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1. Termites consume a wide range of plant material at different stages of decomposition and, accordingly, have been classified into ‘feeding groups’. African savannah ecosystems harbour many termite species, yet most belong to Termitidae. Especially striking is the co‐occurrence of up to eight Macrotermitinae and five Trinervitermes species, each having apparently identical trophic niches, i.e. fungus‐growers and grass‐feeders, respectively. 2. This study examined stable isotope signatures of 15N and 13C of West African savannah termites to test the validity of existing feeding group concepts and whether there is fine‐scaled niche differentiation of species within feeding groups. Despite a phylogenetic signal that species from the same subfamily and congenerics have correlated isotope signatures, evidence of niche differentiation was found. 3. Interestingly, species with similar δ15N values generally differed in δ13C values, and vice versa. The dominant mound‐building fungus‐grower Macrotermes bellicosus had the lowest δ15N values among all fungus‐growers, indicating that it occupies a different trophic niche. 4. This fine‐scaled differentiation along the trophic niche axis can help to explain the coexistence of so many apparently identical termite species.  相似文献   

Aim Since the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, many tropical taxa from the Indo‐West Pacific (IWP) realm have entered the Mediterranean Sea, which is experiencing rising temperatures. My aims are: (1) to compare biogeographically this tropical transformation of the Mediterranean biota with the tropical faunas of the Mediterranean and adjacent southern European and West African seas during the Late Oligocene to Pliocene interval; (2) to infer the relative contributions of the tropical eastern Atlantic and IWP to the tropical component of the marine biota in southern Europe; and (3) to understand why West Africa is not now a major source of warm‐water species. Location Southern Europe, including the Mediterranean Sea, and the coast of tropical West Africa. Methods I surveyed the literature on fossil and living shell‐bearing molluscs to infer the sources and fates of tropical subgenus‐level taxa living in southern Europe and West Africa during the Late Oligocene to Pliocene interval. Results Ninety‐four taxa disappeared from the tropical eastern Atlantic (including the Mediterranean) but persisted elsewhere in the tropics, mainly in the IWP (81 taxa, 86%) and to a lesser extent in tropical America (36 taxa, 38%). Nine taxa inferred to have arrived in the tropical eastern Atlantic from the west after the Pliocene did not enter the Mediterranean. The modern West African fauna is today isolated from that of other parts of the marine tropics. Main conclusions Taxa now entering the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal are re‐establishing a link with the IWP that last existed 16 million years ago. This IWP element, which evolved under oligotrophic conditions and under a regime of intense anti‐predatory selection, will continue to expand in the increasingly warm and increasingly oligotrophic Mediterranean. The IWP source fauna contrasts with the tropical West African biota, which evolved under productive conditions and in a regime of less anti‐predatory specialization. Until now, the post‐Pliocene West African source area has been isolated from the Mediterranean by cold upwelling. If further warming should reduce this barrier, as occurred during the productive and warm Early Pliocene, the Mediterranean could become a meeting place for two tropical faunas of contrasting source conditions.  相似文献   

Defence mechanisms against parasites and pathogens are some of the most elaborate biological systems in animals. The oily secretion of the avian uropygial gland has been suggested to serve as a chemical defence against feather and eggshell bacteria. Yet, the traits associated with uropygial gland oil production are not well understood. We conducted a phylogenetic analysis comprising 132 European bird species aiming to test: (1) whether life‐history and ecological traits drive gland size evolution by potentially promoting microbial infestation and (2) how these traits affects change in the gland size throughout the annual cycle. We show that the size of the uropygial gland is dynamic (i.e. increasing from the nonbreeding to the breeding season, independent of sex). Furthermore, we found that the year‐round size of the gland was similar between sexes and was correlated with different ecological and life‐history traits promoting microbial infection throughout the annual cycle. During the breeding season, the total eggshell surface area in a clutch correlated significantly and positively with the gland size, suggesting the importance of oil in protecting eggs from microbes. Social species exhibited a larger gland size increase during the breeding season compared to nonsocials; a change that was also predicted by the total eggshell surface area. Aquatic, riparian and non‐migratory species had larger glands than terrestrials and migrants, respectively. The findings of the present study suggest that aquatic environments may promote the production of gland oil, through either the need of waterproofing the plumage and/or defending it against the intensified feather degradation in these moist conditions. Finally, we found a negative effect of the incubation period on uropygial gland size, which may suggest an energetic constraint imposed by other development‐connected costly activities. Our results show that the role of the uropygial gland dynamically varies during the annual cycle, potentially in response to seasonal variation in parasitic infection risk. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 543–563.  相似文献   

