solely attributable to allometry. They display a thicker cortex and a proportionally smaller medullary cavity, with a wider transition zone between these domains. This inner cancellous structure may enable to better enhance energy absorption and marrow support. Moreover, the cross‐sectional geometric parameters indicate increased resistance to stresses engendered by bending and torsion, as well as compression. Adaptation to a graviportal posture should be taken into consideration when analyzing possibly amphibious taxa with a terrestrial‐like morphology. This is particularly important for palaeoecological inferences about large extinct tetrapods that might have been amphibious and, more generally, for the study of early stages of adaptation to an aquatic life in amniotes.  相似文献   

Observations on extant mammals suggest that large body mass is selectively advantageous for a terrestrial predator on large herbivores. Yet, throughout the Cenozoic, some lineages of terrestrial mammalian predators attained greater maximal body masses than others. In order to explain this evolutionary pattern, the following biomechanical constraint on body mass is hypothesized. The stress, set up in the humerus by the bending moment of the peak ground reaction force at maximal running speed, increased with increasing body mass within a given lineage of terrestrial mammalian predators, resulting in a decreasing safety factor for the bone, until a predator could no longer attain the maximal running speed of its smaller relatives. The selective disadvantage of reduced maximal running speed prevented further increase of body mass within the lineage. This hypothesis is tested by examining the scaling of humeral dimensions and estimating maximal body masses in several lineages of terrestrial mammalian predators. Among lineages with otherwise similar postcranial skeletons, those with the more robust humeri at a given body mass attained the greater maximal body masses. Lineages with the longer deltoid ridges/deltopectoral crests of the humeri and/or the more distally located deltoid scars (suggesting the more distal insertions of the humeral flexors) at a given body mass also attained the greater maximal body masses. These results support the existence of the proposed biomechanical constraint, although paleoecological data suggest that some lineages of terrestrial mammalian predators failed to reach the limits, imposed by this constraint, because of the small size of available prey.  相似文献   

Judging from comparative data on mortality and survival strategies among the higher primates, the early hominids must have used weapons in order to defend themselves effectively against their Natural enemies. They were, however, too small and too weak for throwing big stones or for wielding heavy sticks in the chimpanzee manner. Did they use thorn branches?Experiments in which a bait was covered with a shield of thorn branches showed that wild-living lions are highly afraid of thorns and hardly dare to touch them with their paws. The accompanying behavioural symptoms indicated stress resulting from inhibitions.In the final experiment the bait was protected against wild-living, tame lions by an electrically operated helicopter-like rotor with four blades on which some thorn branches were attached. Every time a lion closely approached the bait the rotor was operated for a split-second, causing the nearby lions to jump wildly away. When finally a lion was struck on the nose all three lions present walked away and did not return until I had myself left.This excessive fear of suddenly moving thorn branches could perhaps indicate that the responses of carnivores which were originally adapted to porcupines, facilitated the use of thorn branches as defensive weapons among the incipient hominids. The evolution of this behaviour may have started among dryopithecines living in dry woodlands and would have promoted the emergence of regular bipedal gait.  相似文献   

Vertebrates have repeatedly filled and partitioned the terrestrial ecosystem, and have been able to occupy new, previously unexplored habitats throughout their history on land. The arboreal ecospace is particularly important in vertebrate evolution because it provides new food resources and protection from large ground-dwelling predators. We investigated the skeletal anatomy of the Late Permian (approx. 260 Ma) herbivorous synapsid Suminia getmanovi and performed a morphometric analysis of the phalangeal proportions of a great variety of extant and extinct terrestrial and arboreal tetrapods to discern locomotor function and habitat preference in fossil taxa, with special reference to Suminia. The postcranial anatomy of Suminia provides the earliest skeletal evidence for prehensile abilities and arboreality in vertebrates, as indicated by its elongate limbs, intrinsic phalangeal proportions, a divergent first digit and potentially prehensile tail. The morphometric analysis further suggests a differentiation between grasping and clinging morphotypes among arboreal vertebrates, the former displaying elongated proximal phalanges and the latter showing an elongation of the penultimate phalanges. The fossil assemblage that includes Suminia demonstrates that arboreality and resource partitioning occurred shortly after the initial establishment of the modern type of terrestrial vertebrate ecosystems, with a large number of primary consumers and few top predators.  相似文献   

