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The role of wild birds in the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 has been greatly debated and remains an unresolved question. However, analyses to determine involvement of wild birds have been hindered by the lack of basic information on their movements in central Asia. Thus, we initiated a programme to document migrations of waterfowl in Asian flyways to inform hypotheses of H5N1 transmission. As part of this work, we studied migration of waterfowl from Qinghai Lake, China, site of the 2005 H5N1 outbreak in wild birds. We examined the null hypothesis that no direct migratory connection existed between Qinghai Lake and H5N1 outbreak areas in central Mongolia, as suggested by some H5N1 phylogeny studies. We captured individuals in 2007 from two of the species that died in the Qinghai Lake outbreaks and marked them with GPS satellite transmitters: Bar-headed Geese Anser indicus ( n  =   14) and Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea ( n  =   11). Three of 25 marked birds (one Goose and two Shelducks) migrated to breeding grounds near H5N1 outbreak areas in Mongolia. Our results describe a previously unknown migratory link between the two regions and offer new critical information on migratory movements in the region.  相似文献   

H5N8亚型高致病性禽流感病毒(highly pathogenic avian influenza virus,HPAIV)随候鸟的迁徙活动及商业贸易活动现已蔓延至亚洲、欧洲、非洲、美洲等国家和地区.2014-2015和2016-2019年H5N8亚型HPAIV已引发两波全球疫情,现正经历第三波疫情,导致家禽及野生鸟类...  相似文献   

On 15 November 2016, a black swan that had died in a zoo in Akita prefecture, northern Japan, was strongly suspected to have highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI); an HPAI virus (HPAIV) belonging to the H5N6 subtype was isolated from specimens taken from the bird. After the initial report, 230 cases of HPAI caused by H5N6 viruses from wild birds, captive birds, and domestic poultry farms were reported throughout the country during the winter season. In the present study, 66 H5N6 HPAIVs isolated from northern Japan were further characterized. Phylogenetic analysis of the hemagglutinin gene showed that the H5N6 viruses isolated in northern Japan clustered into Group C of Clade together with other isolates collected in Japan, Korea and Taiwan during the winter season of 2016–2017. The antigenicity of the Japanese H5N6 isolate differed slightly from that of HPAIVs isolated previously in Japan and China. The virus exhibited high pathogenicity and a high replication capacity in chickens, whereas virus growth was slightly lower in ducks compared with that of an H5N8 HPAIV isolate collected in Japan in 2014. Comprehensive analyses of Japanese isolates, including those from central, western, and southern Japan, as well as rapid publication of this information are essential for facilitating greater control of HPAIVs.

H5 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIV) have spread in both poultry and wild birds since late 2003. Continued circulation of HPAIV in poultry in several regions of the world has led to antigenic drift. In the present study, we analyzed the antigenic properties of H5 HPAIV isolated in Asia using four neutralizing mAbs recognizing hemagglutinin, which were established using A/chicken/Kumamoto/1‐7/2014 (H5N8), belonging to clade and also using polyclonal antibodies. Viruses of clades 1.1,, 2.3.4, and had different reactivity patterns to the panel of mAbs, thereby indicating that the antigenicity of the viruses of clade were similar but differed from the other clades. In particular, the antigenicity of the viruses of clade differed from those of the viruses of clades 2.3.4 and, which suggests that the recent H5 HPAIV have further evolved antigenically divergent. In addition, reactivity of antiserum suggests that the antigenicity of viruses of clade differed slightly among groups A, B, and C. Vaccines are still used in poultry in endemic countries, so the antigenicity of H5 HPAIV should be monitored continually to facilitate control of avian influenza. The panel of mAbs established in the present study will be useful for detecting antigenic drift in the H5 viruses that emerge from the current strains.  相似文献   

Poultry outbreaks caused by H5N8 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIVs) occurred in Japan between December 2014 and January 2015. During the same period; H5N8 HPAIVs were isolated from wild birds and the environment in Japan. The hemagglutinin (HA) genes of these isolates were found to belong to clade and three sub‐groups were distinguishable within this clade. All of the Japanese isolates from poultry outbreaks belonged to the same sub‐group; whereas wild bird isolates belonged to the other sub‐groups. To examine whether the difference in pathogenicity to chickens between isolates of different HA sub‐groups of clade could explain why the Japanese poultry outbreaks were only caused by a particular sub‐group; pathogenicities of A/chicken/Miyazaki/7/2014 (Miyazaki2014; sub‐group C) and A/duck/Chiba/26‐372‐48/2014 (Chiba2014; sub‐group A) to chickens were compared and it was found that the lethality of Miyazaki2014 in chickens was lower than that of Chiba2014; according to the 50% chicken lethal dose. This indicated that differences in pathogenicity may not explain why the Japanese poultry outbreaks only involved group C isolates.  相似文献   