1. The relative importance of density‐dependent and density‐independent processes in explaining fluctuations in natural populations has been widely debated. In particular, the importance of larval supply and whether it may control the type of regulatory processes a population experiences has proved contentious. 2. Using surveys and field experiments conducted in streams in Canterbury, New Zealand, we investigated how variation in the survival of non‐migratory Galaxias vulgaris fry was affected by density‐dependent and density‐independent processes and how this variation influenced recruitment dynamics. 3. Fry populations with high settlement densities experienced a 70–80% reduction in population size from density‐related mortality during the first fourteen days after peak settlement but thereafter the influence of density‐dependent processes on fry was weak. The impact of environmental conditions on fry populations was dependent on fry size and the magnitude of the perturbation, such that flooding effects on fry survival were most severe when fry were small. 4. In streams not affected by flooding, the size and density of introduced trout (Salmo trutta and Oncorhynchus mykiss) were the most significant factors determining the abundance of eventual recruits. A field experiment manipulating brown trout access to fry populations revealed that trout as small as 110 mm may be capable of greatly reducing and possibly preventing galaxiid recruitment. 5. Overall, the results indicated density‐dependent population regulation was only possible at sites with high native fish densities because trout were likely to be suppressing the number of potential recruits at sites with low native fish numbers. Whilst density‐dependent processes had a strong effect on fry survival following the period of peak fry abundance, density‐independent processes associated with flow and predatory trout influences on fry survival largely determined recruitment variability among galaxiid populations. Focusing conservation efforts on improving habitat to increase fry retention and reducing the impacts of trout on galaxiids would ensure more native fish populations reached their potential abundance.  相似文献   

In tropical forests, anthropogenic activities are major drivers of the destruction and degradation of natural habitats, causing severe biodiversity loss. African colobine monkeys (Colobinae) are mainly folivore and strictly arboreal primates that require large forests to subsist, being among the most vulnerable of all nonhuman primates. The Western red colobus Piliocolobus badius and the King colobus Colobus polykomos inhabit highly fragmented West African forests, including the Cantanhez Forests National Park (CFNP) in Guinea-Bissau. Both species are also found in the largest and best-preserved West African forest—the Taï National Park (TNP) in Ivory Coast. Colobine monkeys are hunted for bushmeat in both protected areas, but these exhibit contrasting levels of forest fragmentation, thus offering an excellent opportunity to investigate the importance of well-preserved forests for the maintenance of evolutionary potential in these arboreal primates. We estimated genetic diversity, population structure, and demographic history by using microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA. We then compared the genetic patterns of the colobines from TNP with the ones previously obtained for CFNP and found contrasting genetic patterns. Contrary to the colobines from CFNP that showed very low genetic diversity and a strong population decline, the populations in TNP still maintain high levels of genetic diversity and we found no clear signal of population decrease in Western red colobus and a limited decrease in King colobus. These results suggest larger and historically more stable populations in TNP compared to CFNP. We cannot exclude the possibility that the demographic effects resulting from the recent increase of bushmeat hunting are not yet detectable in TNP using genetic data. Nevertheless, the fact that the TNP colobus populations are highly genetically diverse and maintain large effective population sizes suggests that well-preserved forests are crucial for the maintenance of populations, species, and probably for the evolutionary potential in colobines.  相似文献   