There are currently 1590 terrestrial arthropod species identified as alien to Europe. Of these, 513 are predators or parasites. The largest group is the insects (409 species), followed by spiders (47 species), myriapods (34 species) and mites (23 species). The species within these alien groupings are extremely diverse, as highlighted by the large number of families represented (115 families). The majority (66.1%) of alien arthropod predator and parasite species arrived unintentionally, but at least 174 (33.9%) have been introduced intentionally, mainly for biological control purposes. Assessment of the major invasion pathways is difficult due to the lack of comprehensive information but it is likely that the majority of predatory or parasitic alien arthropods arrive through leading-edge dispersal or as contaminants and stowaways. The number of new species arriving in Europe has progressively increased since 1500, with the increase in global trade over the last century accelerating this rate of increase. Only a small number of alien predatory and parasitic arthropods in Europe have been shown to cause either an ecological or economical impact, yet knowledge is severely limited by a paucity of data.  相似文献   

Predator–prey relationships are vital to ecosystem function and there is a need for greater predictive understanding of these interactions. We develop a geometric foraging model predicting minimum prey size scaling in marine and terrestrial vertebrate predators taking into account habitat dimensionality and biological traits. Our model predicts positive predator–prey size relationships on land but negative relationships in the sea. To test the model, we compiled data on diets of 794 predators (mammals, snakes, sharks and rays). Consistent with predictions, both terrestrial endotherm and ectotherm predators have significantly positive predator–prey size relationships. Marine predators, however, exhibit greater variation. Some of the largest predators specialise on small invertebrates while others are large vertebrate specialists. Prey–predator mass ratios were generally higher for ectothermic than endothermic predators, although dietary patterns were similar. Model‐based simulations of predator–prey relationships were consistent with observed relationships, suggesting that our approach provides insights into both trends and diversity in predator–prey interactions.  相似文献   

European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) are ubiquitous across Australia and have the ability to influence native species directly and indirectly. Despite this, limited research focuses on interspecific interactions between rabbits and native mammals. We aimed to determine how site occupancy, detection probability, and temporal activity periods of native mammals changed in response to the presence or absence of rabbits. We monitored three native mammal species using 85 camera traps in a systematic grid at Mt Rothwell Conservation and Research Reserve (Victoria, Australia), a predator-barrier fenced reserve with two distinct sections—an area with rabbits and an area without. Bettongs (rufous Aepyprymnus rufescens and eastern Bettongia gaimardi), eastern barred bandicoots (Perameles gunni), and southern brown bandicoots (Isoodon obesulus) had a naïve site occupancy of 71%, 42%, and 24%, respectively. Site occupancy for both bandicoot species decreased in areas with more clumping grass with eastern barred bandicoot occupancy increasing with leaf litter cover, and southern brown bandicoots with vegetation height. Rabbit presence did not influence site occupancy of any species. Species detection probabilities were generally positively associated with open vegetation and rabbit presence, except for southern brown bandicoots which were more detectable without rabbits. Both bandicoot species shifted their peak activity periods in the absence of rabbits having an earlier, and more defined activity peak. Our results demonstrate that the presence of rabbits in the absence of invasive predators may not influence the site occupancy of co-occurring native mammals, however, could influence the behaviour of smaller co-occurring mammals, either directly or indirectly.  相似文献   

The study of fossil leaves from the Glossopteris flora of the Lower Permian Gondwana sequence of the Barakar Formation of the Raniganj Coalfield, India, has revealed the presence of different types of insect traces. The structures are compatible with a variety of insect activities on fossil leaves. Nibbled and cuspate margins, trench marks, obliterated surfaces, blotch marks, and holes of various shape constitute feeding traces, whereas egg pouches along the midrib and irregularly distributed oviposition marks are traces of egglaying. Although fossil records of both insects and their activities in the Glossopteris flora of India remain scarce, the different types of insect traces identified in the present study demonstrate the existence of a diverse insect fauna during the Permian Period of India.  相似文献   

