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Five Ceramiaceae (Rhodophyta) are reported from the offshore waters of the southeastern, warm temperate coast of the United States. These include two new monotypic genera, Calliclavula trifurcate Schneider in the Griffithsieae and Nwynea grandispora Searles in the Sphondylothamnieae, and three new species, Callithamniella silvae Searles, Ptilothamnion occidentale Searles, and Lejolisia exposita Schneider et Searles.  相似文献   

A new genus, Augophyllum Lin, Fredericq et Hommersand gen. nov. related to Nitophyllum, tribe Nitophylleae, subfam. Nitophylloideae of the Delesseriaceae, is established to contain the type species Augophyllum wysorii Lin, Fredericq et Hommersand sp. nov. from Caribbean Panama; Augophyllum kentingii Lin, Fredericq et Hommersand sp. nov. from Taiwan; Augophyllum marginifructum (R. E. Norris et Wynne) Lin, Fredericq et Hommersand comb. nov. (Myriogramme marginifructa R. E. Norris et Wynne 1987) from South Africa, Tanzania, and the Sultanate of Oman; and Augophyllum delicatum (Millar) Lin, Fredericq et Hommersand comb. nov. (Nitophyllum delicatum Millar 1990 ) from southeastern Australia. Like Nitophyllum, Augophyllum is characterized by a diffuse meristematic region, the absence of macro‐ and microscopic veins, procarps consisting of a supporting cell bearing a slightly curved four‐celled carpogonial branch flanked laterally by a cover cell and a sterile cell, a branched multicellular sterile group after fertilization, absence of cell fusions between gonimoblast cells, and tetrasporangia transformed from multinucleate surface cells. Augophyllum differs from Nitophyllum by the blades becoming polystromatic inside the margins, often with a stipitate cylindrical base, the possession of aggregated discoid plastids neither linked by fine strands nor forming bead‐like branched chains, spermatangia and procarps initiated at the margins of blades, not diffuse, and a cystocarp composed of densely branched gonimoblast filaments borne on a conspicuous persistent auxiliary cell with an enlarged nucleus. Analyses of the rbcL gene support the separation of Augophyllum from Nitophyllum. An investigation of species attributed to Nitophyllum around the world is expected to reveal other taxa referable to Augophyllum.  相似文献   

The volvocacean genus Pleodorina has been morphologically characterized as having small somatic cells in spheroidal colonies and anisogamous sexual reproduction with sperm packets. In this study we examined two new species that can be assigned to the genus Pleodorina based on morphology: P. starrii H. Nozaki et al. sp. nov. and P. thompsonii F. D. Ott et al. sp. nov. P. starrii was collected from Japan and had 32‐ or 64‐celled colonies with anterior somatic cells and spheroidal individual cellular sheaths that were weakly attached to each other within the colonial envelope. P. thompsonii from Texas (USA) exhibited four or 12 somatic cells in the anterior pole of 16‐ or 32‐celled colonies, respectively, and had a single large pyrenoid in the chloroplast of mature reproductive cells. The chloroplast multigene phylogeny placed P. starrii and P. indica (Iyenger) H. Nozaki in a clade that was robustly separated from the type species P. californica Shaw and P. japonica H. Nozaki. Pleodorina thompsonii was resolved as a basal branch within a large monophyletic group (Eudorina group) composed of Eudorina, Pleodorina and Volvox (excluding section Volvox). Thus, Pleodorina was found among three separate lineages within the Eudorina group in which Eudorina and Volvox were also resolved as nonmonophyletic. The DNA sequences from additional species/strains as well as recognition of morphological attributes that characterize the monophyletic groups within the Eudorina group are needed to construct a natural generic classification within these members of the Volvocaceae.  相似文献   