Toward the end of the low water period in two seasonal tropical water bodies, we observed drastic declines in densities of dominant groups of macrofauna (Chironomidae, Oligochaeta and Ostracoda). This, however, was not accompanied by reductions in the densities of meiofauna (Nematoda, small (< 3 mm) Chironomidae and Oligochaeta). The decline of macrofauna was correlated with growing numbers of large, mobile, carnivorous invertebrates (Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Decapoda: Macrobrachium) and small, gape-limited fish, which emigrated from drying habitats and concentrated in places that predation pressure has been directed mainly towards macrofauna. Alternative hypotheses are discussed.  相似文献   

The fruit morphology of 18 taxa representing seven genera of the family Polygonaceae in West Africa was investigated using scanning electron microscopy. The achenes are trigonous, lenticular, globose, subglobose,heart shaped, ovoid, or cone like. Sizes range from 0.12 × 0.10 cm2 in Polygonum plebeium to 7.87 × 0.58 cm2 in Afrobrunnichia erecta. Colors are brown to black. The cells are isodiametric in P. plebeium, irregular in A. erecta,Antigonon leptopus, and Harpagocarpus snowdenii, and polygonal in other species. The walls are straight, curved,or undulate and are either raised or depressed. Afrobrunnichia erecta is characterized by deeply sinuate lateral walls. The cell surface may be smooth or tuberculate or fibrillate in the family, usually covered with wax deposits.The combination of these characters is mainly taxonomically useful at the tribal level and rarely at the specific or inffaspecific level for the delimitation of the taxa.  相似文献   

Our analyses of the incidence of cooperative breeding among South African birds differ from previous studies performed elsewhere in two respects. First, we distinguish between obligate (i.e. regular) and facultative (i.e. opportunistic) cooperative breeding species (OCS and FCS). Second, we have restricted our analyses to 217 South African bird species considered to be sufficiently well-studied in terms of their basic biology and life-history characteristics. This was done in order to control for the well-known bias against the often poorly-studied avifaunas of extreme environments such as rainforests and deserts. The results of our analysis do not accord fully with those of Australian birds by Ford et al. (1988). Cooperative breeding in South Africa is associated with seasonal environments, whereas in Australia the opposite is the case. Analyses of ecological factors that promote cooperative breeding among South African birds suggest that the evolutionary pathway to obligate and facultative breeding may be fundamentally different. First, OCS live mainly in savanna habitats that have predictable seasonal peaks in food availability, yet where the baseline level of food availability during the nonbreeding season is sufficient to support permanent residence by groups. Small to medium-sized birds of the African savannas are particularly vulnerable to avian predators, and foraging and roosting in permanent groups may enhance their survival. We propose that the benefits of obligate cooperative breeding are derived chiefly from survival of individuals away from the nest (i.e. during the nonbreeding season). Secondly, FCS live largely in unpredictable, seasonal steppe habitats. Under these conditions it may be impossible for birds to maintain permanent group territories, and variation in the tendency to breed cooperatively may depend largely on the opportunistic assessment of environmental conditions. We therefore suggest that birds (i.e. FCS) will opt to breed cooperatively only when conditions are unfavourable for independent breeding, and that the benefits thus accrued are chiefly related to reproduction.  相似文献   

Comparative phylogeographic studies often support shared divergence times for co-distributed species with similar life histories and habitat specializations. During the late Holocene, West Africa experienced aridification and the turnover of rain forest habitats into savannas. These fragmented rain forests harbor impressive numbers of endemic and threatened species. In this setting, populations of co-distributed rain forest species are expected to have diverged simultaneously, whereas divergence events for species adapted to savanna and forest-edge habitats should be absent or idiosyncratic. We conducted a Bayesian analysis of shared evolutionary events to test models of population divergence for 20 species of anurans (frogs) and squamates (lizards and snakes) that are distributed across the Dahomey Gap, a climate change-induced savanna barrier responsible for fragmenting previously contiguous rain forests of Ghana into two regions: the Togo-Volta Hills and the Southwestern Forests. A model of asynchronous diversification is supported for anurans and squamates, suggesting that drivers of diversification are not specifically related to ecological and life history associations with habitat types. Instead, the wide variability of genetic divergence histories exhibited by these species suggests that biodiversity in this region has been shaped by diversification events that extend beyond the Holocene. Comparisons of the genealogical divergence index, a measure of the genetic divergence between populations due to the combined effects of genetic isolation and gene flow, illustrate that these populations represent a broad sampling of the speciation continuum.  相似文献   