We fitted Northern Pintail Anas acuta in Japan with satellite transmitters and monitored their spring migration movements relative to locations where the highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus was detected in Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus in 2008. Pintails were assumed not to be infected with the H5N1 virus at the time they were marked because capture occurred between 2 and 5 months before reported outbreaks of the virus in Japan. We assessed spatial and temporal overlap between marked birds and occurrence of the virus and tracked Pintails after they departed outbreak locations. Eight of 66 (12.1%) Northern Pintails marked with satellite transmitters used wetlands in Japan where the H5N1 virus was detected in Whooper Swans. Apparent survival did not differ between Pintails that used H5N1 sites and those that did not. However, the proportion of Pintails that migrated from Japan was significantly lower among birds that used H5N1 sites compared with those that did not (0.50 vs. 0.79). Northern Pintails were present at the H5N1 sites from 1 to 88 days, with five birds present at the sites from 0 to 7 days prior to detection of the virus in Swans. The six Pintails observed to depart H5N1 sites did so within 2–77 days of the reported outbreaks and moved between 6 and 1200 km within 4 days of departure. Four Pintails migrated to eastern Russia. After their departure from outbreak sites, Northern Pintails made long‐distance migrations within the period when newly infected ducks would shed the H5N1 virus. This supports a hypothesized mechanism by which a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus could be spread by migratory birds.  相似文献   

The role of wild birds in the spread of influenza H5N1 virus remains speculative and the ecology of influenza A viruses in nature is largely unstudied. There is an urgent need for multidisciplinary studies to explore the ecology of avian influenza viruses in wild birds and the environment to support ecological interpretation of the source of disease outbreaks in poultry.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid sequence-based amplification with electrochemiluminescent detection (NASBA/ECL) of avian influenza virus was compared with viral culture in embryonated chicken eggs. Virus was isolated from blood or anal swabs of chickens artificially infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza A/Chicken/Hong Kong/1000/97 (H5N1). Viral nucleic acid was detected in blood samples by NASBA/ECL immediately prior to death, whilst nucleic acid extracted from anal swabs was detected from the day following artificial infection until death. Thus, blood and/or anal swabs are a suitable source of material for the detection of avian influenza in dead birds, but anal swabs are more suitable for detection of viral genetic material in live birds. Dilution of a known viral standard was used to determine the limit of sensitivity for both NASBA/ECL and egg culture detection methods. The NASBA/ECL method was equivalent in sensitivity to egg culture. The NASBA/ECL results agreed with egg culture data in 71/94 (75.5%) tissue samples obtained from artificially infected birds.  相似文献   

重组毕赤酵母高密度发酵表达H5N1禽流感病毒糖蛋白   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在10L发酵罐中,对高致病性禽流感病毒H5N1糖蛋白HA1在重组毕赤酵母中的表达发酵工艺进行了研究。通过分批补料培养方法探讨不同培养温度、诱导温度、补料方式、微量元素等因素对菌体的生长以及重组蛋白表达和活性的影响。结果表明,菌种培养和诱导温度均为25oC时,菌体的生长、分泌表达量和与广谱中和抗体的反应活性较好;微量元素是影响重组HA1蛋白生物活性的重要因素;通过优化高密度发酵工艺,H5N1病毒糖蛋白HA1在发酵罐中的表达量比摇瓶培养提高10.5倍,达到约120mg/L,为大规模制备高致病性禽流感病毒的HA1蛋白奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The identification of H5N1 in domestic poultry in Europe has increased the risk of infection reaching most industrialized poultry populations. Here, using detailed data on the poultry population in Great Britain (GB), we show that currently planned interventions based on movement restrictions can be expected to control the majority of outbreaks. The probability that controls fail to keep an outbreak small only rises to significant levels if most transmission occurs via mechanisms which are both untraceable and largely independent of the local density of premises. We show that a predictor of the need to intensify control efforts in GB is whether an outbreak exceeds 20 infected premises. In such a scenario neither localized reactive vaccination nor localized culling are likely to have a substantial impact. The most effective of these contingent interventions are large radius (10 km) localized culling and national vaccination. However, the modest impact of these approaches must be balanced against their substantial inconvenience and cost.  相似文献   