Species of Volvox sect. Volvox (Volvocaceae, Chlorophyceae) are unique because they have thick cytoplasmic bridges between somatic cells and spiny‐walled zygotes. This section is taxonomically important because the genus Volvox is polyphyletic. However, taxonomic studies of species in Volvox sect. Volvox have not been carried out on cultured material. Here, we performed a taxonomic study of monoecious species of Volvox sect. Volvox based on the comparative morphology and molecular phylogeny of chloroplast genes and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of nuclear rDNA using various strains originating from Japan and two preserved strains from the USA. The strains were clearly divided into four species, V. globator L., V. barberi W. Shaw, V. kirkiorum sp. nov., and V. ferrisii sp. nov., on the basis of differences in numbers of zygotes (eggs) in the sexual spheroids, form of zygote wall, and somatic cell shape. Sequences for ITS of nuclear rDNA resolved that the two new species have phylogenetic positions separated from V. globator, V. barberi, V. capensis F. Rich et Pocock, and V. rousseletii G. S. West UTEX 1862 within Volvox sect. Volvox.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic study was conducted of species of Halymeniaceae from New Zealand presently placed in Aeodes or Pachymenia, based on maximum‐likelihood (ML), maximum‐parsimony (MP), and Bayesian analyses of rbcL and nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA sequences. We used molecular and morphological data in combination with exhaustive sampling of herbarium collections to clarify the taxonomy and distributions of New Zealand members of Pachymenia and Aeodes. Our study confirms the presence of three erect species of Pachymenia on the New Zealand mainland, and we resurrect the name Pachymenia dichotoma J. Agardh for the widely distributed, southernmost species. Species of Aeodes from South Africa are shown to be closely related to Pachymenia carnosa (J. Agardh) J. Agardh, the type species of Pachymenia, and are accordingly transferred to Pachymenia.  相似文献   

Few species in the genus Grateloupia have been investigated in detail with respect to the development of the auxiliary cell ampullae before or after diploidization. In this study, we document the vegetative and reproductive structures of two new species of Grateloupia, G. taiwanensis S.‐M. Lin et H.‐Y. Liang sp. nov. and G. orientalis S.‐M. Lin et H.‐Y. Liang sp. nov., plus a third species, G. ramosissima Okamura, from Taiwan. Two distinct patterns are reported for the development of the auxiliary cell ampullae: (1) ampullae consisting of three orders of unbranched filaments that branch after diploidization of the auxiliary cell and form a pericarp together with the surrounding secondary medullary filaments (G. taiwanensis type), and (2) ampullae composed of only two orders of unbranched filaments in which only a few cells are incorporated into a basal fusion cell after diploization of the auxiliary cell and the pericarp consists almost entirely of secondary medullary filaments (G. orientalis type). G. orientalis is positioned in a large clade based on rbcL gene sequence analysis that includes the type species of Grateloupia C. Agardh 1822 , Gfilicina. G. taiwanensis clusters with a clade that includes the generitype of Phyllymenia J. Agardh 1848 , Ph. belangeri from South Africa; that of Prionitis J. Agardh 1851 , Prlanceolata from Pacific North America; and that of Pachymeniopsis Y. Yamada ex Kawab. 1954, Palanceolata from Japan. A reexamination of the type species of the genera Grateloupia, Phyllymenia, Prionitis, and Pachymeniopsis is required to clarify the generic and interspecific relationships among the species presently placed in Grateloupia.  相似文献   

On the basis of comparative morphology and phylogenetic analyses of rbcL and LSU rDNA sequence data, a new genus, Gayliella gen. nov., is proposed to accommodate the Ceramium flaccidum complex (C. flaccidum, C. byssoideum, C. gracillimum var. byssoideum, and C. taylorii), C. fimbriatum, and a previously undescribed species from Australia. C. transversale is reinstated and recognized as a distinct species. Through this study, G. flaccida (Kützing) comb. nov., G. transversalis (Collins et Hervey) comb. nov., G. fimbriata (Setchell et N. L. Gardner) comb. nov., G. taylorii comb. nov., G. mazoyerae sp. nov., and G. womersleyi sp. nov. are based on detailed comparative morphology. The species referred to as C. flaccidum and C. dawsonii from Brazil also belong to the new genus. Comparison of Gayliella with Ceramium shows that it differs from the latter by having an alternate branching pattern; three cortical initials per periaxial cell, of which the third is directed basipetally and divides horizontally; and unicellular rhizoids produced from periaxial cells. Our phylogenetic analyses of rbcL and LSU rDNA gene sequence data confirm that Gayliella gen. nov. represents a monophyletic clade distinct from most Ceramium species including the type species, C. virgatum. We also transfer C. recticorticum to the new genus Gayliella.  相似文献   