Birds experience strikingly different patterns of mass change during breeding. In some species with uniparental incubation, the incubating parents (mostly females) lose mass and attain their lowest point when the chicks hatch (Incubatory mass loss strategy = IML). In species with shared incubation, or with intense incubation feeding, the incubating parents maintain or increase in body mass without reducing attentiveness levels (Incubatory mass constancy = IMC). In other species, uniparental incubation with IMC is associated with reduced levels of attentiveness. The mobilization of fat stores or its preservation are involved in the two strategies. IML leads to mass increases after hatching of the young, while the opposite is true for IMC. The non-incubating sex in uniparental species does not experience significant mass changes during breeding. Fasting endurance, predation risk and mode of development are proposed as the main selective factors determining strategy. Latitude, climate, diet and food availability interact with the main factors. From a revision of the literature we can deduce that IML is mainly found among large birds with precocial development, while IMC is typical of smaller species with altricial development. Proportional mass losses are positively correlated with body mass in IML-species, as well as in precocial species, where body mass explains more than 70% of the variation in proportional mass change. Incubation periods increase with body mass in uniparental IMC-species, but not in IML-species. IML is thus associated to fast embryonic growth in large species. Successful raising of highly-dependent young in altricial and semialtricial species apparently depends on one of the parents retaining reserves until hatching. Subsequent mass losses may be necessary to maintain the brooding parent through a period when nestlings require heat, insulation and food. Patterns of mass change are not mere consequences of reproductive stress but the outcome of adaptive compromises between different selective factors and constitute an important aspect of the breeding biology and life history of birds.  相似文献   

Delayed plumage maturation is the delayed acquisition of a definitive colour and pattern of plumage until after the first potential breeding period in birds. Here we provide a comprehensive overview of the numerous studies of delayed plumage maturation and a revised theoretical framework for understanding the function of delayed plumage maturation in all birds. We first distinguish between hypotheses that delayed plumage maturation is attributable to a moult constraint with no adaptive function and hypotheses that propose that delayed plumage maturation is a component of an adaptive life‐history strategy associated with delayed reproductive investment. We then recognize three potential benefits of delayed plumage maturation: crypsis, mimicry and status signaling. Evidence suggests that delayed plumage maturation is not a consequence of developmental constraints and instead represents a strategy to maximize reproductive success in circumstances where young adults cannot effectively compete with older adults for limited resources, particularly breeding opportunities. A multi‐factorial explanation that takes into account lifespan and the degree of competition for limited breeding resources and that combines the benefits of an inconspicuous appearance with the benefits of honest signaling of reduced competitiveness provides a general explanation for the function of delayed plumage maturation in most bird species. Delayed plumage maturation should be viewed as a component of alternative reproductive strategies that can include delay in both plumage and sexual development. Such strategies are frequently facultative, with individuals breeding prior to the acquisition of definitive plumages when conditions are favourable. Presumably, the benefits of delayed plumage maturation ultimately enhance lifetime reproductive success, and studying delayed plumage maturation within the context of lifetime reproductive success should be a goal of future studies.  相似文献   

We examined the seed rain throughout a twelve month period in a lowlandtropical forest in Cameroon, West Africa, 1996–97. Traps (0.5m2, n = 216) were erected throughout a 25km2 area in 24 randomly placed clusters of nine trapseach. Fruits and seeds that landed in traps were collected every 7–10daysand classified by species and dispersal type. More than 32,000 seeds fromapproximately 200 species fell into the traps, an average of 297 seedsm–2 yr–1 Thirty species represent 82%of the total seed rain while an additional 175 species comprise the remaining18%. When we compared the adult community to the seed rain community within thesame plots, we found no apparent correlation between seed rain patterns andadult community structure for this year of study. Furthermore, only 49% of theadult tree community produced and dispersed seed into traps in this year. Morethan 100 species (52%) found in the seed rain represented long-distanceimmigrant seed rain. Seed rain was highly variable at several scales, bothspatially and seasonally, although seeds arrived in traps during eachcollectionperiod. Cluster analyses showed that traps within plots were seldom moresimilarto one another than traps between plots. While 82% of the tree species in thecommunity are thought to be animal dispersed, only 28% of all seeds that fellinto traps had been obviously handled (bitten, chewed, or passed)by animals. Tests for fruit and seed removal by predators or dispersers found5%or less removal rate from traps.  相似文献   