Predation is an interaction during which an organism kills and feeds on another organism. Past and current interest in studying predation in terrestrial habitats has yielded a number of methods to assess invertebrate predation events in terrestrial ecosystems. We provide a decision tree to select appropriate methods for individual studies. For each method, we then present a short introduction, key examples for applications, advantages and disadvantages, and an outlook to future refinements. Video and, to a lesser extent, live observations are recommended in studies that address behavioral aspects of predator–prey interactions or focus on per capita predation rates. Cage studies are only appropriate for small predator species, but often suffer from a bias via cage effects. The use of prey baits or analyses of prey remains are cheaper than other methods and have the potential to provide per capita predation estimates. These advantages often come at the cost of low taxonomic specificity. Molecular methods provide reliable estimates at a fine level of taxonomic resolution and are free of observer bias for predator species of any size. However, the current PCR‐based methods lack the ability to estimate predation rates for individual predators and are more expensive than other methods. Molecular and stable isotope analyses are best suited to address systems that include a range of predator and prey species. Our review of methods strongly suggests that while in many cases individual methods are sufficient to study specific questions, combinations of methods hold a high potential to provide more holistic insights into predation events. This review presents an overview of methods to researchers that are new to the field or to particular aspects of predation ecology and provides recommendations toward the subset of suitable methods to identify the prey of invertebrate predators in terrestrial field research.  相似文献   

Birds free from nest predators for long periods may either lose the ability to recognize and respond to predators or retain antipredator responses if they are not too costly. How these alternate scenarios play out has rarely been investigated in an avian community whose members have different evolutionary histories. We presented models of two nest predators (rat and snake) and a negative control (tree branch) to birds on Hawai?i Island. Endemic Hawaiian birds evolved in the absence of terrestrial predators until rats were introduced approximately 1,000 years ago. Introduced birds evolved with diverse predator communities including mammals and snakes, but since their introduction onto the island approximately one century ago have been free from snake predation. We found that (a) endemic and introduced birds had higher agitation scores toward the rat model compared with the branch, and (b) none of the endemic birds reacted to the snake model, while one introduced bird, the Red‐billed Leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea), reacted as strongly to the snake as to the rat. Overall, endemic and introduced birds differ in their response to predators, but some endemic birds have the capacity to recognize and respond to introduced rats, and one introduced bird species retained recognition of snake predators from which they had been free for nearly a century, while another apparently lost that ability. Our results indicate that the retention or loss of predator recognition by introduced and endemic island birds is variable, shaped by each species' unique history, ecology, and the potential interplay of genetic drift, and that endemic Hawaiian birds could be especially vulnerable to introduced snake predators.  相似文献   

We measured the lengths and diameters of four long bones from 118 terrestrial carnivoran species using museum specimens. Though intrafamilial regressions scaled linearly, nearly all intraordinal regressions scaled non-linearly. The observed non-linear scaling of bone dimensions within this order results from a systematic decrease in intrafamilial allometric slope with increasing body size. A change in limb posture (more upright in larger species) to maintain similar peak bone stresses may allow the nearly isometric scaling of skeletal dimensions observed in smaller sized mammals (below about 100 kg). However, strong positive allometry is consistently observed in a number of large terrestrial mammals (the largest Carnivora, the large Bovidae, and the Ceratomorpha). This suggests that the capacity to compensate for size increases through alteration of limb posture is limited in extremely large-sized mammals, such that radical changes in bone shape are required to maintain similar levels of peak bone stress.  相似文献   