Highly pathogenic avian influenza and in particular the H5N1 strain has resulted in the culling of millions of birds and continues to pose a threat to poultry industries worldwide. The recent outbreak of H5N1 in the UK highlights the need for detailed assessment of the consequences of an incursion and of the efficacy of control strategies. Here, we present results from a model of H5N1 propagation within the British poultry industry. We find that although the majority of randomly seeded incursions do not spread beyond the initial infected premises, there is significant potential for widespread infection. The efficacy of the European Union strategy for disease control is evaluated and our simulations emphasize the pivotal role of duck farms in spreading H5N1.  相似文献   

Long-term endemicity of avian H5N1 influenza virus in poultry and continuous sporadic human infections in several countries has raised the concern of another potential pandemic influenza. Suspicion of the avian origin of the previous pandemics results in the close investigation of the mechanism of interspecies transmission. Entry and fusion is the first step for the H5N1 influenza virus to get into the host cells affecting the host ranges. Therefore receptor usage study has been a major focus for the last few years. We now know the difference of the sialic acid structures and distributions in different species, even in the different parts of the same host. Many host factors interacting with the influenza virus component proteins have been identified and their role in the host range expansion and interspecies transmission is under detailed scrutiny. Here we review current progress in the receptor usage and host factors. Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant Nos. 2005CB523001, 2005CB523002), National Key Technologies Research & Development Program (Grant 2006BAD06A01/2006BAD06A04); US National Institutes of Health (NIH) (Grant 3 U19 AI051915-05S1), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant 30599434). GAO FG is a distinguished young investigator of the NSFC (Grant No. 30525010).  相似文献   

In early 2014, a novel subclade ( of the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5N8) virus caused the first outbreak in domestic ducks and migratory birds in South Korea. Since then, it has spread to 44 countries and regions. To date, no human infections with A(H5N8) virus have been reported, but the possibility cannot be excluded. By analyzing the genomic signatures of A(H5N8) strains, we found that among the 47 species-associated signature positions, three positions exhibited human-like signatures (HLS), including PA-404S, PB2-613I and PB2-702R and that mutation trend of host signatures of avian A(H5N8) is different before and after 2014. About 82% of A(H5N8) isolates collected after January of 2014 carried the 3 HLS (PA-404S/PB2-613I/PB2-702R) in combination, while none of isolates collected before 2014 had this combination. Furthermore, the HA protein had S137A and S227R substitutions in the receptor-binding site and A160T in the glycosylation site, potentially increasing viral ability to bind human-type receptors. Based on these findings, the newly emerged HPAI A(H5N8) isolates show an evolutionary trend toward gaining more HLS and, along with it, the potential for bird-to-human transmissibility. Therefore, more extensive surveillance of this rapidly spreading HPAI A(H5N8) and preparedness against its potential pandemic are urgently needed.  相似文献   

Pandemics in poultry caused by the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A virus occur too frequently globally, and there is growing concern about the HPAI A virus due to the possibility of a pandemic among humans. Thus, it is important to develop a vaccine against HPAI suitable for both humans and animals. Various approaches are underway to develop such vaccines. In particular, an edible vaccine would be a convenient way to vaccinate poultry because of the behaviour of the animals. However, an edible vaccine is still not available. In this study, we developed a strategy of effective vaccination of mice by the oral administration of transgenic Arabidopsis plants (HA‐TG) expressing haemagglutinin (HA) in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Expression of HA in the ER resulted in its high‐level accumulation, N‐glycosylation, protection from proteolytic degradation and long‐term stability. Oral administration of HA‐TG with saponin elicited high levels of HA‐specific systemic IgG and mucosal IgA responses in mice, which resulted in protection against a lethal influenza virus infection with attenuated inflammatory symptoms. Based on these results, we propose that oral administration of freeze‐dried leaf powders from transgenic plants expressing HA in the ER together with saponin is an attractive strategy for vaccination against influenza A virus.  相似文献   

