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Capsule A long-term decline on this habitat is shown to be associated with the intensification of agricultural management, particularly the occurrence of field drainage.

Aims To assess long-term trends in the number of breeding Lapwing and determine the relationship between these trends and changes in agricultural management on an upland study area.

Methods Breeding Lapwing were counted along two road transects in nine years between 1980 and 2002, and on one extensive plot in 1980, 1990 and 2000. Counts along the road transects were made from a vehicle and the fields used for nesting were recorded. Changes in field management along the transects were monitored annually between 1980 and 1990, and habitat composition assessed in 1980, 1985, 1990 and 2000.

Results During the first 20 years of study the number of breeding Lapwing declined substantially on all three count areas and by 77% overall, with further declines on both transects in 2002. The area of unimproved grassland and arable on these transects also declined substantially due to conversion to improved grass. Fields that comprised either unimproved grassland or arable were most likely to hold nesting Lapwing, while the chance of a field losing its nesting Lapwing was positively associated with the occurrence of drainage. Drainage and conversion to improved grass were closely linked.

Conclusions Agricultural intensification is a probable cause of decline in the number of breeding Lapwing in upland areas. Such declines may have been widespread in upland areas following increased agricultural intensification in recent decades.  相似文献   

Capsule Lapwing nest predation was negatively correlated to nest density, while Lapwing alarm duration in response to foxes was positively correlated with the number of Lapwing broods present.

Aims To identify factors affecting Lapwing nest predation and Red Fox search effort.

Methods Lapwing nest success was monitored at four sites in 1996, seven sites in 1997 and six sites in 1998. In 1997 we mapped the position of all Lapwing nests in order to determine distances between nests, and the proximity of linear features and potential avian predator perches to each nest. From April to June 1998 we carried out 199 hours of nocturnal observations at six Lapwing nesting sites using night vision equipment.

Results The risk of nest predation was significantly higher for more isolated nests. Nocturnal observations showed that of all the nocturnal predators, foxes were the most active at Lapwing nesting sites. However, fox search effort in Lapwing colonies was relatively low, averaging 57 s/ha per visit. Foxes spent significantly longer foraging near breeding Lapwings (measured as duration of alarm calls) when more broods were present. Fox search effort (s/ha per hour of observation) tended to be greater in areas of high waterbird density.

Conclusion The lack of positive density-dependent nest predation, the relatively low search effort of foxes near Lapwing nesting sites and the high nest success sometimes achieved in areas with foxes all suggest that Lapwing nest predation by foxes is ‘incidental’. Lapwing chicks are probably more vulnerable to predation by foxes than clutches.  相似文献   

The control of generalist predator populations is increasingly adopted as a management tool to combat declines in ground‐nesting bird populations. However, compensatory predation by uncontrolled species frequently occurs, so determining the relative impacts of different predatory species, and hence the relative benefits of their control, can be difficult. Islands, with their reduced faunas, provide natural experimental units for investigating specific predator–prey interactions in detail. We studied Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus breeding success on an island where feral Ferrets Mustela furo and Hooded Crows Corvus cornix were subjected to trial control regimes over 2 years. In both years, Lapwing hatching success was >80%, with neither Ferret nor Crow control selected as important predictors. Fledging rates in both years were 0.7 young per pair, despite highly effective predator removal, although Crow control potentially resulted in compensatory predation by Common Ravens C. corax. Neither mustelid nor corvid control produced significant immediate benefits for Lapwings. This suggests that mesopredator release of mustelids in mainland situations is unlikely to be a consistent threat to Lapwing, and provides further evidence that declines in this species are unlikely to be tackled successfully through predator management alone.  相似文献   

Poor reproductive success driven by nest and chick predation severely limits the population recovery of waders breeding on lowland wet grassland. Managing predation requires knowledge of the predators and because these can be grouped into nocturnal or diurnal hunters, detecting the timing of predation can help assess their relative impacts. Wader nest studies investigating the timing of egg predation have identified nocturnal mammals, primarily Red Foxes Vulpes vulpes, as the most important nest predators, but quantifying predator importance for highly mobile wader chicks is more difficult. Manual radiotelemetry can detect whether chicks are alive but cannot detect the time of predation, and predator identity can be determined only in the few cases where remains are recovered. As an alternative we used automatic radio tracking stations (ARTS) to constantly record the signals and predation timing of 179 radiotagged Lapwing Vanellus vanellus chicks, combining this with manual telemetry, inference about predator identity from predated remains and site‐level Fox, mustelid and avian predator activity monitoring. This approach succeeded in detecting the time of predation for 60% of the 155 chicks that were predated. Diurnal chick predation accounted for a larger number of predation events, but nocturnal predation was more intensive in terms of predation likelihood per hour. Mammalian predation during both day and night had a larger impact on chick survival than did avian predation. Raptors were primarily responsible for predation by birds and Foxes for predation by mammals, with Foxes also having a larger influence on daily chick predation rates than other predators. Chick predation increased seasonally, implying that earlier‐hatching breeding attempts are more likely to be successful. Higher Fox, raptor and mustelid activity resulted in higher proportions of chicks being predated by those predators, so quantifying the activity of those three predator groups on a site could be a quicker alternative to studying chicks when investigating which predator species to target with site‐specific predation management.  相似文献   