Morphological and molecular studies, as well as original literature reexamination, necessitate establishment of five Euglena species with a single axial, stellate chloroplast [Euglena viridis (O. F. Müller) Ehrenberg 1830 , Euglena pseudoviridis  Chadefaud 1937 , Euglena stellata  Mainx 1926 , Euglena pseudostellata sp. nov., and Euglena cantabrica  Pringsheim 1956 ], three species with two chloroplasts (Euglena geniculata Dujardin ex Schmitz 1884 , Euglena chadefaudii  Bourrelly 1951 , and Euglena pseudochadefaudii sp. nov.), and one species with three chloroplasts (Euglena tristella  Chu 1946 ). The primary morphological features, allowing distinction of the considered species are the presence and the shape of mucocysts, as well as the number of chloroplasts. Spherical mucocysts occur in E. cantabrica and E. geniculata, while spindle‐shaped mucocysts are present in E. stellata, E. pseudostellata, E. chadefaudii, E. pseudochadefaudii, and E. tristella. No mucocysts are observed in E. viridis and E. pseudoviridis. Two new species (E. pseudochadefaudii sp. nov. and E. pseudostellata sp. nov.) differ from the respective species, E. chadefaudii and E. stellata, only at the molecular level. Molecular signatures and characteristic sequences are designated for nine distinguished species. Emended diagnoses for all and delimitation of epitypes for seven species (except E. viridis and E. tristella) are proposed.  相似文献   

Two new Phaeocystis species recently discovered in the Mediterranean Sea are described using light and electron microscopy, and their systematic position is discussed on the basis of an analysis of their nuclear-encoded small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rRNA) sequences. Phaeocystis cordata Zingone et Chrétiennot-Dinet was observed only as flagellated unicells. Cells are heart shaped, with two flagella of slightly unequal length and a short haptonema. The cell body is covered with two layers of thin scales. The outermost layer scales are oval, with a faint radiating pattern, a raised rim, and a modest central knob. The inner-layer scales are smaller and have a faint radiate pattern and an inflexed rim. Cells swim with their flagella close together, obscuring the haptonema, pushing the cell, and causing it to rotate about its longitudinal axis while moving forward. Phaeocystis jahnii Zingone was isolated as a nonmotile colony. It forms loose aggregates of cells embedded in a mucilaginous, presumably polysaccharide matrix without a definite shape or visible external envelope. The flagellated stage has the features typical of other Phaeocystis species. Cells are rounded in shape and slightly larger than P. cordata. The cell body is covered with extremely thin scales of two different sizes with a very faint radiating pattern toward their margin. Swimming behavior is similar to that of P. cordata, with the flagella in a posterior position as the cells swim. The SSU rRNA sequence analysis indicated that both species are distinct from other cultivated Phaeocystis species sequenced to date. Regions previously identified as specific for the genus Phaeocystis are not found in P. jahnii, and new genus-specific regions have been identified. P. cordata is more closely related to the colonial species P. globosa, P. antarctica, and P. pouchetii and has branched prior to the divergence of the warm-water P. globosa species complex from the cold-water species P. antarctica and P. pouchetii. These results are discussed within a framework ofthe available data on the evolution of the world’s oceans.  相似文献   