目的探讨人、禽流感病毒在哺乳动物体内的遗传兼容性,为下一步研究H6亚型禽流感病毒重配和致病性变异的分子机制奠定基础。方法野鸭源A/H6N1亚型禽流感病毒A/Mallard/SanJiang/275/2007以101EID50~106EID50的攻毒剂量经鼻内途径感染小鼠,通过临床症状观察、病毒滴定和病理切片观察进行病毒学和组织学两方面检测对小鼠的致病性;同时,将此病毒与2009年A/H1N1流感病毒A/Changchun/01/2009(H1N1)混合感染豚鼠,分析两株病毒在哺乳动物体内的遗传兼容性。每天采集豚鼠鼻洗液并用噬斑纯化技术获得重配病毒,对获得的重配病毒进行全基因组序列的测定。结果 H6N1亚型禽流感病毒能直接感染小鼠,但对小鼠不致死。106EID50的攻毒剂量可有效感染小鼠,攻毒后第5天,小鼠表现出被毛较粗乱、活动减少、体重下降、呼吸急促的临床症状,但至攻毒后第10天开始康复,而对照组(MOCK)小鼠在14 d的观察期内无明显临床症状。病毒滴定结果表明,该病毒主要在小鼠肺脏和鼻甲骨中复制,病毒滴度可达104.5EID50/mL。病理学观察发现感染小鼠肺泡壁增厚,有大量炎性细胞浸润,纤维蛋白渗出并伴有轻微出血;在A/H6N1和A/H1N1混合感染豚鼠的重配实验中,经过三轮噬斑纯化从豚鼠鼻洗液中分离到6株重配病毒,说明A/H6N1亚型禽流感病毒与A/H1N1亚型流感病毒具有很好的遗传兼容性,能在豚鼠体内能发生重配。结论野鸭源A/H6N1亚型流感病毒无需适应就能够感染哺乳动物;该病毒与A/H1N1流感病毒具有很好的遗传兼容性,在哺乳动物体内能够发生基因重配,产生新的重配病毒,其公共卫生意义应引起高度关注。  相似文献   

In the second half of 2005, a large-scale outbreak of influenza in poultry and wild birds was caused by a highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus in Russia. The level of pathogenicity is a polygenic trait, and most individual genes contribute to the influenza A virus pathogenicity in birds, animals, and humans. The full-length nucleotide sequences were determined for H5N1 strains isolated in the Kurgan region (Western Siberia). The structure of viral proteins was analyzed using the deduced amino acid sequences. The receptor-binding site of hemagglutinin (HA) in strains A/chicken/Kurgan/05/2005 and A/duck/Kurgan/08/2005 was typical for avian influenza viruses and contained Glu and Gly at positions 226 and 228, respectively. The structure of the basic amino acid cluster located within the HA cleavage site was identical in all isolates: QGERRRKKR. According to the neuraminidase structure, all H5N1 isolates from the Kurgan region were assigned to the Z genotype. Amino acid residues typical for the avian influenza virus were revealed in 30 out of 32 positions of M1, M2, NP, PA, and PB2, determining the host range specificity. One of the strains contained Lys at position 627 of PB2. Isolates from the Kurgan region were shown to have a remantadine-sensitive genotype. Both strains contained Glu at position 92 of NS1, indicating that the virus is interferon-resistant. Phylogenetic analysis related the Kurgan isolates to subclade 2 of clade 2 of highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza viruses.  相似文献   

The continuous spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (AIV) subtype H5N1 is threatening the poultry industry and human health worldwide. Rapid and sensitive diagnostic methods are required for the H5N1 surveillance. In this study, the fluorescent (FL) probe of CdTe quantum dots (QDs) was designed using covalently linked rabbit anti‐AIV H5N1 antibody. Based on these QD–antibody conjugates, a novel sandwich FL‐linked immunosorbent assay (sFLISA) was developed for H5N1 viral antigen detection. The sFLISA allowed for H5N1 viral antigen determination in a linear range of 8.0 × 10?3 to 5.1 × 10?1 μg mL?1 with the limit of detection (LOD) of 1.5 × 10?4 μg mL?1. In comparison with virus isolation for 103 clinic samples, the sensitivity and specificity of sFLISA were found to be 93.6 and 91.1% respectively. The sFLISA supplied a novel approach to rapid and sensitive detection of AIV subtype H5N1 and showed great potential for biological applications in immunoassays. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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