Maximum bite force affects craniofacial morphology and an organism's ability to break down foods with different material properties. Humans are generally believed to produce low bite forces and spend less time chewing compared with other apes because advances in mechanical and thermal food processing techniques alter food material properties in such a way as to reduce overall masticatory effort. However, when hominins began regularly consuming mechanically processed or cooked diets is not known. Here, we apply a model for estimating maximum bite forces and stresses at the second molar in modern human, nonhuman primate, and hominin skulls that incorporates skeletal data along with species‐specific estimates of jaw muscle architecture. The model, which reliably estimates bite forces, shows a significant relationship between second molar bite force and second molar area across species but does not confirm our hypothesis of isometry. Specimens in the genus Homo fall below the regression line describing the relationship between bite force and molar area for nonhuman anthropoids and australopiths. These results suggest that Homo species generate maximum bite forces below those predicted based on scaling among australopiths and nonhuman primates. Because this decline occurred before evidence for cooking, we hypothesize that selection for lower bite force production was likely made possible by an increased reliance on nonthermal food processing. However, given substantial variability among in vivo bite force magnitudes measured in humans, environmental effects, especially variations in food mechanical properties, may also be a factor. The results also suggest that australopiths had ape‐like bite force capabilities. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:544–557, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Wilson JP  Fischer WW 《Geobiology》2011,9(2):121-130
The core of plant physiology is a set of functional solutions to a tradeoff between CO(2) acquisition and water loss. To provide an important evolutionary perspective on how the earliest land plants met this tradeoff, we constructed a mathematical model (constrained geometrically with measurements of fossils) of the hydraulic resistance of Asteroxylon, an Early Devonian plant. The model results illuminate the water transport physiology of one of the earliest vascular plants. Results show that Asteroxylon's vascular system contains cells with low hydraulic resistances; these resistances are low because cells were covered by scalariform pits, elliptical structures that permit individual cells to have large areas for water to pass from one cell to another. Asteroxylon could move a large amount of water quickly given its large pit areas; however, this would have left these plants particularly vulnerable to damage from excessive evapotranspiration. These results highlight a repeated pattern in plant evolution, wherein the evolution of highly conductive vascular tissue precedes the appearance of adaptations to increase water transport safety. Quantitative insight into the vascular transport of Asteroxylon also allows us to reflect on the quality of CO(2) proxy estimates based on early land plant fossils. Because Asteroxylon's vascular tissue lacked any safety features to prevent permanent damage, it probably used stomatal abundance and behavior to prevent desiccation. If correct, low stomatal frequencies in Asteroxylon reflect the need to limit evapotranspiration, rather than adaptation to high CO(2) concentrations in the atmosphere. More broadly, methods to reveal and understand water transport in extinct plants have a clear use in testing and bolstering fossil plant-based paleoclimate proxies.  相似文献   

犬齿窝是包括现代人类在内的许多人族成员面部骨骼的重要性状,但在分类学上的意义仍存在争议。有学者认为该性状是一个发生于基础面形的近祖性状,除了一些例外,在灭绝和现生的大猿及人属中都存在。另有学者认为,犬齿窝是仅存在于智人及其直系祖先的衍生性状,在发育上与颧齿槽突嵴有关。这种关系并非总是成立,在智人中存在着明显的差异:弧型颧齿槽突嵴和直斜型颧齿槽突嵴与犬齿窝有时共存,有时不共存。我们由此推测,犬齿窝的发生和形态与上颌窦的前部发育有关,颧齿槽突嵴的形态与鼻窦的侧面发育有关。在人类演化的过程中,犬齿窝经历了不同的变形,比如上颌沟(如南方古猿非洲种、傍人粗壮种)、上颌小窝(如傍人粗壮种)、上颌沟(如匠人)或犬齿窝缺如(如傍人埃塞俄比亚种、傍人鲍氏种、肯尼亚扁脸人、人属鲁道夫种)。犬齿窝消失的原因各类群并不相同,如中新世和早更新世人属以及中更新世人属(如人属海德堡种/人属罗得西亚种、人属尼安德特种)。人属罗得西亚种具有弱化的犬齿窝,不具备演化为智人的可能,因此被排除在智人的演化支之外。  相似文献   

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