The genetic variation in flowering phenology may be an important component of a species’ capacity to colonize new environments. In native populations of the invasive species Ulex europaeus, flowering phenology has been shown to be bimodal and related to seed predation. The aim of the present study was to determine if this bimodality has a genetic basis, and to investigate whether the polymorphism in flowering phenology is genetically linked to seed predation, pod production and growth patterns. We set up an experiment raising maternal families in a common garden. Based on mixed analyses of variance and correlations among maternal family means, we found genetic differences between the two main flowering types and confirmed that they reduced seed predation in two different ways: escape in time or predator satiation. We suggest that this polymorphism in strategy may facilitate maintain high genetic diversity for flowering phenology and related life‐history traits in native populations of this species, hence providing high evolutionary potential for these traits in invaded areas.  相似文献   

This study provides the first assessment of a heavily traded West African seahorse species, Hippocampus algiricus, and the first information on short‐snouted seahorse Hippocampus hippocampus biology in Africa. A total of 219 seahorses were sampled from fisher catch in Senegal and The Gambia, with estimated height at reproductive activity for H. algiricus (161 mm) larger than mean ± s.d . catch height (150 ± 31 mm). Catch composition, height at reproductive activity and potential biases in fishery retention are discussed with regard to the current Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES) guidelines.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to study the genetic relationship among nine (9) West African goat breeds out of which 6 (Guinea dwarf, Kirdi, Ghana dwarf, Mossi, Togo dwarf, Senegal dwarf) were of the trypanotolerant type and 3 (Mali Sahel, Mauritania Sahel, Chad Sahel) were of the trypanosusceptible type. One hundred ninety nine (199) animals were genotyped using 10 microsatellites. The microsatellites loci analysed were highly polymorphic with a mean number of alleles of 11.7 ± 3.7 ranging from 6 to 20. Observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.603 ± 0.164 (Togo dwarf) to 0.726 ± 0.166 (Chad Sahel). It was lower than expected heterozygosity in most of the breeds indicating a deviation from Hardy Weinberg equilibrium. The Fst measure of genetic distance between pairs of populations showed the highest distance (0.098) between Kirdi and Guinea dwarf which presented an isolated position from the other breeds and the lowest distance (0.025) between Togo dwarf and Mossi. Our study showed that the genetic relationships among the concerned breeds correspond to their geographical distribution. In addition, Guinea dwarf is strongly separated from the other breeds.  相似文献   

Aggressive sibling competition for parental food resources is relatively infrequent in animals but highly prevalent and extreme among certain bird families, particularly accipitrid raptors (Accipitriformes). Intense broodmate aggression within this group is associated with a suite of traits including a large adult size, small broods, low provisioning rates, and slow development. In this study, we apply phylogenetic comparative analyses to assess the relative importance of several behavioral, morphological, life history, and ecological variables as predictors of the intensity of broodmate aggression in 65 species of accipitrid raptors. We show that intensity of aggression increases in species with lower parental effort (small clutch size and low provisioning rates), while size effects (adult body mass and length of nestling period) are unimportant. Intense aggression is more closely related to a slow life history pace (high adult survival coupled with a restrained parental effort), rather than a by‐product of allometry or food limitation. Consideration of several ecological variables affecting prey abundance and availability reveals that certain lifestyles (e.g., breeding in aseasonal habitats or hunting for more agile prey) may slow a species’ life history pace and favor the evolution of intense broodmate aggression.  相似文献   

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