Abstract Many animals autotomize their tails to facilitate escape from predators. Although tail autotomy can increase the likelihood of surviving a predatory encounter, it may entail subsequent costs, including reduced growth, loss of energy stores, a reduction in reproductive output, loss of social status and a decreased probability of survival during subsequent encounters with predators. To date, few studies have investigated the potential fitness costs of tail autotomy in natural populations. I investigated whether tail loss influenced survival, growth and territory occupation of juvenile velvet geckos Oedura lesueurii in a population where predatory snakes were common. During the 3‐year mark–recapture study, 32% of juveniles voluntarily autotomized their tails when first captured. Analysis of survival using the program mark showed that voluntary tail autotomy did not influence the subsequent survival of juvenile geckos. Survival was age‐dependent and was higher in 1‐year‐old animals (0.98) than in hatchlings (0.76), whereas recapture probabilities were time‐dependent. Growth rates of tailed and tailless juveniles were very similar, but tailless geckos had slow rates of tail regeneration (0.14 mm day−1). Tail autotomy did not influence rock usage by geckos, and both tailed and tailless juveniles used few rocks as diurnal retreat sites (means of 1.64 and 1.47 rocks, respectively) and spent long time periods (85 and 82 days) under the same rocks. Site fidelity may confer survival advantages to juveniles in populations sympatric with ambush foraging snakes. My results show that two potential fitness costs of tail autotomy – decreased growth rates and a lower probability of survival – did not occur in juveniles from this population. However, compared with juveniles, significantly fewer adult geckos (17%) voluntarily autotomized their tails during capture. Because adults possess large tails that are used for lipid storage, the energetic costs of tail autotomy are likely to be much higher in adult than in juvenile O. lesueurii.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on survival estimates for different species of raptors and owls, examines the methods used to obtain the estimates, and draws out some general patterns arising. Estimating survival usually involves the marking of birds so that they can be recognized as individuals on subsequent encounters. Annual survival can then be estimated from: (1) birds ringed at known age (usually as nestlings) and subsequently reported by members of the public (usually as found dead), the ratio of recoveries at different ages being used to calculate annual survival; (2) marked breeding adults, trapped or re‐sighted in subsequent years in particular study areas, with the proportion re‐trapped (or re‐sighted) in each year being taken as the minimum annual survival; (3) live encounter (trapped or re‐sighted) of birds marked either as nestlings or breeding adults analysed using the capture–mark–recapture (or re‐sighting) methods to estimate annual survival; (4) a combination of reports of known‐age dead birds and re‐trapping/re‐sighting of live birds; (5) use of radio‐ or satellite‐tracking to follow the fates of individuals; and (6) the integration of these methods with other information, such as change in numbers between years, to derive estimates of survival and other demographic parameters. Studies confined to particular areas usually give estimates of ‘apparent annual survival’, because they take no account of birds that leave the area. However, radio‐ or satellite‐tracking makes it possible to estimate true survival, including survival of prebreeders that have low natal‐site fidelity (this usually requires satellite telemetry). As in other birds, the preferred method for estimating survival has changed over time, as new and more robust methods of estimation have been developed. Methods 1 and 2 were the first to be developed, but without statistical underpinning, while methods 3–6 were developed later on the basis of formal statistical models. This difference has to be borne in mind in comparing older with newer estimates for particular species. Published survival estimates were found for three species of Cathartidae, one of Pandionidae, 29 of Accipitridae, 12 of Falconidae, one of Tytonidae and nine of Strigidae, almost all from temperate Northern Hemisphere species. In most of these species more than one estimate was available, and in some separate estimates for different age or sex groups. The main patterns to emerge included: (1) a significant tendency for annual adult survival to increase with body weight, smaller species having annual survival rates mainly of 60–70%, medium‐sized species having rates mainly in the range 70–90% and the largest having rates of > 90%, in the absence of obvious human‐caused losses; (2) a lower survival in the first or prebreeding years of life than in subsequent years; (3) a lack of obvious or consistent differences in survival between the sexes, where these could be distinguished; and (4) in the few species for which enough data were available, a decline in annual survival rates in the later years of life.  相似文献   

Dispersal is considered to be a species‐specific trait, but intraspecific variation can be high. However, when and how this complex trait starts to differentiate during the divergence of species/lineages is unknown. Here, we studied the differentiation of movement behaviour in a large salamander population (Salamandra salamandra), in which individual adaptations to different habitat conditions drive the genetic divergence of this population into two subpopulations. In this system, salamanders have adapted to the deposition and development of their larvae in ephemeral ponds vs. small first‐order streams. In general, the pond habitat is characterized as a spatially and temporally highly unpredictable habitat, while streams provide more stable and predictable conditions for the development of larvae. We analysed the fine‐scale genetic distribution of larvae, and explored whether the adaptation to different larval habitat conditions has in turn also affected dispersal strategies and home range size of adult salamanders. Based on the genetic assignment of adult individuals to their respective larval habitat type, we show that pond‐adapted salamanders occupied larger home ranges, displayed long‐distance dispersal and had a higher variability of movement types than the stream‐adapted individuals. We argue that the differentiation of phenotypically plastic traits such as dispersal and movement characteristics can be a crucial component in the course of adaptation to new habitat conditions, thereby promoting the genetic divergence of populations.  相似文献   

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