1975年和1987年分别在湖南宜章和云南景东采到角蟾属Megophrys标本2种。经与角蟾属已知种对比,特别是与相近种白颌大角蟾M.lateralis(Anderson)在外部形态和头骨特征方面的深入研究,其差异明显,被确定为2新种,即莽山角螗M.mangshanensis和腺角蟾M.glandulosa。本文对2新种的形态和生态资料作了记述。  相似文献   

Gelidium is an economically and ecologically important agar‐producing genus. Although the taxonomy of Gelidium has been the focus of many published studies, there is still a need to reevaluate species‐level diversity. Herein, we describe Gelidium eucorneum sp. nov. based on specimens collected off Geojedo on the southern coast of Korea. G. eucorneum is distinguished by cartilaginous thalli with brush‐like haptera, rhizoidal filaments concentrated in the medulla, and globose cytocarps that are horned with multiple determinate branchlets. The species occurs in wave‐exposed intertidal sites, sometimes in association with other mat‐forming algae. Phylogenetic analyses (rbcL, psaA, and cox1) reveal that G. eucorneum is unique and clearly distinct from other species of the genus. The clade containing Gelidium vagum and Acanthopeltis longiramulosa was resolved as a sister group to G. eucorneum. We suggest that the diverse morphologies of G. eucorneum, G. vagum, and Acanthopeltis developed from a common ancestor in East Asian waters. This study shows that even in well‐studied areas, more agarophyte species are to be added to the world inventory of red algae.  相似文献   

Sargassum C. Agardh (1820) is a taxonomically difficult genus distributed worldwide and reported as the most species‐rich genus of the Fucales. It is especially abundant in the Pacific where decreasing species richness is reported to occur from west to east. New Caledonia has been recognized as one of the hotspots of Sargassum diversity; however, species lists available for this region are old and incomplete and have not yet been updated with regard to the latest taxonomic revisions published. This study aimed at revising Sargassum diversity in New Caledonia and to assess its geographic affinities with neighboring Pacific regions. We used combined morphological and DNA analyses on new collections and examined numerous type specimens. Although 45 taxa have been listed in the literature, most of them have been either transferred to synonymy since or misidentified, and in this study, only 12 taxa were recognized as occurring in New Caledonia. They belong to the subgenus Sargassum sect. Binderianae (Grunow) Mattio et Payri (2), sect. Ilicifoliae (J. Agardh) Mattio et Payri (2), sect. Polycystae Mattio et Payri. (1), sect. Sargassum (4), sect. Zygocarpicae (J. Agardh) Setch. (2), and subgenus Phyllotrichia (Aresh.) J. Agardh (1). New Caledonian Sargassum flora appeared as the second richest in the region after the Pacific coast of Australia, with which it has shown high similarity, and shared species with all neighboring regions. One species, S. turbinarioides Grunow, is considered as endemic to New Caledonia. The low genetic diversity detected among several polymorphic species belonging to sect. Sargassum is also discussed.  相似文献   

本文记述采自安徽含山熔洞的一米虾新种——含山米虾Caridina hanshanensis sp. nov.本新种与近缘种秉氏米虾C. pingi Yu有不同,故订为新种。  相似文献   

Two new species are recognized in the rhodomelacean genus Tayloriella Kylin: T. divaricata sp. nov. and T. abyssalis sp. nov. These two taxa are distributed in the northeastern North Pacific, the former ranging from Amchitka Island in the Aleutians through southcentral Alaska to northern British Columbia, and the latter ranging also from Amchitka Island through southcentral Alaska and British Columbia into northern Washington. A characteristic of these two species shared with the type of Tayloriella is that the abaxial lateral always overtops the monopodially developed axes in every order of branching. The laterals have little congenital fusion with the parent axes. A common feature in these two species is that the laterals are terminated in a relatively long monosiphonous portion (usually 6 or 7 cells). The relationship of Tayloriella to Pterosiphonia and Pterosiphoniella is discussed.  相似文献   

A new species in the Liagoraceae (Nemaliales) having vegetative and male reproductive characteristics usually associated with the genus Helminthora is assigned to Helminthocladia (as Helminthocladia andersonii Searles & Lewis) on the basis of the shape of the conical carpogonial protoplast, three-celled carpogonial filament, development of the carposporophyte from both cells formed by division of the zygote and development of the involucre without the formation of a bridge around the zygote or formation of rhizoids from the involucre. All of these are consistent characteristics of Helminthocladia and distinguish its species from those of Helminthora.  相似文献   

Species discrimination within the gigartinalean red algal genus Hypnea has been controversial. To help resolve the controversy and explore phylogeny within the genus, we determined rbcL sequences from 30 specimens of 23 species within the genus, cox1 from 22 specimens of 10 species, and psaA from 16 species. We describe H. caespitosa as a new species characterized by a relatively slender main axis; a pulvinate growth habit with entangled, anastomosing, and subulate uppermost branches; and unilaterally borne tetrasporangial sori. The new species occurs in the warm waters of Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore. The phylogenetic trees of rbcL, psaA, and cox1 sequences showed a distant relationship of H. caespitosa to H. pannosa J. Agardh from Baja California and the marked differentiation from other similar species. The rbcL + psaA tree supported monophyly of the genus with high bootstrap values and posterior probabilities. The analysis revealed three clades within the genus, corresponding to three sections, namely, Virgatae, Spinuligerae, and Pulvinatae first recognized by J. G. Agardh. Exceptions were H. japonica T. Tanaka in Pulvinatae and H. spinella (C. Agardh) Kütz. in Spinuligerae.  相似文献   

The only member of the red algal family Solieriaceae known from New Zealand is the endemic Sarcodiotheca colensoi (Hook. & Harv.) Kylin. This study shows that it differs in several respects from the type S. furcata (Setch. & Gard.) Kylin; thus a new genus Placentophora is created for the New Zealand alga. Although P. colensoi nov. comb. is retained in the Solieriaceae on the basis of vegetative, spermatangial, tetrasporangial, carpogonial-branch and early gonimoblast features, it differs from typical members of that family in its pattern of later carposporophyte development. After a single gonimoblast initial is cut off from the auxiliary cell towards the center of the thallus, further gonimoblasts develop from the initial as ramifying, radiating filaments. These filaments enter an extensive “nutritive-cell” region surrounding the auxiliary cell, form, numerous connections to the “nutritive” cells, and incorporate most of them into a central placenta of interconnected, and variously-fused vegetative and gonimoblast cells. Carpo-sporangia then form in short chains around the periphery of the placenta. The cystocarp lacks both a central fusion cell and a sterile-celled investment, or “Faserhülle.” The distinctive carposporophyte of Placentophora is compared to patterns of gonimoblast development, known in other members of the Solieriaceae.  相似文献   

Smith (1944) divided the familiar genus Volvox L. into four sections, placing seven species that lacked cytoplasmic bridges between adult cells in the section Merrillosphaera. Herein, we describe a new member of the section Merrillosphaera originating from Texas (USA): Volvox ovalis Pocock ex Nozaki et A. W. Coleman sp. nov. Asexual spheroids of V. ovalis are ovoid or elliptical, with a monolayer of 1,000–2,000 somatic cells that are not linked by cytoplasmic bridges, an expanded anterior region, and 8–12 gonidia in the posterior region. Visibly asymmetric cleavage divisions do not occur in V. ovalis embryos as they do Volvox carteri F. Stein, Volvox obversus (W. Shaw) Printz, and Volvox africanus G. S. West, so the gonidia of the next generation are not yet recognizable in V. ovalis embryos prior to inversion. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of the five chloroplast genes and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of nuclear rDNA indicated that V. ovalis is closely related to Volvox spermatosphaera Powers ( Powers 1908 , as “spermatosphara”) and/or Volvox tertius Art. Mey.; however, V. ovalis can be distinguished from V. spermatosphaera by its larger gonidia, and from V. tertius by visible differences in gonidial chloroplast morphology.  相似文献   

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